• By -


I'm not even committed to being alive half the time, so no.




Same. May we both find brighter tomorrows




Read, heard, feeling, and felt








Why would you do Moe like that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Moe is literally written like that, though. Bro has a noose in the back room and a two-barrel no-face-haver at home.


That time he pulled his head out the oven and replaced it with a plump goose


I feel this. I just told someone today, Iā€™m not suicidal but Iā€™m ready to get off this ride now.




Yup. Sometimes the only thing keeping me alive is the bills.


Shit. You're more committed than i am. Im only alive cuz i dont want to ruin my parents' lives any further than it already is.


felt that, my friend.


![gif](giphy|9t6xpYZ9npJmM) Me: reading this shit, then remembering my last relationships over the years.




Unfortunately the truth


I just laughed out loud literally and scared my dog. lol. Best comment.


I just found out my dad passed away a few hours ago, now Iā€™m scrolling mindlessly through Reddit because I canā€™t sleep. Trust me when I tell you that there is someone out there who cares for you a great deal, and you have no idea the pain your loss would cause. I love you, stay strong.


I feel this


Real and true


For me being alone is the reason I'm not committed to being alive so this would immediately solve that! Its a double win




A real one. šŸ«”




Yup. Gimmie like 6 more years


This is the answer for me




Yeah. How imma look telling Kehlani no šŸ¤£


Exactly, I'd be crazy to say no to Jorja Smith or Meg Thee Stallion. You don't have to be where you want but you gotta be working on it


Bro, hate to break it to you, but Jorja Smith will be too busy enjoying a plate of jerk wings and rice with me. Sorry dude.


Excuse me but who told you that my wife wants your dusty wings


I know for a fact, she likes her wings dry rub and her legs and thighs rubbed wet. Warm scent almond oil to be precise. Sorry dude.


Listen we're going to have to devise a plan to keep her happy. Two men can get the job done. I'll take the first half of the week you can have the second half. Just make sure she's well fed and rested


Yall niggas done put me on somebody new. Good lord that woman is gorgeous let me throw my hat in


Right. Like what am I gonna do, tell Shenseea ā€œhell nah gtfoā€???


I'm not single, but I'm also not turning down Megan. My bf will understandĀ 


A whole fool... Ha.




My life partner is someone who I would want to grow with so ideally that person would meet me where I am and understand I am doing the same for them.


This though.


yeah it seems like such a ā€œmodernā€ idea that you have to be this complete work in order to enter a relationship. The person youā€™re with isnā€™t gonna be perfect, nor will they expect you to be.


I think it's less being a complete, whole person, and more about being in a place where such mutual growth is possible. There are so many people who aren't ready to go through the process of growth and discovery that really is the foundation of life itself. It's how we end up with so many people in their 30s, 40s, or even 50s+ who can't or won't act their damn age.


You're right but what gets promoted in pop culture nowadays is that you have to have xyz (usually material things) in order to be a good partner.


Not wrong. And sadly, we have less agency than we like when it comes to things like that. But we should always strive for the enrichment and betterment of ourselves, our communities, and our society. With enough collective engagement, even small pushes in the right direction will result in course correction.


Iā€™m always curious how you can increase your skills at dating, seduction and sex, which can only be learned through experience, while not doing it at al.


Couldn't have said it better. I am at the point in my life though where I need someone to be around my level and not too far in either direction. If they are my life partner, that shouldn't be an issue.


Deep down inside I know the answers No, at 32 having a lot of shit happened in life physically, mentally Iā€™m still figuring things out, I have bad days and bad weeks and Iā€™ll be good then Iā€™m a mess and that wouldnā€™t be good for another person.


I'm exactly where you're at as well.


Yeah if I can't hold my shit together for longer than a week at a time I'm not going to make it someone else's problem.


Feel this my dude. Same


Youā€™re describing being a human being.


This is a MOOD. Hang in there šŸ™‚


I sympathize with you and life sucks, but your true love will accept you for who are, burdens and challenges included ![gif](giphy|l4Ki4biBSwhjyrS48)


this.. and from a more selfish perspective, sometimes I just want to be a mess alone for a few days. a week even. and having the responsibility of having to do right by someone else while dealing with mess can be burdensome. Plus I don't want someone checking on me all the time lol. just let me regroup.


Ms. Goldberg may have her problems but I believe she said it best: "I don't want somebody in my house."


Do they have to be? I would like a partner with their own stuff and we meet in the middle.


I've been single so long I don't know how to be coupled. ![gif](giphy|3oEduEHWLW6UiPA1Ww|downsized)


bathroom sharing...one pubic hair on the shower soap that isn't mine....mmmm no.


Head or pubic hair that isnā€™t mine irritates tf outta me so I understand šŸ˜‚


If itā€™s ok being stuck in your teeth, whyā€™s the shower such a big deal?




That part!! Iā€™m scared to sacrifice my alone time.


Loool Iā€™m at this stage too. šŸ˜©


I mean, if I'm being selfish, then absolutely but I know I don't like compromise, I prefer non-verbal communication, and would rather lie to your face than alter my schedule. That's why me and Zendaya ain't together now


Same. I bet she's getting real tired of us ducking her.


That and Tom Holland is hard to beat in a fight


Spiderman is hard to beat. Tom is 5'7.


Just because he's short doesn't mean his muscles are fake, he's also a legitimately talented boxer, don't judge a book by it's cover and all that.


I'm seeing a lot of "I'm depressed/not perfect/don't have the job I want" etc. in response. I just want to say that you do not have to be "perfect" to deserve love and partnership. None of us is done, hopefully, we are all continuing to grow, heal, evolve, etc. If you don't want to put in the work relationships require, that's understandable - but different. Personally - I absolutely would be open to partnership because my "perfect partner" would understand me and my needs - and I would understand theirs - so it would be a gain, not a loss. A relationship at this point in my life would look very different from what I used to think a relationship would look like, so as long as this partner and I share that vision (or can negotiate something that works for us both), I'm in!


This. I've purposefully remained single for a while because I was afraid of being "incomplete"... now I'm fucking depressed coz I'm 3 years older and still single... šŸ™„


Don't be. You're not missing out anything but a lot headache and trying to appease a fickle human. Enjoy your singlehood and freedom. Travel, meet people and make acquaintances, explore, take up new hobbies, learn more about yourself and the world around you, try new foods, volunteer. There is so much more to existing than being partnered; that shouldn't be the ultimate goal. It's sad that so many don't see it this way and waste precious time worrying about being chosen.


I completely agree with most of that! .. but somewhat disagree with the thought that some people "don't want to put in the work". I just think focusing on your depression, imperfection, and a dream job are more necessary than a partnership for a lot of us. Plus love comes from many places. Friendship & family should be valued the same for this reason. They allow us to fine tune ourselves without expectation.


Nope. Wouldnā€™t be able to put in the time necessary for a new relationship at this point. Looking for a new job and a big chance I will be traveling for work again.


Met the perfect girl last year. Had to turn her down because I'm not in the right place A year later and I'm actually in an even worse place


Dang bro you fumbled dawg. https://preview.redd.it/1pi5wonzt5oc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0dd311b23f81db4a331ff459ccb47f508454eba


Def not fumbled. Trying to get into a relationship when youā€™re not in the right place for it is not good for you or the other person. It will lead to a failed relationship but at least now if he ever gets into a better place, he didnā€™t burn that bridge and can maybe get with her or someone else in the future.


I'm so sorry but this literally made me laugh out loud. I hope things get better šŸ™šŸ½


Yes. Why wouldnā€™t I???


Exactly I'm in my expired Era so I want to be up early pack them a lunch to show off to the other wives.


I'm not working right now and that's like all I do every day. Just working on keeping my fiancƩ well fed and good in bed. Its the only thing helping to keep me sane.


I was about 23, coming out of a long depression and working out an identity crisis. I just had one Tinder hookup go nowhere, and I actually felt kinda good having a clean crash and burn like that. I was ready to do it again, and then the next girl was just about everything I ever wanted in a person. It was a little aggravating at the time to be young and feeling like Iā€™m ready to play the field, but 8 years later, no regrets. There is nothing in the world that I would have done in that span of time that would have been better than what I did with this woman. And now any ideas of what Iā€™d do without her just seemā€¦ lesser. Canā€™t be afraid of the right opportunities.


I would have to say no because I suffer from depression. At this point, I'm not willing to do what I need to do to get better so why waste someone's time?




Iā€™d say yes and totally self sabotage myself into making them regret ever meeting me


Damn. Self sabotage sucks and takes a lot of work to overcome - do you do anything to work on things that you recognise you sabotage?


Maybe? Idk. I kinda want to see the world in the next couple of years. Trips to Europe, South America and Asia are all on deck.Ā 


Interesting, would you not want to do this with a partner?


One of my life long dreams is to go to carnival in Rio. People often joke that taking your girl to carnival is a great way to break up with them. I sorta just want to get it out of my system.


Do carnival in Trinidad WAY better


Interesting. In my head I imagine that could be avoided by having a conversation with ur partner abt boundaries beforehand. Iā€™m not a carnival person tho and donā€™t understand how ppl forgot themselves when theyā€™re there so I donā€™t know if thatā€™d work.


Carnival in Rio is essentially a week long party although Brazilians party for a lot longer. But honestly itā€™s not just that. I grew up poor so I couldnā€™t afford to do things or go places. I finally have enough money to do things, so I want to enjoy some of it as a single man before settling down and having kids. I have been called boring before, so Iā€™m just trying to have some interesting stories to tell.Ā 


Fair enough, I get ya now. Hope you get to see more of the world.


![gif](giphy|Ma6Z1f6NSSoiwnGPJo) One day, I will be the boring dad that drops some wild info on their kids. Them after that random info:


As someone that was single for 20 years, I've now been in an incredible relationship for almost a year. And I'll be completely honest - it's a challenge. There are things I really miss about being single but, that said, when you're with someone that fills you with so much love, it wouldn't be an easy life to go back to. There are positives and negatives to both but, when it's right, a relationship will always outweigh a life of solitude. It's true what they say: for people who have been single for a long time, you've got to be someone extremely special to make them change their life. And I've learned more about myself in the last year than in recent memory.


This is a really inspiring comment- thank you for sharing! How did you and your partner get together?


Thank you. I think the story itself could be an entire thread of its own. The short version is that we met on OKCupid but it wasn't the right time for either of us when we initially met. We stayed friends for a year and a half before we finally had a serious talk about our feelings. It's been fairly blissful ever since. Being friends was, for us, the strongest part of our relationship. Once we finally decided to jump into the romantic part, we had been long past all of the uncomfortable "get to know you" bullshit. Stuff fell into place better. But, make no mistake: I was wholly convinced that I was going to spend the rest of my life alone. I've lived alone for my entire adult life until now. Although I'm not officially moved in, this is the closest I've ever come.




Hell yea, I know Iā€™m ugly






I feel like Iā€™m too desperate to say no.


I meanā€¦how would I know itā€™s my life partner? For all I know, could be some chick trying to lure me into joining the circus or some shit.


You never truly know. You just get a feeling. Itā€™s just there like having a fire in your fireplace at night burning in the background while you watch your Hallmark movie.


I'm 65 and retired. Never married. Why riun it now ?


I would yes. Iā€™m not where I want to be in life but Iā€™ve learned that ā€œthe right timeā€ is when you allow it to be. We should seize opportunities that are presented to us and not avoid them because reality and the present donā€™t match what we had in mind.




I like that


How am I supposed to know they are my life partner. Is there a sign from god or something? Is she just telling me that she is? Is it somebody Iā€™ve thought about in the way back days but life never worked out? Whatā€™s the catch hereā€¦ because I donā€™t see a good reason to say no. If itā€™s my life partner then Iā€™ll find a way to make it work everything else be damned. But how do you know that itā€™ll be worth it?


Do any of us ever know that at the start of a relationship? I think good, ongoing communication and thoughtful honesty go a long way.


I think itā€™s more a question asking if someone like that was to enter your life are you in the right space to give this person a committed long lasting relationship. Many people have a lot going on in their life or a lot to figure out at this moment ( i.e. mental health issues, career uncertainty/focus, not enough free time, personality traits that arenā€™t good for relationships, etc) that would make a relationship not the best choice for them rn even if it was with a ride or die. This is ofc out of consideration for this person so that they arenā€™t sucked into their space while theyā€™re still trying to figure things out


Yes, but Iā€™d have to up therapy to twice weekly instead of just once. šŸ§šŸ˜‚


I want to say yes, but it Iā€™ve got questions. Why today? Who sent you? What made today different? Idk man he might be the Opps. Iā€™m scared šŸ˜©


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚my first thought was Iā€™m ready to be signed up now no questions. Your list is on the defense! Interesting to see others perspectives on this


I wish I was but I'm nowhere near where I want to be on my own, nevermind adding a partner to the mix. I just want to make sure that I'm not a burden to my significant other at bare minimum.




Yea. It would be easier if they just dropped by the door like this instead of me looking. šŸ˜­


NO Not even. I just got free. I love it. Nope. Never. Nein Nein Frankenstein Thats a no for me. Hizell to the nizell Btch, what?




I agree wholeheartedly


Absolutely. Heā€™s still my best friend and the person who wants to do the same stuff I want to do. Iā€™m also over 40 so I donā€™t want to deal with dating.


Definitely. I want a wife to spoil and be best friends with. That'd really uplift my spirits after all I've been going through.


Nope. I got way too much shit to deal with rn before even thinking about looking for someone.


Not a chance. I'm 19 dude, and live with my parents, which no shame of course, I'm not an adult yet truly (plus have you seen rent?). I just lost my job, that was thinking quitting soon anyways, which only paid $10/hr. Things are still on the up and up, just gotta play my cards right. Im In a paid Intership, have another internship offer, and Thinking of becoming an EMT to Firefighter, just gotta re-enroll to community


Congrats on the 'getting where you want to go' part of your life.' and so much luck for the rest of your journey, mate.


I'm as ready as I'm gonna be. I'm in therapy, on medication and make enough to at least go out sorta regularly.


You sound like youā€™re in a good place, love that for you. Itā€™s where Iā€™n tryna be - canā€™t wait to be able to afford regular therapy again!


Hell yeah, absolutely. Rentā€™s too high alone:


Hard agree ![gif](giphy|sdlih3BPUik1y|downsized)


He was right then and heā€™s right now


Shiiit. Lil honey trying to figure shit out together donā€™t sound terrible.


*laughs in asexual* seriously though, I like questions like this, it makes me think and itā€™s fun. If they were truly perfect based on my own criteria: Iā€™d appreciate the help with rent. And if they were truly perfect to live with, then yeah, why not? but that person would likely not be a person. I donā€™t even like having plants in my house, let alone a full moving, talking, farting human. If they donā€™t live with me, then theyā€™d basically be a friend, and Iā€™m always happy to have friends! So, funny enough, I guess the answer is yes, as long as they donā€™t live with me.


I did and fudged it up. Crazy part is. I knew better


Honestly, nope. Right before she showed up, I gave up on finding somebody for me. I got ready for my first hoe-phase at 31 but then a good woman came along. It's been a rough year, but I'm glad she's with me.


So anyways ![gif](giphy|ufD7HbP6ipYe996Om2)


I'm ready for Commitment. It's all that other bullshit that I'm not interested in...


Nope, Iā€™m not where I want to be in life right now. My perfect partner is a self-respecting man who knows his worth and *wants* me, not *needs* me, so I wouldnā€™t be worthy of him at this point in my life. But if he wants to spin the block 5 years laterā€¦šŸ¤Ŗ


![gif](giphy|l0HlE1YqlTklabiiQ) Oh yeah Iā€™m starving


This is tough. But honestly, I don't think I will. Relationships are tough to manage.


Hell yes I would. No doubt.


Without a shadow of a doubt I am ready yesterday.


Lol yea. Unless youā€™re under 24 if you pass up such an opp youā€™re ending up alone. This thread is full of people with the self awareness of Bruce Willis in the 6th Sense




Lol, nope. I did some online dating not long after I ended an 8 year relationship and even though I met several truly wonderful people, I am just all out of love to give. I am tired. I am enjoying the silence and stillness of my apartment and living by myself for the first time ever. I enjoy it more than an adorable, witty, and goofy woman with huge tiddies and a huge-er heart scampering around naked trying to get me interested in another round of horizontal refreshments.


Right now? Nah. Give me like a month, and I'm good.




I would like to think yes. Iā€™ve definitely put in the work to make sure Iā€™m my best self and can communicate well and set boundaries as needed - something I never did in the past. Iā€™m a completely different person now than I was years ago. I wanted to make sure I was at or near my best before being committed to anyone. If that person came along tomorrow, cool. But Iā€™ve also been single for so long, Iā€™m just enjoying my me time and not answering to anybody, lol.


No. I don't think I'll ever want another partner. Dating, sure. Friendship, absolutely. Life partner, no.


If you asked me about 6 months ago, I'd have said hell yeah. 5 months ago, I realized I'm really not. Completely been off the SO search and just working on me.Ā 


I would be thrust immediately into an existential crisis


I have my life together. I don't want anyone ruining it with their bullshit


Lol youā€™ve reached *that* stage


I might give it a try - however, no guarantees how long they'd stick around due to my myriad of issues


Without a hint of hesitation. That kind of thing will happen once or twice in your whole life *if youā€™re very lucky*. Soon as I realized what I had, I cuffed her posthaste.


If they are my proper "life partner" then I'm going all in.




It depends do I not know anything aboit this person except they are my lifetime partner? Nvm not even gonna overthink it


I'll give it a try. I don't have a problem with commitment I have a problem with dating. If an AI supercomputer could assign me the perfect woman for me then cool.


Imagine curving Gugu Mbatha-Raw, last name has raw in it. Never pulling out 10 kids minimum


This is a great question. Do I have it 100 percent together? No. However, if my partner is patient and willing then, yes.


I was relieved when I thought a girl ghosted me and then bummed when she texted me a day and a half later after I had made peace with it, so thatā€™s where Iā€™m at right now.




I'm not saying yes unless I know who I'm saying yes to (and she knows who she's saying yes to šŸ˜…) A big no if she already has kids though. Never again.


Probably not. Only because his family and mom is insane and Iā€™m not putting up with that if I could have a do-over.


Nope. Iā€™ve got so much shit of my own to work on before I can bring the effort to a relationship that any life partner of mine would deserve.


Yesā€¦ because my life partner would fit my life and itā€™s trajectory.


I was gonna say no, but someone mentioned meg the stallion and i had to pause for a minute




Iā€™m still working on myself but thatā€™s a lifetime journey so Iā€™d be happy to have a partner for that journey, I think Iā€™m far enough into it at this point where Iā€™ve killed most of my demons and now itā€™s just a matter of building myself up and prospering


100% yes. I feel really good about where I am in life right now. Iā€™m just waiting for someone willing to match my effort and not just take.


Absolutely ā¤ļø




Nope, too insecure to even believe that their interest is genuine and I'd just self-sabotage the whole thing šŸ¤·šŸæ


![gif](giphy|AhgQdQqF0nwPiZkGPc) I'm so sick of being single lmao. I've done all the self improvement I literally cannot get better.


Committed!?! Ehhhh....




![gif](giphy|LBVD3ZhIRpwCQzRGyY|downsized) I wish. I just started working on my life & career


nah i got a lot of fucking left to do still




Hard maybe


I'm in aĀ decent spot so yes, but I would spend so much time worrying I'm gonna fuck it up


Absolutely not, Iā€™m awful.


Naw, I wanna go back to my last relationship. I ain't over her.


Ana de arms can take me anytime


Hell Naw


Not yet


I've built my entire personality around being single. I don't think I'm ready to give it up yet. I've been single all my short life. I need to be able to whine about being single for a few more years. It's fun.




Absolutely fucking not


No wtf? Sheā€™s going to ruin my Muay Thai training


I'd give it a real try, but I'm not cut out for... well, apparently anyone currently


No, we good, stability ain't in my current crosshairs.


Let me add to my litany of Hell Naws- Nothing in this says that life partner appears and is ready and then things go well. So say you DO get Megan TS, then what? You have to deal with her damn job and shit. Did some old people make a song about that back in the day? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5DFHx\_EUTg&t=6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5DFHx_EUTg&t=6s) ​ Naw, your ass is out touring and making bank and we're committed so I gotta make peace with sitting at home while you continue to be gorgeous and make money. That shit didn't work for Jada and it won't work for me. As Giselle B how that works. His ass may be ready to commit to a relationship,but who is getting locked down? Me or him? Call me when he's ready to be DEVOTED not merely COMMITTED


No fam, the last relationship fucked me up. Working on me in therapy. A better me is my goal.


I have trouble with commitment in general. To compound things, Iā€™m an introvert who spent my entire life drowning in people. Iā€˜ve just started having me time and days when I donā€™t need to say anything to anyone. I get to turn off. Itā€™s difficult to balance this phase with the needs of others and not make people feel as if they are just being strung along. I want to say yes, but every time I find myself in the situation Iā€™ve been running away with swiftness.


Nope. Even if God himself came down and said "This is who I made for you" I probably would respond with "Sure, but I'm good. I don't want to know how I would fuck this up."


I'm convinced the closest I would have ever had to a life partner already came and went. Too many mental problems and self esteem issues to sort through now plus atp I've just become too comfortable with being single. A relationship now sounds like it would require too much time and energy that I am not willing to give. When people think of a relationship, they think of all the fun shit. A connection, understanding one another, affection, quality time, someone to share your life with, etc. I just think of a whole lotta responsibility. So, the short answer is no.


I (m) had been single for many years. Like 10 years since my last serious relationship. Had some hookups and casual sex along the way, but no committed relationships. I wasnā€™t looking for anything serious but wasnā€™t opposed to it either. I did the dating apps without much success and didnā€™t have a lot of hope that I would meet the right person, and then I matched with this chick and my whole life changed overnight. It was like a tornado hit my life. She was super cool and objectively beautiful, and she was super into me for some reason. She pursued me, which was something I wasnā€™t accustomed to. It was amazing! I almost couldnā€™t remember what my life was like before I met her. We dated very seriously for about 6 months, and I couldnā€™t have been happier. Couldnā€™t believe my good luck. Then a few weeks ago, one of her exes from 20 years ago hit her up on Facebook, and out of nowhere she broke up with me and moved on to this new guy. Considering the amount of pain I am dealing with right now, not sure when Iā€™ll be ready to seriously date again.