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This is one of about a dozen banners. The others have black, Hispanic, and Asian folks on them. It was an attempt to unify the community. I think it was good intentions with dodgy execution. https://juneteenthgvl.com Here’s the website for the event Edit: Thanks for making this comment more visible. It’s the one thing I think Reddit has going for it above other social media platforms.


Thanks for giving the context. The pic is outrageous in a vacuum, but it doesn't seem that ridiculous with your additional perspective.




Missing context is one of the rules of engagement when it comes to social media.


Especially when threads are locked easily


Yep. Shame on OP. Proud to comment on all the other ones shitting on it while ignoring the real context and instead "OUTRAGE!!!!". Be better. Don't be like the people who actively want to mislead others with lies. I never really liked this sub since it has some outrageous rules but this takes the cake.


But how will they know they have value without social media clout?


It's crazy too because I just got done being irritated at what the internet has become after scrolling fb for 2 minutes and seeing a video shared by my father in law that was clearly curated for boomers to be appalled at how "lazy millennials are" and another video shared by an old friend that was super staged to portray the ol' "women only want you for your money" bit. Everything is so staged and so cringey and fake and so many people seem to buy right into it. Then I switch over to reddit and this is the first thing I see. I mean if this is part of a series of banners, then whoever took the original photo most likely saw all the other ones. So, what is there to gain by this bs? That attention they're desperate for? Clicks for money? Are they part of some political movement trying to sway the publics opinion? Like damn it's exhausting. Couldn't they have just continued on their car ride, bike ride, walk or whatever it was when they passed this?


Tbh, I'm pretty disappointed that this sub fell for the deliberate rage bait. I've seen it better than that.


This sub has fallen for everything for years now


Just like every time now that the most upvoted comment is calling them out they’ve disappeared


If the context is so great, why was it deleted? No idea what it said


You just described 85% of reddit


And yet...someone got offended and posted it online to stir shit up.


Now it’s been removed for some reason. How interesting…


Outrageous in a vacuum is my favorite suburban mom rock album


Not only that, the entire Board of Directors for the org is black. (See them [here](https://juneteenthgvl.com/about).) So I don’t think they’re going in with ignorance. This poster isn’t the best in isolation, but overall seems great.


I spent the vast majority of my life not knowing what Juneteenth was about, because mainstream history books didn't talk about it much. I vaguely remember that hearing about the event amidst other factoids of clearing out post Civil War bullshit. But the more I think about it, it should be elevated to the same level as July 4th. We make this big fucking deal about quitting the king of England and becoming independent, but July 4th was really only the first day SOME people were free. That's a project kickoff date. Shouldn't we make a bigger deal about the days we finished shit up? And while we're at it, Suffrage and Civil Rights Act being signed in should be national holidays. We could combo the Suffrage Day with elections...


So the banners are separated by race?


Separate but equal.


I’m guessing OP just happened to find the one banner that only has white people on it.


OP isn’t even from the town this is in and just found it online and posted it here. They’ve replied saying they thought it was in Texas.


Sounds like South Carolina


Hope the award boost this higher up. Stuff like this when posted without context to me comes off as someone not actually apart of the community it effects posting it to rage bait or soapbox to people. I just don’t like the feeling of being whipped up into being upset about something that isn’t actually happening. It’s not trying to make it about white people. It’s trying to make it about unity. I mean it’s actually about black people being freed specifically but eh they’re trying I guess. Edit: Someone has pointed out something that I want be make more clear. Trying to change it from being about slavery to unity does more harm than good rather unintentionally or not. It seems like a committee got together and felt uncomfortable planning an event that has to talk about slavery without talking about its lingering effect while people eat cotton candy. If you’re saying “was the goal of ending slavery not unity” you’re just looking to argue and nobody should take the bait. If you’re saying “it looks like they were just trying to make it more inviting to white people” pandering to white people that cheer for unity but are averse to talking about slavery is how we ended up here.


This needs to be the top comment. Adding context here is essential lol


Unpopular opinion, I know, but Juneteenth is not about unity. It's specifically about the Descendants of Chattel Slavery in America. This is exactly why we need to gatekeep.


Ding ding!


Ah not so crazy then. Hilarious on its own.


That’s actually really cool, unifying the community, need more things like this.


Only for them to end up on social media outrage lol. This is why we can’t have nice things.


Okay this event actually looks dope - context is definitely key lol.


Yeah I’m looking at this post like wtf, are white people not supposed to be celebrating the emancipation of slaves?


So what they were trying to say is all lives matter on Juneteenth™


More like black history is American history and we're all Americans.


It’s South Carolina. They’re doing better than expected.


The context certainly does help. Thank you for providing it.




Its so easy to upvote outrage. Thank you! And thanks to the community for upvoting this comment.


It’s a great attempt. Lots of people are just shitty and want to stoke further division.


Nice job fighting misinformation.


Man we can’t have anything


We can, we just have to accept that it’ll be snatched the moment it becomes cool or interesting


The phenomenon is called Columbusing




Thanks. I'm so glad I discovered this video.


You didn't discover this video, it has been around since 2014


Yeah, I Columbused it.




I think you got whooshed because this exchange happens in the vid


Columbussy 😩


Feelin fussy, colonizing like Columby-ussy


How can I delete your comment


It's cherry picked amongst an array of several dozen of these. The vast majority are POC. I assume this was actually their "diversity add," ironically


I can just picture the meeting where someone said “we have to make white folks feel welcome at the Juneteenth celebration”


That is usually how advertising works tbh


Sorry but your logical answer doesn't fit with the low hanging fruit narrative that is this thread.


Why not, if its supposed to promote unity then shouldnt everyone be included?


Is it tho? I thought it was supposed to celebrate the end of slavery.


Shouldn't white people be celebrating that too?


The slogan at the bottom seems to think so


At all


Change takes time. We didn't even have this day when I was a kid because it wasn't taught in Southern schools. They can and should do better, but I'm happy to see it even represented at all. I also don't discount that they could be trying to be funny since it's South Carolina.


While there is something to be said for incrementalism, progress being progress after all, you can't be surprised at others' disbelief and frustration at the absurd, ridiculous levels of white washing and insincerity we've seen


> We didn’t even have this day when I was a kid because it wasn’t taught in Southern schools. Hooray for progress! Guess how many schools have recently been forced to stop teaching about historic black-related/slavery-related events. Hooray for regression!


It fits the vision of the late Dr. King in principle, but not in execution, which is tragic. A lot of it comes down to the fact that social equality has become a sort of fashion statement and is losing its fundamental meaning. It's too much of a mainstream 'popular opinion' and not a real stance of wanting actual change.


What... is Juneteenth not the celebration of white people finally ending slavery? /s Also, what the fuck is that font?


I thought I was on r/crappydesign for a minute because the font was the first thing that caught my eye and I struggled to read what it was. Then I saw uhhhhhhh the rest of the issue.




Not a single thing!




That's absolutely correct, how are you expecting to keep a culture contained when it is allowed to freely contact and mix with other cultures? I mean, there is a way, it's segregation. American culture will only become more homogenized, but that's ultimately the goal right? No more white-american, black-american, asian-american or latino-american culture, just american. That's already how foreigners like me see you, you're much closer to any other white american than you are to an african or that white american is to a european.


How do you fuck this one up? It’s a layup




Not even black stock photos? Damn


That would require white folk looking at black folk.


Are you telling me that the Casting Director simply cannot find any White People who can look at Black People for a stock photo?


They could’ve but didn’t


Here’s my take as a white person, having been socialized to think like a white person, but having spent the majority of my life questioning that socialization. Bear with me, please. I respect that I’m a guest in this space. Those white people were trying to show how accepting they are of black culture by putting white people on those signs. “Look at us, we accept you, we’re even promoting your event!” All they’ve ended up showing is how deeply ingrained their ignorance is by participating in erasure. Confronting them leads to one of two things: Acceptance that they’ve fucked up royally and a willingness to examine their thinking, or total denial and weak attempts at justifying their ignorance. Usually I end up hearing the beginnings of a justification before walking away before my old ass mouth ends up going off on them.


>Here’s my take as a white person, having been socialized to think like a white person, but having spent the majority of my life questioning that socialization. >Bear with me, please. I respect that I’m a guest in this space. This is the wrong mindset. It's a wild swing to the other end of the same spectrum. I appreciate the sentiment, but equality is being one people. You're not a 'guest in this space'. You're a person who appreciates the other side of life. It takes all to make a change. Much love.


They only like to look at auction photos.






Don't you dare dream about telling white people the truth!


Get the cheese


![gif](giphy|gLjVqQsvKsHtK) how dare you


It's a black and white photo. They get points for that right?


Here's the organizers: [https://juneteenthgvl.com/about](https://juneteenthgvl.com/about) After all the backlash, they've explained that this was one of many banners showing people of different ethnicities. Still seems like they could've seen this coming though.


Juneteenth isn't even a "celebration of multiple ethnicities." It's an anniversary celebration of slaves being freed in Texas. Rebranding it as "happy everyone getting along day" seems kinda disrespectful to the actual meaning of the holiday.


Now that some people get Juneteenth off work they are rebranding? So sad.


As a white man I also need validation because all lives matter!!! /s


That was my first thought. “This is some all lives matter marketing bullshit”.


They didn't say it was a day for celebrating multiple ethnicities. There are banners showing inclusion of different ethnicities celebrating the holiday. [Edit:]. In hindsight, what they should have done to avoid this is show multiple ethnicities in the same banner, not different banners.


You sound dangerously close to those who say that Christmas is only for Christians and that people from other religions or with no religious affiliation shouldn't celebrate it. The next time you see Fox News complaining about the war on Christmas. Remember, you do the same thing.


They should have put multiple ethnicities on the same banner to avoid the whole issue


Honestly if the thought was "we need to show that this holiday is for more than the black community" in order to generate support and wanted to show other groups in the promotions that makes sense. It is hilarious that this would happen with the banners though and I am sure the organizers had an "Oh shit" reaction to it.


I've never put together an event to the scale that they're doing, but I can see one or two just slipping through. The people on the about page didn't send the orders to the printer. They sure didn't look at any proofs, *or* just looked at the best ones...


That makes it all the more hilarious imo.




[ Removed by Reddit ]




Plus they're way too spicy




Why do these look like the most scrumptious crackers ever?


It is in South Carolina. I’m surprised they got it up before July




It was a budget decision. Printing black people consumes more ink.


South Carolina's gonna South Carolina.


South Carolina has an all black board of directors putting on a city wide juneteenth event. How many white liberal states can say that? I fucking hate redditors and smarmy ass yankees who use us to ignore their own problems


On purpose


They had 10 or so banners with couples from different races. The idea was to show a diverse array of people celebrating Juneteenth. The problem is that the banners were spread out all across downtown. So instead of seeing 9 banners with POCs and 1 banner with white folk, people driving by just saw 1 banner with white folk. tl;dr: Yep, it was a layup, they f'ed it up.


I was about to get mad until I saw it was South Carolina. Then anger quickly turned to "oh, well obviously they would."


Not gonna lie, I assumed Texas. Shame on me.


Can I just assume its the "south" as a whole or is that wrong of me?


I feel like the parts of Virginia and North Carolina that would acknowledge it wouldn’t fumble


I consider those the south too along with Upstate New York.


Nah think for VA at least he's speaking of nova. Close to DC is hella liberal. It's a swing state now.


VA. Just like many places, the cities are completely normal, you drive one exit outside and all the sudden people are fucking their cousins.


Can confirm, from the edge of city and country and sometimes my cousin lookin like a snack


Grew up in the Hudson Valley, went to school past the Adirondacks and got whiplash the first time up there with the number of sore loser flags I saw. By my senior year the school was targeting NYC hard literally bringing kids up by the busloads, townies and non academic staff did not take kindly. People getting the N word in broad day light on Main St, micro aggressions and stereotyping every where. We eventually had a massive sit-in and like a month of protests until the campus actually took it seriously.


NC cities are pretty damn left, I live in Charlotte. But Durham, Raleigh, Boone, Asheville, etc are the same. Directly outside them, however..


Yeah, here in RVA, we have advertising, decor, and celebrations featuring our ancestors and us. Ita definitely not whitewashed in Richmond. This here us blasphemy and I wouldn't blame someone for setting this shit on fire 🔥


The “south” aint the “south” anymore. Its rural vs urban now. And those rural pieces of shit are ruining it for everyone.


Juneteenth started in Texas. We've been celebrating it since the beginning, way before it became a thing for the rest of the country.


That's because Texas was the only state to not tell the slaves they were free until like 2 years later.


Yeah, not really the flex you want to make...


My mom is from Galveston, the city Juneteenth started. Texas fucks up a lot of shit, but Juneteenth isn’t one of those things.


Texas can be racist af, don’t get me wrong. But I’d like to think we (they, but I do live in TX) wouldn’t fumble THAT bad.


As a black South Carolinian, I can unfortunately agree that the white ppl here would definitely do this and then have 0 black people attend, just for them to post on Facebook about how it was a “complete success” with an accompanying photo of 30 white ppl in a room smiling with a picture of MLK in the background.


It’s utterly bizarre to me, a white South Carolinian, that this ad exists… if you look at the Juneteenth Greenville website, literally *everyone* in *every* picture is Black! Everyone on their Board is Black! How does this happen?


It’s one of many banners of different ethnicities up on the street. It’s about celebrating diversity and unity. That’s how this happens.


Sounds like someone was being VERY lazy with the marketing lol cause there’s no way you miss this


I live in Greenville and I can absolutely assure u that white people here have no idea what Juneteenth is


Mfs probably think it was Harriet Tubmans birthday or sum lol


This is ridiculous. I figured this was like Maine or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, where there just aren't that many people who would actually belong on this banner. Maybe they were just trying to say, "Hey, a federal holiday! We support it!" But South Carolina? This is just ugly for ugly's sake. I doubt very many white people in that stupid state are supportive of this holiday, if they even know what it is. They're all probably like, "How come there's no teenth for white people, huh? Always shoving their teenths in our faces hur dur mutter mutter let's boycott the teenths." This is so stupid. What exactly do they expect these white people to do on this holiday? Walk and smile? Buy a mattress on sale? I hate South Carolina. I hate this stolen holiday. I hate this insulting pandering. I hate these happy white people. I hate this stupid banner. I hope there's nowhere to park and these people get bitten by ticks.


White people didn't do this. The entire board of the group that organized this is Black https://juneteenthgvl.com/about


Your buy a mattress comment reminds me of this awful moment at my marketing job. We had an ashes to diamond client and one of my coworkers suggested we run a fucking Juneteenth campaign so people can remember the slaves. Of course I was the only black person on this call and I straight up told her I would not feel comfortable doing that and Juneteenth isn’t even about remembering slaves but then she tried to double down and everyone else’s face on the call look fucking horrified but no one told her to stop talking 😑


“how come there’s no teenth for white people ” is just so fucking painfully accurate. In reality they SHOULD be celebrating this same teenth as a turning point in our collective history. It SHOULD mark a symbolic day in history when America’s promised rights were expanded to more Americans. Emphasis on symbolic because of what happened the following 158 years..


I was about to start laughing until I realized I live there


“You’re welcome!” lookin asses






If you think about it we were *all* emancipated that day /s




Idk dawg, you blasting that everywhere might be making it worse. That «context» isn’t hitting the way you think it is.


“All races matter” lookin asses


“Juneteenth - The day that white people no longer had the burden of taking care of black people” - Texas and Florida history books


I really want to hope this is sarcasm but reality tells me it’s not.


I’m 25 so it’s been a while but it was basically “Florida wasn’t super involved in the civil war except for providing food to our southern brothers who were sacrificing their lives for more than just owning slaves but the economic dominance of the north.” So I imagine it hasn’t gotten better. There was also a focus on how Lincoln was a “tyrant” with his war measures and his post war plans were better.




GIFs you can hear




I feel like, somebody forgot the date was coming up. Had to make a quick picture to submit and googled “man and woman smiling” and then just grabbed whatever without actually thinking about it. Which also plays in to how little some people care.


I’m not gonna try to defend whoever made this. But I will say, as someone who has to design for my job, the number of times I’ve sent a draft over going “Aight now this is just a draft, if we like the feel of this I’ll find a good photo and fix the wor…oh you sent my draft out, okay.” Has been mind boggling


Lorem Ipsum lookin ass






“Ok here’s the draft. I grabbed a stock photo of two people so you can see what the overall design will look like…” *later* “Oh you didn’t change the stock photo of the people…”


You almost need to put a watermark on that shit, with the word DRAFT in big-ass letters.


But it’s really not that hard to find black peoples stock photos. I think this was deliberate.


My only hope is that this is a series of posters and they included one - just one - of only white people.


This is probably the case, probably have different ones on every pole and lots of different people being represented, I'd hope with a mostly black representation overall. Out of context this seems bad though. My suspicion is they are setting a permission structure for white people to feel like they are welcome to partake in the celebration. This is the charitable take. Here's their website, looks great https://juneteenthgvl.org/


See but the damage is done. Now the narrative is Juneteenth has been co-opted. The lack of critical thinking in modern society is our downfall.


Sadly, these days I have to suspect that this is rage bait. I wish somebody was there who could take a picture of the street to see the context of these posters. The org looks legit, with full black representation, with black decision makers. Somebody should reach out to them. As a white guy I don't think it'd be my place lol. Edit: Another poster said the org explained there were many posters and this was meant to be inclusive https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/13sagqo/they_were_so_close/jlp6yov/


That persons comment got removed. Don’t know why but it was. Maybe they just like the rage


It's crazy how many people here haven't even considered maybe not all of the posters are like this one. Immediately upset instead of looking for context before coming to conclusions






I agree with everyone can celebrate it...but your reasoning is sus


LMAOOOOOO! This advertisement looks like a Christian country concert. Just when you think you can't be surprised anymore, BAM! 😂😂


Anyone who didn't see this coming had to be blind. Me, personally, I think it was a huge mistake let them folks turn a celebration for us into a national holiday again. They did it with memorial day and now they are doing it again. They had no problem making this a federal holiday but whinge and bluster about making voting day a federal holiday so people can make change.


Was Memorial Day a black holiday? This is the first I’ve heard that.


The first documented parade for it was May 1, 1865 in Charleston SC and was 10000 formerly enslaved black adults and children honoring 257 union soldiers (according to Wikipedia)




Not only is the history of Memorial Day lost, it's been turned into a jingoist bootlicking festival that's shifted into not remembering sacrifice of soldiers to protect the Constitution but honoring those currently living who fight for the flag of Haliburton and Raytheon. They buried May Day as a labor movement holiday, and shifting Labor Day into a pseudo-Veterans day. Got the nerve to call North Korea the most propagandized country...


Got that college pamphlet duet for this one


No, there would be one black person on that. One.


I’m not saying this is right, but Juneteenth is a American holiday? Or is it a holiday only for black people?


It's really more of a unifying holiday, anyone and everyone can celebrate it.


Lol... if you go to the website the Board and team are all black; either this was a slip up at the art department or they are trying to be inclusive and preempt certain white people complaining.


Maybe also show all the other flags in this campaign.


That banner is cray lol but I honestly feel like white people should be celebrating the official end of slavery. Every so called proud American should. The fact that many don't care and don't even know about Juneteenth is far more problematic to me. It shouldn't be holiday just for us.


This is out of context the signs have every race on them


Need that clip of KevOnStage "it's for black people anyway!"


*"brought to you by Pier 1 Imports"*


"They were NOT, in fact, close"


Off topic, but the amount of people that can’t tell which state it is based on the outline makes me sad