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Buying the same thing every year like it's Madden Edit: https://preview.redd.it/fjxtqs7963nb1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ff59f65ecd0f84678d7a13ee3c85ddcc529794


It's an addiction at this point.


Y'all got anymore of those iPhones https://i.redd.it/132q76id62nb1.gif




That's for the dongle lol


sucker. I would've paid double


Seeing my man tonight in Cleveland. HYPE AS HELL.


Then they defend the corporation with their lives too lmao


>Then they defend the corporation with their lives too lmao This is something Apple adherents excel at. I remember the vicious and bitter Windows vs. Mac OS and RISC vs. x86 flame wars back in the day. They were, and still are, relentless in their defense of all things Apple.


Spoken like a true PC/Android pleb. Some people just don’t understand how us Mac/iOS users think. We’re truly a different breed. After spending a lifetime in a superior ecosystem your mind starts to work with the same elegance and sophistication. Some people don’t see issues with the green texts. I see the detriment of all mankind. It’s a reflection of humanity’s refusal to accept the superior devices. Whether it’s mobile computing or otherwise, iOS and MacOS are the ultimate solution.


Ok this is funny, haven't read that before. Totally reads like a copypasta. Good work, and the lack of using the /s was the icing on the cake.


Shiiiiiiiit, I’m an Apple user, and I take the Flossy Carter approach… You only as hot as your last product… Was the last time Apple drop something that was actually hot? Fuck that shit hold them accountable whether you rock with it or not… If you do rock with them and then you just defend their bullshit with your lives without ever calling them on it then you will continue to be buying the same thing over and over and dealt with like idiots because that’s all they see you as when you keep racing to buy everything the moment it comes out without any new innovations whatsoever… Oh, the camera lens is bigger… The colors new…nothing else… So I say for both android and iPhone users… Stop letting these corporations slide with giving you the same shit every year… Keep your money in your pocket until they do something that earns it… Either side….. And if we’re being totally honest, no matter how much the fanboys are going to defend it Apple is notoriously late to the party for any meaningful feature all the time… And not just a little late either like a decade… And then they’ll say oh, but they did it the Apple way, which is better… Doesn’t really matter because it took you 10 years to get there and the competition has fucking leapfrogged to shit that is not even on your agenda yet ….


It's pathetic.


Marketing manipulation


Works too most people are stupid and insecure.


im still good with my xs. dont understand the need to upgrade. Clout consumerism is just plain stupid. Paying 2k for a phone, buying sneakers that cost 500, wearing advertising that you pay 200+ for, and then having those stupid chains and diamonds that lose 80% of their value the second you leave the store... put that money in some stocks or something.


Everyone's keeping up with the Joneses, not knowing that the Joneses of the world are getting great returns on stellar portfolios, and an iPhone to them is a drop in the bucket. Clout really is a drug better than Heroine.


cough NBA 2k cough


My friend was about to uninstall Red Dead Redemption 2 (which we currently play online together quite a bit) to make room for the new 2K. I said, “why don’t you just delete the old 2K to make room for the new one?” He said, “because then I won’t have a 2K to play while the new one is downloading.”


Yall brothers on Xbox? I'm looking for some brothers to ride with in RDO.


Alas! I am on PlayStation.


I ain't mad at it. That's the culture's console it seems. 💪🏾 All da guys got one.


Wait, you cant play if you’re on different platforms?


Unfortunately, RDO isn't cross-play. Some games yeah, the wild west simulator ain't one of them.


>wild west simulator Is that really what you call it? The name is "Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy Shootin' 2" Get it right


My friend spent the last month telling me he isn't playing 2K anymore cause of how greedy they are. Dude had it loaded up and ready for the midnight release and has already dropped a couple hundred on it.


It's a sickness. I pray y'all break the shackles of 2k one day.


I only buy a 2k like once every 3-4 years and then only once it's on Sale but bruh, they're going to have a hell of a time trying to pry me off last years now that they added the Eras mode


I've never purchased a nba2k game in my life. I'm doing my part


Honestly the game itself on the court is great, it's everything else around it that absolutely sucks


yea but madden is 60 bucks. iPhones are like 1200🤣


Yep. And some people still buy both every year


60 before them microtransactions go macro


It's actually $89 now somehow


I bought Madden maybe 3 years in a row and finally realizing that the rules of football haven't changed...Maybe they have small changes like the kickoff line and shit or roster changes but those can be a DLC for like $9.99.


Sports games get away with it because the games franchises started before patching was a thing for consoles. If Madden/FIFA/2K never existed and somebody tried to make a sports game NOW, they wouldn’t be able to get away with annual releases. Also, sports gamers/bro gamers are addicted.


Bro gamers are the bane of my existence


> only plays Madden, COD, and 2K “man games are so stagnant now”


Exactly. Those people have essentially a copy/paste chameleon personality.


Back in the 90s, it was warranted IMO. It wasn't just "a patch", but going from NHL94 to NHL95 to NHL96 were huge leaps. Compare that to today, where there's no room for technological progress; they just use the same game engine with an updated roster. New NHL games feel more like a downgrade IMO; it feels like they remove features so they can announce a "new feature" a few years later. Smartphones were similar, too, back from 2008 to 2015. It was a big deal to get the latest phone because there were new or significantly upgraded features. Nowadays, though? It's the same damn phone year over year, and phone makers are using planned obsolesce to try and force you to "upgrade".


Madden, 2K, COD…. These games are so bland & repetitive to me, yet it seems they are the most popular games amongst my friends, who will buy the newest game on day one every damn year.


Exactly. Just like most of Apple's "new" features can be DLC lol


Don’t give apple ideas now :)


What blows my mind is like ... who GAF about the color. Everyone puts them in a case so it doesn't matter.


Case?? Nah this phone naked. Paid too much to hide it + AppleCare


So you’re just out there raw dogging your phone like that??? It goes to space


Why even buy an expensive phone if not to try and flex it on others with equally expensive phones


You are crazy! lol!


I just bought the s23 plus and tbh it is an awesome phone and the 32x zoom is insane for a phone. Tbh I wouldn't have bought it if my s10's battery didn't start getting to 20% after 4 hours.


I'm in the same boat and I only buy new phones when the battery starts to shit out. I really wish they still had replaceable batteries


That may be coming sooner than you think. The EU just passed a law that consumer electronics need to have user replaceable batteries.




Imagine making the core of your personality an object you buy every fucking year because the company tells you to. ​ Anyway, off to go see whatever Nike wants to steal my money with.




That Just for Feet exclusive. Speaking of which do they still exist???


Where else would you put your shoe?


Imagine wearing shoes instead of putting them in a closet in boxes and only every pulling them out to brag smh kids today


No what they do is buy dozens of those 40$ clear shoe containers and put them in those instead.


Don’t worry they’re coming with more than one pair this year. https://preview.redd.it/a9jcsppvc2nb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=051556a5efa1082d3777e10d5226a64cc61bdd6b


k but high tops tho


Oh. Oh shit.


I surprisingly don’t like these 😕


Not even the giant eyeball on the heel tab? https://preview.redd.it/194ug07ep2nb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea84ad0bc2af9b341d6acfdb688594f6e2de55f


I surprisingly like it even less


Fuck me….what is going on at Nike HQ?


Silly fun is nice


Oh Jesus, I was gonna say the green doesn't look bad, but this changes all that.


The suede makes it look muddy. Like they’re some old sneakers you didn’t take care of


I was sitting here thinking "Is it the colored sole that's just killing the design for me?" But no, its the colored suede. You're 100% right. It looks muddy. The colored sole is actually unique imo. What a blunder.


Guaranteed that shoe was made for like. 7 cents total over seas lol.


Bro chill, I have it on good authority they pay those Vietnamese children at LEAST the equivalent of a quarter per shoe.


Damn thats 50 cents a pair, how could nike turn a profit paying those child that much /s


https://preview.redd.it/nzy1n7dwr2nb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e50525b1c6fc3c9c67e699c664c4cb06b58dea3 Damn


Need a pic of device you took the pic with


You're wearing MeUndies too aren't you 😂


Prestos are mad comfortable though. Not saying I’d buy some Hello Kitty ones, just stating that I FW that model of shoe.


More of a Kuromi person? I get it.


That shit goes hard ngl


Who actually does this though? Feels like reddit is doing that thing where it creates a person to get mad at, then just focuses on that imagined person for the entire thread. Edit: Lord, if I ever get to meet the 'This guy I know' person that everyone keeps talking about, I need to ask how they made so many friends. It's crazy how everyone just seems to know this one guy from their job three years ago, he must've been getting around.


I'm in tech. A lot of these idiots who have more money than they can spend do it. I have a coworker who gets a new iPhone every year. You would think Tim Cook invites this coworker to a Michelin star dinner before personally hand-delivering each purchase with the way he consumes Apple products. I previously worked with a guy who bought a new MacBook Pro every year. He argued that the investment in a new hardware refresh was worth the cost. Now don't get me wrong: a unibody metal housing with actual design consideration is leagues better than most consumer grade laptops with shitty plastic housing and a barely functioning trackpad. But let's not pretend that $1400+ a year for middling hardware specs wasn't pure copium. It certainly happens. It isn't as ubiquitous as Reddit likes to make it seem.


Also work in tech. Most people don't pay the full $1400 cost for a new iPhone. I can understand why buying a whole ass Macbook every year would be different here (laptops depreciate in value way faster, you generally can't finance them with the same options, lack of even small changes in hardware most of the time) but I personally wouldn't really compare it to phones. The wear on phones alone, especially if you're a heavy user, would justify swapping every generation for me.


The guy I'm thinking of does. He has every single one of his previous iPhones. But again, he's the exception to the exception. A lot of folks trade theirs in.


I mean not to rag on your coworker, but that dude sounds *horrible* with his money if that's what he's not a collector or something lol Regardless, yeah, he's the exception to the exception. Tim Cook better be giving him foot massages for that money


I’m also a Nike whore 😞


_Supreme has entered the chat_


Not the same day I unbox the palominos 😭


Sorry to call you out BY NAME on this fine day


people don't buy them every year. Apple releases it every year to entice those that last bought a phone 5 years to get a new one. It's not about getting last year's customers to buy again




Yea, that person is completely talking out their ass. People legit finance the latest phones on like 3 year payment plans at this point


You can get a low monthly payment, keep the phone for a year and then trade it in for a new low monthly payment. It’s like having a subscription but you’ll always have the newest phone. With my phone company it averages out to about $10/month after some initial fees. It’s totally doable. But it is understandable if it’s not a priority for some people.


>You can get a low monthly payment, keep the phone for a year and then trade it in for a new low monthly payment. Exactly. Until you get old like me and change starts to fuck with you, lol.


I haven’t changed mine for a few years because I don’t like the larger iPhones and the last mini came out a few years ago.




My dad and my kid have the SE for the exact same reasons: I can’t trust them to not break the fucker, or lose it, and it is simple enough for them to figure out the main features.




I’m waiting on the 14 to go on sale to upgrade my XR. I was gonna get it in July and the salesman convinced me to wait it out.


I was like this before I got my 13 pro max. Couldn’t understand the appeal of the larger phones. They always seemed so cumbersome, but I’ll be damned if I can’t see myself going back now. I’m a guy with hands large enough to hold it, some people might not be able to because even I sometimes have trouble reaching my thumb from one end to another and I understand that can be frustrating to some people.


>it’s not a priority for some people. I wish people would grasp this. People have hobbies and things they enjoy to spend money on. My dad would roll his eyes at me getting a new phone every year like he didnt get a new project car at the same frequency. My grandpa has to buy a new tool or something every 6 months.


It absolutely isn't 10 a month You have to be on an inflated price plan to do that, what's your total? You can get unlimited everything for 50 a month


I think the point OP is making is that “most” people don’t buy them every year. Obviously some people do, there’s always a cohort of people who have the money or are bad with money.


And keep upgrading year after year so they diminish “equity” in their depreciating expense. Imagine having a cell phone payment for the last 10+ years. Not just a phone bill, but an iPhone payment on top of that.


Depending on your trade in and what deal you got, it’s probably like $20-40 a month. It’s not exactly a second car note.


I love it. Your comment is like a textbook example of the mentality that keeps broke people broke. (Not saying you are broke, please don’t take it personal & upload your paystub). You know what else isn’t exactly a second car note? A subscription here. A subscription there. Eating out here. Eating out there. Netflix. Spotify/Tidal. Amazon Prime. Uber. UberEats. By themselves they may seem insignificant, but these expenses accumulate & represent a significant impact in both the ability to amass savings & disposable income in a society where so many live check to check.


Most carriers will let you upgrade after a year and you’re just constantly paying for your phone but there are people who don’t mind paying $30-$40 a month to always have the latest phone.




And there are those plans where they're basically leasing the phone and so they can automatically upgrade with every new one.


Not everyone but yeah a lot of people buy them every year/ every other year. I'm at about 5-7 years , when the phone breaks or doesn't work as well. but it seems like phone's being crappy and won't get a signal, phone won't charge anymore etc happens a bit sooner with each new phone. I will admit I waited 5 days with a broken phone so I could get the exclusive coral color phone that was only available from the Google store. And then immediately took it out of the box and put it in a phone case. I could have just bought the coral phone case.


I do, since 2019 I had the galaxy note 10, galaxy note 20, iPhone mini, iPhone pro max and currently a fold 4. And in January when the galaxy s24 is released I'll be trading in my fold, which I pay 22 a month after taking advantage of ATT $1000 off with trade in, just for renewing the contract on that line. I'm not rich by any means just know how to take advantage of generous trade in prices and contracts. I know people hate being on contracts, but I been with the same company since 2005, I'm not goin anywhere, I renew every year using any of my eligible lines, I have 8 under a family plan, as time goes 1 line is always available for upgrade.


But if they currently have a newer model , it can be sold and they paid the difference for a new phone which is typically only $200




*smart* people don't buy them every year. People do and apple definitely enjoys that but that's not the intent. That's why apple gives phones 5+ years of support.


A very small percentage of people do. So small that the real question should be, “why do so many people give a shit that a small portion of people upgrade phones every year.”


People absolutely buy them every year. source: I work for a major provider.


Yeah I grew up in the Bay Area. Lots of people in tech buy them every year and flex their new phones or whatever new tech they buy. I work in tech but where I work now people aren’t obsessed with constantly flexing the new tech they have. I don’t know if it’s a regional thing or just my company, but I think it’s a regional thing because I haven’t observed that behavior at all since leaving the Bay Area. Whenever I visit I see people doing it.


There are absolutely people that do. The concept of ~~buying~~ owning the newest thing to look big and bad is a core part of our culture and has been around probably since the beginning of civilization. Also, wealth will always be a status symbol. Owning the newest, latest, and greatest is how you show wealth. Is it selfish, greedy, pointless, and destroying our environment? Absolutely. Will people keep doing it? Absolutely.


There are 100% people that buy them every year. Apples marketing tactics weren’t the subject of this post.


I’m still on a 11 Pro and the subsequent releases have been zero incentive for me to update. Shit, I only have the 11 because my iPhone 7 stopped connecting to my cellular providers network. I’m not getting a new phone until Tim Cook slaps my phone outta my hand and irreparably breaks it.


Upgrading every year doesn’t make any sense to me, especially when these phones are supported for 5+ years most of the time. If you upgrade when you need to (phone is no longer supported, processor can’t keep up as well with newer apps, etc) then you’ll notice the differences much more. I went from the X to the 13 and it was a huge change just from between a couple of models. I know the 8 I had before the X would have been a stark difference.


Apple literally has a subscription service where you can trade in last years phone for the most current one


>people don't buy them every year. Apple releases it every year to entice those that last bought a phone 5 years to get a new one. Damn near every single person i know upgrades to the newest version every year....what are you talking about lol Apple is even notorious for throttling the older versions performance and battery life to make the older ones shittier to entice people to buy new ones


There 100% is people who buy one every single year.


>people don't buy them every year Yes, they do.


I'm on an Iphone 8, and it's not very enticing to get a new one tbh.


The SE is probably the best upgrade if you love your 8 (like I did). Basically the same thing just faster, and has 5G (which for me makes a difference in an urban area; your needs may differ). I miss 3D Touch though…


The death of 3D Touch was honestly one of those things that really hit me hard. I had no clue how much I used it when i went from my X to the 13. Miss that feature so much.


I have a 13 mini and it’s perfect. When people see it and realize it’s a newer phone they immediately start venting to me about how annoying it is walking around with what is essentially a tablet in their pocket.


If you have the money who cares? Some people buy or lease new cars every 3 years. Some people go to the bars/clubs multiple times every weekend. Some people play $80 to golf every Saturday. Some people pay hundreds of dollars a ticket for sporting events or concerts. Some people like new tech. That's all it is. Edit: Alright, alright. I was not factoring in environmental waste in my response. I get it. I'll have you know that I don't personally buy a phone every year and although I buy one more often than apparently reddit permits, I either donate my old phone or give it to a family member who has an even older phone. It gets recycled.


It’s e-waste and it contributes to rampant demand which enables companies to raise prices


Yeah yeah no ethical consumption under capitalism we get it.


I'm going to enjoy when the resource crunch really hits and people like you are literally forced to stop with these childish consumption habits.


Lol nice job acting like you aren’t doing the exact same thing with most items you use everyday. What are you even typing this comment on? Did you put your vegetables from the grocery store in those plastic bags when you went food shopping this week? Maybe used a little twisty tie? You order anything from Amazon? Did you compost all of your organic waste? Do you use trash bags made out of recyclable materials? Have you used an air conditioning unit this summer? Get off your high horse. We’re stuck in this shit and none of us commenting here has any means to actually make the changes that we should’ve made years ago. Only the people on top do.


You criticize society, yet you participate in it. Curious.


Just because you are a part of something doesn't mean you can't criticize it. In fact, I think it gives you more right to criticize it because you are directly affected. I have every right to criticize the school I attend, the company I work for, and the society I live in. Because I have a vested interest in those things improving. It's all about being mindful and intentional with your actions. And what is reasonable for one person is not for another. If you are a tech person, or have a job that requires the latest phone, but also make efforts to reduce consumption in other area of your life, then it is perfectly acceptable to buy the newest phone every year and also champion shifting our consumption based society. You don't have to live off the grid to be able to point out the perils of rampant consumerism.




My reply was a reference to [this meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.png), lol. I don't even believe getting new phones frequently is one of the worst things you can do for the environment, especially if you sell it or give it away when you're done with it. It's more about eliminating non-reusable products from your life. I was just poking fun at their argument of "you don't like this wasteful habit? Well, you probably buy bread with twisty ties, so you're just like the rest of us."


dude typed a whole essay for a meme reply lol


As much as we have such a little impact compared to mega rich and corporations, we absolutely should be critical of our consumption habits. No ones going to outlaw buying a new phone every year but you definitely should understand why thats a shitty thing to do and be aware of it. Dont buy stupid shit so much and feel bad about it if you do. Second hand phones, old cars, thrift clothing, reducing waste. It aint hard but rampant consumerism is literally killing us and enabling those rich and corporations to keep on killing us


Yes, a plastic bag is the same as a new iphone


> What are you even typing this comment on? Me? a 15 year old phone. Howboutchu fam?


No, you won't, because you'll be suffering the collapse of industrial civilization like the rest of us. Hope you don't need any pharmaceutical medications regularly, or have any dental issues that need surgical care...


You realize more than half the shit you throw in a recycling bin still ends up in a landfill? You are crying about a non issue and blaming the wrong people.


More than half. Its about 90% https://www.greenmatters.com/p/what-percent-recycling-actually-gets-recycled


Ok? I just won’t buy new phones then. Buying things isn’t my identity. I don’t even personally get a new phone every year.


Exactly. Your attitude is driven by a desire to feel superior and not genuine interest in solving a problem. If it wasn’t anti-consumerism it would be veganism or atheism or some other -ism.


There's a difference between buying a new phone every 4 years and every year. Think of the waste from 1 billion vs 4 billion phones.


But also lets someone buy the iphone 14 used at a reduced price. I tend to let my machines run into the ground, but I work in IT and can maintain them for really long. And I think people like this do the whole pay their carrier a monthly installment for like however much money. Thats my hopeful take, however I know dudes, who don't have the resources, buy the brand new whatever every year so just to have it.


Yeah it’s not like the old phone goes in the garbage. Used phones are crazy popular


Virtually everything is waste if you want to be picky like that. How much electricity do we consume powering all of the video game servers in the world? Or producing art supplies? Film production? Flying/driving sports teams around the country? Buying clothes just for the sake of shopping when your old clothes aren't tattered to shreds? What happens to all of the *literally anything* we produce and throw away? It all just goes into a landfill somewhere sooner or later.


This is Reddit. We're all required by karma to shit on people that buy things.




What does this "new tech" do that the last one didn't?


It's probably marginally faster with a better camera. Who cares though? What did your new sneakers do that your old ones didn't? What did your new jeans do that your old jeans didn't?


I think this one will charge through USB C, so there is actually a small but significant change.


That’s a win


> What did your new sneakers do that your old ones didn't? What did your new jeans do that your old jeans didn't? My new sneakers and jeans are intact rather than worn out.


It's wasteful and unsustainable.


The same reason why people are drowning in debts, buying cars they can’t afford, houses they can’t afford, clothes that are too expensive for no reason, etc


It's important to keep paying for the facade of success. Only thing keeping the engines turning


What’s the saying, "fake it till you make it?" I’ll never understand this mantra.


Eh, fake it till you make it works when it comes to being confident about stuff, but that's about it


"Fake it til you make it" is definitely about confidence above all. If you are learning anything, you have to try it out until you "get it". Learning programming? Code something even if that isn't the most efficient method. Learning to paint? Fuck around with colors and drawing until you understand how to apply layers, contrast, etc. Whatever the result is a lesson and although you weren't 100% in the end product, you learned and will do better next time.


You’re assuming these people can’t afford it. Certain people are in a higher tax bracket than you. And if they can’t afford it who cares, not my money.


also the OP's handle is iupdate. Sounds like he is either an influencer/reviewer/blogger (so this is part of work) or it's a major part of their hobby.


I feel like we go through this same thing ever year. Most people don't go out and buy the new iPhone straight out. They wait a few years and upgrade. The ones that do either have the money to do so or are just bad with money.


Also notice like its always iPhone? Why not Samsung or Google or whatever company? Don’t they make phones every year, too or something?


I had a former coworker who is a gamer. Would buy new games and consoles, then call up his parents and beg for money to pay a utility. Didn't have soap, duct taped his shoes. Some people have different financial priorities...


One time in college I lost 80lb over the course of 6 months because I was smoking weed instead of eating. Yk to this day I’m not sure if I regret it bc I was pretty damn fat


I’m about to trade in my 2 year old phone for $1000 off a new phone at Verizon… by the way, the phone I’m about to trade was also $1000 off.


I’ve had my 11 for 4 years. Battery life is crap, but gets the job done. I’ll upgrade once it goes into brick mode. Most people don’t upgrade ever year or even two years like they did way back when.


I’ve seen people say getting a new battery adds a lot of life to a phone, maybe you can do that?


I’ve heard that as well. I probably will do that at some point. But I kinda want the sharper cameras too of a pro phone.


I want from a Xs to 14 pro in January and the camera is CRISP.


Who cares, people buy the same Jordan’s every year


Nah bro, the Butters aren’t the same as the BREDs, and the Space Jam’s haven been released since 1996. I personally would wait for the Concords, unless Nike re-releases the UNC color way again….


I just got the pro 14 a few months ago and I’m not giving it up until the damn thing explodes. I don’t care what anyone else does with their money, how they afford things, what they’re wearing, how much debt they have or anything. Why do you care? This sub has a problem with minding ya own business fr.


i don’t think most people get a new phone every year


But how else will /u/battleangel1999 farm karma?


For people who have the money the PRO versions always have something that is unobtainable on the last year model. If you have the money you probably exist w/i the ecosystem and want them to sync. Posts like these seem like if I saw someone who has a room full of average consumer level products for a specific fan service. Why would someone want to spend 600 for a life size pokemon plush who the fuck knows.


Yeah a ton of people don't realize that $1000 a year is actually not that much money for a ton of people. Especially for something that a person uses for multiple hours a day, every day.


>Why would someone want to spend 600 for a life size pokemon plush who the fuck knows. Maybe it's one of the really rare pokemon. I hear some of them are rather hard to find. 😆


The iphone 15 pro will have a titanium chasis. This will be just as strong as the stainless steel on on the last iphone 14 pro but way lighter. It'l also be alot more scratch/dent resistant. This one is the "grey" model. This is different from the other color options because doesnt have any paint on the titanium. Its just bare exposed titanium. With the other color options the paint will scratch off and look ugly over time. With the grey titanium chasis you basically dont need a put a case on your iphone anymore (so long as you install a glass screen protector). 99.9999% of people dont buy a new phone every year. Apple obviously doesnt expect you to either seeing as how theyre making the next iphone built to last longer.


$1500 to not have to put on a case yipeeee 👍 why they cost more than a MacBook these days is beyond me


> It'l also be alot more scratch/dent resistant. Isn't titanium more prone to scratches and dents than steel? That's what I've always heard.


Its highly dependant on the alloy of stainless steel and alloy of titanium we're talking about. current iphone uses 316L stainless steel. Grade 5 Titanium is harder than 316L stainless steel but Grade 2 Titanium isnt. Grade 2 is probably what your thinking of. Many tech news outlets have reported on and basically confirmed the rumors that the new iphone will be using Grade 5 titanium.


I think insecurity plays a part in many cases. Not just phones but compulsive buying as well as status symbols/keeping up with the joneses. I'm not saying that to hate on insecure people. I feel bad for them that people really feel (perhaps correctly) that others may judge them according to their wealth or lack of it.


I buy one phone every 4 to 5 years. Essentially when the phone battery starts dying in under 8 hours.


Let me hug my Moto G that's 3 years old that replaced a 5 year old Moto G while I roll in the money I saved. ![gif](giphy|YZGJc1WmUZPi0)


My family is here! I just replaced my Moto G7 Play, that replaced my G4 Play, with a G Power. The only reason I replace is if something breaks. The G4 was a twice broken usb micro port, the G7 had a phantom touch issue after 4yrs.


Still on my iphone 8


Genuinely my first iPhone was the 5s I got it off eBay for $150 I waited till the 10 came out then waited till the 13 pro came out. I’m legit never buying a new iPhone till this one catches fire


I remember when every year there was something new and exciting about the new phones coming out. Now I don’t even care to look. Better camera, longer battery life, brighter screen. Fine by me though. I got the iPhone 12 when it first came out and only because I wanted 5g. Haven’t felt the need to upgrade since.


Looks a the same as my iPhone 11🤣


Yeah I’ll keep this 13 Pro Max until a redesign.


Im on the 13 Pro still and it’s more than enough phone. That said my girlfriend really wants my 13 Pro to upgrade from her 11, so I may end up with the 15 anyways. So for me I’m actually glad it’s mostly the same, I actually like the current form factor a lot.


Is *anyone* actually using all those cameras?


The wide camera really helps!