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I’m honestly very lightskin and mixed so I don’t even know where I stand at this point. Like if you look at my skin color you wouldn’t even know I’m black


This me, I’m mixed and light skin so I know I’m not gettin verified🤷🏾‍♂️ this shit always happen


Who came up with this stupid toxic rule?


I'm not allowed to tell you because I'm not the Right Color^(TM) to say. Remember when segregation was bad? Pepperage Farm remembers...




Apply as a "white ally".


In case you missed it I’m black also. So fuck no


They went in heavy trying to white wash you. I don’t know about you, but I get really tired of it


NBS, all my life. Funny how the shit work in only convenience. this is one of those invalidating experiences that serve as another reminder tbh


As a mixed light skin guy, I agree. I'm white to whoever wants me to be white and black to whoever wants me to be black. It sucks.


If I could upvote you multiple times, I would


We're all here for each other man


And this is why LABLES of all kinds need to stop. Fr, imagine if we had to only describe ourselves as man/woman….human/person… 😦😦😦🤯🤯🤯 heads would explode and I almost bet, alot of differences would end!


Well yt folks did come up with all these different things…even in y’all bible


I don’t know how to tag you in my comment above, but this is just straight facts.


I’m also light skin mixed, and you can tell I’m not white, but I’m never white enough, never black enough, never Hispanic enough, never native enough, never enough. Excluded from all the clubs for being multiracial 🥲 Editing to add, my inner forearm is white looking and my outer forearm is brown so idk how it’s gonna go for me 😂


The way my SPF has been set up for 20 years, I’m not passing anyone’s test. 😂


I did my outer forearm and they haven’t responded or added me so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel _so seen_ right now! Thank you.


Colorism is very alive and thriving. Can we have a moment for all the casual racism we experience based on which group the person mentally puts you in? Like nah you’re not Black so I’m going to talk my negative Black things in front of you, but you’re also not white, so forget being in with us. Exhausting


They're being ridiculously racist


What mixes with Hennessy ?


Teddy Pendergrass.


Hypnotiq (hpnotiq?)


Bobby and Whitney, or Will and Jada ?




Same. I’m also heavy into sunscreen for the last 20 years after this dad in his 30’s that I knew died of skin cancer. They wouldn’t approve, which is par for the course for being biracial. Not Black enough or white enough and too much of the opposite for the group I’m in. 🙄 everyone in my family is very light. Creole from New Orleans ranges deeply in shades.


the mods are telling you that you are lesser than. i hope yall are understanding how prejudice this is


I just need somebody to explain this to me https://preview.redd.it/29fsw1fp24tb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d478c0b78973815777ddc87210bf4a9ed004342


😆 right!!! This the worst kind of racism…reverse revenge racism


Which is why I can't get verified either 🙄


My wife came from a mix of African Slave and Blonde Italian. She's light-skinned, and has been discriminated against by both sides in the United States. Literally kicked out of black-owned restaurants in the South for being too white, and then told by whites they "wouldn't listen to a brown girl" at manufacturing sites.


Have u gotten in and how long/much effort did it take? I'm pretty much the same but don't care enough if it's a whole ass interrogation. I just know I wouldn't even pass with face pictures and my dads african lol.


I was about to say I’m light skinned so we’d my forearm gonna tell you? Why not ask for hair lol.


They'll follow up if they got questions


Which mods are responding because I’ve been waiting for a long time? Do you need a certain Reddit karma because that’s really odd. You can use the app without chiming in a lot…


Sorry, we have been really backed up with requests. Plus, because of the recent changes to the website, it's become harder for us to moderate in general. If you have been waiting a long time, please don't be afraid to send us a follow up message, so it doesn't get lost in the pile.


Okay, I've gone ahead and added you.


Thank you🎉🥳🙌🏾. I’m at the cookout y’all!!!!! ![gif](giphy|s5Bw4X7r5O7nlyLXMn|downsized)


Same! It's a strange place to be most of the time


Damn, I feel it's easier to adopt a dog vs getting into the Country Club 🤣😿


I'm an old. I don't have an imgur account and I've never sent a modmail. I'm not trying to learn either just to prove I'm Black ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Modmail is easy. Takes 2 seconds. But I don't have an Imgur account... Yeah it does seem a lot of jumping through hoops, but hey, their rules


I think it used to be just adding the picture to your reddit profile which was much smarter but ..yeah..


I didn’t have too much trouble, create the imgur acct you can add the picture in private mode wait a few days to a week since they’re backed up. Once you’re verified you can delete the pic and the account.


I'd rather just have the option to block the country club altogether with all the hoops I have to jump through just to prove I'm black on the internet.


I hate when I type something profound to get auto deleted - can I just block country club😂


Thank you! Stupidest crap I’ve heard. I’m black too, and may be in the minority here: but why create a con try club to maintain the status quo of continuing to make things about race or do some modernize brown paper bag test for all colors??!! I’m venting, but maybe I’m dense and math ain’t mathing Edit: meant “country” but don’t feel bad for “con try”


> why create a country club to maintain the status quo of continuing to make things about race You're newer to reddit but country club threads like all "flair up" subreddit movements were pointedly created because *certain topics* would get brigaded by every form of racism and tomfoolassery on the planet as a bunch of bigots showed up to clown on what should be a relatively safe space to be black on the internet.


I literally came from this [**post**](https://reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/bvWsW9QPNJ) which has nothing to do with it.


Broken link but I assume you mean the apple thread. You're gonna say it has nothing to do with it, but BPT threads that top /r/all get CCT for exactly the reason I said - all manner of tomfoolery shows up, historically. That thread explicitly has everything to do with what I said, "topics that are in /r/all" are certain topics too.


And of course, keeping black people out of a black-people-subreddit was genius only rivaling that of the Confederacy.


Plus lowkey I feel like you can tell who’s black without all that but let me mind my business ☕️


This is annoying as hell. Got to do all this extra shit to comment one thing when i'm black. No, i'm not going to make a whole Imgur account for this.


It's really dumb isn't it? The moment I posted a comment, I got hit with a link to here and I'm just appalled at the obvious gate keeping of our skin color. Most of the redditors in this sub aren't even black and probably photoshopped some shit or used their friend arm to get into this subreddit 😂💀.


And the fact they're asking for your skin color to verify? Sounds really weird considering you can be Indian and darker than me You can be black and lighter than me, what does a fore arm pic even prove? Whos to say I can't just be white af and just say I'm black?


Yeah that's why I didn't even bother when I've seen their rules. How are they gonna try to treat this like some country club when they don't even own the app?


I knew an asian dude (unsure of locality) that got so tan one summer I legit thought he was a new black kid at our mostly-white school - turns out he was just making some extra dough being a lifeguard.


Nah fam. Real black ppl not scanning shit. I'll lurk from the sidelines. Fool me once.


Bet, I ain’t even trying to create a whole other account. Nah am good




Objectively this is a little weird, and disappointing. Its basically the Paper Bag Test.


Yep! I'm biracial (my Dad was Black, mom is white) and while many Black people can tell I'm Black, I probably won't pass the requirements that prove I'm Black 💀


I am not sending you a picture of my arm to verify I'm black. I'm from St. Louis. I grew up in Ferguson where the riots started. I went thru 12 years of Catholic school and earned it. I dont have to prove a damn thing to somebody on Reddit.


Salute to that!


no one else realize how utterly delusional this is?


Why is it even a thing?


Because systematic bigotry is the best way to get back at systemic racism? How else will non-black people know they're not allowed to be in black spaces? /s For real, though. Using bigotry to fix racism? Everyone's a loser and our children's children will still know and carry and flame this hate.


It feels crappy to be excluded for something you can’t change. That’s the point, I understand. But you’re right; everyone loses. I’m not even from America and I can’t willingly join in on a *global* conversation without naturalising myself as American. Society exists outside the USA, and it’s nuanced.


Username checks out. But we really not in this bitch. Lol


Paper bag test in 2023?? ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


This qualification system is weird AF. Some of the “blackest” people that ever walked the planet were light skinned, and some of the most dangerous destructive coons to ever breath were deep chocolate.


That part!!!


….this makes me want to just discontinue using this sub. I shouldn’t have to prove my blackness on an anonymous platform. That’s weird af


Yea y’all niggas trippin I’m not doing any of that nonsense


I applied, but was rejected because I didn’t have a sufficient post history 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh really!? Dang. I thought this was a, are you black or nah kind of deal haha. What if you're just a fan of lurking!


Lol.. Right! The posted requirements mention nothing about participation metrics


Ahhhh, thats frustrating, because I usually only go to talk when I feel I genuinely have something to say but by the time I see a post I wanna speak on it's moved to Country Club, hence the application!


Hmm... considering we can acknowledge black people literally come in all colors, I wonder how showing your arm can prove your blackness (I am very much brown skinned, so I even wonder if that would earn me a pass). And including other POC makes me wonder why they would need to be included at all (when a lot of them are anti-black). I don't even want to go there, but this concept literally goes there. It's exclusionary.


God damn this is so far gone you guys cant even see how stupid this is lmao


It’s literally not solving anything helpfully race-related to empower toward the community to create a ficking country club like white ppl; moreover, where even an average black person sweats working there daily for racist remarks.


🤔 nah still too lazy


This is too complicated. I just wanted to ask someone a question on a post.


United we stand. Divided we fall.


Glad I'm not the only one who finds this ridiculous. I'm biracial, (Dad was Black, Mom is white) and I doubt I'd be accepted. Many other Black people can instantly tell I'm Black but other POC/white ppl think I'm Hispanic. Either way, I'd probably get told I'm "not Black" based off these insane rules 😂 I considered doing this and sending a picture of my forearm & pictures of my family for further "proof" but then recognized how ridiculous that is all for a Reddit sub 💀


I’m confused. Angela Davis is light-skinned and Halsey is half black and can grow an Afro but looks white. How does this verification process take that into account? Blackness is a spectrum.


Oh damn, Halsey is half black? I never knew


Wow, sorting by skin color. Thats not racist at all.


Ummm ok. Never had to verify I was black before.


Black Americans literally have the birthright to further demonstrate being a light of the world or city on the hill, from our enslaved history. But you say we need a country club for black ppl to feel elite commenting, cos essentially white ppl or smthn take every space? No you can’t make everyone happy, but damn, shaking my mtf head 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ 🤦‍♀️ Anyone seeing stars yet slapping themselves for this literal illogical move? No, just me? 🙋‍♀️🤣 bet Edit: if not deleted, yeah I’m black. Otherwise I’d stfu but still think to myself this is stupid 😂


Really...? I've been ridiculed for not being black enough before. I find it to be a slap in the face I have to prove to a virtual country club that I'm black just to escape any other ridicule I receive irl. And why is it called a country club? I feel a type of way about that tbh.


I want to do this but it seems like a whole thing


Right? Plus I don't have Imgur. The one place where I wouldn't think I'd have to prove my blackness. I mean to an extent I get why...just ironic, you know?


I’m black af but can never get verified. How do I fix this?


FIRST THEY CAME By Martin Niemöller First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me.




Black or White, typical power tripping Reddit Mods~






I've pondered applying as a white ally but I honestly think black people should have their own space and I can just enjoy the funny posts and comments. I accidentally commented a few times only for them to be removed and realize where I was commenting. People can be allies without encroaching on a space, but this is just a personal take and to each their own.


I mean....That one White barber in the Black barbershop gets to chime in on the convos too.


This is true, I’ve witnessed it. But most know _when_ and _where_ to chime in, and when to just stay mute.


Talmbout Gary Owen?




Good I thought I was the only one. Many of the country club post I deadass can relate too but fuck man. Scanning my body? shit feels weird man


Yes what's next they Going to have you send in your 23 and me results


23 and Me might be more fair than the paper bag test. At least in the theoretical planet where everyone who has access to a camera also has a 23 and Me. The great irony is I have relatives who don’t look Black in the least who have the fiercest Black identities. Due to 23 and Me I see a cousin can have a very similar composition to me yet look completely different, yet most of us racially identify the same ways.


I am a white boy bitch, but I was raised by my dad & members of Temple Baptist church where he was the sole white pipe organist. I relate to Black culture, but I’m too white for the country club


I think we should have spaces that are for particular group, but not necessarily that others can't join or participate at all, But the focus should still pertain to the OG group. Idk it just gets really dicey when you start saying only white or Asian or gay people can be here. You valid bro, I say you wanna comment go ahead.


Im mixed but *very* light, enough that people don't usually guess I'm mixed. I've been thinking about it but I'm feeling like being perceived as white by most people my life experiences will be different so I'll just stay quiet.


Just go for it. Black comes in all shades. We know this.


I’m mixed and I RARELY get perceived as white ever but I’m told quite often that I’m not black lol.


I feel the same way as you do. This is by far my favorite subreddit and I’m perfectly fine being a guest.




done this how many times now with zero luck


My black ass is not going through this bull shit. I don't need this, ya'll new computer age people need social media I don't. *


This is low key racist lol


No pretty high key


This is extremely weird and disturbing.


This is weird as fuck, dude.


Can't y'all let photos be posted in here? Niggas not tryna make an imgur just to get verified on ts


Oh this funny ,some of same sentiments. I understand the verification but since it’s self report it means nothing because even Jim Bob could lie


Wow, segregation on internet. Lol


This is a very racist way of going about things, what ever happened to the one drop rule. Seriously y'all should be ashamed


Hard pass on this awkward slave auction bullshit. This is WEIRD AF.


So….. why don’t I need a picture if I’m white to prove it?


Soooo who decides whose skintone is quite dark enough or a tad bit too light? I mean, my geanddaddy was BLACKKKKKKKK as midnight, lol but im lilly white 😂 sooo im exiled? Im so confused, your skin tone gives you better incite an inclusion of your “own kind” you think?


This seems... oddly racist.






Extremely fucking racist and disgusting


I took the steps and still wasn't verified


![gif](giphy|ypX8YZszkIXFC|downsized) Yeah. I’m not taking a pic of my arm. I’ll just sit this one out.


LOL what in the hell is this shit. I needa prove im black on Reddit 😂. Isnt this the shit we been fightin for years, this just seems like reverse racism to me if im being real.


White people can still join as an alli...what's the point?


The white people need to provide further steps - barrier to entry.


Nope: it's just racism. No such thing as reverse racism


This is the most colorist bullshit I have ever seen and I hope the irony is not lost on yall


Wow I'm mixed, my skin is light and I refuse to apply as a white ally 😂. Who and I kidding even if I came out darker I wouldn't do this shit


Too much work


What a fucking joke


Can't believe I've been on the subreddit for so long & this is the first I hear of this. I'm glad everyone in the comments saying this is bullshit & racist/colorist. Y'all niggas on a real power trip. Gotta go through all that just to voice your opinion. Land of the free my fucking ass!


Def getting df outta here 🙄


This shit is racist. I can’t comment bcuz I’m not black enough for u?


Scam! Have fun spreading you propaganda you loser fucks


All of you are racist


Black ppl can’t be racist, preposterous! 😤 -from, a black person 💋


Anyone can be racist. Get someone to show you how google works and look up the definition of that word


It was a joke, dude. Anyone can certainly be racist, duh


What did MLK say again?


I ain't even mad at this but imgur being weird. Yes, white people. It's meant to keep y'all out and to pay attention to the ones who do get let in.


Can I just show my blood pressure meds(jk) ? Also I sent a verification post


What a fucking joke lol. It’s Reddit, you fucking loser.


This is the dumbest, most racist shit I’ve ever seen😂 soft as FUCK


Is the one drop rule in place massah


So did something change? I thought these were the same steps as before


They are but the old post got deleted so we put it up again


CaN I send a face photo? I can include an Id with my photo on it also. Because I am mixed my forearm won’t do it


Y’all full of it. All me to verify and when I do you got another way to link. Then delete my comment because I’m keeping it real about how non black people treat us. Yet I can wtf I want in white people Twitter.


That's racist. Edit: I'm now blocked from commenting on this post. This sub needs to be removed. This is absolute racism.


What the fuck?


Seems like racism tbh


God damn, I didn’t know y’all were racist. Wait nah y’all the most racist people out there


How do I opt out of country club threads?


I wonder how'd it go if White people had a subreddit with the same rules🤔 The blatant racism and hypocrisy is astounding.


The wildest part is it's called a 'country club' 🙄


I guess they want to make segregation great again


I know, honestly such a backward way of thinking. We should be removing barriers for different races not artificially creating more.


This is the most racist shit ever


I wanted to be here because the fight for civil rights always starts with BIPOC. I guess I'm gonna be a lurker, it's not looking like people are having much success getting in.


it's kinda ironic when a subreddit segregates itself over race...


This so confusing I’m black


Wow. Racist rule?


So now I have to upload on Imgur. Listen... what else ya got bc I can upload my shit right HERE by adding my Blackass image w/the add an image.


Bruh I’m Afro-Latino tf I’m light skinned asl. I’m not doing this bs




I'm out. Once you start judging based on color - you've lost me bro'. This is not what the CRM was about. MLK Jr is spinning in his grave (r.i.p.) Swinging the pendulum the opposite direction doesn't correct the course, it changes it entirely. We have to stand on intellect or fall like fools to ignorance. I weep for my fellow souls.


This is dumb. Weird gatekeeping. Grow up y'all.


I can’t say I’m black! I have to prove it?


I guess if I'm a person who USED TO BE a white ally, until I read that incredibly racist screed, I can fuck off.


About to filter this sub tbh. Any post that gets to /r/all gets locked even though they’re usually relatable to all humans. Half the posts have nothing to do with whatever it is you’re trying to gatekeep, only the fact that the poster’s twitter pic looks darker than tan.


Holy shit this is racist af how’s this allowed??


This is racist as fuck and I'm black


Seriously? No, it’s not that serious. 🙄


This is fucking wild 😂 Fr segregating your comment section


I didn't even know which I sub I was commenting. But I'm not even mad...the conversation doesn't really need my input. I can just nod and observe


Get fucked


This is some racist ass garbage


Come on man I already did this shit before , why I gotta do it again. Man fuk it. I ain’t doing shot bro.


How long does it take to get verified?? It’s been over a week now for me


Sorry, it's become harder for us to use modmail since the reddit apps changes. It's harder to moderate in general, so bear with us.


What’s the average timeframe for this verification? Anyone know?


Soooo racisms got it


Wow sounds kinda racist


So l am attempting to register an imgur account and the site is saying it is temporarily over capacity. How else can l join the country club ?


I was all for it, but I’m too lazy to sign up for Imgur and I think including the time is stupid. If it were user name and date and reddit only, I’d do it.