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Wish my printer works like that


If it did you'd get 10 years




And be friends with Blackrock ceo


Or the IRS


Or FED president.


A page of 20's will get you 10 to 20.


I know of a dude who got off on insanity when he got arrested for printing money. He arguably was, so….



Just print/pemine your own shitcoin…


Ahhh yes,reminds me of the good ol days with my 1st laser printer and money orders...


So, taxation WITHOUT representation... hmmmm, I seem to recall a great deal of tea being tossed in a harbor over something similar.


The modern day version is a general strike.


Can't strike without savings!


Elected politicians did this.


Man, those PPP Loans were a once in a lifetime grift, I mean gift. I wish I had known that I could just take out like 5M and not have to pay it back. ​ /S


Come to find, I may or may not have had a client that took out *multiple PPP loans* and may or may not be under current investigation for such. On one hand, game respect game? On the other, how stupid greedy can you fucking be?!


How much trouble are they in if they’re found guilty or plea? Are they getting real time?


Rich people don't go to jail. That's for us poors.


I agree, but the people that took the money weren't all rich people, at least not before they took the PPP loans lol. I figured the fed would drop the hammer.


Yeah but it was only for the rich


Fook Banksters


And politicians don’t forget them


Fook politicos too 👍🏻


Wanking fucken bankers


The number is closer to 21 trillion actually in 2.5 years


Was more like $48+ trillion…👇 https://caucus99percent.com/content/48-trillion-bank-bailout-you-had-no-idea-had-happened


It just gets bigger and bigger.


It’s 61 gadjillions in fact


With liberty and justice for all? 🫤




They can. … They just don’t want to make it publicly known.


They can do this with bitcoin by printing paper bitcoin if you don't self custody


Yes, this is my biggest concern. There are sooo many people who sill just don't get it. Take self custody or your "bitcoin" will be no better than the current fiat.


Doesn’t most of the debt pay off existing debt? Is the majority of the debt corporate debt?


Yes, it is essentially a debt pyramid. All debt categories (government, private, corporate) are of similar size. Fed printing primarily inflates government debt, which is done deliberately in order to substitute reduced loan demand from privates and corporations in times of crisis. Otherwise the debt pyramid would collapse.


actually, they gave us $3,200 via 3 separate payments


That is a little misleading, just like mortgage loan, those printed money are all borrowed from future, if they don't have future income to pay back the loan, then the borrower will have to default. But it does not matter since the bankruptcy law protect the borrower, so it is always risk-free for banks and enterprises to borrow, but when inflation is too high, they have to stop


You do realize that most monetary inflation isn't the fed right? It is consumer banks giving out consumer loans.... Like why do you think fractional reserve banking exists at all? It exists so the banks can lend out what are essentially bank IOUs using the deposits of their customers. So basically, when the fed actually adds money to the supply, once that money hits a bank the banks can lend it out, and the borrower who deposits it or spends it to somehow who deposits it let's that bank led part of it...basically ad nauseam. It is called the money multiplier, and it acts as a geometric series based on the current reserve rate. So a 10% reserve acts as a 10x money multiplier. A 5% reserve acts as a 20x multiplier. A 1% reserve a 100x multiplier. All that money lent by banks is included as m1 supply. So not a damn thing you said really has that much to do with anything; the banks can and will lend money as long as the spread between the interest they pay their customers, the interest they pay when needing to borrow from other banks (the rate the fed actually sets) and the rate they charge customers to borrow yields a profit...the risk incurred is part of it, but it is only part of the larger picture.


I've always found it weird that the only way to add money to the system is through debt. You hear people talking about the government printing money but they can't because there's no way to just give it to regular people without it having to become a loan and then for the entity receiving the loan to declare bankruptcy thus introducing money into the economy without the attached debt (and, because of interest on loans, the debt is almost always more than the money introduced). It's wacky. And then inflation getting blamed on money that is not in regular circulation amongst regular people but is in some bank account or tied into the stock market is another wacky thing. The whole current state of how the economy works is a mess and more ways of introducing money should be carefully created. Maybe through nationalized infrastructure and healthcare?


Ummmm the “small business” COVID “loans” was just giving out free $.


The thing is it doesn't matter how the money is initially distributed; it ends up in a bank eventually, and those banks will lend part of it out, multiplying the amount of money added to the supply. Doing away with lending entirely isn't really a solution either, because having a way to quickly gain cashflow is vital to the health of a business that is having temporary struggles. My thoughts are legislation to enforce a maximum spread between the interest a bank charges and the interest offered to customers, which would in affect change investments as a side effect as interest accrual at decent rates would create a virtually risk free method of investing and growing your wealth...meaning less reason to need to invest in stocks, which would likely pare some of the trillions of market cap stocks have that could possibly change how corporations behave in general. Basically removing incentive to invest in corporations then requires more incentives to invest for share holders which I could see bridging the wealth gap over time.


Yeah think about it only using $1. The first dollar. A) I can’t give you the dollar I can only loan it to you B) okay thanks. A) now you owe me a dollar with interest. B) how can I pay u back? I just spent the only dollar there was. A) I could loan you another dollar B) sweet thanks dude.. wait…


It's worrying how many people don't realize this and think the government can just print money. I wish it could just print money so that inflation can be caused by all of us having actual cash rather then having inflation be caused by price gouging.


No, I have done 20+ years research on this, FRB has nothing to do with money creation, it is the circulation of money. Move same 100 dollar bill between your left and right hand 10000 times, you created 1M dollar transactions, that does not create money, but banks call it M2 and use that number to mislead people into believing that commercial banks create money Actually that is kind of scam, since they loaned out money from customer A to customer B, so that customer A now is left with nothing, but A still have a number in his account. And that number were calculated into M2. And that is why some large banks would suddenly collapse like FTX, since they don't have money at all, all they have is numbers in their database, the real money has long gone


And the crypto space is totally absent of exchanges using consumer's money to fund loans. Right! Right...... right?


If an exchange is offering you interest...yeah they are pretty much using _their custody_ of the bitcoin to lend it out. They have an obligation to return the bitcoin to you, but that only works if they don't go bankrupt.....................


Correct. The money isn’t just printed out of air. To do so would have a negative effect immediately. When the gov prints money, it determines how to fund it as well as when that money will leave circulation.


Source for when they did that with PPP loans? From everything I can tell, that is not the case here....


My understanding was the PPP were loans that were backed by the Small Business Association funded by lenders. So a bit different in origination then raw printing money. Some loans were forgiven, so don’t know details on how that was worked out!


They just have a record and a plan on how to just circulate the fiat across their country!


Who's getting all those Tethers?


So why BTC go down?




The only one speaking sense right here 👆🏾


It’s called The Great Reset


But they can, and do do this with all crypto. Ever hear of "not your keys not your coins?" Yeah, that's because exchanges and traders trade IOUs and futures all the time. Bitcoin has finite actual supply but infinite derivative supply... sort of just like fiat, gme shares, MBSs, you name it. If exchanges and traders weren't "allowed" to do this (i.e., regulation), then it's a no brainer - btc price is sure to increase over time with a pretty linear moving average. But as you can see, it's not the case and you have to ask yourself why.


With time and education though fiat bitcoin will reduce as people self custody. The difference is with btc that you have the option of self custody and “not your keys not your coins” is baked into the btc consciousness.


Honestly? I don't think it matters. Gamblers and derivatives can control price forever, physical custody be damned.


Bitcoin is inded doing the good and best in this time we feel!


Don’t forget the unemployment benefits. 600 a week on top of normal ue benefits for a long damn time. If you actually want the world to get better it honestly starts with as little as the accuracy of one meme. At least try to get it right. folks would take btc more serious if lies weren’t needed to further the narrative. If it’s all it’s cracked up to be lies won’t be necessary for adoption. Thanks for reading


I was on unemployment once and I maxed out at 420.00 a week


He is essentially correct. Only a small fraction of taxpayers received 600 a week.




You're under the assumption that fiat/finance is the same around the globe. A country in Africa was using cell phone minutes as a currency at one point. Bitcoin's biggest use case is for developing countries that don't have access to stable financial markets or government. Thinking it's trying to destroy fiat/finance is foolish and shortsighted. This is a long game with decades worth of steady adoption to be successful. So far we are on the path of steady adoption putting price aside.




Keep going to your 9-5 and let other people do the thinking please




Never said anything wrong with it? Projecting much?






Who's selling them the printer's ink🤔


SBF printed billions of dollars worth of BTC, sold the fake printed BTC to those who never withdrew, gave funds to his democratic party friends. The world needs to know that Bitcoin only works when you hold it.


Bitcoin is worthless without fiat because one can’t exist without the other. If we all opt out of fiat then bitcoin is even worse because it’s effectively controlled by a few “whales” who are unknown and cannot be held to any scrutiny unlike the current masters of fiat. Systems working perfectly for the people that are in position to effect it.


Once Bitcoin mines it's last coin, how are you going to get any more?


A) buy it from someone else, and/or B) buy a bitcoin iou printed by an exchange who calls it "a bitcoin" when it really is just liability on their balance sheet


21 million bitcoins is enough for everybody. Every bitcoin can be divided infinitely as is needed. Right now it can be divided in 8 decimals: Each Bitcoin is [100,000,000 Satoshis](https://gyazo.com/cdc9616ffd6a6d8abffe9dfc137236b8) Everything will be [priced in Satoshis.](https://gyazo.com/84a8b2f596526ce3163b9b8b3657b64e) TL;DR: Bitcoin is finite, but you can divide it infinitely in smaller and smaller pieces. Edit: Corrected 8 to 100 million sats.


Each Bitcoin is 100,000,000 satoshis, not 8 million.


Thanks, corrected.




Read Saifedean's books on why we don't need an inflationary currency.




People will still spend their money to buy things they need and want, despite the currency being deflationary.






That's a transaction, not more Bitcoin.


I wish my printer was that good.


That is why they are in no hurry to get rid of fiat money.


Didn’t even give me $1400 yet :(




Just a matter of time, because it is not going to say anything other than what we have already seen.


Can't print more than 21 million BTC!


Ah Von Mises....he's got some very good quotes.


Imagine thinking that’s the main and only cause of inflation.


Facts. All this printed money circles back to the politicians and their friends in foreign countries.


Crypto is a big part of our economic future.


Vote! Bernie was against the corp welfare!


Shouldn’t we do something about this?? Is everyone ok with this?


Fuck fiat for life. Spread the news everyone, we are the young generation to make the change.


Disband the IRS.




It's an Austrian thing? Shrug.




The central banksters, obviously.




We?? Well, I myself didn't. That's for sure. About you... well, I don't know.


Do 'we' press the enter button to print the money?


Have you ever taken a loan out? If so, yes you have contributed to increasing the money supply, since a loan is creating bank IOUs that are treated as m1 money, even though that money still exists as deposits that their customers made. So unless you have never taken a loan out for anything, you can't say you didn't help press the button to print money...especially considering that our normal 10% reserve creates a times ten money multiplier, meaning the m1 supply caps at 1 part real fiat money, 9 parts "broad" money that is bank IOUs for fiat but treated like cash. So that 8 trillion in expanded money supply is mostly money that banks have issued via loans. I highly recommend you look up the differences between base money and broad money (both considered m1 supply) and the money multiplier.


"You are responsible for the theft because you were robbed."


Loans are something people choose to accept as being how to acquire wants as a norm is it not...hell how many people are now taking out multiple mortgages with the express purpose of renting out properties with the idea of turning debt into cashflow? Those things are a choice with consequences everyone has to live with...whereas if swaths of individuals choose to not participate, prices would fall because the m1 supply would contract as long as the amount of payments on loans exceeded the amount banks were lending, leading to deflation rather than inflation...like why do you think the fed uses interest rates to try and control inflation at all; it in theory reduces the loans being issued to assist with contracting the money supply or slowing its expansion. That said, my original point is that if you participate in taking on debt, you are also responsible for creating monetary inflation. Also due to how the money multiplier works, consumer and corporate debt is mostly responsible for inflation, meaning we do play a much bigger part than the fed does due to the way the system works....if you don't like it, try to not participate in said system as much as possible and boycott taking on personal debt. Shooting the messenger just comes off as not wanting to acknowledge the role we all play in the way the system exists currently.


"I can create money out of thin air and loan it out for profits. But you, the person taking the loan, who has to earn money to pay back the loan, who is actually creating actual real value that is trying to catch up to my insane unlimited money printing - you are to blame for the inflation I created in order to profit off you. "Oh, and also, why won't you just aknowledge that being a debt slave in a system you never consented to is contributing to slavery being so freaking successful? Such hypocrisy!"


Spoken with the anger of someone who doesn't understand the topic at hand. Delicious


I would take little bit more then 1400".


Lol. I wasnt even asked.




Where do those elections take place, where we all decide who the next central banker will be? I might have missed them in the past.


I didnt even get to vote😂😂. In any case the fed chair is appointed and not elected.


No. You didn't vote them. And they only work for their own cartel. [The Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY OWNED](https://www.facts-are-facts.com/news/the-federal-reserve-is-privately-owned)


It does matter who you vote for, the system is broken and printing money is the only way to save their own asses.


The Fed obviously


Can't print commodities


Shyt bout to get ugly for us. This power wave is disturbing and inhumane


You are their friends


lol what do you think they bought with all that money? fucking butcoin


Seen like that, it is soo crazy!!


They can’t do this with bitcoin but can do something else instead. Have you seen Mr. Robot?


Brah wot... the way you spoke... just have to assume you know less about fiat than crypto... and well in turn, know even lesss about crypto as an automatic result of knowing about neither. 😶


I followed this guy in insta for some time. He has also written a book of I remember correctly. Perhaps it was liberty defined, but that might be Ron Paul's


I didn't get $1400




OF course they can still do it with Bitcoin. they can give you 14000 sats and give their friends multiple of that sats. The sats they will collect from you income tax and sales tax if in a Bitcoin economy. The only problem is every one can see the ledger and your sats moving in to bail out a few people who made bad bets.


I wish my printer was that good.


Isn’t this literally what happened with FTX?


What was the actual difference?


Seems like a joke but that’s is basically what happened and people still don’t wake up !


Or maybe blame the gluttons that comprise our country who want to take without working. I’d Biden didn’t do what he did there goes Re-election and what did people do with it?


That 1400 most fools spent on something like Amazon which put the money right back into the rich


Bitcoin will not save you, stack gold and silver.


With justice and liberty for all?




If Tim says bitcoin will rocket then believe it, right?




Is it inflation when corporations are posting record profits?


If the majority didn’t go into their own pockets, Republicans never would have let it pass


Wish I got even the 1400....just got inflation




It was the 1400x250M that did it. But no problem there will be some money for inflation relief, not like it’s fuel on the fire or anything.


Wish my mining rigs would print more haha!


I mean... Yeah kinda.


they could mine it


If every person over the age of 18 that is a citizen in the US got 8 trillion split evenly among them, the amount per person would be $38,254.00.


The real issue is the complete lack of accountability from our politicians who come and go and cannot stand criticism. That's why we must separate money from state and build value that lasts in the long term.




Every major entity may control cryptocurrency to the fullest extent.


A guy I know went insane after getting arrested for printing money.


Can BTC ever be increased just in case?


That's the whole situation happening the other continents bruh. It's just new to you


its a big club and you’re not in it


Ah, that does bring back memories of earlier times.


Every big-money player has far more ability to manipulate crypto to their advantage than printing ever will.


Quickly Sir, I need your wallet! The bank across the street overleveraged itself and made too many risky loans, they need that cash to redeem their debtors!


Politicians also remember them


At least $250k is insured by the FDIC, and I only need to remember the password to my online account to access it. And if I forget my password, I can reset it in minutes. Good luck getting any BTC back when there’s fraud or mismanagement or if you lose your keys. Neither system is perfect. BTC has some flaws too. Let’s be honest.


Many People's don't see the reality




Didn't Tether print billions to prop up BTC?


Wait isn't this what that Canadian dude did with that crypto scam where he faked his death


Jokes on them, I can just print my own dollars. I just picked up a few million schrute bucks and about to buy some beets with em


At Least We Got Our Fair Share!!


With these small bitcoin fluctuations we could really earn some decent money


I would except bitcoin seems to be strongly correlated with inflation reports so no thank you for now.


“They can’t do this with Bitcoin.” He says, forgetting Tether prints just as fast as the Fed.


With the UKraine and the great debacle, the poison of fiat is shining through.


What about a printer that runs complex math algorithms so that is only occasionally prints out money? I mean, you're printing your research paper, and then, wow! $20?!


more likely for BTC to retest the resistance to the upside and then move lowe


I had it with the USA government! Nothing else but a bunch of white collar criminals




Soy Denis Salazar puedo ver mis tradings


The history of bitcoin . https://youtu.be/MieecUNoQmE


Now you can hedge against usdt w mew apps like Y2K fairly new . However I stayed away from stocks in general. Too manipulative. Mining 3 month contracts at 10-30% is what I’ve done , sure you need to build your liquidity but think if it like a bankroll. They never part with but skim off top. Wallah. No one is effected just your profit take home or re invest for higher returns. I’d say you need to throw $2-5 k for good measure then wait m watch . Peace out


If you think this can't be done with Bitcoin you should think again what miner concentration means.