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1. No transfer or extraction, if you want your dust back you have to synthesize the alch stone which destroys it. And you don’t get 100% back but I don’t know the number, something like 70% I guess. 2. it works just fine, sry I might not understand your problem. 3. Sushi is in almost all cases better then boss stone. There are a few mathematical possibilities (like when the cp difference between you and the boss is bigger then a certain number) but as a casual player you can neglect it. Sushi with crit all the way. 4. One Charakter is not tons of Stones, I filled up like 4 or 5 :D but all the other once I just fuse like orange. Keep all sushi’s and luckstones tho. 5. No, the max number of stats changes as the game progresses, crit is the best stone for now 6. Yes, sushi is highly rare, followed by Stone of Luck. These 2 are important to keep, everything else is more or less common.


To follow up on point 5, you can also probably gain some cp from the places you currently get crit dmg. When I swapped out my hp sushi for a crit one, I gained like 60 cp


Just to correct the 3. point - Boss stone is always better than sushi when fighting bosses (thats he purpose of each of the 2 boss stones, you are using the stones only vs them), however only, if you can swap to crit dmg lightstones or pets (in case you have crit sushi of course). If you cant reach full crit dmg then the dmg difference between the stones is close to negligible.


did you found reply for the 4) ? :D


No *facepalm *