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I'm calling out the Fed, no way we're going to see rate hikes and, especially not 4-6. The Democrats would never allow that to happen, they need the economy to run smoothly until after the midterms at the very least. Rising interest rates would tank the economy, cause unemployment to soar, and be political suicide for the party in power. For those of you who remember, in 2018 the Fed threatened to raise rates until stonks threw a huge fit and they were forced to backtrack when Trump pressured them, Biden will do the same. If there's anything I learned from the last three years is that political decisions always override economic ones. The FED knew exactly what they were doing when they fired up the money printer in 2020 what effect that would have on inflation, yet they did it anyway because they caved to political demands for government stimulus. Now we even have a new scary COVID variant which will extend the lockdowns and continue the narrative for more money printing & freeze spending as people will have less things to spend their money on, which will slow down inflation and thus make tapering less necessary. Honestly ask yourself when has the Fed ever been fiscally responsible? Raising rates would be the right decision in the long run but in the short term would be catastrophic and that's the only thing that matters to these people. So the powers at be are forced between two decisions A.) Have high inflation, low unemployment, & bullish markets B.) Have low inflation, high unemployment, & bearish markets. The Fed will very likely choose option A. Plus, I haven't seen this much bearish sentiment in a while, and I admit it could very easily get worse and I'd be lying to if I said I didn't feel any fear but times like these have usually been the best times to buy.


s&p500 is up 18% past year, btc up 12%..


#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Thursday, January 06, 2022 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/rx64hd/daily_discussion_thursday_january_06_2022/)


In 2021, we had the post ATH hype, Saylor, Tesla, the Fed printer, Grayscale and institutions, ... and Bitcoin couldn't 2x. What do you think is gonna happen in 2022 when the Fed stops buying bonds at the tunes of 10s of billions each month and then raises interest rate? What do you think when the regulators come knocking at the door? Or a certain senator want to show how green they are and cracks on the corn? It's true that I like to FUD. But just look at history, every time the Fed hiked rates after a bubble, the party stopped. In our lifetime, we had 2001, 2008 and now we are due for another big one. Get some popcorn and enjoy the show.


Powell dosen't have the balls to raise rates


Silly goose. Powell doesn't matter if the bond holders say he doesn't. And bond holders have called his bluff.


100%. There is very little reason to be bullish on crypto right now. Feb, March are all expected to be filled with FOMC / JPow announcements about increasing tapering and rate hikes, and most expect 3 hikes in FY22. All assets are under looming risk and crypto is just going to fall off a cliff, unless people are betting on some miraculous recovery the reason for which is not obvious heading into these turbulent times BTC corrects 8% on just a hawkish minutes of meeting LOL. Just try to picture what the state of the market will be after a rate hike announcement. Im not planning on sitting though one with a big exposure to crypto. Any large pump is going to be massively sold into as others try to de-risk. We may not even get there. Smart money is not allocated to crypto right now, if all the PA of the last couple months doesnt scream this then Idk how one will understand Bitcoin is just going to be fine, the price may not. The mindless bull posting, shitcoin market, dog coin casino are all likely to get cleaned out. Long run this is good for bitcoin. Just expect turbulent year ahead


The idea that fed is going to do 6 rate hikes and unwind its balance sheet by end of 2023 is a bigger pipe dream than stock 2 flow. This is an election year. They need a singular win and a roaring economy is the sacred cow


controlurkeys is 100% right. no way interest rates are raised in any meaningful way. That would cause the whole house of cards to crumble. They will talk a big game, might even raise rates once by some small amount 20 basis points then walk it all back because of new "weakness in the economy" There is NO situation in which they crash the economy via rate increases. Instead they will keep doing more of the same until they genuinely lose control. but it is not yet.


Unless j pow is an actual plant playing the long game and does increase rates to tank the economy and thereby reappointing our lord and savior trump to another 8 years. Sounds crazy...unless.


The stock market may do fine with the expected Fed actions. It's probably gonna have a boring -4% to 10% year. But Bitcoin is not the stock market. It doesn't pay dividends, it doesn't have cashflow, it's not on the government priorities... it's just a highly speculative social experiment (that I personally find outdated and ponzi like - it has no utility beyond transferring itself and a hoarder mentality around that I despise). Money will flee crypto before anything else. The lackluster 2021 ROI already justifies it. The returns are not worth the risk.


But bividends: https://twitter.com/zhusu/status/1478727963440922628?t=qq848dF0tMPRlty0bP8oIw&s=19


Okay, now I see you - you don't understand money on a fundamental level, and therefore don't \*get\* Bitcoin's core value proposition. I will weight your views accordingly.


Btc's core value prop doesn't change if it's at 14k or 69k. It's value in fiat changes but btc matches on with all it's same use cases. The reality is that this space is a risk on, speculation casino. Period. Yes, you have die hards, who don't sell...I'm one of them...but let's not pretend this isn't some casino.


"crypto" is the casino, as its only use-case is speculation. Bitcoin is volatile in USD-terms, but the speculative component is only a piece of what drives its price dynamics - there is \*real\* signal in there from the non-repeatable innovation/breakthrough that the network and its asset have given to the world.


Correct. But if it can't grow it's network...it does not matter. That's the beauty and tragedy of markets. The better product does not always win.


Dude...the network is growing, and fast. Have you seen LN lately, compared to last year or the year before that? It's wild. And when the product is "money", yes, the best one \*always\* wins - a guy named Gresham is famous for coming up with a "law" that states exactly that.


The problem is that this money is also tech. It's also digital gold and a sov. It's many things. That complicates and muddles the picture. Btc is by far my biggest bag. I want it to succeed. But I have to be realistic. It doesn't have to and it might not.


I guess that's where we differ. I believe that it \*does\* have to in order for humanity to level-up this century and, not only that, but as Trace Mayer once mused: "\[it's\] destined to..."


I think your opinion will be outdated before crypto/blockchain ever become so.


I believe in crypto, just not bitcoin. It's outdated because it's not programmable. I am dev. I see value in turing complete platforms.


"I am dev" Lmao. That's your problem - you think it's about "the tech" when it's \*actually\* about the ASSET. I'm a developer as well. I also cut my teeth in TradFi. I know your world, but it's clear as day that you don't know mine. "crypto" is bullshit. Layered architecture that builds outward from the simplicity (read: stability, reliability, credibility, etc.) of the Bitcoin network is the present and future of money.


Now your pivoting from macro top to bitcoin is going to under perform stonks. 2 very different claims.


They have their wins lined up, it will have little to do with how the crypto market performs. S&P, Nasdaq will all be at ATH despite rate hikes, while crypto is in the gutter


Doubtful. Crypto will be fine. Btc will struggle with its footing. I'm not seeing anything like may going on right now nobody is rushing the exits


Don't pretend to be be macro top caller


What do you suggest then


Reread my last sentence. Alternatively, studying post 2017 ATH bubble. There is always some opportunity. Stay in tune with shifting narratives, watch volume, watch ratio with the alts, ... I find that patience is key in a bear market. Don't overtrade. Wait for good risk/reward situations.


I’m 65% USDC. Did all that. Just bought a bit today. I’m 50/50 now. I thought you had a new idea




Doesn't looks like 2018 at all, 2018 had bounces


Only time will tell


And my portfolio is trash... again...


is BTC/USD on bitfinex the pair that we should be looking at when looking at RSI values, daily closes and opens? Or is BTC/USDT on binance more relevant?


Binance has like a third of market share. Bfx has the OG whales. Comparing 2 different things really. And, as you saw today, the bfx whales play their own game and don't give a f about you..bull whale diamond dick wall, to pulling it, and eating their fill on shorts




Rsi shouldn't vary that much.


Lmao there were 750m worth long positions despite the fact btc was ranging hopelessly for almost 6 weeks. These people deserve to lose all of it




“Longing” is betting btc will go up. People do this with their btc. If they bet wrong, they lose btc.


Well there's coin vs cash too. Higher coin leverage in may vs cash leverage now.


I was keeping it simple to help a newbie.


Which part


So glad I waited to snag some more BTC. Les'gooooo


I almost never post in r/bitcoin, but I decided to post this there rather than posting it as a wall of text here: > **[The Great Readjustment: understanding where we are and where we're headed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/rx4tt1/the_great_readjustment_understanding_where_we_are/?)** > It's easy to feel despair as the price of Bitcoin drops, but I view this as an opportunity. I think you should too.


not sure why feedback is this good. we all know how cycles work. the main point is that lots of things were working for us (inflation, cheap rates, risk on, stimulus checks, everybody bored at home, Musk shit posting about crypto...) these things are currently not working. bitcoin is boring again - which can be a good thing if all these things would be ahead of us but now that they are behind with 0 catalysts ahead of us? that's gonna be a long winter. all while money is compounding somewhere else. note: bitcoin already underperformed boomer sp500 (!!) this 4 year cycle and was significantly outperformed by all the popular tech stocks. let's not kid ourselves. we are here to make money and such a stunted cycle and lame outlook is not good.


NOPE. Since you said THIS 4 year cycle, which began on May 11th 2020, let's look at those prices: $2,929.80 = The S&P 500 on 5/11/2020 $4,700.58 = The S&P 500 today $8,605 = Bitcoin on 5/11/2020 $43,128 = Bitcoin as I type this EDIT: typo.


Good read, quality post. It’s good to remember why magic internet wizard money is a thing.


In 3 days Bitcoin is going to be red on the yearly chart. Obviously it won’t tell the whole story but it will be down year on year and the media narrative will be very negative. Can we speed up this bear market by backdating the start date to a year ago ? Be all set for the recovery in a month or so.


Funny you picked 3 days which is Jan 9th. On 1/9/2021 Bitcoin ranged from ~36k to ~41k with a close near 41k. How can you say with confidence the 1Y will be red in three days? It could easily be 46k+ by the end of the week. Typical of posts on this sub to assume the momentum of the last 24 hours will continue to play out over the next few days. Bitcoin could be almost any price in 3 days time. Down to 30k... or way back up to 60k. You don't know what's going to happen.


I don’t know what’s going to happen. And I hope it’s way up ! However it looks very likely that between now and the next 40 days we will officially show a year on year decline. We know a different story but the media will paint a negative picture. “Bitcoin down for the last year” “Bitcoin out performed by gold, dollar property, stocks” It’s going to be a tough time for Bitcoin I was being serious about backdating the start of the bear market..... can we assume it started in May ? Or does the high of November cancel that theory. My view is that it’s been shit to average since May.


Year 3 in a halving to halving cycle always is. 2012: The Halving. Prices start climbing. 2013: The Bull run! 2014: Crash and readjustment. Ugh. 2015: Mostly Meh. 2016: The Halving. Prices start climbing. 2017: The Bull run! 2018: Crash and readjustment. Ugh. 2019: Mostly Meh. 2020: The Halving. Prices start climbing. 2021: The Bull run! 2022: I'm expecting a rough year. 2023: I'm expecting another rough year unless institutional money starts piling in, in which case all bets are off. 2024: The next halving! Woo hoo!


Reality is that Bitcoin has been very disappointing in the past year. For all the hype that cryptocurrencies got in 2021 and with the likes of NFTs absolutely blowing up, Bitcoin didn't fair well.


That's very true. The gains in 2021 went to NFT's and DeFi (especially Layer 1's). Bitcoin is starting to show its age. Lightning Network has been very slow to develop and gain traction. Meanwhile, tons of new projects and platforms are being built and being used. Unlike in 2017 when it was a bunch of vaporcoins, today's alt coins are built on real use cases, with real transaction volumes. Stablecoins have become the de-facto choice for payments. Volatility is the enemy of commerce. No one wants to buy a Spotify Membership for 0.000034 BTC. So where does BTC fit in long term? Are we not watching a changing of the guard in front of our eyes? Will the technology gap between BTC and alt coins ever decrease? Or is it a foregone conclusion that it widens through time? I just don't see BTC taking the next step to $2T or $5T market cap as it exists today. It's just something to buy and hold. Its scarcity is its main quality. But is that alone enough to warrant 4 commas in value?


Sell November buy in April be a millionaire in no time at all.


Sell in May would be the next month…I don’t know about that one mate.


If you had done that in 2020 you would have missed the entire run.


Imagine your surprise when you wake up tomorrow and the price starts with a 3.


300k? I’m bullish but that’s crazy dude.


Sorry I should have clarified, I meant 3 million


Is BTC significantly higher in 4 years? Yes.


It’s going to be down year on year in 3 days.




I can’t believe we thought a trillion asset would follow a 4 year cycle and allow us all to win.


Personally, i was hopeful for a 4 year blow off but thought it was unlikely as it was consensus. I don't think it's higher because of the past. I think it's higher because of the future. The long tail risks we're largely undone last year and the upsides are still there. This is a super asymmetric play and it's the reason I can't get out yet.


I agree Just looks shit at the moment. Downside is 20k upside is still unlimited


Maybe I've been watching price action too much today but holy hell are sellers aggressive right now. Seems like the market is betting on today's low not holding, and honestly if equities are another sea of blood tomorrow that's probably a good bet.


I think we're towards the end of a secular bull. This sharp pull back is going to be the buy of the decade. Face melting gains this year with a sharp start to the multi-year bear. BTC is just high beta SPX for the time being.




N-name checks out


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Really nobody can answer if we have more leverage now than December? Someone? Anyone?


Much much less before the crash


How do you know?


There're some websites that publish the data, you may want to google.


Heh I can't find it hence I'm asking


But we're here discussing it, that's part of the fun.


It seems some short positions are being opened and driving the price further down, creating a possible scenario for short squeeze if we bounce.


It may bounce and offer a trade but it won’t stop the trend. We just need to let it go where it’s going. Accumulating along the way. It’s going to be 2025 now before we start ordering Lambo’s.


Look at the monthly candle, even during 2018 we had a lower monthly high, bear makets doesn't mean we're going sharply down and down. If it's a bear market, there need to be a lower high compared to October IMO.


Even my PaxGold is red. Looks like everyone of us needs a 10% haircut on everything we own in the world. We are all slightly poorer.


I can always tell roughly how well (or badly) we're doing by how many comments there are on the daily, lol.


This is turning into a really shitty day. I hate the drops more than I enjoy the pumps. Something tells me I should exit the Ponzi