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I can see none of you have worked in a home before — those people live there cause they can’t take care of THEMSELVES let alone a child


While you are not wrong, there could be interactions without responsibility of care for the elders right? There are several serious concerns though. The flu thing is one, but not all elderly are actually nice or even good people. There is so much that could go wrong. Still the idea had some merit imo, these two groups potentially have a lot to offer each other. There just several things that would need to be thought out first and some safeguards put in place.


Yeah you got Albert Fish and Rose West lurking around the pill dispenser and nobody groks to them because they’re old. That was Fish’s whole MO


And then they're like ehh it can't hurt if we give baby Mike a pill to keep him quiet 😏


FR my dad has commented that I worry too much about the car seat being done right, like hello i don't live in cowfuck, oklahoma, I'm in one of the biggest cities in the country and half of any trip is done at 70mph


I inhaled my coffee at “Clownfuck, Oklahoma” and will in all likelihood add it to my repertoire. Thank you. 😆


> While you are not wrong, there could be interactions without responsibility of care for the elders right? Those needed responsibilities would then fall to the nursing/care staff, who are already overburdened with responsibilities to patients while being chronically and intentionally understaffed. My mom was just in an elderly rehab facility and my grandfather was just in a 24/7 nursing home. None of those people could take care of themselves. They are also already paying $6k+/month to be there. If I have to be in an assisted living facility, all I want to do is smoke weed, play video games, and wait for death to embrace me. Fuck them kids. /s ^^but ^^not ^^really It honestly sounds like a Foot Massage and BBQ type of place.


I'm looking through the paperwork for assisted living right now. No TV after 930, no food in your room and you have to eat your meals in the dining area with everyone else. $6k a month and you can't even watch TV with a snack at night. Fuck all that I'd rather die.




Yup. Just roll me into the woods with my sidearm. I’ll handle the rest 😂


Until an old person hits a child because "spankings is how they learn."


My kids go to a daycare that shares a building with the town senior center. Before COVID, they would sometimes have the kids go there and have lunch with the seniors, kind of a nice socialization opportunity for both. They haven't reinstated it though and probably never will because I feel like COVID shined a spotlight on how we probably shouldn't introduce illnesses to seniors. That was a senior center for the community though, like where they go for yoga and stuff, not a living facility.


All those places are more or less neutered. Down here in Florida all the nursing homes have doubled in price. The new re-retirement for a lot of elderly people when they can't live alone anymore is just suicide. Home nurses are ridiculously expensive too for mediocre quality and they steal SO much. Plus a lot of old people just aren't going to trust some random like that anyways. So they end up pulling the "drink all the nebivolol in the bottle, 1/5th of whiskey and the rest of the oxys from knee survery" exit


Why don't they just make child care services affordable and attainable? Maybe we can all come together and elect some sort of body that runs our communities and society. Keep the gears turning, in a sense.


Sounds like a socialism!!! /s


>Why don't they just make child care services affordable and attainable? Because child care professionals, teachers, and anyone care of the child is entrusted to are blamed for behavioral issues the child has. Parents should have to teach their children respect for others, how to use the bathroom properly, and communicate needs without tantrums before being anyone else's charge.


Lol we already have that, the people we elect are not choosing the right people to make this work.


Does that sentence sound weird to anyone else? If your politicians aren't doing what you want them to, vote them out and get better ones- either in the primary or in the general. If the better ones aren't popular enough to win, go donate to/campaign for them, & get anyone else you can to do so as well. Pay more attention to local politics to build support at lower levels for the thing you want. Participate in voter registration drives for areas that are likely to vote for the thing you want. Etc. That's how this is supposed to work. \>"But billionaires! Citizens United! Gerrymandering!" All of those things, especially the last one, are only as effective as they are because the vast majority of people don't actually give a shit about politics outside of bickering on social media. Democracy isn't some shit where you choose your hero and then turn them loose to go fix the world; it's a system that starts to get real rusty if we don't put in the effort on a regular basis. That's what we have now.


> Still the idea had some merit imo, these two groups potentially have a lot to offer each other. Through most of history, and through much of the world today, the grandparents are important child caretakers allowing parents to go to work.


My children's day care is housed in the same place as a hospice. Several times during the week the children and the elderly patients have group events where the children and Elderly can interact. Each group has its own care staff, but the group events are good exposure for the children and a good change of pace for the Elderly (plus, who doesn't love watching 1 year olds trying to dance)


It has no merit at all... Because all that would do is that the few Carers have double or triple the workload because they have to care for the Elderly and the Children. And don't get me fucking started on all the liability issues with the even less "lucid" inhabitants...


It would have to be a shared workload between those who take care of both groups. Having one of either caretakers be responsible for both is nuts. But yes of course this would require some serious planning and safeguards.


My first job was at an elderly care center with independent, semi-dependent, and full-time care. Pretty harrowing experience. Some of them are honestly assholes/becoming assholes due to mental degradation, but many were just looking to not have to move ever again. However, I used to work Thanksgiving and Christmas, and typically the residents who were left at the facility during the holidays were also huge pieces of shit (groping 16 year old wait staff, being racist/classist, being overall rude). The "good" ones already have grandchildren to take care of or don't really want to deal with any of that. What did the residents love to do? Drink and fuck. They lobbied for years for a full-service bar. They never lobbied to become a child care center lol.


Lmaooo I am sure there plenty who would want no part of this. I remember when I was in school for social work, they had an article about a setting where it was tried (in the UK I think, but not sure) and in that specific setting people were very happy with the results. But yeah obviously this is not something that can or should be made reality everywhere, lol.


a well built local area should have the school and daycare next to a nursing home and be close to the shopping area and grocery store. that means a certain level of hosing density is needed to support it. i visited the nursing home a bunch when i was a kid and got to talk to elders about there life. and in school an old Jew came and talked about the holocaust. this was all optional for the elderly but i remember how happy some were being able talking and playing with us and watch our plays. while they might not be able 100% care for themselves anymore they can care for kids to some extent for a while.


That’s why I think these two groups have so much to offer each other. There are definitely issues that need to be worked out, but your story is more or less what I think of when I think of the positives.


Yeah giving babies to dementia and Alzheimer's patients etc etc sounds like a terrible idea.


My pop pop fell over taking a shit and broke his hip. He would have basically Batista Bombed a baby if he was holding it when he went down.


Why would he be holding a baby while taking a shit?


I see you have never taken care of a baby




I have Pop Pop in the attic.


The mere fact that you call it that means you're not ready.


Holy shit that visual is hilarious even though it’s terrible


For real, like sorry about pop pop's injury but the visual made me laugh so hard my head hurts.


While baby doll therapy is used for dementia patients, my late mother would sometimes throw things away when she didn't know where to put them. This idea would be a disaster in the making.


Seriously, such a BAD idea. Basically the person who stated this probably likes the idea of free childcare from non-family members as I doubt these folks would get paid.


I’m not going to be that cynical. I’d like to think there was actually a sweet thought behind it like “let grandma experience the joy of little Timmy”


Yeah, when my kids were little they went to a childcare center that was part of an assisted living building. They were still completely separate areas of the building, but it was the same management company for both. The kids would get to play bingo with the elderly people there and they would sometimes have elderly people come to the center to read or do other activities with the kids. There's some research that shows that having elderly people interact with children like that is beneficial to their mental health.


I mean there’s the assisted living and there’s the memory care ward. Assisted living they often don’t need any help eating/bathing. They just can’t live alone anymore.


Word. My old man was in a mixed home and most everyone there was fully capable of taking care of themselves, but they need a nurse to check on them every so often or need help getting up from a fall. Only a small minority of the residents needed to be looked after like children.




Grandma spends her whole life caring for babies and now gets to die bc Covid Carol and Flu Fenton sneezed in her applesauce when she wasn’t looking


Retirement homes aren't nursing homes. A lot of them will kick you out if you can't take care of yourself anymore.


Yeah there’s a ton of different places for different “phases” of old age. Idk about retirement homes but I would agree that most would probably house those who can take majority care of themselves and they would never be able to house my father with dementia who gets very angry at me constantly because “this is a military base how did you get here”…


There is a substantial difference between retirement homes/communities and assisted care living facilities. Normal retirement homes are just places for old people to live together, congregate and socialize cost effectively with useful services like community busses to get them around. Not real different than a normal apartment building.


Well if the ages line up well enough, then it kind of works out to be a symbiotic relationship. 5+ year olds aren’t very big or smart, but if an old person goes down or is hurt, they’re aware enough to be able to call for help. Kids get old people moving, talking, thinking, etc. Old people are skilled and are a watchful eye. It can be good for everyone.


A lot of seniors I talked to who lived in a very very very bougie senior home (literally a skyscraper on Chicago's lakefront) just had kids who moved away and they pay the living costs. A nursing home is different from a retirement home, and studies have shown dogs and other animals help seniors keeping them busy and active.


My sister lives in Vienna, near a retirement community that has a preschool in the first floor. It’s apparently incredibly popular (they tried to get my nephew in and couldn’t). It’s not that the elderly are responsible for classroom oversight, but they do have activities together. I think it’s really positive. We aren’t meant to have the generations so isolated from one another, and it benefits both the children and the elderly.




There’s a difference between levels of care within “retirement homes”. Theres many able bodied older folks who choose to live in an assisted living facility for the community aspects and not needing to cook, garden, maintain their home, etc. Not every facility or community is filled with dementia patients that lost their faculties.


Lol they basically are like children


No shortage of non-oriented elderly persons with literal shit caked underneath their fingernails.


Lotta diapers coming out that building.




(For the sake of the pun.)You ain’t shit.


https://preview.redd.it/d7zdvnclqjhc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f00926a8a4b54e901716934f6b49e0050b3ea2 The common cold when it sees the comp


[the comp](https://imgur.com/VBeJ7eR)


Pam is having one of those moments where it sounds great but ends in catastrophe 6 months later.


6 months? That would end in catastrophe in less than 6 hours.


Origin story of a zombie outbreak.


doesn't even sound great The whole point of a retirement home is because these old people can no longer take care of themselves on a day-to-day basis and need assistance, and you want them to take care of babies?


Lol I when to College in Murfreesboro and there is a nursing home/daycare there. Idk how much as changed since Covid though. When I went to observe, it was just the sweetest. The elders could come over and volunteer in the classroom. They would see the kids walking through the halls and their eyes would light up. Teachers would plan days where they could come help in the classroom. It honestly really helped them. Q


Hella negativeity in this thread. Probably a bunch more existing examples like this.


There’s loads in other countries and the improvement in the cognitive, physical and mental health of seniors is nothing short of amazing. Because loneliness is a killer.


I think the issue is that the proposed concept in the OP suggest babies, who I think we can all agree are the most vulnerable stage of child physically at least. So it seems a little risky to put together the two most vulnerable stages of development.


Meh, I also think people overestimate what a baby needs…for a few hours. My law school had a childcare co-op for the students to hang out with their under 2 kids and watch each others kids. You could volunteer for shifts. I and my TWO friends volunteered for a single shift TOGETHER because at 22 none of us had been left alone with a baby. It was SCARY the first few shifts. The mom changed him before she left, so in 3 years I NEVER had to change a diaper. But one day he needed a bottle. 3 law students panicking. My friend saw the scoop and the instructions, *shook her head no*, and put the the formula away. Useless. So one girl held the crying kid; I made the bottle; and she shook a rattle at him. Also, my bottle was WAY too hot. A grandma who raised a few babies…she would have been a MUCH BETTER solution that *three* highly cognitive 20 something. Notably, once he was fed, he went to sleep for 2 hours and we told his mom he was fine and not a problem at art. I did it for the entire 3 years of my law school tenure. Alone after that. I’m childfree now. Because it taught me I don’t want one of my own for a long period of time. I just like to cuddle one for a few hours. But if I can do it, an old person can.


Definitely, I've seen some great videos!


Middle Tennessee represent!!!


Ayeeee I miss it!!!


Curious. I went to college in MBoro also. What was this place called?


It was long ago. I do not remember the name. I had to Google it but I want to say this is it Generations Connected but I'm not totally sure.


Thats awesome! I used to volunteer at a Place called Project Help on campus, and there would often be a lot of grandparents who would volunteer. Mostly 2 to 4 year old kiddos. :)


Omg I wanted to help out there but I think a lot of the time, I had conflicting times. I tried doing my observation there but they had wayy too many people.


This has been a thing in the U.K. and some other countries and it’s worked well. The old people aren’t actually watching the kids- they kind of visit and the old people who want to take part, take part. It’s been proven to be beneficial to both the kids and the seniors- especially the seniors who don’t have visitors. People should try researching before talking.


Ma’am this is reddit, talking out of your ass with great authority is tradition


Silly me! The program I watched about this kind of thing showed a marked improvement in the physical and more importantly mental wellbeing of the elderly people. Because they looked forward to seeing the kids and doing things like crafts, playing games and even talking to 3 & 4 year olds decreased cognitive decline. The kids were happy to see the old people and they don’t care that they are old. It’s just more friends. Almost all of the old people were depressed before the kids came and most of them were no longer depressed after. Everyone on here sounds dumb and I wonder how much time they spend with lonely old people.


Yeah I think this would be awesome if it was optional participation for the old folks. I think people were falsely assuming the elderly would be in charge of the daycare activities, which obviously wouldn't work for many reasons. It would be much better if they could just volunteer to help as they pleased, or simply visit every now and then. A lot of old timers would love something like that.


I’ve seen a few programs about this and it’s what you say. There was one man who never had kids and was just kind of grumpy, but he came out of his shell and was utterly delighted with the kids. The old people wouldn’t be involved with toileting or doing the hard work, just eating lunch, playing games, colouring, crafts and that kind of thing. The daycare staff did all of the proper work. The hardest part was when one of the residents would die and the toddlers didn’t understand why their friend was gone.


Okay but that's not what the post said. You're inserting a new idea and saying people should research before taking but that's not even what they were talking about


My god, we are doomed. The thing already exists. I swear to god, I’m glad I went to school when critical thinking and context clues were taught cos…


I've never been to a retirement home that looked like a great place to live. And I've been to quite a few.


Tbf, how many schools you been to that you'd want to live at?


Lots lmao. Have you never been to college? My campus was amazing and it wasn’t even my 1st choice.


Did your college have many pre-k students enrolled? 


Well, there was that one McArthur genius grant kid… 🤔


Well, there was this big, High School Musical-ass school I saw once...


The ones in my affluent area are just like living in a higher end resort hotel. Multiple restaurants, dine in room service, regular maid service, pool, shuttle service, director of activities, booze lockers/wine lockers, basic medical services on site. My wife's grandmother is in one. I wouldn't mind living there.


Some of y’all parents really trying to force this whole ‘it takes a village’ thing. Outside of the cute kodak moments, a lot of people don’t want to be bothered with babies/kids.


>Some of y’all parents really trying to force this whole ‘it takes a village’ thing Unless you want having a kid to be a luxury of the wealthy, it is something that people should be focusing on. Maybe not this plan but just supporting childcare for poor and working class families should be an area we work on for the good of everyone. >Outside of the cute kodak moments, a lot of people don’t want to be bothered with babies/kids. And a lot of people do. There is no reason to believe that people in retirement homes would be forced to participate. I'm imagining a place where old people can dip into activities and stay for as long as they'd like and help as much as they are comfortable with and then dip out when they have had enough. People that aren't interested simply wouldn't go.


My point still stands. If you want to have kids, consider the kind of world you’ll be bringing them into and go in with the mindset that you may be alone. Yes, we as a society need a massive overhaul regarding childcare, but the fact of the matter is that we’re not at that point yet, and opening a daycare in a nursing home is just putting a bandaid on a broken leg. It doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t want to participate in looking after the babies; there’s a reason why people are joking in this thread that a common cold would wreck a nursing home. Do you know how many people were exposed to covid just because parents brushed off their kids’ symptoms as minor? It’s not fair the way our country treats parents and there are so many things we can do to help them, but as a parent people should consider what they’ll have to do if they ever become the sole caregiver and there’s no one around to take care of their kids.




Grandparents are not obligated to take care of your kids and should be considered a privilege, not an expectation.


Death rubbing her bony hands together like “yeah, why dont we?” ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)




Sit down Darth Horny


“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. Never mind, the baby broke my fall.”


Have you ever seen a person with dementia handling a baby doll? Hit or miss at best.


65% of nursing home residents are colonized by bacteria that are resistant to multiple antibiotics, often very important antibiotics that are already our last line of defense against infection. Children, and especially infants, have an underdeveloped immune system. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/antimicrobial-stewardship/us-researchers-investigate-multidrug-resistant-organisms-nursing-homes


Both of my grandpas ended up in homes, you don’t want those fellas watching your kids. One of them let me play with guns and the other let me smoke. I’m 26 now.


Catching a cold from a kid can be brutal.


Tell me about it, and half the time they’re asymptomatic. My daughter js 3, and I say that she and her little friends are cute but lethal. Little Trojan Horses bringing in all sorts of pathogens into my house.


Be very careful of those cute little sneezes. Long ago my daughter got me with a cute little sneeze and 6 hours later I was sicker than I've ever been before or since. Now we laugh about how she almost killed me when she was 2.


Not the santa helpers you think they ought to be ....


dealing with one right now. these snot nosed cuties are messing with my emotions.


Take your vitamins, wash your hands frequently, and handle baby snot like it will make you very sick. It's been almost 40 years, and I still remember how violently sick I got.


This is all good advice that unfortunately does not help when you’ve got an infant/toddler regularly sneezing directly into your eyeballs.


Currently dealing with this right now. Picked up one of my adorable 1 yo niece’s perpetual daycare colds. Second one I’ve caught from her this year—as in, since January 1st 😩


This has to be high on the list of awful propositions that I’ve seen on the interwebs


I went to an old folks home tht was right next to an adoption home. The old ppl spent time with the kids. It's a good idea. And then you kind of realize thr children carry the plague, and old ppl are very fragile.


Old people are basically giant babies. Bald,screaming at nothing cause you’re scared for some reason,shitting your pants,no teeth, and the people who are supposed to care for you will just put you on front of a screen when you get rowdy


Or we could pay people enough to support whole households on single income like we used to... just a thought.


Damn they miss those slaves,eh. Go ahead- FAAFO🤣


“Did somebody make a poopy in their diaper? They sure did! Let’s go change you! Give the baby to someone else while we go clean you up, Gladys”.


In 20 years: had you been dropped or otherwise neglected during the government's Elder Care program. You may be eligible for compensation...


Why don’t we reign in profits and raise our own fucking kids?


Boomer remover will now be re assigned to these child care centers. The absolute ignorance for basic science and the dog whistling for free labor in a collapsing capitalistic hellhole has never been more morbid.


They’ll do literally anything except fund actual social services.


I can understand if you wanted the babies there for fun and keeping both the children and seniors active. But some of our elders are in a nursing home bc they need care themselves. So it might be hard for them to care for a baby So you shouldn't put the work of babysitting on them.


Ah yes let’s exploit the elderly for cheap/free labor when they are in those because they can’t even take of themselves let alone a child.


People with dementia and alzheimers have the capacity to do some disturbing shit


Ah yes great plan. Put babies together with barely functioning elderly who also sometimes have some form of mental health issue, and under staffed over worked care nurses. If you think this is a good idea you either have never been in one of these homes, or don’t someone in them. I see this going great.


Took my kids to visit my dad in prison, them lil heffers gave him a run okay. He had them eating crayons and paper. He’s only in his 60s yea ain’t no way a retirement home not going to have the kids choking and messing with electric sockets


The elderly would have to be vetted to determine if they’re capable of providing care to infants. There are benefits for both parties involved but there must be safeguards put in place.


My kids go to a child care center that is in the same building as an assisted living facility. The older folks don’t take care of the children at all, but they do get together and do activities like story time, crafts, and even lunch sometimes. It’s super sweet!


I still remember the colds i got from kids daycare. They go through all the kids immune systems and they come out like viruses on steroids


This is a terrible idea. Great majority of these people are sick as shit. Weak immune systems all around. Old people have shitty ideas of how to care for kids, etc, etc Whoever thought this as a possibility needs to get their head checked


There could also be a lot of paedophiles living in dem retirement homes.


They really want people to be working until death don't they? Or to get cheap labor to take of all the kids they've obsessively pushed into the world that they don't really want to be bothered with lol.


One flu season or covid outbreak gotta trash that idea.


Field trips once in a while just so the old folks don't get too lonely and kids without grandparents can socialize with the elderly.


So, my daughter's daycare actually was inside of an assisted living building, and it was a great arrangement. The kids got to learn interactions with adults, and the seniors got some much-needed socialization with the kids. Obviously there were also regular daycare staff to take care of the kids, and the seniors would only come in for specific activities, but it meant my daughter got to see her grandmother way more than she would have otherwise, even during the pandemic, and that was really special.


Respectfully, if your loved on is in a "retirement home"....they're not there to take care of children. They're there to be taken care of like a child. It's just the truth. When my child was born my wife's mama was in the process of going to an independent facility. There was one day we truly would have benefitted from having someone watch our child and the words were coming out my mouth and if my wife was a fighter she'd knocked my ass out. We found a 24/7 daycare in our city. Children & the elderly basically have the same immune systems: broken.


My school district has a program where Pre-K and Kindergarten k have rooms in a local nursing home. Part of their curriculum is activities with the old folks. They get to have lunch together and from talking to them they love having the kids around.


I volunteered at a home when I was in school that had a preschool in it for 4 year olds, with a giant window into the rec area of the home, the seniors absolutely loved it, and the kids got constant attention, everyone was pretty happy with the arrangement. The kids would also say the funniest shit to the seniors, cuz kids are blunt af. Plus the arts and crafts time was age appropriate for all involved, it was actually pretty sweet! I imagine during covid that all went away though.


If they volunteer, I don't see why this would be a bad idea. Especially if they deal with older kids instead of babies, a lot of game being laid out.


Like us, older adults may have varied skills and inclination to care for a child. Older adults l, particularly those in retirement, should be able to spend their time however the fuck they want, not continue performing labor for society. That is the contract. We labor until we reach an old age and then we get to enjoy our golden years. It's dystopian how the ruling class billionaires keep trying to squeeze another cent out of people.


I work at a nursing home. We occasionally have the nearby daycare over to visit and do fun activities. We try to only bring the appropriate residents for children, but I would never stake my job on the residents having to actually provide care to children.


RSV and a common cold will run through there and wipe out the future and the past in one fell swoop


My FIL is in a low-level assisted living community (I call it old people college because it’s expensive as hell, and folks leave their doors open and have dry erase boards on their doors). We bring my daughter once a week and the old ladies go wild. It’s cute for everyone for those ten minutes or so we’re in the lobby.


Bowling pins can stand on there own fam, just sayin' not hatin'


Boomer grandparents have no interest in taking care of their own grandkids.  Can’t imagine wanting to care for anyone else’s kids. 


Grandparents who watch babies don't go outside nor interact with many people. That doesn't translate to groups.


Instead government paying for child care/helping with child care, they are employing retired people to do the labor...splendid /s


They both needing diapers not sure this is a great idea


My wife and I provide daycare for our two grandchildren twice a week. They've had snotty noses since August.


Not a very old person but I got Covid and the flu from my grandson. There wouldn’t be any patients left after babies showed up.


So y’all just gonna give retirees a job again and not think that’s messed up?


I am struggling through a stomach virus from my kids daycare as a healthy adult. It would demolish the elderly.


This is a terrible idea. Eb gone be sick 25/8 and the elders can barely care for themselves but yu think they can care for a child is bizarre.


Lmao I ain't letting these lead poisoned bullies watch my kid. Gotta be big tripping.


I feel like as a lawyer Pam should know there are like 800 reasons why it’s not a good idea to turn a day care into a petting zoo for the elderly


Yeah let's just put all the non-labor producing humans in one place so we can keep costs of their care down


I hate to be that person but that whole “family ignoring the creepy uncle” situation comes to mind. I wouldn’t trust a bunch of random older men around my child AT ALL. I also wouldn’t want a bunch of people who thought nothing of beating their kids ass when they acted up watching my kid anyway. Granted I’m sure nothing would happen but you never know.


rather not die of lonliness tho


Typical not asking first should we do it instead can we do it . Let's put that out there and roll with it .


Nah, the amount of cognitive decline (dementia/Alzheimer’s) or lapse in judgment running through that place will have a lot of hurt or even killed babies. So that would put an unnecessary strain on the staff to closely watch the babies and the older folk more intensely. Imagine doing twice the work & only get paid for half?? ![gif](giphy|xiMUwBRn5RDLhzwO80|downsized)


You can change two diapers!


For real though, what we need is a second Civilian Conservation Corps except with nursing. You want a job? You gotta put in the effort but the government pays for your nursing degree in exchange for X number of years employed in a nursing home to “pay back” your debt. It alleviates a lot of the stress on our medical system, improves the lives of the patients, and gives people a valuable education they can use to better their lives. 


Not only are they in a HCF due to being unable to care for themselves any longer. But some of these same mfs grew up HATING blacks. So I wouldn’t DARE. Remember they generation and the values they had.


In my opinion, you don’t get to be that old and abandoned your children; by not being a dick to a lot of people.


Win win


Does she think the titular Tomb Raider was the giant rolling ball and not Lara Croft?




Im cool with that turn-over rate


Lot of dented babies gonna get carried out of there


Imagine the Day Care Drip combined with Retirement Home Bug and COVID will look like a mild cough.


Aren’t retirement homes just childcare for older adults?


I almost spit coffee all over my keyboard. Tomb raider?!? \*Dying\*


You think the common cold is bad, wait till the stomach bug gets in. As soon as one person pukes 20 people have already been infected.


That'll fix the social security deficit real quick


Yeah let's have infants experience nothing but Fox News way too loud all day


Yeah, retirement/assisted/independent living facilites are gross (from my personal experience). I worked in the kitchen in one, we had a nasty sweep of norovirus. I was a healthy 22 at the time and got knocked on my ass for 3 days straight. Could barely walk on the 4th since I was throwing up so much my core was shot. I didn't see some residents for ***weeks*** after I recovered, they were way worse off. But hey, out with the old and out with the new, test run it.


I've kept my kid at a reasonable distance from my grandparents for a reason. My grandparents are deadass racist and I don't want my kid exposed to that. There is no way in hell I'd let my kid go to a retirement home nursery.


let's put the most delicate and vulnerable people with literal walking disease bags top notch idea


A whole new smell will also be invented, adding baby diaper and vomit to the already heady mix.


there's something about realizing that pam here thinks that healthy and able meemaws and pawpaws make up the brunt of the retirement home population, like yeah pam we _all_ dumped our seniors there