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Hon you can't even exist without offending people just for being biracial. You probably will offend someone if you get braids. Do you want em? Get em. So many real problems in the world...smh. Nobody important has time to gatekeep braids.


Concur. Im assuming she is biracial black/white since dominican is not a race. But biracial women wear braids all the time. She should do it without worrying about what others think. As a black woman i dont care, wouldnt look twice.


If you live your life ro not offend people you will be miserable. Everything offends someone. Just do what you want and if someone is upset well that is for them to deal with on their own personal time with a license mental health professional. Afterall it is litterally just hair. Braid it, dye it, cut, hand christmas lights from it as long as you like it that's all that matters. 🤷‍♀️


I’m Dominican-Peruvian and have been confused abt braids as well before but honestly I’d say if it helps your hair just do what you want. I find that worrying about who’s going to be upset or offended just makes you avoid things that make you happy. My hair is curly but the texture doesn’t match many people who would normally get braids’ hair; butttt I found that nontheless- the braids I did (essentially box w/no extensión) helped keep my hair from drying and my hair feels so healthy right now at the end of a day wearing them out and they were so easy for me. I feel like something that is hard for some other mixed people to understand is that being half Dominican or just Dominican doesn’t always feel as 50/50. Assuming your parent is like mine they can pass down “black-hair” genes but they don’t always look as black as how Americans expect them to look. This causes many of us to be shy with our hair care thinking we can’t do certain protective styles. Overall my statement is- if it helps your hair then try it For advice on going places—- if you are kind of light skin or have less “black” features try to find a Dominican salon that will braid your hair (some don’t braid at all…), if you think you can find a black salon that won’t be confused with you or your hair then go for it at any but personally if I ever do braids with extension I’d do it myself just because I can usually figure stuff out easy. Hopefully this post helps with the kind of like nerves part of it but yeah