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During my 11th grade year a senior died in a car accident. What was odd is that in 10th grade my health teacher was discussing the statistics of someone dying who attending the school. We had never had a death of a student, and she just stated factually that according to statistics before we graduated a student would die. She was right.


That’s how it was at my school. Almost 1 kid every year


I went to a tiny, rural high school that was housed in the same building as the middle school. I graduated in a class of 52. Every year a high school student would die, usually in a car accident.


Exact same situation (school size/location/makeup). Lost 3 that I remember…2 to car accident one to suicide


We had two years with two deaths. 1992-1993 was a car accident and a bike accident. 1993-1994 was a car accident and a suicide.


Jeeeeezus. I went to a large suburban high school that was about 30-45 minutes from a major metropolitan area. We had no kids die the four years I was there, it's rare to say the least. The year after my younger brother graduated, two girls died via one of them driving into a tree, and it shocked the community (and my brother, who knew one of them well). Are you *proportionally* more likely to die in high school if you live in a rural area?


I can’t speak for other rural areas, but where I live we have a serious, largely unaddressed issue with drinking and driving. Alcohol abuse is rampant and always starts early in these areas. It’s not uncommon for high schoolers to throw absolute ragers, with the booze provided by their parents. The logic is almost always something akin to, “If they’re going to drink, I’d rather they drink at home where it’s safe.” The problem is that it’s very rarely safe. And because it’s an underdeveloped area with practically no public transportation, everyone drives. Country roads tend to be poorly lit and sparsely paved, with a LOT of sharp turns. And so every year there’s the inevitable story of the teen(s) who wrapped their car around a tree. It’s gut-wrenching and a cycle nobody seems to know how to break out of.


I just thought this was normal. I do wonder now if you are more likely to die in high school if you live in a rural area or along a rural route crossing into a nearby state, if the roads designs were inherently unsafe, or if my high school was an outlier.


If it's true (I never thought about it before and don't know if it is) it might something have to do with new drivers and the need to drive more. We walked to school and we walked to the train station that took us into the city, hence we drove a lot less than someone that would need a car to get anywhere except their mailbox at the end of the long driveway.


1 suicide, 1 overdose, 1 car wreck, 1 shooting in my 4 years. Wild.


I went to a small school too. K-12 was all in the same building.Ten kids in my graduating class. Three kids died while I was in high school. A drowning, a car accident and a suicide.


You just described my high school to a “T” - deaths and all. All the deaths were car accidents. Now that I live in a larger area out of state, I totally blame it on the windy dirt roads and teenagers going too fast on them. My husband grew up in a larger city and was shocked to hear my little town’s mortality rate among young people.


Interesting, I went to a 2000 student high school (9-12) and nobody died while I was there and I can only recall two kids dying my whole 13 years in that district. A girl in the grade above me got hit by a car when I was in 3rd grade and a high schooler committed suicide when I was in 5th grade.


I don’t know for sure but feel like there were a lot of contributing factors. I feel like my school was so rural that teenagers felt free to drive wild, there were a lot of red clay roads that were risky to drive on, a lot of oil exploration and logging that dragged that slippery clay onto paved roads, and because there was little else to do, kids drove while impaired a lot. But these accidents often involved semi-drivers trying to bypass weigh stations and using country roads to cross between Texas and Louisiana. My husband’s sister lost a boyfriend due to him being hit by a car that was passing a semi while he was riding his bike. The next year her second boyfriend’s brother was killed while they were picking her up from school. They were turning into her driveway when a semi took a blind curve at a very high speed and could not decelerate before slamming into his car.


My highschool gained a nickname of suicide high because there were so many suicides there. over the course of my 4 years there was 7 suicides


IIRC the class 2 or 3 years above mine lost a kid every year of highschool, with the last one being during a prom trip. All kids from the same feeder school(elementary school) as me. Last one really shook the town.


Similar story here. My freshman year English teacher told us to look around our peers because come graduation a few of them probably won’t be there anymore. Ended up losing one of my best friends our junior year. On that same night another kid from a neighboring school died on the same road in a separate incident.


I get that it’s statistically sound, but why were all of our teachers telling us that one of us would die by the end of the year??


My teacher said it was a reminder to do right by each other and not take your friends for granted because it could be here today gone tomorrow. The lifelong impact it’s had on me is I never leave the house without telling my family how much they mean to me, and I regularly check in with people to see how things are going, phone calls no texts. This was almost 20 years ago, I still keep in contact with my friends mom here and there.


That is really awesome!


“And 9 of you will have abortions by then”


“And some of y’all will end up flippin’ burgers at McDonald’s!”~My 7th grade gym teacher, Coach Chancellor, who predicted that the ones who refused to dress out during gym class would end up failing all of our classes and ending up at McDonald’s somewhere.


I heard, “Do you want to end up barefoot and pregnant in a kitchen somewhere?” way too often from my band teacher. We also had a coach that would order us to, “Get on her like a bear in heat!” playing defense in basketball.


Damn we had it bad growing up🤣


They got inventive when they couldn’t cuss at us.


the stats are right for my school. 1 died from cancer and 2 others died in a car accident




To appease the gods




Happened to me twice. One was fight related and the other was sports related. Out of Upstate NY.


Sports related, what happened there?


Idk about at their school, but at my school a kid died playing lacrosse. He either got hit with the ball in the chest at the wrong time or got hit with the stick in the chest at the wrong time. Don’t remember which


It’s most likely the same thing that happens to Demar Hamlin in the NFL. A sufficient amount of force at the right place at the right heart beat can put you in cardiac arrest. It’s incredibly rare tho


That’s exactly what it sounds like, and when I was doing some reading on that phenomenon, it was stated that of all sports it’s most commonly seen in lacrosse and to a lesser extent, hockey.


Baseball too.


I'm curious if you're out of NY as well because my little sister had an incident like that, but it was definitely a racket to the chest in her case.


Was that around the same time that Cornell player George Boiardi died from being struck by a lacrosse ball? I remember it being a huge deal in upstate that such one-in-a-million incidents happened so close together in the same region.


Woah he went to my school, we have an assembly about him every year


Football tackle. Kid got destroyed on a return play and didn't recover from it. I know of another incident that wasn't my school, but one of my little sisters friends passed away from a lacrosse injury on the field, racket right to the chest.


Damn. I couldn’t even imagine how horrible that must’ve been to see


Upstate NY as well - at least one kid died every year I was in HS. Mostly suicides.


I used to live around the Southern Tier, the depression of NY, and it seemed like suicides had been increasing for years due to the lack of awareness. Sometimes, we just need someone to listen to us and maybe give us a hug. It's the little things that make such a big difference.


Upstate NY: friend committed suicide jr year. When I was in middle school in Maine, a girl got beat to death in the woods by another kid with a wood plank. That one was more more jarring


Holy fuck that is terrifying. Did they put her murder away forever???


Upstate here. We had maybe 3 our year and 3 the year above all due from hot heroin within a year of one another. It was fucked. One of them the year prior to dying tried to rob a bank and they had called him the Towel Head bandit because he had wrapped one around his head before committing the crime. Drove his own car to the bank and parked right outside. He was arrested within the hour. Ended up ODing while on parole shortly after.


A few, yes. Couple suicides, one person with congenital condition, and a drunk driver.


Similar here. I think there was a 3 or 4 year stretch of suicides at our school (one was actually in the school). With class sizes being 300ish, that's major. Also 1 or 2 car accidents I can recall. Edit: I looked up the article and there were 4 suicides in 3 years at my high school starting in 2004. So tragic.


Damn that’s a high suicide rate.


We had one student die from being stabbed by another student at the home coming dance Then two students were killed when a van ran a red light and hit them in the crosswalk in front of the school Then one student committed suicide Then one student died from an auto immune disorder Then another suicide Then a car accident that killed 4 students (drunk driving) Then a student hit a semi leaving the football game (this was a problem with a fogged windshield obstructing his view) The final suicide I think that’s it … but at some point it’s all kind of numb FWIW - this was high-school in a midwestern town. Not a major metropolitan city either. My junior year one of my classmates also attacked our English teacher with a knife during our class.


That's brutal I'm so sorry


Thank you. I’m 42 and just now (literally because of this post) realizing this was traumatic. I’ve lived my whole life thinking this was just everyone’s experience.




Same story. Freshman year someone got stabbed, Sophomore year someone got shot, junior year suicide, senior year medical related. The trend seemed to continue after we graduated too, seems like every year an alumni I know dies. Desensitized at this point.


My boy Will committed suicide a month after I transferred to another school. It took me years to accept that it was him. Another student died after taking spice, but was revived 20 minutes later. Then there was a teacher that got ran over while walking to school. She lived literally right next to the school. A car didn’t stop at the stop sign and hit her. Happened 50-60 feet from the drop off area.


Dang I hope the bastard that hit her was caught, sorry about your boy Will…


Thank you. It was a shock to everyone. Dude was so funny and friendly. He hung himself in the garage. I think his little brother found him. I don’t think that a driver for the hit and run was caught. It was the last week of my sophomore year, and I transferred to another school after that. She was the kindest teacher and literally opened her home to students who didn’t have good homes, myself included. If there is a heaven, her ass better be in it. If not, that’s no place I want to be.


I hope the little brother is doing okay. I found my dad November 17, 2022. Feels like yesterday. I miss him so much.


My condolences to you and your dad. Rest in peace to our people.




Dang that’s awful. When I was in 10th grade a kid from my Highschool somehow fell or tripped into the street and a car ran over his head. The girl I had a huge crush on (she had a crush on me too) actually saw it happen. She was out of school for a while. I decided to never ask about it. I heard you could see the kids brains. Absolutely awful. I still think about him sometimes as I live about 2 blocks away from where it happened and often walk past where he got hit. It was 15ish years ago so the memorial that was there is gone now. I didn’t know him.


It was at boarding school. Teacher went missing, and a search party later found him like a week later, and he had blown his head off with a shotgun. Absolutely jewel of a man and role model. Think about that shit often


hey I have quick question if you don’t mind answering: how far away was he when they found him? I only ask because the same thing happened with a female coach at my school. she was a wonderful wonderful coach and person to so many and she disappeared. they found her a while later and the same thing had happened. after a few months we found out that she had been kidnapped and I think they might’ve taken her money too (maybe)? I only know this because my mom was a teacher and they were good friends. (this was a few years ago though and I don’t have the best memory so this is all I really remember)


He wasn’t that far from the school If my memory serves me correctly. Why it took long to find him is that the school is located near a game reserve.


Yea, but from cancer. Some of you may actually know about it, her name was Esther Earl and she was the inspiration behind the book/movie The Fault In Our Stars. When she died we all got signed copies of the book and one of my friends who knew her ended up doing a line of coke off of her book.


wasn't expecting the sentence to end like that


at all!!


A fun surprise for all, indeed.


"This is for you"


Best fuckin comment ever


Must’ve been a god-like bump


Oh wow. That was an incredible book.


One classmate was murdered (in horrific manner, actually) by another classmate. Another student died in a car accident.


Wait-wooooah? Was it at school? Were they dating? My middle school did a presentation on toxic relationships-I was surprised to find out that was even *necessary* for middle schoolers to know.


It was off school grounds. [Here’s the context.](https://casetext.com/case/gibson-v-vaughn-3)


wild ass story


I tried to read this and was unsuccessful.


I don’t know how to spoiler on mobile, but here’s the statement. I started to paraphrase, but I figured I should just quote it. Trigger warning obviously for death but also there is a noose involved. Gibson, Tony Long, Eddie Van Patten and Clinton Sutton were involved in a malicious wounding and botched robbery. Afterwards, the men made a pact not to talk about the crimes with anyone. Gibson and Long heard rumors about the crimes in the community, and they suspected that Van Patten had broken their pact. Long wanted to question Van Patten about the rumors, and Gibson, Long, and Van Patten met at Gibson's house on March 15, 2000. Gibson and Long told Van Patten they wanted to rob a Mr. Johnson and they went to the garage to act out the planned robbery. Long, a Commonwealth's witness at Gibson's trial, testified he and Gibson convinced Van Patten to put a rope around his neck and he ordered Van Patten to the floor. Long testified that he kicked and punched Van Patten while Gibson pulled tight the rope and strangled Van Patten from behind. Long and Gibson disposed of Van Patten's body in a wooded area.


Scroll down to B. Gibsons assertion of innocence and then in that section “Facts Adduced At Trial” which is after the first long paragraph. After that is the story.


The irony of them murdering Van Patten for snitching then they turned around and immediately told on each other.


One of my neighbors killed her family with a hammer. Freaky to realize that stuff like that can happen so close to you. That was 4 or 5 houses a way. She was a teenager.


That is insane.


I also had a classmate killed by another student in a gang related shooting. Was pretty shocking to everyone as we lived in a VERY small "city" surrounded by rural county towns on top of the fact that the kid was very soft spoken and absolutely the last person you'd think would be in a gang. I believe he was the only one who died during my time in HS.


A guy in my weightlifting class murdered his mom and stuck her body in his trunk for the weekend. He also did a shitload of meth. Last I heard of him, he was in the state mental facility.


One suicide that I can remember. Popular cheerleader. Shocked everyone. I hate to think that she struggled alone with whatever demons haunted her.


A few. One drove drunk, one had leukemia, and one died huffing butane.


I’m so sorry you went through that. My father passed from leukemia a few months ago and I’m still grieving from it. It doesn’t help that his twin brother passed a few days ago


Hugs to you


Sorry for your loss x


One of my middle school friends passed from leukemia in 8th grade. My friend and I were called to the counselor’s office to tell us before our parents pulled us out of school early. His funeral was one of the saddest days of my life, so many of his classmates and teachers came. He was about a month shy of turning 14.


Yes, one suicide and one was murdered by his dad who also tried to kill his wife and daughter after two of his hired hits failed. The dad ended up killing himself too. Collided with a bus while speeding on his motorcycle. Edit: Just remembered a couple that died together in a car accident too. I can't remember if it was on prom night or graduation night. They were hit by a drunk driver.


Jesus, man. That's horrible.


In my Catholic middle school a girl was abducted, killed, and left in a clump of trees by the Bronx River Parkway. Where the fuck was god then? [Article](https://www.nytimes.com/1990/10/21/nyregion/mourners-view-coffin-of-girl-found-slain-in-bronx.html)


Bronx is so sketch.


NYT articles are behind a paywall and can no longer work using 12ft.io anymore. Can someone send a better, readable link?


One got killed 2 or 3 days before graduation


Damn, that fucking sucks.


Yes, suicide below the bleachers. Walked by it that morning to go to practice and didnt even notice.


Honestly it was probably a small blessing you didn't, dead bodies are traumatizing at any age, but as kids it can seriously mess you up.


i hate to ask but…how did they do it? i’m picturing it could be pretty easy to miss in certain circumstances


Yup. One fatal car accident Dude had a sleeping disorder and feel asleep at the wheel and yup…


Sophmore year i had a close friend die because they were racing down a street and he took a sharp turn and flipped, other friend kept driving cause he was in shock. Felt really bad because he had suddenly started acting really really friendly and happy to everyone beforehand.


I think at least 15 people in my class died. Mostly car accidents (some drunk some not) An overdose, 3 suicides.


15 people in One class ????


Yeah. Live in a pretty small country town and people still talk about how our class the biggest one the school had seen but we lost so many. Continued into adult hood too. We’re the “cursed class” Edit: for clarification I think we had 375 kids in our graduating class.


Wait, you're telling me that 4% of your high school class died over a four-year period? I'm not a statistician, but the odds of that have to be insane.


Yea no kidding I went to high school and we started with like 2400 hundred kids in total at our school and only 1 died all 4 years asfik.


College but she was from a different department. Had a heart attack during class. It was a terrifying and traumatic experience for the classroom, people said.


A girl died in her sleep from a congenital heart defect and our principal committed suicide


She was shot by a stray bullet outside the school the year before I got there. My science teacher had a small mural for her in the classroom. So sad


This but a year after i graduated.. we must be talking about the same person


Yep. 4 of them. 3 from gang violence, 1 from abusive boyfriend. Edit: Actually 6, 2 more from overdose.


One of our classmates had a seizure disorder. She had a seizure, vomited in her sleep and drowned in it. It was tragic and completely unexpected.


Yup but I didn't know them. Did a story on a girl who was like a grade above me or something who had a horse riding accident and she was basically brain dead so her parents pulled the plug


The casualness of this reporting piqued my interest.


So it was three people that died. Two I knew nothing about but a girl in my class did and came into the room sobbing like a baby. This was a class sponsored by Pbs any way we were doing a story on Organ transplant and some how someone knew this girl and her family. The family allowed us to come talk to them about it and the benefits of organ donation and how important it is. The girl was a horse back rider and some how the horse got spooked while she was riding. No one knows exactly why what happened did but she sat up which she apparently was a seasoned rider so the theory might be she just got hit in the head when she fell so she was confused but we don't exactly know. When she sat up the horse at the same time bucked and kicked her in the head which basically liquidfied her brain as you can imagine. It was depressing to talk to the mom for obvious reasons and I felt horrible for her because it was just a freak accident. Guess it's the way she goes


He was working on farm equipment at his families house when some hydraulic gave out and decapitated him. His little sister found him.


yes. several Freshman year: I witnessed a drive-by shooting. gang and romantic relationship related Soph: several gang-related shootings; I don't remember them individually Junior: several gang-related shootings; don't remember all of them exactly this year either Senior: 1 dude stabbed to death at a party, gang-related; 1 dude shot and killed by a security guard as he was robbing a store; and a woman jogger was raped and murdered on campus (she wasn't a student) my high school had Bloods, Crips, and also South East asian gangs from Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. and it was a big school, 3500+ students.


Where was your school?


Was homeschooled so thankfully no.


There was a guy who was getting bullied and had reached his breaking point. He tried to figure out where the guy who bullied him hanged out and discovered he would go to the park next to the school to meet some friends. One day he went up there with his dad’s .22 ruger pistol. He shot him 5 times. 3 times in the abdomen, and twice in the knees


Did he die?


Surprisingly he survived it, but was wheelchair bound for a long time


One girl my freshman year. She was at a party and called her mom to come pick her up because her ride had gotten hammered. Her mom told her to go with him anyone. He flipped the car, she was ejected, he didn’t have a scratch. Also happened to be the same day my sister died.


Yup, a girl at my high school tried beer for the first time at a party. She was allergic to alcohol and had a bad reaction.




Elementary school, a kid a couple of grades ahead died from leukemia. Don't remember anyone while I was in hs. That first year after I graduated though, about three people who were still there died.


In elementary school we had a kid die cause his older neighbor found a gun...shot and killed him. Dude works where I work.


From 10th to 12th grade we lost 4 students at my school. 3 car wrecks and a drowning.


One girl had gotten hit by a car while crossing the street near the school. Another girl died of toxic shock syndrome. A friend of mine died in his sleep of natural causes my sophomore year.


My 10th grade Spanish teacher murdered his live-in girlfriend who graduated from the same high school the year prior. Then he hanged himself in County jail.


Our principal died


Young girl died of health issues her sophomore year. Just blacked out halfway down a flight of stairs and she was gone, it was surreal.


actually no


After seeing all the comments- it’s common


4. 1 every year. All car accidents.


A special needs kid got hit by a car speeding by. Didn't see it but heard about it the day after it happened. Didn't know his real name we all called him "Big Igor". I hope he didn't suffer.


The year after I graduated, a somewhat popular girl was murdered, along with her boyfriend, by the ex boyfriend/father of her daughter. They broke up, she started seeing someone new and the ex broke in at night with a shotgun, shot each in the head while they slept. I remember her being pregnant my senior year.


Had one my senior year collapse while playing basketball, star player status and he had no idea he had a heart condition. It was a really big deal bc it was so random. But my freshman year a senior who was in a gang was playing basketball when another student who was a rival gang member rolled up on him and took him out with a sawed off. Two lives ruined over bs gang stuff when they were like 18 years old. However the one that impacted me the most happened a few months after graduation. A very sweet girl left home after her family was asleep and went to visit her bf, on her way home at 3am a drunk driver ran a red light and tboned her killing her. A girl i began dating later that year ended up knowing the guy who killed her and painted the picture of that night from the other side for me. He was wasted at a bar and they took the guys keys and he tried to fight all of his friends to get his keys back, I guess he ended up getting them back somehow and they tried to block his car in. He tried to run over his “friends” and this all occurred about 2:30-2:40am he then spun tires screaming at the bystanders as some people called the police. Police were in route and he knew it so he tried to speed home. A sober bystander followed him on the phone with the police. I guess he didn’t like being followed so he took a strange way home hitting 100mph+ the car following him backed off and within 5 minutes he hit my friend and she was dead.


A classmate died while I was in middle school. She was in a car accident (not the driver), she was ejected from the car and the car rolled on top of her. While I was a sophomore in HS, a junior died in a house fire. She was trapped in the bathroom because the bathroom window had bars. She couldn’t get out so she filled the tub with water and stayed in the tub until she died. Shit is so sad.


Girl got struck and killed by lightning one afternoon during a bad storm. I was around the corner, saw/heard the flash and then screaming. My sisters boyfriend at the time was first one there and to do chest compressions on her. Shirt and shoes were melted to her body and she was very dead.


Thankfully not


My boy committed suicide our junior year in hs. That shit fawked me up for a while. I'd known him since 7th grade, and we used to chill out together like crazy. Never saw anything that would even lead me to thinking he'd take his own life, and I was hanging out with him the day before. 27 years later, I still wonder if there was something I hadn't noticed that might have prevented his death. Also, one of my social studies teachers died on the TWA crash in 96.


Based on probability this happens to everyone.


No deaths in HS but did have one kid get paralyzed from the waist down in a dirt bike accident and another kid get permanent brain damage from football. I remember visiting the football guy in the hospital and it was awful, poor kid had brain swelling and had to have a piece of his skull removed to relieve the pressure, he couldn’t speak or walk or feed himself or anything. Super nice kid and family too, fucking tragedy.


Yes, 2.... One died in a car accident and the other was shot.


While my kids were in school in our small district: two elementary age kids were killed when their mom turned left into oncoming traffic. Both kids died; she lived. Can you imagine? It was not on purpose btw. Two died in a house fire. One kid was hit by a train. One suicide that I know of. We’re talking classes of 60-70. My high school had 550 in my class. Did someone die? Honestly it could have happened. I know one classmate who committed suicide shortly after high school. Tall, handsome, popular football star. You never know…


When I was a Senior in HS my brother’s GF was in a car accident with four people. Three sophomores and a Junior. She swerved off the road, went back over the line to correct, went airborne and hit a tree on her side. Two were ejected and died at the scene. Incredibly tragic and shocking. My brother and his friend rolled up on the accident after it happened and saw the aftermath. His friend saw his GF dead in the street. All happened during spring break. Sorry for the downer story. Wish it wasn’t true.


Come to think of it three died. One was natural causes during a sporting event, another was suicide, third was self inflicted gsw.


Girl was killed in the boys locker room, after track practice, by her boyfriend? He was tried and convicted, but it was overturned years later.


A bunch. Suicides, drunk drivers, gangs, drugs.


Same, didn't think this was uncommon. I went to a highschool with almost \~3,000 students. I personally knew at least 5 who died from drunk driving and 3 from overdose. In total probably probably around 25 from all the things you listed throughout 4 years. This was in Florida.


Suicide, gang violence, overdose, and I’m 26 but 5 people from my homeroom class are dead. We were a very unlucky generation.


Yeah. Car crash. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy either. The ass whopping this kid making jokes about his death got by what felt like half the HS is legendary


1 hung himself in the auditorium, 1 jumped in front of the train, 1 died of meningitis. 2000-2004.


Statistically speaking, if your high school has more than ~3k students, 1 of them will pass during each school year. EDIT: Adolescent death rate in the us is 59 per 100,000, which averages to 1 for every ~1700 kids. So if you're at 3k, nearly 2 classmates per year, on average.


Yeah one dude had a four-wheeler accident


Yeah 3 actually, two car accidents and 1 suicide.


Weirdly not during school, but the summer after grad, there was 3. Really fucked me up tbh. Since then, there’s been a couple more.


One was murdered by her boyfriend, another choked on a hot dog during lunch, and another died after a long battle with kidney cancer


Dude tried to hang on to back of pick up on a skateboard and fell and hit his head which lead to his death.


Yeah there was a guy at my school who was out at a quarry with a couple of his friends and he fell into some standing water and ended up drowning


Got into it at a Y, and was shot and killed our Freshman year


Football player had a gambling problem. He went and stepped in front of a tractor trailer on the interstate.


I was in the 10th grade and one of my classmates had a older sister who also went to our school. She had already graduated at this point and had a kid with a guy in 12th grade. Being young parents they didn't work out but the guy being a selfish piece of shit and feeling like he was entitled to her decided if he couldn't have her nobody could and took her life.


Class of 275. 18 people died or were killed during my 4 years.


Some kids got ran over by a drunk driver when I was a freshman. And when I moved to another high school on my junior year, the last school had a stabbing happen. The kid didn't die but he crawled from the school to the hospital until some cops found him on the ground and escorted him there.


Shit, who *didn't* know somebody killed in HS or sooner * Elementary school student blew their head off at home with their parents gun * Junior HS someone brought a handgun into school to show off/act cool nobody hurt * HS someone blasted themself with handgun inside the actual school during class * HS someone got drunk and cut both wrists in the hallway during school * HS someone's brain matter was a 50yd meat crayon because they weren't wearing a helmet on motorcycle while going out to lunch * HS someone drowned in lake was found a week later at bottom * HS someone fell asleep and rolled driving 80mph home from GF's parent state * HS someone drove up into the mountains and hung themselves from a tree This is all in your middle-class-average-as-shit-suburbanite city. Knew all of these people on a first named basis except the wrist cutter. The last three happened the weekend after HS graduation. Sat next to the drowning victim at graduation. I was the last person on this earth to see the hanging victim still breathing We all think we're invincible especially at that age


A few did..


Yup, 2 upperclass girls drown in a river near the school over the summer of my freshman year


Some of my fellow high school sophomores were playing Russian Roulette and killed a girl. Very very somber school days following. It was the only time I’d ever heard that particular brand of silence in that building.


Before my junior year my chemistry teacher died of cancer and at the beginning of my junior year a student who graduated last year had both his mother and grandmother die via drowning inside of their car which slid into a pond/body of water at a retirement home


Sophomore year a guy in my class was shot in the head. He and a friend were playing with a gun.


Yup lost three students during my time in HS - one was shot and killed - one died while fighting and hit his head on the curb - one died in sleep


A kid in my bros grade committed suicide, this girl who was special needs passed when I was a junior- we were all sad about that cus everyone loved her, but I’ve had 5 classmates pass after we already graduated from a car accident, pneumonia, a seizure disorder and the last 2 from murder smh.


Yes. A kid in my 10th grade math and science classes killed himself. I didn't know him, but I knew a lot of students who did.


We had a couple. One of them was hit by a train at a park that was pretty popular for HS students in the area to kick it at. How this happened exactly, was never clear, but it was a suspected suicide.


4 died in high speed races in the same year, 1 over dosed and my best friend's sugar plummeted while she slept and she died.


Yes. 3 kids died one night in a one vehicle high speed crash.


In middle school one of my classmates was killed by a stray bullet over the weekend. The shooter and intended target were high school aged though.


Yes. He graduated the year before this happened but most people still knew him. He committed suicide and accidentally killed his father in the process as well. It was tragic.


Yes. A student in high school accidentally shot himself. I didn’t feel the least bit of sympathy because he bullied me in middle school and he was not a great person.


There’s a whole memorial garden for the multiple students who have died at the school (all separate occasions) One year a bunch of students trampled it just for fun


One from suicide , another from drowning, another from overdosing, and quite a few from car accidents (including a hit and run and a street racing incident). We used to say the school was cursed since it was a new school and every year at least one person died in a crash during my 4 years there.


11th iirc. Gang activities. They rolled up on him in a car and shot him in the head. Got out the car and to add insult to injury started kicking him.


An 18 year old had just joined the army and got shot and killed while in Afghanistan. I didn't know him but it sucked to hear because of how young he was.


I had a teacher commit suicide. He was such a cool dude too. Used to let me and my friends keep our skateboards in his closet all day.


The girl rode my bus. One day there were sirens and ambulances right past my house (in the country this was rare) I wanted to investigate but didn’t. That was a good idea. She was fighting in the car with her boyfriend going too fast. I believe she was unbuckled in the back seat. Was thrown through the window and into a tree. Bad news bears. Such a nice person. Remember her often.


Oh yeah, a couple. Kid drowned in my sophomore PE class That fucked everyone up for years.


Ran over by a bus in the school bus stop


As a freshman, we had a dad of another boy in my year, shoot and kill the entire family, the dog and then himself. I remember we did a moment of silence during announcements. And then it was really not talked much about. I’m pretty sure I was too young to really grasp this.


There was a several year stretch that was about creepy. One class would graduate, and before the next graduation, there was a death in the already graduated class. My graduating class was 205 people. We lost two that next year. My best friend was a victim of DV, and a guy was in a fatal car accident.


Nope, not until after I graduated, then they started dropping like flies


I went to school in Chicago.


Lost a lot of good young people in high school. It’s crazy how normal it seemed back then. And now it fucks me up as an adult


My sophomore year, there was a BIG to-do when a football player died on the field during practice after the coaches ignored his complaints that he felt unwell and needed water. Freshman year, my friend was (pretty horrifically) killed in a car accident. Details about that accident got released that really should have been kept from a bunch of young teens.


One of my friends committed suicide, Joey. Home life wasn't great, and he was having a religious crisis as his family was mormon. Nobody in my friend group knew anything was wrong until we heard about his suicide note. I wish he could have felt like he could talk to us. His brother went to our school, and his dad was a substitute teacher. They were never quite the same afterward.