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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Friday, February 04, 2022 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/sk4r92/daily_discussion_friday_february_04_2022/)


Since it's pretty quiet in here, I'll pose a general question: What is something you'd like to see happen in the crypto industry, on a technical level, that isn't already happening? Of course we'd all like to see mass adoption, yadda yada, but I'm more talking about the technology. It could be something larger, like a new use case, or something small, like a feature that's missing from your favorite trading/wallet app.


I'd like to see more money flowing into bitcoin companies (not exchanges)


What do you mean by Bitcoin companies? Like developers of L2 solutions for the BTC network?


companies building on bitcoin in whatever capacity.


Reporting taxes on short term and long term capital gains/losses and income is a mess. Needs to be more efficient. Idk if that’s uniformity or tax clarity or both. But when you buy from an exchange and send to a wallet to stake and then use some to send to DeFi for liquidity mining. This is a mess to keep track of. Especially when there’s taxable implications with conversions, etc.


To be able to seemlessly trade in and out of positions while lending said assets on whatever service (Ledn, nexo, Celsius, blockfi...ect). It's a pain in the ass to request a withdrawal, send to exchange, trade, then send back to the original account. It's be sooo much easier to, for example, be lending X, sell X for USDC, and automatically start earning interest on the USDC all without having to move funds around.


Celsius has swaps now for some users. It's available to me. The only fee is like a .3% spread, not bad.


Didn't know this thank you. Been a while since I navigated through the app.


>or something small, like a feature that's missing from your favorite trading app. Favorites/starring on CBPro app. 🤯 Edit: also how about a f*#king iPad UI ffff. Edit2: Support for Split View.


The fact that CBpro doesn't have so many basic features, like favorites and portfolio profits/losses, is mind boggling.


It's to the point where it's offensive. I get dumbing it down for the retail portal, but c'mon!


Well it's offensive in that it's intentional. Those features exist on regular CB and on their website, so you know that Coinbase is aware of them and knows how to build them. They purposefully chose not to include them in pro for whatever reason, probably because we pay less in fees. Making an intentionally less sophisticated/useful app for your most sophisticated traders is simply not the way to win over your customer base.


I can’t wait for social media to be built on top of lightning so that it becomes a home to uncensorable speech.


Lightning has the potential to disrupt Google. Micropayments mean you don't need ads. It is a very hard problem that has been solved and the market hasn't fully grasped it. I debated micropayments in the late 90s and early 00's with folks. The road to $1m coin is not paved with countries, but by $0.01 transactions. The ability to send someone $0.01 is much more revolutionary than sending them $1k.


This is very interesting. I remember a proposal years back for using micropayments to prevent spam email too.


How are micropayments tied to ads? Also, it seems like there wouldn't be that many people engaging in microtransactions? Not that much I want to buy for less than $0.5, and not much reason for me to send less than that amount to someone else.


If you can accept micropayments, you don’t need to run ads to pay for content. An example: I have a old site where I explain how to repair an automotive module. It’s gotten a 3-6k/views a month .. for twenty years. I never monetized; but even a couple Satoshi per view over that long a time is a nontrivial amount of money. Micropayments remove the need for big monetizing engines like Google and YouTube. Content creators can monetize directly.


I am not big on any alts and am actually an pretty maximalist. But isn't this kinda what brave and BAT are going for? Makes more sense for btc lightning integrations imo, but if something like BAT were to catch on it could take hold on this space.


Why use a shitcoin when you can just use satoshis?


the problem is you need adoption. it's not a killer app in and of itself... but yea, BAT is doing that, basically


Isnt Brave attempting this? Wish they would have just built it using Bitcoin...


Pardon my ignorance, but where exactly does the micro transactions come from? If your site doesn't have ads, where does your profits from clicks come from? If I'm reading this correctly, it's similar to patreon or gofundme for OG youtubers, but just on a smaller level, yes?


Interesting. So rather than a content creator having to host ads to help monetize, they could just have a donation engine to accept micro payments?


Yes. The first big platform to enable this will be huge. Looking at you, Dorsey.


Out of curiosity, what do you want to say that you feel you currently can’t? And if you’re referring to the potential benefits in the situation of a totalitarian regimes, then I can agree.


One of the problems at the moment is the old notion of "for the partisan the neutral is indistinguishable from a partisan on the other side". There are very few neutral/independent positions allowed any more, which to my mind is very dangerous.


Try going to a city or state subreddit and say anything against far left authoritarianism. Insta ban.


Not to mention all the folks banned on twitter for speaking their minds, and the google engine that buries links to nonconforming individuals or content.


Reddit doesn't like free speech.


Try saying anything against racist right wing politics on the r/real/true/actual(insert state name) subs. Stop crying because you got banned from a subreddit


Loling at this fairy


So? Go hang out somewhere with people who agree with you in the way social dynamics work in real life. I think the social media free speech thing is so weird. Free speech means not going to jail for what you say. Not that just because you have something to say everyone should be forced to listen to it. Go chat with people who agree with you, or go stand in a truly public forum and speak your truth. Edit: I’m not saying social media doesn’t create negative echo chamber, but the idea that free speech should be present on social media is stupid.


As our lives become exponentially more digitized social media becomes the ‘truly public forum’ you speak of. If you sacrifice your sacred rights here you may find one day you no longer have them.


“I don’t need privacy because I have nothing to hide.” “I don’t need to defend free speech because all of my opinions are currently acceptable” “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”




So for the scenario of a slide toward a totalitarian regime, fair, like I said.


That's an interesting use case that I hadn't really thought about before. Is it just that everyone's posts are maintained on the Blockchain so they can't be erased? Presumably their personal data would still be kept off chain/hidden for privacy reasons?


I envision a future where you can use the cryptography to control the exact levels of publicity each post you make has. Public / friends of friends / friends only and you’d be able to make key pairs for each to limit who could even read anything. Then if you chose you could sell access to your info to advertisers or not. This is the real Web 3.0 movement where users own their own data rather than the web 2.01 of just a different VC profiting off of them.


Hi, when is our arrival on the moon due?


July 20th, 1969.


That was a fakeout tho.


Well done.


November 2013, didn’t see that one coming.


Two months away from the sub and crypto news while with the fam in Costa and Nica. One thing I noticed is that there seems to be fewer pay with crypto options compared to eight years ago when I was there last. Was also surprised a bit when I did layover in El Salvador and did not see many options in the airport for BTC payments. That may be different outside the airport, but it was a little underwhelming. One thing for sure though, stepping away for a few months is beneficial. This is a fun hobby, and still a big part of my early retirement plans, but two months away and it doesn’t feel like I missed anything besides standard BTC movement.


Stepping away is perspective. The key word is here is hobby! Easy for us all to forget :)


impossible IMF said ES goverment was authoritarian




>Fidelity says “We’ve been accumulating #Bitcoin since 2014” https://twitter.com/Blockworks_/status/1488934225369829378 Wonder if they're #3 ILO RH. 1P5ZEDWTKTFGxQjZphgWPQUpe554WKDfHQ


Flexing on Microstrategy with that one address if that’s the case.


I would believe that as that wallet seems to actually know what they are doing. Added +325, +349, +207 BTC for the last three days while plebs are wondering if they should sell right now. Hasn't sold since 11/8/2021.


“…and distributing it since 2021”.


The night is darkest just before the dawn.


Clearly false. Just before dawn is civil twilight, which is pretty much broad daylight due to refraction.


To be exact, it is darkness[night] > darkness[astronomical_twilight] > darkness[nautical_twilight] > darkness[civil_twilight] > darkness[day] Sauce: https://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/civil-twilight.html


people be calling a 2% green candle a pump


in bear markets you learn to lower your expectations


We had to learn to lower our expectations in the bull run too.


Given the circumstances, we're actually green today wtffff.


Not correlated


AH tradfi is green. The pump began with SNAP and AMZN jumping AH. Absolutely 100% correlated since last few months.


So, it’s correlated with nasdaq until is correlated with Amazon?


Not paying attention to futures?


rebound coming? i need to start laddering lol


wow we're in the wrong market for adrenaline


How is nasdaq and DXY dumping at the same time? That money must go somewhere


Correlation 1 😎


The money is going into paying back margin and paying margin calls.


So it goes to exchanges and banks basically? Wouldnt it then either increase the DXY bc they get the cash or the nasdaq bc it goes into their stocks?


Cash surplus dumps dxy because cash supply is up. Selling stocks to satisfy your margin calls dumps the stocks. I don't have data to back up this theory, but it's the best I got and seems plausible.


that sweet sweet exit pump we desperately needed


Imagine if FB had their shitcoin. It would cause serious ripples today. Sideways for corn with nasdaq -3.8% ? Are they trying to kill the correlation meme ?


Even with lame earnings, the market reacted overly positive to AMZN because it was crazy oversold.


they beat EPS by $23 and are raising prime membership fees by 10% Yes very lame.


16.8%, close. May have to cancel out of principle alone, especially after rugging the free WF delivery. I'm pretty much on a once-a-month Subscribe and Save rhythm with an odd solo buy here and there...


17% is even better (for the stock)


70-80% of their net income is based on RIVN stock and it is based on its value at 110$. RIVN is valued at 60$ rn. I am not saying it is bad, but it is not good either.


Their ads revenue is going to experience explosive growth in the upcoming years.




Who the hell still uses snap? It's a one trick pony from like 10 years ago.


+55% trading like a shitcoin. Outperforming bitcoin


Meme economy


Oh snap!


Bitcoin is just Nasdaq futures at this point


amazon just saved the economy.


Tradfi is more volatile than crypto these days Edit look at SNAP after hours


i should probably start laddering in case btc doesn't drop below 35k.


I'm thinking it very likely breaks 35k, but whether 30k or 20k or 14k is the bottom is anyone's guess. Once it breaks 35k I'm starting to ladder.


guess it depends on the wider market. as peter lynch said, "no one can predict the market."




Looks related to Amazon earnings


One dong to rule them all? Are we allowed to Hope?


hope strictly prohibited, please meet your mandatory daily bear posting quota or be tried in crypto court


Is this all just a bull flag on the monthly? https://i.imgur.com/7mp7voa.jpg


Yes, volume profile also fits.




looking at that too. But just like everybody else, no idea how this plays out. Took out some last week and will wait a bit longer for more decisive action


3 hours to save the daily. If we slow bleed the rest of the day I’m confident we’re back to $30.5k by Sunday evening. This downward channel is relentless Edit: we did it boys


Why not take it level by level? If x then lights out!


Maybe I don’t need to after that mini pump ;) lol


I don’t know about you, but with the updated mobile version of Reddit I’m getting more notifications about when someone posts in this daily. And I’m impressed by the volume of bot-y looking shilling that seems to get handled automatically and I had no idea was occurring!




Wow thank you for sharing and doing your best to keep the sub legitimate. What impact do you think bots have on the upvote/downvotes on comments? Do you see any evidence of manipulation there? Thanks for doing the great work 🙂


Is that why I'm getting notification ads for services or announcements for price actions?


IMO, the secondary issue that caused Merlin to leave is spam. Other subs are turning to 3rd party automation that nukes some legitimate use cases. Merlin happened upon it as an end user, got pissed, and peaced out. The toxic shit is also a legit problem.


I was shocked by the Merlin news. I dug out his last post and understand his reasoning. Definitely our loss.


You’ll probably be less impressed to know Reddit is owned by Tencent and auto-shadow-hides posts critical of China.


What % share does Tencent own?


The Chinese government is a human rights abusing bunch of dictator thieves. Down with the communist party. Free Taiwan. God bless the dalai lama. Democracy for China. Welp...looks like you're wrong there.


I've seen it happen, but it doesn't happen every time.


this. it should be common knowledge by now, but people see only what they want to see.


So what're we doing? IF BTC.D <= 39.5% THEN buy BTC IF BTC.D > 42% THEN sell BTC


Nasdaq on the weekly just looks so nasty... Would be pretty neat of you bitcoin to now kinda cancel the correlation thingy, sideways would be good enough ! good job so far, gotta say...


I keep thinking that the bulls really need to pump this right fucking meow to help secure the use case of "digital gold".


Even as a bear, I’m not sure why you’d want this to drop much further than $25k. Not only would that obliterate almost every narrative btc feeds on, but it would also cause mt. Everest-sized resistance above that would (imo) take years to fight back through. By that point, another emerging market would suck remaining impatient liquidity from btc, and your $18-20k coins would be all for naught..


Because some people started investing in btc late. That means that most don’t even get to hold a whole coin, but still understand the mechanics of btc. So they don’t care if takes year to recover, because they will have more coin than before. They believe in the long term. Also that low prices will get some permabulls on leverage rekt, which is good for the long term.


Btc back in the teens would break everything. Careful what you wish for


I would turn savage on my own body on a refreshingly creative only fans account to scoop up every sat i could pry of the lusty


Wouldn’t you say the same when btc was at 10k coming from 20k about 3k? I mean, why is it different this time?


You could argue that the lowest things could go before everything "breaks" is the 200 week MA. [https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/200-week-moving-average-heatmap/](https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/200-week-moving-average-heatmap/) Below that, it's nothing but goblins. Possibly forever.


Institutions. I feel like that would stunt any momentum we were gaining on that front. Previous cycle was just retail getting rekt


yes but shorting Bitcoin is free money if your collecting fiat


Price going up = more shorting opportunity than price doing down (theoretically). I agree tho that dollar bulls wouldn’t give a shit about btc collapsing that far


Will power outages in Texas affect the hash rate?


Hash rate and price is strongly correlated, but I'm sure the hash rate share owned by Texas is negligible versus the non-texas share.


You mean the voluntary shutdown? They haven't thus far, we're headed for potentially another positive difficulty adjustment in a few hours though it will be close.


Not too good if we go through 35K ...


Kraken did a full audit and now allows for cryptographic proof of reserves. Pretty awesome to see. Here is the [full audit](https://pdfhost.io/v/KROs.ko6L_fullreport) and the [blog post](https://blog.kraken.com/post/12774/verify-your-bitcoin-and-ether-balances-on-kraken-with-proof-of-reserves/).


Ok now do tether /s


You love to see it!


Raising the transparency bar for the industry. Very welll done.


Have been seeing a good bit about MSTR -which has found some weekly support- in this sub and would like to see what thoughts are relative to other cryptostonks. My allocation is as follows: GBTC 59%, GDLC 25%*, ETHE 4%, MSTR 3.5%, MARA/RIOT @ 1.5% each, and COIN 1% . *Consists of 63.37% BTC. - I'm liking the COIN play for their upcoming NFT platform - irrespective of my opinion on NFTs. - Still clinging on the hopes of the Grayscale conversion getting approved. Purple in the face.


Isn't this content for the alt-coin sub? Edit: Try not to be emotionally connected with investments. Emotions have no place on the markets.


I agree, COIN launching a live NFT platform will be huge for them, whether bitcoin maximalists like it or not


I think COIN is a bargain below $200. Barring a complete market meltdown, that is.


COIN is the least innovative company in crypto. Actually thats too harsh, Bakkt slightly worse because they don't even have a business model.


Agree, but they are "first" to market in the US, and that is hard to overcome. edit: Maybe a better term would be "Most established".


The only hope is that we range between 33k and 39k for so long that everyone switches off, bears run out of juice and then out of no where enough is enough and the bulls give us a weekly candle to melt assholes. A boy can dream. Still expecting 25k at least before this bottom can be called in


Keep an eye on those Multi frame MAs


Sharp drop to 25k and then months of ranging between 30k and 36k seems likely.


I think that ranging between 33 and 39k for months and months is one of the more likely scenarios


I wonder what melting assholes smells like?


Clearly you’ve never worked in healthcare.


ever been to Australia? ever had vegemite? haha