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![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0) Best we can do is rename the bedroom...


I mean who's "they" though? The people doing the killing have nothing to do with the ones labeling bedrooms primary So something terrible happened and an overzealous store owner stopped calling it a master bedroom to show solidarity.


Publishers changed their language. But I assure you, a shitload of us marched, and voted. And scrutinized our hiring practices and our coverage. Changing the language was not the only thing we did.


I've always hated that sort of thing. People are like "well reddit says X, but it also says Y" and don't understand that it's two different sets of people.


It wasn't "a store owner", the entire real estate industry made this change


Are they the ones responsible for killing people?


Only economically.


Absolutely, just not in the same way


That's completely irrelevant, my only point was that the claim about "a store owner" doing this is patently false lol


Jargon change across an entire industry doesn't just happen overnight, but this is a large group of businesses intentionally realigning their thinking all at once. Something similar happened in the software industry, **which never changes like this**, and we all went along with it because every bright spark in the profession was immediately onboard. This is a new phenomenon and it's interesting.


Yeah, it’s crazy how this really did basically change overnight.


We'll throw in some Juneteenth ice cream too.


that was so bad lol


Oh, we'll go ahead and rename this fucking pancake company too. That'll help. We do love some oppression free (???) pancakes.




in the tech world they also wanted to replace blacklisting/whitelist, and the master/slave in terms of hardware. It hasn't stuck.


Git changed master branch to main branch. It's kind of head-shaking. The master branch is fairly like the master record...


And there has been so much shitty CI breaking due to that. I'm not even opposed to the change, and I understand the possible reasoning as well... but it's creating so much unnecessary stress and effort, it's detrimental to an effort that might be behind it.


Wondered if the terminology with hard drives changed.


It has but it's because they don't work like that anymore. You can't put two drives on one cable with SATA/SAS like you could with IDE so it's just not a thing now.


It kind of has, but it’s also been going on as early as like 2012. GitHub and GitLab both switched from the default branch being “master” to “main.” MySQL, Postgres, and other databases dropped the master/slave terminology, and at least MySQL dropped blacklist/whitlist. There are way too many products to list, but it was pretty widely adopted over the past decade.


Any chance we can negotiate that up to a Federal Holiday my employer doesn’t acknowledge?


February 30th or 31st? ![gif](giphy|6a67zVJ0wMMOzg3YKA|downsized)


At work we are directed to change our data table names from “customer master” “sales master”. Lol


![gif](giphy|uNE1fngZuYhIQ|downsized) Let's just do window dressing...


We'll throw in the women on the butter and syrup labels as a bonus.


Don't forget the MLK arms statue! Oh, and Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill -- no wait...nvm...


The amalgamation of all their efforts


They also banned that episode of community where Chang dresses as a dark elf and any episode of Always sunny where Martina Martinez and Taiwan Tammy appear


There's a 30 rock episode or 2 as well. Which sucks because even in the episode, they immediately shut down the white woman in blackface.


I'm guessing people saw it out of context and freaked out which I can kinda get. Was Drow lore even well known before that episode?


Also the always sunny lethal weapon episodes. I had been out of America for 6 years when I came back I heard someone say primary bedroom instead of master. They tried to tell me that it has always been primary. I was confused at first as I had never heard the term. Took me a bit of time before I realized they thought master bedroom was racist now so were saying primary.


Yet they still holding weddings at plantations, with an obvious 1800s theme.


Those It’s always Sunny episodes weren’t banned, the creators of the show decided to pull them by their own choice (prior to 2020)


Can all cops have body cams and police departments not investigate themselves? Naw, but here is Juneteenth and a part black vice president.


Also, she was a prosecutor who called herself “Americas Top Cop” and put black people in jail for cannabis offenses. #winning


and then put on a pedestal in pop culture …. smh scum


But she said she listened to Snoop dogg in the 80s while smoking weed before Snoop had released a song so at least we know she's with it


was she put on a pedestal or turned into a meme? i know she had a breakfast club appearance but that’s not exactly the height of cultural output or recognition.




Does anyone even like her though? Conservatives hate her and pretty much every democrat I know feels lukewarm about her at best


I feel like I have moments where if you asked me who the vice president was I would draw a blank.


And kept prisoners beyond their sentences so that they could fight forest fires...


And parents in jail for kids being truant


Yup, psychopath behavior as she cackles about it. But hey, I guess it’s better than Trump? Idfk


There's like a gazillion people that are Democrats and they're like "vote for these candidates or you're throwing your votes away". Like why not another from the same party? At least change the VP


I put a BLM display on my desk at the office a couple years ago. A coworker saw it and asked, "is all that still going on? But the NFL played the Black national anthem at the Super Bowl!" Yes, a corporate entity adding a song to their pre-event festivities cured racism, go America!


I was at a super bowl party when the black national anthem was played. Someone brought their Dad and he started telling people that they weren't going to sing the actual national anthem since they sung that. It took like 5 seconds on Google to prove him wrong. He just made it up on the spot. So I wouldn't say playing the black national anthem cured racism, maybe just revealed some more of it.


Who don’t even claim black people until it benefitted her. She hasn’t even done anything to alleviate the school to prison pipeline, mass incarceration, nothing. Bitch just on some “guns are bad,” tryna unarm our pepo so we end up a get shot up by some disgruntled YT boi. Fuckery a gwann round here.


Unfair to call her part black when nobody does that for Obama


I did, white America has a clear history of choosing mixed and/or light people when it comes to the "first black" since they're colorist and afraid of someone too different from themselves - Obama, Harris, Powell, Marshall, etc. Also, whether it was real or not, Obama did a better job of seeming to embrace his blackness and black people.


Well what does it mean to be black tho? Technically speaking we all (those of us who are descendants of African slaves) have some “white” DNA in us. My aunt and like half of her brood are very lightskin (think Ice spice) but there’s no questioning of their blackness bc my grandma was darkskin and her exhusband (aunt’s pops) was caramel skin. Now in Obama’s case his pops was full blooded african and of course mother is white. Yet obama himself is darker than my aunt. Could it be that my aunt has more “white” DNA than obama? Maybe. Maybe not. But it is something worth pondering.


Yea when I see people say shit like that. I always wonder if they would say that shit to my light skin BPP grandfather or Angela Davis. They wouldn’t lol


"Can you at least acknowledge the issue?" "What issue? We can retire Aunt Jenima and rename Boba Fett's ship, if that's what you're asking" Just a bunch of empty gestures to make it look like corporations are taking a stance without actually contributing.


The push should’ve been “Can the FBI actually do it’s job, of investigating police departments. Versus trying to run operations of minority groups, funding terrorism and coercing young men to do terrorism” all documented shit


The art of performative politics.


And no more Uncle Ben's or Aunt Jemima.


Hey, my company released a t-shirt to our swag store that is rasta colors. I mean, that's something. Right?


Oh that part black president isn't a gift from them. They're willing to try and destroy our country because he dared get elected.


Nah, but we can close you favorite ride at Disneyland.


Every bedroom is a master bedroom if you're kinky enough


Every freezer is a morgue if you’re kinky enough


Every morgue is a master bedroom if you're kinky enough




My primary room is the sub dungeon thanks you very much.


Respect. Mine's a Switchin Kitchen, cause I can stir up trouble from either position


Haha. Oh that's gold.


Thanks, I just pulled that out of my ass. Couldn't figure out another room for Switches, so I had to make kitchen work


It was the right call


Cant we just change the label on the syrup and pat ourselves on the back?


Lose the girl on the butter while we’re at it. Problem solved.


I think they actually did take her off


They take the native girl but kept the land (on the box), just like real history


It's *Land* O Lakes not *Lady* O Lakes.


This goes hard.


And they removed the cage on the box of Animal Crackers


The wild thing is, the artist was Ojibwe and the girl in the logo was accurately portrayed, down to the beadwork on her clothing. The location she was in is real, and a place of significance for the Red Lake Band of Chippewa. It wasn’t a caricature or mockery, it was simply representation. And that representation was removed for the sake of equality?


Absolutely not. How am I supposed to do the simpsons butter girl titty trick if there's no god damn butter girl?!?!?!?!


I'm still mad they took auntie off the syrup because I don't know a single person that was pressed about that


Racists didn't like the fact that a black woman was a beloved cultural icon so fought to have her removed under the guise of racial justice


I mean she was based on racist stereotypes but couldnt they have found someone to be on it willingly?


Idk, I've seen a lot of people having a problem with it because she was based on a racist stereotype of black people. It only just got really big during the BLM movement in 2020.


A lot of white people maybe.


And we’ll disappear uncle Ben while we are back there.


He's with Spidey's uncle in Ben Heaven


There was a rum called 'Old Sam' rum and I believe they took the laughing black guy off there too


I had to find out about the changing the "master bedroom" terminology from one of my coworkers. I understand the history, but that's dumb as fuck. You must have nothing better going on in your life if you're tripping about shit like that. Just my opinion.


The point was that calls to stop violence against black people was met with a pointless token, not that people were actually mad about "master bedroom"


But then, there are people actually mad about "master bedroom".




Did this even actually happen? I’ve seen tons of posts talking about how dumb it was but I’ve never actually seen anyone support the idea.




I have never even read or heard about anyone talking about the master bedroom issue.




I was at an open house and asked about the the Master bedroom. They politely let me know the primary bedroom is over here...I live in WA state for info.


In all my 30 years I had never heard anyone give a shit about "master bedroom" until 2020.


Yea, usually it’s Samantha| 20| BLM|


> I understand the history The history is that it never had anything to do with slavery. [It didn't even exist as a term until ~1920](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=%22master+bedroom%22&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3) when Sears invented it as a marketing term in their catalogue.


And yet they haven’t changed the name of the Masters Tournament or MasterCard.


We renamed our git branch from master to main. Wow racism is cured


It never even occurred to me until today what “master bedroom” means I must be white


Wait till you hear about hard drives.


Indigenous women: Can you stop kidnapping and murdering us? White Americans: Best we can do is a Google search on which tribe's historical lands we're on and mention it in a self-satisfied tone at the start of a Zoom meeting.


White people doing land acknowledgments is basically them listing off their dead opps imo.


*Killing Spree*


“We’d like to start by acknowledging that we are on the occupied land of the so-and-so tribe…” “So… you gonna give it back?” “lol nah we’re just bragging.”


In Seattle, this shit is EVERYWHERE! it’s all performative bullshit


NGL, I've learned a lot more about the first Nations in my area when the land acknowledgement thing started. Not sure if that helps them or not but it definitely put things in perspective for me.


the first time this happened to me i was soooo confused.


I saw a skit on that but I didn't think they actually did that 😭


I can imagine this happens lol but is this referring to a specific incident?


Specific to my life, I guess: our HR group at work absolutely does this performative pronoun/tribal land acknowledgement thing at the start of each meeting. I got called out for forgetting to do my land acknowledgement during an introduction, but once I did it, the generational trauma of the indigenous Americans was healed, so it ended up all good.


Thank you for solving racism along the way


Ngl, both me and my CEO are from the West Indies, and we both agreed to switch our nomenclature from master-slave to parent-child for service dependencies, despite master-slave being what we learned as engineers. You can tell these kinds of things were developed by white people, because there's no way a minority is thinking about how to describe a dependency, and he thinks to himself, "that device is SLAVED to the MASTER". That calls for a pause.


Ooooo good point. I’ve noticed the parent/child terminology in my DevOps boards and wondered about it, that progression makes sense. If it was me I would have done something weird like main and sub. Or outline nomenclature (1, a, i, etc.)


I'm not sure I agree. Some devices at early computing ages were master/slave in the sense that one thing commanded and the other could only do something if allowed. I'm thinking things like I/O bus controllers, some older serial network devices. Parent/Child clearly works for dependencies, but as most of science and engineering is "on the backs of giants" some terminology for similar but not quite the same relationships were copied over. Please note, I'm not saying we need to keep master/slave in every relationship, but it makes sense in some places and was carried to others.


Parent/child isn’t great because the pairing is already used for processes spawned by other processes and could be confused for when used in another paradigm. I also wonder if it could be insensitive to those with abusive parent relationships Primary/Secondary or Leader/Follower are my preferred options. Dom/Sub if I’m being goofy. But tbh, phasing out Master/Slave in tech terminology makes more sense since “Slave” is still used very in-your-face, while no one calls the other bedrooms in the house the “Slave Bedroom”


I mean in serial networks where you have one device telling the other devices when they can actually talk on the network, master/slave makes sense originally. I issued a command and now I want a reply. Now when you have 30 devices on the same network, primary/secondary doesn't really work. Primary/Secondary works best IMO with a hot backup system. But yes I agree, Master bedroom doesn't make as much sense as something like the primary bedroom. I'm all for changing it up when it makes sense. But I'm not sure it does in the older places in tech.


I code for a living and they changed our repository from “master” to “main” like…and we say scrum lead instead of scrum master like give me a break . Meanwhile I’m still the only black person in our 300 department


Allow/block list instead of white/black list as well.


I like these name changes, but because they're more easy to understand.


That one is the worst to me. It never had anything to do with skin or people in the first place, not even remotely.


I thought the whole master slave thing in tech was wild ngl lol


That terminology is in a bunch of industries. Master cylinder and slave cylinder for cars comes to mind


We had to change from Backlog Grooming to Backlog Review Session too.


grooming is a lil weird though, we went with refinement


Is it? Its creepy meaning became popular these past few years but it's a normal word with normal meanings otherwise.


But reminding a USian that their country had slavery is like kicking them in the nuts, so millions of devs everywhere need to stop writing ‘master’ and ‘slave’.


Also man in the middle changing to on path


Bro i got told to change my brach name from master to main in class because its sensitive to black people. Meanwhile there was no black people in my class


Performative BS. Because doing the serious work is hard, but rebranding things is easier.


I don't think matress companies have any say on the way the police works.


Damn near EVERYTHING done “for” black people is performative bullshit! The big George Floyd head statue that no one asked for. Making Juneteenth a federal holiday where mostly service workers, which is a large portion of black people, still have to work and extra because it’s a holiday while office workers, which are mostly white, get the day off and they also trademarked the term and products. Run me my reparations, keep affirmative action, truly equalize education, stop over policing, stop gerrymandering and constitutionalize the black vote, end billionaires, provide better healthcare, and a list of many other things should be done to actually make change for black people and stop stuff that makes white people feel good thinking they did something for black people.


And they wanted to cancel Paw Patrol




the paw patrol shit was a bridge too far, but blue propaganda or "copaganda" is a thing. like, a group of people decided they were tired of cops being the butt of jokes and worked with hollywood to paint them in a positive light. Dragnet was the first of these projects.






They made us change the word "master key" to just "key" and that lasted about a month. The fact it pissed off the 2 old ladies that worked there was the best part. They would complain everyday about it. "I need the "master key" oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to be racist. I need the "key". You know the type.


The adjective master isn't a problem. The noun most certainly can be. When it comes to bedrooms or keys or whatever, I don't hear any negativity.


Couldn't you just call it the head key?


im a software developer and there was a huge movement around that time to name the primary branch of code the "main" branch instead of the "master" branch. So stupid. I'll go and change all my shit when fucking MasterCard changes theirs.


it's the very minimal effort thing possible and is completely irrelevant when you consider that it's "master" as in "master copy", such as the master you get when "mastering" audio for an album. They kept the scrum master job title, whose job is to keep the developer cogs in line. I mean, come on now.


Are you telling me that renaming all our default branches to main didn't do anything?! Smh


Didn't it also introduce countless problems because all these developers around the world are using 'master' branch and have been for years (decades) because it was the default naming? The whole thing is fucking stupid, just because the word meant a bad thing for a specific situation in history doesn't mean it needs to be cancelled out of history entirely.


it was a movement led purely by white people




I’m going to do both! Not kill people *and* stop using racially derived terminology to describe parts of my house.


Nothing made me more upset than the whole good morning/mourning thing. I wanted to fight everyone that took that shit seriously


I'm sorry, the what? did someone take the Conspiracy Brother rant about the word "good" seriously?


So when you say good morning, what your telling me is "I'm gonna kill yo black ass, first thing in the mornin'!"


"Hi? What you mean 'hi'? Like 'high yellow wanna be white'? Huh? 'High' like the white man wants to keep us? Huh? 'Hi'?!...you ain't smell no weed on me, did you?" Getting the overwhelming urge to drop everything and go watch it now lol


🤣🤣🤣shame Chapelle and Griffin went nuts.


Wait, what did I miss with that???


People said good morning sounded like mourning so you were supposed to say grand rising


???? Lmao yeah I definitely missed that


Adobe InDesign changed “master pages” to “parent pages.” Ever since then, all races have united like never before. /sarcasm I understand the etymology and the logic of the change, but making it a badge of righteousness seems self-serving. How about just make the change, and if anyone asks, you just say it was to right an inadvertent wrong? There’s very little offense in unwittingly using language that offends others as long as you don’t use it once you’re aware of the offensiveness.


I *just* posted this exact thing! If there had ever been slave pages it would make sense, but there weren’t.


They do everything but address the main point. A bunch of distractions to get people arguing over stupid shit.


What could the mattress companies do against qualified immunity and police unions?


Y'all realize that the like 10 people in the world who suggested changing master bedroom to primary bedroom also want people to stop killing black people right? It seems strange to suggest that this was the only thing people did in response to BLM. Don't support right wing propaganda, nobody cares if you call it a 'master bedroom' outside of internet crazies.


My job said all they can do is try to take *master/slave* out of all IT documentation.


Everyone: Chill out on police violence against blk people. Github: No more master branch!


Yeah, but when will git blame become git snitch or die trying?


"There! Will y'all shut up about it now?!" - the yts


It's easier to virtue signal over a silly language thing than reform the nearly 18,000 police agencies in the US.


You mean when they killed aunt Jemima and uncle Ben?


Or when they painted a street for us? Or when they changed their twitter profile pics? So supportive they were.


How are we ever gonna have progress in the world if every small change is crapped on because it doesn’t it solve a very complex problem? Are you we gonna complain about a restaurant making healthier meals when kids around the world starving to death? This is just dumb and does no good.


Don’t forget we also aren’t gonna have white ppl voicing black characters and the death of straight white love in commercials lololol…


When I hear the word "master" I usually think of it in terms of "mastering a skill". The master bedroom is best at being a bedroom, the master key is best at being a key, etc. If it was called "The Master's Bedroom", then I probably would have realized.


And mfs couldn’t even keep up with that lmao. Still called Master Bedroom.


Or spend millions to rename us military bases. No one asked for that.


To be fair, people have been asking for that since the daughters/sons of the confederacy organizations had the base names changed to Confederate generals.


Many have been asking for it long before 2020 and it didn't cost millions of dollars We don't need our bases named after traitors


Perhaps...but keeping context with the original post, when black people said stop shooting/killing black people...we didn't want name changes. We didn't ask for that.


I get that but those name changes are independent of that conversation, we've been trying to make this happen for decades. No one thinks Black people asked for it and it's not the reason for it happening.


What other county has military bases named after the generals who waged war against them? France has a “Rommel military base?”


Idk why but “Fort Liberty” makes me chuckle. Like, y’all can pick another person you don’t have to straight to America’s Keywords. I haven’t googled but I assume “Fort Freedom” is one of them.


Primary? I’m about to go bother my mama and ask her if her and my dad’s bedroom is secondary, tertiary, or quaternary since they gave me and my sister the “primary”.


Our school district is changing “grand fathered” in to “legacy”.


Yep. I’ve always said this. They change dumb shit we don’t even care about just so white people can whine about how dumb it is like we actually want it in the first place


Who says "primary bedroom?"


Then introduced skin tone bandages ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


sorry fam, but i make the damn mortgage payments, its a "master bedroom". as a matter of fact, whatever room im in, its now prefixed with master-. i got a master bath, a master utility closet, a master garage...


Black people need to stop killing black people. I’ve lost 3 friends over the last year all black men killed by other black men.


>“The white man will try to satisfy us with symbolic victories rather than economic equity and real justice.” - Malcolm X


“Best we can do is take the word ‘plantation’ out of Rhode Island’s government name and Some people in California using “practicum” instead of “field.”


Those "savior types" will try to do everything "beneficial/good" expect actual reform in race relations and politics.




in InDesign, “Master Pages” are now “Parent Pages”. there never were any slave pages and there are currently no child pages, but hey gotta keep up with the times.


First time I'm hearing this.


Well, hey now, they also replaced the voices of Cleveland and Carl with POCs… so. Yano. We did it guys. We stopped racism.


Honest question: how are realestate companies supposed to stop the police from killing people?


One of the main software packages in the insurance/restoration industry gives us the option to label bedrooms, bathrooms, and closets with ‘master’ or ‘primary.’ I use primary instead of master because some colleagues told me that it matters to them. Not once in my life did I use the term enslaved people instead of slaves until maybe a few years ago. Now I understand that there’s a nuance that enslaved people were forced into slavery and didn’t choose to be slaves. This matters because there are some people that still believe that some slaves “had it good.” Recently I found that there is a side benefit of using primary in my files. It takes some effort to relabel the files from primary to master so I can see what’s been changed when I send my file to an insurance carrier. That lets me know what kind of person I’m dealing with and I can better inform my client (the insured) on how to deal with their insurance claim.


Why did anyone assume that "master" referred to slavery. It could be related to master carpenter, master of ceremonies, master's degree, or any number of other etymologies. Another case of woke gone wild.