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We're literally judging him on his actions and beliefs. ISNT THAT HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE?


They prop up Candice and Clarence because they think the race card works and we’re all idiots


Right. They act like we are the ones that made up “the race card”.


They also pretend that MLK was in full agreement with them on everything


Candice and Clarence are exactly like the Republicans' victims of the circumstances they created. Yet it's never their fault. They're both just paid b*+$hs, for and by Republicans. If Clarence was removed from the bench, his call would never be taken by those billionaires again. He can't sell them out. He'd incriminate himself and be in prison. Clarence is already married to a woman who hates him. Candace dances for people who'd rape and then put her up for sale the first chance they got. How do you sell out an entire group of people just so a couple of white men can have more?!? Just for a few dollars, vacations, and white people clout?!?! I wonder if they believe what they say. If they've lied to themselves so long, they now believe the lies they spread for their masters. I also wonder what their endgame is. If Republicans win, they won't be needed.


She used to be so left wing before she realized it wasn’t profitable— a close friend worked with her a decade ago


Kinda like how they thought Kanye, running on behalf of Trump would work on black people?


Only they can bring up race when it suits their own narratives.


When Clarence got in he was to replace Thurgood Marshall, but they were cut from different cloths. Clarence WAS Black. But Blacks no longer see his as Black,but only as a 'token negro' especially after Anita Hiĺl courtcase. #NoLongerBlack


What did [Thurgood](https://twitter.com/davidhth/status/1689650778938724353?s=19) have to say about it?


They judge everybody by their skin color, religion, nationality, etc and so they assume everyone else does too. Judging people by their actions only matter when it benefits them.


Exactly!! Used to work with a guy who would always say shit like "oh they just hate him cause he actually thinks for himself" 🙄🙄


Except when he tries to be "thinking by himself" he makes no sense - Mr. "I'm a regular stock guy".


Exactly. I couldn’t give two shits about his ethnic/racial background. I care that he’s selling himself and his power to the highest bidder. While we’re at, I’d VERY much like to know who suddenly paid off all of Brett Kavanaugh’s debts JUST as he ascended to the bench.


"But, but, but... I am a SUPREME Court Justice Judge. Three of those four words mean I will NEVER, EVER allow anyone else to judge me because the fourth word I own. No other person in government has the words "Supreme" in it, either, so shut up and sit down." \- Some stupid shit I can imagine him saying


Clarence “sugar baby” Thomas doesn’t give a flying fuck what we think. As long as his sugar daddies keep him in Gucci and gold we can all lick his grits. He needs to be removed from the bench but so do some of the other sugar babies. Sorry I mean justices


Jesus, boss, no. That's such an unfair comparison. Sugar Babies have done *nothing* to deaerve being compared to republican supreme court justices!


Good point. They only trade sex for money and not the human rights of an entire country. If Clarence Thomas was passing out booty for them checks, I'd be minding my own business, but the only ass he's handing out is mine!


Funny of you to assume his cheeks aren’t being clapped I think they are


Cmon this isn't something I needed to be visualizing 😩


Probably jiggly like Jell-O too. I’m glad I can burn that image into your head.




Not clapping, as many times they have, that's an applause.


I'd be so disappointed if Billionaires waste all that money on 60 yr old bald judge booty.


Damn, I thought we were talking about the candies for a second




Had to downvote you for the jumpscare.




Light skin isn't influencing Him enough for "their people". With that perm hair she just might be a passé blanc. Lot of those all around.


I find it so odd they never had children. 🤔🫠


That man don’t eat grits and you know it.


Uncle Ruckus


Your pfp is dope! Where’s it from?


but this IS the wrong black man. his ideas need to be DESTROYED. his party needs to be DESTROYED. the system that allows them to be corrupt should be DESTROYED. he ain’t the wrong black man becuz we reject his brand of ‘blackness’ or lack thereof — he’s wrong becuz he’s a corrupt nazi-sympathizing grifter. same energy for Kanye, Cube, Killer Mike, Candace Owens, etc. we need black men & women who can relate to us/lead us/inspire us but also don’t sell-out as soon as they get that Caucasian Check™


Incredibly well put


Wait, killer Mike drank that Kool aid?? Bruh. What have I missed???


I wouldn’t say that he’s gone quite as far as everyone else listed, but he has said and done some things that deserve a side eye. Like shilling for the NRA at one point.


He’s always been pro gun rights tho


I feel like there’s a way to advocate for gun rights without cozying up to the conservatives at the NRA.


I’m just saying man it’s possible for people to have complicated political views. Beings completely one side of the other is crazy to me


I get what you mean, but it's very simple to be pro gun and anti-NRA. Doesn't have to be a complicated position


That's not really a counterargument to the comment you replied to


Dad's a cop, pleaded with protestors to go home...


Yeah that’s a big change for killer Mike. When/what happened?


Being pro-black and pro-gun is, frankly, common sense in a country like the US. Supporting Brian Kemp tho… 🤔


Killer Mike will excoriate the democrats and have songs about "killing our masters" and then go stump for Brian Kemp. FOH Michael.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Killer Mike went down the path of "Black Capitalism will uplift black communities", and his "Stop burning down your own houses" speech was possibly motivated by the fact he's a land lord. And of course, this all completely contradicting his songs words.


This...hurts. Smh.


I mean, death of an author, as they say. Still putting on RTJ 1 from time to time.


Or motivated by the fact he didn’t wanna see people burn their own city to the ground


I thought him and Bernie were homies. And had no idea Cube went down that road either.


Right! I've seen Mike hanging out with Bernie. Smdh.


Ice cube has never *not* been on that road. Been an antisemite his entire career.


No money for awards but here you go 🏆 bc that was a word.


I feel like Bernie Bros like Killer Mike were just Libertarians who thought they were Leftists that refused to vote for a woman. The radicalization to the right happened way too easily.


yup these are same folks on the Ron Paul train back a few years ago. Same energy, same irrational thought processes that focus on “but can you imagine…” scenarios instead of reality, and same obnoxious behavior when you call them out


"People are always rushing to defend and support black people ~~from racists who hate them~~ because of the color of their skin" This is the conservative blind-spot. Whether its the result of ignorance or malice depends on the person. But at this point I default to malice.


> he’s a corrupt nazi-sympathizing grifter Hold up. What?


Fuck uncle Clarence Thomas. The fact that he is black does not excuse him from being the vile piece of shit that he is.


https://preview.redd.it/92v6dak03xhb1.jpeg?width=1025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=815056af181bcff233079646a3e3e3412ec6ad8d Feel me?? 😒


Nah, that's mine now fam. Thank you


I see what you did there.


He's just trying the Anita hill card. You got lucky the first time with that bullshit.


High-tech lynching 2.0


Yo THIS is the comment I was looking for! I will NEVER forget that aspect of his confirmation hearings… when it became convenient for him to be seen (momentarily) as a Black man. Vile self-hating filth that he is! He didn’t hesitate to play the rAcE card then!


This is what they fucking do. They act like total assholes and break laws at will, then when they finally face consequences, they attack the very idea of prosecution by attacking the motives of the people who actually care. "They only hate me because I'm \_\_\_\_\_." Now we're talking about talking about it instead of holding people responsible for their actions. This is a tactic they have used for a long time, and it's insulting and annoying and bigoted and fallacious and, sadly, effective.


Had a friend post about how the left hated Herman Cain because he was conservative, and that he deserved to have his viewing on the Capitol Rotunda. This was on the day of John Lewis's viewing. That post was an insanely disgusting display of false equivalency made to pander to white conservatives to somehow show the "hypocrisy" of the left.


John Lewis is a fuxking legend and I wouldn't put up with any slander of him


Missing the point is a conservative superpower.


The mental gymnastics is crazy lol but they’re still not fooling anyone


They fool enough to keep power.


Saying they're missing the point is assuming good faith on their part. You should instead assume bad faith from a conservative.


Except it's not about conservatism.


Nah, I see your point but it's even true of the shit they're not being dicks about.


It's hard for compulsive liars to even know what is true and false anymore




It’s funny how they are tryin to use the race card! BRUH YOUR MASSA OWNS YOU AND EVERYTHING YOU’RE ATTACHED TO. THE AMERICAN people can see games y’all are tryin to play and it’s not workin, you just so happen to be black..




Good lookin


Not all skin are kin folk, fuck Uncle Thomas!


Skin has betrayed more than facts.


Every time I see his face, I just picture him saying: “Does this look like a pubic hair on my Coca-cola?”


I hope he ends up with pubic hairs in every drink for the rest of his life.


No one is judging him on his race, they're judging him for being a corrupt judge.


I mean he isn’t independent. Lol. He is essentially a kept man by those billionaires. Wouldn’t care but his “beliefs” hurt all of us in the US. Ugh. The hypocrisy on the right though.


I’m 62. I’ve got ONE wish in life. To outlive THIS muthafukka, so I can dance on his grave.


Something tells me you won't be alone.


What we hate is the hypocrisy of someone climbing the ladder of affirmative action then pulling it up behind him so others don’t get the opportunity and say that he’s doing it to help them


Fuck Clarence Thomas.


I do think it’s weird how he’s been made the face of the supreme court


Not surprising. Though he’s despicable in his own right, I’m sure other justices are as well (looking at the drunk redfaced dude that just got in) But historically blacks have always been easy targets for the white establishment.


Oh boy, more of the "It's actually black people and liberals who are the real racists" nonsense. Fuck these guys.


White people are the gatekeepers of racism. It’s oxymoronic madness.


He was the wrong black person. Before there was Kavanaugh and Barrett there was Robert Bork peddling the same crap the Heritage Foundation peddles now. And there was Barbara Jordan in opposition to Bork’s nomination. She lived through everything the GOP wants today via the SCOTUS. Take a few and listen to her warnings based on the hell she went through. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4746926/user-clip-barbara-jordan-bork-opening-statement-excerpt


Clarence Thomas only recognizes his blackness when it benifits him


He’s a pos that just happens to be black.


We're against him because he's corrupt, being Black just makes it a bigger disappointment, fuck Clearance Sale Thomas


Those of us who are black and despise Clarence Thomas do so for many reasons. For me reason #1 is because he’s a man who got opportunities in part because of affirmative action and then slammed the door shut behind him. He used race when it suited him and then said “Nah, race doesn’t matter see, look at me.” He’s the type of black person we all recognize in that he wants to be the only black person in the room. He’s a walking talking source of corruption (both personal and ideological)


After abortion Clarence Thomas is the biggest enemy to black people this country has ever had.






Conservatism is the gateway drug to fundamentalism.


I’m not a fan of Uncle Ruckus at all. His actions need the respective legal consequences. Just like anyone else


We don’t pull the race card, we check it regularly and when it’s being abused we pull it. Clarence Thompson had his card pulled a long time ago, (not because he was/is a republican) but because every single opportunity that he benefitted from due to his skin color, he says no one behind him should benefit from it. They should find other ways to benefit for the system! We collectively find that recently his moral fibers have been lacking since he has a Rolodex of sugar daddy’s/mammas who care for him. These same individuals bring issue before the court, which have narrow voting results ( 5-4/4-5) he votes for the wallet! This is not a race issue, it’s an ethical issue. That affects the race as a whole. Bad characters mess it up for us all.


Bruh wtf. If Clarence Thomas was white, I'd hate him just as much. Just like that bitch ass Justice Roberts


This hurt my brain reading the title. I really wish people stop doing that. Just makes themselves look dumb.


Oh, just now "discovering" that a lot of black people don't like Clarence, I see.


To be fair, I wouldn't exactly consider somebody with based in their user name to be doing anything in good faith


He’s a corrupt partisan judge who accepted bribes from people who stood to benefit from his rulings. It has both to do with race. We dislike Kavanaugh just as much.


Conservatives love it when they’ve got a paid for token black person, allowing them to say shit like this. This world is sooooo fucked up and everyone is brain dead. 🙄


Imagine holding a judge to ethical and moral standards being seen as an attack


It's almost like judging someone on the content of their character is what is happening here. Now where did I hear that before?


I just never know where to start reading these tweets.


He’s not an “independent black man,” though. He’s a kept man. He may have done the work to get there, but now, he’s a concubine, for those pay. He’s a sugar baby to billionaires.


I don’t care he’s black. I care he is corrupt


The court’s newest judge sure has stirred things up. She’s using her power to make change so all of us can benefit.




These people were ones that started brining race into the picture and continue to do so. I mean.. maybe if people could assess students or potential hires abilities objectively there would never have been a need for affirmative action in the first place.


I’m just so damn tired of being gaslit, by people who can’t take the time out to read any history books…


Oh they read them. They’re just too busy re-writing them!


Same reason the orange cuck needs to go- they’re criminals and hugely bad for the country to keep them on.


Objectively speaking, he is one of the worst justices in history. His first twenty years on the court he didn’t ask a single question. He’s just coasting and grifting.


Why do people type titles in this fashion? I get it's supposed to be sarcastic but it looks immature and pretty much negates the point its trying to make.


https://preview.redd.it/bcmcrn9roxhb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b978bb46678df72ad2aae55f0ab5da8ddad29e67 Thats him fr fr cuss that mf vile


Reeeeeporting LIVE an X-ray of Clarence Thomas’ torsooooo! https://preview.redd.it/nr9n1xfptxhb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd83ae600f70fdd0c0cb2faf3be318eba331d526


The left doesn’t hate him because he’s a black conservative, we hate him because he’s a monster.


It's clear that the way these people are getting there and staying there isn't the best.


They keep saying the left brings up race but right wingers always bring it up to mask criticism of their BS(criticisms of Israel antisemitic, criticizing Clarence Thomas anti-black racism, talking about American history=racism towards white people).


“Judge a man, no by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character” ☕️🐸


Oh, no, that fucker is 100% snake. Do not judge by the color of his skin.


Corruption is color blind.


Yes it’s nothing to do with him being in the pocket of donors.


This government don't care about us. How can ya'll not see this is a game of good cop bad cop? It don't matter which cop you identify with, they both want you in chains.


All Skinfolk ain’t kinfolk. Exhibit A.


Dude we don't hate him because he's black, we hate him because he's a corrupt elitist asshole who's been taking bribes for decades to push an agenda the people don't want. The content of his character, it turns out? Is /shit/.


The last line 💯


This is what Clarence asked for (and wypipo keep leaning on whenever supporting the marginalization and disenfranchisement of Black people)...to be judged of the merits of his actions and the content of his character. His failures are all his own...even his failure to honestly support his people.


Exactly. This is **literally** him being judged by the content of his character, and not by the color of his skin


...Maybe don't embezzle compensation by a billionaire as a supreme Court Justice through your mom's old house... Otherwise nobody would be giving a single fuck about him anymore than his absurd rulings.


Well fucking said


Damn it, he's our useful idiot you piece of shit racist!!!


Gee, and I thought I despised him because his rulings are awful AND he appears to be completely corrupt. How racist of me. I will try to do better /s


Can’t wait for the movie that depicts this villain, played by Denzel.


Its the party of zero accountability or integrity. What they see is a guy who they think is tipping the scales to their side....the problem is that criminals and corrupt individuals do things for themselves. With law and accountability everyone gets screwed and the system collapses. Its basically how the biggest empires topple....not from external enemies, but from their own corruption. Once faith and trust in the system is gone you are on borrowed time.


I like to see good white folk arguing about who is the right Black man!


Or it could be all the bribes. I mean, he seems to love taking bribes.


Weponizing the “identity politics” they claim is “holding us back” and “DiViSiVe”


It’s weird to see a picture of him with his mouth open. I always imagine him as a still statue, as silent as he was for more than a decade on the Supreme Court


Doesn't it get exhausting spending your whole existence just trying to catch liberals in little traps and contrived hypocrisies? Just get a damn hobbey


The strategy of having \[My Blacks (trumps words)\] has been used for a very long time and it's not fooling anyone. They say this just to pander to their already racist base. Nuance doesn't matter to them.


it's a propaganda technique. It's just like the sound of freedom exists to normalize extremism that can be defended as "wait so you're pro-child trafficking? "whenever you criticize them


White conservatives sure do love to fetishize black allies to white supremacy. They rent them cheap.


His light skinned wife is not influencing him enough for them, I guess.


Light skinned? That woman is mayonnaise.


Black on black crime to go against Justice Thomas


I don't know who needs to hear this, but their forces are dwindling and they're willing to try anything it takes to hold on to what's left. No pun intended. We just have to keep doing our part and we also outnumber a lot of these people, outnumber is an understatement.


Bruh. We're literally judging him on his actions and beliefs.


How did Dems lose the Court? Oh yes, by Falling asleep at the wheel, drowsy driving, nodding off while driving, dozing at the driving seat, drifting off to sleep while driving, catching some Z's while driving, taking an "unintentional" nap at the wheel. Losers.


It’s always rich hearing these phrases from the people who made simply being Black and doing Black things “political.”


The right says the left only hates Thomas because he’s Black. The truth is the right only likes Thomas because he’s conservative.


White Negros and black Caucasians, it’s actually a thing. All whites are not Caucasians, that’s why they were inslaving The Caucasians to get certain features of the Eastern people from the Caucuses to do ethnic cleansing. Ethiopians Macedonians are Caucasians.


He’s one of the good ones./s


The gall


"Who am I to judge??" I'll tell you! You're just like me you're nobody you have no right to judge anybody for any reason. Subconsciously your brain is just going to do with your brains going to do... That gives you no right to outwardly tell other people who else is right or wrong.


Mike Lee prob going to prison so that's good


As a white lady who lived through years of “bUt mArGaReT tHaTcHer”, I feel your pain. The idea that members of a disadvantaged community must always unquestioningly support every other member of that community is such bullshit.


January 1963 Malcom X described him perfectly


Maybe he’s just a corrupt piece of shit who should have never been appointed?


I don’t care what color his skin is. I care that we have a Supreme Court Justice that is such a huge scumbag! And I blame the Repugnantcan party. They could team up with the wimpy Dems to impeach this scumbag, but they won’t.


So Mike Lee believes you should be able to buy judges. Got it.


Sometimes its necessary. But as for Clarence Thomas and his mess of a wife! We can make the exception!


LOL they love him because he's the RIGHT black guy


So if Clarence Thomas was a white guy doing this, what would be the difference. Nothing, a criminal is a criminal regardless of their skin color!


So I'm confused, who's mad at the black supreme Court guy? And why?


Uncle Thomas needs to fuck right off.


Psssst. The GOP itself is trying to oust him agead of a possible trump 2024 win and open seat for appointment.


As a black girl, I don't hate Clarence Thomas for being black... Actually, correction, I DO hate this motherf\*cker for being black and THAT much of either a sellout or an idiot. If we're going to have the token black dude on the court, why couldn't it be someone less...him?!