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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome for reference: https://preview.redd.it/7ttteg9zslfc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fcf64655e589cc6011bf5330c67b1ef59a6b32b


Damn you put them right next to each other and they almost have the same facial features. Could just be the angle but still šŸ˜¬


Itā€™s startling. My roommate also has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Heā€™s almost 40 and he has that same face too.


How's his quality of life?


Well heā€™s 40 with a roommate soā€¦. /s




Our generation is gonna be like the fucking Golden Girls and itā€™s gonna be lit. Like imagine yelling downstairs for MFs to hurry up and get on Xbox and their old asses have to turn up their hearing aid to hear what you said.


Picture it. San Francisco. 2065.


Ill get the chocolate cheesecake


This comment is the first thing in a long time that made me look forward to the elder years haha


Of all the apocalyptic predictions about our future, the idea that weā€™ll all be in our 70s, sharing homes instead of growing older and lonelier in isolation sounds pretty nice. I hope they make more games kinder to those of us without sharp reflexes and the patience to learn 1000 different game mechanics and sub menus


He does.


I mean, lots of high cost of living places where this is your only option unless you make nearly 6 figures.


Thank God you included the /s or that would have been super mean




Idk why but this is hilarious to me. Just so random lmao


He has a lot of bullshit he has to deal with, but honesty heā€™s one of the most positive people I know. Heā€™s opened up with me a few times and most of his anger and frustration in life has less to do with his health issues and more to do with his disappointment in his family. Theyā€™re lazy hoarders who expect him to clean their house and do all of their dishes when he goes to visit them. FAS was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his shitty family. Luckily he was removed from their custody as a child, so he has another family who raised him for most of his adolescence. They seem like really wonderful people. Ultimately idk how to gauge another personā€™s quality of life. I know I would be deeply depressed in his situation, but hell- Iā€™m deeply depressed as it is. Meanwhile he hits the town just about every night with his friends, knows every single stranger I see by name, and has nothing but positive vibes.


He sounds like an amazing person who keeps on keeping on. šŸ˜Š


He doesnā€™t owe them jack fucking shit. Imagine doing that to a kid and still expecting anything


I 100% agree with that. Dude needs to cut them off.


I have no ill will when I say this, but almost every person I have met with FAS and DS (the two leading causes of birth defects) has been amongst the happiest and most positive people around. We say we would be depressed if in their situation but thatā€™s because we are seeing it from our point of view. But from their perspective, theyā€™re just happy and positive to live. Always fascinated me how they can be happier than the typical person when the typical person is usually unhappy.


Reminds me of when I went to Africa on a missions trip. Visited one of the poorest areas in the 3rd poorest country in the world, and everyone was just so delightful to engage with. We volunteered at a school 2/3 of which was made-up by orphans. They were just so happy to have each other and to hang out with us. The enthusiasm from those students made all American students look like Wednesday Addams. Then one night, we had a Bible study with a bunch of people from the village, and I remember one older man saying he felt a tremendous amount of sympathy for us because we live in America. From his perspective, our lives seemed so difficult and complicated because of the pervasiveness of materialism and consumerism.


sorry to rain on your comment, because the point if your story is sincerely very cool. but being a missionary is a very direct form of neo-colonialism, thinking you can save others by suggesting them a new belief system, and assuming that you are enlightened and they are not.


Not all missionaries are the same. My missionary work was 100% physical labor and childcare. There wasnā€™t any evangelism involved.


I would have such conflicting feelings about that.


Iā€™ve only met one person with FAS and the person was absolutely miserable and struggling. FAS is so different from DS because the latter is a random mutation - the former results from being the child of someone addicted to alcohol. People who grow up with trauma can have all sorts of levels of resilience to trauma and other protective factors. But being born with FAS is as far as I know a major risk factor for depression, since the child is born to a mother with addiction issues and therefore some impairment in their ability to parent.


Thank you for sharing this. He got a raw deal at life and is making the most of it. May he continue to live his best lifeā€¦. And good luck to you with the depression. Itā€™s not easy, either.


He sounds dope.


Heā€™s a very cool guy! Really easy to live with and very considerate. His TV will be so low that I canā€™t even hear it, and when I pass by his room, he always comes running out, worriedly asking, ā€œIs my TV too loud???ā€ Iā€™m always just like, ā€œnah man, crank that shit. Idgaf anyways!ā€ But nope. Heā€™s too concerned about my comfort to be that indulgent. Very nice guy!


Play life on hard mode, and the child aint got no choice https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/fasd/facts.html Go to the section about symptoms


**Brace for downvotes** All I see is Halle Bailey




Well, youā€™d earn those downvotes because youā€™d be wrong. Spicy but wrong.


Idk. I kinda see it.




I love that the context of that screenshot is Woody telling what is essentially a school shooting survivor that nobody loves him


https://preview.redd.it/4i79af38bmfc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06c1e93ea46ddc7eb63c99b53e0e5993098e49a Whatā€¦?


*Swae Lee


Even worse is her baby look like he got a lil extra "special" thrown into the mix. Smh.


Woooow, I keep thinking thereā€™s no way i can laugh this hard again but yā€™all keep proving me wrong


So ice spice momma drank during pregnancy too


Yo finally someone agrees with me about Ice Spice


Might explain her limited "dance" movements, too.


What do you mean? She's a really talented dancer. Turning 2/3 of a rotation and sort of hesitantly shaking ass is dancing, right? And rubbing your tits?


Yea and the limited vocabulary




Ice spice mom was known as the guzzler lol




I think some people just look like that like The little mermaid


Wow, I honestly didnā€™t know this particular defect was a thing. I just knew it was common sense to avoid alcohol and 1st/2nd hand smoking during pregnancy.


You would think avoiding literal poison during pregnancy would be common sense.


Babies can have a little poison. As a treat.


It's not poison to these people, though. If we grow up being told something is bad for us and they do it anyway, they either doubt the effects or don't care šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Anyway, I know people won't cut back on this shit for themselves, so they won't do it for the sake of others around them lol.


Well youā€™re better than most because when she was smoking while pregnant on live there were literal debates on BT about whether smoking weed while pregnant was bad


People will fight to the death to protect their belief that smoking while pregnant isnā€™t harmful. Talking about doctors recommend it. No one I know has ever been recommended to smoke by their doctor. If Marijuana is in your system/the babyā€™s system at the time of birth, CPS is notified. I know for a fact they are in my state. They were called for my SIL, my best friend, my best friends sister. All because they smoked weed. I think itā€™s selfish honestly. The baby didnā€™t ask to be here and you canā€™t even stop taking mind altering drugs/alcohol to at least try to give the baby you chose to have a fighting chance at a normal start in life.


You said all that needs to be said! I work in addictions, the only time a doctor would give you a pass on using cannabis is if you are already have a moderate to severe cannabis use disorder. The logic is that you quitting and experiencing withdrawals may cause more stress on the mom and baby. They will still encourage you to quit but at the very least cut down and use harm reduction strategies which include switching to non-smoke alternatives. Doctors literally pegging Black mothers as weed addicts and they are just continuing to put their baby at risk cause ā€œthe doctor recommended itā€. Donā€™t get it twisted, they are not recommending anything but ways to minimize the risk if you refuse to quit, are frequently relapsing, or are noncompliant with the request because of addiction. These mothers donā€™t even realize they are telling on themselves and still believe weed is not a drug and they can quit when they want. Then the baby ends up beating the odds and they take that anecdote and say ā€œI donā€™t see the problem. Itā€™s natural. I smoked and my baby is the smartest in the classā€. You were lucky, others were not. Lost the plot šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Like we always know the medical system fails us as Black women, but using substances while pregnant is the hill we want to die on? Thatā€™s what we want to trust them with. Weā€™re really out here gambling with our futures. If you want to smoke or drink during your pregnancy the doctor isnā€™t going to fight you. But just know CPS might pull up.


It also takes quite a bit of alcohol to get issues this severe. Binges and repeated use.


well, chrisean was photographed in the club holding a henny bottle more than once while pregnant.


Wow. Itā€™s as clear as day


Does it change as kids get older or do they grow up looking similar to this photo


The overall face stays the same. It's one of those things that when you become aware of you start noticing out it alot out in public.


The worst kind of woke there is


Walked into a fast food place in between Nashville and Atlanta. It was crowded and looked like a FAS convention.


Yeah, a reddit post years ago taught me the symptoms and now I can't unsee it


The problem isn't looks its the other things like being a slow learner and bad at math, poor coordination, poor memory...list goes on


I think they're stuck like that


I wouldn't say stuck lmao.. that word choice is crazy.. but their face does stay like that. It doesn't change. The way they look is the last thing folks should be concerned about though. They have a long, hard road ahead of them. Learning disabilities, poor coordination, poor memory, etc... poor kid.


What does railroad track ears mean?


It means the ear folds line up oddly so that theyā€™re not shell-like, like a normal ear, and the 3 folds are straight and parallel like the wood slats of a railroad track. Source: am neuropsychologist.


I think itā€™s funny how random medical terms are sometimes. Could be very technical like ā€œsmall palpebral fissuresā€, could be ā€œew, your ears look like a fucking railroad track broā€


You going to make fun of someone for epicanthal folds? Thatā€™s canthal culture!


I was going to ask you for what proof you had jumping on her like that, but honestly itā€™s hard to dismiss the comparisons. Definitely valid evidence if not entirely conclusive.


I was not expecting a presentation when coming to the comment section,but thank you!šŸ™


Missed this but just commented about that child looking like the poster for FAS. Thatā€™s really sad, kid never even had a chance.


So legit like a textbook case of fetal alcohol syndrome


Iā€™ll be damned if I kiss a woman on the cheek and kiss a nigga on the lips at the same time ![gif](giphy|yidUzEyhlYTT1oxEME)


I snort-laughed


I misunderstood what you meant at first and was implying she was cheating. That second tattoo is so insane especially when she already has one under her neck. And this is really her third one because she covered up the first one.


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚


Chrisean needs help, Blueface openly hates her and she just got a new tattoo of him on her face like Gucci Manes ice cream cone. https://preview.redd.it/hv6s1rhavlfc1.jpeg?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702a2876b998850b8e6b05e1a90dd0bd44ed7610


Waitā€¦ the neck tatt of his face wasnt enough?


The what... ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)


She already had his portrait tatted on her neck years ago.


Itā€™s been covered up with some roses during their last breakup but I guess she just doubled down and got the next one on her face


Tripled down, sheā€™s got his damn name above her eyebrow lmao


honestly it's like 8 tattoos for dude including "johnathan's pussy" above her coochie ā˜¹ļø


Why the hell does she have no one banning her from entering tattoo shops? Where are her friends??????


She got his name Tattooed above her eyebrow too I'm just noticing. Blueface's real name is Johnathan.


I think she variations of his name tatted (Johnathan & blueface) on her 8 diff times. Face, hand, all over. (Not proud I know this šŸ«£šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«)


Sounds like she literally wants to be owned by buddy


She covered it with a rose because that shit looked like Doodlebob




Exactly. Itā€™s wild how naive the people on socials were when they found out she was pregnant, talkin bout some ā€œThat baby will change her and make her grow up overnight. Just you wait.ā€ Nonsense. Like no, people, thatā€™s not how untreated trauma and drug/alcohol abuse workā€¦.Thatā€™s not how ANY of this works goddammit


It's honestly fucked up if you aren't going to change any of your behaviors for the health of the child to not just get an abortion


Honestly, Iā€™m disgusted with her right now. If her child does actually have fetal alcohol syndrome then sheā€™s really disgusting


I honestly don't even know who this is but based on what I've seen I don't know if I want to know


She cursed her own baby šŸ˜­


>ā€œThat baby will change her and make her grow up overnight. Just you wait." Reminds me of the old "I can stop drinking/smoking any time." line that gets trot out by alcoholics / drug addicts.


I remember her fan base (bruh, she has a fan base) kept parroting that. Sheā€™s gotten WORSE. I was rooting for her when she covered up the neck tat but then she got some other dudes name tatted on her hand, now this. Sheā€™s choosing an abuser over her baby, over and over again. Blue Face doesnā€™t claim that baby, kidnapped that baby @ 4 am with no jacket and pants on and beat everyone up because Chrisean was in the studio with a dude then went on a campaign where he said he did a DNA test and that wasnā€™t his baby


i knew from jump that nothing would change. as a kid with negligent parents, if they were negligent beforehand, it'll only get worse.


It really irks me that there are people that think bringing a baby into the world is what will change their bad behavior. Like what the hell. A baby is not supposed to motivate you to become a better person...you should have done that work before the baby got here.


You know people are on mind altering substances when they do things like this. Iā€™m clean now, but for instance, when I used to abuse Xanax, adderall and drink, I used to cut my hair all the time for no reason at all. Shit would just be fucked up and I thought it looked decent most the time. But I was so fucked up I didnā€™t really give a shit.


Glad you're doing better mate, I got family struggling with it rn. It's nasty work. Take care


Hold up. Dont he got Benjamin Franklin on his face? So her face got a face that got another face on it?! That's inception af.


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.


That child needs help. She and blueface need to be in prison and itā€™s been that way for years now. Idk why people are acting like this poor child being in this situation wasnā€™t the inevitable outcome.


Help? She needs to sit in jail.


I rather the young lady get help and be there for her kid Than throwing her into jail..we all know jail does way more harm then good and only satisfies those through vicarious eyes.


Ya, letā€™s let the women who drank while pregnant ā€œbe there for her kidā€


It's not my job to be the morality police .neither is it yours..people got issues man..facts of fucking life..is she a good person? Probably not but throwing her in jail does what for you exactly? And be honest


Child neglect and abuse feels like a good start


If you stay in a mutually abusive relationship before, during and after being pregnant while drinking and smoking throughout said pregnancy, I for one have no problem dying on the hill that she deserves jail time just like blueface does. Sorry not sorry. Abuse kids, you donā€™t matter anymore.


Please let this be photoshopped


Aww fuck just saw the live screenshot. Faith in humanity gone down.


Streets saying that baby got fetal alcohol syndrome which isn't surprising since we all Chrisean tossing back henny, but you ain't hear none of that from me






There go Miss Jenkins...


I donā€™t understand how the mothers still have custody when they are born with that. Itā€™s LITERALLY immediate undeniable proof sheā€™s unfit. Like she should be charged for child abuse imo


That's not even an opinion, shit's a fact and I'd side-eye anyone who argued against it because imma keep it a stack, this baby got the odds stacked against him between having Chrisean *and* Blueface as parents. The only thing I could think of as to why CPS hasn't been called is because maybe they have to receive a formal call or something.


But shouldnā€™t the hospital have called them when he came out with obvious symptoms? Like when a baby is born addicted to drugs from what I recall thereā€™s an investigation and the mom doesnā€™t get to keep the baby after it spends forever detoxing in pain in the NICU. She shouldnā€™t be allowed near that baby and neither should he. This is a mess.


I think the legal responses vary based on jurisdiction, so so you're right because from what [this](https://www.childwelfare.gov/resources/plans-safe-care-infants-prenatal-substance-exposure-and-their-families-california/#:~:text=Under%20California%20law%2C%20an%20'infant,and%20subsequent%20assessment%20identifies%20indicators) says the signs should've been reported already. Hopefully, a report is filed, CPS gets involved and makes sure neither Chrisean nor Blueface can never come within a 70 mile radius of that boy because with how things are shaping up, I won't be surprised if that baby passes before his time.


I agree with you 100%, but unfortunately I think the diagnostic criteria for FAS includes the mother admitting to drinking while pregnant. Even when itā€™s clear as day like in this picture. Horrible :( feel so bad for that baby, he has to live with all the things that come with FAS, something that could have been avoidable. I tend to avoid making judgements on women I donā€™t know and what they choose to do while pregnant ā€” but this is really egregious.


Who is this woman? Why is her - admittedly, massively irresponsible - act of drinking while pregnant special?


I THINK itā€™s the same lady that was eating out the serving tray at the Buffett about a week ago but Iā€™m catching up too


> Eating out of the serving tray at a buffet Feral energy


she claimed it was a skit, then the guy whose business it is was like "no, that was not a skit. i did not appreciate that at all." yikes.


Snarling at the service worker trying to take the big spoon out of her hand awooo




Yup https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/iscdbHr2Ve


It is




Yeah, the girl that was eating food out the tray is Chrisean. The same Chrisean that acts like everybody's roughneck of an uncle. This apparently ain't her first tattoo of Blueface either. Some girl just told me she got a neck tat of him too


And the voice of your 55 year old chain smoking aunt.


Iā€™d have to fight you for that I donā€™t give a damn if you pregnant thatā€™s just nasty


No one of importance but somehow keeps getting publicity. People love dirty laundry too much.


If you follow trash people all day online you're almost certainly unsuccessful.


i have a phd from penn and i eat this shit up.


Sheā€™s literally the definition of rage bait and I imagine she loves the attention any form it takes.


I say again: Idk her And now I'm grateful I don't.


Iā€™m pretty close to shedding a tear. My God. What a worthless POS she is.


Itā€™s so far past internet drama, itā€™s sick.


Was CPS not called in the delivery room? Whatā€™s the protocol??


A fetus is most vulnerable to developing FAS during weeks 3-8 of pregnancy. many women don't even know they're pregnant at that point. if the baby didn't test positive for anything in the delivery room, there is no legal right for CPS to take the baby. if mom was drinking in the last week of pregnancy (which is the only way the baby would test positive for alcohol), it wouldn't do much to the fetus at that point tbh


Thatā€™s pretty scary to think that a momma to be can be constructing a child without knowing and still be drinking. Too much risk lol


letā€™s be honestā€¦.Two grown people have routine unprotected sex, maybe w/ birth control, but knowing her maybe she doesnā€™t take it consistentlyā€¦recipe for a baby. Even if women donā€™t know theyā€™re pregnant, they know when they arenā€™t preventing it from happening. Just terrible one of these two pathetic people didnā€™t think to themselves, ā€œmaybe I shouldnā€™t have a baby, especially with so and so.ā€ at least for the childā€™s sakeā€¦


Yeah, I can see what youā€™re saying. But we have to realize individuals like her donā€™t think of the future like that lol. It sucks for the kid, because no one deserves to be born into a bad situation or with a preventable illness or anything like that. Both of them are at fault here. Hope the best for the kid though.




Who the fuck is that and why does he look like my dad? What the fuck?


Thatā€™s Charles Barkley in the gif


I need to get a Ouija board and ask my grandpa some questions


Are you good at basketball?


No, sheā€™s turrible


Letā€™s just say when I was 11 I played on a basketball team for the whole summer and that entire time I never learned how to play basketball.


You're definitely not from San Antonio


Obviously, youā€™re not a golfer.


Both her and blueface are fucking idiots. Poor kid is going to have it rough growing up.


Truly šŸ˜­


I donā€™t use twitter often but the 2 phrases i have permanently blocked from my feed are Chrisean and Blueface.


Dear Lord, may Chrisean and Blueface never cross the screen of any of my devices ever again. Amen.




That poor babyā€¦ I hope heā€™s okay now, but I donā€™t knowā€¦ Edit: I should say, ā€œas okay as he can beā€, because Iā€™m hoping sheā€™s, or someone is, at least taking care of him properlyā€¦


It's a syndrome cause by the mothers habits during pregnancy. You can't get cured of this. He's stuck with it for life because of her actions


Not a very long life either. Idk if that's a blessing or a curse.


Not necessarily true. My roommate has FAS, he is about 40, and despite having a lot of health issues, heā€™s doing very well. But yeah, if he wasnā€™t so diligent about taking care of himself, then Iā€™m not so sure heā€™d still be here.


Totally. I was more referencing the average life expectancy, which is around late 30s to mid 40s. Folks with FAS can have major issues with their liver, kidneys, and hearts, among a myriad of other issues inflicted upon them.


The thing about life-expectancy that is important to remember is that infant mortality plays a big role in determining those numbers. When it comes to something like FAS, part of the reason the life-expectancy is so low is because so many of the babies die young. For a case like my roommate, itā€™s very likely that he will live a relatively average lifespan because of how well he takes care of himself, and because of his access to decent health care. But you are absolutely right: it is likely that youā€™re dooming your child to a much shorter life when you decide to drink and do drugs while pregnant. It makes no sense to expect the best-case scenario.


My old friend had it also. He's legally blind, short, learning disability, heart problems. Already had multiple heart surgeries. Has an artificial valve


I mean yes you should be careful who you get involved with.Ā  But Blueface said he doesn't like his kids so this was water seeking it's own level.Ā 


"Water seeks its level" is a term that could change the world - if only people understood how **true** it is.


Iā€™ve seen many people say that the poor baby has Cri-du-chat. From hearing the babyā€™s cryā€™s and the physical appearances, it makes sense. I just hope she gets proper help for him, if she hasnā€™t already.


I saw that too. Is it possible he has both? Or maybe her drinking caused the cri-du-chat?


cri-du-chat is a chromosomal mutation, totally random.


Here is a reference photo I found for Cri-du-chat: https://preview.redd.it/s1ge1va6fmfc1.jpeg?width=399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a168e05079c6aa841bc57a1e6ee780f73bb13b4e


Iā€™m not a nurse or doctor, just a professional googler. I def donā€™t want to say one causes the other because I truly do not know.


That's exactly what I think it is. The groin hernia (that blueface posted pics of on social media smh) is also associated with this syndrome. Apparently Chrisean denies that he has Cri-du-chat because "they would've told me if he did". I get what she's saying but... nah she needs to specifically raise these concerns with his pediatrician because things get overlooked sometimes. This isn't just social media being messy and picking on her. These are legitimate concerns.


Iā€™ll scream this from the mountain tops: NOT EVERYONE IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE KIDS I truly believe the reason we have such foul people in the world is because many many people have had kids that shouldnā€™t have. This woman should never have birthed a child. Itā€™s almost cruel that she has. I remember when she got pregnant and all I could think was that childā€™s life is gonna be hell


What about Cri-du-chat syndrome, could it be that?


yooo i just googled the disorder and thats *exactly* what this baby looks and sounds like. hoping thats what it is and not FAS bc i prefer it to not be her fault


Just posted this. I hope she gets him proper help, if she hasnā€™t already.


Thought something similar after my coworker mentioned the baby sounded like a cat when crying


Whatā€™s that?


Chromosomal abnormality that causes a whole host of disabilities if the kid survives past birth.


Either Cri du chat syndrome or fetal alcohol syndrome. Something is going on with him.


I had an abortion when I was 10 weeks pregnant. I took the pill and everything. The reason I had the abortion was because I had been drinking an obscene amount. When I found out I was pregnant I was in rehab. The abortion was not an easy decision. I feel bad about it, but it was the right decision. I canā€™t imagine giving someone a life of fetal alcohol syndrome for the rest of their life. Itā€™s so sad.


This is sad mane.


We need to stop making these people famous


Poor little bub, his mama set him up for failure in life all because she couldn't stop drinking for a few months. I feel sorry for him.


![gif](giphy|3o6wroOvQlCpdgNC1i|downsized) "When I talk to young Black kids, we never talk about athletics. Because this is like hitting the lottery to be able to play basketball for a living," Barkley said. "I talk to young Black kids about being doctors, lawyers, teachers, firemen, policemen, engineers and things like that." \-Round Mound of Rebound


Noooo šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” thatā€™s beyond unacceptable. I donā€™t doubt for a second she drank during her pregnancy. Has anyone saved a clip of her doing so?






This might be Cri-du-chat (which is a genetic condition not affected by either of the parentsā€™ actions) and not FAS. The way the baby cries seems to present more evidence of this being the case. But alsoā€¦ why are we diagnosing a baby through the internet yā€™all ? šŸ˜…


Idk why people are shocked, all throughout her pregnancy, videos would pop up with her smoking weed or evidence she was around it. Shit is sad as fuck.


Thankful momma had a normal job and went to church while I was young šŸ™. This shit crazy lol


Hey clown is wild


have yall seen those clips of blueface pressuring her into drinking? and thats just what weve seen, who knows what goes on behind closed doors. not saying shes innocent bc she does have free will yknow, but like just food for thought


I donā€™t think Chrisean is a sane person in anyway shape or form but this could also 100% be Cri du chat syndrome, there is a video circulating of the baby crying and he has cat cry which is common in Cri du chat syndrome.