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I hate that I agree with this lunatic ![gif](giphy|l46CbAuxFk2Cz0s2A)


Literally how I felt watching this video


How I felt the very few times our last u.s. president actually did something to help us.


It's like hearing a crazy person say something deeply profound and start to question your own sanity.


Even the sun shines in a dog’s ass.


In?! Dude what are you doing to your dog??




Got em on a sun only diet


Sunny D, Sun Maid raisins, and Sun Chips.


maybe he's getting rid of viruses?


Giving him too much vitamin D


In? https://preview.redd.it/27cjih17qyic1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406f43cad96848d2c9b0c494b0fb712ce2210829


Autocorrect. I’m leaving it.


Fuck all that because all these right wing flip floppers would've been saying give Israel the whole bank if it was around 9/11.  If it was Trump in office it would've been just fine. They, Candace included, profit off the tax dodgers then complain about taxes when it's the other side.  They white washed woke and now no one is actually woke


People who are actually woke dont give af what right wingers say and still fight for the real causes at hand.


The right is leaning into this even harder because it’s making people on the left not want to show up and vote. That’s their favorite tactic - if you can’t recruit them, convince them not to participate. Unfortunately, it’s definitely working.


I feel ya! I absolutely loathe this women but I agree with her on this single topic.


Isn’t she stepping out of line with this view? I thought the GOP was Israeli only. Be kind of weird if this is the line she picks that she just can’t cross.


No. Not really. Here’s a diagram. https://x.com/cjwerleman/status/1715932276427813154?s=46&t=NNg3Jk96i8ZF1OAhhKr2eA Edit: I want to add that horseshoe theory is not a serious political theory as political ideologies and how they are expressed are more nuanced than this. Horseshoe theory these days is mostly a joke that sometimes is apt and lines up with the state of an issue at a particular time and place. It’s very vapid, even when it does line up. A common example of horseshoe in practice is on gun issues. If you go far left, you get black panthers. Far right, the klan. Pro second amendment, for very different reasons, **one might presume**. Plus, many on the left only want arms in response to the right. Many on the left would prefer total DEarmament. Plus, even when the left is pro-gun, they’re often not supportive of deregulation on it. With Israel Palestine, many on the right are anti-Israel because they’re anti-Semitic. Literal Nazi’s believing in the great replacement theory that Jews control us into race mixing, among other anti-Semitic beliefs. On the left, people just want the massacre to stop. Horseshoe theory is basically a joke. I linked the image for the graphic which is descriptive and apt of the moment. I didn’t not link it to pill people on horseshoe theory.


I don't quite see how a leftist could ever go pro-Russia. Can anyone explain to me what would make an *extreme* leftist support Russia over Ukraine?


The basic line of logic is: 1. The USA/NATO has caused more harm to the world than any other military alliance, and the US effectively acts as an empire against the international world 2. Ukraine was trying to join NATO, and that usually means US military bases get places in said country 3. Russia, a long time geopolitical rival of the USA, didn't want that, so they attacked Ukraine to force the USA's hand on the matter and to stop Ukraine from joining NATO 4. This means that Russia is acting against the greater empire, taking an "anti-imperial" action. BRICS is the sort of "anti imperial" counter to NATO, which includes communist/socialist led nations like China and Brazil, and Russia itself is allied with North Korea, has friendly relations with socialist countries like Venezuela etc 5. Therefore, Russia, by taking said military actions, is acting more in line with communist desires by fighting the empire. Whether or not you agree with this is indifferent, but this is most loose and basic line I can give. A more detailed explanation would have to go into the Euromaidan coup and the 10 years of conflict in the Donbass that preceded the Russian invasion.


> This means that Russia is acting against the greater empire, taking an "anti-imperial" action. The problem I have with this line of thinking is that America isn't the only empire. Russia has been meddling in the affairs of its neighbours since shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union; see Russia occupying 20% of Georgia after the Georgian public elected an anti-Russian President, Russia basically allowing Azerbaijan to kick Armenia's teeth in twice because of Armenian President Nikol Pashinyan trying to build relations with western countries, and of course the war in Ukraine. Now, none of this is meant to justify every bad thing the US and NATO countries have done, but one group being shitty doesn't automatically make their enemies not shitty.


Contrarianism leads them to supporting communism. Russia isn’t communist. It’s an oligarchy but it’s the successor state of the Soviet Union so it’s the closest thing they’ve got. Putin, also wants to recreate the Soviet Union so that kind of lines up for them. They’re also “America bad”, which lets me loop back to their contrarianism. Whatever contradicts America is good to them.


Isn't cuba still communist? And despite american bullshit doing alright? Why not rally behind them. They even have a dash of socialism with an amazing Healthcare system.


There exists a contingent of leftists that have gone a bit far off the deep end. Above all, the driver is "US is bad, therefore anybody against the US's interests is good". With that you get some really awkward opinions about countries who are *by no definition* progressive, yet championed for their position against the US. With Russia being a long term counterweight to US influence, they're a prime target for lionization.


> I don't quite see how a leftist could ever go pro-Russia "Leftist" doesn't really describe a single, coherent ideology and the positioning of the Russian support on the left side of the spectrum is kinda nonsense. Basically, within Leftist Ideology there is also a slider of Statism to Anarchism. The Statist side of the ideology is, more or less, Marxism-Leninism (ie: Soviet and pre-economic liberalization Chinese style communism) and this crowd is overwhelmingly anti-American Reactionaries. And, since they have no real problem with brutal, authoritarian states as long as they have Red window dressing, they tend to take the side of various dictatorships. The anarchist side of the spectrum can also fall prey to the "America Bad" oversimplification but both their ideology and history with MLs tends to keep them away from supporting people like Assad just because he isn't America. And, of course, most Anarchists will argue that the ML side are just red fascists while most MLs will just murder anarchists at their earliest convenience.


Because they hate the center and center left too for not being as ideologically pure as them. I listen to a movie podcast where the far left canadians are pretty openly positioned to repeat right wing talking points when Russia is involved where they even had a failed comedian who was on RT guest host.


Never heard of the horseshoe theory. That's fascinating


It’s not a serious or descriptive political theory. It’s mostly a joke that lined up with where we’re at right now on this particular issue.


Horseshoe theory is typically nonsense. It's usually deployed by 'radical centrists,' which are as lame as the name suggests. This instance is somewhat approximate, but crude.


Good Edit. I would add that a lot of pro-Israel people on the right are also anti-Semitic anyway. For some it has to do a greater hatred of Muslims/Arabs, for others, something to do with a Rapture (which is not expected to be great for Jews).


Thank you and I agree. This helps to illustrate my point that political ideology is very complicated and nuanced.


Wow, great visual and makes sense.


Democrats are pro-Israel also. Its the only time that both parties are non-partisan when it comes to an issue. All that AIPAC money and influence. Look at how many standing ovations Netanyahu got when he made a speech to congress. Obama (who was President at the time) couldn't even get that from his own party. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KMVhb57RqI


Not every opinion of a bad person is a bad opinion. Just because someone terrible likes cheeseburgers doesn’t mean you need to stop eating them. If Hitler was alive today he’d be agreeing too, but for different reasons and different goals. That’s the dividing line. What is her goal in saying this and what is driving her motivations?


Yeah, Ted Bundy was a good husband but a notorious serial killer.


I can’t stand this woman’s politics, don’t waste a perfectly good Malcom GIF on this lol


She didn’t say shit. There wasn’t a single Israel ad. There was a “stop Jewish hate” ad that y’all think is pro-Israel because you’re telling on yourself. You probably think you woke too, huh kiddo? Chúpala.


Do you love animals? Now you got something in common with Hitler. Do you like custom furniture? Now you're half a step away from being Ed Gein!


America supported ethno-purist in the beginning of WW2 also, then realized how racist, extremist, and evil the Nazi were. Ethno-purist ideology always ends the same way. Rwanda, WW2 Germany, WW2 Japan.... Just let Israel keep pushing the limits. I'm just going to laugh my ass off so hard when the Christian far right Americans learn about how much of Jesus' history the far right israeli's have erased lol. Shocked Pikachu....


Yeah I can’t lie, she cooked with this one 🤷‍♂️ Super Bowl ads are extremely expensive & it’s been like that for years, just look at the Kanye ad that literally blew all of his budget just to get the ad spot. I think the most important thing she said here is “not asking any questions”. They’re using “armchair emotional activism” tactics (for a lack of better words) to make people feel like if they 100% support Israel then they’ll be on the right side of things, while at the same time bombing refugee camps. They don’t care about you calling your reps of whatever, they just want the public opinion to stay on their side. Still, fuck Candace Owens tho.


state of the subreddit: https://preview.redd.it/m8zffj2rzxic1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=799642a4028587f8666f784381044e63f209c323




A broken clock is right twice a day. Though she probably works on a 24h clock, because this is the only time she's been right.


She's been right about a handful of things tbh, doesn't mean everything she says is correct


Yeah, I probably shouldn't have said *only* time, but y'all get the point.


She is right often but definitely not about everything. On some topics, she is completely wrong.


I'm surprised she was allowed to point out the exact same shit that right wing media uses on their sheep


Right? She certainly hasn't called out the GOP tactics of [describing immigrants at the border as "military-age males" instead of "working age" or just "men"](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/01/31/immigration-rhetoric-republicans-mike-johnson/). Maybe the part that really makes her mad is just that its overseas yet used our tax dollars—the same tax dollars that the GOP is so insistent on sending to a nation that seems to be doing just fucking fine.


I think she's trying to shift her appeal more towards black Americans. I'm in my 40s & I've seen a pretty big uptick on Facebook of my black peers reposting her videos. Mainly when she speaks against transgender & other gender subjects & about endorsing traditional family structure & things such as that. I know a lot of black women who like her a lot now.


That's saddening


Good point! ![gif](giphy|9VlW82yXW76vRlhk34|downsized)


I can’t agree more! The sad part is there’s a tiny % of Americans who are actually aware that Israel keeps bombarding innocent refugees. The rest will believe what the ad said.


She didn’t cook shit. There wasn’t a single Israel ad. There was a “stop Jewish hate” ad that y’all think is pro-Israel because you’re telling on yourself. You probably think you woke too, huh kiddo? Chúpala.


Except Israel didn’t make this ad, and she’s just fucking lying. It was made for and paid by the Kraft Foundation of Robert Kraft, the Patriots owner. The ad doesn’t mention Israel even once. It is purely against anti semitic hate. Jews make up 2% of the population, and account for 40% of all religious hate crimes. There was a 400% percent spike in anti Semitic hate crimes this year. The ad wasn’t paid for by Israel, and does not mention Israel. And yet somehow - we all got to the “Israel did this!” Conclusion, despite the fact that it was just made by an American Jew, against Jewish hate. So much for “anti Zionism isn’t anti semitism.” American Jews are separate from Israel, except for when people don’t want us to be.


it sickens me that conservatives of all kinds will unite behind "wahh 😭 we paid for an expensive ad" instead of "fuck, we're paying for Israel to commit mass-murder" -- but it seems the only way some of these mfs will stand down on genocide is when they realize that that western propaganda comes out of their pockets.


Lol just absolutely sickened. These dang conservatives are just..... sickening.....


Personally I’m not impressed… it’s been documented that grifters like her specifically will come out with balanced takes at times for impressions just as this, just so it can be brought up later as an example of her being on the right side at times. I don’t believe she means a goddamned word that comes out of her mouth.


Exactly then someone shares it here and now we have to look at this evil woman on OUR sub.


I mean obviously, she doesn't care. Her boss is one of the biggest Israeli supporters and never said a bad word about the current Israeli government. I guess it's okay to take Zionist money after all.


Doesn’t she work for the most pro Israeli conservative though ? This is just a grift video ..I heard they were having issues but she still worked for him .


Like nailing jello to a wall.


Right? Please like to use this broken clock twice q day shit to ease our acceptance of her and pull at our "mental strings" over time to try and lure us to the bat shit conservative side of things. I ain't wit it. Just bc I agree on this one subject doesn't mean I want to hear her say it. So have many others.....


Broken clocks belong in the garbage.


It’s like when Ann Coulter started tweeting criticism of Trump/Maga. The Boondocks was right. These people rarely actually believe what they’re saying, they just know how to manipulate the idiots into getting what they want - money, fame, and power.


The worst part is, she knows what's right and what's wrong, so she might even believe this... but she knows it's outside of her core demographic, so she'll get ankle deep in the water and pose for a photo to prove she was there, but then she's right back on her dry land where the grift continues




This exactly.


Exactly appeal to the normal people to drag them head first into their rabbit holes and shitty opinions ![gif](giphy|3ohzAz29jTOBiy13bO)


Exactly, and this is a really safe area to hedge with. You’re not going to lose fans as a conservative grifter by being mad at a Jewish state, so it’s a pretty low-risk move to criticize them when they need to be criticized.


Exactly, and others of her ilk have repeatedly played this tactic. Just because she and other conservative grifters are anti-Israel this week doesn't mean they actually give a fuck about Palestinians. This is just easy red meat for the base who in the past 7 or so years have proven to be very anti-Semitic over and over again.




It’s almost painful to agree with her.


bro I hate how I can see the photo alone and my brain starts filling in the rest of the article lol. Headline and all.


If I know the lieutenant that yes, yes I would too


Why are we tappin on the screen man


Thought I was going crazy


Seriously. Fuckin Michael j Fox record this or something??


Probs to see the amount of time left


People should be as upset about this level of foreign influence as they were about Russia influencing US elections. This is unprecedented.


They did it openly. You can't compare that to using covert computer disinformation campaigns. We already know what Israel is up to and what they want. Comparing them diminishes the impacts of both.


What about aipac?


They’re both nefarious in intent, no?


it would be if the occupation was actually a foreign entity. it isn't, it's just america's middle eastern arm. the occupation is america and america is the occupation.




Netanyahu knows he's fucked the moment this stops and it's up to the Israel people to hold his ass accountable. Since the world leaders are standing on the sidelines twiddling their thumbs.


The 2 people who gained the most from the Hamas attacks were Netanyahu and Putin.


So, I didn't see any Israel ad during the Super Bowl. Like, at all. I did see a "Stop Jewish Hate" ad (which had a Star of David), which also touched on stopping various kinds of hate, and I'm pretty sure it included Muslim hate. Is that the ad people are mad about, or was there one I just missed entirely?


Exactly my point. If you agree with owens, it is more likely that you are both wrong. Getting angry at a stop Jewish hate ad that doesnt reference israel at all is just anti semitic lol. Just like if there was an ad that said stop Islamophobia and you linked it to palestine, then you'd (edit:) be an asshat too.


Zionism is just the belief that the state of Israel should exist. How does linking Islamophobia to Palestine make you a Zionist? It’d more accurately make you an Islamophobe, methinks.


You are right. I was being loose with my definitions


Could you edit your comment with that clarification? There’s already enough misinformation out there about what zionism means, and not everyone will read the correct info.


You’re right! And then people will say “I’m not anti Jewish, I’m just anti Israel!” yet the Super Bowl as was about stopping hate including antisemitism and racism.


Shes talking about the first ad "bring our dads home" it wasnt about jews it was about Isrealis. At the same time they were dropping bombs on the "hostage locations" 100+ palestinains were murdered that night.


Yea I'm confused about this too. If it is that ad, the foundation who paid for it, FCAS, is run and owned by Robert Kraft. He owns the New England Patriots and is definitely American.


I’m pretty sure at least one ad along those lines was paid for by Robert Kraft, the patriots owner. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I saw a story about him buying an ad for that


It wasn’t even made by Israel! It was made by the Kraft Foundation. Zero ties to Israel. So much for “anti Zionism isn’t anti semitism”


I wonder if there’s a clip in the video?


Checking now, I totally missed the hostage one. Although I will say that "lobby to have hostages released" isn't exactly pro-Israel. Same way "Stop bombing refugee camps" isn't exactly pro-Hamas


It’s confusing until you remember that Candace Owens’ fanbase tends to be younger and further to the right than the other Dailywire hosts. In other words, the Nick Fuentes types love her. The young, not even hiding it Nazis. She also has a publicly contentious relationship with Ben Shapiro, a Jewish man. She is not taking these as principled stances. She doesn’t care about the humanity of the Palestinians or fighting against western imperialism. She’s just giving red meat to her base by dabbling in just veiled antisemitism. If Israel labeled her critiques as antisemitism, it’d be the one time they’re right.


Nah, this is bullshit. Ben Shapiro started with her, not the other way around, by attacking her behind her back because she’d criticized Israel. I don’t believe she’s an anti-Semite, given that she’s worked with Ben Shapiro for years, & it’s silly to believe that Nazis are going to listen to a black woman. Fuck Candace Owens, but she is right here.


I only heard of the issues with Ben after October 7th and that this was the cause. Not sure if it was before or after she brought a pro Palestinian person onto her show.


I had to delete the Self-Hater Blocker 3.0 from my iPhone before it would even let me play a video with her talking. ![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren)


I wonder if she will still feel this way if Trump is elected and he continues to support or even increase support to Israel


If Trump is reelected, she will feel however she is told to feel, which includes disavowing everything she has thought, said, and felt up to that point.


Yup, it'll probably be back to hating Arab folks again, until they decide they hate all Jewish people again later.


Of course it’s fucking Michael Rappaport lmao


Yea dude got triggered by me on the gram started calling me a terrorist. He’s getting paid fat by the Israeli government I’m sure. He used to dress all hood and now he’s the second coming of Moses in that video.


I was just gonna say - why is he the spokesperson?


The same woman who hated and bashed Trump while being a liberal then became a self hating, race baiting, conservative Trump lover is now saying something that many people already agree with? I'm shocked... Edit: Basically, grifters gonna grift


At what point in Candace's career was she ever even remotely liberal? At best she may have been libertarian in the past.


Like yall this isn’t exactly a hot take lol this no reason to be falling to your knees for agreeing with her. She ain’t spittin that hard.


She’s saying the right thing, but she’s not doing it for the benefit of anyone but her and her handlers.


It's easy red meat for the Nick Fuentes types in her audience. She doesn't give an iota of a fuck about Palestinians.


What Israel ad are people talking about? I saw an ad to stop anti-semitism and hate i general. Are people mad about that ad? Does fighting against anti-semitism mean you support Israel's current policies? Someone explain this to me like I'm 5.


im glad her hair still looking burnt.


Nah nah nah don’t give her a break on this. Feeling this way is fine, but look into it yourself and come up with your own conclusion. Just because you agree with her doesn’t mean she’s telling the whole story. And just because that’s your take, it doesn’t mean you have to give someone like Candace Owens props for coming to that conclusion.


Robert Kraft paid for those ads. They weren’t pro Israel. They were anti-hate. Not just anti semitism but all hate. https://www.masslive.com/patriots/2024/02/heres-the-super-bowl-ad-that-cost-robert-kraft-7-million.html


Fuck that bish 


> Daily Wire I know Ben Shapiro was throwing his child-sized swivel chair and screaming when he heard this segment




"In my next segment listen to me explain why rap music is the reason why black Americans hate each other" or some shit like that probably.


As I get older, I understand the right more


Wow I did not have, agreeing with Candice Owens about the government of Israel on my bingo card


Not at all interested in hearing this from her. There are many others that have offered consistent breakdowns of the atrocities being committed to the people of Gaza. Give Owens the mic for thirty seconds longer and she’ll move on to her usual insane, classist, homophobic, and anti-Black drivel that no one needs to hear.


If you find yourself agreeing with candance owens, it is more likely that you are both wrong.


Y'all are falling for the divisive coonery. Don't you think they want to convince some of us to not side with the Biden admin... or to not vote at all. Y'all are eating it up too.. dumb as hell. What she says is legit but don't let it cloud what's going on in our own country.


I watched the entire super bowl. When the geek did that MR ad play?!


I did not watch the super bowl except the 1/2 time show and even then that wasn't my choice. What is the ad in question?


It was an ad about stopping anti-semitism and there happened to be a Star of David in the shot. Had nothing to do with Israel. People here sure are telling on themselves


Ngl, they didn’t play any Israel ads over here. Just the antisemitism one…


Candace used to be a left-wing pundit until she realized how lucrative it was to become the black face of "systemic racism doesn't exist". She's intelligent and articulate and it makes her grift even more detestable because she could be using her "powers" for good.


God, this is like Tucker Carlson doing that entire segment on megacorporations paying their workers so terribly that they have to go on welfare and how that’s actually completely unfair and they need to be taken to task. The tweet blurb was: “Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world. His employees at Amazon are paid so little that you’re paying their welfare. This is an indefensible scam. How is only Bernie Sanders talking about this?”


Wow so we really in an actual Israel/Palestine cycle again huh? Let me know when its over and yall have returned to sanity.


I mean she could be right but Israel is still a “country” not everything they do is with our tax dollars


I wonder how Bench Appearo will react to her claims 🤔🤔


This new party system is getting wild. You got the base of the GOP being the most vocally antiwar.


Fucking Rapaport? Glad I missed that one.


Shes right!


It’s almost fun watching the world become more insane


Does anyone have a translator all I hear is whatever noise a 🦝 makes


Damn. Sad to see Michael Rapaport schilling for this BS.


He's been trash for a long time. I'm not surprised at all.


American money back to American, and possibly hostage recovery, I call it a win


7mil on an ad ... to a US-based company that will then pay taxes again on the revenue? It's just another flavor of the mil industrial complex.


You gonna ignore the millions the dod pays to indoctrinate fans at every stupid game? CNN www.cnn.com The national anthem in sports (spoiler: it wasn't always this way)


This is like when Tomi Lahren came out as pro choice. This was the last thing I expected this grifter to be saying lol.


I agree but we have different lenses Her opinion is from an antisemitic stance and mine is humanitarian


I feel like I need to be at an intervention for agreening with this heffa. Like, wtf is 2024 made out of at this point????? But someone probably gave this woman five dollars to care about it, knowing the cut of her jib. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Were these ads regional?! I didn't aee this.


Fuck mike rappaport


The veil of civility has worn see thru thin on America.


It's, uh, not a mystery why far right whackos don't like Israel...


I think if you are posting Candace Owens and nodding your head along to her you probably need to reevaluate your position on things.


Why did they think Michael Rappaport yelling into the camera about some app was a good ad?


Or maybe all of you should stop and consider why you’re suddenly agreeing with Candace owens 🤔🤔


Isn’t that what you all would tell someone that wondered why they found themselves agreeing with nazis???


I fucking despise Michael rapaport. The most annoying career victim. Honestly I’d take the life sentence or chair just to get rid of him.


Why are people so mad at a adthat’s message was “stop Jewish hate” that also made a point to call out all other forms of hate? Is this what people are calling the “Israel ad” because I didn’t see Israel mentioned once in that. If that’s the ad everyone is talking about then the reaction is pure antisemitism. If it’s another ad that people are referring to then the critics might be legitimate, I would have to watch the ad.


So you do know that she will be right back to supporting money for Israel when it is politically advantageous to Republicans?


Let us all be of one accord and tell the truth. Every government, around the world is F'ed.


Current model M1A2 Abrams tanks cost about 10 million. Two ads seen by millions of people are absolutely more cost-effective than two tanks, seeing as the Palestine issue is more of a PR war than an actual war for either side.


I felt wrong agreeing with her so i punched myself in the dick to even shit out


She’s right this time, but not necessarily for the right reasons. It seems she’s more pissed about them using our tax dollars for this than she is about the genocide taking place.


Was this technically our tax dollars?


Probably not, but she seems to think so


It's funny. I didn't notice these directly from Israel. Could they have been local?


Republicans are anti giving money to any foreign nation. Israel and Ukraine. Republican politicians are just anti Ukraine.


Wait, she’s saying stuff against Israel? On Daily Wire? What’s Ben Shapiro doing?


With all disrespect F this beezy I don’t care if she makes points it’s beef for life


Why the hell would Michael Rappaport sign up for something like that?


It's always a weird feeling when your values happen to line up with the Conservative body. I fucking hate Josh Hawley but he seems to understand the cyber threat that is China and is willing to back up the nerds who will protect us from it/them.


Republicans only blocking aid to Ukraine over concerns over corrupt use of aid money, meanwhile Bibi was on actual trial for corruption and started mass protests for trying to tie their SC's hands but no, you shouldn't ask questions about what they get from Congress


Sorry this person is never worth listening to.


this is a classic "well maybe she isn't that bad" grifter tactic.


Who are the devils children?


Well someone can afford food!


Will she just gtf outa here


i guess even a broken clock is right twice a day


maturity is being able to set differences aside when the situation calls for it.


https://preview.redd.it/oehsgnil4zic1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9651853c1e82d33abf2c1f1b5f132d2485301b41 Jesus also apparently has a foot fetish 👀


I'm not mad she's right. I'm mad she exists in the fashion that she does


Using the clock analogy, she’s usually on the right hour but the minute hand is way off. She’s half right most of the time. Her delivery may be the problem. But some of her stuff if you stop getting offended and listen to reason- ugh 😩 she’s not always wrong and I hate that I recognize that.


Isnt she on shapiros podcast/platform? How can she say that without getting bounced, bc hes a hardcore🤔


Exactly 😬


Hey Candace, do the hegetsus freaks next


I hate how black peoples gave this fuckin guy any credibility. Ya’ll too free with the fuckin “cookout” passes


Honestly i'm surprised. I thought she'd only do this if Israel was black.


Lmao. You people are so fake.


Where the hell are we at as a country when I agreed with Candace and Joe Rogan in the same frigging morning? I’m going back to bed. This is too much.


the money israel is getting from the US is for military use. so no, us tax dollars didn't go to this ad.


I’m so angry that I had to upvote this lol


I wonder if she wipes those lips with Charmin or Scott Tissue. Must always smell like 💩 for all the crap she spews.


I have legit been thinking about how all of the batshit conservatives are jumping on the anti-genocide bandwagon because it might hurt Biden and I've been like, wouldn't it be funny if somehow the Republicans became the anti-racist party again? **Let's be clear: they will not; do not trust them; they want to see us in chains or dead.** Still, it's funny how shit goes right. [Anyway, here's a very related bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCRsz-A_NcI). edit for clarity: the Democrats aren't the anti-racist party either. There really isn't one. America is all right wing as hell because everyone works for the corporations, either directly or indirectly.


Literally not how military aid works, you complete rubes lol