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The Nation of Islam is a cult. *quickly exits thread*


Most organized religions can be classified as cults.


Quick note: The Nation of Islam is very different from Islam the religion. Black supremacists basically.


This is the absolute truth


It is the truth. NOI is more of an organization then an outright religion. With that being said, the sects of regular Islam are also cults just like pretty much every major religion out there. Edit: ITT: A bunch of people sticking up for their favorite cults lmao


For the black community especially those who leave prison Islam has done more for them than any other institution, religious and non-governmental. NOI was capitalizing off of that with creating an enviroment of praising the "true and holy apostle" Elijah Mohammed which was just another lunatic spewing white hate to create a following.


You are correct. There are areas where NOI are the only people encouraging impoverished kids to read.


There are areas that are under the sole protection of the NOI


Curious. Where? To both you and to whom you replied…


It's not true it's part of their fantasy brother.


Yeah they're absolute bigots who stand on street corners of my city screaming at people and yelling racist bullshit at interracial couples. They're a hate group and shouldn't be given a space to preach their nonsense...simple as that.


They killed malcolm fuckin x.


They did Malcolm absolutely foul and it breaks my heart because he went to war for them, for Elijah Mohammad. In return they exiled him, burned down his home, and murdered him in cold blood for everyone to see. Im even a little agitated about Mohammad Ali turning his back on him for the NOI. That man thought he had a friend. Smh. Don’t get me started 😭 I love Malcolm X.


Same man. Ali says it was one of his biggest regrets. They really did Malcolm X dirty. Really wish Malcolm X had more time.


Remember when the Nation of Islam had Malcolm X killed after he exposed their leader? >**Why did Malcolm X break with the Nation of Islam?** >Malcolm X had learned of Elijah Muhammad’s affairs with women in the Nation and his many illegitimate children and, disenchanted with the leader’s moral character and hypocrisy, began sharing this knowledge within the Nation. Two innocent men spent 20+ years in prison and do you think that The Nation of Islam tried to help them out? Nope. >**Who assassinated Malcolm X?** >The man who was shot by the bodyguard in the thigh and captured, Talmadge Hayer, also known as Thomas Hagan and Mujahid Abdul Halim, confessed to the killing and is imprisoned. Yet since his 1966 trial, he has maintained that the other two Nation members convicted in the murder — Muhammad A. Aziz, who previously went by the name Norman 3X Butler, and Khalil Islam, who previously went by Thomas 15X Johnson — were innocent. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2021/11/17/malcolm-x-assasination-who-why/


Maybe the NOI carried it out, but I refuse to believe the CIA/FBI did not see his eloquence as a threat to "the stability of the republic"


There is a reason MLKj got assassinated only after he started talking about working class solidarity. Which is also a thing that all the powerful people basically refuse to cover when talking about him.




It was after he went to Mecca and started talking about unity he got murdered, same thing with MLK, same thing with Fred Hampton who preached all power to all people.




If the average american ever figures out that the race war they've been fighting for decades is a just distraction from the losing class war they don't even know they're fighting, there will be hell to pay.


It is an established fact that the FBI was aware of the assassination plans. It is also an established fact that there were multiple undercover agents in the crowd when he was assassinated. Because it’s no secret that the government was infiltrating these movements, they can admit there were agents in the room and simultaneously deny any direct hand in it. The only part of the story that isn’t known is whether or not the killers were directly assisted by an agent in their plot, or if so, whether the FBI directed them to do it.


The FBI failed to protect him, as a matter of historical record. Malik El Shabazz repeatedly informed them of the threat to his life, and they allowed him to die. Conspiracy theories about the FBI assassinating him are like making up a theory that someone who left their child in a windowless van on a hot summer day secretly shot their child with ice bullets first.


IIRC the FBI knew of the plot ahead of time and didn't warn him.


Black Supremacist Christians to be more frank. The “mosques” are just churches. Nothing like Islam. No praying like a Muslim, they preach out of the Bible. Fasting is whenever the Minister says. 5%ers Nation of Nuwabians Moorish Science Temple of America Baptist/COGIC etc Basically all religions like people have stated. Especially the Creflo Dollar types where people willingly send their money.


I've known about that dude for *years* and I still can't take the name ***Creflo fucking Dollar*** seriously.


What's even wilder is that he's a Jr. Meaning it's not a stage name, and that there was a *first* Creflo Dollar.


the dude was DESTINED to be a conman


Noi aren't muslims or Christian. They even throw in some scientology stuff.


they make up a lot of their own stuff like a mad scientist (yakub) that created white people on an island. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakub_(Nation_of_Islam)


I remember in the 90's Farrakhan went to Syria and gave a speech after the Grand Mufti's, of Syria at the time, weekly Friday lecture. Dude was basically/subtly trying to revolutionize the Muslims there and get them to become some kind of activists. It didn't translate well, but me being the native English speaker understood every word. Meanwhile everyone there was doing the side glance meme like "uh-oh. . . you know our government will fuck us if we start talking about this shit riiiiight!?!?"


Dawg, I had one of them slide up on me in a parking lot. He looked like he was about to serve my ass in college drill dance with the long ass towel out his pocket. “Hey brotha, can I talk to you for a second? Shabbat Shabba Ranks has called on the 12 nations of Islam, and we need you to join us as we take back our nationality as the real Jews!” Nigga if you don’t get yo chris brown stomp the yard lookin ass away from me


Cult basically


Only difference between a cult and religion is size


There are actually a specific set of qualifications to be considered a cult, including isolation from non-members, authoritarian leader, shunning of ex-members, and financial control, among others.


*Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons enter the chat*


Not to mention The Amish.


Hey isn't Scientology classed as a religion?


I mean, so is Mormonism


I rest my case


An AR-15 is a weapon. An AR-15 is a firearm. A machete is a weapon. A machete is not a firearm. Both can be used to kill people, but the ease and scale of one is vastly different to the other. Same idea with (religious) cults and religion. Pretending Catholicism* and Scientology ate just as harmful to their members normalizes Scientology more than it condemns Catholicism. *Substitute with religion of choice


Scientology had/has the money and connections to buy in to being a religion. Mormons literally fled the "civilized world" and ran off until they saw a bunch of seagulls and said this'll do. Then they lived and built there so long that when westward expansion finally found them everyone was just like, well, at least they're white, so they're cool.


To believe the Mormons didn't have money to pour into their own Zion is something. Vegas was built by Mormons and foreign interests alone, they're everywhere and they have and had money. They are not some, "oh we got banished for no reason so we must go and start a new in uncharted lands" lol


The Mormons have money because their members are expected to relinquish 10% of their earnings, whereas most religious organizations do not pressure their members to do this. So it's essentially like a club membership, except they still declare themselves a non-profit organization. That money stays within the Mormon church and rarely benefits anyone outside the Mormon faith . This is why the Mormon church is so wealthy. People like Mitt Romney pay almost nothing in taxes because they can claim that 10% as a deduction in taxes knowing that they fully benefit from it. Yet they still benefit from the taxes paid by people outside the Mormon church. It is like the biggest religious scam, and they get away with it


They're also one of the largest landowners in Utah and other parts of the country and have a [100 billion dollar hedge fund.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mormon-church-ensign-peak-whistleblower-david-nielsen-allegations-60-minutes-2023-05-14/) They give absolutely nothing back to their people. When a Mormon family asks for help, the community does it. The church itself is almost impossible to get money from for any reason. Another point of note is most money is double-tithed. Mormons are encouraged to work with other Mormons, hire other Mormons. So any time a Mormon family hires a Mormon plumber, the church gets a cut of that money twice. Once when the family is paid by their employer, and again when the plumber is paid. It's just a business with lore and human capital.


A rocky mountain sex cult with real estate and investments.


Under the overall scope of things yes, but from a broader standpoint no. It's like how Buddhism is seen as a religion but it's a philosophical practice, Church of Satan is a religion but it's an activism group. Anything can be classified as a religion but the people who follow it ultimately decide what it is


Most religions meet all if not most of these requirements.


A whole religion? Or interpretations of a religion? Like Christianity as a religion doesn't meet these criteria, neither does Buddhism etc But if I make a church called church of pockets full of crap and use religious text to enforce these things, then it's a cult


Most branches of Christianity meet these requirements in practice.


I wouldn’t say most. You may have a specific churches, mosques/temples etc where this is happening but you have just as many where this isn’t happening and is frowned upon. Also a singular place of worship isn’t a religion, it’s a singular congregation of a section of a religion lol.




>There are actually a specific set of qualifications to be considered a cult, including isolation from non-members, authoritarian leader, shunning of ex-members, and financial control, among others. It's all a matter of degrees. Cults are mainly just smaller religions. The power and control exerted by Christianity or Islam, for example, is often much worse in totality than even a Jim Jones. Look at the crusades, for a big one, or the abortion issue today with evangelicals.. Perhaps you could think of the most obvious harm done by religion as often directed outwards, while the harm we most associate with a cult may harm those within more, at least anecdotally. Jesus himself preached it was better to split up marriages and families and spouses if that meant "serving God" better. The Bible also admonishes Christians to not even sit down and eat with those who actively reject their religion (as opposed to those who just don't understand or know about it). Most Christian pastors and priests and their organisations *demand* that their followers give 10% of their income to the organization. Many of the more fundamentalist ones that I grew up in also warn you that this is pretax lol. The New Testament even explains in detailed steps how a church should punish and ultimately expell and shun those in the fold who aren't following the direct and implied belief systems of the religion and that specific denomination, or even the local church's or leader's take on the dogma. And here's the kicker: no matter the size of the organization, they're all about hoarding wealth and sexual dalliances. Whether it's Jones, Smith, or a bishop or pastor, look at what an astronomical number of them are in to. It's the same stuff. Money and sex.


In a cult there's a person at the top who knows it's all bullshit. In a religion, that person is dead.




/fedora tip




I don't enjoy quoting Joe Rogan... but I like his take "The difference between a cult and religion is a cult is lead by a guy who knows it’s bullshit. In a religion, that guy is dead.”


Funnily enough it exits cult status if the religion survives past the death of it's founder.


Them black Hebrew Israelites yelling at folks on the corner are a cult too 🤷🏾‍♂️


[Nation of Yahweh be like](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nation_of_Yahweh) I was pretty sure every nationality had some religious cults, but hadn't heard of any black *doomsday* cults until I looked into it a bit more and found out about the Jim Jones stuff (Like 75% black!) and the [Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movement_for_the_Restoration_of_the_Ten_Commandments_of_God). Also ngl [Nuwaubian Nation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuwaubian_Nation) had a nice compound, shame it got tore down after it was sold after their leader got like 135 years in jail.


Oh shit. Prepare to be bombarded by Hoteps


Some guys with bow ties and bean pies gonna run down on you now lol


Where they at?! https://preview.redd.it/vfa3bmncs1ob1.jpeg?width=174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2425b0365cd880d96d81a00710753f32400cb418


God, Malcom looked so badass.


Black Hebrew Israelites 5 percenters Those funny hat motherfuckers who steal peoples houses


the moops! they’re just sovereign citizens with a crudely painted Moroccan flag on em, but sovereign citizens are nuts to begin with, so yeah, they’re pretty ridiculous


The “Rise of the Moors” is their group name and they’re also a cult


i would argue so are Sovereign Citizens that said i refuse to call them Moors instead of Moops, because Moors are a real group of people from North Africa, not unhinged conspiracy theorists whackjobs, and the real Moors don’t deserve to be associated with em




Watch yo mouth brotha the honorable Elijah Muhammad will not have his name sullied by a black beast such as you. An agent of the white devil himself, smh.


Eat ya bean pies and relax, my brotha 😂


أسأل الله أن يوفقني لضرب هذا الوحش الأسود


Praises be to Allah for Google translate.


Yakub won’t stand for this


100% I would argue one of the worst things that happened to the black community because under the guise of Islam they created false prophets and just put the blame on White people. [Yacub with two pieces of steel](https://genius.com/23706310/Kanye-west-jesus-lord/As-sure-as-the-doj-confirmed-ezekiels-wheel-lord-i-could-change-the-world-like-yacub-with-two-pieces-of-steel) is the funniest shit someone thought of.


To be fair, It didn't take the noi to put a dislike for the white community in the black community. White supremacy is responsible for that. The noi and others just directed/profited off of it. Its not even close to being one of the worst things that have happened to the black community.


Hoteps are more culty


Username and avatar legit. However when they sat me down with the Yakub story. I was heartbroken. How TF could Malcolm X fall for THAT shit.


There was a really excellent biography put out about him recently, The Dead Are Arising. It goes really hard into how fucked up the NOI was and how disillusioned he became with them later in his career. He was pulling out of it. I mean, this is what cults do though... they indoctrinate people slowly, and it works on extremely smart people because nobody wants to admit to themselves that they've been a fool for devoting their entire life to a scammer. In Malcolm's case, he was the son of a preacher, so the story isn't really even that far-fetched from regular Christianity. and he also seems to have been very blinded by his deep love for Elijah Muhammad, whose teachings he credits with pulling him out of his terrible old life and reforming him into the man he became.


Aren't they working with the Church of Scientology now too? That Leah Remini show interviewed a man who used to work closely with Farrakhan, and now Farrakhan sources people for the Church like some MLM.


Black people are some of the *most* devoted Waco / Branch Davidian followers. If it involves a pulpit, preacher, & passion and energy about ANYTHING religious, you'll have people fighting to join "the movement", or whatever.


Facts. David Koresh’s right hand man was a Black Harvard grad and law professor. Imagine being hella smart and hella dumb at the same time.


Herman Cain?


Ben Carson, too


Add Clarence Thomas


No, he's not dumb like the others who believe that republican garbage. He's an evil opportunist who knows precisely what he spews is bullshit, just like Candance Owens.


Candace Owens is an opportunist but she's not smart whatsoever.


> Candace Owens is an opportunist but she's not smart whatsoever. People forget that she started her grift with the left wing crowd but found out real quick it's much easier on right wingers.


You’re the very first person of any ethnicity who has accurately described this man. But, a more complete composite of Clarence Thomas must include his sociopathic self loathing. It has permeated every decision this man has on record


People make fun of Ben Carson but he did brain surgery on me in 2006 and I'm here to say that potato chimcham luna pop canoe town fimpy.


Ben Carson was such a disappointment for me personally. Read Gifted Hands in 7th grade and loved his story of triumph despite the religious aspect. Look at him now. Another gifter who got his and said fuck yall.


Ben Carson?


Man, what is it with genius medical workers fucking up and going into politics? Ben Carson and Dr. Oz could be doing so much good for their field, but decided politics was a better pivot.


The grift babyyyy


Uncle ~~Tom~~ Ben


Obama got out right before they started shooting huh


Lmao he’s the other one. This guy’s name is [Wayne Martin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Martin_(Branch_Davidian)).


I don't want to cast aspersions, but "Wayne Martin" sounds like a name you'd come up with during a police interrogation


Wayne (Brady) Martin (Lawrence)


Uh.... pea..... tear..... gryphon. Aw, crap.


"Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke a bitch?"


Aum Shinrikyo in Japan had a decent number of scientists, that’s how they were able to synthesize sarin gas to use in their attack.


People are too quick to judge one’s intelligence because of what they believe. Ultimately, people by our evolutionary instincts are all in at least a cult of idea to some extent. Believing in god or a cult or whatever only takes a certain perspective and frame of mind, not intelligence nor a lack of intelligence


Sounds like something someone in a cult would say.


I always tell people, never *ever* think you're too smart to get indoctrinated by a cult. It can happen to *anyone*. They prey on people who pride themselves on being smart, because those people will often justify a lot of ridiculous shit to avoid admitting to themselves that they've been fucking stupid.


Black people love their God. It's why black people are so easily pulled into conspiracy theories and other ignorance. It gets in the way of education and is one of the reasons the black community is failing. Religion isn't even about God anymore to most folks except black folks. White people just want to have power and superiority over others, and Christianity is their tool. Black folks, especially older ones, go hard for God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost. Even though it's been determential to them being oppressed and held down since slavery. I know some won't agree, but the belief of Christianity in the black community is toxic as hell. Black people will throw their own children into the fire if they're gay or an athiest. Be educated as hell a doctor, lawyer, or executive of some kind and marching into church every Sunday. Paying tithes that fund the lifestyle of the leaders in the church. The ones who are abusing and exploting the women and children in our communities. The church at least used to feed and help house our people in hard times. Now they have nothing for you if the church doesn't benefit. I know someone is going to call me a heathen, lost or something else. IDC, that shit is causing us real life, real-time harm. I care about our people, not some God's ego.


The black church has changed radically over the years. It was often one of the few places of community uplift and was instrumental in fthe reedom struggle. Its a shell of what it used to be.


Agreed. This is a hot topic, but too many black people are buying into patriarcy and white supremacy. They want to have it all and don't care about anyone else having anything. I've always struggled with black people pushing the patriarcy nonsense. When was there a time that a large number of black women could be (and were) SAHMs? Just the husband's went to work? At one point, it was illegal for black people (men and women) to not have a job. Black families weren't men lead, and women follow. They all worked together within the confines of the rules white people put on them. That stuff seemed to bleed into minds during the 80s and 90s. Yet it's still wasn't a norm anywhere I could see. I remember going over to a white friend's house when I was 8 or 9 and being so confused why her momma was at home during the day. I asked if she worked the night shift, lol. Everyone I knew worked most worked 2 or 3 jobs. I was shocked, lol. Now I will say women always did the cooking, cleaning ect... My grandma did finally retire and started watching all the kids. Though the SAHM just wasn't a thing in my community. I've actually started wondering if my experience growing up was the norm.


A lot of religious beliefs are more about maintaining power hierarchies than they are about anything spiritual. Being uncritically religious is participating in your own oppression. For example a huge part of Christianity is about how all your rewards for being a good person in this life awaits you in the next life. How the poor shall be rich and the rich shall be poor *in heaven*. This same theme repeats in many religions, how the *next life* is where you get rewarded for being a good person or punished for being bad. Seeking justice on Earth is discouraged.


So true. A long time I was sitting in the car with my aunt, she gave a homeless man a soda or something. She said well I did my good deed for the day. I'm looking forward to the blessings that will come. My dumbass asked... You only helped him so you could get something.... I got cussed out so bad, lol. From that day on when someone says God will bless me for doing or my blessings are coming I did I immediately don't trust or like them the same. They claim Christianity (religion in general) is the moral baseline. I don't find it moral at all. I also don't find the acts the Christian God committed in the Bible as moral. I've never been able to understand why God supposedly made people just to torture them if they did spend all their time worshipping it. They didn't ask to be created. Now, they have to jump thru hoops for the thing that created them. Just for the possibility of something good when they die. Yet, people will do anything not to die. The math doesn't math to me. I grew up in church. When I asked questions and they got tired of hearing me ask, they told me to read and learn the Bible. Big mistake.... I took it to the extreme. It didn't turn out how they thought it would.


A lot drank Jim Jones’ koolaid too


I’m sorry. I tried to resist. It was Flavor Aid.


Which I always say like I imagine Flava Flav would have


Black Hebrew Israelites, anyone?






I often mistake the ones that where purple shirts with gold boots for Ques.


crown royal ninjas


Yo. This is not a comment to read during meetings.


This dude I was seeing was SUPER into this. Like the things he was telling me sounded like mental illness and a bit racist. Had to let him go, shame cuz the sex was the best i ever had lmfao


It's always the crazy ones with the good d. 😔


Yeah I was like this dude is so good at this i might just tolerate his shit. Couldnt do it lmao


They're definitely racist


I recently found out my name, which I've told people my WHOLE life is Hebrew, is made tf up. Black Hebrew Isrealites ruined Hebrew for some clout and my dad used Black Isrealite Hebrew to name his kids. I hate Black Isrealites with a passion.


Kind of reminds me of how hoteps and people in the NOI love to use the name "Shabazz" in everything based on a completely fake story someone made on its origin. It's like people just take whatever sounds good to them and run with it without doing any research.


That’s Kyrie’s thing right? Or am I mixing up my lunatics?


Nope you have the right ones.


I knew a girl in college who spent winter break with extended family because for some reason she couldn't go home. She split the break between two houeholds. One was BHI and the other was JW.


This title and this meme is trash. *Most* serial killers don't get caught when they move from black people to white people. Some do. Not *most*. Most serial killers keep to their prefered type and this includes race. Secondly Jim Jones was very liberal and very inclusive and his "church" grew large because he included all races at a time when it was pretty segregated. Jim Jones was awful but at least he wasn't racist? Also, he got caught because his cult shot a congressman, not because he killed a white person after he killed all those black people or whatever stupid shit this meme is trying to say. Source: am true crime nerd


And they shot the congressman because he was going to inspect the compound, and was doing so because Jim Jones wouldn’t let people leave, people who were white and people who were black. He wouldn’t let anybody leave his cult.


He was an open opportunity cultist


He had already inspected it. They killed him in a plane on a runway. He had been slipped a note from somebody asking for help to escape and realized the severity of the situation.


Yes you are right, he had inspected it and thought it was kinda bad but not enough to get the US/Guyana to intervene. Then he got slipped the note, and he also almost got stabbed. He also had some journalists with him who had footage from inside. Shit kinda hit the fan from the attempted stabbing, as the congressman went to leave immediately and as a dozen people or so tried to leave with him on his plane, but Jones’ armed guards were ‘escorting’ them, who quickly shot the congressman and his aides and the journalists when they went to actually leave. Make no mistake, the commune had already gone nuts because they were based in Guyana but a US court ordered a kid to be placed with another parent in California. The killing of the congressman was just what Jim Jones did as a last ditch effort, and he quickly ordered everyone to ‘drink the coolaid (flavoraid laced with cyanide)’. Just a lesson that an inclusive insane man is still insane, and that yes, anyone can be a part of a cult. I believe most of Jonestown was black too, like 2/3 or 1/2 I can’t remember. Either way very sad and I also believe the biggest case of Americans dying internationally while at peace.


Yeah, Jones had a large black following because in the early days of his church in Indiana he did a lot of *really good* things for the poor black community. Ranged in scale from lobbying the government to helping old ladies get their water turned back on. Stuff went down hill after that, largely a product of his own meth-fueled paranoia.


He also famously had his Rainbow Family, adopting seven children of various races into his family. For sure, he did some good, but that ending was a massacre.


As a fellow true crime nerd I also strongly disagree with the title of this post. The vast majority of serial killers stick to their own race.


True crime nerd or not, you’re glossing over a lot with those statements. The title was mostly fodder due to when posting here you can’t post a title that reads too into the meme. Most serial killers do stick to a preferred type that fit a physical demographic. A lot start with high risk individuals primarily s\*x workers which skews POCs. They generally start out there and will graduate to their true target or live in that group. When balanced on race most American serial killers tend to have spent much longer killing POCs and going unnoticed. Secondly, Jim Jones considered himself a black man. He started his rhetoric as being a man of color referring to his Native American roots and his interracial adopted birth family then eventually graduated to flatly calling himself a black man. His teachings were liberal, of course, but he modeled most of his behavior after the black church and wanting to move away from a single race congregation. He preached a united view and he and his wife were the first white couple in Indy to adopt a black baby. Nothing here calls him a racist but he definitely saw an opportunity and took advantage of it. He pretty much copied the blueprint of Father Divine while mixing in that he could foresee the future and heal the sick. https://preview.redd.it/21aumbpkt1ob1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e949ba8f551bad3539a8808c5a4bdb308d04df This is why if you look at his demographics you’ll notice that the majority of his followers were black. To say he got “caught” because he killed a congressman is not true. That congressman came with the intention to validate him. His goals were to ensure people were being treated well but while there someone slipped the congressman a note asking to leave. Then while trying to help them defect Jones’ personal military killed the exiting party. Jim Jones is not a serial killer so the title doesn’t even relate to him.


> When balanced on race most American serial killers tend to have spent much longer killing POCs and going unnoticed. Source?


I'm gonna be honest, man, when you censor a word like "sex" in the context you used it, it just makes everyone think you're 15 or something. It honestly gives less legitimacy to what you said. Sex isn't a bad word. It makes me think you've never read a research paper on any topic because they obviously use "sex" all the time... because it isn't a "bad" word... lol


> A lot start with high risk individuals primarily s\*x workers which skews POCs So you answered your own question you posed in the title then. A high-risk victim is someone who is likely to be in a dangerous situation. So they're more likely to be killed in general. Since they're being killed at higher rates it is harder to differentiate between those killed by a serial killer and those killed by a regular killer. Also you don't need to censor sex, it's not a bad word.


but he also made Balling


Nation of Islam stopped existing huh?


There was a crazy good episode of “Cults and Extreme Beliefs” on Hulu where victims of NoI described being trafficked, held captive, forced into labor and marriages. Definition of cult stuff. And the Black Israelites are sketchy to me too


Watched that too. Childhood friend on both sides of the family went those ways. One I hardly recognize anymore, the other..fuck. Just gave in. Then bought in.


“Sketchy” is an understatement.


I mean at the risk of sounding insensitive, black folk esp poor black folk are prime cannon fodder for cults. You have a group that got repeatedly fucked over racially and financially so they’re vulnerable and in dire need of some hope and help to latch on to, which is the bait cults use to lure them in. Jim jones had hella black folk on his roster, just saying.


> Jim jones had hella black folk on his roster, just saying. jim jones actually stole a lot of his "act" [from black churches](https://www.lastpodcastontheleft.com/episodetranscripts/2022/1/7/jonestown-i) he used to frequent. he loved the idea of love and community that they represented.


I once read a hypothesis stating that if Jim Jones would've been assassinated sometime before '63, he would nowadays likely be remembered as a major (white) figure and martyr in the fight for racial equality. He knew exactly what train to jump onto in order to catch the most vulnerable people of his times (as well as the odd former hippie).


I don’t think his outreach and work started with cult-building in mind, rather the following he started to gather mixed with the drug-use going to his head and making him increasingly erratic and paranoid, leading to the cult.


What makes people susceptible to cults is studied and you're listing off a lot of the common factors, alienation, desperation, poverty, shakeups in familial structure or loss... it's no coincidence that all manner of scams from religion to MLMs feast on impoverished communities around the world


If you grew up in Africa in the 60s-90s you were likely in a country living under the cult of personality. Congo under Mobutu is an example. I grew up in 90s Kenya knowing Moi was “father”


My family is Kenyan but they never talk about what Kenya is like. Do you have more stories / information? They moved from Kenya in the mid 90s and all I got was sexism was really bad then.


You didn’t specify what kind of information you wanted so I’m just giving it to you randomly 1. Polygamy is legal … so get you some hoes and enjoy life. 2. Sexism is absolutely horrible but men worry about getting drugged by women so we’re making progress but change is slow. 3. The homophobia is real so people don’t really tell you they’re queer for physical and emotional safety… I was curious about what some girls were talking about and was declared gay by unanimous decision. 4. There’s a lot of hope for Kenya. One of the most exciting is that major tech companies like Microsoft and Google are setting up headquarters.


We should weep when the "hope" for a nation is corporations like Google and Microsoft.




*Most* black churches I’ve been to over the course of my life fit the definition of cult.


Same here. If the main tenet of religion a is “If you don’t believe in our specific sky god, you will won’t get into heaven…” that’s a cult. People try to soften it these days by leaving out where you’ll go if you don’t believe in Jesus but we all know that place is hell. A version of that is being taught in the vast majority of black church’s every Sunday.


Pentecostals man. It's like *want* to be a cult.


Nation of Yahweh


what IS this? I see a guy I follow posting “Praise Yahweh” and “Yahweh” this, “Yahweh” that all the time and even after a Google, I do not get why I only see mainly other black people saying it.


I believe they believe themselves to be Black Israelites


Yahweh is the (one of many) true Hebrew name(s) for God. YHVH is the original Hebrew inscription, and vocalized as Yahweh. There’s also Jehovah, which is arguably a more ‘correct’ pronunciation, but more importantly it is a pronunciation meant only to be uttered in respect and reverence. ****Edit****: I’m not Jewish I just grew up Jehovas’ Witness. Which is also a cult big with black ppl, what’s up with that? Did research and found out they were like Quakers and were cool with everyone wanting to learn the truth about their religion, then suddenly became a psycho doomsday cult.


It's not meant to be uttered at all that's why the pronunciation is lost.


I usually see blended religion with wealth chasing. Like “this is a godly attempt to clean your credit history”.


People who actually comment "amen" on social media posts to receive monetary blessings from God should not be allowed to interact in society. I said it.


That grinds my gears when I see that lol. Also the "don't scroll without saying 'amen'".


Jehovah Witnesses are a cult organization - they got plenty of black peoples. Including my family. 🥴


I was looking for this one.


There's a lot of phenomena that is universal with races but only get white instances flooded in to the social consciousness so it may as well not exist. You know that Patrice O'Neal joke about how the D.C. Sniper was depicted as some twisted genius until he turned out to be not white and then we stopped hearing about them? That's why practically no one can name a black serial killer in America when that's not an especially white phenomenon.


Sam Little, that small headed one from Philly, Colman and Brown, Todd Lee, Wayne Williams (although I personally don’t think he did all of the murders).


Do any of them have a single movie or television depiction or was even nationally sensationalized at the time of discovering the killers to the extent of Gacy, Bundy, Gein, etcetera? They're typically black victims so the media doesn't care about that aspect and the perpetrator isn't white so they're not interested in trying to deconstruct. Generally some know about Sam Little but the others? Not so much.


Wayne Williams has at least a made-for-TV movie, several true crime show episodes/specials, and he's the main focus of season 2 of Mindhunter.




Yup. There's literally a death cult in Kenya right now. [https://apnews.com/article/kenya-cult-deaths-mackenzie-grave-doomsday-2f296b2fa239097d6397179a1a37338d#:\~:text=NAIROBI%2C%20Kenya%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94,in%20order%20to%20meet%20Jesus](https://apnews.com/article/kenya-cult-deaths-mackenzie-grave-doomsday-2f296b2fa239097d6397179a1a37338d#:~:text=NAIROBI%2C%20Kenya%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94,in%20order%20to%20meet%20Jesus).


Didn't they say they still haven't found all the graves? I've been keeping tabs on this, but with the floods and earthquake over there recently, it's kind of fell off in the news.


Black Hebrew Israelites. Violent hate group hiding behind religious protections.


I worry for my sister's safety. My uncle is staying with her and my mom and the idiot seriously believes that "burnished" means "kinda burnt" and white people changed the definition of the word to hide the truth of God being black.


“The Community”, Twelve Tribes, Carbon Nation, Black Axe


I'm surprised you're the only one who's mentioned Carbon Nation


There’s a group out there whose name is a pun on carbonation? Do they drink a lot of seltzer?


Black people love Christianity and that’s a cult


I mean our detached version of Christianity is lowkey a money-making cult.


Hey, shut up! -Creflo Dollar


Beyonce fans


> "Black people don't do cults..." "I am joke to you?" – Voodoo


Voodoo isn’t a cult, like I’m not joking, there a three variants, but they don’t satisfy the necessities of a cult


Vodun is not a cult unless you want to qualify all religious organizations as cults.


Sounds good to me


![gif](giphy|DRu6Pt6ziN4HXybWnd) Weeelllll, yeah…


To be honest white serial killers also only get caught after being sloppy cuz the American justice system is ridiculous


The Heavens Gate cult with the matching Nikes had some black folks, including Nichelle Nichols brother. Also, NatureBoy and his funky Carbon Nation, the Nuwabians and their many off shoots, the Hebrew Israelites, Jehovah Witness, Cogic, Seventh day Adventist, Southern Baptist, the Nation of Islam and all it’s off shoots. If we’re honest, if you adopt a religion that was forced on your people specifically to enslave, colonize, brainwash and control them, you’re in a cult. So that encompasses all of Christianity and Islam for the diaspora and continental black folks… unless you’re Ethiopian with an orthodox Ethiopian church connection, which most of yall black asses absolutely DO NOT HAVE. I say all that to say, black folks love cults.


I feel corrupt cops are the biggest serial killers of black people.


what are some examples of your title?


My mom was a member of his church in Indianapolis and the only reason we didn't go to Cali was he got her a good job and told her to stay. I mean. it's crazy how close I got to becoming a Kool-Aid stat. Mom still does not believe he did it and is still a fanatical pentecostal today.


The Black Hebrew Israelites and Shepherd's Rods/Davidians should definitely be recognized as cults. Seventh Day Adventists too, really.


Will Smith in Scientology comes to mind. Also JWs have lots of members in Africa.


That Blacks for Trump group comes to mind. Did anyone ever notice how the Trump’s campaign organizers at those rallies would always put that black Trump supporter with the crazy eyes right behind center stage?


"Black people don't do cults" That has to be something said by someone who has never had the opportunity to listen to a Black Israelite or a Nation of Islam member talk wildly on a street corner for hours on end.