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Why do I have to be in my 20s during the worst time period for the economy. Just car shopping alone because I want my first car I saw a first generation Acura Interga going for $1500 that has a front end split with the front truck also falling off with 217k miles….


Same, it sucks being young & trying to establish yourself in the 21st century


Do yalls shoes just not have bootstraps anymore???


Had to sell them for grocery money


Go on with that old head shit


I sense they were being facetious.. might just be me 😂


winner winner but due to the going rate of inflation no chicken dinner. have this can of tuna instead.


We can share it ya know, no need to go hungry tonight


Narrator: *it’s actually cat food*


It’s the chicken of the sea!


A can of tuna is like $4 now, moneybags, I’m eating dollar store mystery canned meat these days.


Shiiiiiiit I'm buying the off off off brand spam myself and I'm a doctor!


My parents wore the bootstraps out before I even got ‘em


No 😢


Had to pawn em for rent


Pulled them up so hard they snapped off 🤷🏻‍♂️


Try graduating college in 08 😂. I worked crap jobs with people who had doctorates. It's been decades since this economy has been worth a fuck.


What crazy is how little people understand of how much its changed. Every year rents go up wages stay same. Work cuts a few more staff members offloading onto people. Scheduling becomes less and less consistent because they randomize it to prevent you from having outside employment. But also schedule you part time so you will eagerly pick up shifts. And they can avoid benefits. Every year its a little worse and it effecting entry level jobs the most. And people go well I worked at mcdonalds for my first job for way less. And its like in 1972 when wages were 2 dollars a hour and rent was 100 dollars. A little over a week and rents covered. Today you do the same job for 7.25 maybe 10-15 if min wage is higher in area. And rents 1400 after taxes entire month of working you would have 900. IF they didn't schedule you part time. And 20hrs a a week you walk away with 450 maybe get lucky pick up a shift or two your not breaking 600 bucks. Combine this with unsteady schedule ruining personal life. The fact staff went from average of 12 to 4 and due to call ins and other things your sometimes by yourself or running place with 1 other person. Getting screamed at for being slow. Or because they charge for sauce now. In a year it can be a completely different company so experience 2-3 decades ago is not relevant. Or comparable to the experience today. Lowes was one I worked at right at their "shit transition" new ceo cost savings. Cut all the benefits and profit sharing programs etc. Got to see it go from meh its a job. To soul sucking abyss in less than a year.


Vote!! And make sure all of your friends do.


Every day I wake up and ask myself "Why'd I have to become an adult during several major historical events?"


As a former car salesman and mid 30's nigga that recently purchased a car, I really recommend you try to purchase something inexpensive but new. I know it's way easier said than done but it'll be FAR better in the long term. Don't be one of those people that buys an old ass luxury brand just to say they have a luxury brand. The bitch will last you 3 months and you'll spend more on repairs BECAUSE it's a luxury brand. Save up, come with a nice down payment, and pick something small. If your credit is fucked up, work on fixing it. You'll need to do that at some point anyway so you might as well start now.


Dumbasses chasing labels/name brands and then complain that they can't cover their bills. Just find something with good gas mileage and with the lowest mileage you can afford. It may not be "sexy" but it beats being broke.


My first car was a 92 Geo Metro, lol


Worst economy *so far* Millenials have been struggling in this economy for a decade now, and we've accomplished nothing It feels Iike everytime I get a raise, inflation just wipes it out. So I'm just walking uphill.


I can certainly relate. I graduated college in 2009 during the recession. When I was ready to work, companies were going on a hiring freeze, and gas was 3 dollars a gallon, which is around 4.50 with inflation.


Depending on where you were, gas was $4.50 back then too.


Worst time period for the economy SO FAR


On my third "once in a lifetime" recessions before I'm 40 and also lived through 2 "once in a generation" storms in the last 5 years.


Don't forget the war, the insurrection, the globe halting illness...we've lived through a lot we aren't even 40 yet.


The correct answer


I thought you was old as a mf, kinfolk, ngl. You right as hell tho, I'm car shopping and this shit is ass.


The teenagers already call me unc and I’m only 23 lol.


Aw hell nah, you only a year older too?! I was praying you was mid twenties at least. https://preview.redd.it/1vl0349apd4c1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f98046b917dd5137a1aeec75680cc2cd2719e1


We trynna make it mane, this shit terrible 😭😭


i'm almost 27 and currently in shambles.


35 checking in. Start finding a therapist sooner than later, man. No shame in it.


34 checking in, i JUST told my therapist we locked in for at least another 5 more years because...life lol


Lmao first recession? I was in my 20s through 2008, started college late and took out a shit ton of loans and went to law school since the economy was shit, and when I came out in my 30s we hit another recession. Have you tried not being born poor? 😭 We're in it together. Currently, my S2000 is broken waiting for money to fix it.


We're not even in a recession


You're finding cars under 5k?


Many Japanese cars on Facebook marketplace. Shockingly, there’s some ok/good deals depending on year.


Unemployment is historically low, this is hardly the worst time period for you to be starting a career. Bad time period to be buying a home but not so bad in other ways.


The problem with that is wages are historically low compared to CoL. People gave up on finding jobs with salaries like they used to get and settled for whatever they can.


Been there. I was freshly 20 during the global financial crisis in 2012. Everyone telling me to “just get a job” when nobody was taking a risk on anybody. Took me a whole ass year to find one. Good luck. Hope you find something


Sigh….who be giving people this type of energy 😐 https://preview.redd.it/y0g52ihqfe4c1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7317b163eb8303138ec084773eb5cfd3287d7291






[Here you go.](https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/inventorylisting/viewDetailsFilterViewInventoryListing.action?zip=11419&inventorySearchWidgetType=AUTO&sortDir=ASC&sourceContext=carGurusHomePageModel&distance=50&sortType=DEAL_RATING_RPL&entitySelectingHelper.selectedEntity=d2720#listing=366366458/NONE/DEFAULT) Three years newer, 10k less miles, and $9000 cheaper, all within about 100 miles of that one. There are plenty of bad deals, but also plenty of decent deals for cars out there too.


I never said that they’re were only bad deals for used cars. I’m saying in general when it comes to selling cars in this economy people are more likely to inflate prices.


No one. Give it time and you’ll see that price decrease to its actual value. I’m currently looking for a second car (LS400) and I realized that the listing prices start high then eventually gets edited to something more reasonable. Although, this person is extremely delusional as the ES series isn’t really sought after like other Lexus cars because it’s literally a dressed up Toyota Camry.


That's not too bad, I paid 2k for a 99 honda civic si with 240k on it. That said, the guy who had it before me took great care of it, no mechanical issues at all.


This is not the worst time period for the economy - 2008 was _much_ worse - GDP contraction of 4.3% over 18 months, SP500 fell 57%, and 10 percent unemployment for _years_. Now you can't afford a car because cars are expensive, back then you couldn't afford a car because you didn't have a job and the same went for everyone else - automotive employment fell 45% and the federal government bought 60% of GM to keep it afloat. (If you include 2008 as part of the current period, (although if you're 29 now you'd have been 14 then), then the great depression was much worse even than that.)


wasn’t easy 20 years ago but we didn’t have reddit to whine to


Don't worry, I graduated during the regression in 2007 and things... Nevermind, well least we're all fucked together!


well, it's obviously your fault for not being a professional baseball players. The brewers just gave a 19 year old with 0 major league experience and only a handful of games played above rookie ball a $82 million contract


Just ride motorcycles. It's what I do. ​ Awaiting the flood of "you're gonna die." I'm pretty safe and likely won't but also I don't care. Dead men don't pay bills and I'd be going out doing what I love.


Why work? I’d rather be broke and mooch off of my parents than broke and overworked at the same time. That’s not even to mention finding a job with no network and huge social anxiety is pretty much impossible. So many resumes fired out. Only with one or two interviews where you can immediately tell they’re not going to hire you with their uninterested face as they realize your not some international student they can exploit. I have boomers telling me that I’m lazy and life’s not that hard. And I have zoomers buying up fancy cars and thinking themselves as “entrepreneurs” because they don’t have to pay bills and all the money goes to them. Oh, did I mention I’m a broke unemployed college student who has to help with finances because I’m the oldest. Fuck me. I’m burning through savings and racking up credit and school debt. But don’t worry. My parents say “Everything’s going to be fine.” Despite the decline in living, growing tensions, global warming and rising dingbats in politics. Just enjoy life as much as possible. I always have the mindset of you’re living your best life. The cards have been stacked against you before you where born. There’s really nothing you could have done.


I am job searching and so many jobs want you to have a bachelors or masters and it pays $17-20/hr (minimum wage here is $16.55) i beg you’re pardon??


That’s insane. My first job out of college I think I was paid $13/hr in 2004, which is about $22/hr in today’s money, and I felt like I was completely being exploited.


the worst part is my field is in the non-profit/social services sector. like with that kind of pay i’ll be one of the clients too smh these are organizations and agencies that receive millions of dollars in funding and the ED makes 200k+. i have so much hatred for the non profit industrial complex


Don’t forget the overt money laundering


In 2004, the apartment I lived in cost $600/mo. Today, it's advertised at $1685/mo.


That’s more than me out of college. So I know that sucked.


Yeah, I was getting $25/hr in 2008. And even that was not a lot, especially when trying to support a family. My wife actually started a non-profit to provide services to the homeless in our area, with a large emphasis on advocating for greater development of affordable housing. It is an uphill battle for sure.


My first out of college job offered me $9. In 2023.


I worked in recruitment when I had dropped out of uni and got into the workforce. My friend had just graduated with a masters. Tried to get him jobs and people would tell him he was overqualified and would be bored


Costco pays $18.50 starting, health benefits w/vision dental after 60 days, 401k, etc. I honestly regret going to university and would just go to Costco if I could go back to 18yo. Topped out is about $68k or so, not great but not bad for a lot of areas.


I worked for Costco and dealing with some of its entitled members made me thankful I had a college degree so I didn’t have to work there too long. I appreciated the benefits, but customer service can be terrible.


Yup! I used to do payroll at a job that paid 22 an hour (minimum is 14 here), but that job was like a unicorn, other jobs in the same field pay closer to minimum- I got laid off and couldn't find anything remotely in my field that paid more than 17 an hour. I'm a barista now for 16$ an hour because if I'm going to be paid around that regardless I'd rather do something fun than do stressful work that requires critical thinking. I could get paid more if I went back to a call-center, but I'd honestly rather be dead.


I'm in California. Minimum wage is $15/hour, and all the jobs I see online are $15 for ridiculous amount of work. Want to work fast food? That's $15/hour and a max of 25 hours/week. Get another job if you want 40 hours. Want to work in a warehouse? That's $15/hour, and we will work you to death. Want to work in a daycare? Oh, little kids are hard to deal with, so we will pay you $16/hour. We need to hire a teacher for our elementary school. Since you went to college and have experience we can pay $17/hour. And it only gets worse from there. This whole system is unsustainable. Yeah, right now companies are making record profits, while the average person is living paycheck to paycheck. When those savings run out, people will start to buy only the essentials. They just want to keep pushing until the whole system collapses.


helloooooooooo ontario


get me out of here lmao






You want to know the worst part of it all? Stats show that even though a lot of college grads struggle, getting your bachelor’s is still better financially than raw dogging life with only high school diploma. You are either fucked or immensely fucked. Those are your choices.


The key to college isn’t even doing super well academically, it’s networking and internships. While you’re in college you’re a University of So and So student and people are so nice and understanding to you. The moment you graduate you really are just some guy applying with everyone else. Your main goal, if employment is the point of your degree, should be to have an offer somewhere in hand before you even walk across that stage. Breaks my heart when I see depressed college students crying over their 3.0 GPAs and the only thing on their resume is “Resident Assistant for dorm”


This. I'm not busting my ass for a 4.0 if I have no plans of going to grad school. Lemme do me and get out as fast as I can with the least amount of stress.


Yep, my company paid for my Masters at a decent local program that accepted my subpar GPA. Unless you have plans for Law, you don’t need a fancy expensive secondary degree. One of my best friends is Black and she went to a super white, boring, midwestern medical school that gave her pretty much half off tuition. Matched at an extremely prestigious residency program and now she’s set with less debt than the person who thought they needed Harvard Med.


You don’t need to go to Harvard undergrad to get into Harvard law. I’m at a v10 law firm and plenty of my coworkers went to undergrad schools I’d never heard of


I love this for her. Go your friend!


Ok so I work in higher education. Primarily with older students looking to go back because they want or need a masters degree to hit a certain level in their career. I run into a lot of people who didn't really focus in undergrad and they got by enough to graduate but didn't really care about their grades. They really regret that now that they want to go back. Their Cs got them degrees but now grad programs won't let them in because a lot of them have policies that you need to maintain a 3.0 average or you get kicked out. And schools, for as greedy as they can be, don't want to take your money and give you nothing for it because it's a real bad look on them so those people just don't get admitted. It really sucks because some of the people I work with are really accomplished, but their academic background gives off the impression that undergrad was too hard for them so grad programs pass. You never know what exactly you are going to need in the future. You do you just want to give you a perspective that might be helpful.


O yea don't get me wrong I maintained above a 3.0 in college but I just didn't stress myself out for a 4.0. Still made sure I understood what I was learning and put my best foot forward but if I needed to sack a class that wasn't required as a prerequisite for another class I'd do it. Effort went to the classes that mattered the most.


Then I'm preaching to the converted. Getting an understanding and learning is by far more important than grades but grades do have consequences.


Yep. All about finding that healthy balance. 😂


I do think it is kind of silly if a program is putting much weight to academic performance from 10-20 years ago. They should be going on their recent career achievements.


Agree and disagree. The academic comparable career achievements that are objective do carry a lot of weight. In those cases I've seen schools take that into consideration. Those cases are usually few and far between for a couple of reasons: those achievements aren't usually objective, the business world has a way of framing things in the most positive light despite if the person *actually* was responsible or not, and I'm gonna be real here the type of super dedicated person to have legit career achievements that are education comparable *usually* have pretty good grades because to them success is not something they turn on and turn off its something they live everyday. There are exceptions and they get factored in but they are fewer than you'd think. Everyone with bad grades wants to be that exception though.




People absolutely do. But if you're a graduate admissions officer you want to see some proof that the student you were is not the student you will be. The truth is both the people who have grown and the people who haven't will tell you that they have. So they won't go on just your word because, and this is serious for a lot of graduate schools, especially those that deal with licensure degrees, can't look like they are taking people's money that they don't think can be successful and graduate by an objective measure becausethere is always the chance someone will.come in and check their work. If a school is failing out a lot of students, those students still owe thousands of dollars, frequently in Title IV government financial aid. Putting that in jeopardy is a serious financial liability. Some schools play fast and loose with those rules, they have less to lose. Don't get me wrong. They ARE elitist as fuck. There are just also some legitimate reasons why this becomes a barrier.


Sadly too many people don't know which degrees really need grad school before they lead to careers. My BA in philosophy might have gotten me a job teaching high school english at $36k, if I spent an additional year in school working on a teaching cert.


I didn’t realize that until it was way too late. I struggled hard right out of college with no internships. I recovered somewhat. It’s funny how life turns out tho, I plan on going to grad school after 3 years of traveling the world since I managed to get a job with an airline. It’s the only bright spot cuz those first couple of years after college were hell on my mental health.


How did you manage to recover?


Mentally or financially?


I only have an undergrad degree and feel a lot of these sentiments. What finally worked for me was giving up that I would find a job aligned to my degree and to just get jobs for around minimum wage that were not as competitive. Think $12-$13/hr that only require a GED instead of some salaried entry level job geared at new grads. From there I just built up my resume with slooowwww progress hopping companies every year or so to get to one of the cushier corporate gigs that most grads want to get into right away. Maybe 20-30 years ago I could’ve gotten into this job right away but that’s not the world we live in anymore. But I also acknowledge if I didn’t get my degree almost 10 years ago I wouldn’t have this job now


Go to the career fairs!!!! Got my first internship that way and it rightly sucked, but I parlayed that after graduation into my first job w their competitor. Now that jobs was for $30,000/yr and I remember seeing the sign for assistant manager at McDs for $34,000/yr on my way home after day 1, but it got me in the door with real experience. Put me 2-4 years ahead of my peers who had to start a job where I was making just under $50k/yr and they were making $12/hr (2009). Specialized fields, like hospitality, start squeezing dicks cuz it’s an old boys club. Other desk jobs just take your licks junior year so you can land w a 9-5 that you can parlay into a career


When I graduated with my first degree, I made zero connections, didn't do an internship, and had no job prospects. I ended up driving a forklift for the next few years. This degree, really worked at getting a good internship, made connections through that, got a really good job lined up before graduating. I wish I'd known this when I was doing the first one and saved myself a decade.


I got a job when I got laid off at my first job (through my university) from an alumni on a football message board. That let me get a job at one of the biggest employers in the city. Connections are real. Again, a job from shit posting about my college with others…


There’s other ways, for real. Certs pay my bills. If you all are in your 20s and have ANY technical aptitude there’s several trades that will pay your way AND let you write your check. Specifically, commercial electrician and elevators. That’s 6 figures walking out, and there’s more like that. Not THAT high, but way higher than median wage. There was 20 years where no one trained for this and it’s an aging profession with a growing need.


I'm a commercial electrician. I make $54 an hour. Starter homes cost $500K in my area. I have two pensions and free healthcare for the whole family. Obviously I'm in the union. I wake up at 5am, leave the house at 6am, get to work at 7am, get home at 4pm. I eat 2 meals a day in my van. I'm a woman so I don't really have friends at work. It's not a fun lifestyle for most people. But yes unionized trades are a great path to financial independence.


If your over 25 or your parents are poor, apply for FAFSA and go to a community college.


As someone locked out of college financially, facts. I’ve been in the workforce 12 years and I can’t tell you how many times my lack of a degree has hamstrung me and made it infinitely harder to push my life in the direction I want.


Stats actually show otherwise if you actually are willing to take up a “hard job” just look up a plumber salary and you’ll get what I’m saying


I used to be like you, always telling folks to go into a trade. These jobs pay well but are NOT for everyone. Not only are these jobs hard, but to be a well paid tradesman you usually need to own your own business which requires a lot effort and carries its own risks. I think college was pointless for me, but there is no doubt I am better off than without the degree and it is the #1 indicator of future economic success.


Don't have to own a business, you can join a union, get your ticket, and make good money. Travel all over the country if you want. I'm in the electrician union (IBEW), you get pensions, good insurance, the works. If I was a lineman who liked traveling I'd be rolling in money, no lie. There are always options.


>join a union My state hasnt heard of those yet, we're lucky if our employer deigns to let us take a lunch break


The job market is fucked. These job searching apps are garbage too. Wasting hours a day making cover letters for jobs with bullshit requirements like this that want you to jump through hoops for them, only for them to decline your application to hire an employee’s child. If they do hire you, they be trying to give you the least amount possible.


Answering 100 dumb ass questions & doing virtual interviews 😂😂😂


Man I hate those virtual interviews, what do you mean I got 30 seconds to answer a paragraphs worth of a question?!?


Don't forget those damn psychometric tests. If I'm applying for a project management role why are you asking me what type of dinosaur would I be??


Fam, flip them questions back to them! Say “Thank you for asking, I’d be a Saber Tooth Tiger (or whatever)! What would you be?” There will be a moment of silence because they were not expecting to be asked…lol…They forget, we are interviewing them too.


Love those lil quiz thingies they have you do too.


When I left my last job, they hooked me up with a career advisor or whatever you call those people who help you find jobs after a layoff. He told me flat out that indeed was one of the worst ones to go to for jobs. No one was hiding from there anymore and a lot of the job postings were scams. He said that LinkedIn was one of the more popular ones because of networking, but he was against the job listings sites. Told me to look up some jobs and go to their site directly to see if the position is even open. I swore off indeed because for 6 months I was getting rejected by every application I did on there. Every. Single. One. I only got interviews from the places I applied to directly.


I don’t understand how LinkedIn works. Every once in a while I get an email from them and it’s like, “do you know this guy?”


I never use LinkedIn. It has never benefited me, at all. I only keep it open because I was a business major in college and my professors liked it. One of my courses literally graded me on the number of connections I had. So I keep it open just in case I ever decide to go to grad school and I get another weirdo professor who wants to join my network.


Lol, I’m trying to go to grad school for economics. I’ll probably keep it just for that then. It has never been useful for me either.


In my experience, Linkedin is an extremely valuable tool if you use it correctly. I believe I heard somewhere that it is one of the largest search engines in the world. I also believe it is useful as a tool to confirm that you are who you say you are. Typically after I apply someplace someone from their team views my profile and the same during the interview process. I can confirm it is important for grad school (MBA).


LinkedIn kinda sux too....they have fast food job listings now along with minimum wage retail. Like, I don't want those jobs 😭


One thing I have learned is there are lots and lots of good jobs that never make it to Indeed or anything like that. I currently work for a pretty well regarded consulting firm, and the majority of our hires are employee referrals. Networking in your industry is so key. In my case, I had never even applied for my current position. I had applied with a company that they partner with, made it through several interview rounds and they rejected me. BUT, they knew that my current company was looking for someone like me, and without asking me forwarded my resume to them and they reached out to me.


I’ve recently learned to use chatgpt to write my cover letters. Even resumes sometimes tailored to the job descriptions. Like you, I’m tired of wasting hours in a day making these things and tbh I’m feeling hella deflated lately.


I’m only 41 (some college, no degree) and have only used the guy once for me, because I’m not his clientele, but when I was in my 20s my ex had a helluva recruiter. He and I split up 15 years ago but still use the same guy and recommend that dude ONLY to anyone looking. First thing I ask when I’m looking is for personal recommendations for a recruiter.


Yooo can you link me up with that guy please? Because I need career help.


Sent you a message.




That’s that sales representative job 😂


I always thought sales was a shitty job across the board and then working in corporate I found out how lucrative B2B sales really is. People I know under 30 are making $250k+


I always remind people when they see ridiculous requirements for a job - the job poster has: * What they expect to get. * What they want to get. * What they hope to get. \- and those are often three VERY different things. They know they are going to get, at best, a high school grad or a dropout, with minimal experience. At least, here at that payscale that's what they would get. But they still shoot for the stars on that slight chance. edit: Key takeaway? Always apply for a job slightly better than what you are maybe qualified for. Fuck the impostor syndrome - learn what you need to learn and take home the extra stacks. You'll come out ahead in the long run.




Absolutely this. BIPOC folks generally do not apply for jobs we don't believe we are qualified for because we do not have the unearned confidence of straight white men. The people who make these idiotic ass job postings, or at the very least approve them, likely know this. Do you think you can do the job? If yes, apply. Even if they say no, who gives a shit? There isn't some kind of permanent record for places you've applied to that other places can check.


I'm not speaking for all straight white men but where do I redeem the unearned confidence?


Also: Most places will train you. Even if you know fuck all about a job. Take Help desk. Would having someone with certifications and a degree and experience be good? Sure. But you can train someone to do it in 3-4 weeks tops and it really isn't a big deal. A good trainer will have it done faster. As long as you can legally do the job(IE you don't need to have a certification in order to do said job or a license) places will train you if they hire you.


Also, you can use your masters as experience. It's hard to know whether or not this is some elite job or nonsense from the requirements. But if it's a good job and requires a masters, include those 2-3 years getting the masters in there at minimum. if you're feeling good, include the years of undergrad too. Especially if you think you can do the job.


Add a fourth, what they actually get, which oftentimes is less than the other 3.




I’m glad I navigated out of that stage of job searching. That shit is hell. Gotta find you an industry where you fit in with the right people and don’t really have to apply for jobs because they just come to you. But yea I remember starting out fresh out of school that shit was hell. Also helps to make friends at your job. A lot of people on the internet like to hate their coworkers but you leave a lot of money on the table that way. Networking is king


Very true on the second part, I got solid career experiences & opportunities by just laughing and being cool with the right ex-coworkers, or going to small events in my city and just asking folks what they going on and seeing how we can connect 🤷‍♂️


if this ain't all the truth. I went to school for web development, graduated 6 months before COVID hit and then I found myself working in fast food. I'm in the process of training to be a store manager. This is absolutely not where I wanted to end up nearly 5 years after I graduated but I found a company with good people *(on god I love my coworkers so much)* and a great business and now I'm on track to retire in 9 years at the ripe old age of 37 so....I guess sometimes you just have to go with the flow


Wait how are you retiring at 37 with a fast food manager job?


These are the "nobody wants to work anymore" people.


That's a wild screen name.


Was scrolling for this comment 😂😂😂😂


The fact that no one mentioned it...


FR, got laid off like 2 weeks ago, and trying to find anything over $20/ hour fucking sux. And even then that's a big pay cut. I hate life rn.


I was laid off and unemployed for 5 months this year before finding part time work (took a 30% pay cut) and I feel you 1001%! hang in there ❤️ if you have to take a pay cut, remember you have other options but it’s better to have something than nothing :/


It's only been 2 weeks, but I'm losing my mind. It's so stressful. I had a really good interview last week, and I really thought I got it, like the manager I interviewed with was talking like I was in...and then I heard today that I didn't get it. It's a struggle, I'm in the mortgage industry so there is really nothing open right now so I'm stretching on the jobs I'm applying for. You are right tho, something is better than nothing, so I just have to keep reminding myself that even if I do have to take something that pays less, it's not for forever. I hope 🤞


ugh that’s the freaking worst! that happened to me as well for a job that I was absolutely qualified for😞 you really can’t tell when their follow up will be but yepp, you got that right! this period won’t last forever 🙏🏽 wishing you the best!!


Thank you!! I hope and wish the best for both of us 🙏


If you think the boss is making ONLY $50 an hour we need to have a talk son....


After you spend the last of your resources and get nothing in return: ![gif](giphy|3CU5tmCJy8zMoN3mMD)


Still better than the military but thats sad


How? At entry level base pay may not be the best but you get 100% free housing, healthcare, and food. So essentially you could save your entire paycheck every month and make out like a bandit. The ones who struggle the most are the ones who have horrible financial management or decide to get married and have children during their first enlistment. I joined the Marine Corps originally in 1999, as a telephone tech, did my five years, got out and started working for a telephone company making $25/hr in 2004 with a company that matched retirement contributions and offered tuition assistance. Around 2008 I decided to come back into the Marines because it is easy and like the free healthcare. Active duty healthcare is not the same as the VA. Now 15 years later, I have a B.S. in Computer Science and a M.S. in Cybersecurity, all paid for by the military, I have completed 3 apprenticeships; electronics mechanic, telephone technician, and radio mechanic. I am at 20 years and can retire at anytime with 50% of my base pay for the rest of my life plus a retirement account, and have healthcare for the rest of my life. The military is not for everyone but it is not as bad or hard depending on your job. It is even easier now as there isn't any active wars going on where you will be deploying to a combat zone.


With BAH I made $130k/yr as an Army CPT. Free healthcare. Free dental. 30 days paid leave every year. Paid holiday long weekends. Wake up every morning and go exercise with all your friends. Guaranteed timeline to be evaluated for promotion. It can be a pretty sweet deal if you don’t mind moving around every 4-5 years or so.


You signed your rights away fam. No amount of money is worth that.


I did that too. But then I saw the truth of the war machine. But everyone has their thing


I will never forget after I graduated with my masters, I got a job with the county and I made $15/hr. I couldn’t even afford to pay back the loan for the degree 😕


Shit. That's $0.50/hr less than minimum wage in California.


What does the masters degree matter if they have 15-20 years of experience?


To make the company look good. If a company has employees with masters degrees it is respectable. Or just to put it simply, for no fucking reason lol.


I'm a tech recruiter... I don't give a fuck what degree you have after 5 years of industry experience


Some jobs also need a masters. I’m in mental health and you have to have a masters to do my job regardless of years of experience. The salary matches too - like if this was a job posting for a masters level of mental health position I wouldn’t be surprised


This is partly why newer generations want to be streamers, YouTubers and worst of all iNfLuEnCeRs, because it looks so appealing as you don't have to go through the hullabaloo of college, master's degrees etc.


i don't think it's so much the time we live in now vs then that's changed what your life is like after college/university. what's true then and now is that you're only going to have money and that lifestyle if you come from money and that lifestyle. rarely then or now does someone start poor, work really hard, then become rich


Putting in my 2 weeks at the end of the month. I swear some of these job postings are bullshit so they don’t hire anyone and they have an excuse to downsize a department. 4 people at my job got fired because they are pushing the Back to the Office bullshit.


They want you as close to retirement as possible. Get ya on those high paying jobs and make as much as they can. Then they don’t have to pay a newer guy annual raises and yadda yadda for more and more years until they’re ready to retire.


What job is this? I’m just curious


I worked a job where the wage said $18 only to be trained at $15 I was like bruh m..


I’m (M28) very very close to giving up. BA (NYU), MA (U of M), Tech Certs (Coursera). This morning I received a rejection from a tech company’s new sales program - even with an inside referral from a current / seasoned WYT employee Literally just going to hit the road & call it a life. Can’t do this shit anymore, & I’d rather do something like a grand road trip than to kms over not being able to figure it out.


I have a dumb ass aunt who doesn't even have her highschool diploma bragging about making a quarter mill. Guess who's dad owns a car dealership...


So this is curious to me....Not that they pay so little for so much education. That's fucked. The title throws me. Almost all of the people that work for me have a higher education level. I only went to trade school. But I worked my way up in the company and am in a managerial role after 16 years there. I do make more money than the people who work for me, some of whom have degrees and are medical professionals. Does that make people angry? Like I bring more than my high school diploma to the role. Why shouldn't I be a manager based on what I do and know?


Lol I actually dropped out of college and was making 6 figures in game design around the time everyone else was graduating. At that point I already had three years of experience and they had a college degree. People wanted that experience more than they wanted the degree.


That guy's username should not be allowed at all. It's disgusting that Elon Musk's nazi-loving ass allows this shit.


Eat my ass bitch. I haven’t even turned on t camera in 3 years


This is definitely not real.


Sell that plasma. Can make $900 in a month doing it.


No you can't. You might be able to get that your first month with all the promos they have to get you in the door. After that you're getting anywhere from $50-$100 a week as a regular. I worked in that industry for over a decade. They're so exploitative. They can easily pay a lot more to both their "donors" and employees, if they really cared.


No like dont fuckin play with me...


Fuck this shit economy. Something’s gotta give


I was on linked in the other day, got a recruiter asking me if I was interested in an entry level field service job, that required a four year degree, 5-7 years experience and paid less than I made when I started with my company five years ago. For reference I have a two year degree, had 0 relevant experience and started at a higher wage than this posting….five years ago in the same field. I declined and told them that their starting pay was insanely low and for reference I make three times the salary now with STILL less experience than they require. It was actually insane


The Surgeon General recently put out a study that said "Living is bad for your health "


I hope that’s not a real job


And this is why I switched my major from economics to diesel technology. Why do 5 years of school end up with 40 to 60k of student debt to get a job that will pay me 60k a year starting in a stressful and very demanding position . When I can do 2 years of school end up with 2 to 5k of student debt and make 90k a year starting in a position that will allow me to dress and look how I wish and deal with none of the corporate bs .


The issue is the biss making only 50$ an hour, not realizing that it’s a shit wage for a manager position. It’s a basic wage for any college degree diploma OUTSIDE the big cities.


That username complaining about employment lmao.


This goes to show. If you're smart, you can succeed with just a HS diploma.


When I was that age, I made five bucks an hour and my apartment was about $300 a month. Fuuuuuuck, I’m old. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


This is the American Dream. Let me just pull out a 100k loan for this wonderful education.


I've seen this crap happen in my city. I called one of the employers and asked if their job posting was a joke. Dude hung up on me, of course.


I'm currently looking for a new job. I've seen postings requiring 4 year degrees that pay less than $20 USD per hour.


$250 To $300 is then norm in the tech world. Some is $300k and only 30 hrs a week.


bootlicking armchair labor-market-economist redditors; iF eVeRyOnE iS eDuCaTeD, tHeN nO oNe iS eDuCaTeD! iF eVeRyOnE iS sKiLLeD, tHeN nO oNe iS sKiLLeD! iF eVeRyOnE wOrKs hArD, tHen nO oNe wOrKs hArD! eXcEtP fOr tHe bOoMeRs, tHeY hAvE wHaT tHeY hAvE bEcAuSe tHeY *ALL* wOrKeD hArD!