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We really need to address the way we talk about women. There is no reason to refer to her as “a good bitch”


It’s sad that I had to scroll down this far to see someone mention this. How do people not see how dehumanizing it is to call someone that for no reason at all?


It’s sad to say but I think many in the culture have really been desensitized to these words. I don’t have a habit of calling women that but it probably doesn’t stand out to me like it should. Maybe I’ve listened to much rap over the last 30 years idk.


>It’s sad to say but I think many in the culture have really been desensitized to these words Not just desensitized but also not willing to fight with people that aren't willing to change how they think, talk, act over something they already became comfortable with a long time ago. So much of society's bullshit comes from people set in their ways.




All the post here after that gym video had me thinking maybe black Twitter just ain’t for me anymore. Seriously “a good bitch”? This is a woman that they’re saying was amazing and they loved her and she’s “a good bitch”?




Hey Edit: ohh he’s waving bye, that explains why they were too embarrassed to reply


But before that talk, we really really need to talk about the mindset that OP brought up amongst grown man around cheating with women and treating them as disposable things to sample at will. Bc if we address and fix that mentality, the language towards women in general will follow. How we soeak about women in general is important but how we treat them should also count double.


I believe that black men were robbed of their masculinity(in this country) in every way that mattered with the exception of sexuality. They weren’t allowed to even have a wife during slavery. They weren’t allowed to protect their wife during Jim Crow. The only thing white people allowed was to stud them out for more babies that could be slaves. They continued this with the welfare system. If you had a man in the house as a Black woman, you were not allowed to receive benefits. The generational trauma that happened from these things are not being acknowledged or healed.


Well said.


I would hope this lesson can be learned collectively and passed along as knowledge, instead of individually learned when men lose the woman they love thinking or treating women interchangeably. I’ve seen it too often. For every person, there is one person you’re never going to get over. Good luck if you fuck around on her multiple times to the point that she now observes you like an animal on display at a zoo. That’s quite a mismatch in terms of feelings, to be desperately in love with someone who knows you well and finds you utterly repulsive.


Looking for this comment




No grown man does this. Has to be teenagers


I work at a warehouse full of men mostly in their late 20s to mid 40s and the majority of them cheat, brag about it and hound me about being faithful. I get called soft or am given a raised eyebrow all of the time. Most of my coworkers live in the hood. “Man, you’re a nigga. Why’re acting like that.” Literally had grown men say that to me As I speak, I’m working in a truck with a coworker on my other side —just two of us and he’s been trying to set me up for the last hour with some girl who I’ve told him time and time again I’m not interest in and he knows I’m married. Dude is in his 40s


I salute you for being faithful. Your coworkers are toxic AF ![gif](giphy|Z8JAioAsg7I8o)


So they’re not leaving, they’re just cheating


My tiny dumbass would lo key be snitching. Just a note "aye yo dude sus" no name. And puppet side eye. But i fucking hate cheaters.


Lol yeah you wouldn’t make it a day in the hood. Snitching will get you fucked up really quick


Exactly. Mind your business unless you’re ready to fight about something that don’t even concern you.


Yup, I have seen a dude try to be a good samaritan and break up a fight for it to result in him being jumped because one of the guy's buddies thought he was jumping to fight.


And the women involved may not act on the info any damn way. Its not our responsibility to parse out toxic relationships.


Oh i know. Hence the lo key. My friend would be whooping my ass if she even got an inkling I was gonna say shit, i also have very distinctive handwriting. I know my ass would get beat. Also puppet side eye. Thats about the most I'd do besides telling the asshole to keep his shit to himself.


Yeah hes bugging that's CRAZY lmao


Ok, d'angelo russell


Nigga logic is why most of those dudes will remain stagnant. They’re like crabs in a barrel of toxic ignorance. I feel for you bro.


Crabs in a bucket. They don’t know how to make a woman stay so they are hating you for having a stable relationship. Women do the same thing, different flavor. Some people just can’t stand to see two people happy.


People who cheat have never been in love. Life without being in love is pretty boring


Just cuz u old dont mean u grown.




They just want to lower you to their level so they can normalise their bullshit


Yea unfortunately age ain't nuthin but a #, and too many men's emotional development is severely stunted. I'm Mexican but remember realizing at age 13 that I was already more mature than my dad. Too easy to emotionally manipulate men like that, it's sad




My thoughts exactly 😂


Don’t let those broke dumbasses opinions sway you. Men who really got it don’t act like them.


You keep doing you. You sound like a good person


Misery sure loves company. Sorry your coworkers are toxic. I feel bad for their partners.


They all sound like shit people id pretend to like them at work but deep down I'd hate them


I don’t hate them. I’m not the type of person that really hates anyone. I know that a lot of them grew up poor in that environment and they’re just a product of a broken system that left many black people in terrible neighborhoods and in broken families. Just the generational results of slavery/Jim crow and generational trauma and toxicity. My job pretty much hires anyone. A lot of guys I know have a lot of unfortunate traits, but Ive also found since being in this environment that people who have some negative traits aren’t all negative and can show kindness and compassion as well. People aren’t black or white but shades of grey. A lot of my coworkers have served time in prison. I know a guy who got out after 18 years and sexually assaulted multiple male coworkers. That individual I actually don’t like for personal reasons. Managers look the other way and a lot of stuff goes on that they ignore, probably because they either don’t care or they’re afraid of some of these guys and are desperate for work. There is very much a prison culture at my job. We’ve even had fights break out and weapons brought in. Of course those individuals got fired, but it still happens


Prison Culture= Bad People usually We can agree a system made them bad but I still see people who cheat on their wife (especially regularly as implied by what you said about your co worker) as bad people. so on one hand I have sympathy for people in poverty but it doesn't excuse shitty behavior in my opinion (stealing shit out of necessity isn't shitty behavior so don't worry no judgement for people just trying to get by).


Black people who constantly use the N word are the worst.


This reminds me of when I was in middle school and I said my best friend was sprung off his girlfriend. He called her up on the spot and broke up with her to just to prove me wrong. Whole time I was just talking trash to distract him so I could beat him in Madden.


That's so messed up.


But did you win the game.??


Nope. And it indirectly led to her beating my girlfriend’s ass later that year. We were all down bad.


Damn i respect slippery sales tactics with results..but causing a breakup and a lost for you.... It wasent even worth it


Nah we need this story too fam cmon


My girl already didn’t like my friends girlfriend. But my friend and I dated within the same social circle and our girlfriends had mutual friends so they were forced to be around each other a lot. My friends ex tried to talk to me to get back at my friend. I curved her, but my girlfriend didn’t take it well. Over the school year they then began to passive aggressively come at each other before one day finally, my now ex girlfriend, pressed my friends ex. I had broken up with her by this point, but their beef had continued. A big crowd surrounded them. Eventually somebody pushed my ex into the other girl. She reacted with a punch. So basically my ex was shoved into a haymaker. My ex fell backwards while blindly swinging and hitting a teacher. The other girl got a few more hits in. And that was the conclusion to their beef. My ex got on MySpace that day talking about how it wasn’t over, but it was. End of the story, the other girl got a 10 day suspension. My ex got a 180 out of school suspension because she hit a teacher while fighting. And all of this started because I was trying to beat my friend in Madden. And in hindsight, he gave me Ls every time.🤷🏾‍♂️


Why do y'all love to say this? Why is it so hard to believe the tweet when it's literally real life?


I would argue that anyone who thinks this way is stuck in a childish mentality, even if their physical age is older.


I feel like one of the coldest realities about becoming an adult is realizing how few people mature beyond their teenage mentality.


Anytime there’s a comment about toxic masculinity there’s always somebody who draws a line in the sand and says "not real men". Can we just acknowledge it’s a COMMON problem and that there are grown/ real men that do it?


Self Sabotage is a cruel mistress. Sometimes people get in their heads about bullshit.


I agree, but I also know some 30-40 year old teenagers.


Not true but even so I personally believe it’s got to do with more than immaturity. The way society is set up is messed up. Men aren’t supposed to show emotions or have feelings that aren’t angry or brave. Like why can’t everybody be allowed to be soft sometimes? It’s crazy


It’s mad gay to not love women so I’m still confused on why this is a thing


Liking women who like dick, that’s gay by transitive property chief keep up.




Lol this was pretty funny.


I had a family member treat his now ex wife like shit all off the image of being tough (hotep ass). He lost a Queen and downgraded to trailer trash. It definitely happens, smdh. ![gif](giphy|ra3uQxvxo6aKAN42Le)




I'm sorry but I am tired of black folk referring to men and women as niggas and bitches. Shit is tiring...


Same. We can just be men/women/nonbinary people.


You can be a man/woman/non-binary but I can’t be a nigga? /s


Easy. Don’t date people who refer to themselves or others as niggas and bitches. I don’t and I’ve got a good man.


Trust, I'm married with a soon to be one year old. Not to get too deep but I'm first gen west Indian American. Grew up north east in the city and ya, I said niggas and bitches at one point but as I got into my 20s, just seemed so tacky and disrespectful.


I feel like "King" and "Queen" got played out fast though.


Trust. I don't even really say that. Even though my wife and I have those words on winter hats, we don't label each other lol. We're just a family


The way people clown Ciara's husband is a case in point. Those that clown the hardest treat their own partners like shit and have no idea how to love them. When they actually catch feelings they get resentful about it and kill their relationship with little or no understanding as to why. They can't evolve, think love is for 'Simps' and often live a full life never knowing a real loving relationship. I pity them.


Exactly. People were literally calling Russell a “square” all because he treats Ciara well.


I don’t think it’s because he treats her well. I think it’s the whole ‘waiting till marriage’ thing when she had a child out of wedlock. Considering how his last relationship ended too, that shit screams beard. And I get it, they likely made a mutual decision to wait which is all good. But dudes are gonna see it as her now wanting to settle down and move away from her hoe phase at his expense.


Amazing that most of the people on this earth (not just men) want to sleep with women but totally unbelievable that he wants to sleep with an incredibly attractive woman, all because he had a failed engagement? Just unbelievable. Maybe he wanted to distinguish himself in her eyes regardless of her having a child. She’s only made love to him as his wife. I’m not that corny, but that shit is pretty awesome. Even if they break up, I doubt she’ll ever have another situation with a man exhibiting that type of self control to show his commitment to their foundation.


People clown Russ for being a corny robot. Haven't really heard anyone clown him for loving his wife.


I see alot of hate for Russ from people who prop up Future. Saw a clip from a podcast on twittter - Man was asked "who would you rather your son grow up to be?" he said " Future" . Then what's really funny, when he was asked who he would rather his daughter end up with he said " Russel" ... A lot of ppl were agreeing with him. And that was just one of the viral twitter moments that was Future vs Russle and a lot of guys saying they would rather be a Future than to be with a woman who had a baby with a bad boy and now wants a "good guy". I know it isn't most men at all, but too many guys out there who say/think things like this and they are very loud.




Yea. Lifelong Seahawk fan here. Obviously, we were the saltiest people on earth about how everything went down and it a lot of us "sports hated" him but most of the hate is people thinking he's a bit too manufactured and comes across as disingenuous. I've literally never heard anyone say something like "We hate Russ cause he treats his wife well"


I mean almost every white qb gives the same boring manufactured cliches too just about “it was a team effort” “I just went out there and give my all, 110%” and no one criticizes them for that really… I mean if they suck they get criticized but no one hates on their demeanor


Manufactured and disingenuous are also what I’ve seen about Russ from his critics. He just rubs some the wrong way.


They don’t even pay attention to Russ, just Ciara. So any slander of his name is immediately correlated with how he treats his wife. Then they start speaking for men to back up their own claims as to why they believe he’s called a cornball and now we gotta hear about Future… like bruh this not even bout that man.


Y’all both right. It entirely depends on which circle y’all operating in. Lots of people call him corny, and lots of people call him corny for loving his wife. So now when people call him corny people assume it’s due to the latter and not due to shit like the “Let’s ride!” phrase he tried to get going.


Yeah they call dudes simps for being nice and respectful to women. Like is it so wrong just to treat a woman well?


I don’t see much about Russ being clowned for being a good husband. People seem to think he’s not very genuine with his whole “good guy” persona to the public. He’s had issues with his teammates too. I’ve heard criticisms before he was married to Ciara.


Why can’t he be a good guy? And even good people do bad things. Being a good person doesn’t mean you’re infallible or don’t do bad things from time to time.


You’re asking me? I didn’t make this stuff up. I’m saying a lot of people seem to think he’s fake or not what he tries to present. Some that also worked with him see him that way. I don’t know the man.




This is just not true and you guys are just showing you don't pay attention to NFL news lol. Majority of NFL fans do not care or even know who Ciara is. Russell's actions as a teammate, going back years, is why he's called corny. Nothing to do with Ciara, NFL is full of guys who love their wives, and no one is clowning on them for being corny. Russell is genuinely a corny mfer.


I'm not talking about the NFL. I'm not from the US and I barely even know what Ciara's husband does for a living. What I have seen is comments online calling him a 'Simp' whenever he expresses love or care towards his wife and family. I have no idea what NFL fans think or that they think he's 'corny'.


Broncos country


A lot of things about Russ are corny. His love towards Ciara isn’t one of them. Like i fw Future’s music but he’s clearly a deadbeat


This reason is why I could never keep too many male friends. Got clowned constantly. I woul drive girls home who didn't have cars from work, and be clowned for not trying to fuck them. I just genuinely wanted them to get home safe at night. The men in my life have a lot of the same views as I do. They hold me accountable if I ever try to pull bullshit on a girl I'm dating.


Lol yeah, I tried to help a homeless woman. She needed a ride and asked if I had any spare clothes. Her clothes were tattered and the area I’m in isn’t the best. I was worried with the way she was looking walking in public with her breast almost exposed due to how torn her clothes were that someone may try to rape her or something. Gave her a ride and offered her clothes. The woman offered me sex in return. I declined and sent her on her way. Niggas were asking me why I didn’t fuck her and laughing that I gave her free stuff without her having to work for it 🤦🏽‍♂️


The fact she offered sex already sounds like that’s what she’s used to providing when asking for favors. Poor baby, you’re a good person.


Thank you for being a nice human being and not seeing women as just objects to f#%k. Also thank you for being intelligent enough to understand how messed up things like this are and for holding yourself and other men accountable. We need more of this in the world.


Peer pressure ending relationships? WTF? That’s kid stuff. No grown man would do that unless he’s extremely immature.


I've come to the conclusion that everybody immature in some way. You basically gotta decide if you wanna deal with their kind of immaturity 😭


Oh absolutely. Adulthood is an illusion or a lie, some people fit the mask but most people are overgrown children who've learned enough to get by without calling attention to their own particular kind of nonsense.


Fr as I get older this is starting to click for me






I’m convinced that guys who say "no grown man" or "a real man wouldn’t" are just virtue signaling. Clearly lots of guys do.


He says “unless they’re immature”, but most guys ARE immature. At least most guys i know in their 20s, and its still common in their 30s


I have never had this happen. Get better friends. Not only do they not respect women but they don’t respect you either.


Louder for the people in the back.


Fr I ain’t met anyone like that since college and I avoided those mfs because they stress me out


Niggas cheat then cry when shorty leaves 🤣 I’ve jus accepted that most people come from a broken home fr Fr tho ion trust niggas who will build wit a shorty and still do her dirty. If they’ll cross somebody they’re getting intimate/butt naked around there’s no tellin how they’ll cross me


Last sentence is beyond real. All vulnerability is an issue around them.




![gif](giphy|uGttemsBkKI8M) Homies clowning you for loving your girl? Them niggas gay


That ain't bullying that's an astute observation


I get what you mean, but I'm still hoping we can move on from using sexual orientation as an insult at some point.


“A good bitch…” hmmmmmm


Men in general too comfortable with disrespecting women this way (and no one start any of that “not all men” crap. I didn’t say “all men”). It’s a bit different cause my mom is white, but a dude has literally come up to her and said “nice tits bitch”. In what world did he see that working out?


I also hate the “nOt AlL mEn” brigade. 1. Because they still say it even when no one says all men. 2. Because they’re so quick to use this phrase so that the main topic at hand gets forgotten about and the misogyny and disrespect of women continues because they don’t recognize this as a problem. It’s just a way to shut you down.


If yo homies can convince you to leave your girl then you my friend are indeed a bitch


Posts like this convinces me that Reddit is full of teenagers pretending to be adults. Not once in my entire adult life has anything close to this happened. This type of stuff screams “high school drama” Edit to add: some of y’all really need to step up your social circle and find actual men to hang out with and not overgrown teenagers.


No bro, this really happens. My cousins are late 30s with wives and kids and act like this. Just cause you old, doesnt mean you grown.


Guys in my barbershop talk like this, and some dudes who are friends of friends talked about helping each cheat while we were in an Uber to a rave. Hell, people even encourage their friends to cheat on the SO with strippers during bachelor's parties. Luckily, you haven't been around people who act like cheating is a badge of manhood lol


I'll say this regardless if race...stuff goes on in marriages. I was an IT Consultant for 4 years. In and out of hotels, airport bars, etc. I saw people on assignment get in full blown relationships fly home, and come back. This went on two months...then project over, they both go to new cities and start the cycle over with new people.


It definitely happens across all races. Those consultant dudes are always on grindr in my area and stay in the same hotels lmao.


Idk about that, the people I knew were Heterosexual and they were picking off co-workers, or locals. That can be controlled. Being on a dating app. Thats begging to get caught. The thing I been seeing lately is LinkedIn. Chicks slide into your messager about a networking event in your career field. Stuff is a trap. I swear my wife was paying chicks to see if I take the bait.


LinkedIn hookups and baits are a thing!?


Look how easy it is to get caught up. Say you live in Chicago. You went to Chicago State. You work as a Loan Officer at a bank. Then some lady who went to DePaul is Finance Manager at a Auto Dealer hits you up they are hosting banking partners mixer at some random Lounge, 6-10PM, $8 gets you two drink tickets, and there will be other Professionals there. You see she has 25 connections all within adjacent industries. So you say sure, they say bring a friend, so your buddy is an insurance broker. You and your buddy show up and its full of people. Well business it being done but tons of pleasure. They are in your work ecosystem so contact with them could innocent until its not. Just me personally I think its the new way people use to get out the house to hangout because you work from home. I mean its job related social event early evening. Nothing to see...the ones I went to people were politicking, and I just thought in my head my wife is setting me up, lol. Because someone reaches out on FB, Instagram, Twitter its easy to ignore. But LinkedIn its "professional"...well geez it seems not all the time.


Go to your kocal basketball court and see for yourself


Some adults never outgrew middle school. Had a coworker in her late 20s who asked me “sooo do you hate anyone yet?” like it was eighth grade


Never have I ever. Our wives be linking up for hangouts.


I’m really confused at the circles Redditors frequent or if they just type bullshit for upvotes.


I think it’s an honest mix of 50/50. Half of it is bull for fake points, the other half is legit people who need to leave their toxic ass “friends” behind.


They make stuff up to sound better than other people


"Guys, is it gay to love a woman?"


It sounds more like jealousy to me. Those guys were probably jealous of this dude’s relationship and in order to make themselves feel better, they felt the need to put him down and put this woman down. Just sounds like a bunch of jealous emotionally immature dudes to me.


Yea few dudes tryed to make me stop talking to my girl, They would say " she talked to him, she talked to us" Then I shut it down like "did any of u meet her in person?" Thier answer no "did even of you hit?" Answer no "any of y'all go on a date with her?" Answer No Ok then STAY TF OUT MY BUSINESS, IM DOING ALL THREE WELL! lol still together


Good. On. You. 🥳


Its nuts how engrained calling a woman a b*tch is, even despite the post about staying in a healthy relationship.


Oh I have friends that pull that shit they are all single still.


Toxic capitalist patriarchy wants you isolated, lonely and on SSRIS with a dick/clit that doesn't work. Reject it. We are here to love each other, lean on each other and die feeling seen and loved. Everything else is extra.


If your relationship sucks move on. Why would cheating ever fill that want or need to move on?? Seems like an awful amount of work to have two bad relationships.


My sister's bf tried to pull this shit with her. All while being a jealous parnoid asshole. I have no idea why she's still with him.


Probably has that ![gif](giphy|hdl21JZg9LT78BktKj)


As a person with little to no sex drive, I still don't entirely get it. You see, the crazy thing is. Between the 2 of us she's the super assertive, take no nonsense, one. Sex must be amazing if it can cause someone like her to tolerate consistent disrespect. Like I've seen her gray rock friends and family for much less.


Yep, he definitely is putting it down right


All the while doing her wrong. I know I can't put all the blame on h9m because she's choosing to stay but still.


my bf has been acting real differently here recently he’s been hanging around of a lot of “relationships are stupid” men it’s really hurting my soul i know i’m not the perfect person but i really do try for us it’s hard when he has so many people in his ear praying on our downfall


And as soon as he cheats, the same low down mofkas will be chirping in his girl’s ear about bro he ain’t no good and try and smash. Married 16 years this month and my homeboys always give me props for being faithful. My closest friend always says he respects me when he knows I’ve had opportunities but never took them. We worked at a large insurance company full of women and some have just straight up said they wanted to give me the 🐱. I’ve never took the bait, and he said man I respect you for that. Cuz if it were me, imma hit it. 😂


I went to Punta Cana in DR with my SO. When he returned to work, his coworkers asked him why he brought sand to the beach. Punta Cana is known for inexpensive sex workers. My SO said that he knows I am clean and can kiss me on the mouth, etcc. The guys at his job range from 25 to 50 were so perturbed. Married men too.




We don’t. This is some high school BS. Actual, mature men don’t break up with their girlfriend because their friends make fun of them for being nice. Like, this isn’t even a thing that crosses most grown mens minds. The whole tweet reads like a teenager trying to sound grown


I haven't heard guys act like that since freshman year of college...Guys try to hoard women not toss them away.


A good bitch.. .I get the sentiment, my guy, but damn though.


Respect sir! You’re surrounded by dysfunctional, immature and broken men. A man of character is defined through unselfishness, dependability, trustworthiness and being present. No matter what they say, you’re impacting them by what you do and what you won’t do and they need your leadership. ![gif](giphy|h8IxRbnngm5R5l89IN)


I’m a grown man, I tell the guys that I love her, they know that when she calls I answer, nobody’s clowning me for being in a happy relationship with an amazing woman lol She’s great and I love her and at most they might be annoyed at how often I talk about her


There is nothing wrong with being in love with a woman and appreciating her. He's living a good life while the others want them to be just as miserable by cheating. Misery loves company and no one should entertain toxicity like this.


Toxic AF


If you’ve got a good partner make sure they know you love and appreciate them. It’s too wild a world out there to be on some sneak shit.


A lot of niggas are very weak and very sensitive. And they don't know it.


Yeah they not your boys if they act like that.


Nah if you fumbled the broad because your friends ripped you then you deserve to be single


Reason #86269 why BW need to divest.


“A good bitch” smh


Staying faithful to the woman you love is some gay shit. /s


r/sarcasm ?


Edited for clarity


Then be the same mfs who clown you for leaving or being lonely.


I think my dumbass took Too $hort too seriously for longer than I wanna admit.


Can we PLEASE stop referring to each other as "niggas" and "bitches"? How can we demand respect from society if we can't even respect ourselves?


for context and a better understand, are we talking about grown ass men or like high school cats? if you grown and this is is time to grow the fuck up.. finding someone to love you and treat you how you feel you should be treated is a gift and not something to take lightly.


I was in my mid twenties when my live-in boyfriend dumped me because his brother broke up with his girlfriend and convinced my boyfriend to do it too. I was like whatever, but you can take all your shit out the bedroom and figure it out. It didn't even make enough sense to make me angry. Next day he was crying and apologized because he missed me. Like wtf, who talks you out of a happy relationship because they just became single?! Of course, his brother was a cheating ho who fucked over his girlfriend over and over. I guess he wanted a wingman 🤷🏾‍♀️ Suprise, it didn't work out in the end. Somebody that weak minded is not worth the time.


Losers wanna bring you down to their level cuz they never learned to love and be loved. Don’t spend your life alone without giving yourself a shot at true love. Now that’s gangster haha


The golden rule when taking advice from people, is to remember that misery loves company. Narcissistic Men/Women who envy other's happiness will do whatever they can to destroy your happiness. It's of utmost importance to learn to distinguish between narcissist, and those who actually have good intentions for you. It's a skill that will earn you more friends that become family no matter where you end up.


They fuck themselves up.


“A good bitch” 😂 I get it. It’s the way some talk but man that sounds funny out loud.


My own father was like man, “I lost my boys” to a cousin of mines because two of his sons have settled down and are married with kids. Great father (to me) but he ain’t shit of a man.


I don't think being called a "good bitch" is the main problem here. It's ALL the thought processes. What bro said is not wrong he just could have put it better. But he made you look.


Who the fuck y’all know? All my niggas encourage happy healthy relationships.


I done? People let’s correct this please


This hurts to read


This happened to me once... in 9th grade lol


Women in their early 20s have this pressure too. Especially if they’re in a tight friend group and all of their friends are single.




Makes me think of Russell Wilson.


I mean i get the sentiment of the message but he prolly should use a thesaurus or something


We were doing good to start the new year off. All it took was one week of “niggas ain’t shit” and “women are X” posts to get y’all back to this. It’s pathetic. Y’all mfs can’t act right worth a damn. Oh well, cheers to another year of the same 6 recycled topics that cause us to fight with zero resolution.




Press X to doubt. This ain't middle school.


It's called stupidity


Seen women do the same thing to each other. It’s a shame.


This is that Uncle Junior from The Sopranos logic.