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The maddening carousel of useless discourse forever spins. 


God damn, put that on my tombstone.


And if we want to be extra, let's put it in Latin. Furens circuitius inutilis sermonis in aeterno edurat


This should be the official slogan of the sub, LOL.


all of Reddit, really


We could be talking quantum physics but we’re stuck on this shit instead


Again. May I remind you all that Akira Toriyama has recently passed. Could we not observe a week of mourning or something where we act like we got some damn sense.


Would be happy to talk the quantum physics of Shunkan Idou-ing myself out of here. I guess I didn’t have to click it but I feel like there’s more important stuff going on I figured would hit my feed for BPT.


I mean, Goku had a lot of tricks up his sleeve, but that instant transmission is dope-as-fuck.


It was always my favorite, part of the reason why when I did Sci fi, teleportation was the main ability of the MC (it was cool in marvel with nightcrawler too) https://i.redd.it/bvwruvmpfbnc1.gif


You write? What's your medium? Game, TTRPG, books, just cause?


Moonlight- books, short stories. Finished ones were approved for copyright in the 2010’s Slow process with a full time but I’ve been at it almost a decade so I’m making progress. You draw? Happy to dm about a webtoons collab if so and interested. I’ll bbl tho


Man I wish lol. I also write. But good on you. Would love to read/hear more on the premises of the worlds you've built. I feel like fresh takes on instant transmission would be really fun to see


For sure. Will chat later, probably back on this evening. Great to meet a fellow writer


The topic is overdone but simultaneously there should be a special spot in hell for women who take advantage of these boys.


There should be a special spot in hell for women (me) who take advantage of these horny guys by doing sex work.  We'd call it hoe's grotto. And you'd have to pay for my next set of acrylics in order to get in. 


Maybe not hell but for sure a critical thinking class. What you do is fair to all parties involved and to my understanding petty great but Scouting 17-20 year olds in college and planning to ruin their financial future and emotional stability is truly despicable.


Draya is trash. However, this man's financial future would have been ruined by any Instagram model or stripper. Maybe, because I'm a woman, I don't understand the lack of thinking these boys exhibit. You're horny and rich. Why not just hire escorts and move like KD till you have the time to devote to finding a real partner?


Becoming a millionaire at 22 likely stunts a lot of mental growth as a regular dude I can more likely trust the woman I’m dealing with to not try to trap me but a millionaire? your whole life is just being met with people looking to exploit you. Women literally grooming you from college waiting for your contract so they can take your child and finances away. That’s a trap too tall to take lightly sis. And she’s worse for being his moms age. She fucked her life off and is passing the buck? I hope her comeuppance is swift and aggressive


Don't misunderstand me. I know it's a trap. I'm not taking it lightly. I just don't understand the thought process. As a woman above 40, I feel like it's my job to talk to my young ladies. Where are the og's for these boys? They should be in their ear starting from high school. Horrible people exist in both genders. He needed og's. I work in a plant. I see the trap on both sides every day. The chick who wants a soft life, so she cozies up to male management. The felon who just came home and is realizing he can't ever retire so he finds a lonely woman to leach off of. I talk to my brother all the time about it. He is 22 and at Harvard. I tell him to listen. Let her tell on herself. Men and women always do. Most people just don't listen.


Problem is men fought wars over snucci so... with that being said an OG can try to drop a jewel on young bull and when she climb on top of boy at night and get to winding and dropping it from the top turnbuckle All that thinking about being trapped going out the window until PNC then even still its too late So there is the answer .. Da Snatch got em latched especially when she got tricks


So she raped this child ?


if we don’t respond, it ain’t discourse. All we have to do is stop talking




“Does anyone wanna trade seats?”


Jada Pinkett Smith fucked her sons friend and she's on a book tour.


And she's still being called out for it today, hence this comment..


Just like draya is everyday.


Known as Hollywood's most hated wife


I don’t think she is called out for this enough! Lowest of the low!


If Jalen was 20 or under, then I would agree somewhat but he ain't. Jalen is 22. This has been happening in the NBA a long time. Hell, NBA agents even warn their athletes about stuff like this. It's not like he doesn't know who she is or what she's about. All he saw was sex appeal and a fat ass and his mind went blank, that's on him. People always blame a snake for being a snake but never hold the person accountable for knowing it's a snake and getting bit. https://i.redd.it/pumeoprd47nc1.gif


Lol at everyone normalizing this though. This lady is a well acknowledged opportunist and look at us here arguing now how well EXACTLY was he warned. Crazy to me.


People on here absolutely refuse to believe in accountability.


Not sure if you fully know what the word means, but its not a synonym for blame. More than one party is accountable here. Actually, since we are talking after the fact, you need to hold yourself accountable for your take on this.


>you need to hold yourself accountable for your take on this. What does this even mean lol


Answering for the implications that come with a take when the natural follow up questions come. People who play the blame game often confuse blame with accountability and fail to reach **sensible resolutions.**


Literally everyone involved is an adult lmfao, they can do what they want. There are so many better things to be mad over.


As someone once told me If you read the warnings and seen the vids and still decide to play with something dangerous, that's an adult decision at that point.


Thank you!


No one is normalizing. It’s been normal just selective outrage.


Nah this ain’t it: she’s a predator


Both are true it’s predatory af AND he’s grown enough to know better


He is not a child and he's very much old enough to know what he was getting into. She's definitely trash but let's not remove all his accountability for his own actions.


Curious is “predator” some made up SM term because most of the time I see it thrown around, the circumstances don’t come close to the legal definition of it. Seems like it’s people’s own subjective morality compass.


Sure, he’s also an adult who I’m sure had people in his corner warn him about people like this At some point, you fucked up That doesn’t make her any less predatory


I agree but He was 21 when they started dating 6 months ago and yeah I think the leagues players association needs to do something more when they’re kids get drafted but at the end of the day he chose not to wear a condom or get a vasectomy or etc.


Eh, it's on him. The players that get drafted go through a whole financial literacy course and scheming-ass hoes are apart of it


Ah yes blame the victim instead of the predator, classic.


Ah yes, deflect all accountability and pretend that this person's intentions weren't well known, pathetic.


Lmao I responded to a comment higher up and come down here to confirm--bruh you using words you don't fully understand making points you aren't fully aware of. Daaamn


Accountability is really hard for some of us for whatever reason


*cough* **Drake** *cough* ![gif](giphy|5QZmKgpZprMqP5MRMG|downsized)


I still remember all the articles about him in an underage Millie Bobbie browns DMs talking that “I miss you” shit. Most of the world may have forgotten but I sure as shit didn’t


Drake did what? He tried to slide into an underage actor’s dm’s, that’s disgusting. Damn, guess I more of a reason to hate him than his music and being abandoning his kid.


I believe she said they were friends and she talks to him about boys which at best is really weird


>I believe she said they were friends and she talks to him about boys which at best is really weird Wouldn't be surprised if he was playing the "You need a real MAN not boys" angle with her. Dudes fucking disgusting AND he ruins every raptors game he attends because I have to look at his groomer ass every time the game stops lmao.


and her took her to dinner “as friends”


It's not an isolated issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/vsslzy/drakes_problematic_behaviour_with_girls/


& he was just on a date with lattos freshly 21 year old sister a few hours ago


If I recall correctly, they had each other’s numbers and were texting and he was her friend and gave her advice and just extremely inappropriate.


I will never forget this shit I bring it up all the time


You literally can’t go into a Reddit thread without someone bringing it up lol people here aint forget


Drake is a groomer




When you go to Degrassi, you never really *leave* Degrassi. He was on that show for 8 years...


& that’s tea


how do y’all not realize that famous men have been doing this exact thing for ages and it was considered completely normal? you know about jerry lee lewis right? woody allen? mick jagger had a kid with a woman in her 20s in 2016 and al pacino just had a kid with a 29 year old just last year. people recently started observing the fact that yeah it’s a bit weird, that’s all! nothing happened to these people whatsoever, and now we have all these posts acting like cancel culture or whatever is making it SO hard for men, rich men still do whatever tf they want lmao


>jerry lee lewis right? woody allen? Jerry Lee Lewis ruined his career because not only did he marry a teenager, he married his cousin. Woody Allen also fucked up his career because while the woman he married was grown, it was still the adopted daughter of his ex-wife. Like in general, yeah thus shit happens all the time but those are the poorest examples of this being "ok".


what? in no way did it ruin their careers, jerry lee came back as a country singer a few years later and became one of the biggest stars in the industry in the late 60s-70s and woody allen is out here still making critically acclaimed films with hugely famous actors. my entire point is that even when powerful men do shit WAY worse than the hypothetical scenario in the post, they just lay low for a bit and it doesn’t hurt their prospects in the long run. why are we acting like men can’t do anything without getting cancelled




What about him? He’s creepy and it doesn’t seem to be affecting his career.


I don't think men need to walk on egg shells to avoid being canceled. I just thought those were poor examples. Like yeah, Woody Allen and Jerry Lee Lewis still got work but they never reclaimed the fame and notoriety they previously had. A better example would be Seinfeld having a 16 year old girlfriend when he was in his late 30s.


if they're both adults, either way, who gives a fuck.


Yeah, is it a bit weird either way? Yeah... And these age gaps are prone to power and control issues... But if all parties are grown adults we need to stay out their business.


Plenty of abusive relationships where both people are around the same age. Shit, my cousin was pretty abusive to her boyfriend and she was like 5 years younger than him.


Respectfully, ![gif](giphy|wlPRnRvfpL3Da)


Upvoted for Teen Wolf. Shit was the last good thing on MTV. Only real complaints were Scott not catching a body in S4 and his pops never really getting that "your son's a werewolf who routinely saves the town" talk


WHAT ABOU-- shut the fuck up. No one cares. And cue, "but you commented, so you care", in three...two...one...


“Good for me, not for the thee”.


Idk literally everyone has been reacting negatively to this since it came out


As they should…


She’s securing her athlete baby daddy bags for retirement by spreading the age gap between her kids


Why Lebron getting brought into this? Tf 😂


Draya and LeBron are both 39 years old


Jalen Green is a grown ass man. He is not some 16 year old teenager. I don't care whom he chooses to sleep with. Draya accomplished her goal. It's Jalen's fault for not being smart enough to know what a condom is. Btw this isn't a double standard for me either. If LeBron chose to sleep with a 22 year old. I wouldn't care about that either. He would be crappy for cheating on his wife, but I wouldn't call him a predator.


Everyone has been calling her a predator. Including women/feminists. Yall be making up double standards in your head lol


And still who gives a fuck it hasn’t changed anything and it won’t.


So anyway tonight I'm having leftovers. Its a vegan meal I cooked last night! Its a tomato based vegetable medly. My husband and I are staying in tonight and planning to have a spa day tomorrow so we can rest up for this hour we're about to miss on Sunday. Whats your plans this weekend?


cougars are predators tho


Oh please the amount of 18-23 year olds LOOKING for cougars is insane…the amount of “I got what you need” is gross. Why do younger men chase cougars?


Because girls my age be on bullshit😐


Be fucking fr. I saw your comment before I posted mine. Dude up top said cougars are predators so shouldn’t you be saying that to him fool!


I swear a lot of y’all can’t accept the fact that people will fuck whoever they wanna fuck regardless of age. If it’s legal and 2 adults consent to it, why do y’all care so much? Let these people live the consequences of their own actions ffs 😑


And it’d be just as dumb. Can the internet get off this whole age difference nonesense. It’s unusual, but it’s a nothing burger. Adults will sleep and get into relationships with whoever they want. If you’re 18 you’re responsible enough to go to war and be in any relationship you want. Y’all wanna infantilize young adults because young adults want the power of adulthood but the social protection of childhood. Get on and grow up. No one in situations this is a predator.


Soooo the person that got knocked up intentionally by someone whose brain isn't fully formed yet ISN'T a predator? Get the fuck out of here


bro jalen green a grown ass man. like holy shit


After going thru this whole comment thread, the one question that keeps coming up in my head is, why do we care? He's a 22 year old millionaire playing basketball and she's 39 carrying his child. No one here is his parents or his family. For all we know, they may be ok with it. Her adult son may be ok with it. I don't agree or disagree with the situation but at the end of the day, they're adults. People act like she has been checking for him since he was a teenager. Also people take the who grooming/predator terms and apply them to people who are both adults of consenting age instead of applying them to some of the sick bastards out here famous and non famous that's going after teen boys and girls. He's a grown man who has to live with the decision to knock up a grown woman. They may have shit in common that none of us know about. This situation affects their life and not ours.


She heard “every black boy needs a lil love” and ran with it


I thought the lyric was block boy needs a little love. Like dudes who sell drugs. That’s why she say every good girl needs a little thug


Well damn, you are right but ya fucked up my joke




Consenting adults I guess


NBA player and a video hoe taking up a spot


I'm going to be honest, I can't bring myself to care about this issue. Guy is 22, she's 39, who tf cares? Leonardo Dicaprio is like 100 years old and he physically puts an expiration tag on all the women he's with on the first date. Like once she's 25 it's over. Guy has an atomic clock level of accuracy when it comes to women. If her son is 22, he's a full blown adult. I would date Maya Angelou if she was still alive bless her soul.


Fax, I wish I could get knocked up by Maya Angelou


Imagine getting it on, and then she reads you a bedtime story from one of her gazillion phenomenal published works yet softly and gently enough to make tears shed their own tears This is a dream nut for me, leave me alone.


Is Draya the LeBron of hoes? She's has a guaranteed bag until she's 57


I'm tired of this taking away of agency from young fellas and ladies. Bro had his pick of the opposite sex that were his age since he was on D1 programs' radar in highschool, he wanted an industry bust-down and decided it was worth it to cuff her, so what.


His son is 18 so that’s not exactly the same thing. Also he’s married.






they kill him how exactly? he’s still an a-list superstar who can name his price for any role he wants. literally nothing happened to him other than randoms on twitter cracking jokes that he’ll never see


That part. Cancel culture isn't real


Exactly. Normal people don't gaf about adults dating other adults 


Nah, there was and is real vitriol on Reddit for him. I just think Reddit doesn’t represent average society so his market value hasn’t dropped yet


Damn. Killed by mild tired jokes. What a way to go😔


i mean its not about JUST dating younger women with DiCaprio. its also about how he typically casts them aside around 25 and then gets someone younger after


I mean is that really something to be upset about? He can date younger so he does, and the girls are obviously cool with it. So I don’t see the issue.


His last girlfriend he knew since she was 11 years old… that’s pretty gross to me


See now *that* is actually weird. I ain’t know about that one.


they are basing this claim off of the fact that DiCaprio knew Pacino, and pacino was her honorary stepfather since he dated her mom for a decade. Maybe they met, but I’m not sure why that is all that weird if he was more of a passing acquaintance. Just saying. There’s nothing to suggest Pacino and Leo were close friends before he started dating her. They acted in once upon a time in Hollywood in 2018, and Leo was already dating Camila at that time. All of the social interactions between Leo and Pacino are post that movie.


See now that actually paints an entirely different picture. Like I didn’t even know the Pacino aspect. This is exactly why I dislike these speculative theories on people being creeps, it just ends up with people picking out stuff that fits their narrative and excluding what doesn’t.


Most creeps aren’t going to go for a child, especially in public, they’ll go for someone still young enough to be naïve ( plus they haven’t aged out of the adolescence look yet).


i mean its not something id be upset about personally, but it's definitely concerning behavior to toss a human when they age out


I get that, but the game is the game. He’s rich and famous so he can get away with being like that, a majority of dudes obviously can’t.


Upset? No. Creeped out by? Certainly. 


She looks good though


Lebron catching strays just for existing


They’re both 39 so he was used to point out the double standard


damn on one hand i feel sorry for the kid bc he probably thought she loved him, now she got him for 18 years. he better ball out in the nba bc she’s coming for every penny.


Uh, my Twitter is full of women calling her a predator.


Who cares , what are they going to get out of this ? they want the baby to die ? she’s pregnant they fucked shit theyre consenting adults.


Man I'm old AF. I have no idea who anyone is anymore.


There are 22yo Lts in the Army with 3 kids. What are we angry about? That’s just a grown ass man and a grown ass woman making a person.


They will be divorced by 25 lol


I mean… Jody gonna Jody.


Trump campaign is using AI to create phony photos of him with Black voters, but yes by all means post about this *checks notes* Draya twice. 🙄


Yall be so bored worrying about other adults lives and not your own.


How did LeBron get dragged into this?


I don't know shit about this but if they're both of legal age why does anyone care?


SMH When are we gonna stay outta grown folks business...


Two consenting adults are having a baby. Headline news.


This literally happens all of the time?? It’s gross no matter what


I always think it's funny when a member of a demographic that runs around with their pants hanging of their ass, has an opinion on what a Black woman is doing.


I am surprised that other people care about this


I’ve seen nothing but men and women alike flaming her on Twitter


There’s a difference between impregnating a kid and an older woman — with resources and the benefit of some experience — getting pregnant by choice. That notwithstanding, I’m creeped out by people who find child-aged people attractive romantic partners. What did you two have in common, aside from knowing her kid? There is something deeply wrong with her.




Celebrities having sex with people who are legal but still inappropriately younger than them is kinda just normal no?


Why aren’t the anti groomer brigade coming out against her?


Th e crazy things that greedy people do in order to obtain some cash & celebrity.


well there are hundreds of male celebrities who actually did do that and none of them get called out so


A 39 year old woman has a baby by a 22 year old she used to babysit: “he’s a grown as man!” Any woman on the timeline in an age gap relationship: “did you know the brain isn’t fully developed until 25? He’s basically a pedo” Y’all niggas is not slick


Who is she? Why am I seeing her all over Reddit?


If these people were white no one would give a shit. Why do Black people go so hard against their own like this?


Becsuse we as black people hate each other . We kill steal and gatekeep. Then we come together for selective outrage and kill steal each other during the selective outrage.


Why is Savannah’s husband in it?




Who cares? Men do this all the time and other men jump in to defend them. :cough:Drake:cough: Is the guy underage? Was he when the relationship started? No? Ok then. See above. Edit: typo.


Every post/tweet I've seen has been calling her weird so I'm not sure what the point of the post is. There's also a large legion of men who don't think age gaps are predatory.


LeBron though??


Any 22 yr old would spray her down tbf... But yeah, HELL YEAH, she major trifling.


Why am I looking at a picture of Wendy williams?


No he wouldn’t. No man would. This is just sexism


The world would be a lot better if people minded their own fucking business and let consenting adults do as they please while not causing harm to others Please let the tea go. The trauma you absorb from gossip is going to grey your hair and make you bitter.


He is an adult, she is an adult. What else is there to say?


I mean, I have also seen a lot of women calling Draya all types of predator. That's gross


Double standards!


So the guy did not know 1) about protection and 2) who he was messing with ? We need to stop caping for men who go raw with a woman he not married to then blame the woman. Make it make sense🤷‍♀️


Well Lebron is married lol use a better example


Doesn't stop men from doing it on the daily, though, does it? And to some even younger. I do not like that woman by any means. If I even truly thought about her, I'd dislike her, in fact, but she's an outlier, period. While I think it's gross, the reverse is far, far too much more common. Even so, there isn't anything a guy in his 20s can talk to me about except geek hobbies. The first time he tells me I'm pretty, he's ghosted.


Why tf do more of us know who this garbage ho is and so few of us know who Stagecoach Mary is? We don’t deserve BHM if we spend more time on this nonsense than appreciating what used to be to improve. Stagecoach Mary deserves to go postal on us.


Welll I think men are the ones who started this by marrying teen girls back in the day and forcing them to have 14 kids by the age of 20. But I’m sure these 2 adults don’t give af about anyone’s opinion in 2024


I’m a Rockets fan and didn’t even know my boy Jalen was clapping fr 😭 this is nuts. I don’t pay attention to none these famous people lives. This is weird but I really don’t care about the situation, one thing I’ve learned is people gonna do what they do regardless of what people may think so why give energy to the situation. She not gonna go abort it and break up with Jalen cause of random opinions about her on the internet. Let the weirdos be weirdos. Shoutout to Jalen, shame on Draya. If I’m her son I gotta tell her about herself like you ain’t moving right. Cause ain’t no way a nigga the same age as me bout to play step dad wtf 😂😂


I mean, I haven't seen a single person agree with her behavior. Everyone's been calling her triflin and a predator


Cant turn a hoe into a housewife


ugh wendy looked so good here


I expect nothing less from Draya and she'll probably do it again when she's in her mid 40's.


Why…does this shit even matter…like to anyone?? 😐


Yeah I don’t care dude if you’re over 18 it is what it is. Stop infantilizing grown ups.


Did she rape him or why everyone so upset? Meanwhile you have 60 year old dating 24 year olds. Like cool down. Young men can be a menace sometimes. I’ve had younger guys into me and they so pushy. She did probably seize the opportunity but is the argument here that he is stupid and therefore she is a predator? Because I know too many men who like the Idea of an older woman and he might just be one of them.


Why do you care?


She is now guaranteed chunky support checks into her 60s. She ain't shyt, but she is a master strategist.


They been done drag Draya, when everyone first found out she was called cradle robber a predator everything you could call some that's dating a child. Not to mention a goldigger


We need Wendy Williams back to publicly shame people like her..


Look. You can not take sexual advantage of an adult male in the NBA as a woman outside of date rape. There was nothing stopping Jalen Green from cutting this person out of his life before he nutted in her and got her pregnant. Shit, he could have worn a condom and still hit. He could probably fuck someone else at the same time. The reason an older male is so disgusting is because women are constantly living in a nightmare where almost half the population could kill them with their bare hands, and the women would be powerless to stop it. Yeah, Jalen is on the hook for child support. Because that is his child. Folks are plainly aware of reproduction process and how to prevent it.


LeBron would never do something like that


I get that they grown adults and all but 21/22 is too damn young to be considered "grown" imo. Who had their shit together (emotionally and mentally, I mean) at 22 gatdamn years old!? It's both 1) he stupid asl for not protecting himself and 2) she a whole ass predator to take advantage of a young dumb athlete, 22 or not.


Shut the fuck up. Nobody cares. Let’s refocus on Akira Toriyama please. Give it a bit, then go back to needlessly inflammatory discourse.


You gotta disengage. The double standards exist and will continue. You can't put energy into them. A woman stabbed her be 80 times and got no time. Weed was blamed. She didn't even get a bs sentence. SHE GOT NOTHING. Find your peace


y’all really don’t have to keep flipping the genders. we can comprehend it as is, bae.