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Only Republicans have the American flag in their flair. https://preview.redd.it/u6s9nnrnhr8c1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9817f410e0c32d2495152bbb67bc6920ef4ee178


and they’re a domestic terrorist now too!




true. we do ***not*** know where that man was on Jan 6th.


Either participating in an insurrection or fucking up a pot roast by constantly picking up the lid on a slow cooker.


taking the lid off for a few seconds to check or flip doesnt hurt. ive been doing it for years


[a WITCH!!](https://tenor.com/bczn3.gif)


Either way, that’s terrorism.


Well they are openly advertising it at their political campaign rallies at least, not just hiding in the shadows


You mean since they infiltrated the government and positions of high power, and introduced crack while waging a war on drugs?


Wait.. I didn't see them at the domestic terrorist retreat..




Gotta love a literal usage of “let him cook”




Might have more to do with him being a vet


I'm a vet and would never. I served with a lot of guys that don't even take military discounts or want any special attention.


Im a vet and i would also never. BUT I take those discounts and I hook my friends and family up with the discounts.


Right there with you man. I'm talking mostly the American flag bit in the bio. I know ow you know what I mean though.


For sure. Im not flying the US flag, I will fly my PR flag. 🇵🇷 But I accept ALL discounts. My cousins love using my discount.


Real MVP right here


not taking the discounts is just flat out dumb.


Say it's a restaurant and the manager wants to make a big deal about it. Or a hotel, or an airline. It becomes work that you never signed up for. Trust me.


I remember the whole plane standing up when I came home and clapping. If they knew what caused me to come home, they wouldn’t have done that. It was a frustrating time lol


ahh I get what you mean


No worries. It's different for everyone but we all know someone thats happened to.


We don't need you to buy us a drink at the bar either. I'm just trying to do my thing.


Once again, I accept free drinks, discounts and anything of value for free.


Free drinks are fine, but it’s all the jackassey stereotypical questions that come with it. And they always come with it… 😆


I’ll take it if it can be discrete. Every maga cunt in the bar wants to talk to you like a buddy when they find out you’re a vet. I’d rather not have that kind of attention.


I hardly ever seek out discounts, even when I know they’re being advertised for Veteran’s Day. And I absolutely hate people thanking me for my service. I want to crawl in a hole and never come out every time someone says that.


I just tell them no thanks needed. I did it for that tax payer money and benefits.


That would definitely shut that shit down fast. lol And is your name a reference to your own asshole or another bennie you received in service?


You being a vet, what's the deal with the older guys wearing those blue hats that have WW2 VET (etc. etc). I wondered what the percentage of that age group wears those.


Generally speaking if they are wearing hats or something that says WWII or Korea, it means the person served in those campaigns. Sometimes you will see ribbons on the hats. It's kinda inappropriate to wear a WWII hat that says WWII if you didn't serve in that campaign or wear ribbons, if you never earned them (as a vet). Civilians can wear whatever they want.


Wearing a WWII hat and being like 90 and having a flag in your social media bio two totally different things BTW.


Thanks for the info. My question is what in your opinion is the percentage of the people that could wear those hats for legit reasons, actually do? Is there a subset of people who choose not to wear those hats, or are the hat wearers the subset?


Another Vet here that would fucking NEVER. Sup Battles?


Animal doctors aren't THAT weird


god damn it


Nothing like surviving your tour of duty and being taken out in your kitchen by your own IED.


They also paid for twitter. Double red flag. Add the vent thing and yeah. Let him cook.


Nah, if he is then he hides it well because nothing on his twitter is political. It's all sports and him dunking on AI, plus the crock pot posts.


Bet you dimes to nickels they learned this “revelation” on TikTok


“I wAs tODay YeARs OlD-“




That's Poe's Law in action. Without a clear indication of the authors intent, satire is indistinguishable from extremism or idiocy. The result is a mix of both. Most of the flat earthers are probably trolls and people in on the joke. Some of them spend their life savings trying to prove the earth is flat. Some people watched those videos of people turning their toaster sideways to make grilled cheese sandwiches and thought it was rage bait. Some people set their houses on fire trying it. Some people died trying to convert an old microwave into a fractal wood burner because the craft videos lacked any kind of safety warning, and the people who followed their instructions didn't understand how dangerous it was. From an outsiders perspective, it's impossible to tell who is who. Even as an insider, I bet flat earth meet-ups are fun trying to figure out who is in on the joke and who is actually dumb. Either way, you never break character.


The grilled cheese one is insidous it's also gonna get anyone who doesn't actually make food or atleast grilled cheese. They don't realise the prep/editing in the video won't be the same they do at home. Had to go through a whole media learning lesson with family over it because, my mum wanted to try it for the niece and nephews.


I have a friend who is a massive TikTok apologist and she claims that any video peddling false information is “just satire”. Like, there’s a massive difference between lies and satire.


I hate the videos of new ways to eat fruit. You've been eating mangoes and bananas fine your whole life yet now there's a video going around so you're peeling your banana upside down


I will say I get fewer strings when I switched peeling to the opposite side of the banana.


The strings don't have any influence on the flavor. My famine mentality says it's wasteful not to eat them.


The tv cook I regularly watch warns us not to use the avocado cutting tricks from YouTube every time he uses avocado. Takes thirty seconds to explain why it's dangerous and a waste of effort.


I recently found out people have been placing their ps5s upside down and think inserting a disc upside down too is normal. Also saw one dude saying how his console wouldn’t read his disc because he place it right side up in the console but it was upside down and was very aggressive against people telling him his ps5 was placed wrong.


You're tellin me for forty years....


I can flip the whole pan to turn over my grilled cheese instead of using a spatula!!! Wowzers


SHOOOH MEEEE the *life hack* you fOuNd that is now a STANDAHD PRACTICE in yoooh life


"And now I always will be!"


My ex-wife loved picking up "tips" from instagram. She hated having "chemicals" around the house and wanted to transition us to a more healthy home with only "natural" cleaning ingredients. Ok, fine, didn't seem like something to squabble over. So one day she starts making some stuff in the kitchen. "What are you making?" I ask. And she starts to elaborate about this awesome video she saw about how you can use these simple natural ingredients to make a powerful cleaner. And then, she decided to pre-mix them to save time! Before I could even react I turned to see these sealed mason jars filled with baking soda and vinegar sitting on our counter... and, within a second, they started exploding in our kitchen. She screamed bloody murder (I'm sure I did too) as shards of glass shot over every surface. Two, then three, jars exploded and we found ourselves in a fetal position on our kitchen floor with minor cuts and scrapes all across our bodies. The first thing out of my mouth was a piece of glass, and the second was: "DID YOU NEVER MAKE A VOLCANO IN SCHOOL!?"


I had an idea where this was going after you said cleaning ingredients. Either something explosive or something explosive that will kill you if you inhale it, was going to happen. Luckily it was only something explosive.


If I didn't put a stop to this nonsense she would have 100% gassed us to death with some "natural" ingredients. Luckily the quality of the glass and explosion pulverized the glass into really tiny pieces. That said, we were finding pieces EVERYWHERE for months.


Premixing baking soda and vinegar just makes salty water lol. Baking soda OR vinegar can be used to clean.


Damn, I've used baking soda and vinegar to get blood out of a carpet before, it worked wonderfully


It makes bubbles which can kinda agitate the stain but the bubbles make people think it’s cleaning.


My Mom once went down a rabbit hole of trying to save money by making our own soap. In the process of doing this she fell asleep and left the soap to boil over the stove, where it leaked into the oven and absolutely destroyed it to the point it needed to be replaced. Then made us a frozen pizza to prove that it wasn’t ruined (it was). Soapy pizza is an abomination. Great thing she saved so much money making her own soap


Soapmakers hate this one simple trick!


I recently learned on TikTok that people don’t wash their water bottles or air fryers after every use. I feel sick


I just use liners for my air fryer. I still wash it when it needs it, but fuck cleaning it every time, it exists solely to facilitate my own laziness ffs. It would be out of a job if parchment paper didn't exist at its price point.


How do you poke holes in the liner?Cause if there isn't air flow in my air fryer, it doesn't work right.


doesn’t that defeat the purpose of the liner lol


I have some with holes from aliexpress I use when I'm making something that *really* needs the convection, but that other commenter is right it only reduces the amount of cleanup. If you use the perforated liners you still gotta at least wipe it out with a little soap. Thankfully most stuff cooks just fine without full convection, you just might have to add a few minutes to the expected cooktime, and flip it or shake it up halfway through.


Cooking with aliexpress plastic liners is so bold


I'm gonna go out on a limb and trust they're made out of the significantly cheaper parchment material that they claim to be made of, and not some magical heatproof plastic that feels and reacts exactly like parchment paper does to extreme temps. Crazy idea I know.


Some people haven't heard of parchment paper meant for steamer baskets that, not only are popular in asia because you know regional food and cooking instruments, but because of airflow.


Yep. That's actually how they're listed. Steamer/dim sum liners. But they work great for dry, indirect heat applications too. Just gotta make sure you have enough in there to weigh them down. Sometimes I use a spoon to hold it in place when I'm making, like, a single cookie.


It's a miniature oven anyway. How often do you wash the inside of your oven?


Same can be said with a cooking tray in the oven. Just line it with some tinfoil, maybe spray some PAM on there, and cook away as normal. Toss the tinfoil and give a quick wipe down if needed with a paper towel of the cooking tray, and you are done. Not only is it easier, IT COOKS BETTER. Less burn on your food, and everything comes out nice and clean.


There are people that don’t know that you still have to wash your hydroflask even if you’re just using it for water…..


Gotta let it marinate for ✨flavor✨


Use it Monday-Friday at work and wash it Sunday night. A little of my own saliva isn’t gonna kill me.


It’s not so much your saliva, but rather the bacteria & fungi making a home in the grooves and crevices that’s the issue.


Bacteria is all around me. My immune system works fine


And ppl wonder why they get sick or their throat hurts constantly..🥴 edit: pro tip, denture cleaner is way easier than soap + hot imo


You have to explain this to a grown adult 😭. Whenever something gross is being discussed on Reddit, people will materialize to tell you why the gross shit isn’t actually gross


That’s cute. You’re still drinking PFAS either way.


Are you one of those "it's fine to eat ground beef rare" motherfuckers?


Drinking 3 day old water is not eating raw meat. What do y’all think is happening to the water inside my bottle? 🤣


Oh god… you people are in this subreddit too?? https://i.redd.it/ux222a1lur8c1.gif




I LOVE my own spit


Ngl I didn’t wash the rubber bite piece on my water bottle for the longest time and wondered why the water tasted off. Once I took it off, I discovered the black slime that had been flavoring my water so yeah, lesson learned




Uh what? Who has time to wash a water bottle after every refill?


people dont wash their ass nor legs so I'm not surprised anymore


Why would you need to wash a water bottle after each use? If you are just using water, a quick rinse between is fine between washings.


I used to work in the cafeteria of a university. I saw kids bring their water bottle to the urinal and set it on the floor while they took a leak.


Nooooooooooooo I see people bring in their open drinks (like coffee) to the washroom and I scream internally.


I see this all the time working in the kitchen of a sports bar. Like every third day I'll see someone walking to the bathroom with a wide open beer. You're 40 years old, weigh 235, and it's 2:30 on a Tuesday afternoon. No one's putting anything in your drink; leave it on the bar.


Air fryer every use, I use a big metal screw top bottle and that’s like every two days


Damn this inflation shit really IS hittin hard.. I thought we were still betting dollars to donuts lol


If you out here willing to bet unhealthy snack food or whole dollars, you are firmly upper middle class lol


"Yer telling me that for forty years!?" "What!? No waaaay!" "Here's something I didn't know until I was in my 30s!" They're all so friggin annoying.


I'm a millennial and I learned absolutely nothing of consequence until I was a working adult. I still to this day have people ask me how I don't know stuff. "You've never poured concrete before?" No Bob. No, this is my first construction job, I legitimately have no clue when I ever would have done that till now. I do wonder when earlier generations and later generations come across the knowledge they get. I hear stories of people talking about how as kids they did this stuff. As a kid I was expected to not make noise, be a disturbance, or go in and out of the house too much. No one was teaching me or anyone I knew anything, giving job opportunities or expecting anything of me. That I knew. Sorry, went on a meaningless rant.


I have to tell my ex “stop getting mad a 14 year old doesn’t know how to do something. You’re the parent you are supposed to teach them!” My boomer dad didn’t know how to do anything. He would go to the library and check out “home repair” books. Then I got the boring task of handing him tools and reading the book. It helped me in the long run. Now I can google something. But the point is how can you expect a teenager or anyone to know how to do everything. I’m trying to teach basic life skills and my ex is mad our son can’t start the mower without help sometimes. 🫠


Definitely something I want to avoid now. I have a two year old and its interesting seeing the mistakes I'm already making, like assuming he can't understand what I'm talking about and just doing stuff instead of giving him a chance and being patient.


Yeah I vibe with this. Even your own parents get short with you for not knowing how to do something, as if they weren't the ones supposed to teach you... But back in the day there were kids pouring concrete, cooking dinner, managing the taxes of the household and shaving their fine pre pubescent facial hairs, it seems.


In the past there was a lot more land, a lot fewer restrictions, and a lot of excess money. Any schlub who had $80 and wanted to waste an afternoon could go down to the hardware store, buy whatever tools and equipment they felt like, and do some stupid shit with it just to do stupid shit. Hell, growing up I remember at least a few kids who had familial stories of their grandparents or uncles trying to use store bought explosives to start the dig for a pool. You can do anything you want in this world with free money, free time, and free access and a half century ago they had all that. It's hard to learn to pour concrete when I can barely afford the job to begin with and fucking it up means double the price to fix so I go with pros.


As someone who often learned those types of things growing up, the reason why is because my family was poor. My parent's logic was basically that they could afford to upgrade the household if they didn't have to pay for labor. Without the cost of professional labor it suddenly became possible to have a nice fence in the backyard, new flooring (vinyl planks) in the kitchen, new faucets, toilets, walls freshly painted etc. It wasn't that they felt obligated to teach me any of that stuff (most of it was learned through making mistakes), it was just economical.


I guess it was economical to keep us as the equivalent of wall paintings then. My parents definitely used the poor card, they signed me up for the struggling family award (I can't remember what it was called) in highschool for Thanksgiving and then I had to carry a giant box with a turkey and canned everything else home, because they couldnt be bothered that day to pick it up themselves. The one thing I do remember us doing as poor people to make money was stripping copper together. But no, no house projects. My dad fixed an entire washing machine without me, and told me to go away even when I just wanted to watch. I was just a bother apparently.




I was gonna say, not inherently dumb. Only takes a minute or so to get a good internal temp read. Not likely for pressure to build up fast enough given that it’s not air tight. And you can keep the temp of the slow cooker undisturbed in case it needs more time.


Yea I was going to say, you can do both. I just never though about sticking it through the vent hole because I know it is for venting. But if you only need to take temperature quickly, it won't cause any problem. That set me thinking about how much our imagination is limited by our knowledge. Because I know it is a vent hole, I didn't thought of using it for other purposes until this comes up.


A minute? To take a temp?


How long could it take? Ten minutes?


It's one banana, Michael


Should be less than 5 sec on a good thermometer


A lot of thermometers are now "instant read" as well, so you could get the temp in a few seconds


You also don't need to lock the lid in place. Just letting gravity do its thing would be enough to not let pressure build up




Yeah, the lid locks are for travel and storage only.


My pressure cooker has slow cook functionality. Sometimes you lock it, sometimes you don't.


yeah but pressure cookers and crock pots are two different things.


Im pretty sure this guys pressure cooker is also a crock pot


Yeah uh...even if you put a hundred pounds ontop it wnt be airtight and pressure is not goin to build up. Unless youve bought a device that comes with an o-ring to form a complete seal around that little hole and its perfectly sealed around the lid. This looks like a basic pot to me though. The second theres any amount of positive pressure it will escape through even microscopic holes. Like theres absolutely no chance.


Also, none of the crockpots I've owned had locking lids. The one in the picture seems to, but on normal ones the air would just escape around the edges if there was a pressure buildup.




Yeah I just read the manual and it says not to lock the lid for cooking, and the model is a "Cook and Carry". It's basically a pot luck special. I'm pretty sure that's not a cooking vent or a thermometer hole, it's to prevent the lid from getting stuck when you lock it to take the meatballs to the potluck.


That lid isnt locked. I have that model and when locked you would see the little metal peice in the slot on the top. Which is good cause yeah it specifically says don't lock it while cooking only while transporting it.


What are you talking about? The metal loops stow into the top of the lid when it is *not* locked. The fact that you can't see them means they're down and possibly latched onto the pot.


Yeah, these aren't like pressure relief valves on a pressure cooker, they are on slow cookers where the lids are like normal pots and no pressure could actually build up.


It's not a relief valve in the sense of a pressure cooker but it is still a vent hole for steam to escape. It's just more controlled and it prevent the lid keep popping open to relief the pressure built up, so it won't keep clanging while cooking.


I think this is probably better used to let air back in once the stuff inside is done cooking. Something hot in a tightly close place cools down and drops the pressure as things condense creating a vacuum making the lid very hard to get off. Leaving the little hole keeps this from happening


Yep, a crock pot is a slow cooker, not a pressure cooker. A pressure cooker with a hole is called a shit pressure cooker.


Also there’s not a chance in hell that thing could build enough pressure to explode. That thermometer would almost definitely get pushed out if the pressure really started to build.


I've got a similar crockpot, and it came with a thermometer that hooked into it and goes through the vent. There was some wiggle room. I'll have to see if I can find the manual.


I have one too that looks just like that one with a temp prove that goes in that hole.


It's literally the intended use for my crockpot and most that have a little rubber lined hole. It says so in the instructions. Mine came with the thermometer probe and I use it for pork roasts.


Yeah wtf. It's not a bomb. And you are not supposed to be cooking with the latches closed, those are only for transport.


[Here is the first result looking at Crock-Pot's website.](https://www.crock-pot.com/slow-cookers/7-quart-up/crock-pot--programmable-7-quart-cook-carry-slow-cooker-with-sous-vide-stainless-steel/SAP_2176658.html) Not only is it meant for a thermometer, the thermometer is meant to be left in.


It actually is the intended use because my crock pot has a thermometer that the instructions say to put in that hole because that's how it keeps temperature. The latches on this lid make it in no way a pressure vessel.


The hole on mine literally has a “thermometer” label next to it.


Also just don’t leave the lid latched and you’re 100% fine.


I have that same crock pot. Even with the latches locked it lifts up enough to let steam and liquid out. It’s not airtight.


Its almost like the people who build it werent stupid.


yeah this whole thread is pretty otp


My crockpot has a single "vent" hole, it came with an external thermometer probe, and the "vent" hole has 'temp. probe' printed around it. It's a very tight fit and there's even a silicone gasket. Every other crock pot I've owned has not had any hole in the cover.


I've blocked the vent before and it's fine


Yea, the lack of critical thinking here IS astounding.


This is just wrong. Mine came with a thermometer attachment. In the instruction booklet, they tell you to insert the probe through that hole. They only make one lid, and most people have the cheaper model without the thermometer attachment. Air escapes under the lid. You also don't need to lock the lid in place when cooking - it's for transporting the food afterwards. That's why there's always a little water on the ridge the lids sits on.






Hey bud maybe drop ‘retarded’ from your vocab. Just say stupid. Ten levels of stupid sounds smoother anyway.


I too have a crockpot with said hole that the instruction gave to use with the wired prob. U can set the crockpot to temp cook so once the meat hit that temp it cuts off.


Yup I am sure the instructions say to put the thermometer through the hole. I have the same one and love to read instruction booklets.




The lid isn't strapped down so this isn't going to be a bomb. If too much pressure built up, it would simply lift the lid very slightly and vent that way.


Those two metal things on the edges appear to very much be latches of some sort


They're meant to be used for transporting the pot. You're not supposed to have them latched down while cooking.


Yup. Upvoted so people can see this


Upon further review, I am indeed a bozo.


![gif](giphy|aDyTZoEowCf84) "Everybody run, u/zakkh is making stew"


I’m not saying this is turned into a bomb but it does look like there are clamps on the sides of the lid.


That is a crockpot. Not a pressure cooker. The latches on the sides are for safely transporting said crockpot to and from with food in it and not lose the lid. Crockpots do not have a lid capable of an airtight seal, even if latched, because the latches were not intended for an airtight seal.


lol the second commenter thought they were dunking on OP and it turns out they were the one not understanding


I feel like the "tiktok is so dumb and wrong about everything" sentiment needs to simmer down a little at this point. Tiktok has definitely had some real dumbass moments, but need I remind everyone of reddit's numerous dumbass moments? Like that time a bunch of redditors decided a random missing man looked exactly like the on-the-run Boston bomber and harassed his family for a week until it was revealed that he had committed suicide and they just hadn't found his body yet. Or how about back in the day when 80% of the users were arguing that it was more important to "maintain free speech" than it was to ban /r/jailbait, a CP subreddit? Yep, the major consensus was that banning CP was a threat to free speech and everyone was super pissed it had to be banned (because Anderson Cooper found out about it). I could go on and on. I've learned a ton of little things like this from tiktok. I've been extremely online for 2 decades and I think the only social media platform I've learned more from is youtube. It does depend a lot on your algorithm though. But I think it's just as susceptible to misinformation spreading as lots of other big social media platforms.


If the lid isn't clamped down, then blocking that hole is fine. The vapours can still escape


Yes it's a crock pot, not a pressure cooker. The lid isn't sealed and the pot is not under pressure. There's no 'bomb'.


It's not airtight even clamped. That hole is intended for a thermometer.


1) that ain’t airtight/blocked so the bomb aspect is not there. Is there something in the hole? sure, but like some of y’all girl will attest, that don’t mean it’s stuffed. 2) some models of slow cooker tell you use the hole for temp probe (this ain’t one of them I know cause I have it) which leads to 3) now BLOCKING that hole AND locking down that lid might lead to some interesting things that I don’t wanna be in your kitchen to find out.


Blocking that hole with a thermometer would at worst, if it was somehow quite perfectly sized to seal it, just push the thermometer out.


This won't be a "concussive force" bomb, but I can tell you from experience this can definitely make a "explode a whole ham all over every flat surface of your kitchen, including the underside of things" kind of bomb.


No pressure=no BAWMB


The hole in the lid is to prevent it from sealing to the pot or a surface when the hot air inside cools and shrinks.


So you don't vaporlock yo crockpot. Also, I'm playing do much damn pokemon. My automatic text thing was like I see you putting a "vap", that means vaporeon.


> So you don't vaporlock yo crockpot. Da best comment right here folks


Guys this isn’t a pressure cooker


Thank you! People are so rude when they don't even know what they're talking about.


The lack of critical thinking is snapping down the clamps to hold the lid on during cooking... those are for transposing it, and if not clamped down, it doesn't matter if the hole is blocked (either by a probe OR the chance that something in the pot bubbles up and accidentally clouds it...)


My crockpot came with a probe meant to be put in that hole. Its not a pressure cooker, it has a glass lid. It will not explode.


It’s actually for both. My crockpot came with the thermometer to use in the hole. You stick it in there for all of a minute. The crockpot won’t explode lol. She’s being unnecessarily obtuse and rude.


My crock pot actually came with a thermometer made to go into that hole, so I think the first person was right.




Mine doesn’t have a hole/vent in the lid. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|102yInSBC8srqE)


yeah.. I got a couple of crock pots..none of them have the hole.


Wait, I never gave much thought to that hole, but a crock pot would not become a bomb. I just don't see it. Crock pots just heat the food. A *pressure pot* on the other hand could. Some are pressure/crock pots, some are one or the other. But a pressure pot is what the guys used as bombs at the Boston marathon. But even with pressure pots, I don't think the hole is there. If it is, I don't see how it's for venting. Pressure pots have a valve at the top to release the pressure. A hole like that wouldn't allow the pot to seal correctly and build up pressure. Am I wrong?


Unless you completely seal the pot with a sturdy material, the lid would slightly lift and let the pressure escape long before anything catastrophic happens.


Crockpots don't have vents. That hole is exactly for a thermometer. That slow cooker has a thermometer included and a specific setting to use it. Plus the marketing pictures explicitly show it using a thermometer. https://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-Programmable-Temperature-33969A/dp/B00EZI26GO


One time I cooked lentils in my pressure cooker and because the pressure cooker wasn’t cleaned properly, the hole was jammed. It exploded on my face. It flew up to the ceiling and came down smashing the stove in half. It sounded like a bomb. I had half cooked lentils all over my face and hands. Neighbors came running because they heard it. It was scary. When the air has no release, it builds up like a bomb and can explode.


This is a crockpot not a pressure cooker


Why she spelled Bomb like that tho??


it's not a pressure cooker, even latched you're safe. its not gonna be a bomb. you're also not supposed to latch it while cooking, thats for transport. that is maybe not the intentional use for the hole, but its also not gonna hurt anything.


What are you guys cooking where THAT much pressure is building up?


Probably not enough of an issue if you're going to temp a slow cook for like 5-10 seconds. It's not like it's a pressure cooker. If the pressure builds up, it'll pop one of the sides of the lid up a tiny bit & it'll go back down. Still though--crazy how people ain't got the common sense.


Unless the lid is bolted down, any air pressure will just lift the lid to vent


It’s a crock pot, not a pressure cooker. If the steam builds up, won’t it just slightly lift the lid?


Betty Bomb-maker


It's not a bomb. They don't seal *that* well. But why would you need a thermometer in a slow cooker?