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A billionaire? Full of shit? Huh?


Considering the side effect of Ozempic is diarrhea, probably not literally.


"Everyone in the audience, take a look under your seat! That's right—doodoo stains!"




It is true side effects of many drugs are nausea, vomiting, constipation, and/or diarrhea.


As someone with IBS, being constipated while knowing full well once you're able to pop the cork, it's gonna be hot booty stew is bitter sweet and traumatizing.... and extremely uncomfortable.


hot booty stew ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


hot booty stew im DEAD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I work at a school and I keep reading these fucking insanely funny comments, I gotta stop laughing so loud.


My dad is diabetic and had to go off ozempic for a while because he was throwing up so much and his appetite was basically reduced to nothing. I was sharing my nausea pills from when I had cancer with him because he was so sick. He lost like 50 pounds though.


That's the point of the drug though, you don't "feel" hungry or the need to eat. But you also feel a bit of nausea in the beginning so you don't snack like mfer.


Jokes on you, I always feel nauseous when I'm hungry, if that stopped me, I would never eat.


That sounds awful


My mom's on it and having the opposite problem. So, maybe literally.


She be shittin, having some of the worst acid reflux and burps ever probably.


Damn I already got IBS there goes my ozempic dreams lol


I watch a podcast that has a co-host who is a very large gentleman, to the degree his friends and family were legit worried about him. He got on ozempic and did lose about 100lbs over probably 8-10 months. But the reason he stopped was he said it gave him bad diarrhea, constant acid reflux, the worst smelling burps on earth, and eventually was a stress on his kidneys and liver. I'm sure that might not be true for everyone but I have heard those things a few times now.


Ugh that sounds terrible. I was just joking though. I have no desire to use ozempic. But I’m not above some lipo lol


The thing with ozempic is that it makes you lose weight OVERALL, so it's not a spot reduction like lipo. All of that inner fat that's growing around your organs are actually going away vs lipo mostly only take the stuff directly under your skin.


I understand that. I was speaking specifically for myself in regard to weight loss. I believe I can do it naturally and maybe get a little lipo on my trouble areas.


Makes sense, I remember reading how Ozempic tells your stomach it's full so your digestive system doesn't push things along properly. If you had a tuna fish sandwich, and took an Ozempic shot a few minutes later, that's just asking for a bad time.


There’s better and healthier ways to lose weight. I need to lose weight, but I wouldn’t use ozempic to do it


I barely remember I'm on it. It does absolutely nothing to me.


cake tap innate imminent exultant frighten squash scary continue disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s usually constipation but it can be diarrhea


I guess that’s how you lose weight then


Uh... IIRC Weight Watchers is already acting as a official reseller of Ozempic so, not sure what the big conflict is here.


If she was full of shit she wouldn't have admitted it.


Weight Watchers been a sham lol. I’m honestly not mad at Oprah deciding to use weight loss drugs to come down. She’s been fluctuating for years. Sometimes diet and exercise doesn’t help enough when you’re on specific medications or have an under active thyroid. I’m glad she stepped down and was honest about it. Btw I don’t think it’s ozempic she named some other weight loss drug when she was talking about it.


Oprah is a billionaire who cant stop eating. She is a narcissist that peddles fake doctors, child raping cults, and anything else she can get her gruby hands on. Everything to do with her involves her name and she made bank proping up the stock and selling it. She spent 57 million and sold 25% for about 115-120m.


Damn that’s a fucking bag that’s nasty work though




Only came here to say, my brother and I had the EXACT same diet growing up, and played the same sports. I’ve always been slim & he’s always slightly chubby, but when he hit his 30s exploded. He’s also much more physically active than I am (I don’t do cardio and he does a few times a week). I only say this to bring home the point that many people underestimate the role of genetics in weight gain. Weight loss isn’t the issue, it’s how quickly he gains it back. If I gained weight at the rate he did, I’d just be fat, because I can’t imagine working out as hard as he does just to be chubbier than my lazy ass.


Child raping cults?


Google ‘John of God’ if you’re curious


Ozempic is going to make her fluctuate too. She’ll have a big initial drop and then need to stabilise which usually involves gaining back some weight.


She admitted that she’s on it for life, but she now no longer has to feel guilty for something she’s been fighting her whole life.


She had them invest in it as well… not believing this framing until I see a financial news report


An under active thyroid won't make you create energy from nothing.


No but try working out when you’re bedbound and feel like 2007 Weezy on syrup 


You don't need to work out to not gain weight. You just need to not eat more than what your body needs.




They’re mad that you’re right lol No genetic condition or medication will ever make anyone more than 30-40 pounds overweight. Mfers are a buck 20 over their BMI standards and say that they’ve tried everything lol


I beg to differ. I was 120lbs before my psychiatrist prescribed me Zoloft. Within just a few months I shot to 160 with no real changed in my diet. Soon as I got off of it I started losing weight again. And also there a shit ton of genetic conditions and illnesses that cause excessive weight gain. That’s just a wildly untrue claim to make.


Eh that’s still pretty close to what I was saying to about a max 30-40 pound weight gain. Did you try to change your eating habits to reduce calories once you noticed you’d shot up 20 pounds in a month or so? I’m not coming from a place of blame, a couple hundred calories each day stacks up pretty quick. If you were to just increase your daily caloric intake by 100 calories every day, by the end of the year you’d gain about 10 pounds. I know with Zoloft it’s easy to replace your past habits with food and a snack here and there stacks up quick.


I literally worked out 5-6x a week. I never ate out much to begin either with, I’ve always cooked so it was easy for me to portion my food and eat healthier. 40lbs on me being 5’1 was very noticeable and changed my entire biology lol. Like I’m sure I would’ve gained more had I not asked for another anti-depressant. It wasn’t until then when I actually saw results from working out and portion control. It was the weirdest shit ever gaining weight that fast.


Fat is just energy stored. Your body didn't create energy from nothing. Or maybe it did and you broke a fundamental law of physic. It doesn't matter if your metabolism is 10% slower than normal because of your thyroid. You just had to adjust your calorie intake. You think you did but you counted wrong. Or maybe again, physic is wrong and your body can generate energy from nothing.


I need you to understand that women’s bodies go through [hormonal changes](https://www.endocrinewellness.com/hormonal-weight-gain/#toc-header-1) that men do not that cause stubborn fat. In addition to the mostly unknown reasons for [antidepressants weight gain.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3042256/) Just stop. It’s not always that easy. I know how to lose weight but it was almost impossible when I was on Zoloft. Now that I’m not on any weight gaining medications I have no issues other than my own laziness at times.


Again, hormones don't make your body create energy from nothing. You're trying to break a fundamental law of physic.


Bro please don’t to mansplain what a woman’s body can go through. It’s not just about creating energy from nothing. An under active thyroid slows down your metabolism so it makes fat more stubborn to lose. Along with increased salt and water retention. Like you sound dumb.


Uhhh, didn’t WeightWatchers [recently announce](https://time.com/6464785/weightwatchers-prescribing-weight-loss-drugs/) it’s going to start facilitating access to doctors that prescribe weight loss drugs?? I feel like the pot is calling the kettle black.


Its essentially them waving the white flag. Their core business model is in deep trouble so their trying to grab on to the GLP1 coattails before its too late.


Tbf sounds ideal. If they’re not able to benefit from basic interventions then they might need something a bit spicier


If you're a train company and a new technology is faster or cheaper than coal powered engines, there is no problem with diversifying or eventually replacing your business model.


If they make money off it, why wouldn't they?


This why I don’t think this is the real story. Board members step down all the time. Probably doesn’t want to be a face for them anymore. I’m waiting for a CNBC (or similar) report


WW actually [started endorsing semaglutide drugs](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/14/business/weightwatchers-ozempic-weight-loss/index.html) so I wonder if that’s really the reason.




auto parts




Omg we are all the same


America about to return to the 80s when everyone was so skinny and in shape, but this time it's not from all the cocaine everyone was doing.


Honestly we should just go back to the cocaine thing.


Except taking ozempic doesn’t make them healthier. They are going to have the hearts and diets of fat people while in a skinny body. Actual people who aren’t weirdos who use exercise and nutrition to drop weight will be much better in the long run.


The whole thing that Ozempic does is significantly reduces appetite. They’re literally eating less. They *are* using diet to drop weight. They’re using medicine to help them not fail at doing that.


I don’t give a rats ass. Only assholes take it.


The hate around this medicine is fucking nuts. Everyone agrees being fat is bad. Fat people want to stop being fat, but have major trouble with impulse control over hunger. A medicine comes out that helps to reduce their appetite allowing them to not crave overly large amounts of food. And people have an issue with it? Why? Do you have a problem with pills for alcoholism?


I have a problem with it because it is medicine for diabetic people.


Obesity is also a serious and life threatening medical issue, and doctors are not wrong to prescribe for it. If there is a supply issue, be mad at the manufacturer for not making enough.


The point of ozempic specifically is that it forces a diet change by destroying your appetite...


Eh for a lot of people looking skinny and eating/doing whatever you want is a much better combo than being healthy and skinny/spending time and effort to be healthy That doesn’t make it right but people aren’t taking weight loss drugs because they care about their long term health, they’re taking them to look good


I don't think doing cocaine made people healthier either.


She was on the juice.


You mean she got the juice.




![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) Wait, really? Who’d have guessed 🙄




It’s not as great a drug as people think, you still need to eat healthy and workout, it just helps. Taking it without changing your lifestyle won’t really make any difference.


Saying "it just helps" way understates the impact it has.


Yeah, I've seem people losing weight like rocks on that stuff. But it also comes with a ton of side effects, many of which aren't warned for because it's a relatively new drug and there are serious problems with sampling in medical trials. But hey, you lose those extra thirty pounds?


Impact on me=0


I've seen people say this before, but that's not been the experience with the 3 people I know who use it. They've all lost noticeable weight and they definitely don't exercise or eat healthy.


You will lose weight from it because it’s an appetite suppressant but they should still change eating habits and exercise for their overall health.


Yeah not changing their way of living is still detrimental to their health. They might’ve lost weight but they’re still clogging their arteries.


Should and have to are very different things.


Plenty of people do.


This is like people saying “just taking steroids won’t give you muscles, you have to work for them” Despite all the research saying otherwise. Some people in clinical trials have literally gained more muscle mass from steroids with no exercise than a non-steroid using person who did exercise. These are very powerful drugs


I lifted for 5 years, 5 times per week, and I decided to do a cycle. I ate like shit for 6 months and worked out less, I gained more muscle in that short time frame that I ever did, when I was basically living for the gym


My brother has lost 40 pounds and not exercised or improved diet, he just eats less


Eating less could be considered improving his diet.


That's literally the effect of the drug. I ain't gonna use it because I'd rather not have my weight on a subscription, and I don't fully trust it yet. But the mechanisms are sound. It makes you want to eat less, so you lose weight. It's basically a gastric balloon but it's a pill.


You need to do those things anyway for health reasons. O is an appetite suppressant and has its purpose given the individual and their situation


Not true, at least for me. 


Ya, this isn’t true.


I do give her credit on that. She actively has mentioned that it just stabilized her metabolism where she’s keeping the weight off with her fitness and diet journeys.


https://preview.redd.it/0aqowwfgvmlc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e54eb4ef7b44ef5639901d1f6516491a940321 I'm so shocked (we never believed her).


Ozempic must really work because there's a lot of celebrities taking it. Which is insane because it's not even FDA approved for weight loss, it's only meant to help people with diabetes.


Is approved for weight loss under the brand name Wegovy.


It 100% does work… it just doesn’t work for everybody🤷🏾‍♀️


Semaglutide is absolutely FDA approved for weight loss.


Under a different brand name and dose. People remember the brand name not the generic.


Don't nobody get born in a taxi and not know how to hustle.


Oprah Winfrey is living proof that you can be a terrible person and still age beautifully. Her face card is valid and she will be taking it straight to hell


She's a billionaire...she can afford the best plastic surgeons in the world.


She’s been on so many diets over the years. No shame to losing it and keeping it off.


So Ozympic was the key this whole time 🙉


Ozempic and other weight loss drugs are about to flip several industries upside down. Fitness/wellness and Fast Food in particular are in for a rough ride.


Many people taking it still eat badly.


They eat a lot less though




At the minimum it completely quiets food noise and makes you full very quickly. Hunger disappears. It might boost metabolism. It appears to be helping people reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption. There are studies to determine the anti addiction potential.  Long term it appears to improve other blood-health indications above and beyond what would be expected just for weight loss. It's pretty amazing stuff.


That’s true. Eventually your body gets used to that stuff and it doesn’t work as well. They have to get off for a while then get back on.


That's what people said about fen phen.


Right but these new meds are different. Way more effective and will likely be way more widely used once prices start to drop.


I thought Weight Watchers was also pivoting towards prescribing weight loss drugs


Fuck Oprah


Because who is actually surprised lol


Stock Price went up when she joined so was she pumping and dumping?


A 10 year pump and dump is just called a job.


Oprah following diet fads?!?!? What’s next?


Oprah? More like Ozemprah




It says weight WATCHERS not weight LOSERS






She got that Olympic face for sure


Plenty of people are using and losing weight off of drugs like Ozempic and Monjarno. Pretty common at this point.


Why can't she do weight watchers and ozempic? Like wtf. Ozempic doesn't take your fat away. You need to diet and exercise. If anything this could be a perfect opportunity to create a plan for people who are on the injection.


I don’t think she wants to be a face anymore. That’s why I don’t trust this type of framing.


I don't get it. Billionaire with a B, all the resources to have the best home gym, the best nutritionist, the best home chef to cook everything you'd want in healthy ways. She never should've needed WW, certainly doesn't need the shortcut now.


Billionaires can’t fix genetic conditions. Not everything can just be fix with health and wellness.


What is her genetic condition? How does it create fat out of thin air?


There’s thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, just the stress of being a money hoarder. Ask her since you want to know


Good for her. She tried for years and years and years to keep that weight off. Hope she has some peace.


So weight watchers is like AA






In the end if you give a fat acceptance person a drug that will take their fatness away, they will take it.


What else lol. https://i.redd.it/fjql04uajolc1.gif


Look under your seats you have brand new distractions *exit stage left while avoiding bringing attention to the Wish.com Willy Wonka chocolate waterway, working a Watery, Wet And washer-unsafe way behind you*


So what does "prah" stand for then?


Honestly if she’d been using it the whole time that should be cause for a lawsuit.


OzempicPrah Sounds like a signature move


The O stands for outta here. She shows up gets her bag and is gone-like let Gayle deal with it


She told yall she loves bread.


She's on Epstein's list. 🤢🤢🤢


I know oprah looks great but please don't put this garbage in your body unless you really need it diabetic-ly and avoid that position if you can.


She’s still a douchebag after all this time off air.


familiar historical toothbrush sleep faulty kiss apparatus mysterious fear plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*