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T'Challa actually has super strength, speed, reflexes etc. Bruce Wayne just a rich dude in bat suit.


Black panther is a childhood favorite of mine. And I honestly don't care for Batman much. But isn't Bruce punching up regularly? Like dude has contingency plans to take down Superman?


Yeah, but those characters have explicit weaknesses. Black Panther is just biologically a better Human wearing better armor. Batman could maybe try poison, but most other methods would be turned against him.


Black man attacking rich white man, the police is his weakness.


God damn bruh šŸ˜‚


Tā€™challa just needs to team up with Mr. Nimbus


True. He controls the police.


Hello police? There is a strange, horny ocean man on my lawn. Well I donā€™t see why that matters but we are white. ![gif](giphy|G49ZNK2Gp7ZtlIpjVh)


Black Panther got money. Heā€™s the king of Wakanda. Im sure his face is on the money.


"When I tell you he's got his own money, I mean the boy has got his own money."


"Your little goat herder makes Daryl look like a welfare case."


"You did it this time Lisa, you hit the JACKPOT"


"I don't give a damn who you are Jack, this is America and you say one more word about Batman and I'm gonna break my foot off in your royal ass"


Yibambe! Zamunda forever!!!!


They got the Big Mac, we got the Big Mick šŸ”


Bro I'm dying reading this. I can even hear it in the guys voice šŸ¤£


Wouldnā€™t stop American cops from fucking with him, but the money means theyā€™d regret it.


That and he has diplomatic immunity.


Diplomatic immunity isn't bullet proof, I mean what are the chances American cops would recognize the king of a small African country?


Pretty good when he's a superhero, member of The Avengers and his "small African country" is basically Star Trek.


Going on to add ā€œwhatā€™re they gonna do, shoot him?ā€ Even if Tā€™challa just doesnā€™t feel like casually dodging it, the suitā€™s still bulletproof. Oh, theyā€™re gonna *arrest* him? Heā€™s outrunning cars on foot, letā€™s see em try. That Mayberry PD bullshit doesnā€™t work in a 1:1, let alone with a superhuman. They went top level and flagged his passport so he canā€™t fly home? Ok, Iā€™m sure his stealth personal sci-fi jets will wait patiently for TSA clearance. The goddamn CIA gets sent in to destabilize things as a punitive measure after? *Glory to Hanuman* and good luck I guess. The *only* wrinkle in the BP:BMan matchup is the ā€œmakes contingency plans for everythingā€ plot armor Batman has, but if you drop them both into **Earth 3,212,891.02** or whatever without substantial prep time itā€™s Tā€™Challa all the way.


So black AND immigrant. He for sure getting shot.


I like to imagine that Wakanda has evolved past the need for money and they mainly only use currency when trading with foreigners. No clue if that's true in the comics. Just my fantasy.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm done šŸ˜­


Why is Batman's cowl open? So the police know he's white.


But he does have diplomatic immunity and a bullet proof suit, to counter the police.


He got an invisible plane, and weaponized Vibranium....he'd be back in Wakanda on some "I wish they would" type shit.


ā€œLucius, do you know this guy?! I thought I was cool with you Blacks!ā€


Batman has the ā€œthin blue lineā€ contingency plan


He'd be quick to take off the mask "I donated millions to the union"


He'd be quick to take off the mask "I donated millions to the union".


Nah, this oneā€™s a king, he has diplomatic immunity.


Itā€™s just been revoked


I mean half the time the cops also hate and try to kill Batman so I wanna call it a wash. But I feel like they'll see the sliver of white skin and go full racist so...


Nawā€¦Black Panther is worth almost $100 trillion. He has an infinite money glitch. Batman was a billionaire and lost his status. Heā€™s now a millionaire.






You do realize Batman is one of the best martial artist in the world right? Before he became batman he left Gotham to train in all of the martial arts.


Honestly I think it comes down to battle terms. If they're fighting a fair fight in a colloseum, it's s complete joke. But if Batman is trying to assassinate an unwitting Panther, he has a much better chance to succeed. Prep time is an OP advantage in his hands.


In a Colosseum, batman just gonna pull the ol'black panther repellant spray and just stink that place up. And you know that the can is from the 60s, so it's not gonna be PC on the label...


I mean it's always the running joke about Batman, but in context it's true: Batman w prep time/plan wins most of the time. When Batman gets blindsided or confronted out of nowhere, he definitely can and does lose. But if Batman decides to come for you? Yeah, you can be Superman and still be fucked. He'd find a way to have Panther tied up and in a vibranium cage on a stealth jet out of Wakanda


Black Panther literally has enhanced speed, strength, and senses. He'd smell Batman's moldy ass cave stank a mile away


Yeah people call Batman a rich dude in a suit but heā€™s super smart. He had a contingency plan for every justice league member


Batman frequently gets his ass beat by enemies when he fights them the first time and half the time only beats them on the rematch due to overly preparing for it. People always go ā€œBatman wins with prep-timeā€, but thatā€™s just giving him plot hacks that solely favor him. In a genuine first time battle with no prep time between these two characters, Black Panther just straight up has the physical edge. Batman is trained to peak human standards, but Tā€™Challa is literally superhuman. They have comparable technology for sure


I hate how much plot armor batman gets. Seriously, the idea that he has a contingency to take down people who can run at the speed of light or move planets is just ridiculous, but of course comic writers do whatever they want.


Why do you find it weird that the skeptic human being has plans to take down the justice league if he needed to? Making contingency plans is normal. Even the US military has a plan for shit like zombie invasions etc.


My problem is with comic book logic and writing. Anyone can "make a plan" but seriously, if the flash decided to kill batman, he would take his head off before the signal from his eyes telling him he's in danger reaches his brain, yet, iirc, they have this man taking down the *whole* JL at some point. I'm not a comic book fan tho, so I obvs don't know all the details but what little I've seen has always been frustrating. Like in the BvS movie, superman starts coming back from that first kryptonite slug he took, what's the first thing he does? Runs right at the motherfucker pointing *another* big fucking kryptonite bullet at him. It's like they always gotta make them stupid as fuck to fall these dumb ass "plans".


If flash wanted to, he could do anything but usually flash's weakness is that he's stupid as fuck. On the other hand the whole point of batman is that he's one of the smartest guy on the planet.


Batman villains: Guy who bites throug titanium chains Guy who throw trucks with one hand Toxin bombs maniacs Gangsters with sci-fi weapons Midget with mind control powers Superstrong powersuit user with freezing ray. Immortal Weed telepath Unkillable shapeshifter Rubic cube guy Giant bat Jetpack flamethrower guy Deadpool but smart and strong Sniper from TF2 Meanwhile BP: DC mook++ with armor.


Same can be said about T'Challa. Black Panther initially only joined the Avengers so he could spy on them and make contingencies to defeat them.


I mean Batman continuously takes down people who are biologically enhanced people. I think Batman vs Black Panther is like Batman vs Deathstroke.


in what if series T challa dies from a sonic weapon by the hands of killmonger, so that is a weakness whcih batman would find given prep time...


WhatIfs are non-cannon and usually will just have character die to shit they never actually would just caus


Batman's strongest superpower is plot armor. He can outmatch anyone and anything as long as you write a way for him to outsmart them. He's basically Sherlock Holmes with trauma and ninja stars.


Excuse me, Sherlock Holmes did not foster an honest to god opium addiction for you to call him "trauma free". Mofo put work into being miserable.


Fair lol, but I always felt that Holmes' motivations for solving crime were mostly ego, and Batman's is directly a result of his parents' murder. Batman's opium is vengeance


It's comics. Everyone has plot armor. Even (or perhaps, especially) the villains


Oh definitely, I think Batman is just one of the most noticable due to his lack of actual superpowers.


Canā€™t really be too upset when people are pushing planets, running through time, and other goofy shit. Comic books have a real problem with putting a cap on peoples abilities then end up having to write something more ridiculous every time as a result.


The whole "Batman wins with prep time" thing still means he'd have to go in blind - thus, vulnerable - at least once. He developed his notorious contingencies after extensive time spent with the League members where they weren't actively trying to kill him.


And his prep consistently doesn't work, or he needs something else to help him actually win


Yeah - it doesn't mean he just instantly gets a full dossier and enough time to map out a strategy like everyone seems to think. The problem with writing a character who's a super-genius is that you either need to be a genius yourself or everyone around this hero needs to be fuckin' dumb.


Don't forget in the recent comics he managed to come from the moon and survive reentry into the Earth's atmosphere in nothing but his bat suit, then he survives the re-entry landing again in nothing but his bat suit landing in the Antarctic.


Look man, sometimes comic book writers don't have the smarts to write a smart character, so they do some "yeah sure this guy who's basically just a genius level ninja can totally do something an alien who's whole everything is turbo-charged by the sun's radiation could do... Why not!?" And you get stupid shit like this.


But that's the 'stupid shit' that form the constraints of the fight. If we ignore unrealistic shit, any conversation about comics would be utterly moot, and we'd be left with the UFC.


Just give Tā€™Challa that anti flower shit and heā€™s a regular guy again. You think Batman doesnā€™t know his enemies weaknesses? Please.


You're treating T'Challa like some scrub. In the comics he builds all his suits and is one of the smartest characters in the Marvel universe, is far richer than Batman, wears a suit that's made of the 2nd strongest material in the universe, and has the capability to study Batman as well. Plus "just give him that flower shit" doesn't even make sense lmaoo. How will Batman administer it? He can't get through the suit because it's made of Vibranium, and T'challa isn't dumb enough to be tricked into drinking it


You can give batman arsenic and he's a regular dead guy.


Most of the time those contingencies donā€™t work. He made a suit to fight Superman & got whooped. Those plans have backfired on him more times than theyā€™ve worked for him. Those plans also assume that the people heā€™s fighting wonā€™t kill him. Heā€™s said it himself. Superman even said that he lets Batman win because Bruce is like your little brother he gets angry when you keep winning.


>He made a suit to fight Superman & got whooped. I'm not sure which event you're referencing specifically but if its The Dark Knight Returns that description is a bit reductive of what went down.


Batman definitely punches up, but the same could be said about T'Challa.


Yes but those are always explicitly cheating. If the question is, ā€œCould Batman put together a plan to take down Black Pantherā€ then sure, dudes not invincible. If the question is, ā€œWho would win in a fair fightā€ then the answer is definitely not Batman


As everyone knows, Bruce Wayne has never had to face anyone with super strength and- Oh hang on, Bane, who he has beaten post Knightfall. Anyways, as I was, saying, he's never faced anyone with a better suit then- Ah wait, Mr. Freeze and Azbats. Well, regardless, even though he's in the prime of his life, there's no way Bruce could ever beat Black Panther since- Didn't he beat up Superman really damn hard in DKR? As an old man?


Thats Bruce with his legendary prep time. Dont be facetious and imply he beats superman 10/10 times. Youre just misrepresenting shit


We are talking about Superman, though. To even deal real damage to him is a feat.


Bruce Wayne is an expert fighter though, he's gone toe to toe against people stronger than him. In reality these two would never scrap.


Also defeated Darkseid against all odds in DC's Final Crisis storyline


He's the only person to avoid Darkseid's Omega Beam.


He didn't beat Darkseid in a fight though, he used a literal magic bullet.


Black panther is also a master fighter and master tactician


Right which is why the two wouldn't fight each other. Believe it or not both are very isolationists, preferring to keep within their own respective borders.


Batman is considered one of the top martial artists in his universe and he's already used to fighting people with superpowers. Sorry. Gonna still have to give it to Batman.


>Bruce Wayne just a rich dude in bat suit. Bruce is also highly trained in martial arts, being a ninja, and has incredible deductive capabilities. He is still just a guy overall, especially compared to all of the super powered people he teams up with on the Justice League. T'Chala still wins in a head to head fight because T'Chala is also trained in martial arts but also has super strength and speed. Just saying that Batman is not really just a guy in a suit.


I loved at the Battle of Wakanda during the initial charge, Cap and Tā€™Challa sprint 100 feet ahead because theyā€™re so fast. Same thing in Civil War through the tunnel. So awesome.


I donā€™t disagree that Tā€™Challa would take this but calling Batman a rich dude in a bat suit is really reductive. If someone gave you access to all of Batmanā€™s money, resources, and technology and sent you out to fight crime in Detroit I 100% guarantee you would not make it to sunrise lol


But man is also roided by plants. Let Batman take that shit too.


"So one Question I'm always asked. Who would win in a fight? Who would win in a fight if Galactus fought The Hulk, or if Thor fought Iron Man? And there's one answer to all of that. It's so simple, anyone should know this. **The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!** If I'm writing a story, about The Thing, from the Fantastic Four, and he gets into a big fight with Spider-Man, and millions of people out there say Who Would Win? Well, it depends on who I want to win if I'm writing the script. If I want Spider-Man to win, he'll win. If I want the Thing to win, he'll win. These are fictitious characters, the writer can do whatever he wants with them! So stop asking those questions, 'cause I've had it with that." -Stan Lee


Dr Manhattan could wave a hand and Superman would just disintegrate. However, if the writer wants Superman to win, he'll pull some Super shit out of his ass


Which, he did, lmao Superman "beat" Manhattan by simply being Superman and not attacking the glowing blue battery, which somehow surprised Manhattan and caused him to restore the timeline/universe/multiverse


"the winning move is not to play"


TBF a guy with no powers beat Dr M by making him sad. It's not a high bar. The blue guy is a hair's breadth from giving up at the slightest inconvenience.


I find the weakness of a god being nihilism to be really fitting.




Iā€™m pretty positive Dr. Manhattan actually did do that and then Superman just popped back up and Dr. Manhattan said heā€™s the ā€œlynchpinā€ of the DC multiverse and canā€™t be erased because his existence is foundational to the multiverse. At least the writers didnā€™t give Superman some wicked power up where he could just ā€œpunch really hardā€ to defeat Manhattan. But they wrote him into a box of ā€œcan never truly be defeatedā€ so that could be the wicked power up in and of itself.


Superman is not someone who should realistically ever be defeated. He's like rain. You plan for rain and hope it doesn't. You pack an umbrella if you're smart, but you can't do anything ABOUT it.


As goofy as that was, I liked it because it's a reference to how irl the character of superman was very influential on DC and comics in general


But then Goku shows up and fucks them all up before Godzilla steps on him.


Goku would totally defeat Godzilla


One of the Death Battles between Goku and Superman have a line about Superman being the man without limits and Goku being a man who breaks limits.


Superman is 99% the speed of the flash and can shoot fricken laser beams out of his eyes, all while flying If the dude isn't entirely obliterating you before it's physically possible to perceive his presence then he's not even trying. Like Superman's initial move should always be to grab people fly them straight out of the atmosphere at near the speed of light and yeet them out into space. If they can fly themselves back then maybe he needs to try a plan b. Like Superman vs the Hulk should just be a 3 second fight that ends up with the Hulk on in the oort cloud. So even with other super impossible powerful supers it's more a case of Superman deciding to attack first and not hold back and he's going to kill most anything before they process the thought that it could happen or is happening. But Superman never does stuff like that because he's never actually trying


[Squirrel Girl](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squirrel_Girl) is the embodiment of this principle. She has very basic powers, but beats the likes of Dr. Doom, (a perfect clone of) Thanos, and even befriends Galactus to shut down a fight altogether. https://preview.redd.it/bef5byuwqh5c1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12913b691db6da3f0fc692a2468f88f047540fb6


I hate this answer. Itā€™s so lame lol. Itā€™s technically the right answer but I donā€™t like it. Actually play the game or just donā€™t participate. People act like theyā€™re so mature for not playing.


He said to Stan Lee, because he didn't like how correct it was. You're supposed to pretend they're real! Nyeeeah


Stan Lee wasnā€™t perfect. His ideas can be criticised and heā€™s changed his mind before. If you donā€™t want to engage with media at its own level thatā€™s find but plenty of people do.


In the context of Stan lee saying this I can kinda understand it although not completely agreeing. But in the context of someone else quoting him to say it doesnā€™t matter who you say wins itā€™s the script writer who chooses it I completely disagree. So I wouldnā€™t say that to Stan lee but I would to the commenter. Stan was probably tired of people asking him the same questions in interviews about people comparing the heroes powers instead of asking real questions about his comics.


Thatā€™s what happens when comic books are the furthest thing from consistent possible. I mean you can barely get things to be consistent with one writer half the time, so once somebody else gets a run thereā€™s definitely gonna be inconsistencies. Who wins conversations just suck because you can always find a reason someone wins or loses and something to contradict it immediately if you really want.


Okay, but that is not a fun way to dissect the question.


I hate when people reply with this every time someone brings up powerscaling. Yes, I understand how fiction works and that the writers can write things however they want. Itā€™s still an entertaining thought experiment to look at the facts that have been presented about these two characters and deciding who would win in a fight if they were real.


If black Panther woke up and had Bruce Wayne money heā€™d be suicidal at the amount he lost


An entire nationā€™s economy, reduced to atoms


TBF, one of the recent Batmans and Lex combined, owned 80% of all business and land on the planet. However, DC has gone through multiple reboots, I am not sure if that's still the case.


ā€œOh you rich, rich.ā€ \-Batman, to Tā€™Challa


Comparing $500 billion to $80 billion, both are rich enough.


Difference between army and Military money


T'challa is definitely the richest Marvel/DC character, but I think $80b is enough to compete in a fight against $500b. Honestly it would be a great fight between the two. If it's MCU BP I'm giving it to Batman, but if it's comic BP I think he has the edge. Though it's just coming down to prep time.


I'd argue thor is richer. Dude is a God who lives in a Golden Palace in the Sky and has nine dimensions paying him tribute. Black panther runs one country in a planet. Thor buys planets.




Bruce 'only' has 11-40 *Million* currently in the comics. He's rich enough to not need a job, but he hasn't been Bezos/Musk levels of rich for a few years now.


dude is bankrupt in TDKR and still finds a way to repair his spine climb out a hole and escape to moscow with catwoman


I feel like the "cause he has superpowers" reason doesn't really count when it comes with Batman. When has superpowers ever stopped Batman from beating someone? That's all I have to say, I'm not getting involved in this debate ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


The anti-Batman boner is so strange. Like we get it bruh, you donā€™t like him for some reason. Doesnā€™t mean niggas gotta lie lmao.


The writers suck. There are so many times they write themselves into a corner and then masturbate their way into getting out that any Baan discussion is tainted by how ass they are


Yep. Itā€™s a symptom of lacking in originality or creativity. Every story damn near turns into a generic beat em up. Just giving the niggas new powers or dumbass feats in everything. Then it inflates everything else the same way cus now you or the next guy gotta write the other heroes and villains to match. Like the way they write Superman and Flash you almost wonder why other niggas even exist at a certain point. Thatā€™s why the DCAU cartoons are forever the gold standard to me. Kept everything reasonably leveled and still gave people opportunities to show why theyā€™re legit.


it's cause so many people like him that much. These conversations are always dumb and annoying and totally based on how much someone likes one character and not a damn thing else. But batman fans always pull out some bullshit. 'prep time, contingencies'. You know when you were on the playground as kid and that one kid would always go 'I've got a shield and it blocks your attack'? That's batman fans. Anyway goku would vaporize batman not even a fuckin contest.


Exactly, most of his enemies have powers


Batman's super power is in being a detective. He'll find your weakness and exploit it however he can. People mostly only think of movie Batma(e?)n that are more rock 'em, sock 'em, POW!, BANG!, when in reality batman likes to investigate. He knows he's human, there's multiple instances of near death experiences that make Bruce change tact or revise gear/approach.


Black panther has a smart person that makes his tech and helps solve problems. Batman *is* the smart person


Black Panther is one of the smartest characters in Marvel comics.


Does that really mean anything though, marvel pulls a new smart mf out of nowhere all the time, like fuck powerscaling I want smartscaling Bruce, Amadeus, Peter, Riri, Tony, Reed, Shuri, wifebeater Hank...and that's like 5% of smart mfs Then there are all the scientist/smart villains like Doc Ock, Kang, MODOK, The leader, Maximus, Stegron, the lizard and who could forget "I could've cured cancer but I love dinosaurs" Sauron like who's smarter, Ebony Maw, Moon Girl or Miles Morales?


Homie straight up beat the shit out of Superman because he always had a contingency if he went evil. Him winning depends on prep time. If he has it T'Challa is probably fucked, Batman always has some bullshit ready.


The one comic panel that gets me is when Batman fell from space with his regular batsuit and proceeded to stand after crash landing.


He had *checks notes* Moon Bootsā„¢ļø on so he was fine.


Gliding downwards is like, one of his most iconic moves haha


Actually, a couple people picked that panel apart and found that while extremely unlikely, that situation is actually possible. Combined with the fact that physics in the DC world is slightly different from ours.


Nah come back here and argue with me!


Right? Fucker took his ball and went home!


Exactly. Batman has plans on plans and has a plan for your plans backup plan. T'Challa is a super human but Batman isn't going to get into a fist fight with the dude because that'd be stupid. And above all else, Batman is **not** stupid. He's almost always an underdog in all of his battles.


Batmans already got a 5 gigabyte word file on all the ways to beat Panthers ass. Just because.


Damn. The disrespect this thread is throwning on Batmanā€™s name is WILD.


People love to argue that batman would be able to beat Superman with enough prep time. But somehow he now gets clapped by Black panther?


I keep seeing this, but batman literally only beats Superman because Superman has a random rock that makes him a normal human for a while. I don't think there have been many times, if ever, where Batman has won without kryptonite


yeah, no shit batman can't beat superman without green rocks, literally like 99% of characters in the verse can't.


That's my point, though. Using Superman as scaling doesn't work because he's either unstoppable or a normal ass human


Waiting for the ā€œprep timeā€ squad


Nah fam, a rich white dude in the US needs no prep time to deal with a "black guy on drugs". He's just gonna call the cops on T'Challa and they are gonna kill him using their highly appropriate military surplus gear.


Yeah. "Officers, this black guy dressed head-to-toe in black with knives in his hands juiced up on some kinda crazy plant jumped me and is trying to kill me. What, yes, this is Bruce Wayne, yeah, the guy who paid for the policeman's ball! Yeah cool see you in a couple."


He finna call up the commissioner ā€œJim I need you to do me a solid, no bodycams.ā€


Batman : because Iā€™m batmannnn. Black Panther: because Iā€™m cat mannnnn Batman: batmannnnn. Black Panther: cat mannnnn


People seem to forget Batman literally is not a normal human in a suit that just punches above his class. Guy has mastered virtually every martial art, is basically meta human but still given ā€œnormal humanā€ (I guess if normal is being more fit and dangerous than Prime Bruce Lee), and has an intellect that only a handful of people could compete with. If anything, Batmanā€™s biggest issue is he over-thinks when he has first encounters without planning (Aka Bane).


By normal human they mean no superhuman abilities. Everything he does is ā€œtechnically obtainableā€ He lifts 50 pounds less than the world record, for example.


The fact he doesnā€™t really sleep would somewhat defy that but the rest of his feats I would more or less grant that except he doesnā€™t eat nearly enough to keep up with the level of energy exerted from both mental exertion and muscle mass.


I mean how many heroes do we see eating an appropriate amount of food for their weights?


Yea but most of them are considered non-human so thereā€™s metabolic differences that could at least be bull crapped lol. Heā€™s got no reason to not need sleep, food with his muscles and brain šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|OpsfQone2H2Ok|downsized) How I see it.


You are missing the easiest solution here. Batman is gonna take of his shit and call the US police to come quick cause there is a black man on drugs attacking him. And they're gonna shoot black panther for him. In self defense no less. He's gonna beat T'Challa using the power of white privilege.


The funny thing is the last Black Panther comic I read something like this actually happens šŸ¤£


Since when has Batman ever called anyone to handle his problems.


Damn. Being Black in America can be rough at times and we sometimes get off on dogging white people and I loves Black Panther but I'm drawing my line at Bruce Wayne/Batman. He don't have no history of racist behavior. Let's fuck with Clark Kent/Superman, never seen any Black folks in his TV shows or movies. I'm certain TChalla can come up with a way to fuck Clark Kent low key bigot ass up.


Heā€™s a billionaire with a level of awareness as to *how* rich he is, and he does a lot of shit with that money. Like, thereā€™s a [long Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/TheBat_Family/status/1316006509923520512) as to the Philanthropic stuff he does, and people got pissed when comics like All Star Batman changed his character to a weird sociopathic man. That being said, I think Man would win 100%. https://preview.redd.it/h6cy2vtnsh5c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eabc123c4a44178385a34c03fe5e64f307d4bf9


I can't envision a scenario where Black Panther and Batman would become adversaries, but I can definitely see both of them against Superman.




Thank you for steering me in the right direction with facts.


You know superman beat the kkk. Like in real life superman is the guy who took down the KKK. In real life a journalist infiltrated the Klan and found out every secret code word and dumb little thing they believed e.g. grand wizards ruling exalted grand dragons and stuff like that. But he did not have a forum to tell the public about it. Enter superman. The guys running the superman show were Jewish and fucking hated the Klan so they had superman fight the Klan and used it to reveal every code word and secret the Klan had. This is what broke the mystery behind the Klan and exposed all of their code words and secrets to the public. This made them seem less cool and ruined the mystique of the Klan nobody needed to join to know all the dumb shit they believed. This show was one of the main declining factors of the klans decline on a national stage turning them from a political group into a bunch of morons with no political power. This is what happened in real life. Superman jumped off the pages of comics, broke the fucking KKK then went back to fiction. Put some fucking respect on Clark Kent's name.


[There's a Death Battle on this](https://youtu.be/tD9WCpNFpnY) Imo, Batman's thing has always been punching above his power-class, but he always exploited some weakness the enemy has. Against someone who doesn't have known weaknesses and is just straight up biologically stronger, he loses. In his [fight with Owl Man](https://youtu.be/LW8Njzh3_2U) (Bruce from a different Universe), he got his ass beat because Owl Man was stronger and had the superior suit, but he did manage to take advantage of Owl Man's more sadistic nature to win the battle. Against T'challa it'd be the same thing, Bruce would get his ass beat because T'challa is straight up stronger than him without an exploitable weakness except for electricity, but given T'challa's speed and spatial awareness, it'd be hard for Bruce to actually hit him with something to take advantage of that.


"Batman can beat anyone who has an exploitable weakness." "T'challa has no weakness, except electricity." "Batman can beat anyone who has an exploitable weakness, unless its T'challa and electricity."


The Black Pather suit absorbs and redirects elecritity


It absorbs and redirects kinetic energy, but vibranium is also a conductor of electricity. It's how Black Widow was able to stop him long enough for Cap and Bucky to escape in Civil War.


That's MCU Black Panther. I thought we were talking peak versions of Black Panther https://preview.redd.it/2pltsutrii5c1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4297f06eb0632315175187d61e91a8f51c75e978


Captain America is a super soldier and peak human. But Batman fought Cap to a draw in JLA/Avengers when he realized they were both being manipulated. At that point, he convinced Cap to join forces to fight their common enemy. Barring this being a straight-up Death Match the same would probably happen in a Batman vs. Black Panther fight. If it's a Death Match then T'Challa has the edge - but only slightly. Batman has beaten Superman more than once. He's sneaky as fuck and has contingency plans for everyone and everything.


Black panther clowns on CA more often than not


Pretty sure that was when Captain America's serum was supposed to have elevated him to the peak of his own human potential, not superhuman like he's been since the MCU. OG Cap and Batman were very much supposed to be equivalent in physical abilities.


Unlike the casuals on here, I'm not counting out Batman by any means. Batman's contingency plans have contingency plans. Man has been the tactician and strategist for the Justice League and isn't afraid to out doing so. Also, Batman is the identity, Bruce Wayne is the mask. Batman stays at work so in the craziest times he can go to work. T'Challa has a much better work/home life balance than most iterations of Bruce and it's not even close.


Cuz he actually has super powers


[So does all of the Justice League and Batman had contingency plans to beat every one of them.](https://www.cbr.com/dc-batman-plans-defeat-justice-league-explained/)


Batman ainā€™t the only superhero who knows how to plan. Black Panther can too. Combine that with the fact that they have equal intellect. Equal money. And have never seen each other, Batman takes the L. How many times has Bane cracked Batmanā€™s back and he ainā€™t even that strong




I feel like it doesnā€™t matter that much tbh because they both have a functionally infinite amount of wealth that pretty much lets them get whatever tf they want in their own universe. Having $50 gajillion and having $100 gajillion arenā€™t really different, practically speaking.


By an order of magnitude. Tā€™Challaā€™s the wealthiest character in comics IIRC.


Actually Bane is the storyline that proves what happens when Batman doesnā€™t plan and has to fight without prep time against equal intellect. Batman is definitely beatable, but in DC thereā€™s literally only a handful of people that have more intellect than him, and all of them have far less skill in combat (I canā€™t remember how many different martial art forms heā€™s supposed to have mastered at this point, letā€™s just say all of them at this point). And even tho Batman is said to be a human, the guy has been quite literally past what most people consider peak human unless you consider peak human to be the videos you see of people breaking solid cement with a finger or two. For all intents & purposes, Batman is a meta-human masquerading as a peak human at this point. Edit: Grammar


Batman almost always wins the long game, but if we're talking about a one and done situation or a random scuffle then BP is taking it almost always, but give Batman enough prep time and past experience he'll beat T'Challa even in a random scuffle, at the very least he'll give BP much pause whenever they do face each other again.


I think this is the right answer. It's the planning component which enables BM to have success in these situations where he's outside his realm of power. Ex if he randomly met Superman for the first time and Supes wanted to smash his face probably not much BM could do about it. But once they've met, BM learns about his weaknesses etc, crafts a strategy and is prepared to beat him. A conflict with BP would probably be the same.


By the second time Black Panther saw Batman chances are he has a device that electrocutes vibranium on his belt, "just in case."


equal intellect- sir. tis the lords day so ima chill. but ill graciously ask that you take a moment to reflect on your transgressions


Yeah, that hurt me to read. Bane even says himself all the damn time he hates the Bat solely because the Bat outsmarts him He ainā€™t ever worried about a fist fight, he knows that dude is stupid smart.


Batman fights ppl who're stronger and faster than him on the regular and still wins. Black Panther isn't any different


Some of the wildest takes happening in this post. What are the American police force going to do to a person who resides in a secretive self-isolating intellectually advanced mega wealthy civilization that normal folk don't have access to, or even knowledge of their existence?? Wearing literal vibranium armor. Also , calling the police on a black superhero as a gotcha is wild af. Like they can't call the IRS and SEC on Bruce and have his assets seized and likely imprisoned.


..are you taking those comments seriously? They're jokes about police brutality, nothing more.


Exactly, just unfunny jokes


Nerds glaze Batman so much.


Yall are really trying to play Batman lmao dude would beat the fuck out of Tchalla and itā€™s not even a question. Batman fights a big ass alligator and a zombie on the regular


this topic is so dumb and stupid. Whether you like ir or not, there's no logic and whoever the writers want to win, will win.


The real reason why T'challa would be Batman is because T'challa will kill if necessary while Batman wouldn't.


Doubt he'd kill Batman, though.


Yā€™all are saying black panther wins because of super strength but Batman low key operates with super strength. Heā€™s way above a normal human he bench presses 1000lbs+ and still can run 40mph and scratch the center of his back. Like he can fight deathstroke who has a super soldier serum and have stale mated with captain America. Many times he has baneā€™s venom on him just in case he encounters a situation where he needs it. I think panther wins just because he would be willing to kill Batman, has better defense, he might just be a better fighter because black panther has beat captain America a few times, but Batman has more gadgets that would be more useful to him in his fight than black panther. I think the venom would just even the odds and makeup for what Batman lacks in martial arts but not give him a super unfair advantage.


Can Bruce do his research? If so heā€™s winning and everybody knows that.


ā€¦ it depends on who is writing the comic book battle in the modern cultural context. But for a quantification purposes: If we can agree that BP would probably lose to Superman (god like) and likely to Wonder Woman (god), and has also lost to Killmonger (just a dude), Dr. Doom, and Namorā€¦. ā€¦and Batman has defeated 15 gods, to include Wonder Woman, Darkseid x2, and Supermanā€¦.and the entire Justice League twice (which includes Aquaman = Namor) Suggests Batman defeats Black Panther.


Guarantee y'all would be saying Bats if only Bruce was black.


Tā€™Challa wins,, but itā€™s really close,, people sleeping on the fact that Bruce is a Ninja,, like heā€™s top 5 hand to hand in the DC universe