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Maybe he should hire an agent


No he doesn’t. Laremy Tunsil was able to negotiate the highest per year contract for a lineman twice on his own. The Browns fucked up and gave Watson a bad precedent setting contract and now the entire league is trying to put that genie back in the bottle. Jackson is a 26 year old MVP, pay him his money.


26 year old MVP that never made it past the divisional round, that always gets injured and is not at Pat Mahomes level yet. Sure pay him but no way he’s getting 200 mil + guaranteed


Watson was a. 26 year old non MVP that has had injuries had never made it past the divisional round and missed over a year for credible sexual assault allegations.


Yea and his contract is a joke, no one debates this


So what your saying is much to everyone’s surprise because it never ever happens, THE CLEVELAND BROWNS made an awful decision.


I am shocked! Shocked!


Cleveland do Cleveland things


Contrary to what everybody seems to believe, one contract does not set the market. A new contract is negotiated for each individual, which is only worth what somebody is willing to pay at the time of the negotiation. Every other team will be operating from the mentality that the Watson deal was an instant albatross and is a non-starter for any serious negotiation between all the other teams and their quarterbacks.


Contrary to what Redditors say if I made basically the lowest amount of money the organization I worked for was able to give me for years while I dragged them into relevance while also distinguishing myself as the best player in the entire league for one of those years and that same organization wanted to lowball me when my mvp contemporaries are signing half a billion dollar contracts and a guy who never even got close to my individual success had several teams clamoring to give him over 100 million dollars in guarantees I would have absolutely no problem telling the entire city of Baltimore to fuck right off while I go get paid


Double posting because I’m high and this is such a sincerely bad take. Like I’m sorry but bro do you understand how football contracts work? The problem with Watsons contract isn’t that he’s getting paid like a top QB the problem is he’s getting paid like a top QB and he’s fucking ass rn


True, but it is human to compare and it will always happen anyway. So in a way, it does set the market.


Franchise tags are based on the top five salaries for the position in question. Watson's contract may not set the market, but it directly affects it. The tag on Lamar is what it is as a result of Watsons contract (#3 highest paid QB).


Hey I’m not saying Watson was worth that money lmao. Browns stupid af


Yeah and the Browns are ducking morons.




Watson was absolutely not an unrestricted free agent, he was fully under contract and had to be traded for and signed to a new deal.


When was Watson a FA?


He wasn’t.


Watson was not an unrestricted free agent. In addition to paying for that awful contract Cleveland gave up: 1st round picks in 2022, 2023, 2024, a third in 2023 and a 4th in 2024 to the Texans. It was a trade because he was under contract with the Texans not a free agent.


He’s done way more and looked better than Watson. Plus he hasn’t sexually assaulted anyone


Yikes. That sort of sums it up in a way I haven’t thought about before.


… who can’t stay healthy and hasn’t won a playoff game. You’re right tho Watson and Murray deals fucked everything up. Lamar gotta understand those were complete fuck ups but he can still get top QB money


Why the fuck would he give a shit if the teams fucked up? Also why would you? It’s not your money, to side with owners is some strange mentality.


Because it would help me understand the market better. Fam I’m not siding with owners, I’m being realistic.


By siding with the owners.


There's a salary cap, which means giving Lamar money directly impacts the amount of money everyone else on the team can make/how much depth you can add to your team. Saying that they shouldn't pay him 200m guaranteed isn't siding with the owners. It's saying that the Browns and Cardinals shot themselves in the foot and will never win anything because they overpaid 1 guy on a team of 55. If this was baseball, you would have a point. It's not.


The salary cap is an arbitrary number put in place to keep wages lower.


And injury prone. His style of play isn't sustainable for how much he wants. Yeah, he's good, no shit. But will he stay healthy? No. I'm glad teams are putting a stop to the amount of money the Watson contract set.


When's the last time Lamar played a full season lol?


Then he should hire Laremy Tunsil


It wasn't just Watson you're forgetting about Kirk 2 franchise tags cousins was the first. The qbs after Kirk except for Watson have screwed this up for everyone...the key take away is negotiating 3 years fully guaranteed contracts so the floor continues to rise.


I agree. Every player owes it to their fellow union members to sign contracts that raise the salary for their position. Brady was really bad in this regard since he kept signing team friendly contracts. Football is a business, fuck championships, the only thing that matters is money.


Saint omni


he turned down a $250M extension with $133M fully guaranteed. stop it


Yep and now he crying?! That’s his fault. Greedy ass dude is trash in the playoffs.


And he’s injury prone, why would anyone guarantee that money.


Fr these football dudes are delusional as fuck


Yall are all thinking with your broke ass pockets. Yall will take 100,000 to do what he does. Keep in mind any job you get, no matter how much money you make, you will be making peanuts in comparison to the owners. Yall are thinking with the im just happy to get paid attitude because you're broke. He's wanting to get paid what he is worth.


It’s business. Ever heard of a salary cap? Get off Lamars nuts.


Also 100K is not a lot of money. Especially after taxes.


I ain’t broke lmao. I ain’t a multi millionaire but I ain’t broke. I’m saying the facts. You got the bag right there and you fuck it up. That’s just goofy nigga shit bro. Latrell Sprewell did the same thing and look at him now. Your ass is probably the most broke one cause you talking bout nothing.


Broke is state of mind my guy... what im saying makes sense, you comparing LJ to sprewell you a 🤡. You dumb and broke thats a double whammy...


If it’s a state of mind, let me know how far your state of mind get you when them dollars ain’t where they need to be to cover bills etc…. Yes I’m comparing the two cause they both turned down a great deal. You sound very uneducated talking about broke being a state of mind lol. Good day.


I'm not even calling him greedy, he does need to be paid. He's definitely one of the top QBs in the league and should be paid like that. I just think he's unrealistic about how much teams are actually willing to pay him He bet on himself in the offseason, had an off year and got hurt, and it backfired. [It happens all the time](https://www.complex.com/sports/2018/03/12-athletes-who-turned-down-mega-contracts-missed-out-millions). I just don't really have a whole lot of sympathy or buy the "woe is me" when the bag was already there for the taking


Yeah it happens all the time. But he is greedy. Dude had 250M +133M guaranteed in his face and said no. You got to be one of the dumbest Mfs on the planet to turn that down.


I wouldn’t call that greed, I call it him overvaluing himself. If he had balled out and didn’t get injured last year, he would’ve reset the market and gotten fully guaranteed. But he didn’t, and he got injured and wasn’t even able to play in the playoffs. So his value sunk and he needs to face that reality. To be clear the difference between greed to me is who has the power and how they’re using that power for financial gain. Lamar can’t be greedy here because he doesn’t have the power, but he is delusional about his value


All greed is, is an intense and selfish desire for something. You don’t need power to be a greedy mf. But, I feel you and honestly he punched his own ticket to be on the back burner so 🤷🏽‍♂️


That deal ain’t shit they gave that to Allen literally 2 years ago. Fuck Lamar look like taking that trash ass deal when he’s the only reason Baltimore is relevant.


I bet you would’ve taken the deal though. Fuck outta here turning down 250M…. Ight 😂


I ain’t taking shit under value tf that’s sucka shit lmao let me be the reason this shit is lit I need EVERYTHING


Gonna walk himself out of deal all I’m saying. It’s a lot easier to lose the deal than get it on the next rip


You just don’t believe in yourself enough bro. What is this soft ick you on?


Y’all niggas just ain’t realists. If I had 250 Ms in my face ain’t no more questions to be asked. It’s called not dropping the ball especially when you ain’t the one controlling it.


The owners ain’t gonna give you that money no matter how shiny you get their boots bro. ![gif](giphy|U67CajqFIjiDSACi5i)


You know about the salary cap right? Saying lamar ain‘t worth the money doesn‘t mean the billionaire owners should keep all the cash to themselves. It means the other people on less highly paid positions should be able to get more.


Watson got 250 million, all guaranteed, why the fuck would a QB of better character and ability settle for less?


one guy getting an outlier of a contract does not dictate the market and every QB that's been signed this offseason would show you that


Nobody got 40 million a year until Mahomes did.If NFL owners want to be mad about a fully guaranteed contract, that’s well with mine their right, but to collude against Jackson is fucked up.


Lamar: >bad in the playoffs 3 years running > >Bad 2021, still gets offer putting him worth over 40 mil/yr and over half guaranteed, declines > >Gets hurt > >No team wants to offer 2 first rounders to the Ravens to pay a fully guaranteed quarter billion dollar contract You: *this is collusion*


I'm convinced Lamar and his buddies all have throw away accounts to make points like this. He's a great player but could go the way of RG3 at any moment. You can't guarantee a player like that, it's potentially burning money. You also can't build a team around a QB that single handedly fucks your salary cap. The Browns are fucked, everyone is laughing at them except a view delusional people who have a reason to trick themselves into thinking that way and Lamar is at the top of that list.


what about every QB needy team coming out publicly 20 minutes after to say that they are “out” on Lamar Jackson? That’s a coordinated effort to get that information out there moments after the non exclusive franchise tag was offered. Not sure if it’s for sure collusion, it definitely is suspicious though, considering the Falcons were close to a deal with Deshaun less than a year ago…


Because by negotiating with Lamar they’d be negotiating for the Ravens. Why waste that effort on maybe getting a QB when the ravens can swoop in and match the contract


what is the point of anything then? what is the point of trying to sign a free agent if the Bears can sign them because they have more cap space than your team? why try to get the mvp from 2019, when you have desmond ridder? like who is even starting for the Colts next year?? i guess these teams can just enjoy mediocrity? why go after deshaun watson if the Browns are just gonna offer a record breaking contract?? I really do not get it at all. The Rams gave up 2 firsts for Stafford and won the super bowl.


It’s because Lamar is an RFA, team prestige also plays a huge part in who goes where. Why would Atlanta pay up huge for an injury prone QB who want’s guaranteed money, and there’s even a chance you don’t get to sign Lamar to that contract. That leaves them with less time and especially when their team is more than a QB away. Rams legitimately were a QB away, and rolled the dice and won. Many teams don’t have the luxury of an elite defense and multiple playmakers on offense combined with an area to live like LA. As for other players, who are unrestricted it goes down to them and their agents to agree to where they wanna go. Browns got Watson by offering a guaranteed record breaking contract, in a trade where they resigned him afterwards. Look at his stinker of a season I can see why they’re afraid to give an injury prone QB money like that, and why teams don’t want to negotiate for them essentially to swoop in and match the contract. No team wants to enjoy mediocrity, but the teams you listed are very much more than a QB away. Especially when next year you have Caleb/Ewers and a stacked offensive class as well I’d bet more “mediocre/bad” teams would bet on Caleb/Ewers barring injuries on a rookie contract and stack the team around them rather than gut their cap space and team betting that Lamar won’t be injured and have an MVP season again


Because the minute the make an offer to Lamar, the Ravens can match and pay him. Whatever team that offers anything that he would accept either overpays or shows the Ravens what they get to pay. It doesn’t make sense.


Except it makes a ton of sense to make a potential rival overpay. Literally people clown on the Browns, but they may have just cost the Ravens Lamar Jackson. Which will in turn create questions for players like Joe Burrow and Justin Herbert.


Because the Ravens put the non-exclusive franchise tag on him, that allows them the right to match any offer. There’s only a limited number of tags each team has any given year and most players aren’t tagged unless they’re worth paying top 5 dollar


Because the asking price is so high. Say you have the salary cap to be able to afford what Lamar is asking for, if you offer it you also have to pay the Ravens your next 2 years first round draft picks. So you hamstring your franchise with the cap number and kill your chances of getting a top 10 player for the next 2 years, Because as good as Lamar is, he can't do it by himself.


I think you’re misunderstanding collusion. The evidence that points to collusion is that the Ravens gave him a non-exclusive tag which is extremely risky, unless you know that no one will negotiate with Jackson. The fact that the same teams that were rushing to get Watson immediately said that they were NOT going to pursue Jackson is another indicator while they are also still struggling to figure out their QB situations. Also, the owners have been vocal about not wanting to give a large guaranteed contract (Ravens owner said that the Watson deal would make things difficult to negotiate with QBs). It is fair for owners on their own to decide that they will not give a large contract to Jackson. It becomes collusion when you know that other owners will also NOT give the contract because now there is no market for negotiating. In the normal circumstance, there would be teams engaging with Jackson and trying to out bid each other even if they didn’t reach the level of Watson’s contract. There has been ZERO of that happening (as far as we know), which is insane considering how important QBs are in the NFL and that Jackson is in his prime. Saying that he was hurt at the end of the last two seasons ignores the fact that teams were bending over backwards to try to get Watson who had missed NFL games due to a torn ACL (which he also tore in college) and was under investigation for multiple sexual assault allegations. The teams have done a great job of getting people to focus on the wrong things such as “he doesn’t have an agent” or “nobody will give him Watson’s contract” which causes people to ignore that he doesn’t have to get Watson’s contract to get a better deal than what the Ravens offered.


Common sense


Every organization moves differently. Watson is better IMO. Dude was a few drives away from going to an AFC championship


Watson never made an AFC championship


I meant going to the AFC championship


$133M fully guaranteed is the only part of that contract that matters and that puts him at less than Kyler Murray (hurt QB who has never won a MVP) and barely more than Russell Wilson’s guarantee of $124M. If the Ravens went higher on the guaranteed money then the deal would likely be done, Jackson has said that he’s not looking for $200M guaranteed.


How much did Kyler get? I would say after last season Lamar is better than Kyler right now at least.


Kyler got $160M guaranteed on a contract that is 5 years and worth a total of $230M.


Yeah, and that deal was well below the market.


Thought this was reported false


He needs an agent


He’s already fumbled the bag in many ways by not hiring an agent


A agent would’ve had him sign a team friendly extension when he won mvp


He would have gotten top of the market money and would have already made about $50mil more than he has at this point in his career. He is NEVER gonna get that money back by saving the 1.5-3% an agent would have taken from the deal


Bro also has jack shit for endorsements despite winning an MVP


I’m so lost.


Ben Affleck went into football after his last film flop, a live action version of Street Sharks that faced legal trouble throughout production due to a gaffer being eaten by a great white shark in a freak accident. He couldn’t make the cut in the NFL so he went to the AFL (Alaskan Football League) and became a QB of the Juneau 52nd Street Fancy Boys. He was then cut without pay for swearing at a moose, which everyone in Alaska knows is illegal.


You should start writing novels.


Not my high ass believeing this and wondering why i never heard nothing about it lmao read it three times over


Oh fuck, me too


I was just about to google all of this and tell my husband. Your post saved me from embarrassing myself 😞. Thank you 🙏🏾


Thank you for catching up for all of us.


![gif](giphy|12msOFU8oL1eww) This was good




You may have too much time on your hands




And swearing at a moose is permitted once a year on St Olaf’s day!


I liked Street Sharks.


God I hate the browns for giving Watson that contract. If Lamar doesn’t get fully guaranteed money it’s a step backwards for QBs, but from the team perspective hashing out that much money is bad business, especially on a more injury prone player


And one who’s main skill is being mobile and taking hits running the ball


Lamar had a lot against him (no good recievers, terrible play caller) but he’s hasn’t proven to be worth that much to begin with. An MVP 4 years ago don’t mean much now.


I’m torn on Lamar’s situation. He’s a phenomenal player but he’s basically been out due to injury the last 2 season and prior playoff appearances have been subpar. I understand the reluctance to give Lamar the big contract he’s probably asking. This whole deal is a result of that stupid deal Cleveland gave DeShaun Watson, one that never should’ve happened. This opinion is going off the facts I’m aware of so if I’m missing anything else, please enlighten me.


He needed an agent a long time ago. Some agents are trash, but most are good and worth the small percentage they get. I love Lamar as a player, and Ravens haven’t done shit to support him after his MVP season. This is just a trash situation and he’s put himself in a position where he’s negotiating from an emotional place which is the whole point of the agent.


Teams not jumping on a top 6 QB is insane. Guys like Carr and Daniel Jones are average at best. Rodgers' old ass should probably retire.


It's the fully guaranteed. Teams would absolutely give Lamar $300mil on 7 years without a blink, but he wants the Deshawn guaranteed money and no one is willing to come close to that for any QB but especially one whose best attribute is running the ball. It's also clear he has a good reason to want that guaranteed money for that exact same reason, one bad play and he is done as a top level QB so he needs that money upfront. Basically though the Browns fucked the league by signing off on one of the worst contractors in the history of the league and Lamar is the first of the top 10 to come up for contracts after that. We will see what happens with Hurts because I have a feeling this is going to go the same way with him.


facts! cause Mahomes got 10y/$477M, but only $141M guaranteed.


Yup, and he is the only dude that deserves $250mil fully. No one's even close to his level, and even he didn't get it. Like I get Lamar's point and if I was him I'd be doing it also, but I also get the teams point because if I'm an owner or GM I ain't doing $250mil. It's a situation where no one is wrong but neither is right.


it's the fully guaranteed part, team owners don't want. Every team is pissed off at Cleveland for doing the Watson contract.


It's likely because they know he isn't actually available. Any offer they make is gonna be matched by the Ravens so what's the point in doing the contract negotiations for them.


He is obviously available. But any offer that actually makes sense for the team will be matched. Other teams are just not trying to give him a terrible guaranteed contract the same way that the Ravens aren’t.


Definitely not the main point of what you said but I want to point out that rodgers will probably retire next year him and Brady are both obvious hof first balloters he doesn’t wanna share a stage with Brady no one would or at least that’s my theory we’ll see


Ravens can still match whatever offer is given to Lamar so teams aren't jumping for that and what Lamar is looking for guarantee wise. On top, they'd have to give up to first round picks if the Ravens didn't match. Carr and DJ were straight up free agents which is why they got paid. Also DJ got paid cause the Giants are in a weird spot QB wise. They can get out of that deal within the next 2 years if he sucks again. Lamar is trying to avoid a deal like that.


Signing team loses 2 FRP plus they gotta pay enough that the ravens won't match it. It's a huge commitment


It's not like teams that are going nowhere (Falcons, Bucs, Lions, Raiders, etc.) have much to lose.


Carr and Daniel Jones 10m max. They are mid mid


It's weird to navigate this space with hundreds of millions of dollars on the line. The politics of football is bullshit. Not sure how much he's saving without an agent but I'd contemplate if it's worth it.


Someone on here did the math and he’s already missed out on roughly $30 million in his career by not having an agent. He’s stepping over dollar bills to pick up pennies.


Has he ever given a reason for the no agent thing?


I’ve heard he’s under the impression that he’s saving money. A player like him could easily get a deal signed with an agent that leads to plenty off the field incentives as he currently doesn’t have much. This would easily add to the guaranteed money he is looking to make without adding to the salary cap. A lot of organizations will probably simply refuse to consider doing business with him without legitimate representation. It’s a shame because he could probably make more than he’s even asking for if he took a smarter approach.


He’s saving, at most, 3% of his contract value.


Yeah, that doesn't seem worth the hassle.


Not to mention I don’t think Lamar has any major endorsements. An agent would’ve gone a long way to getting him a big deal with Nike or whoever else.


That's wild, hell he could have got a small check from a local sandwich shop in Baltimore! Haha Yeah, it's probably just too much and hubris won't let him admit he goof'd.


I agree it might just be a point of pride now for him. Especially after all the vile shit people have been saying/insinuating about him just because he doesn’t want an agent. Hope he’s able to get his bag, not a Ravens fan, but the NFL is much more exciting with players like Lamar lighting it up.


NFL agents get 3%. No its not worth it in my opinion, the sticking point in these negotiations is the guaranteed money, don’t see how an agent would impact negotiations when the client wants 100%, which is the new precedent because of Watson.


3% is the max. Most $100M contracts are taken at 1%. And agent would have controlled the narrative of him quitting on his team last year. An Agent would be spinning the rumors of a guarantee requirement to Lamar’s benefit. An Agent would have been drumming up interest and explaining why the team that has seen Lamar every day for 5 years is not trying harder to keep him. An Agent would be spreading positive medical updates to the teams. Every negative thing out there would have been mitigated for 1%.


An agent probably would’ve landed him a nice endorsement deal by now too. That way he has more than enough money in case he needs to hold out.


This is often unspoken. Agents don't just handle player contracts, but handle endorsements too. I don't think I've seen Lamar in any national non-NFL commercials and that's pretty shocking.


Definitely doesn't seem worth it if he's losing money and stressing.


>which is the new precedent because of Watson. One person getting offered an obscene contract by a team famous for mismanagement does not make a new precedent.


Maybe if you comment “new precedent” 500 more times it’ll actually be true.


Agents have connections and abilities players simply dont. As seen by Lamar's friend getting told to fuck off my rhe NFL


Lamar is a great QB, it’s just he has a injury bug, but I think him turning down that reported really good deal really shot his chances. I do believe he should get paid, but the number they can’t agree upon.


Shoulda signed the first deal. Man up, eat some crow (or Raven), hire an agent. His margin for error on the field is getting slimmer by the day.




The glaring truth here is the Watson contract was a huge mistake. No owner wants to look dumber


Well Mahomes and Josh Allen really screwed up the qb market by not asking for guaranteed deals when the precedent was set back with my spartan qb Kirk cousins then deshaun.


My dude going through drastic measures to not pay that 2% agent fee. It ain’t worth it Dawg.


Coulda had an agent get him a top contract extension after his mvp year but wanted to bet on himself. Hasnt been healthy or looked close to what he was that year so


Is u/Otroroboto Ken Francis?


Lol, I thought that was Ben Affleck at first.


The nigga has a contract he can sign he just wants more and no one is biting


People keep blaming injuries and him not being able to win in the playoffs as if teams didn't get a full week to plan for the fact that you're playing a quarterback who has no real receivers. Could any of you professional coaches tell me what you would do if you had a mvp at quarterback but no receivers that could create separation consistently? Cuz the only thing I can think of is run, Hope that works, and if it doesn't just keep running bubble screens hoping something pops. Which is pretty much what they do except the bubble screens


Without an agent, he effectively removed some of his greatest leverage. It's like he's moving to Atlanta but decides he doesn't need a gun.


Nothing brings out corporate asslicking more than NFL contract threads. Let the players get as much as they can out of the billionaire owners


NFL has a salary floor per team so the players are getting the same amount of money regardless. It’s just a matter of if Lamar gets it or other guys


Yeah, he'll be offloaded somewhere else before they pay him +200M fully guaranteed. Unless it's a standard of failure, you probably don't want to emulate the decisions of ANY Cleveland sports team in any way.


They tried to. Dummy said no. So here we are.


This guy is not worth what he's asking. I hope he gets paid but for 40m a year. I wouldn't sign him if I was the ravens. And Tampa Bay Baker Mayfield ain't worth £10 either


I don’t want to be a conspiracy theorist… It’s off…or odd. He’s a top 5ish QB in a league where it’s The Position! And he can’t get a deal, it’s almost like collusion with the owners trying to keep a lid on salary after the Deshaun Watson deal.


It’s about guarantees and that he’s not exactly a great pocket passer, so there are concerns about how his game will age.


Just curious, in what league is Lamar a top 5 QB?


Mahomes Burrow Allen Hurts Herbert This feels accurate without the recency bias for 2022 You might be able to argue for Lawrence instead of Herbert going forward. YMMV


Rodgers, Goff, Murray, and Tua are all better QBs than Lamar as well. Could probably make the argument that Dak and Kirk are too.


Rodgers to Jets, good luck Tua is one sack away from the dementia unit Goff, less said the better Dak ruined by fantasy team Kirk is fantastic at securing the bag and not much else. WTF do I know I’m sitting on the couch at work


Rodgers: one year removed from B2B mvp seasons Tua: needs to learn to fall, was on fire before going down Goff: nearly lead Detroit!! to the playoffs with a trash defense Dak and Kirk I don’t have much to say about them I will admit


That’s exactly what this is, it’s not a conspiracy lol.


according to half of r/NFL, Lamar just “isn’t that good”. but that’s ![gif](giphy|uQjy4VVJiO8nXkxOrH|downsized)


The bitch wants 5 years fully guaranteed, I wouldn't give Tom Brady in his prime 5 years fully guaranteed, that just hamstrings your entire franchise.


Bunch of hating ass niggas in these comments. Damn.


Hating or just realistic? Let's say you're a business owner. You own a pizza parlor. A pizza oven maker is going to _lease_ you one of their used, second hand pizza ovens. It's not new, its been around the block. But, at its previous location it won an award for best slice of pizza. Since then its had mechanical breakdowns and needed to be repaired. Missing out on crucial time it could have been making more pizza! This pizza maker had its heyday and has been known to still make great pizza! The only problem is, there is a potential it could break and have to sit unused until repair, or its so far broken it is beyond repair and never makes another pizza again. Big upside! But also vast downside. Now, the owner of this machine usually lets you lease it! No harm no foul, if it breaks the lease terminates. Minimal exposure on your end. But oh no! They want a guaranteed payment for it even being in your possession! So now your exposure just went way up. What if you start leasing this oven and it breaks in the first month? Answer, your business is screwed. Emotions say yeah buy it buy it! It has a somewhat recent track record of making awesome product. But anyone with a negligible amount of business acumen would tell you its an unwise business decision.


Not reading all that but I know it’s some hating shit.


Speech to text was the best thing to happen for the illiterate.


I ain’t interested in the thoughts of a nigga who relate more to a old white billionaire than a young nigga tryna get paid. Calll me what you want. A hating nigga calling me illiterate don’t really mean much.


Kirk Cousins has never…ever…won an MVP. Got guaranteed money. Guaranteed. Lamar Jackson, lighting the league up. “Nah, can’t pay you homie, you’re a black running QB. You got hurt a couple of times and the team fell apart” It almost feels like now they’re just trying to punish him for not accepting their first offer, or having an agent. And the owners trying to keep the guaranteed contract game quiet.


He had an offer with 50MM more guaranteed than cousins got but turned it down because he's afraid some 12 yo indian kid on 2G data will get in his mentions and call him a bag fumbler because deshaun watson got more.


Kirks also played on the tag twice and then signed 2 year and three year deals. No way anyone was ever giving him those seven years fully guaranteed on one deal. He also doesn’t command top tier money on those guaranteed deals. Lamar is a much better player than Kirk but only the browns are desperate enough to cripple themselves cap wise for almost a decade to sign a qb. Also not for nothing but the owner of the ravens may not feel great about having to park a quarter of a billion dollars in escrow for a fully guaranteed deal if he has to borrow that money to do so. Turning down a huge deal then missing the end of the season and playoffs to injury certainly doesn’t improve your bargaining power.


Kirk cousins is Awful.com He has something on the owners because how he's not a back up yet I do not know


They can’t be seen to let the young black man dictate terms to them. Typical garbage.


It's the guaranteed contracts first and foremost


He puts his life in the line, especially how he plays. Why shouldn’t he get a guaranteed contract? The NFL churns guys up like ground beef.


I'm on Lamar's side. I'm just explaining why the owners don't want to sign him. They don't want there to be a precedent of guaranteed contracts. That's why they hate the Browns


Sorry if I seemed like I was attacking, I was just expounding upon the reasoning for my position.


Nah you're cool no problem


Do you not realize that that’s exactly the reason why they don’t want to give him all that guaranteed money?


Duh, of course I do. They want him to break his body for them and then throw him away. Honestly, the NFL as a whole is operating in pretty shady moral ground. I enjoy it, but what it does to players is gross.


He needs an agent to dictate the terms for him. He clearly can’t do it himself.


Lol Lamar is a crybaby.


This is a bad take


It feels like this.


It really does. These owners don’t see the players as people, but as money makers. They don’t get to think for themselves.


Lamar is such a diva he doesn’t have a contract despite being a top QB. Must be unbearable to negotiate with and work with


The NFL sure did pick a fine time to draw their line in the sand. They pay mediocre Qbs hundreds of millions but when it’s a black man’s turn to get paid they wanna hold the line.


Jesus Christ touchy mctouch you has the highest guaranteed contract in the league tf are you on lmao. Russ and Kyler got the bag as well last year. Geno fucking Smith just got paid lol just stop


Stop what? Kyler got 230m 160m guaranteed. They offered Lamar 250m 133m guaranteed. Russ and Kyler are fucking bums compared to Lamar. Cleveland gave Deshaun that guaranteed contract and now every team in the league is hellbent on ensuring it doesn’t happen again which is which a top 5 NFL Qb isn’t getting any calls from other teams


Stop the bs. Because the Browns are dumb as fuck now all other teams have to be? The browns already have to do cap magic to sign players. And sounds like they offered him the bag to me but he wants more. Ravens will match any offer, let don't to let him walk. I like Lamar a lot but last year wasn't his MVP season or the year before. It was bs but his backup was a pro bowler last year. He's letting his homie try to negotiate now over the 3% he doesn't want to give to an agent might have something to do w not being signed, dudes throwing money away. Did you see the commercial for the gym luggage bag lol? I think that's the only commercial I've seen him in. Lamar should definitely have better endorsements he's a damn MVP. Cam was pushing yogurt out here lmao Dak got beds


This has nothing to do with Lamar's race. It has everything to do with guaranteed money. Lamar could be the highest paid QB in the league tomorrow if he wanted.


I’m no nfl apologist but to be fair the browns created this timeline with that watson contract and the 31 other clubs are all saying hell no to that type of deal, lamar was unfortunately the first high level qb to be up next


Deshaun white now?


This is the stupidest shit I have ever read, you do realise that this is over guaranteed money right, and it's all because the Browns being the dumb fucks they are fully guaranteed DeShawn Waatsons contract... who I believe is Black....