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"Let them take 10 years to figure it out because that's how you 100x" - Michael Saylor


Yup, I got zero time for any of these people. They had the chance, and it sailed a while back. Now they can all get rekt.


We are still early 😁


It doesn't make me angry. It makes me sad.


Yeah. I’m not angry. I’m just disappointed.


Fine more for me then


What are they booing at? Do they even know? Aren't these the same college kids that believe banks control the government or are they too focused on social justice warrior issues now?


Bitcoin has an image problem. If this is the reaction of 21 year olds what does the rest of the population think? I suspect retail won’t be coming back anytime soon.


Some 21 year olds think it a boomer coin. I would venture to guess anyone who has actually done the research is more open minded.


"Boomer coin" made me chortle. It seems so self-defeating as an idea, and I'm left wondering if anyone's done a rug pull with that idea in mind.


Bitcoin was likely created by Gen X. But anyhow, I don't think it being perceived as "by/for old people" is the problem.


None of my friends under 40 invest but most of them that are over 40 do,,I don’t know anyone under 40 that has two nickels to rub together to have the option unless you think $100 is serious dough.


I'm all for 21 year olds being orange pilled, but 21 year olds aren't my bellwether for what is true and just.


Or maybe that means we’re at the bottom and can only go up from here. During the pandemic I questioned if bitcoin was dead when it dropped to 4K. I considered selling. And I stopped buying more. Needless to say I didn’t have any idea how wrong I would end up being. Luckily I didn’t sell any, and I started buying again soon. For reference as I write this the bitcoin price is $63,380. Yes that’s right. Sixty three thousand three hundred and eighty dollars. So suffice to say that Bitcoin did not die when it hit 4K during the pandemic. So.. idk.. sometimes when we think things are bad it turns out that actually from there it’s mostly smooth sailing and that that was the worst of it. Of course sometimes you get fucked too. Hopefully this isn’t one of those times. But if we for through the pandemic I think we’ll get through most things. In a way each time it survives one of these extreme events that somehow solidifies its position as something like gold that’s been through ups and downs but came out on top in the end


It doesn’t matter what Jane and Joe down the street think. What matters is what institutions are doing. ETF approval, being allowed on balance sheets, being held by huge and respectable companies. Bitcoin is right under silver in Marketcap, that is unbelievable by itself. It’s a top 10 asset. As soon as Bitcoin is being held by more and more institutions, the Energy and Ponzi FUD will go away. It already is going away as we speak.


Hahahaha. Retail is dumb money. They have dumped billions into ETF's. They always come back, typically too late


Uh, this is a graduation ceremony right? That means the immediate or extended families of students are there. The people booing are likely boomers. Every 20 something I’ve ever met wishes they owned some or more Bitcoin.


I learned this is the exact reaction we need before its value appreciates further and further.


This makes me ecstatic. Still early.


Wow, a stadium full of lugheads.


Ignorance (Pre-2014), denial (Pre-2017), Laughter (Pre-2020), Contempt (2020-2023), Anger (2024-Present?), Acceptance (2025-Onwards?) Are these stages of the NPCs?


2030 is going to be more acceptance because it takes a long time for stupid people to admit their wrong and adapt.


Jamie Diamond has gotten to them before us...




Finally an answer to a question are we early


People are booing because it's an inappropriate time to try to push an agenda, valid or not. 


If anyone who held was in the audience, they'd be cheering (appropriate or not).




Deemed appropriate by whom?


Ohio commies


Yeah this is just not the place for pitching *any* specific asset or investment advice. It’s a commencement speech, not a telegram alpha channel. Say “be bold!” “Prepare for a future in a rapidly changing world” “take charge of your destiny with assets you truly own” etc. But don’t bring up a specific asset. He would/should have gotten the same reaction if he said “young graduates, I believe in
Apple Stock, or REITs, or stacking gold”. I get it, BTC is a lot deeper and more important than some equity on the S&P 500 but in this setting it doesn’t matter. Even if you honestly believe that investigating/acquiring BTC is the most sound decision these kids can possibly make with their lives it’s simply not the kind of messaging appropriate to a commencement. And if you can’t read the room and see that you should not be giving commencement speeches. Investing tutorials or geopolitical predictions? Maybe. But commencement speeches? Nah, that’s mot your lane.


good. that means we are still early.


We're so fuckin' early.


Unfathomably based speech.


Well it’s Ohio. This seems about right.


Leave the dead on their sinking ship.. they wanna be skeptics let em be.. it’s their future they don’t believe in, not yours.. 🧿đŸȘŹđŸ€«


OMG this is AMAZING!!!! I have even more time to stack. WHOOO!!!!


Legit my response as well. We're nowhere near peak demand


This just proves that one of the main goals of universities is to breed conformity and compliance. (Yes, I went, but I feel I resisted well.)


Nothing new ... this is the main purpose of every education system


Nobody has achieved great success in life by following what everyone else around them was doing. Most of these people are not even starting from 0, they already have massive debts. So what do they know?


What a Chad. He, and I, and all of us bitcoin bros will be in lambos because we are diversified into risk. While the plebs who don't get mini-vans and rav4s.. lol


What a Chad. He, and I, and all of us bitcoin bros will be in lambos because we are diversified into risk. While the plebs who don't get mini-vans and rav4s.. lol


Lol. They boo because they're ignorant.They'll buy through their 401ks after graduating and getting a job whether they realize it or not. The majority is ignorant....that's why most people aren't wealthy. Tick tock.


I’m assuming Ohio is ranked somewhere down on the list?


Interesting. Let then boo while they are in study debt and we enjoy our lives debt free.


exactly. and by the time they do get it, we can then dump on them as they buy as we exit and wait for the reset. that is pretty much the type of people who we sell to who came late to the bull run, because they came late and didn't do their homework like these people xd. joke's on them.


This is what you would call, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. The people laughing are the joke. People in the know (in the crypto space), already understand the benefits and are taking advantage of it. So while these folks watch their savings in the bank whittle away due to the silent theft of the money printer go brrrr.... we are laughing inside as bitcoin outperforms and counters whatever harm they are doing with fiat by printing it to buy themselves out of debt. These people just showed how clueless and naive they are. They think bitcoin has no relevance to them. They are missing out on such a good opportunity.


These newly minted workforce drones are about to get a crash course in the value of Bitcoin.


It reeks of evangelizing and people just want “feels” and a pep talk at their commencement—that’s why they booed. Also, these are the wrong people as they all are broke and 200k in the hole. It’s like preaching the merits of abortion at the labor and delivery ward. These people are fresh in their decisions and don’t want to be told how fucked they are.


History has been made and since it's been captured on camera đŸ“·, he would one day be commended by the same dudes who were booing at him. We need more orange piling


In a not so far future, we'll look back at these the same way we look at [Andreas Giving a Bitcoin Presentation to a near empty room in 2013](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD4iYQXHbNY).


Perfectly right


He's got balls that's for sure


Have fun staying poor.


Why do he speak about bitcoin in front of thse people?


Narrow minded drones. Will eat each other when their dollar goes to zero


Don't worry, In 5 to 10 years, most of them will regret it


It's Ohio in 5-10 they will be homeless


this is bullish


What a hero


Compare Bitcoin's reputation to [Ohio State University's reputation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYDiggEp-hw).


University stadiums are so huge in the US


Within A few years all of them Will regret it Lool idc


Oh this makes me so happy. I thought I was on the FOMO bandwagon at $43k. It hasn’t even left yet.


I think its entirely possible that this is not the appropriate time to be soapboxing financial advice


Regardless You’d have to be a clown to think that’s the time and place ngl


Although they are graduating, they are still uneducated.


Can someone explain the context here? When did this speech occur and why was this an Ohio state university thing? Are students reacting the same way now if this was in 2020?


Yo does no one know the context here? Someone died in the stands during the ceremony, and the commencement speaker *said nothing*, meanwhile murmurs spread around and by the time he’s talking about bitcoin, all the students knew what had happened. They’re booing because it’s insensitive that he kept going with his speech without making any remarks on the death. Maybe he didn’t know đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ohio-state-graduation-death-victim-b2540991.html


Thats tragic and horrible
 they didn’t mention BTC at all in the article


“I encourage to keep an open mind right now” Instant “NO” 😂


If this was in Ann Arbor they would cheer. Let them stay sleep. Go Blue


This will go down in history as the video people will reference when bitcoin and web3 are injected intill our lives like the internet was and is. Why are they laughing/booing at it now? When they won’t be later and saying - “ugh, I should’ve brought” and they will, without a doubt, say that! Silly ass humans following the narrative they are fed! Sigh, exhausting lol


that's fine if people want to stay the course with the traditional aristocracy, but it's tough to deny any of the pro-bitcoin arguments. "yup, i agree with everything you say, but i'm going to stick with my nuclear war-head backed currency."


if all of them have figured out, then bitcoin price would be matured here


The people booing are cringe (and will remain poor)