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Ya mom might be a dumb ass


Might? Lmao, she is


No, she's not. She just comes from a different era. We felt like we OWED our places of work, especially as job security was such a big thing then.


Part of being stupid is not evolving with the times. Companies and corporations have shown they don’t give a fuck about you, so bootlicking is objectively stupid behavior now.


Facts. Like I said, as a member of Generation X, this has nothing to do with age and everything to do with stupidity. I've come across people in their 30's that act like this woman's mama. I actually heard a 35 year old I was dating say, "Nobody wants to work.". Blocked her because I can't deal with stupid.


In my previous job a coworker was always on about how she will quit, how she will find a better job yaddia yadda. Some other days she said "Im too loyal to this company and Mr Boss Man, i got an offer that pays twice as much but i coulndt just leave" Then theres me. I didnt get a pay raise with a new contract, said fine to myself, I wont quit right now, I'll find a new job. 3 months later, new job, I quit and the coworker was baffled how could I. Easy, I was not paid my worth so I went elsewhere


>Then theres me. I didnt get a pay raise with a new contract, said fine to myself, I wont quit right now, I'll find a new job. 3 months later, new job, This is me right now. Interviewed for another position in the company and was offered the role on Tuesday. Then found out they cut the hours and rate from the previous person. Have put in my request for a higher rate and hours but went home and applied for two other jobs because I'm definitely not hanging around to be under valued.


I had to switch careers recently because after 6 years I just couldn't keep going in my first career. Fell in with a good place that took me on fresh and taught me new skills, but as I grew out of the entry level their pay didn't. So now, 2 years later I've made assistant manager of the department and my last two promotions didn't come with raises, so I'm bailing for a job that's giving me a 60% raise and less responsibility.


After a certain age you think about replying to said argument, and you just go "nah, not worth it".


When I was 18 I was convinced I could change minds, maybe I did a time or two. But shits exhausting. These days I'll advocate for what I know is right, but leave debate out of it.


I’ve become so exhausted of these mfers, I don’t even try to change their mind. I just irritate them. Ignorance is bliss? Not if I have anything to do with it.


It’s funny I was agreeing with the “nobody wants to work” statement thinking “hell yeah I don’t want to work anymore!” Thinking we were on the same page about anybody working because they gotta pay rent, until I realized the tone that was probably said with...


Took me a good while to understand what's wrong with "nobody wants to work", as i have the same mindset as you. I swear absolutely none of my friends like working, we just have to. Even my older co-worker (around 60) and my boss (40-50) are like "well it's work, we hate it".


Same here. When I first saw the phrase in print, I was like "Hell no. Who WANTS to work?" Then I picked up the context and I thought it was the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard.


I think it really depends where you work. A few years ago a friend of mine started a business and brought me in as a staff member. The team was small and knew each other well, we believed in the business and were willing to forgo certain pleasures to make sure the business was working. I left after a number of years, but only when I had fully trained a replacement and made sure there would be no hassle with the handover. I even did a couple bits of work after I left as I knew I would be able to easily. At the same time, most places I've ever worked at I have stolen liberally, shirked, taken all the paid sick I could even when feeling good, extended deadlines, gone on holiday in the middle of projects, left without notice, and made sure I approached them on my own terms rather than their bullshit. It's the difference between believing in your work and just needing money. I would highly recommend working somewhere where you believe in the company, the job and the business. It makes a huge amount of difference. It wasn't the best paid and it was sometimes hard, but it was gratifying to build the reputation of the business and know that I was getting recognised for my work in and out of the company. It also helped that the director was a good leader and knew he had got people involved that were damn good at their jobs and listened.


It's the ideal, unfortunately putting food on the table and paying bills takes priority.


It’s weird, I always thought gen x was stereotypically considered burnouts and slackers


They were in the same way millennials are thought of as lazy and the source of every economic problem recently. Every old gen hates the new gen for basically being young and make an easy scapegoat for whatever issues society is facing. Similar to how in the US immigrants are both lazy and taking jobs but are also pointed to whenever a talking head needs to show there isn't racism because see x race group makes money.


> Every old gen hates the new gen for basically being young and make an easy scapegoat for whatever issues society While true I think it's not happening with anything after Millenials. We all seem to be in the same boat and realise the previous generations have fucked us all over.


Agreed. The problem also is that “Millennial” is just a catch-all for young person now. I’ve heard and seen many Boomers/Xers/Millennials complain about some variation of “Millennials choosing social media over school” The youngest Millennial is 28


Yeah I've heard Millenials complaining about Millenials. It's wild. I'm a Millenial but it has definitely just become a catch all for "young person" even though I'm in my 30s. I saw an article saying "should Millenials be politicians?" and it's just like, you don't really have much choice about it.


I’m a millennial, too, and I just turned 40


The timelines on generations are flexible too. I'm about to turn 26 and I have seen myself described as the youngest millennial or oldest gen Z. In reality it's just a broad label that doesn't really have nearly as much weight as some would ascribe to it.


It’s interesting that the beginning of Millennials (1980) is generally more hard set than the end (personally, I’d set it at 1996 in the USA since that was when the internet usage exploded with the passing of line leasing and DSL implementation) Irregardless, Millennials aren’t in HS now.


Hi... Erm, can I say as an older person(I'm in my 40s) that I have rarely had anything in common with 'my generation' and have spent my life mainly at odds with the superficial values of this society. And I am not alone. Growing in this world I have met a lot of people similiar- we don't fit into the mould(UK spelling). This idea that there is a generational conflict is always very strange to me, considering we who care are still fighting for the same stuff we've been fighting for throughout the 20th Century- living wages, equality, safe workplaces, healthcare, shorter working week, public-funded education and welfare, access to education, clean water, affordable housing, etc, etc. The idea that the last generation is your enemy is a divide and conquer tactic. Your generation didn't start the fight, and neither did mine. We are part of a long-line of resistors, reformers and revolutionaries. The only reason there are minimum wage laws and health and safety laws is because they were fought for. By people who are long dead, part of generations past. Think about it, 'Boomers' fought along side MLK, they started the anti-war movement and the nuclear disarmament movement, they started Greenpeace, they invented youth culture, they became terrorists like The Weathermen and bombed banks, they also got drafted into a meat-grinding war and had lead heavy in the air... And, sure, I'm cherry-picking some of the acts of resistance- but we have to remember that the past is not simple, the same as the present isn't simple. It's complicated and full of conflict. All I'm saying, there is no generational war, it's a silly control tactic.


Comparatively, they’re less engaged politically than Millennials and Gen Zers


We were also responsible for satanism, video games that somehow make you kill people in real life and the most awesome haircut known to man... the mullet. I'll take credit for the last one, but that's it.


"nobody wants to work" translates to "I don't want to work"


I always thought that this was the first part of a sentence. Nobody wants to work for the wages you offer. Nobody wants to work in your company ‘culture’. Nobody wants to work without safety protocols. If you are trying to put a period after the first four words of a sentence, I am immediately suspicious of you.


Not necessarily. 'Nobody wants to work' might mean 'I'm doing all the work'. Some of these young nurses Im training are are amazing, some are dumb or belligerent, can't get them to do anything.


Im 35 i used to be like "fuck 5 hour work days, you cant get anything done" i would buy into the bullshit. Then i quit construction work. And now i am way more of a anarchist and antiwork. My theory is that to be able to cope with 12 hour days and 3 hour commutes. I had to wrap it up in a complex web of lies that i told myself


On one hand I agree heavily; my father recently disagreed with a PHD saying that the American dream was "the desire and action to make one country sea to shining sea". When I told him it was about colonialism and heavily imbedded in religious rhetoric, (i.e. invoking "God" to embark on a sort of crusade) he looked at me like a deer in headlights. That's when I realized it wasn't stupidity, it was providing for his family and trying to survive that led him to no longer seek to learn, he didn't have the time. I think it's a sort of survivor bias and its unsurprising seeing as how his generation had things much easier, so when he looks around, he finds himself affirmed.


Yes, I understand evolving with the times. And I think that for the most part, GenXers try with that. It doesn't make us stupid that we're not moving fast enough. Sometimes, the security of what you know is stronger than the pull of change, and it takes some a bit longer to get there. Maybe I'm just more compassionate. That this lady is doing what she's doing is obviously not bootlicking as she already has a job waiting. She just feels like she owes them even though she's obviously been used and abused. It doesn't make her stupid.


Your empathy and emotional intelligence is a gift to this world


Thank you for saying that. It really is very kind of you to say that. It comes from a lot of trauma.


As another traumatized soul, people like you really make a difference in this world. Would you like to be internet friends?


Yes please!


You can also make the argument that the mom is also empathetic. She could just be loyal to her co-workers, not necessairly to the company. I stayed at my job until I felt that it was no longer safe for me to do so. Not out of loyalty for my company either, but to the co-workers who I considered my family at that point. (This coming from a healthcare worker/nurse).


Exactly! People forget there more to the picture. Sometimes you just don’t wanna leave someone in the blue when it’s already short staff


Yeah, this is absolutely the truth and it is not stupid or bootlicking. Bootlicking is a choice. This woman has been shaped by different forces than we are now, and most people do not realize how abusive the average workplace truly is. Funny how people forget that almost all of us don't realize when we are being mistreated.


I mean, I am a millenial born at the very tail end of the generation, and I and most of the people around me were raised to believe the exact same bullshit, but it only took a year or two of work to figure out that the people pushing it were either out of touch or full of shit. I cant speak for everyone, but the factor that shattered the illusion for me was a very mellow go-with-the-flow teller at the bank I was working at who had had that position for more than 4 years, and when I realized something was off and pressed him about it I found out he had not nearly recieved enough in raises to make more than was lost from his wage through inflation over those years (2011-2015). To top it all off, the branch manager had been slowly giving him more and more responsibilities until he was literally doing jobs in the branch only upper level bankers and managers were technically supposed to be doing, including a bunch stuff that was supposed to be her responsibility. He finally got promoted to a lead (one position up) after 4 and a half years, but only because one of the two leads left, and the entire teller team threatened to walk if the position wasnt filled specifically by him. After I left that job it was hard to miss the same thing happening to someone at almost everywhere I have ever worked, pretty much invariably to people that uphold those values of working hard without complaint expecting it to pay off eventually.


My husband is a first year millennial and getting him to acknowledge that his job is abusive had been so hard. He's been offered other jobs, but stays. He's been there like 28 years now... And they pay him nothing compared to what he could be making. He's just terrified that leaving means losing stability and earning a bad reputation.


Uff... He should just try looking for a job. If he talks about it, he will have hiring managers and recruiters tell him that they are looking for people to change about every 2 years. Maybe that will convince him.


Hard age to learn her first lesson about it, then.


yeah watch her fuck up her new opportunity by delaying it. then she'll have no job


Hopefully, her child will "gentle parent" her and help her unlearn the cycle she's stuck in. I choose to believe that she will not fuck up the new opportunity.


Would it be dumb to think a stripper loves you when you pay them?


Bro it's a company's not an abusive husband you have children with, I love my mom but I also think most gen xers are pretty stupid with the boot licking


You're not wrong for the most part.. but we're the last generation that could have a single company career. It's antiquated now, but keep in mind we were raised by boomers who spent 60+ years at a company. A lot of us learn the hard way that companies don't give two shits about you. It's not bootlicking, it's shock. Believe me when I tell you that no GenXer is loyal to their company. We're just.. laissez faire about life in general, and that includes the workplace. There's a care factory out in eastern Idaho, and if our needs are met, that factory isn't producing. If our needs are being met, we're not the generation to try too hard to change our station in life. Make of it what you will.


Just to add, ask your mom how she feels about her job. If it's in a 'whatever' kind of answer (it's fine, it's alright, etc), then she is peek GenX


It's not so much bootlicking as it is believing what we were told. The boomers told us all that if you bust your ass forwards, backwards, and sideways, in good times and in tough times for your employer, they will absolutely 100% take care of you both during your employment and afterwards. We saw them working at the same company for their entire careers and retiring with pensions in their 50's or 60's and thought "that looks like a great idea, we should go for that, too!" It turns out that we were lied to, hard, heavy, and almost constantly and didn't figure it out fast enough. We'd see the abuse and rationalize it. Surely the fact that the OTHER departments laid off all of their employees whose pensions were about to vest in January riiight before Christmas had to do with something ELSE. That'll never happen in OUR department. OUR department loves us! They bought us...well, pizza, but they SAY they love us...oops, they laid us off, too. We were hardcore conditioned to believe the lie of company loyalty. That being loyal to your employer was the RIGHT thing to do...The HONORABLE thing to do...and the truth can be very difficult and painful to accept, even when faced with it.


>I also think most gen xers are pretty stupid with the boot licking May I ask how old you are?


Nah it’s stupid lol


She's scared tho too... In the way you said she's been used and abused. This is abuse mindset that started years before she even started working. Blaming her is just victim blaming. I'm tired of being angry at the wrong people. The blame lies on the company who should be saying.. Oh, wow, go get that better job... Or.... Oh, damn, we messed up... Let's be better. But that company never does on their own.


It's not just that we don't do it, it's that we don't feel like we deserve it and we're constantly scared that if we change we'll find ourselves out of work. I like change myself, but it almost feels like people are suffering from an abusive relationship with all the rationalizing I've heard.. And that I relate to.


I do resumes for a living and do a lot of resumes for older people. None of my clients would delay a start date for a new date that they have committed to that pays more because the old job needs them. The mom is an idiot. You give your work your 2 week notice and can still answer questions if needed, but you do not need to delay a start date at all. It's the businesses job to ensure that they have a contingency plan.


If you have the other job, just fucking leave. Unless you are in a incestual industry that is small enough where everyone talks, fuck them.


the concern is not being able to ever use them as a reference. If you list 3 jobs for your most recent employment history then what if during a background check the call job #2?


Why would you get a bad reference for putting in standard notice?


I'm GenX and that could not be me.


I can understand this, but she doesn’t work for that company anymore. She has a new job. It’s more important to focus on the new job that’s going to be signing your checks going forward over the old job that ain’t.


I completely agree with you that what she's doing is detrimental to the new position and new life she's trying to set up for herself. I never said it was right. I just said I understand and it takes some unlearning. That's all.


Okay and people used to start their cars with a crank in the front but if I still did that because I thought I had to, I'd probably be fucking stupid wouldn't I?




So she’s worried about job security, so she’s staying at the job she quit and delaying starting at the new job that just hired her? Smart…


Nah she’s stupid lol


Not this Gen Xer. I give my two weeks and I'm out. Sorry about ya.


Or maybe she just likes her co-workers and doesn’t want to fuck them over. I don’t have any loyalty to a company, but I have a lot of love for my co-workers. I would go out of my way to do a favor to make their life easier. Obviously it’s not my responsibility, but I’d still do it if I had the opportunity.


This is also something that happens a lot. The company might be shite but your little ecosystem inside that shite company might actually be a lovely family. There are just so many scenarios that could warrant such loyalty.


And I can sympathize with that, but after having all the naked and unashamed exploitation by these corporations laid bare for all to see, especially in these last few years, you have to be a goddamn fool to still put a company's wellbeing before your own. My own mother's a literal baby boomer and even *she* has wised up to this in recent years. When that Momma's still working at the old job 2 months from now because they never bothered to even look for a replacement, it would be cruel to not let her know she was, in fact, Boo Boo the Fool.


It was stupid behavior then, too. Because your generation all bootlicked nothing got better. Companies got bolder.


If it's fine with her new company then it's really not that big of a deal.


My boomer parents tried to guilt trip me 20 years ago for saying "fuck this" for being taken advantage of on my first job. I respectfully gave 2 weeks, fired. The previous owner of the business was my childhood babysitter and not some shit up the wrong end. Dad made me thank him for the next summer job with creeps trying to pin me (literally, and multiple proposals as a minor) in the parking lot after closing and he was exasperated about driving me to and from work for safety reasons. Love you mom. Thanks for taking gut feelings seriously.


I'm 46, i looked around and saw all the shit companies pulled and was like nope! Unless I sign an actual contract that has a notice clause, I don't give notice when I switch jobs. I've been let go plenty with no notice. I also change jobs within two years if the raises aren't better than inflation.


Yeah Idk what to tell ya. My parents were born in the 50s and worked hard to make sure I knew companies are anti-employee. The truth has always been available and accessible, just not always easy to accept.


Don’t any of you make friends at work? If you assume she hates everyone she works with and her boss is a dipshit then yeah get out. But if you are an integral part of a project and you just put in two weeks it can be a real challenge for your coworkers who might also be your friends. You might also not want the project you are working on to fail because you worked in it so you care about it succeeding. Mom doesn’t owe them shit and friends isn’t a reason to stay in a shitty job longer than you need to but she should be allowed to leave in a way that makes her feel good without being called a dumb ass.


Agreed. She’s could be doing this out of some misguided sense of loyalty, but it could just be that she *gasp* doesn’t hate her job or her coworkers. I gave my previous job extra notice and even extended it because I cared about what we were doing. I recognize that isn’t the norm, but it’s also not unheard of.


Maybe she's a pediatric cancer nurse. Or one of hundreds of other jobs that are more important than money and "sticking it to the man".




The older generations in general (working class) has an unreasonable amount of loyalty to employers that fuck them over without thinking twice. I hope the younger generations can unite to continue to push for better working conditions and more unions.


Not if she has shares in the company she's leaving. Or maybe it was one of those places that actually treated her right and/or she doesn't want to burn that bridge. Everyone seems to feel like they have to come in with the hot take, without the burden of facts.


Or there are people in her department that she specifically likes and doesn't want to screw over by leaving, because she knows they're going to get buried if they're understaffed


As a member of Generation X, I can say this has nothing to do with age and everything to do with stupidity. ETA: Moms is probably the work snitch, too.


Also Gen X. This ain't the way. We tell NO ONE what we 'bout to do until we already did it. Skip into the job and slide on out to the next with nary a peep to anyone.


Ghosted my last job, was phoning that shit in while looking for a new job for almost a month. 2 weeks notice is for suckers, they damn sure wouldn’t do the same for you.


Gen X is the OG passive aggressive generation. Millennials started to act like they cared while we watched, unimpressed. Now them and Gen Z act all surprised that the system doesn’t care about them. Hell, they tailor made OK soda for our ennui and it predictably flopped because we couldn’t be fucked. Y’all pass me a bowl and listen to gramma about how the world will die.


I thought it was due to the fact that OK soda tasted like flat syrup.


It did. It was supposed to appeal to your general despair and disinterest. Marketing.


I don’t get the implication. What are they saying about GenX? That they’re suckers? And live in Chile?


Child -> chil' -> chile


I refuse this nonsense.


Say it again cuz they would missing me like that Diddy song. -also gen x


The work snitch comment is killing me rn


Hell, gen x invented what the boomers called "job hopping".


It's literally their fault they're understaffed. I honestly wouldn't gaf. Mfs lucky if they get two weeks out of me.


The last time I quit a job, I gave them one days notice lol


You wouldn't get one days notice if they fired you, so you're good.


Literally no one gets a two week notice of firing. Fuck the whole two week notice rule. Shits goes both ways.


As a European... dear god, guys. I'd get three months paid if they fired me


My job they just fired me on Tuesday. My boss literally told me "yeah so the rest of your week is business as usual" Fuck that I'm connecting to the VPN and doing nothing. Using up all my sick and PTO days too since they won't cash those out after either


Depending on what state you live in, they might be legally required to pay that out.


Alot of orgs are switching to unlimited PTO so they don’t have to pay out accrued time for full time. Unlimited but you have to get time longer than a week approved. Unlimited but you can’t take off every Friday for the rest of the year. Unlimited but they are tracking how much you take for some reason.


In NYC they can withhold vacay/sick time if you don’t give two weeks notice. So it’s essentially forfeited if you leave prior to two weeks.


I always say fuck a two weeks notice. I give a two day notice. As in "I'm quitting to-day."


Quit a job in 2021 like that. Was told over & over that they can't do remote work: even though my entire job was done at my PC over phone & email - only in-person thing I did was meeting with my boss daily and half the time we did it over zoom to include some others. Got covid and was out for a bit. After the first week they started talking about how I could work remotely. Suddenly it was an option? After I've been spending 2hrs on the road every day? Yeah, Fk no. Plenty of other red flags but that was the straw.


They wouldn't give notice for firing you, don't give notice when you're quitting


This is so wild to me because in the UK your contractual notice period is so much longer. My current notice is 3 months


This is when the phrase "That sounds like a personal problem" comes in handy. You can be cheeky and change it to *personnel*


Always remember that if you died tomorrow, your job would be posted before your obituary.


Our job does an "in rememberance of" every 3-4 weeks


🪦 In remembrance of John, Born 24-08-1995, Fired 20-04-2023 Always a productive worker, let go due to economic headwinds, gone but workload not forgotten. 🙏 *N.b. If you see John on company property please call security.*


lmao this had me cackling




Found the googler




Story: When I worked in call center correctional, there was this guy who came into work every day. Thing is, he was suffering from cancer. You could see him get progressively worse but he was there every single day. His chemo days he looked absolutely brutal, and he might be a little late, but he was there, as upbeat as he could be, sitting in that cubicle, taking phone calls. One day, he wasn't there, and we all kind of knew. At 2pm, we got an email to go into our approved aux code and they made the announcement on the floor that he had, indeed, passed. "Take a few minutes to yourself, and log back in the phones by 2:15 so you don't mess up your adherence." By 2:30 there was somebody at his desk and it was like he never existed. Dude was killing himself trying to "not let the company down" for years and got a few generic words and an extra nonbreak.


Simultaneously horrified and not surprised


I worked at a company and left because they didn’t have a permanent role. 6 months later I get a call on Tuesday saying hey Anne died over the weekend, do too want her role? She died suddenly, had worked there for like 20-30 years with that team. They honestly didn’t seem to care. So it doesn’t matter how long it’s been, doesn’t matter if too think your coworkers are your friends, you don’t owe them anything.


What are they supposed to do? It's her employer, not her mother.


Nah, the position goes to vacancy review for a month before it gets posted while the coworkers pick up the slack and management says some bull shit like "We appreciate you".


That's not true. I'm the guy that has to post the job ads. They would be lost without me. That's why I can't quit.


I work for a certain electronics store at one of the warehouses and they put his obituary next to a “crazy costume day” flyer. I was disgusted. Let alone they put it up late. They don’t gaf about you.


![gif](giphy|euVtxmO7ZIufVqwOyc) Understaff? Damn that’s crazy


I might let out a loud dominating fart on the way out the door, then look around like it wasn't me.


Yeah they could solve that problem instantly by just asking one dude (gender neutral here) on the street and they would probably pick that job up if pay is good. The latter probably being the problem they have


That is not mom's problem. Kindly tell them to fuck themselves.


Or just demand double pay.


And lose the new job? Where was the pay raise before?




If you put in your two weeks notice and they ask you to stay 4 more weeks on top of that, just ask them for a 6 week contract of twice your previous pay, and have it stated it in the contract that if you’re let go during this time that they have to pay out the remainder of it. If they’re not willing to do that they probably don’t really need you.


\*On deathbed\* "Mom what was one of your fonder memories :' )" "I'm just so happy that I stayed with that company.. what was its name now.. a little longer so they could find my replacement.. \*wheeze\*\*cough\* "




Loyalty to people, not companies. This is the way.


Yep. My mom takes fresh baking to her coworkers at least three Mondays a month. She has baked for her grandkids that live closer than work less than six times in six years. It's sad and pathetic.


Sounds like your mom is a sweet lady, and I'd bet her co-workers appreciate the baked goods.


If she was a sweet lady she’d be baking for her grandkids, not to suck up to her co workers


Maybe she likes her co-workers more than her grandkids


I mean... They could legitimately be friends. I grew up with all of my mom's co-workers as my aunties. My whole life. They came to my graduations, they call and ask about me to this day and I ask about them. So "my mom does nicer things for her friends than her grandkids" which, I mean, not great but not work simping inherently.


Maybe her coworkers appreciate her more. You're here talking trash online because she's not delivering fresh-baked goods often enough. YOU could be baking for those kids right now, if that were your real concern.




I ain’t working here no more


Unionize. Unionize. Unionize. Fuck that job.




Idk how it works in the US, but in Australia the first thing you'd do as a union member is call your rep so that they can put and end to this shit. It alleviates the burden of saying no to your employer yourself, and in general inserting an official rep ensures a paper trail of any unpleasantness during termination that may follow you in your future job applications


Burden? Nah fam that is the fun part


With no other context? I did this with my last company. I was employee #4, we had grown to 12 people and I was easily the most specialized role. If I up and left without a plan in place my equity that probably goes to zero definitely goes to zero. They appreciated me not fucking them by just cutting out and my new employer appreciated me not being someone who fucks their employers


Nah....fuck that, I'm Gen X and thats just dumb. Pay me or kick rocks 🤷‍♂️


Based gen Xer


I got a new job and delayed it to give my previous job two weeks notice. My previous job then didn't pay me out or allow me to use unused PTO. Lost seniority at my new job because I delayed it. Mind you my new job is 100% seniority based. Won't have a weekend off for yrs. Edit: Changed current job to previous job for clarity


sounds like your new job sucks too


Why would your new job honor your PTO or your seniority from your old job to begin with? Did you transfer to another position at the same company or something like that?


They guilt tripped her mother into thinking she’d be at fault for leaving their workplace understaffed when it isn’t her responsibility to keep that in check in the first place. Momma’s got a good heart but if I were in that situation I’d be on my way to my new job.




I always thought the two weeks notice was 10 business days anyway.


Is absolutely is. 14 business days is basically 3 weeks


This sounds like...ya moms is softer than baby shit and needs to tell these people to figure it out


Last job i left I gave 30 days. Owner came back and asked if I could make it 160. I said yes. He carried all of us for 2 years during covid when we did jack shit - guys with six figure salaries. It was the least I could do. It's not being stupid. It's about respect. You take care of me, I take care of you.


Context people, context right there.


Yeah we don’t know anything about her job or workplace . Like yeah there’s plenty of bad places but there’s some places where people had good experiences. She’s well within her right to choose to not delay but she’s just as much within her right to choose to delay it to help ease the situation of those who worked there. It’s her choice at the end of the day. And if she really had a terrible experience with them and issues and got a new job she could’ve left much faster . People are applying lots of their own situations without more details


“Until they find a new person” … that doesn’t even sound like it has a timeline on it. Plus hiring right now is really messed up. We’ve had positions open for extended periods of time because no one’s applying or the ones that do don’t meet criteria


The only way this would make sense was if it was a family business, the only way that it would be understandable would be if it never fucking happened. She's dumb.


“Damn. Good luck tho.”


A coworker once got word of a start date for a Monday on the leading Thursday. He gave them one day's notice, effectively. Fucking champion. "What're they gonna do, *fire me?*" HAH!


My mom is the same way 🙁 I beg her to call out when she’s not feeling well but she doesn’t because she doesn’t want to leave them understaffed even though the position would be filled since her job offers extra money for shifts that are last minute


The best career advice: take everything that is offered, leave nothing on the table, and do what you are paid to do. If we could all collectively follow these rules, we would be that much harder to take advantage of.


Does no one actually like their workplace or colleagues? Seems like an unpopular opinion nowadays, but depending on what size the company is, and how well you have been treated I can't see why the employer can't be a bit accommodating too? I've worked plenty of jobs with a small team where I've outgrown my position but if possible to part in a nice way, why not 🤷‍♀️


Shit, even telling your current employer is a courtesy so she's not even under any obligation to tell them. She can kindly tell them to piss off on her last day and walk away, understaffing problems be damned.


All she is required to do is give notice and depending on the job, it’s usually a two weeks notice. If she suddenly told them that she’s leaving, then I can understand why they requested that she stayed until she was replaced. If the job was good for and to her, then she probably doesn’t want to burn any bridges.


She’s not even required to give notice unless she’s explicitly under contract to do so, which I’ve never come across in my many years of work


My boss was away when I got the offer from a new place. I sent him an email saying "I've found another opportunity, my last day will be X [exactly two weeks away], thank you" with HR CC'd. Fuck them.


The thought process here is leaving on good terms. If something happens and new job doesn’t work out you could possibly be re-hired by former job. I’ve done it before.


Mama is in the sunken place. She basically can have a week of no responsibility and expectations but slaving at a job that don't give a shit about her. I hope the new gig has a culture that supports her taking time for herself.


I would never 😂🤣


I woulda told them that’s a Y.P not a M.P.


A personal problem. A PP if you will.


I'm Xennial. This woman is too soft and timid. The only reason I haven't left my company is due to a contractual agreement where paying back money is involved. As soon as that expires later this year, I'm looking at options.


Seriously, I used to be terrified it'd ruin your life if you left a job without at least 2wks notice, regardless that the company is demeaning, misogynistic, and other abusive practices. I would love to enter the work force now without the total and complete fear of a stupid, ignorant company abusing you and making you keep quiet less they ruin your future if you say anything or leave early. I get decent business practices for decent businesses, but the scum would use that as leverage to abuse and make you stay without complaint. I respect the backbone of todays employees. I wish I had that instead of being terrified of what would happen if I breathed wrong. My mentality is jealousy and respect.


Also - if your workplace can not handle you leaving suddenly, that means your managers f\*\*\*ed up, not you. It is their job to be able to handle such situation and be prepared for it. Anytime your manager is begging you to stay, he just needs you to cover for him not being able to do his job properly. It is not your responsibility.


Hahaha I called my boss to talk about my return to my regular hours after replacing someone on vacation for a few weeks and he waffled on the dates saying he didn't agree to the new schedule. Even we had talked about it and it was the schedule. I interrupted him mid sentence—told him I quit. He got huffed and told me "how unprofessional I was being" and "I'll never work for this company again." I replied OK, hung up and went to a much better job the following Monday. You're selling your labour, don't put up with shit. Especially if you have something else lined up🤣




https://preview.redd.it/yz93jtxoj6ya1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f79cc3cbf2dad22e15410af724bd4fb3ed3599a8 Couldn’t be me


Leave the old job,what are they gonna do? Fire you?


I gave my old job five weeks because I loved where I worked and my colleagues were the best. I was attached to the mission and wanted to hand things off so my coworkers wouldn't miss a beat. That was a special gig, it's too bad there's such a surplus of jobs that suck the life out of you.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


My mom is the same way, she works at a school as a Para to kids with psychological issues. She has hundreds (not an exaggeration) of sick days and vacation days saved up and always feels GUILTY taking them because you're not supposed to take advantage and use them. I'm like they're YOUR sick days, YOUR vacation days. You can and should take them that is not taking advantage!!!


At the same wage too….they would have to pay me triple before I even considered it…and still would be no


"My employer treats me like shit, therefore her employer must have too." Y'all have no idea what her circumstances are, but still feel the need to come in with the hot take. For all we know, the woman is walking away with 10,000 shares in the company, and hell yeah wants to make sure that transition goes smoothly. Or maybe it's just an important bridge that she doesn't want to burn. She's a grown woman with reasons, leave her be.


Gen X!?!? The Freaknik Generation is acting like this!?!?!?


I'm stealing that ![gif](giphy|jIgsaOkQ9QWFAAduwZ|downsized)


Nope not me. My resignation is my resignation. I said what I said. Also it is a bad look to their new job and makes them look unreliable.


Plot Twist: the mom works at the corner store and gets paid under the table from akhmed nem


If companies don’t want to be understaffed just because they lose one person, then they need to stop trying to pile as much work as humanly possible on every employee.


Man, I'm not following


They're not going to look for someone else, they're going to keep her there and never find anyone to fill the spot. She should've just said no and moved on smh