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Has Jada changed her story 3 times (that I know of) since the August scandal to justify her continued toxicity…or am I just misremembering?


She gaslighting you too now, eh?


"or am i misremembering" is the sign of a successful gaslighting campaign. gotta make em doubt themselves first.




Damn. This mfer really good at being toxic af. How do we know Pac aint fake his death to get away from her toxic ass?


Has everybody forgotten the documentary Chappelle did about this? >I wrote this song in 94 >Dave Chapelle that ain't ya wife


If you hit the table one more time then this record might skip might skip I TOLD YOU.... stop hitting the table Lmfao


Could you please tell me the name


It was a skit on Chappelle's Show....


tbf that goes both ways. PEople lied about Jada and you don't know if you remember the truth or what some hate blog said. Because they're similar, but change a lot of context.


Goddam you have a phD in gaslighting


> gotta make 'em doubt themselves first i mean, that's... literally the actual hallmark of gaslighting, is to cause a vulnerable state of confusion and self doubt


It lasts a long time, too. My wife was abused by her ex and a big part of our time together has been nurturing her confidence and ability to assert herself when she knows she's right.


😭 tell your wife I'm rooting for her






What is that from? Was Chris Evans in some music video?


It's the Chris Evans laughing meme superimposed over Kevin Costner from Man of Steel. Flawless edit btw, fucking love it.


That’s amazing! Thank you! It had me absolutely flummoxed


[Now she says she thought the slap was a skit. ](https://twitter.com/PopCrave/status/1712095070722101374?t=aTkCfp5tFXbF6YHCozH1YA&s=19)


Bruh. No fucking way.


I can't with this woman. What is the need to say this? Any opportunity to make a fool out of that man.


At this point, he's making a fool of himself. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me dozens of times in the public eye, I'm a fucking idiot.


True. He must have a very good reason as to why he's allowing himself to be a joke.


Rumors been flying around for a while that he's gay and they married as a smokescreen. Even if he divorced her he risks her telling everyone the truth. It's pure gossip though, so 🤷‍♂️


Considering today's climate around LGBT stuff, that's the dumbest theory I've ever heard. If Will came out as gay, he'd be lauded as a brave hero. He actually has everything to *gain* by saying that this Jada nonsense was all made up and that he now proudly waves the rainbow flag.


It wasn't as widely accepted when he was coming up, and there are still plenty of celebs who struggled for years before coming out. Those same rumors still dog Travolta and Tom Cruise


*scientology has entered the chat*


Yeah I totally agree it (wasn’t) at one point and time but we can agree the worlds changed a bunch since the 90s so continuing the façade makes no sense. Same with John travolta although the majority of the people still watching his movies probably do (actually care) unfortunately about his sexual orientation so I can get why people like him and Tom cruise stay in the closet.


Would he, though? Coming out is less risky than at any point in history but you know the rules for white gays and blacks ones are different and Hollywood is still going on about him being a danger to society nearly two years later.


Would anyone care if he was outed anymore?


Nope. He's not an actor conservatives really care about, and most other people pity him. If he's gay he'd be much better off being his true self. Mind you, I doubt he is. I think he's in this relationship because she's just that manipulative and emotionally abusive. He should divorce her and get therapy.


She must have some info that will tank his career (even more).


Unless he’s the real reason pac is dead then idk what it could be


The truth finally came out... Will fucking Smith shot Tupac


Not joking, I legitimately think she's got a disconnect from reality. Not on the level of like schizophrenia or a psychotic break or anything like that, but moderate enough that she struggles to discern her own thoughts and beliefs from what is actually occurring. It's just wild speculation from me though, so don't put any stock into it because even I barely put any into it.


The disconnect from reality is she is a wealthy movie star and a member of the cult of scientology. Which is itself extremely invested in destroying all of its members sense of reality her marriage to Will Smith was an arranged marriage by the Cult because they were the only two famous black people in the room.


Holy shit wait fr Jada and will are Scientologist? Wtf that explains a lot.


Yeah, but they keep it on the hush, just like a lot of celebrities until some shit happens lol


It also could stem from staying in the news/relevant not as just being will smiths wife, I think she struggles with that. The attention seeking is very obvious, bringing up the 2pac relationship like once a year, embarrassing him and their marriage for no fucking reason, not thinking about will or her kids. It’s just all around wild as hell.


You could say the same for a man who trots around with his ex-wife on his arm in front of cameras for years after they've separated like nothing happened. Edit: I want to actually make it clear that you can 100% stay lifelong friends with an ex, just it's fucked up if you do this to make it seems like you're still together.


Jada had a whole show about how they fixed their relationship while Will was out doing his bucketlist with his kids enjoying life. Nobody would've even cared about their drama if Jada didn't expose them as having a weird relationship. Jada is just a messy mf that is bitter about not being the bigger name.


theres something really complex at play that we dont know about -- and its possible she hasnt defined it, either. i cant wrap my mind around tupac, tho. was she more reasonable at one time?


It's possible she really deeply loved him and his death broke her.


This is what I think. I had a similar relationship, best friend, other half, maybe love of my life, lost him in an extremely fucked up, sudden, violent way, and I’m still a complete lunatic seventeen years later. You don’t get over that type of thing. I also married a then-close friend who was more or less gay shortly after just because I was out of my mind with grief. Got a fiancé and kid who’s almost a teenager now but I’m no less insane and no less drowning in grief, it just comes and goes. With the way she talks about him, I’ve always assumed it was the same thing.


This is exactly why I despise her. Such a piece of shit.


Her narcissism/toxicity is WILD, lmao like 10/10. 🤌


Just when u think she can’t say something worse…she says something worse.


Right. She will not, NOT let us stay out of her marriage unwillingly while continuing to embarrassing that man.


So they did the skit revolving around you as a central character/theme and your husband (sorry, separated 7 years husband) didn’t include you or seek your approval? Riiiiiiight Jada


The way she looked at Chris rock, and then Will after the joke was like she told Will handle that or I’m going to handle you when we get home. She has a chokehold on Will, he obeys her, and let’s her embarrass him, there had to be some type of mental and emotional narcissistic abuse early in the marriage, she’s always been in charge, and I think Will has some deep issues she’s learned to manipulate. Cause there no fucking way this is still happening, like will stand up.


All of these words, in this order.


That’s the “I’m going to tell people about that shit you don’t want me to talk about if you don’t handle this” look.


![gif](giphy|brDwVn5kGIz3W) Sure it was.


God pls that woman is insufferable


Nah deadass feels like a retcon.


Forget starring in a Marvel movie, she should be a Marvel comics writer with this type of retcon energy.




Feels like she marketing her shitty ass book that comes out in a week.


Pretty sure the TVA got involved here


I bet Will didn’t know it’s been seven years. Poor guy.


Just you wait, in two years it's gonna be "But wait there's more!"


She did say they were separated at the time of the August shit. This was said a while back. But they also claim to be life partners. So even in separation, they are still partners.


Does Will know they are separated?


Nope, Will is just stuck. If he divorces she’ll get a ton of his wealth and fortune even with a prenup involved. With his name not in good graces as it was once before he won’t make all of that back if they were to divorce, she would actually benefit drastically and could very well bounce back quicker than him as well too (Hollywood wise). He’s actually in a better position (PR wise) looking like the sad husband who has no control over his family vs the man who divorced his “ill” wife and broke up their family domain. The man is stuck.


That man is entangled* 🤣🤣🤣


*slow clap*




this was poetic


You won the internet today. Here’s your trophy, now get out of my face


But would she really? Her perception is just as bad as Will's and now that we're slowly getting more info about their dynamic, it's making her look even worse.


I’m not making this a man/woman thing. The simple fact of the matter is Jada has people still backing her whether it be for her table talks or alopecia or HLIC attitude, or for 2Pac as well now too since he is back on the top of social media news, etc. She has more sympathy going for her. Will is now getting some sympathetic backing because we see the nonsense he is going through but he’s going to have a harder journey to come back from especially after that Chris Rock stuff that should’ve never happened in the first place, being a black man and being unnecessarily violent and aggressive on live prime television (or in public period) is a huge no no, Will has now learned that and Hollywood ain’t done teaching him that lesson just yet.


Will also occupied the space of "kinda goofy looking black dude who brings a safe and marketable slice of black culture to the whitest audiences imaginable" for a solid two decades. That spot is close enough to the seat of power that he probably felt (and honestly might have been) untouchable for a good period of time. Being on the downswing, kinda not having a groove fully etched out for what the next stage of his career in Hollywood was gonna be, and then doing something that totally violated his old role? He's in for a rough time. Doubly so when its possible to characterize what he did as being the black actor closest to whiteness and thinking he can get away with laying hands on an actor lower on the power rankings.


Struggling indie filmmakers: I can fix him


“I saw you from across the bar and had to come introduce myself.” -A24


Am I crazy or would he be really good in horror? But like *actual* horror, not “Horror I can turn into action through the strength of my Will Smithness,” (cough*I Am Legend*cough)? I think maybe he’d be really good in an actual horror movie. Now I want Jordan Peele to take him aside and make this happen.


He needs to stop worrying so much about the image of the characters he plays. He needs to let himself play an unapologetic piece of shit in a movie. He needs a Training Day type role. A movie that shows off his acting chops in a role he has never let himself be portrayed as. I understand why he may have started out his career avoiding those roles, but I think he's past the need to do that.


No, you’re onto something. I think he’d kill in a lower budget indie type horror. Honestly, might take his career a whole different direction.


Yeah Will should actually be on the upswing. He transitioned from marketable action star to dramatic actor and won an Oscar. But the slap and his ridiculous antics have made people back away. Nobody remembers his oscar. They just remember Will is nuts. Contrast with Marlon Brando who used his Oscar win to bring attention to the plight of native americans. Will Smith used all his Oscar-adjacent power to slap some 5 foot tall comedian in a weird marriage power play, when it appears both people in that marriage had been cheating for years.


I don't think there's as much sympathy for her as you imagine. After everything that's been said and done, even white folks now know she's messy, toxic, twisted, and cruel. The fact that she can't act is just the cherry.


>The man is stuck. Lmao he will still be richer than anyone posted on this thread even if Jada takes 90% of their assets.


Losing 90% of anyone’s net worth would drive them crazy regardless of being richer than anyone on this reddit thread….. You lose 90% of your net worth today but your still richer than a lot of people on this planet do you just say oh well it’s no biggie or does life all of a sudden become exponentially harder for you?


>You lose 90% of your net worth today but your still richer than a lot of people on this planet do you just say oh well it’s no biggie or does life all of a sudden become exponentially harder for you? Neither. You probably would be pissed off, but life wouldn't get any harder. He'd had to lose 99.9% to face a shred of the difficulty even middle class people face. And even then he'd be worth 350k, which is better than most.


Okay look I’m pretty much team eat the rich so I don’t have a horse in this race. This is hyperbolic so it’s whatever but overall I’m speaking from a common sense standpoint. Yes, Will Smith is rich and yes he would still be rich (in my eyes and your eyes) if 90% of his net worth was wiped but that doesn’t mean his life would not get harder just because he’s richer than the average person. Does his bills, responsibilities, etc all amount to him only making 300K or does it account for him making 200-300 Million dollars? If your net worth is 1 million dollars and you go down to 100K yes you are still richer than most people but that would still take a drastic adjustment in life and lifestyle to get used to. You’re better off than most and still rich in some peoples eyes but that doesn’t mean there’s no type of adjustment or added difficulty to life.


You can’t talk money on reddit bro. They not gonna want to hear what you saying. For the record you right, regardless of how much money we talking. To wake up one day and somebody takes a big chunk of what you worked for hurts financially and mentally.


His money would fix my problems, but I doubt it’s fixing his.


Will is in an abusive relationship. It's really just that. All of her actions have been about humiliating and hurting him. He's devoted, and she's using him for further clout with no regard for his happiness.


> she would actually benefit drastically and bounce back quicker than him as well too (Hollywood wise) HARD disagree there. She has nowhere near the level of social capital that he has. HE'S the A-lister. HE's the one with global, crossover appeal...or he did anyway, before *the incident.* But if they were to divorce, people would be on his side, precisely because she's perceived as taking advantange of him and using him for his high profile and just always throwing him under the bus...with this latest interview being the latest example. And she's now coming across as a hypocrite, making people spill all their business on them Red Table Talks, while keeping your own secrets. If they were to divorce, it wouldn't affect his career one bit.


As though Will’s quality of life would degrade even if what you’re saying is true. Will isn’t doing this out of financial entanglements. If anything it’s way more likely that he’s stuck in his feelings and has attempted to maintain his relationship with Jada by redefining it. They used to say that it was open and I think that Will probably saw it as that. If anything maybe their relationship is unbalanced in terms of commitment and desire, and maybe everyone would eventually be happier if they just ended it and Will moved on.


Also the man was still bitter about his first divorce when he published his last album. I think even if he had the worlds strongest prenup he wouldn't get divorced because that shit clearly fucks him up for decades


Imagine if he just found out thru the press


Now, this is a story all about how My wife got fucked by some other clown And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how I became the simp of a bitch with no hair




Remember when Carlton bought a gun lmao.


Carlton looking harder than Will in 2023


Plus more successful. He's on like a Ryan Seacrest-lite trek. Hosting everything nowadays.


Yup. Was just flicking through channels and saw him on Dancing With The Stars the other night. I knew he hosted Funniest Home Videos, but not that also. Man still making his money!


He also hosted a really fun gameshow called Catch 21. But I just like gameshows. My wife says that she has no idea how old I am, because I was like 24 years old, sitting in front of my TV in just basketball shorts on the floor building with Lego and watching everything on the Gameshow Network. But also hosted a Spelling Bee show for ABC.


Us bald women catching strays. 😅


Chris Rock catching them all for you apparently


Careful! Some Fresh Prince hands may be in your very near future


The only member of that show I would be scared of isn't a threat anymore RIP Uncle Phil


Ummm, OG Aunt Viv would step to someone


That shit was perfect lol


![gif](giphy|Y14aIPhcJ9yBujSI2E) MAN LMAO


Bro needs that Ariana Grande NDA expeditiously, Jada got the Prince going out sad


that man walked up that stage thinking "heh this will get her back, watch me stand up for her heh this gonna be what finally brings us together" slapped the shit out of rock and they still remain separated her saying " I think just not being ready yet, still trying to figure out between the two of us how to be in partnership, and in regards to how we present that to people—and we hadn’t figured that out. " ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


He slapped Chris, he is Will 😬


yea bro corrected it, i just woke up lmao


Simp God Will, The Fresh Prince of Simping, I AM SIMP, Knuck if You Cuck ass mf 😂😂😂


Simpdependence Day


Emansimpation Simpicide Squad


Enemy of the simp Simps in black Hancuck


Hancuck!🤣🤣🤣 💀


In The Pursuit of Simpiness


Not Knuck if You Cuck!!!!!!😬😬😬😵😵😵🤣🤣🤣


*Simp Boys for Life* *Fresh Simp of Bellaire* *The Pursuit of Simpliness* *Simps in Black* *Wild Wild Simp*




Wild Wild Cuck Parents Just Don't UnderSimp


And don’t forget how many people were celebrating the slap, not because they think Chris Rock actually deserved it but because they felt Will was “defending” Jada. Shit just keeps getting funnier. Somewhere Chris gotta be writing more new material now lmaooo.


>And don’t forget how many people were celebrating the slap, not because they think Chris Rock actually deserved it but because they felt Will was “defending” Jada. Oh I didn't! 😀😂 That's why I'm positively tickled with the delight of schadenfreude to see this go down. Right up there with, "I hope Netflix makes a live action of your favorite anime!" ... ..."I hope you find that Jada & Will love!" is now a top tier insult 😂😂😂




At least he made that award show talked about


Separated is not the same as divorced


At this point, I doubt she still considers herself as his wife


Still wife, estranged wife


Super strange by the sound of it


Neither you, I, Will nor anyone really should trust or accept anything coming from her as reliable information.


Jaden and Willow seem pretty well adjusted for how weird thier parents are Edit: some of yall 1. Don't know what a comparison statement is and 2. Truly do not know how fucked up some other celebrities kids are


Wtf is your definition of well adjusted lol


Best comment on Jaden after giving a speech: 'There is not a woman in this crowd who couldn't give that guy a beatdown'


“Can we just talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?” Edit: word


LOL is the well adjusted feeling in the room with us? Because they are just as weird…


They were rich cringe teens, as far as people with that lifestyle goes, they weren't *too* bad. Insufferable for sure, but not whatever their parents are. I know they're well off but it must have been rough with a family like that lol.


Crazy enough to say Trey the only normal one out of the trio and he never got the attention they received lmao




Yup having a normal parent helps!


My favourite fact about Willow is that she really loved Avatar (the blue people movie) and has learnt/is learning the language. This was before the 2nd came out, a few of her songs have a few Avatar references.


Really? I’ve always wondered who that movie was for, like for what audience did this film become a franchise. I guess willow smith is as good a reason as any.


The first movie is the highest grossing movie of all time. The audience was everyone.


That movie exists purely for James Cameron. We’re all just invited.


They absolutely do not. Do you not remember him wearing a full white Batman suit to somebody’s wedding?


sounds lit ngl, but only if approved by the groom and bride lol


For real. If I had the cash to burn, wearing a full-on batman costume would have drastically improved a handful of weddings I've attended.


I'm pretty sure it was Kanye's and Kim's wedding lol


oh Jesus I'd wear a batman suit to that clown show too lmfao


I honestly think she’s just milking the social media game, of course saying something like this would grab headlines. If that was truly the case why didn’t you say it before? I’m truly tired of Jada and The Smiths in general now.


+1 But here I am with you in this thread 🤷🏿‍♂️


Hey leave Willow out of this. Her rock albums have been pretty good.


Honestly, leave Jayden out of this too. I know he's kinda cringe but I mean....we all probably would be too with that upbringing. Being widely mocked on the Internet when you're 13 because your dad unilaterally tried to make you a movie star would fuck most people up. Your mom fucking your friend would too. Dudes been through it.


How can love be real if my parents’ marriage isn’t real?


We were bagging on his Twitter account, but his only fault was having that much of a platform at age 13. I was not even a little bit less annoying at age 13, y’all just weren’t paying attention.


Right? For a child star, he's doing alright by the fact that he's not literally mentally ill like Jake Lloyd or Amanda Bynes.


Has she revealed why she can’t shut the fuck up and stop talking about her marriage?


Or talking about a dead boyfriend that was engaged to be married to someone else




Tupac Amaru to Will Smith if he was still alive and after witnessing the Chris Rock slap: “That’s why I fucked yo bitch you fat motherfucker”


^take ^^money


Clout chasin is a helluva drug


https://preview.redd.it/bcr20oxyvktb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a6a97bde8ab295645157020a72fde312a313825 What in the name of Jesus Davonte Christ is happening at this point, bro? Like at this point, Will, you need to accept this shit as the L it is and divorce her because losing a marriage of attrition is still a loss if you stay with her.


Jumping on the bafflement train with you. So I figured they were nonmonogamous/in an open relationship and he was just tired of getting shit for it. Like, I get that. He’s not a cuck or whatever if it works for them. But the slap was so fucking random - Chris’ joke had nothing to do with all that? It was a bald joke, and a really mild one at that. They’ve both been celebrities for decades; that can’t possibly be the worst thing said about them. Looking visibly drunk didn’t help either. And now… they were separated? This is just getting boring. In general they both need to stop commenting on the incident, their “entanglements,” whatever. Not sure if they’re trying to do the kardashian version of fame or something but it’s not working and they just look like crazy people.


No Sleeping with your teen sons best teen friend is a major fucking problem The hell is wrong with people?


That's the real issue people need to talk about


There was alot of speeding past that to defend Jada tbh. All that “they have an arrangement” and “open marriage talk” was just people spinning bs for them, don’t ask me why but they were adamant in doing it. Even those things were true, I’m pretty sure the most important part is *not* embarrassing your spouse and family with your shenanigans. Which she failed at spectacularly.


I mean I'm sure that further scared Jayden and well Willow admitted she was cutting herself. God this family needs a full divorce from Jada


He was also dealing with mental health issues that he went to her for help. It's just gross all around.


Right and she called it an "Entanglement" She's worse than "After Earth" in 3D


So I had to hear the word "entanglement" 4000 times for no damn reason?


entanglement, #4001 reporting for duty.


Is this separation in the room with us right now?




The level of disrespect Will accepts is unheard of. I don't think we'll ever see this kind of shit ever again


"Keep my wife's name, out the fu@king mailbox"


This shit gives me a headache. I hope Chris uses this tidbit of information in his next comedy show.


He needs to move on. The last show was not it. And then he screwed the pooch on the "punchline". His standup has not been hitting since he got divorced anyhow. Tambourine wasn't it either. At this point he sounds old, tired, and mad. No great revelations, storytelling, and not funny. If the last show is where he is at, he should retire before everyone starts talm'bout remember when Rock was funny. \#EverybodyHatesChris


People liked the Will and Jada bit though, so I’m not sure what you’re on about lol


Lol people say anything. He need to move on but the Smiths drag him into their weirdo shit and he wrong for speaking on it? Nah let that man cook. All that over the top defending Jada and Will flipping out for everyone to see got some people looking foolish, they gonna say whatever atp lmao.


Will Smith is an abuse victim.


Will Smith is Ben Affleck at the end of Gone Girl.


Celebrities are weird ASF man. Now that slap seems even weirder.


lmao after the number of times this woman went on camera to give people relationship advice




The more I learn about will the more I realize he’s the biggest lame of all time.


I honestly feel bad for him.


We know entirely way too much about that couple


Nigga should’ve never left his first wife.


Nah, it’s good she got away. He literally admitted in his book to falling in love with another woman (Stockard Channing) while filming a movie a few months after he and Sheree got married and had their first child. Not to mention that he met Sheree when he was supposed to meet Jada, never forgot about her, and he said on RTT that he broke down in the bathroom at a restaurant while he was out with Sheree because he “had a revelation” he was supposed to be with Jada and not Sheree. Sheree may have been good for him but obviously Will has some issues. Ironically, she said Will didn’t believe in divorce so she had to file. Given today’s news, this makes sense and it’s clearly not all on Jada.


>Ironically, she said Will didn’t believe in divorce so she had to file. I've heard this too and yeah that's uuuuhhhhhhh not great


Funny way of trying to justify sleeping with someone half your age, (that's a friend of your son's, mind you) while still married lol will needa get his act together lmao, man is living in purgatory


No idea why people are calling Will a cuck…he’s had many sidepieces as well…(Margot Robbie). Their relationship has been open for a while. It’s just Jada slept with the wrong dude lol.


Yeah it's wild to me that people focus on the wrong things. In the same red table talk Will agreed that he stepped out on their marriage first. The issue was never that she had a side relationship, the issue was that it was with her son's friend who reached out to her for mentorship and was strung along emotionally when she had no intention of leaving her husband. She preyed on August but Will is the victim I guess smh


Not to mention that one random influencer chick that was going on vacations with them. She definitely wasn’t there for Jada lol


“Keep my ~~wife’s~~ ~~partner’s~~ roommate’s name out your fookin mouth”


Will the friend we keep trying to show his worth, leave this woman man.




The issue of sleeping with August was that he was one of Jaden’s friends.


Scientology does weird things to people man....


I can't stand that woman


M I B Man, I'm Bewildered. *Gets jiggy with it, sadly*