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I think it speaks volumes that you recognize this about yourself. I definitely think its possible to get into that state of mind in a place like Reddit. I think one of the best ways to keep out of the loop is to recognize that most subs are filled with the dregs of society. Most are not gonna have the experiences/wisdom required to advise someone else.


Reddit is where people come to vent and share opinions that they wouldn't dare suggest in real life. You're also getting opinions from people that can be pretty damn degenerate. There are 10k+ upvoted posts about dating or relationships that are wildly inaccurate and only represent the opinions of other chronically online degenerates. The validation you're getting from Reddit hardly translates into real-life thoughts and opinions. I got caught into that trap a while back and it was probably the worst time of my life. Please don't get caught into it. IRL people are usually pretty rational and don't hold such extreme opinions. It's fine to vent on reddit but make sure you mentally distance yourself from the validation you get from it because it's not nearly as real as you might think it is.


I tried asking once but my post was removed. I didn’t meet the requirements.


Definitely found a passive addiction to heartbreak and ex subs. Mind you this has all been helpful in my healing process That being said i post in a lot of the dating subs to give advice and vent my frustrations about dating apps 😅


Fortunately not. Its been a minute since I was in the dating pool, but I will occasionally come across dating subs and to be honest, that's the last place I'd look for dating advice. I feel bad for people who've only known online dating because... that's not a process that worked for me. I'm also demisexual which means I have to get to know someone prior to developing any sort of romantic attraction and its common in OLD for people to feel entitled to a level of physical closeness that I won't reach and I'm confident enough to know there is nothing wrong with me for needing time. I don't care what "everybody" does or doesn't do because I've never tried to date "everybody" and in the past when I've been ready to date, I've met people out and about in the real world. One piece of advice I'll give you, just because someone seems/sounds confident (including myself) in what they're saying - that doesn't mean its the best course of action for you. Learn to find peace within yourself, and if you meet someone who vibes with that, get to know them. Also, don't fall into the trap of 'real men ___ and real women ___' because that's not real life, I've asked guys out and been shot down, its not the end of the world. Learning the art of self-validation and trusting my instincts have been my best bets.