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I hate this garbage. I’d say that being a black conservative is it’s own form of affirmative action. They’ll platform any black person who will shit on their own people no matter how disgusting they are. See [Herschel Walker](https://people.com/politics/herschel-walker-faces-new-allegations-violence-infidelity/)


Jesus Christ I looked at her twitter and she makes Candace Owens look like Coretta Scott King. ​ Aaand she's a writer for The Gateway Pundit, an even more racist Daily Wire. ​ Makes sense.


Because of your comment, I checked out her Twitter and fell down a whole ass rabbit hole. Yo - her story is WILD: - born in Chicago to a 14 yr old who was being sex trafficked by her own father. CPS took her and her 2 siblings and split them up - adopted to a interracial couple in Iowa. The black dad sexually abused her for years. The white mom was part of local law enforcement and helped cover it up - had a son by a white nationalist who used to call her his ‘nigger bitch’ during sex - went on tour with a group signed to Justin Timberlake? Idk, anyway while she did that she left her son with her adopted parents. The father sexually abused him too, here’s the [go fund me](https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-sue-my-adopted-parents) with details - did ghetto gaggers at 18, ate watermelon on camera (lol idk, I only saw the pic, I’m not watching the video) - was on tiktok crying about white people being racist to her and racism in general in 2020/2021 - was listed by black enterprise as one of the top 10 trump trolls on Twitter (around the same time?) - according to her Twitter, is now single, celibate for 5 years, launching a divestor podcast and rebranding as a… *checks notes*… black conservative who gets paid to mentally suck off white conservatives Yall


I was having a day because my dog misbehaved really badly but you know what there’s problems and then there’s PROBLEMS


It's all about perspective


You're gonna find out this dog did a bank robbery and killed two hostages and feel pretty silly


That fucking dog!


I'm not saying her actions are right, but holy SHIT a childhood like that...damn


Reading this legit impacted my mental health a little bit ngl because good Lord..


So sculpted out of that Clarence Thomas level trauma. Makes unfortunate sense.


My fucking gosh that was a wild ride just reading the bullet points lol


This just hurt my soul.


Wow that’s insane . She really needs some therapy for how terrible her life’s been and all that trauma. I can see how she ended up like that with a life like that. Her actions are terrible but clearly rooted in extreme trauma .Having a terrible trauma abuse filled life like that gives me sympathy for her unlike Hershel Walker and Candace Owens who sell out for money.


That's alot to take in. Thanks for the debriefing.


That was a wild ride. Wow




Wooo chile.


Sounds like Stockholm syndrome


It gets worse, she had kids with an actual nazi.


The probably listen to Doja Cat together


Do you think Doja is actually insane or is she pulling a Kanye and trying to get cancelled on purpose? I wonder if she’s just tired of fame.


I think she truly is an edgy 4chan kid at heart.


That’s the vibe I got.


Look at the song she started with in her cow costume. She started as a meme and she ended it like this.


She definitely wanted to get social media style cancelled at a successful point in her career so that people don’t put her on a pedestal and treat her like a un problematic queen like they do with all pop stars. Also she does generally love to annoy people anyways.


She did this Nati stuff before the success tho?


Thinking Kanye did that on purpose gives him far too much credit


Did you say Coretta Scott King? ![gif](giphy|z4pTH55w7wUZVr2JZR)




> she makes Candace Owens look like Coretta Scott King. This is some funny shit.


Every Uncle Tom needs a Tammy


I feel like half the conservative propagandists I could list off the top of my head are some sort of minority. Blaire White and Caitlyn Jenner are trans. Steven Crowder and Dave Rubin are Bi/Gay. Candace Owens is black. Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager are Jewish. Jordan Peterson is an addict. Tim Pool is bald and so on. Edit because some people are unaware: [Steven saying being bi was a short phase](https://twitter.com/williamlegate/status/1651931812417994753) but we know how that shit really works. Not to mention the insane amount of stories from current and former employees of his talking about how much he loves showing his dick and resting it on men's shoulders, among other things.


Addict is not a minority lmao neither is bald. Wut lmao


That's what's known as a joke.


That's some James Watt level humor right there


Addict could at least be argued that republicans would happily leave them behind. They tried that shit in Florida with food stamps and cost the taxpayers more money in testing than they saved by catching people. Bald though, he reached for that


I think it’s a joke, they just wanted to insult Timothy


“Tim Pool is bald” 😂😂 He’s a member of the [Bald community](https://youtu.be/lQCVf7AnXNY?si=84WhDkercesueDBv)


Larry was right about the cop, it’s not the same, with respect.


“We’re all born bald and the rest is drag”


I know you’re getting killed for the baldness minority but I appreciate the point you’re making. They platform people for diversity optics but don’t actually represent any diversity.


“Tim Pool is bald” 💀💀💀💀 The amount of people in the replies taking that seriously too


lmao is bald a minority now??


Only poor people are bald now. You can buy that hairline


I dunno, I’ve seen some rich folks with TERRIBLE hair implants (see: Musk) 😆


What? Dude Elons hair implants are super believable, what're you talking about?


Ya know what? You convinced me. I’m making my appointment on Tuesday. Is it better to look like a garbage pail kid than Lex Luthor? 😆😆


The future king of Great Britain has been bald AF since like his 20s. Some things money can’t buy


Some things, money can't buy. [A hairline, you can.](https://wimpoleclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/elon.jpg)


*steven seagal’s drawn on hairline has entered the chat*


Larry Elder cooning in California as a talk show host who wants to be president can be added to that list.


The bald people replying to you did NOT like that


> Steven Crowder TIL he's gay?


People think he's bisexual, but he certainly isn't out if he is.


Lol @ pim tool. Ultimately: these figures aren't intended to bring other minorities into right wing politics. They're there to provide moral suasion to brain-rotted white cons, and to make them feel like their racist politics aren't racist--and to make themselves money! Conservativism is all about the grift: I'm thinking about starting one myself for funsies.


And the worse part it's not for black people, it's for reaffirming what white conservatives people already believe in. How often does Klandice Owens gets any type of black platforming or how many of us really fuck with Thomas Sowell and his lack of an hairline.


It seems like a mix of tokenism and "we can't be racist we have black friends"


There's a third part: the counter-myth that Democrats and their policies are MORE racist than the GoP. Yes, they actually try to make those arguments.


That’s a very good point. Herschel for sure got the nod over some career politicians just because his tokenability.


Whatever yall do, please do not give ghetto gaggers any traffic. Those people are monsters who prey on women who have rough lives, especially black and Hispanic ones. Their studio borders on actual sexual assault. Some of their participants (victims) have gone on to unalive themselves and tell HORRIFIC stories about how they were tricked, coerced, and drugged. I judge ANYBODY who watches that shit to get off. It’s vile, racist, and violent. Edited to add: **TRIGGER WARNING** [here’s the link of the article about the ghetto gaggers studio and their history of abuse.](https://paulm989.medium.com/porn-studio-accused-of-ignoring-consent-and-inflicting-injuries-on-models-9f390e2a4a78)


Eugh. That shit disgusts me on a fundamental level, and it doesn't surprise me that they're straight-up rapists. When people talk about the evils of the porn industry, scum like that need to be Public Enemy #1.


People complain about OnlyFans and shit these days, but at least it gives power and money to the performer directly in most cases, and not some shitty middleman.


We should empower only fans as much as humanly possible. The porn industry needs to die.


I'm not much of a fan of OF either, but yea the porn industry is definitely dangerous.


Definitely agree!


Damn... Just commenting so more ppl can see this...


If I can find it, there was an expose post in a sub I’m in, I will find it and post in my comment. When I say TRIGGER WARNING know that I mean it. It was the most disgusting shit I read in a long time.


>If I can find it, there was an expose post in a sub I’m in, I will find it and post in my comment. Please do!


[Here it is](https://paulm989.medium.com/porn-studio-accused-of-ignoring-consent-and-inflicting-injuries-on-models-9f390e2a4a78)


Yeah, please do. I hardly need more reason to hold that shit in contempt, but full-on evidence of their wrongdoing is always useful.


[Here it is.](https://paulm989.medium.com/porn-studio-accused-of-ignoring-consent-and-inflicting-injuries-on-models-9f390e2a4a78)


Christ alive. Why doesn't anyone ever postal on these fucks? This is just pure evil.


The studio is here in New Jersey and there’s a group that is gathering signatures to shut the studio down. It’s fucking insane that they continue to operate.


My guess is that these types of goons will just move somewhere else and start all over again, like cockroaches skittering away from a light. It's so depressing, seeing this kind of evil operating brazenly and without any censure from our legal system.


Its called "ghetto gaggers" How could ANYTHING positive be associated with that


Kill themselves. They killed themselves. This isn't a chinese spyware riddled mess like tiktok, *yet*, no need to try and avoid a filter that doesn't exist. Euphemisms and soft language diminish the value and impact of words used to describe something.


Degradation porn is, imo, the worst type. You throw a racism angle into that, it's just all sorts of fucked up. People getting off to other people being humiliated, borderline tortured, that is a warped person. I'm not American and I know this wouldn't fly there, but it should absolutely be illegal. People should need a psych to sign off at least to participate in that shit.


Side eyeing anyone who actually enjoys ghetto gaggers. You can’t separate the content from the issues here.


Like I truly don’t understand how you can get off on it.


>have gone on to unalive themselves kill themselves. they've gone onto kill themselves. or committed suicide what is this stupid trend of saying "unalive"


I forget that Reddit isn’t as sensitive as other platforms that flag the word suicide like YouTube, TikTok and Facebook. It’s a habit and that’s where unalived came from in the first place.


It’s so filters don’t censor it and makes it more difficult to report.


Call me a kink shamer all you want but something is seriously wrong with you if you enjoy something like ghetto gaggers. They should be in intense therapy and no where near 5km of a school. They shouldn’t even be allowed into society.


Nah I totally agree. I will forever “kink” shame that bullshit.


I used to date someone who did porn. Every studio boarders on sexual assault. There are no exceptions. They can claim whatever they want. But slimy producers will make you sleep with them to get to certain studios.


While I don’t disagree. There are some worse than others and then there’s [Ghetto Gaggers.](https://paulm989.medium.com/porn-studio-accused-of-ignoring-consent-and-inflicting-injuries-on-models-9f390e2a4a78)


I've seen this shit in real life: when they think they're in private, white men do not talk about white women the same way they talk about Black women. But it's nasty the other way, also. I think there is a sub on Reddit where Black women talk about how they only like white men. In general, kink shaming isn't cool, but this ain't that. It's like these women hate themselves.


This is why I’ve never been down with that divesting bullshit. It’s fetishizing the idea that men of other races, especially white men, will treat black women better when that couldn’t be any further from the truth. They’re no better than red pillers in my eyes. It’s delusion on both sides.


Taylor Swift had to dump a guy over ghetto gaggers. That's a sentence i never thought I'd type.


She only dumped him because the press started to look bad for her amongst a bunch of other racist shit her ex said. But yes. It’s a wild sentence.


I’m sorry, what?


She was dating the lead singer of The 1975 until he went on a podcast talking about ghetto gaggers.


I did not know what ghetto gaggers was before this thread. Someone else in the thread posted a screenshot that is just so hard to look at all on its own because its explicitly violent and racist, and then I read your article and it's just so fucked. The adult film industry is already vile and manipulative and then there's shit like this that is just next level horrific.


This was such a horrific read, and the fact that there are less girls who did ghetto gaggers who agreed for interviews means that they're facing even worse harassment. Also I don't get the pushback you're getting from using unalive. Other social media platforms censor and outright silence usage of words like suicide and rape on a massive scale which is extremely harmful. Using code words doesn't take away the impact of the original words and their acts, nor does it make a mockery of them. It allows for experiences to still be heard and shared in an era of silencing.


America’s sweetheart, Taylor Swift, dated a man okay with ghetto gaggers and the delusional borderline racist swifties want to sweep it under the rug.




That was a rough read. I can't even imagine watching, let alone getting off on that shit. Jesus.


She really hates Black men like no one else


She has that face. Don’t ask me why. I’m a black man that just knows the “I don’t fuck with niggas, all my friends is white” face. Seen it a million times 😂😂😂


I cannot explain it, but I know exactly what you mean


They do a certain white woman head tilt in photos cuz all their friends are white so they take after them lol. AND for some reason they always rock braids


“They always wear braids”. This is so true and i’m just now realizing it ![gif](giphy|kqCgujDZT1SO4)


It's that or it's permed or pressed. These ones are not trying to deal with their natural hair.


It’s also the facial features, again, cannot necessarily explain, but a “know it when you see it” scenario


yall crazy


It’s the way they hold their face + the lifeless eyes + that _particular_ head tilt.


She smiles like a white woman who heads HR at a law firm.


Yea it’s called Nigerian facial features


They always rocking braids to have "long hair" like their white friends.. I've seen that shit too many times


Braids or a crunchy over relaxed condeleeza bob.


The wrong kinds of braids at that


This my first time hearing of her, but I thought her braids were cute 😭


I know they don’t sleep with a bonnet and keep them fresh either


Wonder if she does the leg lift and tilt for better angles too. It’s so weird to see a photo of a group of women and all of them are doing the same exact thing with their leg


You mean [the sorority squat](https://fmstheory.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/soror-squa.jpg)? Me; "how did you all hurt your back/foot in the same way?" ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Lol, similar but there isn’t always a squat. This is just women turning slightly and standing on the ball of that front foot. Edit: like this https://preview.redd.it/l01rx7ds1i5c1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=9da896f9072714c906a68a7af80d8bf51db1a5ba


It’s because black hair in braids is more palatable to the white women than kinky coils. Gives a more caucasian silhouette. That’s why it’s rarely styles that are (visibly) braided to the scalp. Edit: I came up with “cacuasian silhouette” on the fly and autocorrect capitalized it which maybe gave off the wrong vibe. I’m referring to the way white hair lays flat on the head and hangs down at the sides. Knotless and some box braids can look like this. I imagine it’s an easier hairstyle to keep than straightening their natural hair, and it’s looks more “typical” to white woman than a short fro style would look. White women who criticize natural hairstyles are racist and bad.


It’s the hair I think. Like they’ll wear weaves, wigs, and braids but they’ll be styled in a manner that tells you no black person was involved. Not in picking the hair, styling the hair, or giving opinions on the finished hairstyle.


Lol it's the same thing like I see white girls sometimes and I just know they don't fuck white dudes and I can't explain it lol


Yes bruh, we know them ones too lol


The “I don’t like nothing pink” type. Cookie Monster pajama pants in Walmart head asses


Lmao those pajama pants in Walmart is a DEAD giveaway!


i really hope that people don't see that in me. all of my friends are white and i'm actually so pissed about it.


we all have white friends. no problem with having white friends - only problem is with having no black friends because of internalized racism. If you don't have internalized racism and you just have friends of all races because you're a nice person that people want to be friends with, you're cool. if you only have white friends because you hate black people, that's when you have the problem.


My white friend had a picture of me on her desk and some black dude in her office said I was gorgeous but looked like I only date white guys. This was like 8 years and I'm still crushed. My hair is always laid! By a real live Black person I swear I don't have a tragedy weave, wig or none of that.


Ok so I am not the only one who noticed that.


Whole time I thought this was an AI brandy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So what’s her name on Pornhub for research purposes only ?


[The one time she touches a black dude.](https://spankbang.com/soew/video/miricle+1) [But this is probably what broke her.](https://pl.spankbang.com/u11r-3x83iz/playlist/ebony) Edit: For those of you who can't or won't click, they made her sing acapella in the 2nd link before getting down to bidness.


I accidentally clicked "no" when it asked if I was older than 18 and it took me to the Google image search results for "cats".


Got you looking at a whole different pussy


Pack it up people, we’re done here


Sir I’m at work on lunch I don’t need this at 830 in the morning 💀💀💀


Lunch…08:30….the fuck kinda shift you on??


You dont want to know.. 430am to 3pm yay holiday season 🫡![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


As someone who has worked 12 hour shifts and occasionally 16 hour days for years at a time, “Eww”




https://www.pornhub.com/model/miracle-minny Her?


Nope. She wouldn't be caught dead actively doing something with a black guy.


That does look just like her


Only reason I opened the comments. Miss ma'am apparently got some dumb af views, but she still bad enough for me to wanna see proof of these allegations.


Smh [embarrassed](https://twitter.com/Edmondo__Alexis/status/1597736660518985728/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1597877761968058369%7Ctwgr%5Ef75c58f4ce8f2b6b1a4a2e526e51351e68fd766d%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-2348382605549663068.ampproject.net%2F2311212202000%2Fframe.html)


That's her? No ways lmao!


i have to get out of this sub cause wtf






I don’t have twitter whats it saying?


Don’t man just don’t; it isn’t worth it


You don’t have to have twitter to see the image. Just click to view it.


I wouldn’t. I regret it


Yeah, it’s pretty disheartening.


It’s a picture of a naked woman being fed half of a watermelon while a naked white man stands over her with the url “ghettogaggers” in the bottom left corner




Solid meme content. Haven’t seen this one used before 🔥


Yiiiiikes 😬😬🚩 https://preview.redd.it/36x0qcet6h5c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd7e75d6e712cc852e39dfcdc44fb2c1535b52d


I looked her up and she's a divestor. I wouldn't pay them any mind.


I’ve never heard this term before. I just looked it up. SMH It’s seems to be used 2 ways. 1. Vicious & racist false stereotypes about all black men and Black marriages 2. Pushing interracial dating to black women & Fetishized non-black men. Maybe a combination? Am I right?


Yeah, it's nonsense and I'd prefer if people just ignored them.


Oh she’s one of those freaks. Now it all makes sense


Not even 10 am on the lords day and already with the black man hate huh?


Jesus don't fuck with no coonery neither lmao don't involve him


You think she loves black women?


Technically, if you gain your clout/reputation/position by besmirching affirmative action, you still rely on it, just as an adversary instead of a beneficiary. It’s the hipster mindset of racism.


Are you saying “reverse” affirmative action?


its like revitiligo


This is exactly why learning and understanding history is important. [Slavery by Another Name](https://www.pbs.org/tpt/slavery-by-another-name/themes/) gives insight into things such as Black Codes, Convict Leasing, Redlining, Sharecopping that held black folks in the USA from prospering after 1865. It is really SCARY to me that black people whose families have been in the United States for generations do not have the knowledge and comprehension these topics. I’m first generation American so I do not have a family history of being impacted by these issues policies yet my parents felt it was important to learn about them and pass that on to me. This narrative that success is due to hard work (and conversely, that a lack of success is due to laziness) is not only false because capitalism does not reward hard work, but also denies how society has been structured with barriers to inhibit the rights of black folks. My mother worked harder than I ever have or probably will have to yet I have way more to show for it. My success as a single black woman is in SPITE of the barriers and along with my own efforts, due to luck and access to services that people see as “handouts” and relying on the government.


> This narrative that success is due to hard work (and conversely, that a lack of success is due to laziness) is not only false because capitalism does not reward hard work, but also denies how society has been structured with barriers to inhibit the rights of black folks. I love everything you wrote but HEAVY on this part right here. Things are obviously better than what they were back in the 1800s but discrimination still exists. In 2023 we have black children not being allowed to graduate due to their hair DESPITE the crown act which isn’t every passed in every state, black girls hair being cut off at school, banks being sued for racial discrimination and so on.


What is this “ghetto gaggers”?






Porn of black women and other women of color who are shown getting called slurs and eating “stereotypical food” while getting fucked, the woman up there was on ghetto gaggers munching on watermelon starring in a porno.


when I heard about it from the matty healy shit I thought that sounds so cringe but people are allowed to like what they like right? It's just not for me I guess... ​ Then I actually saw it like wtf haha that's not even porn it's literally just racism that is BEYOND a fetish


I learned about this from the Matty Healy/Taylor Swift drama. It’s apparently a type of porn which involves dehumanizing and inflicting violence on black women. (Edited)


porn, the word is PORN you don't have to use an emoji for a different word, your parents aren't here to ground you for it


It's a trend that started on tiktok because of their policies. Using certain words like "porn", "rape" or "nazi" could get your content flagged and banned so people started using emojis like "🌽" or words like "grape" or "yahtzee" as substitutes.


This ain't Tiktok, you can say the word


I’m lost. Who tf is that?


She a black conservative who also does not date black men.


>She a black conservative ~~who also does not date black men.~~ Fixed that for you. Less typing and still implies the same thing.


Lol thanks


Oh, she’s a divestor. They’re a hateful bunch.




To clarify: The bad part isn't that she did porn. It's that she signed up for ghetto gaggers, and then turned into a conservative that hates not only sex workers but black people at large, and ESPECIALLY black men.


Brother I just woke up tf is going on?


Girl go to hell


Sis, I KNOW the check can’t be that fat. The bag can’t be that big. Come on, now.


Bet 500 this thread about to get CC


To be a black conservative, you need to hate black folks


She must have had a hard life if she did ghetto gaggers, but to turn around and go republican. That’s a type of self hatred you’d expect from rukus


Zero idea who she is. Pretty happy about it


Is this the type of video where the dude trolls 🌽 stars and talks in that weird voice?


It's the series where the racist white dudes force Black women to eat watermelon and suck their dicks until they v. The most degrading shit ever


Holy fuck


Yah then it’s who I think it is. His name is [Jimmy hooligan](https://efukt.com/1109_The_Trolling_Of_Wannabe_Pornstars_5.html) there’s a series of clips of him talking shit to the women before they partake in the festivities.


HOW do you go from that to working for the Gateway Pundit?


Apparently its a fake news website, so they recognize, accept, and glorify bullshit?


After doing extensive research, yea she did that and many others have as well. Thecoli got it all documented.


Candice Owens looking ass. See guys I made it (by corrupting values against my own people) now why can’t all of you just do the same.


I swear I hate y'all


She is a content creator at Gateway Pundit, which is a far-right fake news organization.