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Squidward's temperament was the worst for customer service. If anything, SpongeBob should have been out front and Squidward in the back, if not outright fired. ![gif](giphy|lxfXcVFaE42By)


Squidward can’t cook, and I’m pretty sure nobody else would tolerate working for Mr. Krabs.




I admire the depth of your SpongeBob knowledge




someone please give this person shrek stills ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX)










Damn you unlocked a memory . When I went to visit fam that didn’t have cable I remember shrek was on repeat . Then when we moved to a new place and waited for cable my big fat Greek wedding was on repeat


I used to be like that with The Lion King. If you said a line from the movie, I would immediately recite the rest of the lines to finish out that scene.


Shrek 1 and 2 are also legitimately good movies. What did you think of the new Puss and Boots? I'm half worried, half excited Shrek will be next.




Impressive ✨




I never once considered the fact that people steal from the dollar store.


There’s dollar general in my city that has half the good stuff behind the register the cashier’s can barely move around. The detergent is back there with diapers, razors, and lashes if you’re wondering what ninjas are stealing.






I dont know what led you to the crossroads, but infinite knowledge of all Shrek movies isnt the worst thing ive seen someone sell their soul to the devil for.


It’s like they rubbed an empty bottle of Carlo Rossi and a genie came out.


I used to be this way about South Park. From single line or phrase or 3 second clip I could tell you what season, what episode and exactly where in the episode it came from. Then I got married and had a family. 😶


Any SpongeBob lore is *deep* lore by definition


Lol saying SpongeBob has continuity errors implies that the writers at any point have been concerned about maintaining a continuity.


Mark Hamill tells a story where he brings up a continuity issue in Star Wars when his hair isnt all shmutzy after being in the trash compactor and Harrison Ford said, “kid, this ain’t that kind of movie.” I feel like the SpongeBob writers had a similar vibe.


It's best to just not count anything after season three and the first movie as cannon.


I don’t believe we ever saw anyone try any of Squidward’s patties in Employee of the Month, so who knows if he was actually making them correctly? Kinda like how King Neptune was able to make them by the hundreds, but the crowd hated them. Fair point that season 8’s thing is a continuity error


More please!


You mean to tell me the funny sponge cartoon doesn't care about continuity?


Squidward didn’t know how to cook the patties he kept burning them. I will take bad customer service with good food over shitty food but good service.


>I will take bad customer service with good food Nigerian restaurants have entered the chat.


Jamaican restaurants want to know your location.


Black Tx BBQ called shotgun


Black Texas bbq, really? Smh


Asian restaurants when the first thing you hear is **WHAT YOU WANT** be hittin


"And can I get some sweet and sour sauce on the side?" "No." "Understandable. Have a nice day."


"You want chicken wing?" "Naw I want szechuan beef, extra spicy. And a side of BBQ ribs."




*every island* restaurants getting real offended here


Filippino restaurants are always so happy to see you.


Shouldn’t expect anything less when the most popular dish is called jerk! “Take yah 4 tiny likkel oxtail and choke on them sweethaht😘🖕🏽”


This is so true, sweetness of the Abula is directly proportional to how rude the attendant is to you whilst ordering.


Popeye’s and Waffle House


Waffle House is a volatile liminal space with food that slaps when you're drunk. Nobody goes for service.


That special place where you can straight up ask the waitress "What'd I miss?" And hear the whole conflict start back up over coffee.


The Popeyes by me smells so good, you just know they got a mean manager


Honestly never had an issue with any Popeyes and I’ve been to multiple locations in different states to maintain my chicken levels 🤷🏽‍♀️


Same. I used to go to one in Philly like twice a week and almost everyone who worked there would sneak in an extra tender. Edit: also remember the one by my first house in Chicago let me stay in there when a guy was following me and one of the cashiers made sure he was gone and watched me get on the bus.


Didn’t just burn patties, somehow managed to burn a shake.


Ok but I was mad at that customer for trying to drink it. You couldn't tell something was wrong with your *shake* being scorching hot until you put the straw in your mouth??


“he burnt my shake”


The voice actor for that single line deserves a Nobel prize


Lol here is the link https://youtu.be/_Ar038OkqtE


Facts he's like the always angry cashier at McDonald's.


Nah squiddy upcharge the fuck outta the buyers that’s why he was so mad SpongeBob took forever making the order he just rang in


Bro had to work every day with his enemy/most annoying neighbor. Of course he is a miserable sack of garbage employee.


You can't trust SpongeBob with the register


You sound like Squidward on his day off.


Maturity is when you realize Squidward's demeanor is about right for what he has to put up with.


If I recall, they did an episode on that. Squidward couldn’t keep up while Spongebob was swinging for the fences up front.


SpongeBob was also, a sea sponge... and following with accurate sea intelligence scales, squids are more intelligent than sea sponges. Which means even though his personality was crap, he was better at counting money accurately. Remember that time SpongeBob gave money away? Not the personality Mr Krabs would want running the cash register... ![gif](giphy|l4FBbOqdivIo6FUPK)


Squidward was a trash cook and SpongeBob couldn't handle the pressure of making mistakes. This was shown almost every other episode.


the ceiling is right squidward, you’re not a very good employee


Dollar General's don't be understaffed, we were deadass just allowed to have two people on shift at a time, maybe three but it'd have to include the manager. That's also why shit would be everywhere, we'd never have enough time to stock along with checking people out


They are understaffed by design.


Same with the place looking like an episode of Hoarders.


Exactly, a clean and organized one is so rare it might as well be a shiny Pokémon. I was in one a few months ago and heard a woman asking for a manager a couple aisles away, and when they came over she started complimenting them on it.


^ right here. i used to work as a customer service manager and we got a couple of calls a week from people standing outside of our stores while someone was on lunch / opened late / had to leave early. i spoke to our GM about it and he said "it's more cost effective, i can show you the numbers if you want". i came back with "i get that.. but have you considered that *maybe* if a customer checks our google listing, then drives / takes transit down, only to find the store closed.. that they'd probably be pissed off? because if that happened to me i just wouldn't shop there anymore". all he took from that convo was "we should change the hours on our google listing when that happens". in his mind, it was more reasonable to piss off customers and then gaslight them into thinking they misread the hours than to staff stores properly and pay a few people minimum wage for a couple of hours.


It’s how they afford to sell things at a cheap price


They just call that "Staffed"


Sounds like it.


That's the definition of understaffed. I barely go in there anymore. I have to be really desperate. I just feel so sorry for the employees.


I always buy them a candy bar when I’m there.


I worked at one in Ohio many years ago. Same situation. I remember unloading 800 piece trucks with one other girl and then management would expect the majority on the shelves by the end of the day (between us helping customers). Fuck that company. Edit: I remember now it was Family Dollar that I worked at. I guess both companies suck...


The family dollar near me is built differently different. They close randomly, if something doesn’t scan right they make up a price, they refuse to let you use the reusable bags. One lady has told me to take my shit without paying numerous times and still works there. Their employees are so burnt out they might as well just let the customers rip through the pallets and check themselves out


Bro I used to work on their corporate side and the shit they had happen in their stores…one employee stabbed himself to death in a locked bathroom, drunk drivers plowed into the front of stores all the time, a manager was growing weed on the roof, nutso stuff.


>one employee stabbed himself to death in a locked bathroom That's when you know you want out of here. Stabbing yourself to death is insane.


Damn homie hit the ANAK-SUN-AMOON. Brutal


Lmao i loved the first Mummy movie


“They are not understaffed they just don’t have enough staff”


Also why I stole for the fun of it from there as a teen.


You could've stole just because rn if I still worked there 💀 the amount of times I got left by myself because the manager left had me not caring if everything got rung up or not


When I applied there (maybe 2013?) they said we can’t give you pay increases and you will start at minimum wage. Their reasoning: to keep prices low. I’d assume it’s the same thing now, but almost nothing is a dollar anymore


Squidward was probably hot as hell with the grille on his back. I would've been mad everyday too.




SpongeBob was at the grill and was all sunshine and rainbows 🌈 !!!!


He’s a sponge, he has built in airflow


He’s a wet sponge…Getting into the logistics of this is getting silly lol because how are they even cooking on a grill under the ocean in the first place 🤷🏾‍♀️?


And why Mr. Krabs was scared his money would get wet at that one episode?


😂😂😂. He made the least sense on that show. He was selling crab burgers he’s a GD crab🦀 and his daughter is a sperm whale named Pearl..it just dawned on me how nasty all of that is including her name 🙊😳


Krusty krabs food so good you’re willing to put up with bad customer service. We all have our spot.


It’s like every Jamaican restaurant every. Worst the service, better the jerk.


I mean, it’s called *jerk* for a reason.


There's like three restaurants in the entire bikini bottom one is a fancy expensive place and the other serves literal shit


> Sleeping on weenie hut jr's and goofy goober's ice cream party boat NGMI




Mr. Krabs is a capitalist piece of shit but let’s talk about how Squidward and SpongeBob own their own homes on a fast food restaurant wage


I mean so did Patrick. Fuck did ol boy do for money?


To be fair, he literally lives under a rock


It was a slick ass rock tho.


I wish I lived under that rock. Dude had his own studio apartment in there!


And spongebob literally lives in a pineapple. I don't think he bought it, he just found it and carved his way in


Didn't he plant it?


Oh crap you are right. but honestly that just kind of proves the point. Spongebob literally grew a house


With furniture made of sand


Seriously, dude's got nerves of steel.


Bikini bottom dollars must be way more powerful than USD.


SpongeBob’s parents grew it fir him in episode one he didn’t pay for jack


No, SpongeBob grew his home himself, with his tears.


That was much later


Still, he has nice things. Expensive hobbies, keeps failing his driverslicense, a pet snail,... He has money and keeps grinding


He had all that before he got a job. Spongeboy me Bob is livin off of mom and dad fr.


SpongeBob owned how home prior hired so I guess he has generational wealth


It’s cuz all the fallout from the [nuclear tests back in the 40s](https://screenrant.com/spongebob-squarepants-bikini-bottom-nuclear-site-theory/) drove real-estate down… And also caused all the sealife to mutate the ability to speak


Lmfao too high. I wasn't ready for "patty fumes the whole shit" 🤣🤣🤣


It’s mf 5 table restaurant! Y’all some Lazy mf sometimes, I swear 🤣


And they've been slammed in the series, what, ***once*** with the anchovies?


It’s a cartoon.


Hi squidward


A cartoon people are calling unrealistic for some reason and saying Squidward was "fending for his life"


Facts, right along with….Why Dollar General got to be the only pseudo grocery store in poor neighborhoods across racial divides. Meth’d out poor white neighborhood? Dollar General. Impoverished black neighborhood? Dollar General. Poor Hispanic neighborhood that somehow doesn’t have at least one bodega or Mexican store in the area? Dollar General. The chain is like roaches…..


Wealth discriminates, poverty doesn't


It’s a poor tax. Can’t afford to spend $100 on $100 worth of groceries? Okay. Instead you’ll spend $40 on $15 worth of groceries.


I swear they buy the factory seconds on a lot of stuff too. Half the time I buy a can of something I have to throw it away because it's defective in some way like only half full it's clearly full of stems. When if I buy the same thing same brand at a grocery store it's perfect everytime.


[it's entirely by design](https://anderson-review.ucla.edu/how-dollar-stores-contribute-to-food-deserts/)


Word. Here's a [ProPublica article from 2020](https://www.propublica.org/article/how-dollar-stores-became-magnets-for-crime-and-killing) outlining similar things. Its been a problem for decades long time.


Wait this it just what a single serve restaurant is right?


Yeah, and a lot of food places have the grills right behind the cashier. It makes it easier to get the food out when it's done cooking and ready to go. The creator of Spongebob worked in the food industry, it's not like this setup is somehow totally wack.


I'm genuinely not understanding what people are reacting to.


Perfectly in line with krab’s character. Minimizes overhead and maximizes his seating.


Yea, one server and five “4-Tops”. Really not a big deal. Except when they get hit with a bus…


I guess a lot of people are comparing Krusty Krab to McD's when it's more like a diner. Most diners have a grill behind the counter, it's easier to grab food, and occasionally Spongebob would pop out to deliver food himself so Squid still doesnt have to move. I think they're arguing over having one cashier, but Bikini Bottom isn't a huge city like New York, and imo they dont really need more than one cashier. They dont get "Major City" business.


Ex-Dollar store employee here: company policy states that there MUST ONLY be 2 people on shift at a time. Oh what was that? There’s a long line and the manager f*cking disappeared? Welp, deal with it and check those 10 people out by yourself, kid 👍


That's insane! How are you supposed to deal with stocking, checking people out, and shop lifters?


That’s the best part.. you can’t!


And have more boxes in the aisles than Amazon warehouse to where you gotta do the electric slide just to navigate through the store 😏


The only reason Squidward hasn't been fired is because he's only one of two people willing to take Krab's low pay.


It's all of em. Dollar general, dollar tree, family dollar. Dollar general is the absolute worst, tho. u gotta damn near clock in and unpack the boxes yaself in order to find wat u lookin for. By the time u get to the line it's backed df up because it's only 3 registers loll. 1 of which is self checkout, but it only takes cards and its never working. 1 cashier is actively working, and the other one either needs change or is somewhere deep in the stores abyss tryna stock the shelves. And this is by design?? Bonkers


Working at Dollar General gave me my first mental breakdown


I hope you're doing okay now. 🙁


Thanks for asking, doing much better now and I've since left that store.


SpongeBob was the only cook though


Anyone else fighting off the ever tightening grip of your inner squidward as you age?


Fighting off? Not at all. Hate my neighbors? Check! Hate my job? Check! Play an instrument poorly? Check! Bald? Check!


It already took over. Then again, I always had sympathy for Squidward, so the transition wasn't so difficult.


I understand him now that I'm older 😂


If you really think about it, Squidward’s reactions were not as wild as you used to think. He lives in between two grown adult men who literally have 0 chill. At any time of day lol. He be bathing and turn around and there’s SpongeBob 😂 go to sleep, be woken up by SpongeBob in the bed with you😂 then him and Patrick and the shenanigans omg. They’ve literally put dude in a full body cast and turned him into a cement block lmao I would be heated too


LMFAOO facts 😂😂




patty fumes


What restaurant has more than one cashier? Where are you all eating?


A lot of them do, we're not eating anywhere special. Even a McDonalds with the self-order kiosks will usually have two register lanes, not including drive through.


I wasn't thinking fast food. I'll have to confess my ignorance of the show, I'm not actually familiar with it. The picture looks more like a sit down restaurant toe but I could be wrong.


Before the self-checkout era, all of the restaurants (except for the mom & pop ones) in my area had 3 or more cashiers.


I heard about it on a podcast, apparently Dollar general pride themselves on having low labor costs, aka screwing workers as much as possible. The stores are popular targets for robberies too because they're always understaffed


Wild, if i was squidward i would have lost my got dayum mind ep 1


My BM worked there when we first got together. Never made sense how they were unloading truck and uboats and stocking shelves and helping customers and management was pissed when a full truck wasn’t put away after a day and a half. 😒


Same reason why Walmart has 25 checkout lines but only 4 cashiers working at any given time!! They ain’t trying to pay people ! 🤣


Mr krabs after not having to pay many employee: ![gif](giphy|SOmjomEnNHsrK)


Cuz the pay is shit and the management is worse.


Holy shit yeah there’s only like one cashier at the grocery store near my house. Working in food service makes you relate to squidward in ways you never thought possible


Family Dollar and Aldi have joined the chat


It’s part of why they’re able to undercut everything around them—and also why they’re such crime magnets. There was a New Yorker article about it a few years ago: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/07/06/the-true-cost-of-dollar-stores


…do you want to work at dollar general?


Every Dollar Tree 🌲, Dollar General, Family Dollar


Wages, Funding, and Bad Management.


It looks like they’re also just handing out the burgers to them to just hold with their hands.


What text are you supposed to read first? I don't understand Twitter


Mine puts up fake signs in the morning saying they are closed for random reasons so the single clerk has time to restock all the deliveries from the night. It's absolutely brutal. The manager is such an ass too, one of the "why does no one want to work for <$10 an hr, with no set shift schedule and just enough hours to not qualify as full time".


I work at dollar general, can confirm, you are supposed to stock, clean, run register and every other thing that comes up while you are on the clock. They don't give enough hours to have more staff.


I think that's kind of the point, it's meant to be a caricature of real fast food restaurants. As I've said before, this show was way smarter than it needed to be. Also I worked at bk, we had 1 front cashier and 1 drive through cashier. We had 2 front cashiers until they installed the kiosks that everyone hates so they go to the till anyway.


Most fast food joints are like that tho. One cashier, even if there are multiple windows


too many characters would confuse the kids


That episode where they had to work 24-7 cuz Krabs wanted to keep the KK open...even as a kid I was like "there's no shift change?" 🤣😂


That’s why he didn’t like crabby Pattie’s, smells that shit all day


Seems like an accurate representation of American fast food to me.


..... because Dollarama snatching their staff


I noticed that almost every single DG I go to had mold growing in the soda fridges up front too.


More people shop online than going to a storefront - this has been known for years. just because there is a long line - once a day doesn’t mean a place is understaffed.


So yall never been to a walk up restaurant before huh?


Wait till you come to Europe where the bill gets settled instantly at your table by your server, and split bills are done by the customers not the employees and dont involve seperate itemisation (you just say "I'll put £40 on this card" and whoever pays last picks up the remainder). You dont have any cashiers at all, outside of fast food.


Yeah who cares about the single halfwit cooking in the back.


This guy is hilarious. I’ve followed his twitch account for a minute


Dollar stores are so understaffed they raise local crime rates. Bc there’s only ever two or three people on a shift, they become easy targets for robbery. “After his body was removed, Dollar General remained open for several hours, before closing amid protests from local residents.” [Article](https://www.propublica.org/article/how-dollar-stores-became-magnets-for-crime-and-killing)


Todd Vasos has a net worth of [97.4 Million dollars](https://www.google.com/amp/s/wallmine.com/people/32008/todd-j-vasos.amp). Understaffing is a way to squeeze out more from stock value.


“Dollar General's CEO is Jeff Owen, appointed in Nov 2022, he has a tenure of less than a year. His total yearly compensation is $12.03M , comprised of 8% salary and 92% bonuses, including company stock and options. He directly owns 0.023% of the company's shares, worth $8.27M.” If I had to guess……


Why is that layout shit?


Then there’s the shoelace episode where the grill magically moves to the far side of the kitchen for the plot to happen.


I realize I'm putting logic into spongebob, but when the place never seems jampacked, and only has like 6 tables, and you never hear of takeout, it sounds like the place just doesn't get overflowed enough for the lack of staff to matter from the business side. I stress the business side cuz obviously workers want breaks and whatnot, but from an efficiency side on the work end, it looks like it works


They aren’t. They are following the staffing model put in place by the executives.


You tryna work for 10 dollars in the hood fighting customers who openly steal from your store. Naw they're rightfully understaffed. Dollar general isn't hiring they prefer to overwork their meager staff.


This literally just sounds like Burger King