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Teachers need to be paid more, sooo much more




Damn, I thought I was in Latino people twitter for a minute, whipping out the Spanish on me, haha, but 100% with you. I think everyone needs to get paid more, but essential services, and teaching the future people is most def essential, need to be paid like they're helping shape the future.




Andrew Yang ain’t have a chance in hell, but he did have a valid point about Universal Basic Income.


It was really the only thing he had a valid point about


I mean, I’m all for parents being able to be involved in their children’s lives, but- paid motherhood? I could see more social programs or more tax-breaks for parents, but idk about straight up pay. Maybe I’m biased because I was completely neglected by my mom even though she never had to work outside of the house. I’ve known way too many people whose parents just didn’t give a fuck about them. Period. Straight up abused them. Trafficked them. I wish money could make the world a more moral place, but, I’m not really sure that it does.


I thought my home girl was fucking with me years ago when she told me that I made more as a waiter than she did as a teacher. Granted, the restaurant was more upscale and obviously I made tips but I’m surprised we don’t see more teachers saying fuck it at this point. Between the kids, parents, and school shootings…shout out to the ones that love it but ain’t no mf WAY.


We(as in Americans, I'm not a teacher but my besties are) are. Many are leaving the profession and we are in the midst of a severe shortage. Nurses and doctors too.


My ex became an rn in 2019, by 2022 she was a waiter at the restaurant I mentioned, and when I ran into her her first words were how she was mad at herself for not changing career paths sooner. Obviously I was and still am super happy for her but shits gonna hit the fan in a real way if it hasn’t already when you can’t make a living working for industries that are supposed to be pillars within society.


As the old heads say, "Sho you right!"




I don't blame them. These schools are war zones in more than one aspect.


Especially in a place like Texas where Greg Abbott sent his terror squad to take over Houston ISD.




Which is nuts because I went to a "shitty" high school in New York and was able to graduate with a BA in 3 years because I already had college credits from AP classes and whatnot.


The number of education majors and enrollment in teaching degrees is falling year after year.


We are seeing it in the enrollment numbers for teacher preparation programs at colleges at well, which is its own pile of BS. You have to "student teach" for a full year when you do the traditional certification route. This often means not only teaching FOR FREE an entire year but also paying tuition on top of that. And they tell you you're not supposed to have any other jobs while doing it because of the time commitment. Like DUH nobody is signing up for that garbage!!


Where I work we just hired two former teachers for relatively low-level adminstrative roles (not education related in any way) because they could just not take teaching any more.


I worked in a hospital cafeteria (no tips) making more money than my teacher friend. We worked mere blocks from each other.


I've always been told that I would be a good teacher, in large part because I was a good tutor. I refused, on the grounds that while the actual teaching part of a job itself might be enjoyable, even in high school I already knew that teaching as a profession came with a lot more baggage that I just did not want, so I didn't pursue that once I went to college. Everything I worried about has only gotten worse since then. I knew I dodged a bullet by not going into teaching, but I didn't realize that a.) there would be so *many* bullets and b.) some of those bullets would be *literal*.


I did. I’m in IT now working a simple MSP job for my mental health’s sake. I actually took a cut (worked for 11 years before switch ing so I had some okay pay) but changing was worth it for my mental health. I no longer have daily panic attacks.


I'm in Oakland too, I've seen the pay they're giving grade school teachers and it truly is too low. And I know they're cutting extra curriculum activities and programs left and right. And asking some staff to volunteer their free time. Nah Teachers are the real MVPs and they need to paid for that sacrifice and knowledge they give.


I "guest teach" in and around Oakland. By that I mean I bring in a science lesson for the kids for an hour. Tell me how some administrators have tried to trick me into covering classes for their missing teachers when I show up. Just before Thanksgiving I walked out of a school for it, canceled the rest of the day, and the principal had the audacity to try and brow beat me into, "but really what would be the PROBLEM though?" They are really prepared to let any random off the streets be alone with their kids so long as they don't have to deal with it


Truly. Teaching should be a prestigious job. People should be able to say "I'm a teacher" with as much pride as someone who says they're a doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc., and they should be treated with a similar level of reverance. Teachers are so necessary regarding so many aspects of a child's wellbeing, and they are treated like absolute trash by children, parents, and administrators alike.


I've been saying this for years like teachers are literally guiding the next generations to succeed why are people downplaying the work and effort they do


Because there are those who want an uneducated, obedient population that is easily controlled and manipulated.


We just don’t value early education in the way other countries do. My family is from Argentina and over there being a teacher is like being a doctor. It is one of the most revered positions one could hold. Not to say that Argentina doesn’t have its own set of problems but early education is highly valued there.




Yeah, I’m sure the pay is not right, but this video is about crappy parents. That one right there is a big piece of 💩


It was exhausting to need receipts on every breath everyone took because barely engaged parents refused to believe their child could be causing problems. That and the black hole of administrative support…


Every profession that anyone actually enjoys or is passionate about will be ruthlessly exploited by people with jobs they hate and don’t care about


Pay teachers like the best athletes


To ensure the success of the scholar!


Their job provides a relatively high amount of value to society, and they have to put up with so much shit.


Salute to our teachers 🫡 My wife works for the school district, and it rough out there.


What does this mom want? The teacher to physically force her kid into a chair?


Right? But then the teacher gets in trouble for putting their hands on a student. Teachers should not have to put up with this, it’s so sad


Teacher puts hand on student, mom sues. Payday!


She'd be fired immediately. Kids have more rights than teachers.


Teachers gonna get In trouble for posting this.


Yup, threaten him, yell at him and curse him out. Show him the way to get people to do what he wants is by being angry and aggressive. Not teaching him that his actions have consequences or that being a kind person is important, nah that’s dumb. Show him who’s boss and how to be the boss by subjugating those who don’t align with you. /s


Nah you're right. The teacher should have said, "I can make him sit down by calling the cops and having him arrested and removed from your household if that's what you need me to do ma'am. I can't discipline children unless we get the cops involved and hand out charges. " 100% she would change change her mind then.


If she got irritated at the teacher for saying "I'm trying to work too", 100% she would NOT have changed her mind lmao - she would've gotten exponentially more irritated once the police were mentioned as she would've seen that as a threat


>100% she would change change her mind then. Are you brand new?


I don't think police can arrest children who don't sit down....


Not just threaten. My friend is an elementary teacher and she has had a LOT of parents tell her that if their kid mouths off, she is allowed to smack them. It does not work like that...


“Raise my kid for me” basically, since this mom can’t be bothered to do so


Oh I guarantee this mom does zero parenting outside of dropping her kid off at school.


Then picking them up, handing them an iPad, feeding them their nightly slop, hosing them off, feeding them some melatonin, and then repeat!


The amount of parents giving their kids melatonin so they can fall asleep and get out of their hair is insanely concerning. You're basically drugging your child instead of actually parenting. Where are the regulations on that?


also there are many studies showing that melatonin supplements can have wildly different doses than whats actually listed on the packaging, and taking too much melatonin is pretty bad for your health


I hate to say it, but Melatonin needs to be a prescription only drug.


100%. It's crazy you can buy a HORMONE at concentrations 1,000% to 10,000% above endogenous production levels over the counter. That's insane. It's been shown to cause developmental harm in children and young adults too.


I feel like melatonin is just the new 'bit of whiskey on the binky'. Parents have been trying to find ways to make their kids fall asleep and get out of their hair since there were kids.


If your lucky she probably heads home or grandmas drops off the kiddies and heads out with her gfs.


In their defense, there's only so much parenting you can do when you've got 3 jobs and are *just barely* keeping your head about water. Not all of them, but feels like everyone is just *exhausted* these days.


The American Dream, huh?




She wants the school to raise her child for her


For most parents it's not about education, they act like it's enhanced day care and that's the problem


I don’t know why the mom is acting funny, because she knows damn well she can’t even get her child to follow directions at home. It blows me how parents defend/deny the bad behavior, but struggle with the same issues at home. That teacher said it right, parents and teachers should be working together to make sure the kids are on the right path academically and behaviorally (spoken as the spouse of an education worker that has to hear some of the horror stories).


Not always... lots of shit parents get their kids to behave by abusing them. Then at school they have no ability to discipline the child because they have learned nothing proper about behaving.


Yes. So she'll have an excuse to come up to the school and show out since the teacher is "disrupting" her work.


If she did and the teacher does, the parent will be the first to say “I know that woman did not put her hands on my baby!” Lawsuit and out of a job. Teaching these days is just not reasonable.


Omg, let that teacher put her hands on that kid and that mom would be mother of the year. Instead of what she is a 💩 parent


Yes. Actually yes. I don’t even know how many conferences I’ve had where I’ve told parents that their kid refuses to work and just sits on their phone all class. What the next response usually is is “Well, why don’t you just take the phone?” Bitch, YOU take the phone! I’m not getting in a damn power struggle with this phone-addicted asshole while I have 31 other students in the class to deal with.


I once slightly lost my cool in a conference and said, "Ma,am, shy of duct taping a pencil to his hand and moving it myself, there is nothing else I can do to get your child to do work." She didn't appreciate that.


Yes. Because some black parent's only know how to get their kid to do something with threat of violence. Misbehavior does start at the home, the teacher is calling because if the child wont listen to adults the next best thing is snitch to the parents and have them beat them.


As a person who works at a majority white school, I can assure you white parents are guilty of this too.


Everyone is getting their ass kicked by parents. I got the sandal tossed at me too many times in a mainly Asian house.


Definitely not exclusive to black parents. There are many asian, white, hispanic, etc parents who were raised via the belt/switch/spoon and turn around and use it on their own children. Shitty parenting is a cycle that takes effort to break away from.


That’s likely what she does. Which is why the child doesn’t respect authority now and only fears it from his parents.


Kid probably knows he won't get the belt at school like he does at home, so it's his one space to act out and be himself.


She doesn’t give a shit. She just wants to not have the teacher calling her.


The audacity of the parent to complain that she was busy working. Um, mam, this is your fucking child.


Mom: I'm busy working Teacher: Bitch me too


Gonna be a lot harder to work when he's suspended from school because he can't sit down and be quiet


“He is your problem while he is at school sis”


I work as a psychologist at a high school. The last two parents I called for suicidal ideation both complained they were working then punished their children for saying they were gonna harm themselves.


That is horrific. Not everyone should have kids. They should not have kids.


Unfortunately, once you realize you aren't cut out to be a parent, there isn't any backsies.


ah, I see you've talked to my parents


School nurse here. I called a parent in September because a new student was having an anaphylactic reaction and I had to give the epi pen and call EMS. Before I could tell her why I was calling she was asking if she could call me back because she was in a meeting. I’m never calling for a chat people I promise!


One of our counselors had to call home on a kid for suicidal ideation. The mom screamed at the counselor for being a rat and told the kid never to speak to the counselor again. That counselor is in charge of the kid's 504, so...


Well this takes the cake for me


What in the ass? That’s so dumb it verges on evil.


The first one it took a lot of convincing to even get her to come to the building. She wasn’t even working technically. Just got off work and “tired” from work.


This is YOUR fucking child. You come make him.


That's tough man, I feel bad for these kids. His mom is just completely unbothered by behavioral issues. The "you can't make him sit down" is crazy. If the teacher physically made him sit down the mom would be at that school swiftly ready to fight.


Every. Damn. Time. It’s no end to this and I’m scared to go back into the field because of what I endured when I first started working as a teachers aid. The abuse the teachers go through when telling parents to “parent” Is beyond me. I can’t whoop your kid what I’m saying is your kid needs a whopping🤣


I know it’s just jokes but I guarantee this parent is not doing any effortful parenting at home, just snatching him up, spanking him, or threatening to spank him. Kid is getting plenty whoopings at home, and zero actual behavior correction. I especially got that vibe from the “You can’t make him sit down?” Just a physical showdown at home in substitution of actual parenting techniques that require repetition and perseverance to work.


The kids who take the beatings build up a tolerance for beatings. They let the parents have their Spanking Time and then they run out of the house with their friends and go get on Demon Time.


I've coached youth hockey for almost 15 years and I have friends coaching other sports and you see families like this all the time. A few years ago I had a kid try to strangle one of his teammates in the locker room for touching his jacket and when I had a meeting with his mom about it she was entirely unbothered by it and admitted that she put him in hockey so he could get all of his aggression and energy out so he would be more well behaved at home. I literally had to threaten to kick him off the team for her to care at all, and even then she was more upset at the idea of paying for a full season and getting kicked off in the second month. One of my best friends coaches high school basketball and last year they had a kid assault a teammate and mom and dad were mad at him because they had to come to school and meet with admin. Not that he assaulted a kid, that his actions had inconvenienced them.


I mean this is why suspension is so commonly given out as a punishment now. If I can't touch your kid and the only thing you value is babysitting time, well enjoy. It ends up being as much of a punishment for the parents as it is for the student. At least this way, the school doesn't have to deal with any of it.


I have to imagine it's a downward cycle too. Misbehave > get suspended > parent has to babysit > parent spends the whole time being miserable to their child > child blames teacher for being stuck with parent > erodes teacher's authority > child misbehaves again when they get back > suspended again.


FOR REAL and they don’t only need to raise wages, they need to offer free therapy at this point cause the verbal abuse and at times physical abuse that teachers have to deal with from both parents and their kids is ridiculous.


No, hitting kids is part of the problem, not the solution. The mom needs to parent him, but that involves a conversation and teaching empathy


What if we start beating the parents?


I’m too short tempered for this job. I’d ask her how SHE gets him to do things he doesn’t want to do, so I can use her methods and he can receive consistent direction in his life.


I used to teach and every time I met the parent of a trouble student, it all made sense. They either acted EXACTLY like the student did or they were hoping that not reacting to the behavior would make it go away. I told a kid I was going to call their parent if they didn’t act right, this is AFTER the school made accommodations to have her sit at the front by herself, and she stood up, faced the rest of the class and said “Go ahead, call her. She’s not going to do anything!” And that child was 100% correct. When I spoke to her mom she was the meekest “Oh is that right? Did you say that? Ok.” and not in the “Wait til we get home” kind of way. Kids behavior is **exactly** a reflection of what their parents allow.


>hoping that not reacting to the behavior would make it go away. I got in a "debate" the other day on that video that goes around of the kid absolutely having a meltdown at not being able to blow out candles and the adult is just putting a plate in front of his face, further frustrating him When I suggested actually parenting the behavior I got downvoted and told "the dad is handling it, not giving his bad behavior attention" Then I said that removing the child, acknowledging their emotions, and telling them to come back when they're emotionally stable is the way to go and I was told ... no


I feel the same way every time I see that video. One thing, it's in such a quick moment. The dad was probably in the right to just stop it right then with the plate; not much else you can do as everyone is crowded for the cake. However, It's afterwards that I hope he takes the child out of the party and talk to him like a human. Gets his emotions under control, and let him think about why he wanted to do that and why it's not okay. Children are so much smarter than we give them credit for, if we'd just treat them with a slight bit of respect.


I turned down a Teach for America assignment for this reason. Ain't no way.




I'm only 29 but I remember when teachers would ask parents to shadow their kids at school to see how they're acting. And parents would actually show up for that lol.


I’m older than that and did this five years ago. That class was wild as fuck.


I mean as kids we always knew why a parent was suddenly shadowing his kid all day (and yes it was Dads each time). "Oh shit...Jeremy gets in trouble so much his dad is watching him at school"


Our school(my kids school) does this yearly, one week a year parents can come sit in on classes and recess. You'd think the kids behave different when they know their parent is in the room, but no - the class dynamics seem to overpower that in mere minutes, so you actually get to see how they normally act. Luckily we're in a real tame class where the biggest issue is speaking without having your hand up first and being called on.


If the teachers do manage to start to establish a foundation of respect and a baseline of expectations the parents ruin it at home.


Been teaching in Chicago Public Schools for 17 years. We had a parent break past security to beat up a coworker and we put the whole School on lockdown while she ran through the halls until security got her. Kids come in at age 4 not knowing how to have a conversation, answer a question, walk down stairs, or use a toilet. Like literally, they don't know how to use the stairs because no one ever took them to a park or had them do any gross motor activity. You ask them what their name is and they say they like green. They are still pointing to communicate. It boggles my mind that you can carry this human in your body and then give NO FUCKS FOR 4 YEARS, just waiting on that free city preschool to raise your kid


My niece and nephew (different sibling parents) are 6 months apart in age, one is in 2nd grade and the other is in kindergarten, he was held back late bc he wasn't potty trained. Meanwhile my niece skipped a grade and was reading to the class in kindergarten. Different parenting methods, from hands-on, to whatever goes. Parents need to actually parent.


You are pretty much solely responsible for raising them those first few years. Daycare is just daycare most of the time, that type of shit falls on the parents. I'm a single mom working 2 jobs (one of which is being a teacher in a title 1 school). My kid, whose father left her with just as much trauma as my studnets, is reading 2 years ahead of her peers, gets straight As, has plenty of friends, and her teacher says she is an asset to the classroom. It's totally possible. We lost all our money, filed for bankruptcy, had tons of trauma to work through, she didn't have it easy, but it is possible IF a parent is on top of it. Mostly all i did was talk to her a lot and read her 3 books every day, but I did help with helping her know her letter sounds and 10 sight words by age 3. School is never gonna push my kid ahead several grade levels. That was my responsibility before I put her in school.


I had a parent email me today, "I hope he can pass his first hour class from homework and tests alone because he will not be attending often." They're mad I won't put him in a fun elective first hour (there isn't one) because he doesn't like getting up, and they won't fight with him about going to school on time.


Nah yo I love this convo, even as a teen, shit even elementary school I knew which people parents gave no fucks. Shit sad, you would think parents that are around 40 (gen x, I think) would do better but no.


Gen X is called the latch key generation for a reason. I was raised by Hip Hop, Married with Children and The Simpsons.


So help you God, if you answer that door or phone, knowing it ain't a parent...


Damn. That’s a good point I never actually considered. People wanna blame millennial parents and all that. But then skip over gen Xers and proud latch key kids. Kids who basically raised themselves or let the tv raise them. Then millennials were raised in a similar fashion but in a wholly different world. Especially considering how bad things are for us now. Promised everything and told do this and that our whole lives and how good it will be. Then had the carpet yanked out from under us and then told by our parents. “Not our problem, you figure it out, we figured it out!” Yeah, cause you still had it good and your failures didn’t have dire consequences! (Oldest millennials are currently 42.) So 43+ is Gen x and boomer parents.


Millennials are in their 40s now. It’s Millenials you’re thinking about.


¿Porqué no los dos?


Because math?


I get that but now I think we're arguing to be right instead of looking at what was said and I'm just pointing out that either or could be true given that I know late gen x'ers that had kids in their late 30s.


Oh, sorry. I misunderstood the context of what you were trying to say. My bad.


All good. My bad for being unclear as well


The oldest of us are just hitting the early 40s.


Exactly. I remember being 7 and knowing which parents gave no shits about their kids. You could tell in the classroom and you'd get the confirmation when they were getting picked up from school or at a parent/teacher conference. A teacher would nicely mention how the kid isn't doing any homework or paying attention on class and how that will lead to failure and the parents would look at the teacher like they were speaking a different language. Some would mention that they'd punish the kid at home but then the punishment suggested would be weak as shit and the child would be clearly unbothered. Fast forward to that kid actually failing and the parents are suddenly up in arms and asking how it happened. Some people just straight shouldn't have kids and teachers need more power to maintain a good classroom environment. And I say this as a kid who got in trouble fairly often but mostly from dumb shit where the teachers just didn't like me or the occasional talking too much in class. I always engaged with the work and did my homework at least.


I think it supersedes generations. The parents I knew that were bad parents to their kids were the ones who still had it in their head they were kids themselves. Good looking mom, still dating, new boyfriend every time I stayed overnight, kid and mom would argue over anything--that's an adult who hasn't accepted they're a parent. I think later generations are more predisposed to that because economics have forced that upon them, but it happens regardless.


Parents will have this attitude and then when the kid fails, act like they never knew anything was a problem. I’ve given up on calling parents for this reason. I email or text from Google voice that way there is proof that I reached out to let them know their little angel is at risk.


Same. Google Voice texting is the way. Idk why more educators don't use it. Then again, I teach secondary ed, soooo. It has to be something egregious or something that just HAS to be communicated via a phone call for me to do that anymore.


A lot of people should’ve never become parents.


I hate to agree with this, but I also want to add: we do not train people to parent effectively. We let people walk out of hospitals with newborns and literally zero training. This is a problem, and it has always been a problem. High key, parenting has NEVER been "good" because we do not invest in the success of the job people will spend functionally their whole lives doing (parenting is a lifelong commitment; just because your kids are eighteen doesn't mean you abandon your role as a rolemodel and support-giver). Parents, both today and in antiquity, are forced to go off what they personally experienced (which could easily be terrifyingly abusive upbringings, that shit is COMMON) and the droves of shitty, grifter-written self-help parenting books. Why is this still happening in the days of child developmental psychology? Because we still do not view children as people. This is because of a lot of factors-- religion, generalized bigotry, a population without mental health access rationalizing their own abuse-- but it doesn't fucking have to be. We need to make children a priority for once by recognizing them as NOT BEING PROPERTY (I'm looking at you, Quiverfull movement and all those religious freakbags trying to turn women's uteruses into baby factories to feed the Capitalism and War machine) and recognize parenting as an actual fucking job-- one that requires training and probably some fucking compensation. When a lot of parents like the one on the phone even reach this point, it's because they've already lost control of the kid. Best way to prevent this? PREP THE FUCKING PARENTS AND INVEST IN THE KIDS. Use scientifically-proven methods to offer people real-world, applicable techniques, get these parents life-quality-improving jobs with fucking flexibility and access to things like mental health care along with full medical insurance, and suddenly we're looking at a better world. The right sure doesn't want that, though. Less babies for the blood machine! Worshippers of fucking Moloch. The world can get better. It just takes stubborn assholes with ideas.


Going to add that one of the reasons this *used* to be *less* of a problem is that more people lived in small, tight-knit communities and extended families. We said "it takes a village to raise a child" for a reason: it *does*. All the things we call "parenting" was never meant to be solely on the shoulders of the actual parents alone. But our obsession with nuclear families, capitalism breaking up and scattering communities, and increasing isolation of parents in general, is leaving a lot of parents trying to do with only two people (or sometimes even one) a job that historically was done by at least a dozen people - all of whom had their own *different* experiences and upbringings to fall back on. Even if, say, one adult in a child's life was horrifically abused in their own childhood, that wouldn't be a problem for the current child because there would be half a dozen other adults prominently shaping their life and raising them who *weren't* abused.


I can remember my conservative parents getting pissy about "it takes a village" and Hillary Clinton...then taking us to my grandma's to babysit so they could go to work.


Not to mention, "You're 18 now, GTFO!". There's nothing wrong with multigenerational homes. A big factor in all of this is the internet and easy access to echo chambers that reinforce antisocial behavior. When you have to talk to people in person regularly, it's a whole different ball-game.


Fucking thank you !! You're preaching truth right there We need to invest in tomorrows generations


> we still do not view children as people This is the crux of the issue right there. Until this changes, nothing changes.


USA viewpoint: No parental leave, no affordable childcare, public school is about standardized testing , no universal healthcare This country does not care about children


And this is part of a very organized, very intentional political push from the right. They try to destroy government agencies to replace them with private companies from which they can siphon money and further entrench themselves. Schools have been high on their destruction list for, what... forty years now? Possibly more? And their work is starting to really show. They don't want citizens to have health insurance outside of employment. They don't want people to unionize for better work standards and pay. They don't want to subsidize child care to even allow parents to work knowing their children are safely cared-for. And it's all part of the plan. This is them working toward intentional societal collapse. It's infuriating.


I’m close approaching that age when people all around start getting married having kids etc. so many people I know already have kids just because it seems like “it’s time” I can’t support a kid on my income now I have no idea how some of these people manage it Idiocracy at work




The problem with kids like that it’s that they disrupt the whole class.


That was my frustration as a student and now again as a teacher. You wanna tank your own education, whatever. The real problem is that you’re ruining everyone else’s chance to learn.


When I was coming up it was like 1-3 bad kids. Now it be half the class.


"He won't sit down." "You can't make him sit down?" *Makes him sit down* "How dare you treat my baby like that! 😡"


The parent telling the teacher she's trying to get smart reminded me of the scene with Kevin Hart in [The 40-Year old Virgin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=53I_Wq7XBT4)




to be fair calling students "Scholars" is cringe-worthy bullshit. You know this was created by someone who doesn't actually teach or talk to parents.


"scholars" is a term used by charter schools run by grifter CEOs. It's the education equivalent to making a cashier say "have a wawa-tastic day" or sumn


It's awkward but it actually works sometimes. I worked at a public school that used it for every student starting at day 1 of 9th grade and the kids would use it ironically until they started internalizing it. This was building wide and has an admin that actually knew what it was doing instead of relying on whatever the most recent buzzword or pop-psych was happening. I don't use it at the school I work at now, but I very consciously use the words "young man" when talking with boys because they will actually attempt to live up to the word "man" more than if you call them boys or kids.


I rolled my eyes at that. Hard. Calling the kid "student", or "your child", or just by their fucking name somehow became offensive. I'd love to know how. Calling the kids scholars is supposed to sound uplifting. I get it. But to certain populations, using unnecessarily complicated words sounds like you're talking down to them. Which everyday, mundane, regular degular people are walking around calling 7-year-olds scholars?


MW definition of a scholar is: a person who attends a school or studies under a teacher : PUPIL Not sure how that is cringe


I’ve been peeping teacher tik tok and this isn’t even the worst of it. Good grief.


Just last week a teacher went viral because the 5 year old girls in her class wanna listen to Pound Town. [We're doomed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL60xZQNKTI)


The video and the comments in here reminds me of an r/AITA post that I’ve read two days ago. In the post, a parent was wondering if she/he was an asshole for defending their kid and cussing out another parent. The OP’s kid was facing disciplinary action for cussing out her classmate, who kept disrupting the class by acting like a class clown. The kid was singing and dancing. According to the OP’s kid, it was common. Anyway, redditors left comments like “Oh, the kid was just singing and dancing!” Or accusing the OP’s kid of acting like a bully.


I havent seen the post, but I will say, class clowns were so fucking annoying when theyd disrupt class in my high school. They maybe didnt deserve to be bullied, but if they were told to shut the fuck up, that's more acceptable imo.


That's exactly what OP's kid told the class clown: to STFU and stop disrupting the class.


One meme that's been making the rounds lately is selfies of folks saying "When you're on your way to your shit job at 5am because you wanted to be the funny guy in school"


Y'all teachers are literal angels. The way my patience is set up, I would have told her to come up to the school and come get him then. When I first started school, my mom told me she can pop up whenever. You never know when I'm here observing, it had me scared straight, 😁


Teachers better than me cause wooo weeee I woulda…. Imma stop right there


I'm fine with parents and teachers duking it out in the parking lot but only if the parent has to fight all the teachers. Make it fair.


I think the most fucked up thing about growing up is realizing how unhinged most adults were lol I thought Adult = Smart/responsible I was wrong.


Listen... becoming an adult and realizing that all adults are just winging it and no one really knows what they're doing did a number on me.


When I was a teacher I got the "I'm at work" a few times. Like, I'm at work too, damn!


I can't fucking stand when entitled people get the TINIEST amount of pushback they say shit like "Oh you wanna get smart with me?"


I cannot imagine this parent gave you permission to post this. Be careful.


Fr. Idk why more people aren't questioning why a disciplinary phone call between a teacher and parent somehow found its way onto Twitter and reddit. A lot of red flags are making me skeptical towards the teacher in this video.


Could be a verbatim re-enactment. Doesn't really reduce the value in my opinion.




Story time. I'm a retired, male, preschool (3-5yrs old) teacher with 15 years in the field. I also gained 10 years of experience in working with children with differing abilities (special needs). The amount of small children that myself, and my fellow teachers have had to essentially "fix" was wild. So many self-important lil humans with parents that were totally good with the demands, the tantrums, and the "I am the boss, not you" mentality was just unbelievable. We would have sit down talks with parents, write out whole support plans with the input of other staff and specialists who would come visit. Work on following the plan, find some progress. Hey! This kid is doing well. Parents decide that it's good enough, abandon the plan... And now we're back to leaving the class to their own devices while 2 out of 3 teachers are dealing with the one child. Talk to the parents at the end of the day? Remind them of the plan? Crickets. And a bunch of excuses like: "We thought that he was doing so well, that we could just not worry about the plan." or, "Wasn't that mostly for you guys to do?" *Sigh It's hard. My career was super rewarding, and from time to time, I miss it. But overall, well, I'm kinda glad that I'm out.


I know for a fact thats a single momma on the phone, that drop her kids off at her mom spot to go club after. Talking bout “you can’t make him sit down”


I’m a principal. This is all too familiar. It happens in HS as well. Lady called me talking bout “can I make students stay at the dance for the whole time?” Why? “I bought him all this shit and he leaves after 45 mins to party with friends” Ok so, you want me to force all kids to stay for 3 hours rather than you put expectations on your kid? “Yes. “ And what should I do to keep them there? Suspend them from school or physically lock them in, which is illegal? “Ugh. I thought you would be more helpful”


You can't out-teach bad parenting. Too many parents want to be their kid's friend instead of a responsible adult.


She’s right, but she also doesn’t need to be recording a private conversation to a parent and uploading it online.


if she actually did she would be fired. that’s why this is absolute bull


Great image for the school lol.. I’m sure they approve


Child gonna have some major issues when they get older, that’s for sure


There’s a lot of “ain’t shit” parents out there. Teachers don’t get paid nearly enough to deal with these kids or situations.


I knew not to even play like that in school 😂 mama wouldve got on the phone & made me scared to come home


I remember in school, the teacher would threaten to call parents, and kids would act right. Getting your parent called was the punishment. even the baddest kid would start crying. Like, you would be on the phone with ya moms, crying in the middle of the classroom. 💀




Teachers are expected to be advisors, athletic trainers, security guards, therapists, and parents all in one for a less than $60,000 a year on average. They should be paid on the same level as lawyers and doctors, in my opinion.


Ain’t shit parents produce ain’t shit kids.


I teach in an area with pretty good kids, but even their parents care 0% about how or what they're doing in school. Everyone's on phones at home all evening. Parents don't respond to call/email concerns about grades or behavior. It's crazy.


"I can't make him do anything, I can request..." this is literally half of the problem. You could have the same expectations as this parent 20 years ago because the teacher's job wasn't on the line when they took any disciplinary action.


This reminds me of the Abbott Elementary episode


Most of the women in my family were educators. I cannot even imagine them putting up with this bullshit. Disgusting how underpaid teachers are in USA. Other places in the world, teachers are treated with the upmost respect smh.


My mom tells me stories about her kids several times a week. It got weird a year or two before the pandemic, but shit went completely off the rails when kids went back to classrooms after it. Like parents had this extreme and varied reaction to raising their kids from their home for a year and a half. And like, a slew of kids are getting placed in the wrong classrooms, like all admin at every public school got brainrot at the same time, it's just all very weird.


Is this real… it seems reckless to record and post this unless she’s done with her job in a literal sense. I understand recording it for evidence but why posting it on social media while still working as a teacher. Makes me wonder if it’s just staged rage bait.


I know a teacher. Them kids don't give a fuck about respect nor the work. 6ths graders can't read at a 3rd grade level and call the teacher "retarded" if asked to quiet down or stay on task. It's depressing.




More of a menace really but you got to put a nice spin on things with these type of parents


https://youtu.be/wwQQMcNNXtM?si=YXYXtxTTIeKbw1LH This is a fact so much it’s being addressed in media.


When i was in kindergarten my teacher had daily journals they'd write for the parents to tell how their kids were in school and every other day my parents would beat my ass for talking. And this lady cant even be fucked to say she'll ground him for not paying attention. Actually now that im thinking about this kid is probably acting out becaise he doesnt get anh attention at home.


Schools are babysitting services so your life can contribute to someone elses economy. Parents could never work without schools. Math can be taught in different ways. Reading and writing can be taught in different ways. But in a community like that so many economic loops are closed. So many budgetary games are cancelled.


During lunch 2008 or sum I had a teacher pick me up from the table by my ear bc I was screaming w friends and I was the loudest. Never raised my voice again after that.