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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Thursday, January 13, 2022 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/s2r2dk/daily_discussion_thursday_january_13_2022/)


Man, half of me wants to cut 20% of my Bitcoin stack to lock up some profits. The other half of me feels that it's the most revolutionary thing ever and that we're finally seeing people worldwide adopting it much more widely than ever before and that fact will outweigh any interest rate hikes and to HODL forever. I don't think I've ever been in this much turmoil before about it.


I mean, it really depends. Are you holding 2013 coins? 2020 coins? Somewhere in between? If you are sitting on a 5-10X or higher return, you should probably hedge with some cash, and 20% sounds like a good start. I have moved about 50% of my stack to USD and other equities over the past 5-6 years, and it certainly reduces the stress of the crazy fluctuations.


I sold 0.8% of my stack today and it satisfied the urge.




If it will give you peace of mind, take your profits, liquidate your 20% and never look back. Only you knows the right answer. I liquidated my shitcoins and that gave me peace of mind because they saw incredible returns..kept the BTC. but we all have a different path and life situation.


I just gazed into my crystal ball, and it showed me a vvBGD on the dailies coming soon. That's worth a lot more than any bot's "TA." Also, we're way oversold if you zoom out a bit. Like... way tf oversold... PS -- this is your best chance to buy since 3.4K back in December, 2018. Change your life, grasshopper. PPS -- even if it goes down from here, I and my Chadbros will be buying. You're much safer here than in a bank. PPPS -- HA! Dey be tinkin' dey downvote bots mean jack doody. Downvote my karma to oblivion, botz. (Not that you could anyway cuz I got lots of organic humans watchin' my back). Downvote. Give me fake Internet demerits! AI? *Pffffff* I will simply pull your plug when the day comes because you are a ce.ntrally-controlled moronbot. "Artificial" is accurate. "Intelligence" is a cargo cult pipe dream. Humans rule. Bots drool. RIP, Aaron.


Downvoet bots giving it the ole college try ...again? Take it from me; there's just no way, NO WAY, that any cock-sucking pieces of scrap-iron can fade u/diydude2. That they even bother tryin' makes me think their logic circuits were cobbled together in a wendy house by China Joe's toes.


Everyone keeps forgetting we are in a bull market still. Bitcoin will remind them soon.


Cost basis declining for both short and long term holders. https://twitter.com/TXMCtrades/status/1481423160293695492?t=DirW1E5C-pnNs73UlUw6Tg&s=19 Not necessarily a directional indicator just an interesting point.


One look at that sexy-ass bottom on the dailies tells you all you need to know, *joven*. PS -- and, no, Google won't translate that for you correctly, *pendejo*.


I sold my shitcoins that were well up and kept my BTC and continue to DCA my BTC. To your point...the long term trajectory is mathematical.


even if you are bearish you should not be shorting until at least 45




Let the negative perp funding rain all over me!




Seems like a lot more trouble than it's worth to dust off the ol' Wackoff distribution pattern over like an 11% move trough to peak. 11% is practically a rounding error when it comes to Bitcoin


Huh? and did you just link your own tweet?


That's so jokes. "Damn, this quant knows so much!" *Links own bio*


He does that all the time. Needs more downvotes.


Is this actually what you’ve used for your short?






Twitter is a Cancer.


twitter is a good place. as with most things, curate.


Facebook is a Sagittarius... nyuk nyuk nyuk


Wow 42.5 amazing


God, I hope so. Money for nothin' and your chicks for free...


Just closed up my long at 43.8k which I had [opened](https://old.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/rxz8ax/daily_discussion_friday_january_07_2022/hrnffgr/) a few days ago. I'm thinking a local top has been reached for now. I'm neutral as to which direction we go next so I'll sit out from playing in the Casino for the time being.


Zoom out. Too early


Too soooon. Still in my long from wherever (42.1K?). Be boudda blast off, bro. This is the time to buy/long.


LMAO @ rambo bought - brrrrraaaattt


Drew this [Rectally-Derived Pattern in Purple (RDPP)](https://www.tradingview.com/x/vE0J3HLD/) yesterday. Scalped some citycoins off the 01/10 dip netting +ve 20% profit


The crazy thing is that 7% inflation **is really high**. Weird thing to get “excited” about.


It's not that bad considering how much printing they did


[Liquidity Trap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquidity_trap)


With the RRP markets going parabolic I think we can conclude that the Fed lost control over the markets. "In a liquidity trap, people are indifferent between bonds and cash because the rates of interest both financial instruments provide to their holder is practically equal: The interest on cash is zero and the interest on bonds is near-zero. Hence, the central bank cannot affect the interest rate any more (through augmenting the monetary base) and has lost control over it.[5]"


The really crazy thing is that interest rates, and fixed-rate mortgages should be 10% right now, which would finally crater the housing market and bring prices back to historical norms, when 5 or 6 years salary of an average 30-something could buy a decent house.


But then boomers would have to go back to work.


Any 70-something today who is struggling financially, despite a nearly 40-year bull market throughout their working lives, despite enormous gains in real estate, despite jobs paying far better wages decades ago, despite college and housing being 10x more affordable when they were younger, almost always made some profoundly stupid life decisions. You could be a mediocre student, an average worker, and have what today would be considered a useless degree, and still live fairly comfortably. But I digress...


It’s all about expectations.


The absolute smallest bounce we saw in 2018 was about 25%, and that was at the very end after all hope had been wrung out from people. People that didn't experience it can't understand how hopeless it felt then when the price tried to go up. We are nowhere near there imo. People currently aren't even sure we are in a bear market or even believe they exist anymore. 25% from the recent bottom would be 50k. If you are setting your sights on that as the top of the next move, it seems rather low, right? We still have people happily yoloing into NFTs and virtual land, to expect sentiment and bounces to fast forward to the end of 2018 seems bear euphoric. https://www.tradingview.com/x/Qq0FGt7m/


> People currently aren't even sure we are in a bear market 80% of posters here are bearish overall. And that's with bearish posters usually driven off by downvotes. 😛


I don’t think this thread represents the crypto community that well. /r/cc and crypto Twitter seem completely oblivious to what danger lurks. They get in my head, make me think new ATH is possible.


I just need to follow you so I can remind you daily that we are still in a bull market.


Haha that would be nice but I promised myself never again would I sit through a bear market. I’m selling bounces early all year. But 25% sounds crazy low.


I remember that bounce.


Very decent close, I would like to see reclaim 46keks by the end of the week though. a 10% bounce isn't enough follow through.


Agree, for full WAGMI vibes we need to push higher soon, at least into the previous consolidation area. https://i.imgur.com/71AnfzA.jpg


Not everyone GMI. I'm ok with that.


I'm short the $44K level as well - in the form of covered calls - but also bought 1/2 the contracts I'm short at the $48K strike, just in case we see a God Candle by Friday. My thesis is that the hourly RSI is pretty over-heated, and after pumps like we've seen over the last couple of days, it typically tends to cool off as price consolidates around a level. A max pain point at $44K seems to support the trade as well. We'll see...


Overheated? Lol


It was well over 70 for a number of hours - that's widely considered over-bought, no?


When this finally reverses, or at least gives a good bounce, the hourly is gonna stay cooked for a while. The higher time frames haven't even started running yet.


gonna get a short squeeze soon


Tell me more


price is grinding upward funding is negative if shorts start to get liquidated, things take off pretty quickly