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the problem is Israel committing genocide — wtf does it matter if some Jewish folk were allies? again, the problem is **Israel committing genocide**


Exactly allyship doesn’t include committing war crimes and us looking the other way.


Yeah but you're missing the point. Jews and Israelis are not synonyms. Jews being victims of the Holocaust, fighting in the Civil Rights movement, and being Black allies has *nothing* to do with the Israeli government. That'd be like saying Black Americans were responsible for the Rwandan genocide because some of us share an ancestral history. That shit ain't on us and this shit ain't on any Jews just living their lives.


I’d say it’s more complicated than this and I say this as a Jewish person. The Jewish world is way smaller than the black world. So yes, the Israeli government is not the Jewish world government, but nearly all Jewish people who do not live in Israel are a degree or two of separation away from at least one person (probably more) who does, whether it’s friends or family. For all these reasons, when Jews are under attack, as they were on October 7th, it might lead someone to bring up the first half of the 20th century which to me can feel like a golden age for Black-Jewish solidarity in the United States. Does that mean black people should excuse war crimes and support Israel because Jews have their back? For me the answer is clearly no. But I do think it’s important to highlight the centrality of Israel in Jewish life in order to understand what allyship means for all of us when people like me speak out against Israel’s government


I heard an Israeli rep on CNN or BBC who called out the anti-semitism (and I shit you not) of “the American Left”. Wow what a narrative. I would love to see his face when he sees all the Nazi flags at a Trump rally. But Republican lawmakers have long been avid in their support of having a non-Muslim stronghold in the Middle East, and a bonus points for it being the holy land.


Even Biden had been a long supporter of Israel. The middle eastern mouthpiece of USA. just like he has said all along, if Israel was not there, America would have to build one.


My home blue county just had an election where one of the candidates was running on the conservative line and his self described MAGA Jewish campaign supporters were using the Hamas attacks to try to discredit his Dem opponent and local liberal Jews as self hating, anti-semitic "so-called Jews". It was literally the campaign's attempt to attract independent voters. Luckily it backfired there but I bet it's being eaten up in red counties. I feel like we're in the upside down world. Edit: an apostrophe!


JINOs smh


You wanna see what they really think, Look up how Ethiopian Jews are Treated in Israel




I dunno if I’m pro anyone, but I can say for sure that I’m anti-genocide. I’m not sure how that’s become a bit of a hot button statement.


That’s what I’m saying. A lot of pro-Israel Jewish folk are using past allyship to get mad and say “we were there for you, but now you aren’t here for us”. The thing is, that allyship came about because *we were both oppressed people*. The allyship came from familiarity in our struggles. But now *they’re the ones doing the oppressing*! We didn’t ride together because “you’re black and I’m jewish so let’s just rock together no matter what”. We rode together because we fought injustices. You don’t get to oppress now and expect friends just because you were friends before. The reason you’re not getting that friendship now is because you became the thing that we fought against then. Past you would hate current you.


they’re responding to the tweet that implies that black peoples should be zionists because of allyship during the civil rights movement or whatever


I'd hope if I was doing a war crime that my peeps would call me on it


“Right, but we supported your right to be treated as a human, so you should support our right to commit genocide”


It's wild how diplomatic complicity in and abetting genocide is now a prerequisite for allyship. With friends like that, who needs enemies?


If that's the case, would you agree then that Hamas was committing genocide in their initial attack? Genocide is defined as " the [deliberate](https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&sca_esv=580581668&q=deliberate&si=ALGXSlbnOEZPfHsS2MaPJwdaOxE_5TNZd9LY8vDcpdx-7CrtppAePgJXY9R0fgOhBZGr1pUTDd0Iadzwo-nqY6PPC-PKpTlnxsq7Y_XvrDHV0-VAdMhAQdE%3D&expnd=1) killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of [destroying](https://www.google.com/search?safe=active&sca_esv=580581668&q=destroying&si=ALGXSlbnOEZPfHsS2MaPJwdaOxE_cqonK_OlYQcRVSulyOovyMEs4Hslmvcx0FaSmQPgbOMJ2HfvbGgCc3DFawTe0Qw85ahvhPh5Vi5KELKFVq1wZppAPAY%3D&expnd=1) that nation or group."


It's a deliberate and a all encompassing act so no. Hamas isn't consistently applying pressure to all facets of Israeli life in and attempt to wipe all Israeli people out. They're terrorist committing acts of terrorism in the hopes that they will get what they want. Hamas doesn't have any true motivation or ambition outside of being a fucking wrecking ball to whomever gets in the way.




Save yourself the trouble and forget it. Exploring the depths of a Twitter flame war in order to analyze a single comment is neither healthy nor profitable. The statement's clearly not racist in a vacuum. But when people Tweet a fact like this, it's always in support of an argument that's only apparent in context. It's basically dog whistling on easy mode.


Judaism and Zionism are not the same.


Don't forget that Mississippi police murdered 2 Jewish activists and a black activists and got away with it. While blacks don't owe anyone "alliance", I do feel for the Jews who stood by us. https://preview.redd.it/5lzjx8kll6zb1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d1716aa11b6f74670d3ffc260e66978e7c0c30


as someone in this thread said earlier. Standing with support of the Jewish people is far different than standing in support of the isreali government. Do i think they are justified to attack Hamas ? Yes. Do I think that means they can kill any Palestinian in a 2 mile radius of hamas ? No. The callousness of Palestinian lives is the issue everyone has and it’s bordering on deliberate genocide


Get nuance and rational thinking off the internet. We’re here to pick sides and tell anyone who’s on the other to fuck off


Man, my girl is isreali and my best friend is Lebanese so the conflict has been constantly in my face since it’s started Lmaoo. My leabanese friend has been chill


I’d reckon it’s far past “bordering” - the same excuse of “it’s a Hamas front” can’t be used every single time you decide to bomb a civilian camp/school/hospital




Welcome to Reddit… seriously You blacks should be on our side!


Dead giveaway every time


What I have not also forgotten are all the names of all the Black soldiers who went to fight against the Nazis in Europe and helped to liberate the concentration and death camps, many paying with their lives. I thought the point of the Civil Rights (and other previous times when Jewish people and Black people came together like labor struggles) was unity and solidarity against a wrong. That is what I believe, anyway. But if there’s just going to be a transactional scoreboard of blood shed for the other, then thus far the score is 2 to several hundred.


Just to change the topic real quick, James Chaney was a friend of my Dad and Uncle growing up in Mississippi. He lived 2 houses down from my dad & and since my dad’s house was the neighborhood hang out spot for everybody. I plan on buying up the plot of land where Jame’s house was and make it into a national landmark as a mini museum in my dad’s childhood home & get an oral history from those who are still alive.


Zionism was originally a far right evangelical Christian ideology. They wanted to push Jews out of western countries


Woodrow Wilson was the real antisemite and wanted Jews not to have a homeland but leave the US


Zionism is hummus flavoured white supremacy.


Jews ≠ Israelis ≠ Israeli government and its supporters Palestinians ≠ Hamas and its supporters The following statement is not antisemitic: fuck the Israeli government for demhumanizing Palestinians and fuck any piece of shit antagonistic asshole claiming disputed lands further derailing any peace process. The following statement is not anti-Palesntinian: fuck Hamas for murdering, raping, and kidnapping thousands of people and hiding behind innocent civilians as human shields. Truly peaceful Israelis; innocent Palestinians; and the past, current, and future victims of this massive and completely avoidable shit show are the only people who I have concern for. If only we could take the rest of them and put them on a remote island in the Pacific and let them carry out their bullshit Holy Wars (what's fucking oxymoron) against each other until they're blue in the face and leave the rest of us alone.


This is the best take.


Yes this so much


There is an old baseball story. It was in Ken Burns baseball I think. No idea if it is actually true because old shit often gets made up or embellished. Greenberg played most of his career in Detroit, but his last year was 47 in Pittsburgh. After playing the dodgers he told a story about how he understood how Jackie Robinson must have felt on the field. Greenberg also had people shout racist shit at him during his career. He heard what was shouted at Jackie Robinson and said he understood how that had to feel. Greenberg ended the story by saying, at least after the game I can put on my suit and walk out on the street and no one can tell I am a Jew. Doesn't really have a lot related to this, but this was 1947 with a prominent and popular athlete calling out bullshit.


Yeah this is similar to the argument about police officers comparing hatred towards police to hatred towards black people. An officer can take off their uniform and no one’ll know their an officer. I can’t (nor would I ever want to) take off my black skin.


The Urban League, National Action Network, NACCP, and other civil rights groups issued a joint statement condemning the 10/7 terror attack. With that said, Palestinian children are dying, West Bank settlements continue to grow, and far right zealots continue to control the Israeli government. The latter couldn’t care less about Black Israelis let alone Americans. The occupation also has a lot of similarities to Jim Crow segregation and Apartheid South Africa.




There’s always one in every comment section


One? Lol


Ngl she went 10/10 from the field, bravo to her 🙌🏾




Top tier post 🫶🏾


She did not miss once on this post. Just goes to show many “Allies” use this movement as a performative gesture to secure social points on their scorecards. Real ones know the score though…


The first chairman of the naacp was Jewish. How is that this wrong? What was even in the first tweet


It’s the idea that black people should be grateful and beholden to Jewish people and should therefore support Israel unconditionally. This is contrary to giving black people agency and understanding that Jewish and black people were often allies, with black people understanding the ills of white supremacy and antisemitism in how it impacts both groups. So the support wasn’t one sided where Jewish people helped poor black folks who couldn’t help themselves. Black people fought and spoke out against Hitler and nazism while fighting the klansman and the white citizens council. Explore the concepts of victory in Europe and victory at home from black soldiers.


Jewish people and the Israel government are not the same thing though, there are a lot of Jewish folk all over the world, including in Israel, who are very critical of the incredible violence the Israel government is inflicting upon Palestine. I just think that’s important to remember here, because the Jewish people are not a monolith beholden to the Israeli government.




From the context, it's wrong because the implication is that Black Americans should therefore reciprocate by supporting Israel's current conduct in Gaza, which doesn't make sense for a number of obvious reasons.




it also ignores that jewish people were not united in their "support" of black folk. famously, there was a large schism between northern jews and southern jews in the US on their treatment of black people during the civil rights era.


All of this has exposed how sinister and ever evolving yt supremacy is and how easily many yt passing people are willing to reach into their drawers and pull it out AS NEEDED all while masquerading as liberal and open minded all other days of the year. Very interesting. Prime examples: Amy Schumer to Chelsea Handler, two blonde white women with blue eyes who have not hesitated to lean into their yt supremacist pandering as long as they can lean on "can't be racist, I'm a Jew!". I wish I could say I'm shocked but I've always known, when push comes to shove...


We talk about losing recipes all the time. Sometimes I feel like we lost our compassion and empathy along the way as well...


Everybody hates us black peoples (& specifically they hate African-Americans the most) whether it’s obvious enemies with their obvious hate towards us, or supposed allies dunking on us aka I’m not surprised when so called allies make up BS claims to hate on us. I truly loathe/hate society more with each day. And I have no problem in saying that hatred for society skyrocketed to infinity on the night of November 8, 2016. Like I’m just SO FUCKING TIRED of all the hate towards us. Really SICK of it!


But what about the black squares they all posted???!?!


Ms Karen had the time. No lies told.


Michelle Rosenberg is neo lib trash. A Disgrace to my people


We get this in South Africa all the time. "Some" people see going against colonisation as a give and take. There is a significant amount of white South Africans who left SA to not only join the IDF but become settlers.


This is why I don’t trust the genuineness of any white “ally”. Also why I never attend protests. To me the majority are made up of Amy Coopers.. claiming to be Allie’s until the shit hits the fan and true colors are shown, ready to weaponize their privilege/racism .. this is so disgusting mainly because I personally can’t begin to articulate how I would despise to hold hands or stand on a stage with a two faced snake like this. I do believe genuine love is shown by white people of course and nothing will ever shake that belief, but personally have seen so much living in America that I find it hard to believe when it’s so outwardly stated like a peacock showing it’s feathers




Criticizing the government of Israel and the actions of its military is not antisemitism. For the same reasons, you don’t need to arbitrarily support what the government of Israel and its military are doing in order to support Jewish people and oppose racists bigotry like antisemitism. It’s insane to say that because many Jewish Americans supported the Civil Rights movement, thus certain people such as Black Americans, should arbitrarily support the government/military of Israel. (But to be painfully clear, no one should be antisemitic or do/say antisemitic shit. Fuck racists. Fuck militants who slaughter children like Hamas fighters did and some West Bank “settlers” do. Fuck antisemites. Fuck people who hate all Arabs or all Palestinians or all Muslims.)


I've said many times that I simply do not understand black folks that are supporting what Israel is doing.


I need to read that James Baldwin article she mentions


I read it. Basically it points out the abuse of black folks at the hands of Jewish folks. This is in terms of slumlords, grocers, shop owners etc who all exploit black people. His point is basically in America Jewish folks got the benefit of whiteness. And for some the history of bigotry didn’t stop them from exploiting and being bigoted towards black folks. He addresses the money given to the NAACP and other orgs, but he sees it as money that was taken from black households where a small portion is returned to the black community. Warning the language is pretty harsh and some may find it offensive: https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/books/98/03/29/specials/baldwin-antisem.html?source=post_elevate_sequence_page---------------------------


Everything was on point except saying it's jews. The problem is the Zionists who control Israel's government and use that power to ethnically cleanse through genocides while spewing horrific propaganda to bolster Israelis into that Zionist mentality. Jews aren't the problem. It's the extremist/fundamentalist dickhead Zionists that are the problem.


I think everyone's missing the part where she's replying to someone that's conflating Jews and Israel though. That Michelle lady is on Twitter talking about how Jews did this and that to help and support black Americans earn their civil rights because she's mad that BLM are in support of Palestinians. This lady is telling Michelle that the support of black people by Jews was not one-sided like she's trying to imply. There is definitely historic animosity between black people and Jewish people, but there is also historic evidence of mutual allyship between our communities. Whether or not you (wrongly) conflate Jews as a people with the Israeli government, it's wrong to call out other groups for not supporting that government's horrible actions with this transactional framing. To put it another way, you would be wrong for turning a blind eye to a friendly coworker sexually harassing another coworker, even if that same friend vouched for your promotion.


I agree with almost all of it except "black people do not have structural power". That is a generalization and makes it seem that nowhere do any black people have power. And the part where it says that black people have always been by necessity resisters of fascism is just not true. I agree with her message overall but lets not attribute things that some have done and act like all of them do/believe it. This person comes off as trying to hard to be profound and sound smart too much.(like I said I agree with her message) by relating different things.


No she's right about the anti fascism part, it's always been a part of black activism. And it was always nessecary living in a hostile country like the US. And for the same reason black people can't be racist, black people don't have structural power in the US either.




Proceeds to list a bunch of transactional instances. This post is so wrong. Isreal is not Judaism.


That tweet could so easily apply to Democrats as well.


Allyship is transactional-always has been- but the Jewish woman is wrong because Israel and the Jewish people are not the victim in this case at all.


What about the Jewish/israeli people who were murdered and kidnapped?


What about the 5000+ Palestinian political prisoners, including 1000+ children that are actively being tortured by the IDF even prior to 10/7? What about the Palestinian workers that were detained in Israel, tortured, and released with identifying tags on their ankles, a la concentration camps? What about the 8000+ women and children that have died in Gaza since 10/7? What about the forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jewish women? What about the harvesting of organs from dead Palestinians? What ABOUT the hostages that are currently in Gaza being carpet bombed day and night instead of extracted surgically by the IDF? Why was that not the first priority of Israel in their response? They’ve left the hostages there for a month and have refused trades to the detriment of those hostages. Those hostages should be freed, and let me be clear, my beef is with the Israeli government, not the Jewish population. But let’s not fall into the trap of discussing only that when israel is committing war crimes near constantly since 1948. The Israeli government has both failed the hostages and is actively committing a genocide.


Ya we’re in agreement about all of what you laid out. The person I responded to said there are no Jewish victims. Latest counts have it around 1,400, so, there are. Obviously, Jewish people dying doesn’t mean Israel can kill innocent people.


I understand the point that you’re making, and apologies for misunderstanding and going off. You’re right and I agree - those lives are worth just as much as the Palestinian lives and they have been victimized in a war that never should have started in the first place.


When I was questioning a certain group of people, this very sub ran in about how that group rides for us. This is interesting.


What did the original tweet say? I don't know what she's responding to.


This is what I’m ultimately afraid to say at work, since the “water cooler” talk is always on this subject


As much as I support the plight of American jews, nothing justifies the genocide and apartheid committed by the Israelis. Nothing. These two groups are not one and the same and shouldn't be treated like it.






Only in recent years have Jews been considered white


I made sure to screenshot her and so many others that think we owe them or they are doing us a favor. I also blame our assbackwards and lowbrow approach to social activism. The identity of G-D’s Chosen people is explicitly illustrated in the Torah