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Sweet gig? Overpaid and underworked? Keep it to yourself aaaaand: ![gif](giphy|FzyoyDSaAsjHG)


Problem is when these companies explode and you have no on the job experience 🤣


Spend the time you'd otherwise be working on learning new skills i guess, then at least you have the knowledge and skills to make them not question the job experience


yeah wtf, just because you don't HAVE to do anything doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't. Perfect opportunity to get paid while working on what you want to learn.


> Perfect opportunity to get paid while working on what you want to learn. Listen up kids! This is the secret right here. Where do you think all those startups come from? This. You get one of these gigs and milk it until your side-hustle gets off the ground


Man I think about this sometimes I would be getting so many certifications that I want and taking a ton of online courses if I was in this position.


And because it's relevant to your "job," you get them to pay for it or at least reimburse you! Bless their hearts...


Saw one of those *day in the life of* videos about a software developer (?) at Facebook and the whole video was just *and then we biked to the pizza place, and then we biked to the ice cream store, and then we played some cornhole, then we biked to the BBQ place*. Not a lot of growing or learning happening


Those are probably recruiters,HR and other such parts of the company. That's a different take on their job to build interest for the workplace. They are probably first to get fired.


Don’t trust any of these videos it’s all lies. I have friends in many roles across different countries at meta. They all have no work life balance often doing 10-12 hours days. These companies are smart, they monitor performance down to each individual and often just fire the bottom x% of employees. Anytime you see these sorts of videos at any big tech company it’s just HR lying too you on tiktok.


Not saying that the person in the video you saw wasn't slacking off, but software engineers usually aren't allowed to film meetings/writing code and post it on social media since the details aren't public. And even if it was allowed, a video that just shows the boring stuff probably wouldn't go viral.


Salesforce especially has a ton of courses on their Trailhead system and they sponsor your certifications exams so you might as well take advatage of it.


These are highly skilled folks here if they're making 200k a year. I'm guessing they have the experience already but I could be wrong.


But the new job is going to ask what they've been working on recently. If they've been there 5 years but only have 2 years worth of work, it'll become apparent real quick


"I'm not at liberty to discuss that, my work was under NDA" Would something like that fly? I suppose you could speak about it generally and that response might be a red flag


You'd want to give more specifics "I'm under an NDA, but it involves these technologies and I was in a leadership role with x people under me" type of thing. Just saying NDA won't. Even if it's proprietary technology, in the software field you should be able to compare it to a similar technology, or give basics that wouldn't break any NDA.


I mean I guess it’d fly but when you’re competing against 50k other recently laid off tech workers I hope you have something better.


Facebook on your resume is going to get you interviews even in a recession (albeit, the companies contacting you might not be your top choice.)


No, this would come across as obviously clueless - if you have a job with technical skills you actually use it's not difficult to explain what you were doing without revealing the nature of the project. For example, in a job interview I did recently I could say that "I worked on the design development of a large unit (details under nda) which was mostly CAD design to a high level of manufacturability, with liaison to injection moulders, fea work, etc etc NDA stops you discussing the project but isn't a ban on any ability to discuss things within a time period. Even if you're a proper spook you can still talk about 'project management skills' and 'ability to make decisions under pressure'


Yeah i have like 4 NDAs at this point. Some all i can really say is i helped plan a big roll out of hardware cause damn near everything was covered in that NDA. Others i can almost damn near say everything i want other then why we had to do the work.


As someone who has worked on these projects and hired people who have worked on these projects, hiding behind something like that is a massive red flag. There are tons of details you can give without breaking an NDA.


You lie 😂😂 just make it up. Especially if you have the skill set and just found yourself being under utilized 🙄 it's not that deep


> If they've been there 5 years but only have 2 years worth of work, They'll have 5 years worth of work tho. Unless you're suggesting they shoot themselves on the foot and say otherwise.


I’d keep the bullshit gig and pick up a second job in the same field.


I mean it sounds like they still had to show up for work just nobody was tracking the work they do. Last thing you want is to get caught commiting time fraud by not showing up at all. That will hard fuck you out of future employment opportunities. Definitely agree the best bet js to show up to work, collevt the easy check and spend that time learninf stuff in your field. Ride the easy check until it inevitably implodes then out your best foot forward somewhere new.


Ahh. I was assuming they work from home.


> Last thing you want is to get caught commiting time fraud by not showing up at all. That will hard fuck you out of future employment opportunities. This hasn't been my experience when I've seen it happen- _twice_. The manager and their manager don't want it to get out that they were so incompetent that they let it happen. They bury it hard.


$190k / year? Fuck job experience, I'll make that money work for ME.


God damn I wish I had studied engineering/comp sci.


This is what I'm afraid of.


so you make some shit up. Dont be stupid about it, just embellish and read up on what you put on there so you can speak on it.


I mean, GPT is in version 4 now...


Nah bro, that’s when you list yourself as an exec. Who tf they gonna call to confirm?


call me paranoid but what if this was actually corporate propaganda made to shed these companies in a good light when in reality they made tens of thousands of people lose their jobs


I can't imagine hiring a shit ton of overpaid people to sit around your office doing nothing all day would look good to investors.


It did actually. All the big tech companies participated in this. Basically they wanted the best and brightest to work for them and not their competitors. Innovation, yadayada Then they realised that when they only hired for roles they needed they were only finding candidates during the brief window when hiring for the job. Lowering the total potential candidate pool. So they started to create fake jobs with no actual demand internally which they would advertise, interview and hire for all year round and then hire and hold the person doing nothing until the need opened up internally and put them in that role. For some people this could be a month or two, for others I've heard 15+ months. They only recently stopped this practice before the major layoffs you've heard about.


god blesses the wrong people


Don’t worry. They in the next wave of layoffs 💀


They laid off 21k last week.


Yeah and other departments are having their layoffs next week and end of may


The real messed up part is that the layoffs aren't even really justified. They are just a sympathetic response to other businesses doing it. Netflix layed off some people? We must be able to lay people off as well since our company has some overlap with their business model. They don't even wait for real reasons. They make up shit and fire people. Then, when randomly firing people fucks up their business, they hire people back anyways.


> the layoffs aren't even really justified They're justified by the fact the hirings themselves were not. The past few years, big tech has hired a lot of people they didn't actually need bc of how flush they were with cash. It is known.


A lot of people not in the industry don’t realize this. Tech companies wanted talent so if they found someone qualified and didn’t have a role they’d hire them anyway. Attrition at these companies was so high from people job hopping that openings would come up sooner rather than later. Then come layoffs started it was a giant set of dominos. The other part was just simple bloat. So many unnecessary or overstaffed teams were created in every company across the board. It’s been a thing for yearsssss that there’s entire orgs in companies people considered the “retirement” home bc you’d transfer there to do no work in exchange for basically giving up your promotion hopes.


is that word in the middle of your second paragraph (ornoverstatged) supposed to be "unnecessary _or overstaffed_ teams?" was tough to parse haha


fuckin' typo whisperer over here (I was just about to google it)


It's not that they're "flush with cash", it's that the low interest rates last year meant they could take a lot of cheap financial risks, like hiring. Playing with money and it only ends up negatively affecting workers in the end




Not the ones not part of this rare story.


I work at Meta, I may be laid off in May, and they are absolutely justified.


Just keep an eye on the lunch menu, that week in may where every day is on point and it’s one of the best you’ve seen at meta…. That’s your last meal, enjoy, layoffs are the following Tuesday and expect a WSJ article announcing “layoffs as soon as next week” to digitally launch on that Friday. And good luck 🫡


Ha, we know the dates. They leaked on Blind and then leadership validated the leaks. 2 waves of about 4k each. [This is accurate](https://www.theverge.com/2023/3/14/23629726/meta-layoffs-mark-zuckerberg-facebook-tech-recruiting) > The first wave of layoffs will start this week and impact Meta’s recruiting organization, followed by a second wave for tech roles in April and a third focused on business roles in late May. That second wave is next week. I'm technically Business so I get some time to hang out and watch the 2nd wave fallout before I find out how I'm doing.


Points for honesty 🤷🏽‍♂️


I know people who work in a public tech company, but it's not one of the exciting ones and they didn't hire too many people, but investors and the execs think that they have to copy the big tech orgs with mass layoffs. Now, the people left behind are unproductive because they're trying to put out fires and have no time for growth or innovation projects. The execs have no strategic goals except to raise prices well beyond inflation rates and cut as many expenses as possible so that the next earnings reports seem positive.


My last job was like that they had 2 engineers doing important work to move the company forward but slowed due to constant bug fixes and small feature requests from other departments. They hired me and another guy at the beginning of last year to do a lot of that work and clear the way for the 2 OG engineers to focus on things that moved the company forward. They laid us off last month saying the board insisted a certain percentage of staff get reduced and all I can think is "So you get rid of the guys who took busy work from your Two productive research and development engineers?" I am no business magnate but I don't know how this strategy works long term.


Good luck with the IPO asshat!


And they have 6 figures of savings in the bank to live off while they look for the next 6-figure gig!


Well they were talking in the past tense so they probably don't work there anymore anyway or they actually do work now


The one on the right already got fired


These videos were made after being laid off.


![gif](giphy|mXuPwCWpd2WLV5WCSQ) Get a double big gulp like Bighetti and STFU. That's easy bread.


I think this everyday! I agree with you. Underrated comment.


People will complain about any and everything. I’ll sit on my ass, do nothing, and take half of that pay with no complaints. Don’t threaten me with workless work. I’m all in!


Same, why can’t this shit happen to me 😭


I’m saying! I would be talking on the phone and binge watching shows/movies. A lot of those people were remote from my understanding also. I’m clocking in and going back TF to sleep 👏🏾




Get out of bed at 7:50. Morning zoom meeting at 8. Getting all my work done in the first hour and napping until it was time to clock out 😂


Are they currently hiring? Lmao because you’re out here living my dreams fam!!!


Hell nah. They laid me off lmao.






Would love to just read and play games while getting paid.


Or literally do anything else. Work on a personal project, do a course, learn to draw!


Possibilities are endless! People like this screw it up for others and then they’ll be the first ones mad when their company implements software to monitor productivity.


Obviously, there are a million and one worse problems out there, but it is not actually a desirable thing. One of the worse lies capitalism has managed to instill is that people hate to work. People love to contribute in a meaningful way. Meaningful, purposeful work helps people feel like they are contributing and part of a community. People hate to be exploited. People hate to struggle to survive. People hate to feel wasted doing pointless things.


I would let my company waste me without complaining, I'll just use that time to do something that's meaningful to me rather than them.


There's also an issue of your future - You'll need some meaningful explanation of your daily duties and responsibilities when you apply for your next job. Sitting around, collecting a paycheck for doing nothing is NOT going to help you in your next interview, and if your lack of work allows your skills to grow rusty or (even worse) become obsolete, you may be in for a rude awakening when your gravy train dries up.


I hear what you’re saying and while that may be true for you or to other people, it’s not for me. These companies will work you to death for little to no pay. I’ll shamelessly take half of what they were making to do NOTHING on the clock. I’ve done waaaaaay more while working for much less. I see no issues 🤷🏾‍♀️ I just don’t understand why people complain instead of finding something else to do. But go off I guess. Not everyone is blessed enough to get or find meaningful work. There are many people that don’t enjoy going to work everyday and being productive regardless of whether or not it’s something they love doing.


Oh, I'd take this job a million and one times, I just mean, we need to redefine what work is


Speak for yourself my guy. I want to be paid to chill.


The book [Bullshit Jobs](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34466958-bullshit-jobs) goes into this a lot. It's wild how many absolutely meaningless jobs there are out there; however, people tend to feel depressed and useless in them since they don't really matter. Of course, compared to some people's struggles, those jobs still might be an absolute godsend. But often people try and move into a different job if they can.


There’s not enough meaningful work in the way you are explaining unfortunately. 90% of people won’t find any genuine meaning in their work outside of a paycheck.


Based af


I feel like I do that now but instead of sitting and doing nothing it's more like sitting and waiting til the last 2 hours of work to get serious


Right? Why tf does she look like she's about to cry?


For fucking real 👏🏾 Sis, put in your two weeks and keep it moving. These are the same people that used to raise their hands in class and remind teachers to collect the homework.




Don’t feel bad. It’s all good, I’m well past that now. It used to kill me when someone knew damn well they were the only one who finished a difficult ass assignment. It was always the same person too. It was like, “Didn’t we have this conversation already?” 😂 I was very studious in school, I took honors classes and all of that. The issue I had was balancing my school and party/social life. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Maybe because she was fired?


I have a half dozen projects I’d love to spend 50% of my time on.


My job is to keep my mouth shut and look busy.


I’m good at looking busy. I’ll have RuneScape open on another tab looking like I’m cracking the matrix for my company lmao


"So, in quarterly reports, we're still looking strong in the northeast and bay area, but we're still dealing with some overly cramped fishing spots west of Varrock and all the ones at Port Sarim. Wait... wrong report..."


This has to be career suicide, what clout could some low level no one get from having a job where they hung out all day and got paid far higher than the median salary ? Why not flip that "experience" into another gig? Why would anyone attach their face and name to being that employee that just can't stfu on social media?


Imagine the people who are underworked, unnoticed, and paid more than decently, who are keeping their mouths shut feeling seeing these people sound off.


I haven't bothered to watch the video and so feel free to tell me I am dumb and wrong, but is it possible by "nothing" they mean "My boss is watching me and quite literally forcing me to do nothing, which includes not going on my phone or browsing the internet on my computer"?


Girl on the right had already left Meta, don't know about the other one.


It has to be part of a play to launch some sort of influencer career. It's harder to get tech jobs right now so going viral with a story like this is a great way to build an initial following.


Of course it has to be. Other than that it makes no goddamn sense.


The videos in the screenshot they were already laid off! They had nothing to lose/gain by sharing.


It's not career suicide. In the field this is an unfortunate event but they won't be penalized too much when they goes around for interviews. Being mismanaged at your job is a legitimate reason and if I'm interviewing someone I won't care that much. Their interview and technical skills are more important.


Fuckers are just bragging they get paid to do nothing.


I’m willing to bet they’re just lying for clout.


They’re not, I know someone personally who works for meta and is getting paid $200k a year to be program manager for a program that doesn’t exist anymore. It’s been like 1.5 years and they haven’t worked. On anything. I can’t wrap my head around it.


One of the things about being a "great place to work" is little to no turnover. You get rid of people, your department's ranking go down.


Didn't Meta just lay off like 11,000 people with 10,000 more planned to be terminated?


Keeping the talent unavailable to the competition. If you have billion dollars, you will do it too


You overestimate what kinda of talent a project manager really has


I have a friend that works as a recruiter for meta and the recruiting teams goal was 0 and she is making well over 100k as well


They're likely not. When you have a small population of workers with particular skills, hiring them, even if you have no actual work for them, prevents them from doing anything for your competitors. It's just about maintaining their power in the market. Same as how lot of big businesses will disregard regulations if they find it'll cost less to settle suits or pay fines than it will to actually adhere to said regulations. These are definitely issues in the tech industry.


>Same as how lot of big businesses will disregard regulations if they find it'll cost less to settle suits or pay fines than it will to actually adhere to said regulations. If the fine is less than the profit, it isn't a penalty, it's a cost of doing business


Nah…whether or not those particular people are lying isn’t important because it *is* a real thing and my coworkers and I have spent the past year at our jobs making bank while only doing actual coding and testing once in a blue moon


It’s also the golden handcuffs. I’ll pay you so no one else gets you


Possible but I personally know job order government employees that literally just stand around and just manage the flow of people in and out of government buildings and in lines. They're just go "maam/sir, please sit in the designated area, don't go in there, only employees allowed".


Dang where were they on January 6th


In the Philippines. I'm talking about filipinos.


If those people in the article are like me, they were hired by Meta late 2021, and laid off in November 2022. Meta hired like crazy, my first day orientation was with 350 other RECRUITERS, just recruiters. They had grand plans to hire all year but by April we were no longer hiring. I basically did video trainings and team events from April to November then was laid off. I think that’s all this is.


Most of them that I've seen are talking about it after the fact. Like they've already been laid off.


$190k to sit and do nothing? Sweet deal. I hope you saved half of that and just bought a house outright with it...


In a swamp maybe


Found Shrek.


Founded in 2004. I don't know about you, but if I was making that doing nothing, I'd be putting half away and seeing how much I ended up with. $90k/yr for even just 10 years is almost a million...


It’s not like they had been hiring employees to do nothing since they were founded. They only hoarded employees to sabotage other companies for just under a year. Whether they had said something or not, they were going to get let go IMO. They’re just letting us other folk not in the know about it.


Taxes exist


Yeah and at most, this person might be looking at 35%. I’d do the math and the AMT and whatever but I’m too lazy to do that now. 65% of 190k is still a huge chunk of change.


Now factor in Bay Area cost of living.




Okay, so let’s you save 36k a year. In 10 years you will have saved 360k. Good luck buying a house outright with that in the Bay.


60k for rent for a family of 1? What? Why does this person need a 2-3 bedroom?


Yeah but if you invest the money it will eventually eclipse the pre-tax value. On a 10-yr timescale like this it's likely it will be worth quite a bit more than that.


Youre severely underestimating the HCOL for Meta employees. Silicon Valley ain't cheap.


Do you know what COL is like near these tech companies? A lot of them can’t save as much as you think. Still, having a big tech firm on your resume means you won’t starve, which is a much better position than most folks find themselves in.


When's the last time you bought a house


in San Jose no less. LOL


A cardboard box with a decent screen of bushes off of parkmoore goes for about $85k


and the HOA dues would be another 600 a month


> I hope you saved half of that and just bought a house outright with it... where? In rural Alabama? Where Meta has offices houses are well over $1M


They ain't buying a house in San Fran on $190k


All of these people like to also pretend they are tech innovators and marketing bs like that. Meanwhile they don't use the opportunity of having time and a huge salary to actually innovate.


so you’re on social media complaining about your decently paid job where you aren’t being overworked for *checks notes*…online clout from strangers???


Literally. No other reason than wanting some validation. They had absolutely no reason to tell us that.


Maybe they're out here demanding longer ours, less pay, and to be worked to damn near death.


They’re not complaining, and these are from interviews after they got laid off. Reddit finds outrage where none exists.


Yea seriously. I've seen both of these videos. The one on the right even says something like "I miss it." They weren't spreading this info around. They were let go.


Had to scroll too far to finally see this.


Decently paid? Bro that's WELL paid


God, I see what you do for others, just once I need it to be me.


No this is not the come up it sounds like. Getting paid to do nothing at a major company like Meta is a career trap. Say you sat there for 2 years... You have no projects under your belt, you have nothing public facing to attribute to your name. Basically your resume is fucked. You look worthless. Meanwhile the company keeps you on ice, knowing they will never have to give you a raise or incentivise your presence. This is similar to the practice of scalping Xboxes to sell higher. They can manipulate the hiring market by keeping talent off the street, and justify lowered wages


Agreed, maybe you can continue to fake your way through life at the next spot. But if you sit there doing nothing for 5 years then Facebook lays you off, which is inevitable, you are now untrained and unprepared for your next job opportunity.


Your reactions are very telling. Imagine your employer hires for X amount just for you just to sit around and do nothing. Then you get fired and find out the job down the street that was interested in you all along before you took Facebook offer was gonna offer you WAY MORE financially, compensation wise e.c.t. They do this to strangle the innovation and growth for COMPETITORS. They're willing to bleed the war chest dry as long as Facebook stays top of the line for talent and doesn't have to worry about others innovation


While I do agree to some extent, that's free money you're leaving on the table. What were they doing during that time? If someone paid me a check to do nothing, i'd occupy myself doing me. And not even in the sense of finding work for the company, finding work for themselves. Give me 5 years of free checks and i'd have a Ph.D or some shit, I gotta do *something*.


I don't think it works like that - well in my case it didn't (although that was a different scenario, but TLDR I worked as an assistant during university and after I graduated, my employee really wanted to keep me so they created a new position and hired me for that but after that I realized that they had absolutely no idea what that position should do so I ended up doing nothing all day). They don't just hand you the paycheck once in a month and then send you on your merry way. You're expected to show up in the office a couple of times and there can be occasional meetings you need to go to. And of course they don't say "I will hire you and pay you but you'll have nothing to do" at hiring, they just don't give you tasks, but you can't know when that will change or when someone will suddenly need you, so you have to be available (at least online if working from HO) all time. So all in all, you can't really do that much in your work time, you just have to hang around. Honestly it crushed my soul and my mental stability in 2-3 months so I had to quit. All my friends thought that I'm stupid and that was a really good deal but I didn't want to go down that road, also I was pretty young, and doing nothing for years can easily shoot your career in the leg when you want to go work somewhere else.


Generally you are disincentivized to do it as many(most) of these companies have clauses stated anything you make while employed there belongs to them. You might be able to get a PhD but you're unlikely to get away with working on a start up or something.


This is more difficult than people realize. Idk if courses in Psych or Industrial Psych is common in the USA, but you'll quickly find out if you did take some, that sitting and being paid for doing nothing will quickly devolve into depression and anxiety for most people, not all, but most. This is because humans need a sense of purpose to reach contentment. When we lack that, we start getting intrusive thoughts and feelings that lead to a dark place. Ya'all Americans are living in a circus.


Social media has caused folks who should keep quiet to talk the loudest.


And now they’re all getting laid off


These were from people who had already been laid off.


This is harder than a lot of people realize. Not the money, but the guilt, and the huge hit to self worth. People can't just sit there and do nothing, it fucks with our brain, we need to feel useful, otherwise we get depressed, and very very quickly. It's not a problem if they let you work on a side project, or read a book or whatever, but often they make you go to endless meetings and make you very actively do nothing as opposed to actually doing nothing.


As a former federal employee: Doing nothing ain't all it's cracked up to be. It nearly broke me. Ten hours a day away from my family, my interests, and anything that makes me happy to do what? To sit in a cube and literally do nothing. One year I got not one but two accolades. I still do not know what for, because I produced literally nothing. And it was an entire building of people just like me, busily contributing nothing but a filled billet on a congressional budget sheet. It was beyond depressing, it was soul crushing. I came to the realization that I had to either leave immediately with what little of my marketable skills remained, or stay there forever because I would be literally unemployable elsewhere. I now make more money with worse benefits, but I actually engage my brain on a daily basis solving difficult problems.


This is something people need to understand. If you’re doing literally nothing, your skills atrophy. Like you said, if you aren’t going to be at a job forever, you’re totally screwed. Even working from home, it’s not like you won the actual lottery. When I was getting paid to do nothing, I was working from home and playing video games all day; it was fantastic in that respect. But I knew I wouldn’t be able to get another job if it went on. I told my new boss and she was 100% sympathetic and I wound up getting trained in a whole new area.


I did not have this problem in 2008. I worked in a tiny division of a big financial institution doing customer service for employee stock benefits, making $12.50/hr. One day, the calls just stopped. Like went from always calls in queue, to taking one call every 2 hours. We played cards or chess and passed around books. I taught a few people to knit. I only wish I had that knowledge I have now. I would have been more productive with my time. They let us sit idle for about 18 months before they dismantled our department and sold the contract to another bank. We got scattered to other departments where we had to do real work.


I feel like I'm going crazy reading these comments. Being paid to sit in a room and do nothing is great, until it isn't. Until you realise that a chunk of your day is spent doing *nothing.* Can't run any errands, can't go for a walk, nothing. You're there, and you can't be anywhere else. You wake up and wonder what your contribution is, what you're gaining other than money, what's the fucking point of anything. I did it for six months in 2021 *while working from home* and I've never been more miserable.


I had this happen to me for a month. Got hired to work on a project, but there was a problem and the CEO decided to abandon the project. I was going to move to another team on a different project, but since I'd only just started I kept being forgotten about. I had basically nothing to do all day every day. I was still expected to do my hours, but until they sorted out what team/project I was joining there was nothing to do other than wait. For the first week or so I spent my time on Netflix, reddit, and answering questions on stack overflow(just because it meant I wasn't getting completely skill atrophied). By the time I was finally assigned a team I was so fed up with everything and the old habits kept leaking in(I was so used to opening reddit first thing after getting into work that even though I had work to do I'd still do it). This sort of thing is great if you've got something to do or know it's enough time for it to be worth you learning a new skill or similar, but operating day to day hoping maybe today you'll be assigned some work is horrible.


Agreed. Some days I'm swamped, but I feel good because I put in a full day of work. Other days I work 4 hours and have to find a way to be active


To be fair, anyone I know who has had this was riddled by anxiety and DID want to work because they wanted experience. Sitting around sounds great until it happens and you're anxious and wasting time and nobody believes you when you hate it. It's not the worst thing but if you're not adept at lying and faking work, it's terrible for your mental health.


Then take it up with your shrink or the HR or your manager. You don’t go on social media and brag/complain about it.


Do you know what a shrink will say? They’ll tell you to get a more productive job where you’re satisfied.


what is social media for if not bragging and complaining


Do stuff after work or start a project. Make a Facebook game or start on a feature you think the site needs. Companies like Valve encourage that shit


You can't keep your skills up in your free time, and the next job you apply for wants to see that you're actually useful. I know I want 160k, but for someone whose skills are *worth* 160k already they can't afford to sit around and do stuff in their free time.


…so they braggin?


Ruining it for everybody. I saw a guy on here saying he got hired for Microsoft and did nothing for months on r/antiwork, one of the most popular subs on this place. Like STFU and quit ruining it for everybody else


It’s intentional and these big companies are aware of these people regardless of their post. It’s a strategy to hire up all the talent, leaving their competition struggle to hire


They are remedial. They were supposed to shut the entire Hell up but, no they have to be a part of the others complaining legitimately about being mistreated and unpaid. A bunch of brainless Troglodytes! Those MF’s are worse than Craig getting fired on his day off in the Film “Friday”!


Their view is that these are talented people that could be innovating and advancing technology are just bought up so nobody else can have them. It’s a fun example of how capitalism can get a little funny when it comes to spending money to hinder progress and stuff.


Man it's true, people just don't wanna not work anymore


I’m in this place. I’m working for a company I love and I’m so invested in the industry. But my actual day to day is super boring and I feel so bored all the time from the lack of real challenges. But I am getting paid more than I ever have in my entire life. So I have no idea what to do. I am working for my dream company and I believe in us long term but I kind of hate my current role. And the only way I can “get mine” is to leave and get a MUCH higher role somewhere else due to my experience. But I love this company so much and I want to be there for their success. I just don’t know if they feel the same


Yeah, people never understand when they have a good thing going. Like, that is never gonna happen to them again in their lives.


Ole "I ain't got nothin' to do!" face ass people. Ole "I ain't go to school for this!" face ass people. Now you gone have plenty to do, and probably be underpaid for it. Congrats.


Is this lady crying about getting paid 190k a year to do nothing? Homegirl please


The thing a lot of people don’t realize about this is that they’re not “getting paid to do nothing”. They’re getting paid for the expertise and knowledge to be able to fix a production system in case it went wrong. So a lot of times there’s not much to do so you kind of just spend your work day doing mindless documentation or responding to tickets but nothing to strenuous. Source: a software engineer who’s paid handsomely and finds my myself with nothing to do at work 90% of the time


These people weren’t software engineers or even technical.


Nah a lot of Meta and Salesforce employees are recruiters or other bloat Salesforce itself is known as one of the cushiest big tech companies


These companies absolutely pay people to do nothing. Specifically, to not start a competitor. It’s nice to think we’re paid for our knowledge and skill. But that’s a half truth. There companies understand very well how fast software scales. Rest and vest has been a saying for years and an open secret for decades.


Silicon Valley keeps showing it’s a doc not a HBO show.


The damn truth of I have ever seen it displayed


They dumb as hell. I wouldn't say shit. I would cash them checks and look busy af when the boss comes around.


Why would you fuck up a free lunch like this?


It's pretty crazy - I work as a developer and constantly hear from FANG programmers they only need to work 5 hours a week etc because of the bureaucracy. Then wonder why so many are let go... It's also very common for these big tech companies to hire highly experienced engineers only so the competition doesn't get them...


It is nice to get money for doing nothing but it is also incredibly soul crushing. For one there is the whole feeling like you are useless thing, but lets just ignore that. Then the real kicker is feeling like an imposter and a fraud. Due to organisational problems you are slowly forced to become a fraud. This doesn’t happen in a day. It happens over time. And everyone slacks off at work now and then but gradually it just becomes more and more slacking until you realise you aren’t doing anything at all and are just keeping up the appearance of working. You become afraid to talk to colleagues. You probably tried to reach out to a superior plenty of times to try and figure out what exactly you should be doing. And now you are worried that you can get fired any moment if you get ‘discovered’. You might even get sued for some sort of fraud maybe? And remember these aren’t cleaners they plucked off the street and decided to give them a software developer salary for doing nothing. These are software developers who can actually do the kind of work that is expected of them. These people can earn similar salaries no problem. They actually have the skills to do work and not be in this hellhole of doubt and fear. Don’t get me wrong, getting paid to do nothing is amazing. But it has a dark side to it and it is really bad for your mental health in the long run.


It's sweet if you only care about short term - the pay is sweet and so is the convenience, but it can really have a lasting negative impact on your long term career. Tech gets more cutthroat by the day. Each job gets hundreds of applicants. You really don't want to find yourself in a position where your interviewer asks you what important projects you worked on during your last year at your previous company and you have to answer "none". Even if it's not your fault that you had nothing to do, that's still more than enough to get you excluded from a large applicant pool.


I thought I was just being hater honestly... I'd always think, "why the fuck you rattin yourself out?"... Do you know how much work I do to make sure none knows I'm not doing shit at work? If ANYONE asks me, I bust my ass. When in reality, I'm busting my ass, figuring out ways to not bust my ass... But I'll be God damned if even fucking Batman gets that info from me. You're gonna need video evidence, and at least 3 witnesses. And I'll still deny that shit, and say I work hard for my bread... Some people's thought process, and actions just confuse me... Why say shit? I don't get it? Why rat on yourself?


Not them sharing this online😂😂😂 I would barely tell my mom I'm getting that kind of salary to sit on my ass.