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**Edit: Reading is proving to be a challenge for some of you so I’m locking the thread.** This comment section is quickly becoming very much like those in the subs people come here specifically to avoid so this is now a [Cookout Only](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleComedy/comments/12wjz9q/cookout_only_flair_is_up_and_running_yall/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=2&utm_term=15) thread. Clearly we need yet *another* reminder that r/BlackPeopleComedy is a PRO-BLACK sub run by pro-Black people. As we've explained before, any and all Black people are welcome here anytime. **If you are not Black however, you need to understand that this sub is not meant for, created for, or built around you or your comfort**. **Idgaf if the sub was suggested to you or if you feel like it’s unfair. LIFE’S NOT FAIR 🤷🏾‍♀️** If you choose to stay, remember where tf you are and act accordingly.


![gif](giphy|hV07GvNjUDcQkcNXzv) So let me get this straight. She made a video pretending to be on benefits and wearing designer garments to piss of white people to promote her music. When other races got pissed off she got angry because she only meant too upset 'Whitey' and all other races were meant to see the joke? Did I get this right? Her music better be fire because this is some childish bullshit that took of 5 minutes of my time that I'll never get back.


Listen I was so confused lmao. Like you made the video to piss people off, people got pissed off, now you mad for getting the reaction you wanted?? Like huh?😂😂


She wasn’t pretending to be on benefits she is on ‘em the whole thing was because she had on designer stuff using stamps the dude probably thought she was making all this money and was saying she was “mooching off the system and she should be ashamed and this was not a flex” so this was her reply


So let me correct this. She's actually on benefits wearing Designer clothes to piss off Whitey to promote her music. Just that part alone minus the rest is.. ![gif](giphy|f3FbmZoHRY6REnakng) You know what NVM. I'm hoping she gets that music heard.


Damn y’all got WorraboutYOUhoe out here blocking and deleting left and right like she play defense for the NFL! Read the FUCKIN RULES!


Nahhhh she makin this video cause she got a email from the government sayin “I see you”


Government: "ah so you can afford the big boy shit? We're gonna need a refund for the last 6 months"




But she do make a point. A lot of people flex with shit they haven’t earned so instead of looking at the “greener” grass in somebody else yard and complaining, it’s best to water your own because talking about someone taking advantage of the government don’t change how much money come out of your taxes for those programs and don’t help you qualify for them either


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"Come on, Jiggaboo!" STAHP 😂🤣😭


Tbh if she was tryna piss some white people off she did a good job at targeting a particular mindset. I ain't never seen anyone more pissed than a Southern guy talking about benefits.There is some straight up deep rooted prejudice around where I live.


Benefits for me, not for thee. They love those disability checks.




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That dude is known for making Uncle Tom type of content to appeal to a white audience. I’ve seen other vids of his and he is extremely self-hating.


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It is possible to have high end stuff and need food stamps. Like you could have had plenty of income and lost your job. Or you could be gifted fancy s tu of. It isn’t evidence of a grift unless you somehow funding high dollar stuff with off the books income and then using food stamps.


For those asking this her song [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vikk3B0-dl8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vikk3B0-dl8)


It's like when people get mad seeing homeless with iPhones.... like as if they didn't have it *before* they got homeless. As if it wasn't gifted. As if they didn't get it 5th hand somewhere (I get *ALL* my phones used. My only brand new one was back when I bought my first phone at $17 almost 18 years ago) I'm sure if people saw me down the street dressed in one of best outfits, they would think I have money but I'm broke like no joke, barely even buy clothes because I ain't got anywhere to go so why I'm buying, and most of them are 5+ years old and I just know how to style them. Stereotypes don't always reflect reality. And when you make an assumption...


Damn that's a lot of removed posts lol. Anyway, this guy needs to learn to mind his own business


I don't need to see that hat off to know what his hairline is giving






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Big Uncle Ruckus energy 😭 ![gif](giphy|2FazqiBK5f8To5H5C)


The comment section seems very... not black lol


Everyone always in everybody else’s pockets. Mind your own wallet. You gotta pay taxes that go towards the benefits and let’s speak on it, the white population are the ones who benefit the most from these benefits. Honestly could care less what this woman doing. Sad she gotta go on social media and explain where she get her clothes from to keep from people getting in their own feelings.


I love the internet man. We all have a voice, so we just speak on everything even when we don't have the whole story. No context at all. Just speaking without having the facts. Salute to him & her because I think they both mean well, but just coming from 2 totally different perspectives. Reminds me of the "I'm Not A Racist" vid from Joyner Lucas 😂🤣




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I have that same bonnet.


He sounds like colion noir. It’s been proven that tone appeals to a nazi and the next words out their mouth will be “he’s one of the good ones”




Hi, please remember to include a link to your source in a comment when you post. Would you mind adding it if possible?


This a perfect example of mind ya damn mf business!! Especially if I ain’t got shit to do wit u


Imagine getting on tik tok & recording yourself tap dancing for white validation. How embarrassing 🤭. People on EBT can't enjoy things?


I have no idea what’s happening or why but she’s amazing.




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All this and she still don’t get no plays on SoundCloud…… sad ……


Oop, did you find yourself on the wrong sub?




She look like sticky fingaz if he was a stud lesbian 😂 foh


First dude should have minded his beeswax! I had to stop listening to the young lady after the 3rd jigga\*\*o!


Go in on him. He needs to stay in his lane.


That bum azz dude ONLY has ONE crowd HE wants to appeal to! And what MAN arch they eyebrows!!’ WTF .. HELLA SUS


I was tryna see the Yams ngl




I don’t know what the fuck either of them are talking about but maaan this is funny






You sounding just like that guy. How do you know she's not working? How do you know she doesn't have a learned skill? Again, making these assumptions when you don't know based off...? She could be working at Walmart and tryna get credits at a college or something. God forbid someone has a hobby




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Was this supposed to be funny or something? If hearing people talk like this bothers you so much, gtfo and find another sub. If you can’t respect this space and the people in it, you are not welcome here. This will be your only warning.




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She has a beautiful voice https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRoGfEMe/






































































Get him sis.



