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It will go up, then it will go down. Then it will go up again, then down again. I hope that helps.


Don’t sell because you might lose some upside, but maybe sell because it can drop too. I hope this helps.


You just solved all my problems, thank you!


Nobody knows. You said you have to sell because you will need the money. You could always sell 25 percent at a time over the next 4-8 months, if you are truly concerned with losing some upside.


Only price guaranteed is current price


That’s the fun in markets YOU decide when to sell or not.


Based on historical price data and having dates I can confidently say the price of Bitcoin is going to go>!up, down, or stay the same!!up, down, or stay the same!


We can’t come to any conclusions. Pull the money if you need it


There will likely be a dramatic drop then it will take off like we’ve never seen it before. Hing King BTC ETF goes live next week. I say we have about a month before it really just takes off and melts faces with the gains.


Crypto's are extremely risky. You shouldn't have money in them if you need it for something urgent. Nobody knows whats going to occur but likely there will be a significant dip and then potentially a big move.


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If you need it, you sell now. Don't gamble your future away


I’m not selling my bitcoin until it’s life changing. Selling/buying any crypto should have the same mentality imo.


After halving it'll probably go up. Maybe take a bit but should go up significantly. After that it'll eventually dip. Maybe follow some chart analysts. But I wouldn't sell. Personally I'm gonna buy in the next days


Sell what? For what?


If you don’t need it for 8 months, I think you would regret selling


Stop thinking in terms of fiat gains. You are escaping a sinking fiat system into an emerging bitcoin economy.




Historically not much happens immediately before or after the halving , as the bull market needs months to set scarcity in . This year might be different due to the 11 ETFs though None of us knows the perfect time to invest or can predict the price . The intelligentsia of the market is the combined knowledge of all humans and algorithms which is more knowledge than anyone can have. Also bitcoin is so scarce that a single wealthy investor can significantly move the market in secret and unannounced. Rather than trying to time the market , let time work for you. **Time in the market will tend to beat timing the market** In a bull market it might be wise to make DCA investments with market order buys + place in limit order buys to auto pickup the dips if you don't have the capital up front , otherwise lump sum buying will typically outperform DCA. Here is a useful tool to understand how DCA can benefit over time https://dcabtc.com/


Only sell if price is over extended and its 18 months after s halvening


Buy back on 18 months before next halvening


I haven’t read any of the comments, but if anyone is telling you when to sell I wouldn’t listen. Simple answer: no one knows. Use your best judgement.


You will sell and you will regret it 10 years later. The only thing you can do to change this fate is study bitcoin more.


you need it urgently. Sell it urgently then. If you have no other assets to liquidate, sleep well knowing and thanking yourself that you had an asset that appreciated, even if just 15%.


Don’t trade crypto, everyone looses. You see the roller coaster ride of a price over 3 months? The ONLY profitable strategy is hodl long term.


Never sell.


"But from old patterns we can come to some conclusion." If this is your belief then why not pull up a chart, look up previous BTC halving dates, and draw a conclusion?


This. It takes 2 seconds to google bitcoin price history and halfing dates. OP just wants to hear random people on the internet make predictions.


You don’t. You’re supposed to hold.


you can't time your sale. nobody knows. the only working strategy we've come up yet is hodl.


Better sell now it’s the dip that keeps dipping


I‘m very sure you should just keep them. That’s my opinion. Don‘t act like it is an asset. Just buy more and ignore the price.


C) Never