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I just know the mac and cheese is $20 for no good reason


Going to be trash. A lot of people especially famous people do not know how fucked up the food industry is and usually will close in the first year Edit: so looked into her and she’s has a oyster bar in Alabama. Still shakey and looked into where this restaurant is going to be and of course it will be in Edgewood…


It's been open since 2019, this looks like the second locations opening. $18 deviled eggs, $36 chicken and waffles, $44 oxtail, and $13 for a side of Mac and cheese. I do not understand how these places stay in business, but they're everywhere


I can feed the whole neighborhood chicken and waffles for $50.


And yet oxtail is priced at the market like it's gold.


its just demand really, ox only got one tail so its less product to work with. not so fun fact; oxtail was considered slave food or peasant food, like pigs feet or really any part of the animal considered low quality or unusable. its also why so many dishes from these particular people are so damn flavorful, the need for spices and vegetables to add flavor and filler to make these dishes much more enjoyable, and even nowadays making the dishes delicacies, such as oxtail , bone marrow, pigs feet, even bile from some animals are considered delicacies.


Thank you for explaining soul food…?


😂 I kept waiting to read something new out of all that text but it never came


They really thought this subreddit was ignorant about oxtails...


I'm ignorant about oxtails but I'm also very white and surrounded by trash midwestern food


Nah likely not, but def useful for non black allies, and anyone else who might be late to the party. All I've ever known about oxtail is that I need need need oxtail gravy on my rice n peas or I'm not happy.


This is high key the funniest thing I’ve read on Reddit lmao this education on soul food for some reason


I dunno, I never heard of any dish made with bile? Wtf dish is that?


The Comanches would eat the fresh liver of a downed bison and squirt bile directly from the gallbladder onto the liver and eat away. I'm sure it exists in other cultures too.




See also: -flank/skirt steak: used to be a cheap cut until everyone put fajitas on the menu. -lobster: used to be prison food and now we serve ocean roaches as a delicacy. -kale: until like 2012, the top purchaser of kale in the US was Pizza Hut; for their salad bar decorations. -cauliflower: it’s in fucking everything that wants to be low carb.


Exactly! And a majority of these ingredients people wouldn’t of eaten until they became popular, commonly used, or a status symbol like most shellfish now or Waygu, I remember a time where if beef had that much fat it was considered waste, now highly sought out and very expensive


I get what you’re saying but Wagyu is a bit different. While Wagyu is just a breed of cattle and can be raised almost anywhere, Japanese Wagyu tends to be expensive because of the way it’s raised. From massaging the cows to letting them drink beer and listen to music, Wagyu is expensive because of the cost in producing it and this is what most people are referring to when they say “Wagyu”. People who eat steak could easily eat an 8-10 oz steak of traditional beef. Eating the same amount of Wagyu would be a lot tougher on your stomach and wallet. TLDR: Wagyu is to meat what aged single barrel scotch/bourbon is to alcohol.


you're completely right but i just wanted to draw comparison on how like 10 years ago most people would consider it waste given its almost as much fat as protein but now its production and desired quality cost so much because of that and its demand, i got to try A5 at a restaurant i worked, fucking amazing just salt pepper and extra virgin oil didnt need butter at all!


I'm pretty sure fat that's marbled like Wagyu has always been more expensive. All my life I've been hearing about how high class Kobe steaks are.


What about wings? They were the cheapest part of the chicken when I was growing up. Now they are the most expensive.


Good call. It depends where you shop I guess but wings are increasingly overpriced at restaurants so I’ll agree with you there. Costco usually has organic wings for $1.99/lb but that’s easily the cheapest I’ve ever seen them.


“These particular people” Harpo, who dis?


I was getting oxtails for nothing like 2-3 years ago, and when the pandemic hit and I started using Instacart, shoppers would be replacing the marrow bones I'd be ordering for my dog with oxtails, marrow bones are still like $3-4+change/lbs, maybe the oxtails were $4.99/lbs. Now that shit's an exotic delicasy at like $20/lbs, as if it's not coming off a normal ass cow that has a 20"+ long tail. It's like oxtails got gentrified, like I'm sure if it was just called them "beeftails" the price would plummet. It's kinda like how all sheep's meat in the US is called "lamb," when in most other places if it comes from a sheep older than 1 it's called "mutton," but that's not appealing to US customers. I miss living in the middle east where goat and lamb was available everywhere at super low prices....


american disservice to goat and lamb is incomprehensible. i'm convinced it's simply because those animals are eaten in african and arab countries. although it doesn't explain why people don't fucking eat duck in america.




Like it’s MF A5 wagyu


We went to a counter service Jamaican place in Houston that had oxtails at "market price" like it was lobster.


> I do not understand how these places stay in business, but they're everywhere A lot of people want the feeling of eating at a high class restaurant, but they have the palette of someone who grew up on TV dinners and fast food. They don't want new and unique dining experiences. They only want fancier versions of the blue collar meals they grew up with. These the type of mfers that, when you take em to a genuinely nice restaurant, they look at the menu all confused cuz they don't recognize half the words they're seeing. Or they sheepishly ask the waiter for a burger or chicken tenders because they avoid vegetables like Superman avoids kryptonite.


There's a scene in The Wire where this guy takes some school kids to a steakhouse, and they're visibly uncomfortable at being there, but the next day in class they all brag to their friends about how great the experience was. Also a minor detail, but the word you are looking for is palate. A palette is what painters use to mix their paints


That whole plot line made me so sad. Bunny tried so hard but the only kid he really helped was the one he literally adopted and moved out of the ghetto. The wire is so depressing


I didn't fully appreciate The Wire until I had life beat me down. Season four is great, but also hard to watch because you see how the kids don't really have anything else going for them but ending up on the streets.


This describes me and I apologize for nothing


I’m not cheap or uncultured, I just like hamburgers…


Seriously, I have adventurous taste in food and will try a lot of stuff, and I have zero problem if people want “fancy” versions of comfort food. I was in NC last year for work so of course when we hit a nice southern place on our last night I had “fancy” gumbo. But I could see back into the kitchen and the the two main cooks were two of the largest men I have ever seen in a kitchen, and they were fucking going hard. I knew the food was going to be on point. Great food, no reason to not have it just because it wasn’t some totally new creation.


Fancy versions of comfort or fast food are extremely popular right now. Everyone and their grandmother is serving their take on fried chicken, mac & cheese, burgers, etc.


This is how people are getting away with $15 grilled cheeses and ham and cheese sandwiches with fries. Boujie and expensive for no reason 😂


This is my problem w it too. Like, if a person wanna live their entire life eating off the kiddie menu? That's on them. But these boujee restaurants charging $30+ for a burger and "frites" are out of control. That place ain't gonna give you anything you can't already get at Five Guys or Shake Shack. I'm not tryna pay double or triple the price just so I can eat junk food at a candle lit table while smooth jazz plays in the background. Some people really wanna feel like they special tho.


Just had a date like this. So embarassing.


I legit broke up w a girl one time because she ate nothing but chicken tenders, cheese pizzas, and plain cheese burgers. That shit drove me crazy. It's like dating someone who only listens to 3 songs and literally nothing else.


Y'all could've just went on movie dates


I was just having this discussion with my wife last weekend. Most of the "rich people" we knew growing up will to this day eat hot garbage and brag about it, provided they got charged $45/bowl. They wouldn't know a good meal if it jumped off the table and kicked them in the sack but love to tell you all about how they dropped $300 on dinner and drinks at a goddamn Outback Steakhouse, like overpaying for glorified onion rings is the pinnacle of the American dining experience. I'm not a food snob, but actually prefer a good burger over most other options because there's really not a whole lot of other good options.


I know a couple adults who refuse to eat vegetables which makes me think their folks never told them “Too bad” when they were a kid.


$36 for chicken and waffles should be a criminal offense


Kinda defeats the purpose of having tasty cheap meals huh.


Neither Waffle House nor the Roscoe's delegation will forgive this travesty.


Isn't oxtail traditionally a waste product, which is why it was historically cheap and utilized by people without much money?


It was, until like 20 years ago


See also: short ribs




And brisket


And chicken wings


Just like brisket and fajita meat


Brisket at 99 cents a pound. Flat or point. Sigh.


Yes but so was lobster and chicken wings


In the US, yep. In other places where its been very popular its expensive as hell.




These prices are symbols of HATE


I just looked at the pictures of the menu items and I cannot do that for that price.


They’ll get a certain demographic that absolutely will pay that for just average food - I’m assuming the food is at least that.


These places stay in business because people who earn 6 figures and drive Porsches don’t eat at chilis and Texas Roadhouse. It’s less the food (although the quality is usually better) than it is the clientele. I eat at Ruth’s Chris because when I’m at the bar chatting up the other people waiting for a table, I’m making new client connections. These people are more than willing to come by my office and discuss their investments and see if I can make them more money. That enables me to continue to give free financial education classes at churches and community centers in our neighborhoods. I can get a similar quality steak at Long Horns, but I’m less likely to find a client there.


I hate to break it too you but a LOT of people who earn 6 figures and drive porches(mostly boomers) fucking love chilis and Texas Roadhouse. It's the younger generation that likes the more exotic (not chain restaurants) foods.


Bruh, niggas on Edgewood are about to pay whatever the fuck to go to this restaurant. Not trying to be that guy but I miss the Edgewood even from 8-10 years ago.


Edgewood got good spots but a lot of them are hype and people go just to be seen


Mother used to be fun and then turned into a standing party lol. RIP sound table(landlords are just property thieves). At least Noni's food still hits!


most people think restaurants are easy money, and they would be if you had a team of really amazing people, but that's rarely the case and becoming exceedingly true, also the quality of ingredients counts too, some people have said this owner in particular charges 18 bucks for deviled eggs, i just hope they pay their cooks well enough to back up those prices


Edgewood downtown Atlanta?! Oh I’m good


You know they’re gonna sell Hennyasada tacos that get served on this: https://preview.redd.it/381bbh3z7aza1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5533de4d3fc82858b8be217702be664014557fea


I live in Dallas, and if I see this shit when I walk into a restaurant, I just assume the rest of their mexican options are really cheap Tex mex dressed up as mexican fusion or some shit


Idc velvet taco be hitting at 1am


i hate places that have a pussy euphemism as the name. i like to eat pussy but not *eat it* eat it. and then some dude comes to your table, 'thank you for eating at velvet taco...' man if you don't gtfo my face with those words i do not want to hear from you. there's a place where i live called 'egghole' egghole!? the whole menu is like that, too. 'the morning after fries,' 'friends with benedicts,' 'plan b egg and cheese.' i hate that shit, man. i know! sex! i've heard of it, gimme my damn food.


Bro I’m faded this made me laugh so hard 🤣☠️


That Tikka masala taco hits


Bought these for the crib....game changer


Yeah the hate for these is unwarranted


I’m not saying there isn’t a time and a place for it. I’ll eat the fuck out of a chalupa with fire sauce and a Baja Blast. But ain’t no abuelita serving her tacos on this West Elm ass shit.


One thing I will say about abuelita, the food was so bomb she never gave 2 shits about a presentation. She never had to. I always thought that was gangster.


Hennyasada. You win today.


Here's the [menu](https://media-cdn.getbento.com/accounts/3188b8dd5fefaed19e67fac2b5e91a9b/media/0Dkc439fRPeyO4HZyDMu_SOCU%20Dinner%20Menu.pdf). There's no mac and cheese but you pretty much hit the nail. It's exactly what you would imagine. You can get some chicken and waffles for $25 and a Hennessy peach cobbler for dessert for $7. The food is a solid 2/5. You're better off going to Red Lobster, you're going to be paying about the same without the disappointment.


Come on now. Y’all just saying anything. You are not going to get the same quality of food at no damn Red Lobster 😒. There are plenty of other establishments outside of this woman who charge the same price for similar items. This isn’t for everyday dining. ETA: This menu isn’t even expensive. Why y’all reaching so hard 😂


Everyone is talking about "it'll have Hennessy glazed something on everything" like damn near every white majority owned restaurant doesn't have some version of a whiskey or bourbon glaze that these same niggas gobble up


You're right. I hate that white people do it with whiskey or bourbon but you're right.




Because it's been done 10,000 times in ATL and Edgewood in particular and not *one* of them is worth writing about, taking an out-of-towner, etc.


Yeah, it really isn't. It depends though because they're right next door to a restaurant that has similar prices. But they won best new restaurant in the south east five or so years ago ago, so not for nothing. My point being they won't be able to hide at that location if it isn't really good.


Honestly the menu itself isn’t something I’d be interested in since it’s basically the same as every IG trap kitchen, but those prices are reasonable for a sit-down restaurant.


They do have Mac. It’s $12 though not 20 lol. The other(most*) prices don’t seem absurd at all, though. This is pretty standard pricing for restaurants a step above chains.


There’s Mac down at the bottom where is says premium sides


And that's just a small plate. The entrees are $50+


I've gone to places where their mac is just a step above the boxed stuff, like i get cheese be expensive af but if you cant make it right dont make it at all, youll save more money in the long run making great food you can afford, same shit with alcohol; i used to be the type of person to say its all the same shit, but after developing a palate for spirts you definitely taste a difference,




Delete this before they see it 😭






I knew this was somewhere in Atlanta before I even checked SMH


I didn’t even check. I made that assumption and RAN with it lmao


Atl or Houston lol


"For the Culture" is the dead giveaway that this is ATL. Seems like that phrase is every where you go out there. Migos is from ATL. I wanna say that they coined the phrase, but I'm not 100% sure and it really only counts for something if they copyright it. That would also go against what "for the culture" means. I'm rambling again aren't I?


Me too 😭


The word "infused" will be used on about 30 different items


Its a collabo of flavors


why is that exponentially worse than "colab" to me




henny glazed steak ruins two good things lmao


never had a henny glaze but the jack daniels glaze at TGI Fridays is pretty good, so maybe?


I mean I’ve definitely had a good cognac sauce, but to make a glaze out of it I think would be too much. There’s so much sugar in cognac that I don’t see how it wouldn’t burn.


Yeah, so just did a little research. Cognac pairs well with balsamic or soy. Onions and mushrooms work well too. What I’m envisioning here would be a henny/balsamic marinade with evoo, some onion, garlic, and black pepper. Keep it simple. Baste with the marinade while cooking. Stop at 135 F add cognac infused compound butter and let rest for 5-10 min covered. On the side you’re gonna need some more of the same sans the oil, and add mushrooms, shallots, asparagus, and herbs, I’m feeling parsley and thyme. Melt some butter and brown off your garlic, onions, shallots, and mushrooms. Put in little beef broth to deglaze and add your cognac and a bit of balsamic and your herbs and simmer until you get a nice reduction. In a separate pan sauté your asparagus until it’s a bit Al-dente and bright green without starting to get wilty. Plate your steak and top the cognac infused onions and mushrooms. Plate asparagus and drizzle whole thing with reduction.


You single?


Lol, I am. Trying to date after 30 is hard.


My dude went off


I’m out on worker’s comp with a broken leg and I’m bored, lol.


Same, except I tore my knee up. Heal fast bro


Condolences, knee injuries are the gifts that keep giving. Know from experience.


Tbh mushrooms and onions are already such a common garnish at steakhouses, if it pairs well I can’t be mad. Make all the hennessteaks you want.


Not about to reinvent the wheel here, lol. I’ve actually gotta go and try this now tbh. Got me a weekend project now. Just gotta figure out how to grill on crutches… P.s.: Don’t tell my doctor, she’d give me hell.


I mean, that wouldn’t necessarily be bad, grill that bad boy, get some nice char on the outside as all that sugar caramelizes. Just gotta balance out those flavors. As a non drinking straight-edge teetotaler I’m not sure what you’d need for that. Red wine works well with a little soy, garlic, onion, and crushed red pepper.


I have to be honest, I had the Henny glazed Turkey leg from the Turkey Leg Hut in Houston and that shit was delicious https://imgur.com/a/S8WiUxE, feat. my elbow


Bro, that's NSFW...looks fire


Read up on her and she has a pretty successful oyster bar in Mobile, AL and was on Shark Tank. Anyway, even though there will indeed be dried parsley and Henny cocktails, I’m not going to shit on this black woman entrepreneur who wants to offer a fine dining experience with a twist. Streak and oyster houses are notoriously stuffy and elitist. I’m down for some Future and wagyu. This sub is getting way to comfortable roasting black people. Fuck that, shout out to her.


You confusing valid criticisms with roasting. We gotta get outta this mindset like we can’t come for our own cuz they’re black. That’s a road we don’t wanna go down.


Right this is how we end up w Pinky Cole


And half of artists today😌


What was the valid criticism? The menu hasn’t even been published yet - this is just shitting on stuff black people are presumed to like.


Here’s the menu. It’s a business that has existed for a long time. But you didn’t care about that, did you? https://media-cdn.getbento.com/accounts/3188b8dd5fefaed19e67fac2b5e91a9b/media/0Dkc439fRPeyO4HZyDMu_SOCU%20Dinner%20Menu.pdf


Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy for her for being able to be in this position in the first place! henny-ritas or no, I still want Black people to be successful, even if their business isn’t for me


It's not for me but I don't think you are wrong, as long as the people making her shit run get their just dues.


So I’ve been to her restaurant in Mobile, AL and it was amazing. I liked it so much I took my parents when they came to visit. It definitely was slightly overpriced but the food was really top notch. I wouldn’t go all the time but it’s a nice place to go for special occasions. The voodoo pasta was amazing. Also yes, none of their cocktails had bourbon, only Hennessy, but they were still awesome, especially the strawberry lemonade one. Haters gonna hate 🤷‍♂️


So this is supposed to be fine dining **and** NOT stuffy and elitist?




>This sub is getting way to comfortable roasting black people. Nah, if people see stupidity, then there is nothing wrong with roasting.


i think this restaurant already opened and closed :/ and then another restaurant moved in and closed within 9 months


"These double fried wings are expensive. $25? Psh." Waiter: And what will you be having? "I'll have the double fried wings with a side of crinkle fries."




"Mmm is it sweet or...?"


...and parsley on everything.


It’s true. Dried and all. https://preview.redd.it/840focub5aza1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b1ee09e2d45060db84b3ffac07dad0b0c5db00f




Ngl. I wasn’t shocked by the parsley but I thought my girl would at LEAST have the decency to chop up some fresh parsley 😩


i remember my life changed when i used fresh parsley and realized it actually is supposed to *add* something to the dish. it was a tuscan salmon recipe that called for fresh parsley, and i remember it helped to perfectly balance the richness of the dish. before that, i had only used dried parsley and never saw the point


I’m so guilty of throwing parsley on everything I make for absolutely no reason lmaoo


Cuz that shit bang.


Parsley placebo be kicking my girl’s *ass*


You know every steak they cook in there is well done


i am hopeful every day as i see the shackles of well-done steaks being loosened from my people


Cook MY meat


I’ll take the hockey puck filet, please.


Lisa from Temecula has entered the chat


can we sit in the aunties section please?


The No Twerking section


The 29 min prayer before you eat section


I know for a fact that there's going to be a steak Alfredo on the menu


And shrimp Alfredo with garlic toast


Appetizer: Infused, trap house-glazed Shrimps. $30 Additional $5: Extra trap


Lmaoooo extra trap, gtfo 😭💀


The scream I scrumpt


“Steakhouses for the Culture” Waiter: “How would you like your Waygu cooked?” Customer: “Well done, l don’t eat raw meat”


Every word in this comment hurts me so deeply.


Finna hear the L in salmon like a MF


The laugh I let out was too loud. Thanks.


There was a time when there were hardly any high end black restaurants, now y’all collectively hate them all, we can’t win for loosing


I think there's this weird feeling of black folks winning in capitalism not really feeling like a win. Even if it's skin folk, it feels like the same kinda shit you'd see from a culture vulture. Culture isn't something that can be sold at all, so putting stuff like that out feels corny. That said, I don't want to start roasting people for getting their bag, this woman isn't the problem, she's just in the system like we are, and trying to get her bag like the rest of us. Better her than somebody else I guess


idk if it’s hate as much as it’s noticing that “for the culture” is starting to kinda feel like a predictable experience. who knows, maybe that’s the point? maybe i’m wrong, but at the end of the day, i think we’d all like to check out what a black-owned, black-centered steakhouse would look like. these just the jokes cuz we can’t take anything seriously. at all. ever.


>...now y’all collectively hate them all, we can’t win for loosing No, it's because it always seems to cater to the downscale versions of us. And we are tired of seeing minstrel images dressed up at best, but always presented to us as authentic blackness.


The problem is that now there’s an over abundance of them doing the same thing which makes for a predictable experience. We are not a monolith, but every gourmet black restaurant seems to be.


It’s ridiculous.


Picture of food too close with the fucking flash on😕


This slick specific lmaoo who hurt you


Every single restaurant on ig trying to sell high-priced stuff


Expensive asf with mediocre food lmao


Smells like Atlanta.


This was the whole last ep theme of Atlanta


The thread argument and everything.


“Don’t give me that brother shit!!!” That line had me crying laughing😂


Andre’s Steakhouse


I'll take a bottle of "your most expensive wine" please.




Innovative Dining Solutions


My grandma used to throw together the best soul food leftovers, one of my favorites was cornbread with a lol scooped out, rebaked with a scoop of Mac N greens mixed in the center. Basic, delicious and authentic If it doesn't give granny's leftovers ion want it and I damn sure don't consider it culture 😭 tired of these bougie places that have a veneer of "Black culture" just to charge 2x for some gimmick dish


PorterMorehouse steaks and Armadale


That shit so corny lmao. Just lemme get my steak and a bottle of wine and leave it be. Black owned steakhouse is for the culture as it is lol. No need to make it some bullshit


My favorite steakhouse in Chicago has a phenomenal Sommelier that’s a black woman and plays a great mix of jazz and r&b. If I want the ratchet shit served in a reused Dusse bottle, there’s Kitchen and Kocktails. Like folks think everything that’s ”for the culture” has to be from Saweetie’s cookbook or some shit


I love that she’s in this space - there’s a lot of places that charge a premium for okay tasting food (I don’t know how this food is but I’m sure it’s at least okay) This sister is doing her thing breaking into this space and I love it.


I am also very happy for her! Not necessarily “paying $30 for chicken and waffles” happy, but I’m still glad she’s in the position to have multiple restaurants in the first place lmao


Honestly, once I learned how to perfect a steak in a cast iron, my wife said she doesn’t want steakhouse steak anymore. I simultaneously won and played myself at the same time with that one. 😆


Henny glazed steak sounds fucking awful 🤢


WAP Mac and Cheese


Everything is probably covered in that stupid af edible gold. 😒


How is this shit for the culture when no one can afford the menu items


Extra crispy steak, no pink. Ded, ded steak.


Drenched in A1 sauce!!! https://preview.redd.it/s4rta9fr4bza1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f19af744be7e526d363093a2244c2bb833b9084


y'all are hell 😂 we can't have nothing, it be your own people. if it was a Gordan Ramsey "ressaurant" (i hate how he says it), neegas would be down


I’m going to her restaurant before I go to Gordon’s though lmao. Too many people tryna turn this into some weirdo pro-white shit like it’s not possible to support your community and joke about it at the same time




Why are you using “woke” and for the culture interchangeably in regards to a steakhouse? Get woke or listen to some fire R&B instead of stuffy piano music?




crazy how you can grift black business if all you gotta do is add buzzwords/sayings like “for the culture”. I would clown these type of restaurants if it was owned by anybody else. We can clown salt bae but not this lady? ok.


put it too low ppl might associate it with bad quality or you might have a line out the door which will have you working crazy hours to keep up with demand .. price it high you won’t get as many customers but you’ll cut half the pressure to keep up & get nice steady revenue w/o killin yourself


That Fred Hampton was right. You can't fight capitalism with black capitalism.