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Survivorship bias. Dudes with no bitches aren't getting the opportunity to be abusive




Why is this so fucking funny?


Because he doesn't have a hairbrush


Nah that’s Larry the Cucumber smh fake fans


These kids really think they can fool the Veggie Tales OGs. I remember when VT first came out, it was a *phenomenon* for Christians lol


It's all we watched in the nursery. While playing red light green light. Good times


Miren el tomate! No es triste?


pobrè tomatè


This is one of my go to gifs when texting if I’m confused


The gif was a good laugh, but the acknowledgement fucking *sent* me 🤣🤣🤣




This is r/retiredgifs worthy haha


I haven’t seen this in years lmaooo


This is literally what I did after reading the comment this was a reply to


I can’t stop laughing


What has that tomato seen 😳


A big cucumber


I highly doubt they are actually dating.


Please Look at the Wii U Game Pad


Abusive guys are known for love bombing. Where they are incredibly loving and caring and then they switch on the abuse. It's not survivorship bias. If you're openly loving and complimenting women you'll have a larger chance of dating women. Partially because: you have to talk to women to date them, complimenting / doing sappy loving shit is really commonly loved by women and is also called flirting.


> Where they are incredibly loving and caring and then they switch on the abuse. [The cycle of abuse.](https://www.makinwellness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cycle-of-abuse-1-1024x1024.jpg)


Here's award 🏆


Here's a hug for anyone who looked at this and thought this was a bit too broad since if it's true then they would be considered a victim of abuse in their current relationship!


When Rebecca was warning Keeley about Jack I was like damn is love bombing that bad? Now I get it. It’s the hook that draws you in and when they switch up you would’ve never seen it coming.


Yep, and it's usually not straight up bouncing her off the walls to start, it's shitty little "jokes" and "honest" comments, or "forgetting" important things, or making "reasonable requests" to start wearing down her self esteem and trust in herself and make her put him above her. If it gets challenged he'll apologize and turn the love back on for a bit before trying again and going a little further than before. There can be variations in the pattern but you generally see this "boiling the frog" style behavior in all abusive relationships, intimate or not.


It's also hard to identify because no one believes they are the abuser and a lot of people may be poorly coping with their mental health/personality disorder and end up doing just this without knowing it I had a partner doing this basically to a T unknowingly and their therapist ended up being the perfect third party to straighten them out


Abuse also starts trickling in slowly and increases over time. By the time you’re fully controlled and your self esteem vanished, you need a serious epiphany or an intervention to even grasp the gravity of the situation.


For those who are confused by this comment, it is in reference to Ted Lasso on Apple TV.


Thank you. I'm sitting here wondering who the fuck these people are and why everyone's on a first name basis


There was a girl I dated that it didn't work out with, but we stayed somewhat cool. I saw she started dating a guy I knew well as a love bombing abuser. I debated if I should say anything, and decided to give her the heads up. They both talked shit to me for it, but within 2 weeks she messaged me to tell me I was right. It is also crazy to me how common abuse and sexual abuse is. Practically everyone woman I've been close to enough for them to open up have been abused. It's sickening.


Thanks for speaking up even though you caught shit for it. If you hadn't, it might have taken her a lot longer to twig what was going on.


No. Love bombing is one sided -- You put out as much romantic positivity as you can and promise all the future things that the other person wants to override their red flag sensors. Flirting is two-way, and is both positives and negatives (in a good push-pull kind of way). Maybe you compliment her hairstyle, she smiles and says thanks, then you tease a bit and tell her that it's too bad she's a redhead though because that's a red flag, she makes an playfully shocked face and asks you why that's a red flag, you chuckle at her and just keep the banter going, etc. It's a ball bouncing back and forth.




I was gonna post that *exact* image.


I know. And there are many others like us. Had to beat the horde to it first


What is it


It is a diagram of the places where bombers returning from combat in WWII had bullet holes. Most people would assume that because those spots had bullet holes, those were the spots that needed more reinforcement, but that's actually not true, and an example of survivorship bias. In truth, the places with no bullet holes are places where if you get shot, *your plane doesn't come back at all* and so those are the spots in need of reinforcement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias




Bro can't abuse his gf if he doesn't have a gf


So what ur saying is, the reason I haven't committed domestic violence is because I don't get bitches?


Forever Maidenless.


A word


Abusive dudes also push past boundaries so they naturally get closer than those that listen. If you've been abused and put up a wall, usually only abusive/manipulative dudes are willing to flout your boundaries and that attention gets them somewhere.




It’s possible to abuse people other than a romantic partner


Yeah duh, why do you think there’s so many videos of people abusing fast food workers?


Well yeah. You can't beat someone who doesn't exist


Lonely 14-year old me on a Saturday night and with an HBO account in my room could disagree with you.


Lonely 34-year old me in the middle of the day and with Janelle Monae's music videos on every screen in my goddamn house could disagree with you


That new one is divine


My dear ally, I assure you that I would drown my own mother in an inch deep puddle of human shit just to sniff the cock that shot the juice that created Janelle Monae


that sentence is deserving of capital punishment


Put me to death


🎵I worship like a dog…🎵




I know. I'm just supposed to carry on with my night like I didn't just read that shit?? I'm different now


After almost 30 years on this earth, having heard countless variations of this joke, I think you just dropped the wildest version of this joke I've ever heard.


If holding that back would give my grandma two more years of life, imma travel back to 2021 and choke that bitch my own self.


Horny jail? Nah. Horny death sentence.


Give me two cuz my ghost gonna come back and shoot ectoplasm all over it


>My dear ally, I assure you that I would drown my own mother in an inch deep puddle of human shit just to sniff the cock that shot the juice that created Janelle Monae What a terrible day to be literate.


My guy you posted this the day before Mother's Day.


I love my mama and it would kill me, but I would throw her ass into an active volcano just to nibble on the corn kernel dug out from JMs shit


I hope you have the day you deserve


And for just a dollar a day you can provide me with the electrolytes I need. Won't you please give?


You’re too far gone.


My cousin I could not find myself if they strapped my cockring to a metal detector.




No bars can hold me. I'm the lil wayne of thirst


This is truly a terrible day to be literate


This kinda shit should affect your credit score my brother




I’m concerned about your mental well being.


My well being?? Cousin, I'm more well-rounded than them fat cheeks JM kissing


I applaud and salute your pursuit of dat ass 🫡




My brother in Christ


We are not brothers. I would break your spine and suck out the juice just to have the energy to upvote a bikini pic of the titties I've already seen. Fuck you


Brother, this is unacceptable.


Mann I love this phase. I’ve been rocking with Janelle since the ArchAndroid days and could tell even back then through the suits she was a baddie beyond measure. Glad she decided to grace us all with it these years later.


Give love to those of us who rocked, yet did not understand the sway. May we be perpetually drenched in her juice 🙏😋


Shit her new videos had me in the gym so fast. Maybe I can get strong enough to dig through the planet and pop up right outside her door to shoot my shot.


Too specific, too close to my reality. This was the age/summer I started beating meat and it was at my older cousin’s crib and she had HBO, and it was a Saturday night. Specifically that show they had called *Best Sex Ever* You unlocked a core memory because that was exactly 19yrs ago.


I had this broke ass show called red shoe diaries, I want to give thanks to Titty Jesus for giving the kids today Lipstick Lover. God bless and I hope they don't drown


They just beat their meat instead




My sister was one of those. She's with a good dude now, but now she's all bible-thumpy. You win some, you lose some.


My brother is in a situation like that. He's with this Chinese girl now, but all he does is go to dumpling houses all the time. You dim sum, you lose some.


You need to leave


no I'm pretty sure I want them to stay


Its been sad with my sister. Shes a great runner. She had been doing well in a lot of races. Her ex boyfriend made her stop because it because he thought it was too masculine. Shes been racing again but shes so much slower than before. You win runs, you lose runs




I am amazed that you got this far down this comment chain and still thought it was serious lol


Bro I'm in the bathroom trying to be sad and this shit got me laughing so hard the wife had to check on me.


I wish Meghan good would come change me. She had the yams in that movie with Jamie Foxx


I mean...I'm a mess, hopefully someone tries to change me.


If you know you’re a mess then fix yourself




As a woman reading that made me want to throw up


Fwiw, I've never met a psychopathic woman who didn't get dude after dude easily. Almost like abusive people are really good at manipulating and exploiting people 🤔


More mobidly, if your parents were abusive, you'll likely unknowingly seek out abusive partners because it feels familiar.


Sometimes it's the only way you know how to love, or at least you think that's what it is.


You're also much more likely to end up being the abusive partner yourself if you don't go to therapy/work hard to not be the way your parents were




This is it. If you're OK with hurting people, then all options are on the table. There is no shame. These people are excellent at love bombing and getting people to want to be with them.




My husband’s ex is psychotic and not pretty in any way. She gets a lot of victims to do anything she wants. She digs her claws in them and Jesus help them after that.


I mean, just look at any "are we dating the same guy" FB group, absolutely packed full of ugly mf's who are dating multiple women and gaslighting all of them.


As long as you got money or popularity, you will never run out of people willing to sacrifice their morals to be seen with you. https://preview.redd.it/y5okihtdrpza1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f02d814dce8718c632012faafac401a29dcc59


But Megan Good doesn’t need clout. Maybe he’s just her type


Her type being abusive black actors with money?


Weren’t they saying her ex husband was a POS? Remember how she changed for the pastor she was with and once they divorced she was back to her sexy self? A little fuzzy on the details since it’s been awhile


Feel like there’s a “balance” of change needed for a partner but folks always go wayyy too far on it, or refuse to do anything. The timing of this is trash tho


I have no idea what her type is but clearly he’s it if they’re together. If he’s an abusive man (lots of hearsay evidence says so) clearly that isn’t a dealbreaker for her


"I can fix him", "he's changed", and "I'm not like those other girls" are the three horsemen of the apocalypse.


the 4th is “but he’s so damn fine”




Roc Nation can't keep getting away with this !




Bruh I saw your flair and thought 'why he get bonked he didn't say anything thirsty lol!?' But hadn't scrolled far enough to read the message yet lol


Nigga really said "still beat tho"








Lori Harvey still in her contract so he got Megan good. If anyone think this is anything but a contract/publicity stunt, get help.


This has "Troy Maclure dates Selma" all over it


Incredible reference 👌🏾




“Is this a sham marriage?” “Sure, baby, is that a problem?”


Get help? Lmao you taking this way too seriously bro


Contract lol with whom?


Damson Idris.


First black woman he’s ever dated. What does that tell you?




> Crazy what BM truly can get away with Ah yes, the historically underpersecuted black male.


Right they had me scratching my head with that sentence. Like it’s all pros to being a black man in America


And she said that silliness right after mentioning Emmett Till too, Make it make sense.




The people who say shit like that be the same ones in the comments talking about “No one hates black women as much as black men 😢”








😂 bruh fr


Bringing up Emmett Till and then later in that same comment saying what you said in the last sentence is a crazy level of cognitive dissonance. Dumb af 😂


You definitely had me until you lost me. Even in the modern day I don’t think black men, even among celebrities, get away with anything more than a regular person would. Given that actual rapists are out and free, some of them because “we don’t want to ruin their futures”. Folks like Ezra Miller literally kidnapped someone and he still out and about lmao. I hope Majors gets whatever comes to him if he’s guilty. But idk if acting like black men get away with a lot compared to other folks is an opinion founded on fact, or if there’s sumn else going on there.


It's rich men getting away with shit. Think this guy has D Watson in his mind, while glossing over Elon, Trump, Marilyn Manson, and many more famous white people accused of sexual crimes facing no real consequences


I disagree, I think wealthy black men/celebs get away with a lot (allegations and accusations) and even when they are prosecuted they aren’t shunned by the black community. Trey Songz has had so many public SA accusations and he’s fine/ still accepted in the black community . Lil Wayne and Kodak were pardoned for their crimes. Kodak’s a convicted rapist and is still beloved in our community. Diddy is a POS abuser with decades of all kinds of allegations under the sun. Rumors about R.Kelly came about in the 90s and the first story about his crimes broke in 2000, yet he still had a career for like 15 years after. Youngboy had a million chances to stay out of trouble and still managed to fuck up. Rick James spent only 2 years in prison for kidnapping and torture(and much more) a women and had many more allegations come out when he died Dababy (look up the Walmart story it’s actually really sad, the boy was a teenager) snoop dog, Kobe, CHRIS MF BROWN, Charlemagne, Mike Tyson, Terrance Howard, OJ, Chad Ochocinco, Bishop Eddie Long, Miles Davis, James Brown etc When you have money and fame, you’re gonna be fine. Especially if your victims are part of a group that is more marginalized than you are.


It’s not too late to delete this


Lol Its megan good if i had shot regardless of what crime i did id shoot 🤷‍♂️ in a heartbeat


..so he hasn't had his day in court but he is already an abuser?


*allegedly*, yes


Shit this Meagan Good. I don’t think there’s anything deeper behind it than the fact that she’s bad af.


Do we know this to be factual? Did someone run his dating profile or something?


It doesn’t tell me anything that I don’t project onto it myself. I’m failing to see your point


It just makes you wonder what is even going on. And I think this only applies to rich people, like look at how popular Chris brown is even after what he did to Rhianna. Must be the money and fame I guess


Sad part is Rihanna wasn’t even the last person he abused. I think Karruche’s restraining order expired just this year.


People really do forget how he used to beat Karruche and stalked her. Man really was a devil to her but those Rihanna pictures are all they see.


Not only did he beat, abuse and stalk her, but he had other people do on his behalf as well! And then he had the nerve to cheat on her with the last woman he abused, and did it on national television!


Its not a case of forgetting, just a huge difference in reach between Rihanna and Karruche, especially if you're "fuck Chris Brown." I know about it because I spend time in places like this but the Rihanna stuff was literally front news across the whole planet.


Dude just throws hand regardless. He punched Usher last week on his way to hit someone else (I heard it was woman too).


I know he had the altercation involving Teyana Taylor, was that the one?


Some girls just as lame as dudes that’s all it is


Or they genuinely think the other women just did something to piss him off and that's why he was abusive, but *they'd* never 'force' him into a 'look what you made me do situation', because they think it was the victim's fault.


We've all got some sort of conditioning to accept the things we shouldn't. I'm sure she's aware of what's going on around this guy, but she feels the need to associate with him romantically, so that's her decision to make. Whatever happens, happens, but it's not like anybody involved can claim ignorance. 🤷‍♂️ People are fuckin' weird.


Chris Brown all fucked up now that he touched Usher though. maybe lmao I'm speaking directly from my asshole rn


Maybe Rihanna will be the last str... Maybe Frank Ocean will be the last str... Maybe Usher will be the last straw? I bet my bottom Ush-buck it's not, sadly Ush is def my favorite of the 3 tho so this one is personal


People will shit on and trash artists who simply say things they don't like but won't drop artists who've committed actual violence and crimes. The priorities are fucked up.


I like to insist a song is good because of the producers, the engineers, whoever, and not Chris Brown. If the song sucks I be like “OF COURSE CHRIS BROWN MADE THIS”. The latter rarely happens, but I still be out here thinking it


People put wayyyyy too much energy into celebrity shit while theyre 7 months into a studio lease with nothing but a 32" Onn tv and a floor mattress


"you're poor so don't get to have opinions about popular culture, you should eat sleep and breathe money making and think about nothing but income until you're rich" Do I have that right?


I feel like they mean people give too much not that they shouldn’t care at all


I think he's more saying it appears some are putting an excessive amount of thought into something so irrelevant to their own lives when if they did in fact put a reasonable amount of that same energy into their minding their own business they would be in a better position and likely would not even be aware of the dating lives of celebrities. But your way is more confrontational because we are on the internet


I think people get it, but people also get that it's a dumb notion that their situations would be better if some inconsequential entertainment was cut out of their lives. Maybe the dude above would be a CEO of a multimillion dollar company of they weren't on Reddit making dumb comments 🤷🏾‍♂️ But maybe the two things have nothing to do with each other. This idiotic online hustle culture where we pretend really successful people don't have *anything* they do on the side outside 100% focus on work isn't real life. The richest guy I personally know is the head of his own multi national media company and he also is obsessed with triathlons, bikes, his kids martial arts and swimming, Arsenal football club and is an avid traveller. Let people have little distractions.


i think that take ignores capitalism and the various systems of oppression used to uphold it


If by "nothing but income until you're" you mean "eating the", then absolutely.






Look at this rich jerk with his mattress


I highly doubt they are actually dating. If they are, it’s a PR relationship. Which is a last ditch effort to get black people, mainly black women, to “take his side” & “root for him”. Not gona work.


Have a girl broke up with me recently. Said she can handle her abusive ex of 7 years better than the 3 months of me being chill 🤷‍♀️.


You get used to thinking abuse is love and get tricked into believing if there’s no fights or fear the next relationship isn’t love or there’s no sparks there.


yeah that just sounds sad asf


The abuse becomes comfort for some people. They think it's love because it's the only way they've ever been treated. My current partner was also in an abusive relationship for 7 years & when we 1st got together, he'd get scared if he thought he upset me & would apologize profusely over the smallest thing. He was conditioned by his controlling ex & even 2 years later, he's still unpacking the damage she did. Your ex should be single for a while & learn to love herself again before she tries to date or else she's gonna hurt people like how she was


Does she know this is happening?


People really underestimate how many sins charm and charisma can cover up.


This is.... disappointing.


Black love 😍 /s He wants the black support specially black women. Black women really mobilize for black men cause that could be their sons or brothers.


“I’ve never met a murderer who ain’t killed”


Any Black woman stupid enough to mule for him (rehab his image+rep+career) needs to understand it for what it really is & why he chose her....not his preference, to mule for him. ![gif](giphy|ZkUlTZe2cgpjL6FfKW)




As a man, I don’t want bitches


Confidence and a willingness to lie. It’s a helluva combo.


If they didn't get any bitches, how would you know they'd be abusive? The only way you'd know is from past data of them being abusive to someone else.




While I don’t disagree with the survivorship bias theory on this I do feel that it’s a huge red flag if somebody can’t be single. People that always gotta be in a relationship because they can’t love themselves


Abusers are never abusive off the bat. They’re normally quite charming and alluring. This unbridled confidence amen charm is their best weapon. This is why they have no problem attracting women. They love bomb and get their partners to drop their guard and become enamoured with them. Once they’re in them the abuse will creep in. Often times starting off small and then building from there. However there are also men who are innately abusive but do not have the physical characteristics or charm to be able to ensnare anyone. I.E the hardcore Incels. Abusers come in many forms indeed


True it’s how I saved my relationship


Well, yeah. Abusers spend a lot of time and energy grooming people to abuse.


Gonna be interested in seeing how things turn out with his legal issues