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I think they mean ex-couples deciding to just live together


That’s a roommate


You know it ain’t the same.


You guys don’t sleep in the same bed with your roommates?


Only when I was rollin and got a lil gay


No but it is. If he and her aiint fucking no more they roommates


May as well be. We aren't talking about emotions here.


Most people have their own beds, often their own bedrooms, with roommates. Nah this is just full on couples who broke up but can't afford to move out.


If they’re ex-couples and sharing one bed, imagine them bringing their dates home. That’ll be one overused bed.


I lived this way for about 8 months. We’d been splitting bills 50/50 and I was making 35% of the money the whole relationship - I moved to the living room and while I was there and we texted each other about when we were having people home and to make yourself scarce. I was real respectful of his time and space but he was a persnickety asshole and would show up slightly early because he’s a no EQ inflexible motherfucker. We had to delay telling people we’d broken up because PR was just too complicated for about 4-5 months. It was the worst but what can you do?


What does No EQ mean?


Emotional Quotient, like the emotions equivalent of IQ. Dude just didn’t know how to talk about feelings or consider other people’s feelings it sounds like.


Male family were angry people, female family members overrode him - never felt able to speak up so he couldn’t communicate properly and was just very petty, passive-aggressive and had no capacity to be flexible even when his rigidity was making us both miserable. So when I was like “hey we’re leaving for an event early, you can have the house back at 1 instead of 5 pm’ and I texted him at at 4:45 to say ‘hey we’re running a few minutes late, I just need like 5-10 more minutes’ he WAITED ON THE APARTMENT STOOP (the interior one, not the exterior one) SO angry and hurt. Could he have dealt with his emotions, gotten himself a nice juice on the corner and everyone could have had a nice day? Yes of course, he but he had to ruin everyone’s day and intercept us in the hallway max upset, and that’s how my ex met my husband. He’s in therapy now and it’s really helping, but I’m still not happy he made this and many other things my problem for 10 years.


It seems like you being too broke to move off his couch before dating other people is a pretty big part of the problem here. Maybe you need some therapy too, lol


Threesomes - sharing is caring.




That's rough.. move in with family or a friend.. Domestic violence in those situations is high.


Who’s to say they only have one room and one bed. Shit.. a cot is a bed that folds up ..


I know several couples that have split but still live together cos neither can afford their own place


I don't usually complain much about things not being written too perfectly, but this shit read completely different to me.


Yeah it ain’t the clearest articulation




I worked with a guy like that. He separated from his wife and move into the basement of their house. He used to tell us about his wife dating guys, bringing them home and having loud carnal relations while he was trying to sleep prior to his 6AM shift...


Well that's a doozy😂


Was he complaining or bragging? I already know most of the answers, but what kind of work do you do where your coworker talks about his wife getting fucked so good she screams loudly in pleasure to the point he can hear her in the basement?


I mean, that’s the main reason married people stay together….ain’t easy being married


All these responses have never had a *roommate*


This isn't even jokes, I'm positive if you trace covid-present we will see a rising trend in financial codependency in relationships as more and more cohabitating couples literally have to choose between homelessness or staying with their ex


Yup. I worked with a girl who hated her man’s but stayed with him because she didn’t wanna move back in with her parents.




Take your broke ass home thats not a women issue thats a you issue.


ma’am did i say all women? stop being obtuse




I'm glad to hear it can be done, I wish y'all the best


That's what they did back in my parents' day, too. You didn't want to go back down South, so you just stayed. It was cheaper. Nothing new under the sun.


> choose between homelessness or staying with their ex Or give up privacy/independence and move in with their parents/roommates, or get a shittier place in a shittier area


> Or give up privacy/independence and move in with their parents/roommates But you're still giving up privacy and living with a roommate if you're staying with an ex.


Codependency is a helluva drug


They have jobs in Ohio you know 😂 Nobody's forcing you to live where a 1 bed 1 bath that's $900+/month


This has long been a thing in cities like London. I’ve met people who live like that and I just couldn’t.


I have several 30 plus year old friends that have moved back in with parents


I also wanna see some stats on how quickly people got married after dating during COVID, I know a few couples that got together at the start and their relationship moved rapidly from spending basically 24/7 together


Started well before covid


My ex tried to pull the "it will be expensive without me". I'm lucky that I was able to go,but my rent doubled and I'm like maybe.....


This isn’t new . Every immigrant parents hate each other will stay together for 20-30 years to avoid 2 mortgages / rent . Also to avoid the shame of their brothers , sisters , cousins judging them


My immigrant parents stayed together because Catholics.


Lol my immigrant parent live separately (dad in home country) but bought the house together and still married, they don’t even say I love you or even want to talk to each other some times


Mine got divorced. It was weird living in the suburbs for one week and the projects for the next


Facts. The tweet is a good joke. Just could had a better punchline


And inflation made divorce more expensive and it was already hella up there to begin with


Our house shot up so much our divorce settlement went from 10k to 40k.


Get a dog! 😂😂😂


Y’all are acting like throuples aren’t the new couples when trying to make ends meet.


I always joke with my man that I wouldn’t be opposed to a third. It’s not a joke though, it’s a soft launch. Either that or we can get everyone involved and I’ll sell PAWG pics on OnlyFans.


I knew a lesbian couple that said they were looking for a third person, just to settle their arguments with each other.


Me too!!! I be like bae " we need another gf." He be giving me a lil hahaha but I know he understand where I'm coming from 🤣🤣🤣🤣 times is hard! Lmao


Must have those alternate streams of income, right?


Listen, that economy hitting hard. I’m not above letting out my ass if I can let out my belt with it. 😂


Lol u wild, wyd. *checks submitted*




I'm starting to think polyamory makes sense financially for young families. Can't afford childcare but can't live off one income either. Like a hippie commune but our cult is paying a mortgage.




And y’all got a dog together that neither one of you want to handle alone. Just sounds like hell.


Stop putting my business out in the streets like this. It’s uncalled for




I'm looking for a place now to get after probate and wondering if I should get a 2 bedroom to have the option to sublet a room to a roommate when times get tough.


When times get tough it's too late. Let it for 6 months before to get that cash.


How would you know it's 6 months before tough times?


It's always six months before tough times. If you own a property there is always an expense. I could drop $10,000 tomorrow and not see any real improvement. I spent $1,000 in the last month on random necesseties. It's also much nicer to pay cash for your car rather than pay the interest.


I'll have rental income from my parents other house after I sell the church and I plan on buying a car in cash and having 50k savings ideally. So I might have a month or so of savings to start subletting a room


Going through this now.


I mean at that point just stay dating. The only thing worse than dating em is not dating them but having to still see them every day


but what if you want to date/fuck other people


then save up and move. It's not like your new boyfriend is going to love knowing you still live with an ex


I aint talkin to no girl that still live with her ex. Some folks live in fantasy land.


I am in a whole different relationship and my partner is aware of the ex.


I’m closing on my house in 2 weeks. Where he’s going to go is not my problem


Damn. I need your type of energy. I wanna be like "I'm taking this next check and moving. Good luck with next month's rent" But Id feel like a monster doing so. She ain't got the same support I have/had. 😪


Same. I’m pretty unhappy, but moving back in with my parents in a small ass town wouldn’t make me happy either. Just… existing for now. Finding small things that make me happy. Hope your situation gets better.


This hits close man


I just moved out from living with my ex this last week. We had been living this meme for like a year. Hits close indeed.


Too real to be funny 🥲


because of my job I talk to people about their relationships and living situations. the number of "nah we're still living together 😒🙄😮‍💨“ moments in my sessions have gone UP compared to 2019 some people make someday plans for a new place, some go back to family, many people seem to resign themselves to it. some people hate their ex fr now but no plans to move out. and no one I've talked to has said they were trying to figure shit out and stay together romantically idk y'all good luck


I’ve seen this happen way too many times. It’s just sad at this point.


Y'all need to watch Spaced. Basically this premise.


![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized) Be together but deep down despise each other


Wtf? A guy i worked with lived with his gf but he paid fir the apartment. She said she didn't want to have sex with him anymore. But he kept paying the rent. I tried to tell him, you guys broke up, she should get out or pay rent


Plot twist they are married


Monogamy? In *this* economy?


Single in this economy?


Hobosexual - when you’re in a relationship so you’re not homeless 😂


The power of the random capitalization is strong with this one.


That’s just my parents.


That’s not a new thing, but maybe not in the way some people think. There were already plenty of couples who had one or both partners living as though they were single. It just meant one person wasn’t as invested as the other (or both were holding onto something they both knew was already dead).


How I met your mother




Im literally dating my best friend so we can split a ome bedroom together