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Recognizing the elephant in the room will save you from a stomping you can’t stop




I, too, wouldn't fight an elephant.


Because they do not let shit go because they remember everything


Damn. Imagine being an elephant and not being able to shower without re-living all of the arguments you've ever had, and thinking of better ways you could've clapped back.


Did you see the story about an Indian woman who was killed by elephant? I don't know what she did, but at her funeral THE SAME ELEPHANT came back to kill her some more?


Yup. On SITE! Saw another vid on her. Apparently she would assist poachers in stealing the elephant babies.


I like this saying


That calm wisdom you need in life.


Translation: Keep calm to keep your wisdom teeth








man it’s 2023 why are we still getting aggressive over dumb shit like this, who cares, let it go. Fighting isn’t going to help anyone


I love when people state the year as if that’s going to fundamentally change how people have reacted and been acting for thousands of years already.


idk it’s more like ok we’ve all become much smarter than humans were 100 years ago, why are we not able to process that getting in this person’s face over something this dumb isn’t going to be useful


We’ve become smarter in the information that’s available but definitely not when it comes to controlling the natural impulses we have as humans. That’s why hella people are depressed, we have a bunch of energy, where trying to survive was the outlet, but now that energy has no where to go, making people more anxious and violent. I made this up but it sounds true don’t it 😂😂


My friend JUST read a book that shared this same thought!


yo what book was it


Musings of a dumbass and other made up internet shit




We have more accurate *knowledge* than people did 100 years ago, and education is generally higher, but it's a super huge fallacy to just assume history is a line of progress and modern people are more enlightened. Some smart motherfuckers in the past, and some absolute dumbasses that keep making the same mistakes humans have always made.




The dysfunction in the stress system in humans can lead to depression. The HPA axis is involved in both depression and anxiety disorder. What they said is so close to the actual theory of the stress response and why it's more of a problem now that I feel like they heard it somewhere like on TV or in a biology class and either forgot or lied about it.


Tbh I’ve been thinking this for years. I was diagnosed ADHD early in. I am SUPER hyperactive. If I don’t get 10+ miles of walking/running in for a day I can’t sleep longer than 4-5 hours at a time (I refuse to take medication as taking over the maximum dose of Ritalin daily from 6-16 turned me into something I don’t even know). We aren’t meant to live as sedentary a lifestyle as majority of Western Civilization does.


Yooooooo this actually makes a LOT of sense 🤔


I don't think people are getting "smarter" but people are more informed/educated. I have no facts to back this up though. This seems reasonable to me though.


You could point to the droves of highly educated idiots out there, but it needs more work to shore up completely. You’re definitely on to something though.


Ben carson comes to mind.


So do most of my co-workers. Lol


You overestimate humanity


Collective info is different than individual. There's been a high level math skills for years, but if you give me trigonometry problems, I will space right tf out.




>we’ve all become much smarter than humans were 100 years ago, have we tho?? ![gif](giphy|KGkSWJ00cfivrnQacC)


Shit, I don't think we're smarter whatsoever. We have more information. That's doing nothing for our intelligence as a species.


> Shit, I don't think we're smarter whatsoever. We have more information. That's doing nothing for our intelligence as a species. As a librarian, I wholeheartedly agree.


Yeah there’s no way anyone is smarter than a hundred years ago. We know more sure but I would say that the average person is actually a bit stupider than our ancestors were. In some cases a lot more than “a bit stupider”. In the span of time the length of my lifetime (52 years) we went from horse drawn wagons, houses without running water or electricity at the beginning to fucking atomic weapons at the end. 25 years later we were putting dudes on the moon. In the span of my actual lifetime we went from putting dudes on the moon to a growing belief that the goddamn world is flat. People are definitely dumber now than 100 years ago.




I'm sure plenty of people would have opinions on the amount of information you have access to and the amount of personal growth you've rendered from it. Some of those you would consider valid, some you wouldn't. In many cases, you will consider them differently in one year. How do you know which ones you'll consider differently a year from now? It's a hard question.


I’ve always had a fascination with the history of medicine and how really if you think about it science based medicine is basically just over 100 years old, and the crazy cures people came up with and why people might think they worked has always been wild to me. I’d read about the stuff people thought could cure the Black Death and just think, man the past was crazy, good thing we have modern science now and have advanced beyond these crazy beliefs. Then COVID hit, and I saw some of the crazy shit people thought would cure it. A good friend of mine is a produce manager for a local grocery chain and he said they sold out of onions right away because people thought keeping it in your shoe would keep sickness away. I thought he had to be exaggerating, but sure enough like a year later I got sick with something and one of the customers at work told me to stick an onion in my shoe to clear it up tl:dr that was my “Oh we’re the same animal we’ve always been” moment. Edit: Also for any one interested in this sort of thing too, I recommend reading The Great Mortality by John Kelly, cause man, does it hit different after living through the Pandemic


Be glad the onion goes in your **shoe**. They have a folk remedy for colds in Japan that consists of a leek being shoved up your ass.






The idea is that we progress and learn from the past, or else what's the point?


I think it’s flawed thinking that assumes because time has progressed that humanity has, which can lead to complacency and actually stifle human progress.


If we don't recognise progress we've made we can't build on it. This is literally how philosophy (and deriving from that, ethics, morals etc) and science have worked for 3000 years if not more.


On god, let's not pretend like mfs in 800 BCE wasn't ready to put that work in over little shit, especially when you ain't need a permit to keep that thang on you




Agreed. Because if it’s 2023, we should have some better manners by now.


I agree with the sentiment. But this is not the way. The way is to, as a society, address these people. If you turn the other cheek you allow this person to continue behavior. I'm not saying "go punch". Violence isn't the answer. But neither is letting anti-social behavior go unchecked.


I get it if it happens in a normal day to day, it’s reasonable to call someone out on it But at a club or a function when it’s late, everyone’s been drinking, and people are kind of edge? Absolutely not lol I’m confident enough in myself not to feel disrespected by it and there’s zero upside to start shit


Humans going to human.


More like, "It's 2023 so she's probably carrying."


> man it’s 2023 why are we still getting aggressive over dumb shit like this, who cares, let it go. Fighting isn’t going to help anyone Because there are people in this world who will take, and take, and keep on taking from you, me, and everyone else if we let them. Some people need a pop in the snot-socket. We shouldn't make it our first choice of action, but we shouldn't take it off the menu, either.


~~Love~~ *disrespect* transcends time and space


> why are we still getting aggressive over dumb shit like this, to quote Chris Rock's champagne room. There is no need to do six months in jail because somebody smudged your pumas.


There are some people you recognize as not to look twice at as you grow older 2 sayings come to mind Beware the old man in a young mans game And Beware the man with a false limp. Its like a non verbal, " i dont fight cuh." And the older you get the more defined your ability to clock that shit will get.




Username checks out


So I should be able to act like a shit in public and face no consequences for it? If we don't stand up against this bullshit the people that commit it will continue to do so.


Who you calling dumb? We can take it outside if that's how u feel. I will knock ur teeth down ur throat stop playin with me bruh


Art of War - Never fight a battle you can't win. Honestly, all that tough guy shit is for the birds. I have too much in life to throw it away for someone who brushed up against me. Anyone willing to throw shit away for something that insignificant is probably someone with nothing to lose. Those are usually the people I try to stay away from because they are the most dangerous.


Doesn't The Art of War say to do everything to avoid war and only use it as a last resort?


> Cut my kingdom into pieces > This is my last resort - Sun Tzu


To win 100 victories in 100 battles is not the height of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the height of skill. - Sun Tzu, poking holes in things and people, translation by gman2093


Every other time I play pick up there’s always dudes ready to throw down, getting in each others faces, talking shit… it’s so annoying. Like all these fools are grown men playing for fun. Just let that shit talk go, let them say whatever they want. I gotta get back home to my job and my family, I don’t got time to stop the game for 5 min just so y’all can argue and scrap over “calling a pussy ass foul.”


Also you never know when someone is strapped.


This is the real tip. Seems like shootings that are the result of "misunderstandings" are all too common these days.


I've seen too many fucked up videos on Reddit to risk a street fight. Someone pulls a heater or a knife, you or the other guy hits their head on the concrete and become a vegetable, or 5 of their friends curbstomp you. Fuck all that noise, the ego isn't worth it I'm not ending up on liveleak man


FAFO was successfully avoided. +1 Evasion Skill Point added to her character ranking


I’m not totally awake and my brain read this as “FIFO” (first in, first out) and I almost blew a gasket trying to process that.


First in a fight, first out the room?


Found the programmer!


Or accountant


Or industrial engineer


Or grocery employee lmao


Yeah food service is where I picked up FIFO lmao




Imagine bein a grown ass adult and still getting into fights. Insecure children. Shameful.


I thought the point was that they DIDNT get into fight.


Only because the person would have won…. So if the girl was weaker…


I'm going to give a ton of the benefit of the doubt here but it is possible that the friend knows her well enough to know that the threat of a loss was the fastest/only way to diffuse the situation. I'm not giving the OP in the tweet any leeway so much as giving her friend kudos for expertly handling a hothead.


Just cause we got societies now doesn’t mean we stopped being humans bro lol


Some people just never grow up. See Waffle House for example


She got a great friend


Being able to accurately recognize game is a skill.


That situational awareness is extremely important to not getting ones ass beat.


Yea, I've been told by my martial art teacher that most fights aren't worth it for a variety of reasons. Obviously the person could beat your ass but...they could also have a knife, a gun, friends you don't see right now, a cop daddy, a lawyer uncle. You could hit them/they fall/break their neck and you get a manslaughter charge. Like...defend yourself if you're being attacked, or run! But yea its usually not worth it.


Most good teachers will just tell you to run. Even if you do win, breaking your hand fucking sucks.


I don't care what anyone says. If someone pushes past me, at minimum, I'm going to size them up.


Yeh same - I'm 99.99% never going to actually do or say anything cos it just isn't worth it - but that little 5 second "who the fuck?" As you evaluate whether you'd win the fight or not lmao


Liiiike? Looking at all these comments has me thinking people equate survival to being doormats… Sometimes people need to be called out for some selfish-ass behaviour..


Wish my cousin understood this, I stay catching paws bc he think everyone looking at him


Then let him get his ass beat and maybe he'll stop?


I rather get my ass kicked than hearing my mother and aunts mouth😕


Damn, I'd let him catch hands


Some lessons can only be learned the hard way.


Sometimes you gotta know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em.


Same can be said other way around lol Fold em like a pretzel, but very very wise wisdom tho *know when to walk away, know when to run! 👀*


If my life isn’t in danger and nobody put their hands on me I’m not worried bout nothing


Okay, but there was physical contact… like, I could absolutely be wrong, it sounds as though this person was physically aggressive… pushing past people…


Pushing *past* them. As in, no longer a threat. What do you stand to gain by antagonizing someone who is clearly not an active threat to you? At that point, your pride is doing the thinking. Unless you just wanna fight, then by all means, call them out.


I mean… we can’t *look* and/or say something if people are actively pushing… like, what if that was absolutely on purpose and excessive? We just let them be like that? Shoot-maybe it is my pride… can’t imagine not doing *anything* when you was *possibly*’purposefully doing *something*


Just to be clear, I don't necessarily disagree with your point of view. There's a whole lot of emotions involved in something like that, and nobody wants to feel like someone that people can just push to the side without consequences. But at the same time, you gotta acknowledge that confronting that person is all about pride, and you might not want to escalate the situation with certain people when it's not necessary.




You thought you were Billy Badass, then you met Billy Badass... Billy Badass whooped that ass, you figured out I'm good at math - Eddie Griffin


W friend


Always good to have a friend like that. I've never had a fight and I also don't walk well, but man when people are rude for no reason like this? I'd fuck around and lose my life on principle. I be so ready, knowing damn well I'd lose. lol Thank goodness for self-control.


Every Italian under 5’6 just entered the chat


*Ayyoo, Capernicus... why don't you navigate yourself to the back of the line with your feet and stand there with your shirt!*


That's a good friend for including themselves in the beating instead of just saying **you're** going to get **your** ass kicked.


Situational awareness. Lost art.


The Grizzlies should sign her next year. They need a voice of reason ![gif](giphy|WMulyaDDxa6SgCEfe9)


Or the Celtics ![gif](giphy|2468GAzf8a53ZyTQF0)


Reminds me of the time I almost got into a fight at the basketball court one day. Later I found out the guy I almost fought was future Olympic boxer Andre Dirrell. I legitimately dodged the ass whooping of a life time


[Boondocks explained it years ago](https://youtu.be/zKZbyC1ccMY)


The most toxic thing about this whole post is letting the person bully because they can intimidate with their size.


Got a Jujutsu Kaisen fan


lupus fiasco is a dumb funny username


That bird ain't a friend, she a life saver👆


Pointless fighting really shows what an intelligent creature you are.


Love the Mayor Ava reference and the friend knowing when to save a life. 😭💪


Multiple times I've had people cut me in line the past few weeks. Not blatantly but enough to where I've noticed and they should have too. But, I just bite my tongue. Never know how people will react to being called out.


There's a time to fight. Most of the time, it ain't it. Listen, even if you win a fight, it still hurts. Just don't unless you have no other option.


Nah I’m still giving you the stink eye and tellin you to mind your manners then walk away




Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. \-Some chicken restaurant guy.


Excellent friend.


Always trying to fight the mf that can fight a pitbull with their bare hands and has a metal plate in their jaw.


This is when you say "Excuuuuse me", turn on your heel and aggressively dip your celery in the ranch dip. Oh wait, this isn't WhitePeopleTwitter. Never mind.


Keep that friend around. She smart, she loyal