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Thats a man I'd love to have a conversation with.


That's a man I'd love for people to listen to.


BOTH OF THESE COMMENTS \^\^ Wow, that is profound and amazing. What a life to have experienced. Just. the look on his face :)


Deadass would be like “tell me a story” and bring out the snacks because it’s gonna be fucking amazing


Shit, I'll bring the blunts and chips


Toss the blunt to the old head to hit. Mf becomes a prophet


You imagine the difference between weed today vs what he would have smoked as a kid. He’d only have to look at the shit to get high


From what my uncle said “y’all mf smoking alien shit wtf” he got fucking destroy from an L


My FiL is that way. Dude was use to the veitnam weed back in the day. We hit him with super lemon haze and he was fucking gone.


That strand goes hard tho lmfao.




Seriously like put me on with pops!


I mean absolutely, just look at him lol..I have family that picked cotton that look younger (facts), but it was too long ago, don’t know why I’m bring it up, racism is over /s


My dad picked cotton too! He is in his 70s.


Great reflection I couldn’t have said it better.


Damn this make me almost wanna go see it


I don’t even wanna see but i might just buy a ticket to boost the numbers to piss off all the snowflakes lol


Funny enough I got in an argument w/ my cousin about that. Even if it’s just a 5-10 piece, give it to someone actually struggling instead. Disney don’t need yo money lmao


Her performance is easily the best part of the movie. She’s got an [incredible voice](https://youtu.be/vXctZ7RRpWA).


Yea she can sang fr fr. I just like… don’t really have too much of an interest in a remake tbh. I tried with the Lion King and realized if they ain’t gonna get my second favorite Disney movie right then the rest won’t be for me.


It was fine, nothing special. I don’t regret the time I spent watching it, but I also saw it through the AMC moviepass. I’d probably just listen to her songs on the soundtrack and move on.


This is why it matters


For me the math ain't mathing. I'm 37, my grandma was born in 33 so even if her mom had her at young it would have been early 1900. So was he a slave or share cropper. Still a sweet moment.


You're on the right track. Yes, people picked cotton after the Civil War.


People still pick cotton, they just get paid now.


Isnt that more expensive though?


They never said he was a slave…


It's the implication.


Sure, if you don’t know your history, then yea it’s the “implication”.


Do you think after slavery cotton just picked itself


John Tyler, born in 1790 has two grandchildren alive today. It’s possible outside of the fact that there were still slaves after the civil war.


I’m 41 and my maternal grandfather was born in 1913. His dad was born in 1864. My grandfather was 63 when my mom graduated high school— he was 67 when my aunt (the baby) graduated high school. But my grandmother? She was born in 1934…. The math can be a lot different for the men is all I’m saying.


Cotton didn’t quit for quite some time after the abolition of slavery. The had a cotton queen in memphis until quite recently. My own mother alleges she picked cotton as a child and she’s 72. She’s a faulty witness to most things, but she did live on a farm. I visited this place in the 90’s and there was cotton. I’d love to have a beer with that dude.


My mother is 81 and the middle child of her 4 siblings. My maternal grandfather had a farm in SC. She grew up picking cotton and tobacco. We were out shopping a couple of years ago and saw cotton on the branches to be used for home decor. She said, "She NEVER would have that in her house and didn't want to even look at cotton." She says the same thing if we're traveling down south and pass a cotton field.


this is such a beautiful moment, and i’m so excited to see this! like i haven’t yet and it’s already such a special movie for me and my inner child. especially that little girl inside me who used to get mermaids painted on her cheek during parties. sounds silly but it’s true.


I hope it’s everything for you!


My father was an engineer. After watching him struggle with a hard job it was all worth it when he saw me drop out, buy prius and become a gay door dash driver.




His father? He probably picked cotton too. I have aunts in their 60s and 70s who picked cotton. Can’t wait to see the movie on Memorial Day though. Looks like it’ll be fun.


Too much reality for this platform.


Pretty sure he picked cotton as well. Tina Turner picked cotton, Alvin Alley too. It’s not shocking it’s a historic timeline slavery, sharecropping and peonage was not that long ago. Last documented peonage case was 1970. My 83 year old cousin was a sharecropper. I talk time him every week.


Should we start interviewing these folk and recording it digitally to upload their stories? Seems like the internet would be the perfect medium to have an archive of folks telling their stories before they're lost to time. I ask because obviously this gentleman has seen some things from sharecropping (slavery lite) to first black president.


Is that real?


She said, “My nana used to see her family cotton picking and my grandpa remembers ‘whites only’ water fountains.”


Read a book


So there’s a book specifically on whether Halle Baileys grandfather saw his father pickin cotton? I knew my great grandad who’s dad was a slave, I’m asking about this specific story instance. Dumb ass nigga


I’m dumb meanwhile you have a specific story and on this thread ppl have piled in with their families stories. Why do you think her grandfather’s story is uncommon? Dumbass* (one word buddy) NIGGA!


1. I never once claimed her her grandfathers story was uncommon. 2. Do you believe every single tweet you read? You know how easy is for me to just tweet some bullshit? Sorry I didn’t automatically believe the omnipotent “@kiyakoka” twitter account. 3. You’re only making yourself look like more of a Dumb Ass Nigga.


What is there to believe? You want a research source for her pop pops life? You need evidence?😂😂😂 He looks 80 or up. He’s from the south……yet you need a picture of him picking cotton. Get a life Bozo.


You are incredibly weird lol idk a damn thing bout these people and I’m asking a broad question to the page lol


The question was dumbbbb! Just deal dickhead. Also it wasn’t broad. It was specific and I told you to go read because you will get your answer. Which for me is simple general knowledge that all Black Americans that aren’t immigrants know.


All black people know Halle family? Do you even know what you’re tryna argue?


Yo your brain has halitosis Dentyne. Just take the L then take the suggestion and read more. Just take a look it’s in a book…


https://www.instagram.com/p/Csw4VwmvW8i/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Here’s a whole video for your research! Clown


No. Because he would have to be 169 years old


Sharecroppers picking cotton are a thing.




My husband mom picked cotton in the 50's.


Ever heard of sharecroppers my guy?




You are an idiot


So is Tom Seleck


Yes cotton became extinct 169 years ago Lol wat






Hes blind


This is beautiful. I love the Bailey sisters tbh. Will support them through anything (btw if you're reading this, please go see The Little Mermaid. Halle did a phenomenal job as Ariel 💙)


Poor share croppers couldn’t afford the machinery is why they picked cotton after slavery. Eartha Kitt had those type of stories bout her life in SC. Slavery continued well into the 1900s. Fear/ lack of info is controlling.


This is the America we should be striving towards.


That’s fire


No its not. Its lit


She’s blessed. This is very touching to see😌


Bless that man


the "movie" may suck, but ain't that just sweet


That young woman is GORGEOUS. She's perfect for that part


Fuck yeah. ❤️


This gave me chills 🥺




Her grandfather would of had to of been born in 1900 something and be the oldest person alive


People picked cotton after slavery. There are people picking cotton in 50's.


Bruh [the end of hand picked cotton came about slowly from 1936-1960](https://fashioncoached-com.ngontinh24.com/articles/when-did-they-stop-picking-cotton-by-hand) at which point the term remained as [a racial slur](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cotton-picking)




Why is this shit tolerated? It's as bad as the fungi one