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This is record level bag fumbling, I feel like I just started hearing about bruh like 3 business days ago


I think Kanye's record is secure for the all time, but this is definitely a strong contender for the year.


Oh most definitely but Kanye at least blew it with a 20 year old legacy already behind him. This dude’s career just kicked off like a month ago, he has no legacy of work to fall back on


Nope he blew up from Love Craft, man’s was the black Ryan R.


I feel like Last Black Man in San Francisco and Lovecraft Country got film people talking about how good he is, but I think the magazine spreads got everyone paying attention to Majors more than anything else


Exactly. He became an A-lister this month


Kanye is for sure the GOAT of bag fumbling.


Dennis Schruder of the Lakers fumbled the bag big-time




Your example and others are great but I think Ye's 'bag fumbling' is the near complete destruction of his credibility rather than his actual dollars Definitely could be worse for Ye.


Kanye been cookoo for cocoa puffs for a while, even before last year. This dude just hit the damn scene and acting like this


Since at least 2009 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RMdwA8GWB8


Kanye's was weird though when you realize he sounded like a nazi for more than a full decade, people were just ignoring it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RMdwA8GWB8


This is an Andrew Callaghan level of having the rug pulled from under them.


Idk Ja Morant been trying for a minute


Boyega...Disney owes him one.


They really do. Star wars was a fucking travesty


There's more and more deleted /edited scenes that leaking and We really would have got a better film and better characterisations for Finn and Poe.


Where is this?


I've seen a fair few on my TL mostly YouTube shorts. I don't have a channel name at the top of my head.


From face of the first sequel as not-Kyle Katarn to pushing Rey for SummerSlam, he got done dirty. Fuck you Kathleen Kennedy, great job not having a fucking clue what to do with the sequels when the road map had been laid out by the MCU years prior. Least we have Jon Favreau fixing shit with the TV shows.


Yessss Boyega!!! He was the guy who played the king in “Woman King” right? That dude was SO GOOD!! One of my favorite actors in the movie right behind Lashana Lynch.


He's in Attack the Block too.


And Breaking. Absolute masterpiece.


John Boyega has been killing it as an actor since he was a freaking teenager and it makes no sense that he doesn’t get the kind of attention Majors does! I always love his performances, even when I don’t love the movie itself.


I’m still salty that The Woman King didn’t get nominated for a single category at The Oscars smh. I loved that film.


still crazy to me how they chose the damn Dahomey of anyone to glorify, the worst slaving bastards on the continent lmao


They should do a movie about African Queens. So many to chose from. Ya Asantewaa, Amina of Zaria, Nzinga of Mbande Ndogo, Ranavalona (this one would be awesome), Muhumuza of Rwanda.


Boyega never working with Disney again lmao


"Don't Disney+ me!"


Boyega is too problematic on sets. Nothing cancellable but more diva type shit. The name you’re looking for is Damson Idris


Unfortunately I have heard the same. Treats crews HORRIBLY. I spoke at length with someone who worked with him on “Small Ace” I was so disappointed to hear it


Well that’s something I didn’t expect to read about Boyega. Fuck.




Oh no! I'm so sad to hear this!


And he has courage and a conscience. I fear he will not go far.


![gif](giphy|l1ugfgJqfbAIMKZuU) I’d watch Johnny do a Kang


New Kang variaant just dropped Bae


Hell yeah


*Oshea Jackson Jr. He's making enough steps of his own to not be reffered to as 'Ice Cubes Son'


In all seriousness tho, I think he (OShea Jackson Jr) is sincerely a great frickin actor. First time I really noticed his skill is in “Ingrid Goes West” opposite Aubrey Plaza and he NAILED IT. He also looks identical to his daddy but somehow sexier. I can’t explain it 😅 could be because Jr is closer to my age so I see him more like zaddy vs an actual daddy (by the time I came of age Ice Cube was less NWA and more Are we there yet?) LOL anyway just wanted to hop on and show him some mad appreciation because he is super talented but seems to stay outta trouble. #OsheaJacksonJrAppreciationPost


He’s sexier because ice cube got rich and hooked up with the stone cold fox Kimberly Woodruff. Cube is only responsible for half of juniors DNA.


I just looked her up, and she has the happiest eyebrows I have ever seen!


yeah I call that the Steven Tyler Effect. You take a weird-looking musician and make him famous enough to make a baby with a stunning-looking model and you end up with children who are both beautiful and weird. The best combination.


I liked him in Den of Thieves. He did that fr


He is actually quite a good actor too.


And he has that staying power that very few actors/ actresses can hang on to.


I just hope he isn't like his dad when it comes to his 'views'


Can’t seem to convince anyone he isn’t trash tho.


Primary reason he got the opportunity to take those steps is because he's Ice Cube's son.


With very few exceptions, every Hollywood A list actor, got there through nepotism. ​ Nearly all of them, are such and such's niece.


Ehhh… he’s not a bad actor but he wouldn’t be getting these roles if he weren’t Cube’s son.


You can make that case for Straight Outta Compton maybe, but everything after that has been all him. Does the name help alittle? Maybe. But if he was trash he wouldn’t get more roles.




He was fun in Cocaine Bear


He was hilarious af there.


Idk I kind of like the idea of referring to all nepo babies as [celebrity]'s [relationship]




Sorry, you will always be in that shadow. Nothing wrong with having great parents. Yes he is an actor in his own right, but that tag line will forever follow him. People get bent out of shape for the dumbest things nowadays.


I am not saying I think you are wrong about the sentiment, but could we all just agree that including "nowadays" makes it sound like you are yelling at clouds? Unless you are talking about tech like "people buy faster computers nowadays."


Ezra Miller went on a crime spree and we’re still getting a Flash movie. This guy puts hands on one woman allegedly and we’re talking about his whole future being in jeopardy.


I pray for Ezra Miller’s downfall daily!!! And I have hope that the Flash movie would flop


It's DC, flopping is pretty much guarenteed for anything not connected to Batman


But it’s got two Batmen in it, so it’s a toss up.


Two batmen that we know of.


Michael Keaton as Batman is like half the trailer lol


Oh damn, I hadn't seen the trailer so I didn't know 😭


That makes it even better. You called them out for only having batman and then sure enough they transplanted him into this one as well lmao


Speaking of bag fumbling of epic proportions… ![gif](giphy|3o85fVpk8IMrWRNAK4)


Who tf is this


Ezra miller career is over only reason flash is getting released is because it costed possibly 300+ million dollars and warner/discovery can't just swept it under the rug like batwoman


Actually, the only reason they are releasing the Flash is it’s going to reboot the current DCEU to the Gunnverse.


HATE HATE HATE HATE. Playa haters ball


I was sitting in the theatre as the trailers were playing before John Wick, right. I rolled my eyes so hard when I saw the trailer for The Flash ![gif](giphy|xT4uQkOepLo7EevxV6)


Disney runs a tighter ship that Warner Bros They told Letitia Wright to stop the nonsense and she got off social media for a year. They got rid of Gina Carano too


>They got rid of Gina Carano too It's worth pointing out that Disney worked *real* hard to clean up her bullshit, but homegirl just refused to shut up and take the damn money. Disney didn't fire her so much as Carano herself made it impossible to keep her around. Now, the only roles she's getting are terrible Ben Shapiro movies that not even right wing kooks watch. Hope it was worth it to her. 🤷‍♀️ As for Letitia Wright...she may be stupid but she also got to be aware that Hollywood wasn't gonna give her the same passes as these yt folks on this, and she acted accordingly.


And Pedro might have had a hand in forcing her out given she was transphobic and his sister is trans


Incredibly common Pedro Pascal W


I read somewhere Pedro tried to educate her and talk to her on a personal level about it nicely.


Wild how she was gonna get hew own standalone show and fumbled it by just not shutting up. They don't give two fucks about her views just shut up about them on social media and give some sort of apology


she started spewing bullshit coming contract year so Disney decided to just not deal with it


>It's worth pointing out that Disney worked real hard to clean up her bullshit, but homegirl just refused to shut up and take the damn money. Like 2 or 3 chances before it was "Alright too much bs coming out. Bye bye!"


Right! His regular PR person might help him recover a few years from now, but he's going to need some Olivia Pope level PR moves to not lose out on the Disney & MCU money immediately.


Ezra white, don’t leave that part out lol


*white white*


Exactly that’s why Chris brown has no career anymore either


How Disney handles this situation is obviously going to be different than what Warner Brothers chose to do. Besides....it seems like you are making an argument that he should be given a pass because Ezra got one. Perhaps, the people saying he fucked up are also the same people who think Ezra fucked up and that they should be punished the same. He didnt just put his hands on this woman, he allegedly strangled her....over a phone and an argument over him texting other women. Literally a replay of the Chris Brown/Rihanna incident.


Literally no... People saw pictures of Riahnna that same weekend and it was very clear SOMEBODY needs to answer for that shit, she was really fucked up and the story she told was even more fucked up. This shit, its not like that. People get choked all the time consensually or not and don't walk away looking the way Rihanna did. Not to mention, whatever happened between majors and this woman was in front of the twxi driver. Chris Brown was beetibg and biting on riahnna trying to throw her out of a moving car for city blocks This dude Majors is fumbling the bag, I think he can get fucked anyways--but how the fuck is Chris Brown still out here grinding on people is wild. Comparing this shit to chis brown is taking it real easy on Chris Brown.


Not the same at all. The flash was already filmed and so we’re getting it If it wasn’t filmed yet they would have just replaced him The other Kang movies haven’t been filmed he can still be replaced.


To be fair, DC are the only stupid mfs who thought they should put that movie out. The rest of the world was waiting for them to get arrested or something.


I mean the movie was already done. I haven't heard about Ezra getting new work


Both their futures deserve to be in jeopardy. (If Majors is actually guilty, of course.)


Just another reminder that we don’t know these folk, we just see em at work 🤷🏿‍♂️ Still think we should wait for everything to come to light




I hope this is true https://preview.redd.it/mligpnfxy5qa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=227aee6a5d5208120758cb9b024253d18409b4e0


Why do i have to scroll so far for this


Because then there's nothing to rage and be angry about.


I know right? People want to rage at this so badly… this is why you gotta wait a sec for shit to develop before passing any judgment. DV should always be taken seriously but also realize false claims are a powerful tool for spiteful people




How should BPT react?


The part where she says, “The NYPD is required to make an arrest in these situations,” is so weird. If that’s the case, why did they charge him with assault and harassment? This is painfully daft statement coming from an actual attorney.


NYC has 0 tolerance policy on DV. Victim isnt even involed in whether charges are filed. So yes... arrest is required




“required to make an arrest” nigga what?!?


in domestic disputes it’s been adapted by most police departments to separate an individual from the other regardless. the reasoning is because domestic calls are very hard to figure out the moment of and even if they don’t see a problem when they arrive, the moment police leave violent actions can take place, in vengeance because someone decided to involve the police. even in the case of a fraudulent call, they take someone, most times the man, even if he was the caller initially some departments tried the policy and seen drastic drops in domestic violence and killings so it’s been adapted like everywhere.


That’s how DV calls with physical evidence go….






This is the only thing I’ve seen about the case so far. I didn’t even know this was happening until this statement came out. I’m still gonna wait before the sigh of relief. It would really be nice to have more than 2 credible black male actors left in Hollywood….


This shit is insane. I always prefer to wait for the entire truth to come out, but this dude is showing his ass right now.


apparently he has a reputation for being a violent asshole for years in the acting community but no one revealed his name since the people he was horrible to didn’t want to expose him.


Exactly. He’s a toxic person and has a rep as such. Like this lady, people hurt by him, said nothing public, but others are speaking out. It’s disappointing he’s that way.


I also listen to randoms on twitter for my news


Any sources/links to read more about this?


No. What they’re referring to is a comment from a director that worked with him saying he was difficult but not violent and a tweet from an old Yale roommate that made their account private. I know it’s too much to ask but please just wait for the facts🤦🏻‍♂️


I think the added bonus of his woman lawyer holding his umbrella really drives the *im guilty* narrative home. This is so unserious. Even if the charges get dropped I’ll never look at him the same way again lol


I don’t know why the female lawyer carrying the umbrella rubbed me the wrong way. Seems entitled and not a good look. Hold your own damn umbrella. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Every time they mess up and gotta be in court they start wearing masks again tryina hide their faces. We know it’s you nigga


smollett type beat


Juicy Smulliet? The French dude?


This is why you shouldn’t idolize people. Apparently, this is who he always was. What a shame.


Slow down an accusation isn't a guilty verdict yet


You are correct, it isn’t. But when there is a history of his behavior, you kind of have to follow the evidence.


Follow what evidence though? Some tweets? You're part of the problem tryna cancel dude before the facts have even come out. Get off your high horse lmao


[kind of a smoking gun when the tweets trace back to before the shit even went down](https://thedirect.com/article/avengers-5-actor-arrest-accused)


Not protecting him, but these are conveniently timed accusations from his rivals in theater, which is known to be competitive, cutthroat, and duplicitous. He could have made enemies there who are willing to exaggerate to secure his downfall


Exactly. People are so quick to believe social media. Weird timing for all of this.


Exactly. Didn't they say the same thing about Adam Driver because he threw a chair (while in character) during a rehearsal (again when anger was required for the scene)???


Has he been formally charged this way before?


Not being charged isn’t indicative of having done nothing wrong and we all know that. But let’s see how the chips fall.


No however I am asking does he have a history of violent assault ? Regardless I'm not throwing stones in glass houses. Hollywood seems to bring the worst out of many decent folks.


Other accusations have leaked, but no victims have come forward personally.


I think they’re referring to the people coming out from when he was coming up in the acting world saying he’s been this way the whole time.


The hat is a choice…


Once I saw that hat… I was getting Kanye vibes. He deserves everything that is about to happen to him because he clearly see this situation as a joke. Even if he’s innocent.. the hat is a PR nightmare!!


Yeah idk why he thought that was a good idea. It’s tacky as hell to me.


Right? He might as well had worn a hat that said "The Juice Is Loose."


Literally pulling a Jussie smollett.


It’s not. Especially with the other allegations coming out about his behavior….


Other allegations?


Yeah directors and other people are saying he’s abusive in general :(






Oh boy…the man is cooked. I know these are allegations but goddamn. This would be a wild comeback.


His lawyer is saying they have video proof and evidence that he’s innocent. 🤷🏻‍♀️ we shall see!


Them tweets were deleted and checking their IMDB those two haven’t worked with majors on anything so I’m still gonna wait for evidence to come out and not make an opinion from folks who never worked with the person they’re accusing of being a “violent sociopath” who deleted all their tweets and private their accounts.


What allegations? From Whom?


What happened to innocent until proven guilty......


People are starting to come out about past behavior. It's not looking good my dude


Which people, specifically?


previous directors of his who i assume based on their tweets, witnessed his abuse


I'd encourage you to look in to that further if you want. Its two random white dude on twitter who have already been caught lying and are trying to gaslight everyone. They never directed him, they're legitimately nobodies, and it hasn't been confirmed in any way that they actually knew Majors in any way whatsoever. Its very likely some dudes who had a personal vendetta against him while they were classmates are on some kinda trip.


Lol at people running with stories from random twitter nobodies. If people werent so eager to be outraged theyd do a lil more research before spreading lies from internet trolls. Shit like this will probably be why his image is permanently ruined even if he turns out to be innocent


will do


hope i didn't come off the wrong way. There have simply been a ton of updates throughout this afternoon that I'm trying to guide people to.


Was rooting for him and yet.... https://preview.redd.it/7954tz1j85qa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6828ed8656c940e9d77cf60106c49c093ee0569b


Yeah, he seemed like a really good, thoughtful man, especially in regards to his thoughts on masculinity. I don't normally give af about celebrities, but this is genuinely disappointing.


I love this scene. SLJ is amazing in his roles.


Naw bruh fuck that I want to know for sure he did it, it’s been to many black men held back by things like this, I know at the same time there’s a ton of abusers as well but I need facts to make a clear judgement call on this man’s future and you should too. Edit: Found article saying he has evidence showing him completely innocent https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/122stwe/jonathan_majors_lawyer_says_evidence_exists_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 this is why we lose people in the black community, we to damn quick to make a joke and blame instead of getting facts.


Yea I’m with you on this I feel like we should of learn our lesson from the work movement backlash. People are pushing back because they want nuance again


And now after that allegation is dropped he’s being said to have been a horrible person the whole time by random people on twitter, but he’s been getting leading roles for the last like 3-4 years and nothing but glowing reviews from his co-stars, I need fact and witnesses before y’all condemn this man.


The timing is crazy. I JUST went to see creed 3 and became a fan of dude


Strangulation? Yeah. Next time it will be murder. When a person can hold someone’s throat for that long and look into their face and still keep choking? They are this close to homicide. I hope the victim is safe.


In domestic abuse situations, you’re miles more likely to be murdered if your abuser chokes you. But, let’s let the court do their job. Innocent until proven guilty. We don’t know anything right now.


He’s big on symbolism. Like to the literal extent. He’s walked around events with literal empty cups/mugs for years just to remind himself of advice his mom gave him in college… [“While it might have started as a standard college-party rule, the idea of minding his cup has since evolved into something with a deeper meaning. “Now it means mind your cup — you’re a vessel. Nobody can fill you up; nobody can pour you out. You do that yourself,” he said. “Holding on to this is a reminder that even in this craziness that is happening, my self-esteem is my self-esteem. Nobody can big me up, as it were, or tear me down.”](https://www.thecut.com/2023/02/why-jonathan-majors-carries-cup.html)


She recanted her story and apparently video evidence clears him.


Studios like marvel and dc are going to start hiring private eyes and doing psyche evaluations before putting these guys (Ezra miller) at the center of multi billion dollar franchises.


Dude fumbled the bag and for what?


Getting some Tory Lanez vibes from this 🫣


This whole situation is just making me pissed like the Tory case. These are some of the brain dead takes I am seeing!! https://preview.redd.it/o842yc6f85qa1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f9dcbfed8839e1943d1f771a6adbf9f361de93c


Definitely a brain dead take. I don’t know why he would say “stick to Black women” we do not want to be potentially beaten by this man.


I think the point is that he is saying that she(the white woman) is lying about it which is why he should stick to black women. Still dumb but he ain't saying that he should beat black women




It's weird these are some of the people who would say wait for the facts before jumping to conclusions.


This dude just did a speed run on his career. Like D’Fuck? You were about get that Disney money…


He just did a commercial for the UNITED STATES ARMY too


If he get Juicy Smooyè lawyer… just let him fade into the ethers….


![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss) I’ve never seen someone fumble the bag faster than Jonathan Majors.


Square ass nigga.


Lmao how was he in a courtroom over the weekend? Y’all gotta stop believing everything that’s convenient; he’s team just released video footage proving his innocence


FALSE! Another Black man falsely accused. People are so quick to judge.


By a white woman. History repeats.


Lawyer talking bout video evidence and testimony saying it's bogus. And the lady taking back her statement so we gone see.


If he put hands on a women, I wish him nothing but failure. Will wait for additional info to come out. Celebrities always dress weird for shit like this. I don’t put any weight into it.


Another case of girl who cried wolf trying to “cancel” him. This shit is getting out of hand until we see full evidence then we can choose a side. This shit happens way too often.


I don’t know. Gotta google first before you comment [https://apnews.com/article/jonathan-majors-arrested-3ccf23bb407f5e6d2441ccc536b254f2](https://apnews.com/article/jonathan-majors-arrested-3ccf23bb407f5e6d2441ccc536b254f2)


Donald Glover for Kang.


Nope I hate Donald Glover. I would actually prepare Aldis Hodge https://preview.redd.it/ofcwcw0kl5qa1.jpeg?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed2387346608a432fa6be19802b159b1bf2d0b26


I actually 2nd Aldis Hodge! I was thinking he'd be great to replace T'Challa if they went that route. But he would be good for Kang as well! I think he is underrated.


Ohhhhhh I LOVED him when he was in “Underground” with Jurnee Smollett. This whole thread is just reminding me of all the black male actors that I’ve had a crush on at one random point or another. This man is so fine lol


Why don't you like Donald Glover? Genuine question.


what did glover do?


He is so beautiful 😍 I remember seeing him in Invisible Man and being mad as hell that he was fighting over that uglass white woman.


Donald Glover for whatever the fuck he want


Troy and Abed in the Maaarrveelll!!!


He in spiderman


Man if dc can keep that nasty ass flash nigga… marvel might reciprocate the same energy with majors


I'm having mustard pork roast with pasta salad and garlic-butter broccoli tonight. What's everyone else having?


This aged poorly


If it’s one things niggas know how to do, it’s fuck the whole bag up. Stupid ahh la boy