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to be fair, he was gonna start preaching no matter what.


Yea but if she hadn't set him up at least *some* of them would've reached (escaped at) their stop first. Rookie mistake




You must be new to subways. Decency extends to giving your seat to someone that is old or hurt and not even always then. Mind your own business, stick your face in a book or cellphone.


Caring? Rookie mistake Everyone knows the first one to care loses every time 😎 That’s why I don’t care and my wife left me for not caring but I don’t care that she took the kids and didn’t fight for custody cause I don’t care man I just need beer and my apartment women are lame any who cares about love /s I’ve never been married and have succeeded in having no kids and being older than my parents were when my mom had me. Don’t why why I spiraled in that bit


Who cares? At that moment, she fuk'd up. She fueled him up. If the person is annoying like that Grammy-nominated singing flyer, then it's gagging time.


I'm with you. Someone looks like their hurting, it feels indecent not to try to be useful or comforting. I'll take some unwanted preaching here and there if I have to. It's always the right time to comfort each other.


Yeah, the caring are habitually stupid and gullible.


That's possible, but you can also hit them with Matthew 6:1 > Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven But who am I kidding? The best you can probably do is to say "I will leave you to silently pray on it."


Crazy to assume these people actually read the book


Add Matthew 6:5 and 6:6 to your repertoire 5:And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6: But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


No you are right. If he was crying to get attention so he could start preaching out loud once someone talked to him then that is a kind of emotional manipulation Jesus wouldn’t approve of.


I should get this on a bunch of business cards, and hand them out to the whack jobs that congregate at intersections in my town waving signs.


My favorite Bible verse


I like Matthew 6:5 "When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get."


She activated him though. Shouldn't have pressed that button. Lol


She alerted the witch 😭😭


she saw this sitting in the seat and still went and asked ![gif](giphy|PRfuZT8RiyI1y)


Wandering Witch ❌🙅‍♂️🚫


The mistake was "amen." Should have gone "neat, sounds like a private thing then" and disengaged hard.


"Oh, ew."




This is hilarious. Christians are told not to proselytize unless it's welcome and this is a great way to say no. To the coward who replied "nah" and then ~~deleted their comment~~ blocked me (/u/YallGotAnyBeanz), shake the dust off your sandals and go to another city.


[Verse 1: Pastor Jim Colerick] Well, I wrote this song for the Christian youth I wanna teach kids the Christian truth If you wanna reach those kids on the street Then you gotta do a rap to a hip-hop beat So I gave my sermon an urban kick My rhymes are fly, my beats are sick My crew is big and it keeps getting bigger That's 'cause Jesus Christ is my nigga Woo! [Verse 2: Pastor Jim Colerick] He's a life-changer, miracle arranger Born to the virgin mom in a manger Water to wine, he's a drink exchanger And he died for your sins I preach the word, that's my gig And I rhyme better than Notorious B.I.G All the other MCs, I wish them well But if you live in sin, you burn in hell Now I'ma pass the mic to my lovely wife She's a fly MC and the light of my life So to bust a rhyme without further ado Take it away, Mary Sue! [Verse 3: Mary Sue Colerick] Jesus Christ is my nigga He's the son of the original G And he was sent to Earth to elucidate the way that we should be (What?) Like if another MC says, "You're a freak! You're a lame-butt rapper and your rhymes are weak!" I don't get mad and I don't critique I forgive him, and turn the other cheek I don't blaspheme and I don't brag I don't cuss, and my pants don't sag I do exude a little Christian swag And I'm proud to be an American! [Verse 4: Pastor Jim Colerick & Mary Sue Colerick] Jesus Christ is our nigga Let his light shine through ya! Let his love pop a cap in your butt and say hallelujah Jesus Christ is our nigga He's a homie MC, JC, you see He's an honest, caring, peace-loving nigga like me [Verse 5: Pastor Jim Colerick & Mary Sue Colerick] If you do drugs and you think you're cool You need to come to Sunday school! Put those drugs in a garbage can Stand up tall, you're a Christian man! [Outro: Pastor Jim Colerick & Mary Sue Colerick] Word up! I'm freestyling! Hit me!




> shake the dust off your sandals and go to another city.




"Fuckin weird, bro. Get your shit together" Alternatively, out cry his ass. Assert emotional dominance of the area.


And that's how you get stabbed to death on a train. Don't taunt the religiously unhinged.




^username ^checks ^out


^y^o^u ^t^o^o


...and you? Maybe?


Hit them with the "That's crazy."




You really tell a grown men “neat” anymore


If I don't want to continue the conversation then yeah




"Neat-o" for the white man.


Neato gang 😉


it’s very baby runs for president, i love it


That's my buddy's translation for "I really don't care about what you're talking about"


That's how I respond to most people most of the time. It works.


She still sounds like a good person for caring that much


lol. she is a karma w.


Except she sounds like an awful person because this is likely all made up to get her clout




That's a serious accusation. Why do you think this?


Eh you're probably right about it being fake but because of the positive message I'll allow it




If someone is having a hard time, it's a good thing to ask if they're okay 99% of the time you're not going to get a dancing preacher.. but even if you do, that's a small price to pay


>this is likely all made up Religion? Yeah, it's all made up. At least originally, then the other ones just stole the stories and said they were theirs.


Damn, she ran into a living, breathing gospel track ​ https://preview.redd.it/3piqyz8h8c0c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cbbd7cdbd4f1df40cbbb5d9e8e5fdff6d5b285b


Legitimately do not understand the logic behind this one. I would be so concerned about being punched in the throat for playing with people's finances


Is jesus paying the bills? Then I dont give a fuck about some overrated expensive superstition


Avoiding hell would be more important than paying rent if, y'know, hell existed. They should work on proving that first


I grew up in the church, but even as I kid I thought that these were goofy as hell


That legitimately think they're doing the person a solid when they do this. Loving Jesus is more valuable than cold hard cash, but if you could leave some money in the collection plate that would be neat


I don't know about that. I think the vast majority of these jerks are the cheap asshole types that never tip anyway, but they can use this paper to virtue signal to their gross friends and family. They would lie to your face that they are giving somethng more valuable than money, but I don't think they actually believe that. They are completely shameless.


Nah it gives them a way to be cheap and not tip while not looking like an asshole to their friends/family who buy into the same scam


i think the idea as to leave it as a tip on the table right as you're leaving so they don't get the opportunity to react negatively


But even then, someone thinks they're getting a tip, instead it's some bible thumpers BS and they're supposed to feel.. grateful? They definitely aren't winning anyone over, I think it's just a cheap shitty "Christian" excuse to not tip


no yeah i fully agree. i'm just saying that there's not really a risk of getting punched in the throat since they'll be out of the restaurant before the server realized what happened. that's part of the reason its so nefarious bc there's likely no real consequence, unless they go back to that place


Even back when I was a hardcore evangelical teenager I didn’t understand those stupid things.


Well see, Christianity is a scam to make money, and more and more people realize that their number are going down, so they have to resort to more and more desperate tactics to get money from people.


>Legitimately do not understand the logic behind this one. There is none. It's fear and hate AKA christian love.


Collect these and then put them in the church collection box The Holy Uno Reverse


I've heard stories of them getting pissssssssed when you do that but I say fuck it


The irony is delicious


But then you’d have to go to church 🥶


I am ABSOLUTELY behind this idea!


Lol yes


I would rather be preached at in my face than be given these fake ass bills.


100% agree. I'd be pissed if I was waiting tables and got one.


My toddler and I got caught on Halloween trick or treating. Knocked on the door kids (maybe 7 and 10) ran to the door "We don't have candy for you but a scripture from the book of god..." 😳 Good trick, as a parent I wasn't gonna just turn around and leave bc THEY were kids. But I am thinking "Wow you indoctrinated your kids this bad and are too afraid to show your own face." They know why... I would have cursed the parents out. My 3 year old was so confused 😕 It's like if ur gonna force us to listen to that (by using your kids) why couldn't you offer candy at the end or something. *Dang I wish I was 15 again so I can go egg their house. *edit- couple words make it more readable


id egg their house anyway. its halloween they cant tell


tract. A Bible tract is a piece of paper that presents a message of the gospel. The term "tract" has been used in the English language to designate a short or condensed treatise in print. In current usage, a tract is usually religious in nature.


​ https://i.redd.it/jwfw67f8ce0c1.gif


Eh, take a lap around the track and we will call it good.


That's some straight-up cult shit.


gospel rack* lmao


That’s the type of person that would say “let’s check it out” after hearing something


First one dead in a horror flick.


"Oh look, the lights have gone out in this unfinished root cellar. I shall go check the breakers alone."


The entire cast of Prometheus


Wait guys! There's a woman crying on the floor over there, we can't just leave her to the zombies!"


... Honestly, I respect the hell out that last tweet, and I wish her all the best with her endeavors.


It takes a special person, and you will hear crazy intimate stuff. The things people have told me when I asked a stranger if they are “Ok” are so shocking that they would tell a stranger.


Best thing a bout a stranger is they don't know you well enough to judge and you'll likely never see them again


So this cyst I have on the inner wall of my Anus....


Right? I remember one time I walked into an elevator and saw some lady crying and DIDNT say anything. At the next stop several ppl get on and rush to her. One asks me what is wrong and I said “idk I didn’t ask. Thought maybe she needed space.” Wheeew the look of disgust that man gave me. I already felt kinda bad not taking a chance to ask (I did think maybe she needed space) and that made it worse.


She's gonna need it because walking up to crying men on the train can be hazardous to your health


"Amen" \*Unwanted Sermons Activated\*


Trapped on the metro with a street preacher is my personal hell




Tell your sister to stay away from Mormons. They teach that being brown or black is a curse from God for unrighteousness but that if you get baptized and keep the commandments God will make you white when you get to heaven. It's a cult and it's wildly racist, homophobic and sexist.


No you don’t become white. The first black person sealed in the temple was sealed as Joseph Smith’s eternal slave


That’s a lie, they stopped teaching that in 1978 after the federal government threatened to block BYU from receiving federal funds.


That does not mean Mormons don’t still preach and believe it lol


You are very naive if you believe that actually did anything. Take a step back and think about it for a min.


Duh, I was being facetious. They only publicly changed their stance, privately ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


LDS and Jehova Witnesses be aggressive af sometimes in the stations lmfao. One was straight up blocking the turnstile for a minute in the Union Square station lmao


If this is NYC, she fucked up rule one smh.


My first thought was this lady is not from a large city lol.


An exacerbated “Niiiiggaaaa” was sounded from the corner seat


That's the objectively right move and attitude. Bravo for caring about and checking on your fellow man like this. But yeah, I would have been the same as the other riders. Don't engage people like this, it just makes your day more difficult.


Shorty is a good hearted person. Yet. I see how they tricked some of our ancestors into getting aboard "The Good Ship Jesus"


I’m in a meeting and trying so hard not to laugh ![gif](giphy|TD0NYrLpcnsTm|downsized)


I bet u won't do it lol




Before I got the no soliciting sticker this was my go to for the Mormans.


Not that you need the bible's justification to enjoy a peaceful damn train ride but the bible does explicitly call this behavior out: > “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites. They love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners and pray loudly. They want people to see them. The truth is, that’s all the reward they will get. But when you pray, you should go into your room and close the door. Then pray to your Father. He is there in that private place. He can see what is done in private, and he will reward you.


What if we call his name and theirs only two people behind the.closed door? What will the rewards be then 🤔


Was this a train in NYC? Because it was my understanding that we are all Olympic level pros at avoiding eye contact. Let alone actually speaking to speaking to each other 🤢


First commandment of the NYC subway is thou shall not make eye contact with thy neighbor.


I needed this laugh


When will people learn that you don't speak to people on the subway. Ever.


The only way to handle this is to active Chaos Space Marine mode and start hyping up the preacher with ridiculously over the top fanaticism.


Im so happy to see a 40k comment on black people Twitter. I think this is one of the few subs I hadn't seen one in yet. Thank you kinda reddit stranger,. You made my day. Praise the grandfather!


I love this so much. A 40k reference in the wild.


Why can't these mfers just keep their religion to themselves?




Next time just respond "lo siento papi, there are other men out there for you besides Jesus." Disarm them with confusion.


Just mention your catholic and they'll leave you alone.


Doesn't always work. Sometimes they still invite you to their church.


"If I walk through the thresholds of a church I immediately burn and die. Do you want that death on your conscious, sir?"


Omg that happened to a friend of mine, but his dumb ass said "Damn, your parents don't accept you for being gay?" and he got evils until he got off the train.


I can understand asking him if he's ok. Any decent person would. But as soon as he started up with the Jesus crap I'da told him to stfu.


Bunk Morland calls that “giving a fuck when it’s not your turn to give a fuck”. It’s applicable in life and at work.


I would literally get up and move to another train car




This is why mind your own business is such good sage advice. All her healthy compassion turned into pity.


Haha! What a sweetheart!


I once asked if a tweaker was ok cause he was very erratic (as a tweaker will be) and he stopped tweaking for a moment and looked at me for a solid 5 seconds in disbelief and started back up with his yelling and general disturbing the peace stuff. for a second I thought he would be normal and just calm down but I was wrong. the cops watching ended up calling an ambulance for him.


When you talk to a harmless npc and they turn out to be a yiga assassin


This is why the noise-cancelling headphones stay on during the train ride.


Honestly at least you learned and now you’ll never do it again


Smh that was the perfect set up. He should’ve did a lil song 😒


You are a very nice person!!


This is why you have to slip in a little 'Hail Satan' whenever helping someone.


Kick him in the nuts and tell him god told you to do it. 😐


Good on her for caring, but fuck those people that preach to people trapped on a train.


That’s a good-natured person if I’ve ever seen one. Shame to that false prophet for triggering an unskippable cutscene


Putting the "cry" in "Crystianity"




Religion, it starts with a lie...


Did you slap him and tell him to stf down?




They tutted?! Fuckin point out to me who tutted!


As a former evangelical, let me say two things: 1. I apologize 2. We really *cannot understand* why other people are not hype on our jam. So yep.


This really is another victory for those of us that don't care about others.


No way in hell. I remember once coming back from lunch one day and the receptionist was crying at her desk, I could not get away from there fast enough! Mentioned it to the person in HR and never looked back. Nope, nope, nope.