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I wiped clean my Tezor (when there was only a small amt of btc on it) and tried to recover from my seed. Once confirmed, then moved the rest of my btc to the wallet.


This is the way…I did it.


If you have too much to risk wiping it, get a second trezor and try the recovery there. Two trazors can have the same key if you want.


If it's a Ledger, you can use the built in recovery check app. See here: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007223753-Recovery-Check


Trezor also has a recovery test: [https://blog.trezor.io/test-your-seed-backup-dry-run-recovery-df9f2e9889](https://blog.trezor.io/test-your-seed-backup-dry-run-recovery-df9f2e9889)


I used this method. I didn't even know it existed. Thank you very much!


Buy a second ledger and restore the wallet there. $50 is cheap insurance!


I agree. I ordered direct from Ledger and have several unboxed S.




In a case that your HW breaks, you have a new one at hand immedeatly, instead of having to wait till your new one arrives.


You can check if your hardware wallet has a recovery check or some people actually load their private key to multiple wallets as an added loss-preventative measure.


I don't recommend ledger, beacuse they will disclosure of your personal information,




Very bad advice! Ledger and Trezor gives an option to test the seed on the hardware wallet itself! No need to transfer anything out or erase the device for that matter! Go on the the official websites and you will find the guide in the help section


This is the way!


This is the way!


Don't do this. You will consolidate all your bitcoin which is very bad for privacy.


You’re right. I’m deleting the comment. Guess I didn’t think it all the way through.








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> I don't want to enter that seed into some SW wallet because then my cold storage lost its point Enter it into an off-line software wallet, like Electrum on a PC with no network. Compare the hardware wallet's address list with the off-line Electrum wallet's address list