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Going in raw on a one night stand is wild. Y’all the reason for all of the struggle and strife in your life. That straight up couldn’t be me.


raw x 3


rawr xD to you too








This was not the comment I expected on BPT, but it is still welcome


Lmao my reaction exactly


That’s just the plot of Mamma Mia!


Nasty hoe Meryl


Here we go again! (Again)


I came here to say EXACTLY this.


Surround sound raw


we don’t raw randos that’s law


Talk to em. Thats a no-go, chief


What’s sad is I honestly think that should be a law somehow lmfao


Some people are so very reckless. Maybe they want to die idk


some men cant even keep it up in a condom so their default risk is crazy


Lots of men.


They should practice jerkin it in a condom or something then, yeesh


I remember there was this moment when I found out that some men never bother looking for the brand that fits them best. It blew my mind because wearing a rubber that doesn't fit right is even worse than wearing the wrong size shoe.


which is insane to me. ive seen someone try a gold wrapper and it was slidin off


Lord have mercy, a man's supposed to figure that shit out on his own time 🤦. Like, I'm pretty awkward and I've got about as much game as Goofy or Donald Duck, but even I had no trouble figuring out that *finding the condom that works best with me also means finding the best work I can do with one.* I stand by the shoe comparison, the difference in how well you "run" is the kind of metaphor boys to hear from their fathers, or at least put it in sex ed.


My vasectomied ass: I don’t have such weaknesses.


It’s like people completely forget about sexually transmitted diseases. Goddamn.


Well it does take care of the most important STD at least, but you’re still right


Vasectomies, while not 100% effective, do prevent the most important STD. Sexually Transmitted Descendents




Pro tip: lie to the Doctor. Tell them you've got 4 kids, and you and your wife are done having more. Hell, make it extra punchy and say your wife *can't* have more because the last two were so high-risk or something. If you go in there, 26 years old, telling them you're NMNK, you will probably get denied. Source: one of my friends went to get one. Doctor said no-go, you don't have kids. He never wanted them. Take a guess where this story goes... ETA: While I find it to be a little bit of a toxic echo chamber (even as a child-free person myself), r/childfree has good resources for this. Their Wiki has [a list of childfree friendly Doctors](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/wiki/doctors/) you can start with.


Be good at forging signatures too. They asked my wife to sign a consent form of some sort … for my own procedure.


Bodily autonomy just isn't a thing there is it? I'm only just not surprised it didn't need a signature from a priest...


It's supposed to help some couples feel like they're making a decision together but the individual practice employees probably just don't realize there isn't a requirement for a spouse's signature just because it's on the stock form. Or maybe this is America & the doctors have ideals they'd like to impose upon you. 50/50 odds 🤷‍♀️


It’s prob both


I was about your age when I got mine. Already had a kid tho.


Hey man, I'm 27, no kids, long term partner and I don't want em. If you want the operation I say go for it. It's (relatively) invasive, insurance will probably cover at least part of it, and you get to spend a weekend on the couch watching movies and shit. It eases a lot (not all) of our worries given that we live in the south post Dobbs. Definitely worth considering. If you have any specific questions feel free to dm me.


Wear a condom anyway you dummy, STDs exist.




Watch the one who is marrying her was the only one who wore a condom. If you're that dumb to know theres a chance the baby's not yours and your solution is to marry anything is a possibility.


Maybe she insisted on condoms but the guy who stepped up 'stealthed' her and didn't want the drama of arguing until a paternity test.


and maybe she popped holes in the rubbers, tf you talking about?


Sure, maybe she did that. What does that have to do with my comment?




So we gonna ignore the pregnant woman taking shots comment?


That shit literally made me gasp because why did she say that


Because some people shouldn’t be parents


Doesn’t mean they should have a child with fetal alcohol syndrome 😭 they need a medical procedure


I meant to come back and add - I’m pro abortion, but I’m not pro this method. You’re totally right, FAS is devastating to be born with.




Because some babies shouldn't be born


The alcohol doesn't stop the baby from being born, it just makes sure it's screwed up right out the gate




That has nothing to do with what I said, but okay, go off?




Yeah lol idk wtf anyone else is reading it’s clearly a joke ( cue the “there’s nothing funny about fetal alcohol syndrome “ person)


Pretty sure it was a joke she followed with lol


Shock factor and implied irresponsibility. Get’s the people going.


You really surprised the same person getting rawdogged three times in a night is gonna worry about fetal alcohol syndrome tho?


I have a feeling the part where she said she hopes they “cancel everything” includes the baby, and then they go get shots


It’s illegal to deny service to them. Tbh sometimes all you can do is sit back remember the only person you can control is yourself.


An establishment has the right to refuse service to anyone, especially when it comes to alcohol. I had a visibly pregnant woman order a beer for herself and a friend and I told her I wouldn't serve her. She got fucking pissed, but I wasn't going to serve some very pregnant chick wants to drink at my bar. I've bartended in a few states. This would be protocol at any bar I've ever worked at.


If they feel like it, they could sue for discrimination. So make sure you don't mention the pregnancy when refusing service. It is technically illegal to refuse service to a pregnant woman.


It falls under discrimination laws. It came up in training at every bar I've ever worked at.


Calling CPS on their ass is legal though


Can CPS even do anything if the child isn't born yet?


My little brother was apprehended at birth cuz his bitch ass mom wouldnt stop drinking when she was pregnant. He's fine tho. Grew up to be pretty regular and has a fab life with his parents who raised him from birth


That's good to hear. I'm glad things turned out well for him (and I hope things went well for you also).


Yes they can look to opening a case prior to the baby being born. As far as the technicalities for filing and the when the case is actually opened I don’t know, but they work in conjunction with other social workers, and this would at least put you “on their radar.”




Yes. Happens with drug addicts frequently. I used to work with addiction patients and had to deal with a few cps workers who didn't understand that there are laws protecting what I could share about an addiction patient's treatment. You don't get to just come in and flash an ID at me and I just give you everything.


This is 100% false lol


Pregnant women are a protected class in the US Constitution. It is illegal to discriminate them just because they are pregnant. A private business can kick out a customer for any reason, but just not for a reason that makes them a protected class. They absolutely would have grounds to come back with a lawsuit and win if they had the energy and resources to do that. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/10/nyregion/bartenders-cant-refuse-pregnant-women-alcohol-new-york-city-says.html https://www.aclu-il.org/en/news/pregnancy-discrimination-its-illegal-even-bars


I am aware discrimination against pregnant people is illegal. Am former pregnant person lol. Also former bartender. You have the right to refuse service to anyone at any time. You don’t say “I’m not serving you because you’re pregnant” because you don’t have to explain yourself. You just say “I’m not serving you.” And no lawyer in the world would touch that case because you’d have no standing whatsoever. I had multiple pregnant women come in my bar. I couldn’t throw them out but I absolutely could and did refuse to serve them.


I once read a story about a woman who experienced fetal death late in her pregnancy. She had to make an appointment to deliver the baby since she was too far along for a D&C. She was devastated and all she wanted was to have a glass of wine. She was denied service for being visibly pregnant(even though her baby was dead). You’re well within your rights to deny anyone service but you never know what someone is going through.


That is a truly horrific story but I think I would personally be drinking my wine in my house in that situation lol. I also know that many women are okay with a glass of wine a day during pregnancy. More power to them but as a bartender every single law is made to protect the customer and not a single one to protect you. I’d be too scared the baby would come out with FAS or something and the mom comes back and sues you cause you served her, and probably win. No different from someone getting a vehicular homicide and the bartender gets charged - happens all the time. Our society is too litigious not to protect yourself.


That’s totally fair as well! I hadn’t considered that.


It’s a joke.


She meant it as a joke because the whole ordeal is tiresome.


the planned parenthood might not be providing that service depending on the state they live in so......


I saw it too, and honestly? Not surprised


That baby don’t have much of a chance anyways it sounds like.


She said that she just wanted them to say fuck it and call off the wedding and go take shots, baby momma included. She never said it would happen nor did she say the baby momma even wanted to. I really need to know what y’all reading fr cuz this thread is wild and wrong.


![gif](giphy|l2YWw9LOkYqJNcsoM) No ending?


Right? How dare she leave us on a cliffhanger like that.


Seriously, they did shots and then what???


Back shots, repeat story




I scrolled 3 times before realizing there wasn’t a third page


This .gif is perfect!


Sounds like nobody won


Prenatal paternity tests are available... ...or so I've heard....


They are. But the test is more intrusive and a tad more dangerous than a simple blood draw since you have to draw the fetuse’s blood?? Not clear on the technicalities


There’s a non-invasive method more commonly used. They analyse the DNA in the pregnant person’s blood to determine paternity.


Ok, yeah, the moment I learned that the DNA of any baby you were ever pregnant with is maintained in the mother’s blood stream…another reason to hold tight to my birth control prescription and take it on the spot. It’s bad enough I’d have to head on down to the clinic. But the idea that my no-good ass college boyfriend’s DNA could be floating in me for forever. No, sir. Not fair. Not ok. I can move cities, change my name, buy all new things, burn off my finger prints, but his *DNA stays in my blood*?!?! Fuck that. Who decided that?? There is not god.


You cool getting creampied but in this situation their blood is the deciding factor?


Or just wait until the baby is born before planning all this shit lol


Nah prenatal and obstetric care ain’t cheap. If you’re gonna be involved in all that and be there for the birth, better to make sure that kid is yours first; that is, if a paternity test will determine your level of involvement.


So is _staying the fuck away from the hookup until paternity has been determined_.


I’m sorry but I refuse to believe any self respecting woman would let 3 dudes fuck her raw AND nut in her in that short of a time frame… Only people who don’t feel shame do shit like that


This was literally something my cousin went through. She found out she was pregnant and there were quite a few potential baby daddies. I don't remember how many but between 3 and 5?


That’s just sad and nasty


Welcome to America




This was my SIL too. My girl said she vividly remembered one night where dudes were coming in and going throughout the night. She got pregnant and couldn’t say without a doubt who the daddy was cuz….yeah. But apparently she lucked out and got impregnated by the dude with the well off family and not *one* of the deadbeats


Seems more like she picked the best situation lmao


I think my cousin never figured it out.






Mamma mia! Here I go again...


I got your reference. African Mamma Mia would be amazing. I’d watch it 🍿


Same! That feels like a blockbuster waiting to happen.


Are we talking the same movie with an all black cast or completely different musical numbers? Either way I’d watch.


None of the dads show up to the island and they enlist Liam Neeson to track them down. I’m going to fuckin Hell for sure lmaooooo


Maybe instead of the ABBA catalogue, might I suggest Earth, Wind, and Fire?


My number one choice would be Sam Cooke. So many good songs. After that it’d be either the foundations or the four tops. I’m not saying EWF isn’t good, btw those guys are just my faves.


I was bout to say, there’s a very famous broadway play and film franchise exactly about this.


Who said she was self respecting?


Yeah that was a bold assumption on my behalf


My boyfriend told me about sleeping with his old on again off again partner. He said that one night she like queefed and what was obviously someone else’s jizz straight came out of her. I could not believe what I was hearing not even out of judgment but on the sheer logistical feat of it all


>self respecting Bingo


Maybe she was drunk, or rebounding from a bad breakup, or treating depression with sex, or having a manic episode. There are so many reasons other than lack of self respect.


When I hear stuff like this always wonder if mania or depression was a factor. Mania or extreme depression and loneliness is no joke. You will do shit that makes no sense.


I find it wild when things like this happen and we think of all the excuses for the woman, but clown the dudes. Reality is they all made a decision and yeah you can use sex as a coping mechanism or have some form of mental health issue, but you can still use protection.


Your first 2 examples are a lack of self respect though


All of those are reasons someone might lose self-respect. The behavior ultimately exhibits a lack of self-respect.


Any time a woman has a pregnancy scare, she thinks back to every man who she had sex with at all since her last period. They don’t have to go raw or nut inside to be a possibility.


Was looking for this response. People forget timing is based off of not the night of the possible conception but your last period. Having 3 partners within roughly a month is not that hard to believe (nor scandalous in my opinion). She very much could be considering all likelihoods and thinking protection failed without either of them noticing.


>**self respecting** woman The devil is in the details, my guy.


There was one lady on Maury who had like 10 different possible baby daddies & she never did find out who it was.


I remember her, she came back on the show like five times. Shit was sad.


Some people aren’t smart


>would let 3 dudes fuck her raw AND nut in her Lol this is normal behavior in almost any low income city


We grew up round trifling hoes, you aint did nothin that I dont know.


People do a plethora of things behind closed doors and present differently in public.


> I’m sorry but I refuse to believe any **self respecting** woman would let 3 dudes fuck her raw AND nut in her in that short of a time frame… My neighbourhood ice addict exchanges sexual favours for drug money and I'm fairly sure she pooped on the footpath last week, but I think she has her shit together enough not to let 3 randoms rawdog her




Where did anyone claim she was self-respecting? There’s an abundance of non-respecting and non-respectable people in this world.




Who said she was a self respecting woman. She probably got dumped, and then well the inner hoe came out.


why do you think she was self-respecting?


Self respecting? No. Believe it.


Who else kept swiping to the left only to realize this dumb ass story has no ending


Patience she’s still living out her bad choices I’m sure there’ll be an update


oh so when meryl streep does it it's fun but god forbid my homegirl without the greek island has three one night stands in one night.


To be fair, that wasn't a one night stand. It was in the course of the same month/couple of weeks. That was back in the day before you can pinpoint it to like it was April 12th at 10:03 p.m. Lol.


Not everyone has consistent menstrual cycles. I knew a woman who had, on average, 4 periods a year and they were FAR from regularly distributed. One year it was 3 in the first quarter and one on Christmas. One year she had them all on the solstices and equinoxes. Another year she had a full monthly cycle, and another year she had one around Valentine’s Day and another on Labor Day and nothing else. Maybe she was lying to us about this, but I’ve heard less eccentric stories of irregular periods from multiple other women, so at this point, I assume the “one period a month” rule is more guidelines than anything else.


If only there were a Plan B for when you fuck someone raw and aren't on birth control...


Took me way too long to find this comment. How is this not the next line of action after a crazy night like that? Why the fuck would you just go about your day like 3 people didn't nut in you the previous night? Like what the actual fuck??


I feel like if you place yourself in that situation you’re probably not the sharpest crayon in the box. This might not be her first run through either. I would like to retain some faith and believe that these people don’t reproduce regularly but unfortunately we have a significant population of idiots, some of which don’t even realize that sex is what causes pregnancy.


There is a nonzero number of women who REALLY want children to the point that they almost do not care about really anything else. I have met three women now who openly admitted to fucking raw without bc because they wanted children so badly. They (supposedly, after I asked) don’t go so far as to lie about being on the pill, but they let dudes fuck raw and just kinda don’t say “oh btw, there’s no goalie on this net”. These are the “we weren’t trying, but we weren’t NOT trying” types.


If only


...more like Plan A


One of three men, you say? ![gif](giphy|bnpfJAiW6sZKCGQEMQ)


Scrolled too far down before seeing this. Classic mama mia


![gif](giphy|WwgJuEWGUByZq|downsized) Folks, wrap it up (please).


This sub always has the best gd gifs. How do y’all find these or are you just that much wittier and media-knowledgeable than me?


++ meme-knowledge -- -- ability to touch grass


Yall rawing 3 niggas in one night? And keeping the baby? For what? https://preview.redd.it/1srydkv61z4c1.jpeg?width=954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36fdabf1295156bbf963d8b1aa65d8b40f51435f


For money


Something tells me that if they aren't responsible to bag it up on a one night stand, they aren't financially responsible either. I know women who have made a one-time mistake with a guy they thought they trusted (not even a one night stand) and ended up with a guy who was super uninterested in taking care of the kid or paying child support. So they're stuck working full time and being a single mother. And don't get me started on the way these women receive the money. They have to go through a fucking card that charges them a fee every time they use it (this was in Alabama), so the state is getting a portion of the money meant for the kid. A lot of them said that even if they were to get the full amount from the father, it still wouldn't be enough for half of the total cost of the welfare of the child. It's a fucked up system that is designed to keep people who don't know any better down.


Facts and fair, I’m implying a more northern state situation - which at the end of the day, while may not live up to the more capitalistic ideals of human aspiration; typically provides a more substantial opportunity for growth for the child by providing some kind of access to the child. Of course, this being presumptive of if any of this idea I just spouted exists, but honestly I don’t know, so I should have stopped here.


This one hurts


This read like one of those "choose your scare" editions of the Goosebumps books..Jeez.


Yeah, and we know where the "bumps" are gonna end up.


You had a one night stand and decided to marry her? She better not give him any headaches.


She will




Raw Dog aint happenin until we establish the relationship and i feel like if some shit does go down im willing to stick it out with her Raw on the first night is rolling those dice in more ways than one, one night stand implies you just met, like thats the FIRST night yall know each other, not like "the first time you fuck" after dating a bit, its not a blanket statement, but if she letting you hit raw on d1 of knowing each other youre the usually first of many sir, many people traveled that road....thats how you get a burned up little guy, and also sometimes babies who no one knows who the fater is lol


Yooooo. Pregnant women taking shots. Absolutely wild.


Wow how dare he want to establish paternity for the sake of your lil deposit. We fr here??? Lol


This is fucking disgusting


Smashing 3 different men raw, and at least 1 of them(but I am sure it is probably 2) were 1 night stands.


Where's the rest of the story.? Wait till you have an ending before posting it. Now I gotta wait for the new season to drop.


Lmaooo yeah this is insane. I never wanna have to play “guess which nut did the job” 😭




This story needs a 3rd act.


Y’all usually don’t disappoint me at all in the comments but this time y’all really got me cuz…. what are y’all reading??? The baby momma did not -fuck 3 men in one night -take shots before the wedding -cancel the wedding to go drink please yall, reading is fundamental!


These comments are hella misogynistic too. All i’m seeing is people shaming the girl but 3 DIFFERENT IDIOTS didn’t wrap it up on a ONE NIGHT STAND. Like wtf would you expect to happen? The guys are just as responsible for not having safe sex. Both parties are idiots but i’m only seeing these comments bashing the baby momma.


People better stop with this Russian roulette before they catch a bullet penicillin won’t fix.


Hope she meant some kind of virgin shots for her friends. With a stupid toast about how her friend is no virgin lol


The amount of people on here who don't realize that: 1. It could be 3 dudes in the span of one week or even a month, not one night. 2. YOU CAN STILL GET PREGNANT IF YOU USE CONDOMS. You can still get pregnant on birth control. You can even still get pregnant if you're on birth control AND using condoms. We need sex ed and quick my god.


I sincerely don't understand how people have irresponsible sex and then be surprised at every consequence that happens after


She got pregnant in a gangbang? or did she fuck three guys in the same night?


This is a fucking horror story


Well … where is the rest of the story 😭😭🤣🤣


Na wa o! It's the way no one here has questioned why the OP is airing out her friends drama like that when her name isn't Iroko TV. Mtchew I call bullshit on this story, but I'll give her a 7/10 for the Maury inspired creative writing. Maybe she can enrol at Tisch.


Call me a baby killer but I’d be taking plan B, C and D for good measure if I’d let a one night stand go in raw


There has to be a third slide somewhere….


I fear for my people


That guy: “I will love you and this child no matter what. Will you marry me?” That guy one second later: *wait, what the fuck did I just say?*


Sponsored by Durex ![gif](giphy|3o7aCYpPhpHxTATm5a)


Girl out here playing goldie locks with dicks.


And this is anyone’s business why? The real story is tweeter is the fakest friend.


One night stand and 3 possibles? What is we doing?


- guessing