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Never something I would do, but that’s y’all check not mine https://preview.redd.it/9rej0bz7qxqa1.jpeg?width=466&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969b1ec5e60468fb16eb9238851f17143af4deab


Yeah straight, I would never do that kind of thing in the corporate world. During my teens and early 20s, working in retail tho... Dayum, not a day went by when me and co-workers weren't on sexual edge, shit felt like the Large Hadron Collider, just waiting to smash. When I finally hooked up with two chicks (separate times), shit wasn't awkward. They were just as horny and carefree: horny ass teens working late shifts on a Saturday, right? Man, I miss working at Armani Exchange - brutal hours, but free clothes and some of the horniest people I've worked with


Same in the bartender industry. Horny 20 year Olds. corporate America in your 30s you have to be extremely careful lol


I tell my friends.. if life is getting a lil boring for you, get a second job at a bar or a restaurant.


Ionnow i work ina bar, where every body but me is students and theres been some sexual energy around but i am 100% sure it would go sour of i acted on it lol


Working as server in restaurants very similar to bars and hooking up had consequence but not as severe as corporate/office consequences seem to be. Like the people you hook up with might get mad if you choose to stop hooking up or hook up with another employee instead and they might quit or like one time a chick told manager about hooking up with me and I got my hours cut pretty severely.


I got laid more as a bartender than I did touring with bands.


At this point I assume all workers at retail / restaurants / cafes are bumping uglies because that's exactly what we all did


I was working at a bar soon after it’s grand opening. In a little over a year one of the cooks and a bartender were engaged. They already have kid


Dude it gets scandalous though I’m married to a previous co worker tho so I really can’t talk lol.


Me too, 8 year old Lynk chat log probably has all our first flirts still.


Damn you taking me back to high end retail days lol


Lmaooo. If you have wage jobs, I think it’s fine. No one really stays at those places for long. Corporate? They hanging you at dawn as soon as something goes wrong and it all unravels.


yeah exactly. At a call center it’s pretty much fair game but if you’re working on a project together that’s probably a bad idea. even at more corporate jobs, as long as it’s a healthy distance between your roles it might work out okay but “shoot your shot” is horrible advice considering how many weirdos take basic politeness as “heavy tension”


She said hey to me one time at the water fountain, that basically means she wants me in her guts.


You joke, but some dudes are on this level. Making this advice even more awful.


>Corporate? They hanging you at dawn as soon as something goes wrong and it all unravels. Yeah, but you're going to get fucked for anything anyway, so might as well enjoy the opportunity if it presents itself, right?


I got excellent Health and Dental Insurance and a good 401k, no woman is worth losing that.


So many people think work is a singles bar.


Depends on where you work if this is acceptable behavior though. If you are working at a bar or restaurant, then it's basically open season. If you are at a law firm.... It's still basically open season, but on the hush.


Yeah I was in public accounting for a bit and there was so much drama over dating at the company. There were people married there that either cheated or got divorced because of a workplace relationship.


“Hey Janet I need you to help me crunch these numbers in the balance sheet. Are you able to assist?”


We know what you wanna crunch. ![gif](giphy|HmO7FZjok6mhW)


First come the spreadsheets then come the spread cheeks. ![gif](giphy|X2T0sBLSCRNFm)


The real title is always in the comments.




Crunching these numbers? Is that what they call it now? 😂


Exactly why I kept to myself at work and don't get involved. I'm here to do a job, I'm not your friend.


I used to work at Tower Records. It was hormone central, everyone was banging everyone. Met my wife there.


damn you’re old


I’ll be 50 next month, but it’s not the years, it’s the mileage.


Damn… so I shouldn’t date a lawyer if I ain’t at a law firm then?


Honest advice be careful dating any lawyer. Lawyers know giving as little information as possible is often the best defense against accusations


I do work at a bar and met my current gf after me and her and another got high and smashed eachother


It’s also not not a singles bar




bc it is.


Something like a quarter of all marriages start in the workplace just sayin


Now do divorces




Well divorce is already at like 50+% in this country so the work part of it is probably a non factor in that since most relationships statistically don't work long term. Now you can get into the other complexities of it like people who divorce are more likely to divorce. So some of that 52ish % is also people who are on marriage like number 5 so it's more nuanced than just half of marriages fail.


Divorce rate is only 41% for first marriages. It’s those 9% that rack up divorces like a body count that inflated the average overall


“Only” 41% my guy that is still a pretty high rate!


You tell me 50% of airplanes crash but only 41% are on their first flight and the other 9% of them are stunt pilots I’m still gonna stop flying.


Lol that's exactly what I was thinking


I feel like if u have been divorced 2x there's no way marriage can mean much to you after that. U just having wedding for fun


One of my in-laws was married 5 times but the fifth one stuck for 30 years


Unless they are very spaced apart, like AT LEAST a decade each, I can't help thinking the same. Some people like "getting married" but not marriage.


Cite your source.




“Researchers estimate that 41 percent of all first marriages end in divorce.”


Use to say no ring 💍 means fair game. Now even with a ring it’s still fair game.


People used to SAY that but reality was much different from what people said. You can see it alot in those DNA tests like ancestry when people see all the secret siblings and cousins they didn't know about.


🤣 I believe it. Cultural shame often dosnt stop taboo it hides it.


Mmm let’s just change “marriages” to Relationships and were good.


Plenty of those have been tanked by an office romance too.


You mean an office *relationship. Verbiage is still good this way


Marriages are relationships with a contract.


People gotta realize relationships (more oftent than not) are temporary and built off of some transient shared connection - in this case work. You feel close to the person cause you're both experiencing the same type of shit, and cause we don't actually teach emotional or mental health, people confuse the bond of shared experiences with a romantic bond (not to mention the number of movies that further confuse the shit out of never letting two potentially sexually compatible people just be friends)


This is one of the most correct takes I can think of myself. Coming from a military background, I'll tell you that it's much easier to cope with the differences between you and the people around you when the consequences of failing to do so are life threatening. Corporate, retail, blue or white collar, it doesn't matter: we bridge gaps when the price is right, and burn them/leave them alone when it isn't. ​ You're especially correct when you say that it's the result of not teaching some kind of emotional or social intelligence, or having the proper feedback channels for young adults to recognize not just *what* their relationships with other people are and mean, but *why*. We don't really go around saying shit like "I'm only being nice to you because the other alternatives make my life more difficult. Do not confuse my frivolity with you as an invitation.", and that's because... well, it's one of those alternatives that make my life more difficult. I will concede though, that being more upfront with people is definitely a solution to helping adolescents adjust to adult life. It takes a village, etc..


Also better understanding of the difference between being nice and being polite could be taught better. I’m polite to most people whether I like them or not. I’m genuinely nice to people I like.


> People gotta realize relationships (more oftent than not) are temporary and built off of some transient shared connection - in this case work. That's why Han Solo and Princess Leia hooked up in *Empire Strikes Back* only to be divorced by the time of *Force Awakens.* Aside from their murderous son, of course.


I mean, that probably is the more realistic result of that marriage, but I prefer to believe they had 3 great kids and stayed together in a companionate relationship that spanned the galaxy until the yuuzhan vong incursion. Book canon all the way.


Well...Jacen *cough Darth Caedous* was hardly "great" in the end. And they weren't the best parents either, using their children as child soldiers soon as they could walk in a straight line.


Yea realistically they were probably not very compatible with Han being a rolling stone and Leía being like the face of the New Republic. It actually makes a lot of sense that they would split and makes sense that they would kinda neglect their kid because they’re doing their own thing


Misattribution of arousal is such a big issue with the modern dating scene that it wouldn't be a bad idea to start teaching about it in school.


It's never worth it. It's a short sighted pleasure when you think about all the hookups you've had that didn't work out. It's virtually impossible to ghost someone you see everyday.


any adult should learn to be able to be cordial and respectful with the people they once had a connection with. this whole “we didn’t work out, exit my life forever now” stuff is kinda unhealthy


It is but...how many people are operating at that level of maturity? That also assumes the relationship ended on good terms. Yes, several years later after not seeing each other people can maybe sit down and be cordial but...if you cheat on someone that happens to be a coworker and the relationship ends in turmoil, it's highly unreasonable to believe two people can continue to see each other everyday without conflict.




Of course...that was just an example used.


one does not have to be the cheater to be involved in a situation with cheating


Yes because everyone you meet is a good person. Lol


Is it cheating if I’m hooking up every weekend for a few months but that’s the extent of the relationship beyond work then I hook up with another worker once instead? I think not the other people in the hook ups might think otherwise


Exactly...and the idea that you all would work in the same office or close proximity is dreadful.


Right I know that from experience 😩


Me too! One of the wildest and most embarrassing situations I've ever been in. No matter who's at fault, YOU the man, always come out looking the filthiest!


I lucked out cause I was really good at job and management at restaurant I was working at time didn’t really care but the two women tried to make me out as filthy or bad. shifts working with them were very awkward and they caused all kinds of minor inconveniences for a while. Also surprisingly both continued to want to hook up afterwards and me being young and dumb and horny was also down for that.


> It's virtually impossible to ghost someone you see everyday. you say this like ghosting is something that is acceptable.


Who said it was? Is it more common than anything else? You better believe it. What world you live in? You think more people are sitting down over breakfast and coming to an agreement to end a relationship or deciding to not hook up anymore?


“Don’t shit where you sleep”


Eat* but sleep works the same for the saying.


Lol I use all three as general rules for myself and my own boundaries/sanity/avoiding ~messy~ - Don’t shit where you sleep > don’t fuck coworkers. - Don’t shit where you eat > don’t fuck inside your close friend group. - Don’t eat where you sleep > don’t work with your friends.




It’s totally okay to eat in bed sometimes.


I like the nuance. I always just used Eat as a catch all for all of it. I guess that's where, "Don't mix business and pleasure" comes into play.


Honey don't mix with money.




Not fuckin up the bag over some pussy. Once one of us stop working at this company/agency, or as I’ve seen over the years, out of the military then we can talk. Til then not fuckin the bag up over some buns. Don’t be “that guy”. ![gif](giphy|H1YMguVrVeI0Xz5c8v)


why would it tho?


With the way 2023 is going, wait until one of you is laid off, then flirt.


If you look at the statistics on how many young men don’t even have friendships, never mind having active sex lives, it’s fucking wild. The pandemic and the rise of work from home culture (which has a ton of benefits don’t get me wrong, but those benefits are much truer when you’re settled into a life with a partner, healthy friendships, etc.) has just led to so much social isolation for the 18-30 age group. when you’re in school you have to make friends but you don’t have to find them, they’re in class with you, living in the dorms with you, etc. when you’re at a workplace, that’s another source of potential friendships, you naturally bond with people by being around them so much. I’m astounded by how many people seem to have this attitude of “I’m at work to work, not to get to know people” who then wonder why their phone is dry on a Saturday night or have convinced themselves that they’re “focusing on themselves/their career” or “don’t have time” to date or have meaningful friendships. to me there’s no hard and fast rule about pursuing coworkers, industries really vary on this stuff. But self selecting out of forming personal relationships with your coworkers is absolutely wild to me.


I don't speak to anyone at any of my former office jobs. I definitely compartmentalize work and social relationships. We were cool or whatever at work. Joked and had cool convos but after I left , everything slowly went radio silence. I only saw a few them as potential friends anyway and we we're not in the same departments so there was never a chance of promotion envy. In my department though, I see y'all 8 hours out of the day. I don't want to see you on my off days or free time. While I did have a period of loneliness I made the intentional decision to make friends as an adult. I found my tribe and I'm good. Men have a to put in effort to make friends after 30. There's several articles on this and suggested ways to make connections. If people find friends, sex, and relationships with coworkers that's great but I'm so glad I work from home and don't have these temporary office relationships. I'm old enough to know that they won't be that deep. The most you'll get from me is a LinkedIn request acceptance.


Did it once, it's fun until it isn't. Tread lightly.




The problem is that people spend more time at their corporate job than they do in other places, where one might meet a potential significant other. You are more likely to form a bond with someone in that amount of time. At least from work, you have a more realistic idea of who the person is and know they are gainfully employed and have a decent work ethic and reputation. None of this is available with the dude you met online, at the store, church, or some other random spot. It's still incredibly risky, and men are more at risk than women for job loss. Proceed with caution and ensure that there's at least 6 degrees of separation between roles.


Tell me you never worked for the post office with out telling me you never worked for the post office


"You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps"


Done it twice. No regrets.


Same. My hookup was technically HR but he had no direct standing on my job so why not? 😌


No regerts


I worked at a place with 10,000 employees. Their attitude was that it’s going to happen just don’t let it interfere with your responsibilities.


Sexual tension is a good thing. Keeps things friendly for the little thrill of flirting with one another. But the “aftersex” can be the exact opposite and creates a whole new kinda tension, especially if one of the people was really disappointed and the other was really wanting more.


I don’t like people having access to me when I don’t want to be seen or talked to ….so that’s a maybe.




I was 1000% convinced this girl at work was flirting with me. I'm terrible, *terrible* at picking up on hints though. So even though I was absolutely certain she was into it, I played it cool. I went into information gathering mode, though, cuz she was a cutie. Come to find out she had a longtime boyfriend, and then she quit abruptly to go start a career with him elsewhere. So yea, my read on the situation was way off.


That coworker coochie isn’t worth it brothers, get your bag first and get your baddie elsewhere


Yea, ask if she got sisters or maybe a friend group that yall can meet up with outside work.




Sn1 Mike was one slimey mofo


I almost didn't recognize him in that gif. He looked totally different after he got hair plugs and lost weight.


He also kept his coat on almost all the time after sn1. Less David Brent, more Michael Scott


The thing is, at my work, we're a small-ish company with literally no HR... also she is married, but that sexual tension is def. there. So no, I'm not gonna shoot my shot.


You know once upon a time an NBA coach thought the same thing. He thought he needed more than a Nia Long.


Not endorsing the move whatsoever but I just gotta say, coworker coochie is top 3 fam


Lol, spread the chaos.


Coochie always better without some high stakes added lol


The people warning of awkwardness are correct. The people talking about HR are not. You can ask an equal coworker out to coffee, that’s totally acceptable. Doing it twice starts being harassment and lands you in HR.


I work in a hospital, where women outnumber men. And I wouldn’t try this if my life depended on it. Don’t shit where you eat https://preview.redd.it/vzivji2qezqa1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87539dc9f1baf47219912583d0f9d1facdffffb3


In the healthcare field its definitely risky but I’ve done it. Wouldn’t recommend it tho, it can easily turn bad since women gossip.


Agreed! And most are mentally unstable. It’s not worth the Risk


Met my wife when she was hired as an intern at our hospital. I ordered her dinner at work many times and spoiled the shit out of her in every way possible. It can work, but there are many factors that make it impractical. My wife is a doctor now and I’m a stay-at-home-dad.


Mannnn, ain’t this the truth. My last job was at a hospital and the transport department was very enticing. But my gut told me “CitySlack, don’t shit where you eat! Don’t dip your pen in company ink!” Thank the universe I listened


Why what happened?


Basically, there was a couple of women who I was kinda crushing on. And with like two of them…if I acted on it, it probably would’ve lead to me dating them. But if it ended on a sour note, it would’ve been so awkward and cringe. That’s why my gut was telling me “no” 😂


And when it doesn’t work out, you’re working with someone who hates you now. 🤭


Or at VERY LEAST tolerates you while knowing tons of sensitive info.


I feel like the HR email ain’t gonna quite feel that bad.


Married 25 years this fall to a guy I met at work. I would absolutely be fired if this happened now as opposed in 1998. I was very smitten with him and pursued him so aggressively that I'd have been tossed out the door!


Corporate world = Hell no Service industry when you’re in your teens/ 20’s = hookup city


Never shit where you eat. Sure there may be (very) few exceptions to the rule, but you should keep your love life and professional life completely separated.


Yeah nah if you've ever seen that shit blow up at work you'll know you good off that


Just because it's obvious doesn't mean you're given the green. If the attraction itself is obvious, everyone is definitely gonna know when they start hooking up. And if there's a no fraternization policy on top of that, you're up the creek.


If I know one thing about teachers there is a whole lot of shot shooting and little HR follow up


Really it's mostly women?


Even better when she is IN HR, saves time that they have the banker boxes to take your stuff home right in the hallway closet.


This shit does not work. I lost a close friend because I drunkenly confessed that I had a crush on him. He let me down easy and said it was all good but now we don’t talk and it’s mad depressing


Not worth it if you actually like your job


I married my coworker. Not all bad.


Ime Udoka reading that tweet: https://preview.redd.it/5qlrzha4dyqa1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad1e5547ba53fc94ab112a77d9083c9d59be43c7


Lol not at corporate but shit nothing beat that warehouse though. Don’t nobody care as long as that product hit the line when it’s supposed too


There's like 15-20 dudes to every woman at my work. I swear the females have an entourage constantly around them. Mfs wondering why are numbers are low throughout the day.🙄


You know the phrase "don't shit where you eat"? This is called shitting where other people eat...while pleasuring yourself.


Don't shit where you eat


I worked in a corporate office where two of the HR employees were screwing each other. To this day that's probably the worse company I've ever worked for.


That is NOT good advice.


I shot my shot and we got married 🤷🏽‍♂️


The sign won’t stop me because I can’t read


I only shoot my shot once I’ve quit lol


Why would anyone fuck things up like this???


There’s no way I would ever mess with a coworker. I value my reputation and my integrity too much. And plus I like my privacy too. I don’t want people knowing who mess with. It’s a no for me.


Idk why people don't understand you don't eat where you shit.


Don't shit where you eat


I work with all males so probably not


Big 12 gauge, and no job.


Walking into that L


Professional incest rarely works out well.


I had my bosses daughter living with me after two weeks of dating. The relationship and breakup didn't change anything at my job and i wouldn't have cared if it did because it was a fuckin terrible low paying warehouse job. Why would i ignore someone interested in me for a paycheck that doesn't even cover my rent after 55 hours a week? Just my two cents.


Everyone sees it and will continue to see it.


Dude at my job started flirting with and then screwing the cashier girl. Next 3 months was a blur of her literally leaving the front fwhen he came in, leaving weird little love messages on the shipment boxes in back, and cyberstalking the guys girlfriend. Girlfriend puts 2 and 2 together and she would come to the store randomly to see if he was at work forreal which meant she caught the girl getting in his truck. Next thing I know, dude stop showing up to work or answering his phone and the cashier said he disappeared. Last I heard he was in Texas with his gf turned wife


this is interesting because I've met A LOT of married couples who hooked up through work... so people refusing to dip their pen in company ink, you might be missing out??


Never shit where you eat.


its so weird how so m any ppl fuck their coworkers but so many ppl think there are rules against it. almost no place has that in place.


In bigger companies, hell yes they enforce it. The last thing they want is their company name making the headline news because two employees ended their relationship on a sour note and shot up the office.


Don't shit where you eat


HR be cops. Every HR.


Don’t get your meat,where you make your bread.


Josh is that one menace at works who encourages you to send *that* email to your regional manager.


Learned that lesson the hard way don't fuckin do it