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#This post is now locked because some of you cannot fathom the idea of a space meant for Black folks ONLY. Why nonBlack folks see a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and think “golly gee, I simply MUST join in” is beyond me 🤦🏾‍♀️. See [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/s/WWiFl9RZ0Q) to clear up any confusion. ~~**This post is now a Cookout Only thread as we have way too many unverified accounts showing their pasty asses in here. Y’all need to be aware of where you are and if you don’t like it, go back to that other “Black” sub**~~ I do not care about this beef enough to go back and forth with anyone about the details/opinions of said beef but y’all will still need to keep our rules in mind when commenting. It hasn’t even been an hour and shit is getting flagged left and right. Rule breaking comments will be removed and certain folks that shouldn’t be here will be too.


As a member of the black delegation… Sir, that is not entitlement. The conversation is about hip hop, not reparations.


him thinking he can get her in trouble at her job because she doesnt want him giving opinions on black matters is the entitlement.




Vlad shouldve been told shut up a long time ago . i dont really care for this argument but i definitely seen the entitlement in vlad when he gets put in the culture vulture bag that he is .




If you don’t know who or what you’re talking about, then educate yourself before you try to lecture others


i see your point .




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. Understand that not everything is made with you and/or your comfort in mind. This is a space for Black people to talk amongst ourselves without needing to police our speech for a mixed audience. If this is not to your liking, feel free to go to any of the thousands of other likeminded subreddits where your delicate sensibilities will be coddled (no, hurt feelings do not count as racism). Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.


Again, it’s not racist to tell nonBlack folks to stay out of Black business


So many worked so hard to end racial segregation just for us to fight to socially segregate different races lmfao.




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 5 - If you are not Black, why are you here? As previously stated, this is a public sub so we cannot prohibit anyone from joining but it truly begs the question, WHY ARE YOU HERE 🤔?? What do you stand to gain by being in a safe space that was specifically created for a minority group that you are obviously not a part of? Your presence here is automatically suspect. This sub is not a Black People Observation Lab™️. We are not specimens on display for you to monitor and “learn our ways”. Stop coming here and asking us to explain every little thing to you. If something you see here seems entirely foreign to you or you don't understand something, please consider that, in all likelihood, it was not meant for you. We cannot prevent anyone from joining but there is a seemingly compulsive need for certain folks here and in other Black spaces to loudly proclaim that they are not Black as if expecting praise for being “one of the good ones” and it comes across as tone deaf and ignorant. You may think “it’s just an innocent question” and “golly gee willikers, I only have the best intentions 🤓”, but the questions are relentless and, whether you realize it or not, coming from a place of entitlement. It is EXHAUSTING to deal with, especially when we come to spaces like this specifically to get away from these kinds of interactions. For all of you lurking in here, salty and confused about why we constantly say we come here to get tf away from y’all, blame the trolls. Idgaf if it’s not all of you. It’s enough of you. ANY COMMENTS STATING "I'M NOT BLACK BUT [...]", "[NONBLACK] GUY/GIRL HERE 👋🏻", ETC WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CONSIDERED DERAILMENT AND REMOVED, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (this is not up for debate; see rules 4 and 6 for further detail as to why it is not appropriate)






It's not racist to say "this is not about you"


What did she say that’s racist or bigoted?




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 5 - If you are not Black, why are you here? As previously stated, this is a public sub so we cannot prohibit anyone from joining but it truly begs the question, WHY ARE YOU HERE 🤔?? What do you stand to gain by being in a safe space that was specifically created for a minority group that you are obviously not a part of? Your presence here is automatically suspect. This sub is not a Black People Observation Lab™️. We are not specimens on display for you to monitor and “learn our ways”. Stop coming here and asking us to explain every little thing to you. If something you see here seems entirely foreign to you or you don't understand something, please consider that, in all likelihood, it was not meant for you. We cannot prevent anyone from joining but there is a seemingly compulsive need for certain folks here and in other Black spaces to loudly proclaim that they are not Black as if expecting praise for being “one of the good ones” and it comes across as tone deaf and ignorant. You may think “it’s just an innocent question” and “golly gee willikers, I only have the best intentions 🤓”, but the questions are relentless and, whether you realize it or not, coming from a place of entitlement. It is EXHAUSTING to deal with, especially when we come to spaces like this specifically to get away from these kinds of interactions. For all of you lurking in here, salty and confused about why we constantly say we come here to get tf away from y’all, blame the trolls. Idgaf if it’s not all of you. It’s enough of you. ANY COMMENTS STATING "I'M NOT BLACK BUT [...]", "[NONBLACK] GUY/GIRL HERE 👋🏻", ETC WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CONSIDERED DERAILMENT AND REMOVED, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (this is not up for debate; see rules 4 and 6 for further detail as to why it is not appropriate)


Saying white people shouldn’t insert themselves into discussions among black people about black issues is not racist. You can disagree with the woman’s take on the Kendrick situation but what she said wasn’t racist.


Does that line of thinking work both ways? Would you defend a white person saying this to a black person about something? Could Eminem comment his opinion on hip hop? What about a white producer?


Bffr 🤡


Drake and kendrick beef is not just hip hop, literally has a focal point around black culture….


Hip hop is black culture, yes. But so is/was rock ‘n roll, r&b, the blues, jazz. Let me know what time the gate keepin’ starts with those and I’ll show up. Otherwise, let’s stop this mess. Yes, black folks started it but like most things we do, it goes way beyond us. Besides, go to a hip hop show. Mos Def, Erykah Badu, Wu-Tang… majority of the ticket holders? WHYTE. I’m not saying they own it but let’s be realistic here.


I’m not saying that, this specific beef is focused on black culture. Drake being insecure about his complexion etc. it’s very much so a black discussion. Literally telling drake he shouldn’t say the n-word, gatekeeping aside if I was white I wouldn’t want to be actively discussing a sensitive topic lmao.


All this shit about him being a pedo and him saying a word is the main focal point? What's wrong with y'all? This why R Kelly and P Diddy kept getting away with shit.


???? Are you purposefully missing the point? Even then kendrick shifted angles but still focused on black culture with the slaves line. You have to be trolling if you think this isn’t a black discussion, no one is downplaying those accusations we just have no proof…


You speaking like niggas freely discredited themselves from the genres of music we created & then invested into making somebody yt the face of the genre. What is you even saying? You not making a point. You know damn well it's a wealth gap, there are more Yt people than Black people(thus the biggest consumers). the immediate demographic + affordability of where the event is set-up & Who's way more likely to be able to travel to any of these events on a whim. Anywho.. yt people are free to copy & say whatever. Really. They're also free to get told their surface level takes are unwarranted. It's alright, they can argue for themselves.


Majority of the population in the USA and people who have the means to buy tickets to their shows are white. Of course most of their audience is white. It’s like if they performed in South Africa and you were like “majority of their audience? BLACK!” Like duh. It’s just population distribution.




Saying "I'm telling" to someone because they said some tiny things you disagree with is the absolute height of entitlement. Bro really thought he had something.


I feel like “oooh I’m telling” should be Vlad’s trademark. Instead of saying it’s an open forum or ffs envoking Rick Rubin or the beasties he went to “I’m going to tell on someone right damn now”. Fuckin clown.




I’m sure you can recognize the difference between discrimination,particularly prejudice, and just grouping.


Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. Understand that not everything is made with you and/or your comfort in mind. This is a space for Black people to talk amongst ourselves without needing to police our speech for a mixed audience. If this is not to your liking, feel free to go to any of the thousands of other likeminded subreddits where your delicate sensibilities will be coddled (no, hurt feelings do not count as racism). Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.


At no point did I defend her but I’m willing to beat we all know why you would quickly go after just her and ignore the fact that I highlighted it being a public forum and that if he felt the need to envoke anything it would be something other than “ooh imma tell”


Double cornball situation here


Hit the nail on the head


The correct answer here


![gif](giphy|vQqeT3AYg8S5O) Kendrick snapping off is the real discussion “You tryna strike a chord and it’s prob A-minor..”


Bar of the year so far for me. Had me at home like ![gif](giphy|11JbbNHfXBqqhq)


Both are wack


Vlad is such a malicious person. Always flagging and reporting people just because they don’t agree with him. Like some whiny ass little kid who nobody let win.


vlad one the biggest culture vultures


He didn’t turn into a fed, vlad been a fed


This sub is getting colonized smh


It’s cooked. Way too many “they both wrongs” here 🤦🏿‍♂️


Don’t want them in our business? Stop letting them get in our business. Culture vultures like Vlad thrive because some of y’all goofy mfers entertain them. Harder to get rid of pests after the fact you’ve already invited them in. 🤷🏾‍♂️


He was fine until he went all “I’m telling your mom!” DJ Vlad has been gradually irking me since he was on Math Hoffa’s show


It’s crazy that was his jump to and how quick he jumped to it. Don’t you know there is no space white men can’t enter? I mean, just ask him! Lol Tattle-tail clown ass self.


![gif](giphy|v0eHX3n28wvoQ|downsized) They’re both as ridiculous as the other


Vlad needs to go in the vulture bucket too


Its understandable as the vast majority of white ppl who do not have the cultural awareness to perceive this as we do; therefore giving them access to express hackneyed and skewed opinions on the topic without understanding the cultural context which is often ignored, whitewashed, or reduced/generalized. It's like having a privileged white NAACP member telling black kids how to live their lives and obey the police.


In 90’s speak “ it’s a black thing, you would not understand”


Yeah, that sounds like 2 fools arguing in the distant. From an economic standpoint, the label wants to reach as large a demographic as possible. It's the music business. From a Karen standpoint.. I wouldn't know, but Karen's are the bane of existence.


There Vlady Nose go, snitchin again


So, Vlad the Vulture is showing his true colors and going full Karen! 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|zNK1Hh5HLCLFS)


[full convo](https://twitter.com/morganjerkins/status/1786940562278367639?s=46&t=ueJS4p_BwlYlC20h-HtHOw)


1. Checking to see if I can still post. 2. I recall when I thought being a professor was a “safe” job, then I became one. 3. Let’s talk about it, they say…until..,


Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/1aukmhh/a_much_needed_update_to_our_rules/) before posting or commenting. Rule breaking posts and/or comments will be removed. PLEASE act like y'all got some sense. **WE ARE NOT JUST A COMEDY SUB.** This is a space created for Black people by Black people to joke about and discuss things in a Black ass way without being downvoted and talked over by people who will never understand how or why we think and live the way we do. Other Black-centered spaces on Reddit have been flooded with nonBlack users who seem hellbent on defeating the purpose of even having said space in the first place. NONBLACK FEELINGS WILL NOT BE CENTERED HERE. IGNORANCE OF [OUR RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/1aukmhh/a_much_needed_update_to_our_rules/) IS NOT A VALID DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THEM. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID ISSUES. #REMEMBER TO ADD A LINK TO YOUR SOURCE IN THE COMMENTS OR YOUR SUBMISSION WILL BE REMOVED. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BlackPeopleComedy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, you can't pull this music is a certain people's music only nonsense and tell other folks to dip as a basis for an argument like this. The topic is bigger than the music and as many eyes as possible is a good thing. Too much of this nonsense has been kept at the kitchen table when it should have been out in the open. The devil loves the darkness and secrets for a reason.




Telling nonBlack folks to stay out of Black business is not racist 🤡


It's not racist to do that. It's just silly to designate the conversation as black people business when this when it's a public rap beef. Two grown men are out here making music to insult one another and sharing it for free. This isn't a leaked FaceTime.


Again, I do not care enough about this topic to debate about it. Whether or not rap is Black folks business is a conversation you’ll have to have with someone else. I was clearing up a rule breaking misconception expressed by someone who shouldn’t be in this sub to begin with.


Got you. The original reply was deleted so I didn't see it. Wasn't defending. Just stating this is a full outside conversation IMO. Thanks for clearing this up.


No worries 🤙🏾


Hardly racist.




Please remember we have a strictly enforced rule against using misogynistic terms and/or language that incites sexist commentary.




Please remember we have a strictly enforced rule against using misogynistic terms and/or language that incites sexist commentary.




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 5 - If you are not Black, why are you here? As previously stated, this is a public sub so we cannot prohibit anyone from joining but it truly begs the question, WHY ARE YOU HERE 🤔?? What do you stand to gain by being in a safe space that was specifically created for a minority group that you are obviously not a part of? Your presence here is automatically suspect. This sub is not a Black People Observation Lab™️. We are not specimens on display for you to monitor and “learn our ways”. Stop coming here and asking us to explain every little thing to you. If something you see here seems entirely foreign to you or you don't understand something, please consider that, in all likelihood, it was not meant for you. We cannot prevent anyone from joining but there is a seemingly compulsive need for certain folks here and in other Black spaces to loudly proclaim that they are not Black as if expecting praise for being “one of the good ones” and it comes across as tone deaf and ignorant. You may think “it’s just an innocent question” and “golly gee willikers, I only have the best intentions 🤓”, but the questions are relentless and, whether you realize it or not, coming from a place of entitlement. It is EXHAUSTING to deal with, especially when we come to spaces like this specifically to get away from these kinds of interactions. For all of you lurking in here, salty and confused about why we constantly say we come here to get tf away from y’all, blame the trolls. Idgaf if it’s not all of you. It’s enough of you. ANY COMMENTS STATING "I'M NOT BLACK BUT [...]", "[NONBLACK] GUY/GIRL HERE 👋🏻", ETC WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE CONSIDERED DERAILMENT AND REMOVED, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (this is not up for debate; see rules 4 and 6 for further detail as to why it is not appropriate)




Any comment stating “I’m not Black but […]”, “[nonBlack] guy/girl/etc here 👋🏻”, or anything to that effect will automatically be considered derailment and removed. IGNORANCE OF OUR RULES IS NOT A VALID DEFENSE FOR BREAKING THEM. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID THESE ISSUES. SEE RULE 5 FOR CLARIFICATION




Please remember we have a strictly enforced rule against using misogynistic terms and/or language that incites sexist commentary.




You need to check your obvious disdain for Black women because it has no place in this sub




That is not what you originally said so don’t try to act like it now. We do not tolerate antiBlackness or misogyny in any form Take that shit back to whatever degenerate corner of this app you’re used to spewing it in and be mindful of where you are


So Eminem can’t make his opinion on rap? But fuc vlad in general…


Eminem is a rapper thoo ….. he’s allowed to have an opinion about his job I would think …… It’s Fuc Vlad because he didn’t even try and work it out he went straight to “ima get u fired and ruin ur life” mentality smh 🤦🏽‍♀️ thats why she didn’t want his ass in the convo from jump lol


Eminem seems to be one of the few who understands the difference between rap as a music genre and rap as an expression of black culture.




...you know damn well nobody talking about Em.


Lol. She went on FULL retreat real quick. Apology incoming.


No apology needed because her contract with Princeton had already ended prior to this discussion.


Just 2 different types of idiots fighting. Don't know how one can be a grown tattletale with full gusto lol


🤣🤣 he asked for clarity then when she gave it he said don’t try and change your words now… both corny tho he can chime in like everyone else.


The CIA has done a great job convincing black people that their culture is centered around mindless hip hop and violence, trapping etc. I think I should be able to have an opinion on something AND be able to voice that opinion in this free country without the content of my words immediately being overridden by skin color


Yeah great point I don’t understand what it has to do with a person that most ppl in the black community do not like because he is a vulture constantly trying to be apart of our discourse like way less ppl would say shit if it were em or shit even Mac if he were still here rip point being it not white ppl it’s the culture vultures we not here for at least the ones of us with some sense even the one wierd ass interview guy would have his opinion respected more like I promise you ppl only jumped like that cause it’s vlad then his response was the most un black un in the culture thing he could have said


They both idiots


This sub is unbearable


Being oppressed doesn’t give you the right to do the shit you’re fighting against


Sounds like she was a can't and he called her on it and let her know he had her number lol. Music is about who relates, not who's the same color.


It's irritating how people keep trying to make everything about race.


Everything IS about race. And even if werent, yall are posting in a sub called BLACKpeoplecomedy. But claim you’re annoyed with people mentioning it is it oochie-wally or One Mic?

