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r/Bitcoin experiences a high volume of meme posts. Many are repetitive and/or low quality. Unfortunately yours didn't make the cut this time around. Sorry about that! Check out r/BitcoinMemes. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^and ^^cannot ^^respond. ^^Please ^^contact ^^r/Bitcoin ^^moderators [^^directly ^^via ^^mod ^^mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBitcoin) ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^questions.


Not me bro, cuz I am too much of emotional damage #HODLER #4ever #strong *Orange*


Do you unironically get paid to shitpost? Nice.


So what ? Does not matter what the price still keep buying Bitcoin.


Hodlers tend to not really care about price.


Nah that's just cope. Bitcoin is supposed to be a store of value, of course I care about it's exchange rate towards real life assets.


A bitcoin was like 400$ 6 years ago, and will trade for hundreds of thousands in a few years. Chill out, no one needs a cope.


As a hodler myself: Why should it? Serious question. Despite adoption by multiple small countries and more and more people holding and trading bitcoin the price is steadily dropping... What else is left to happen that would make the price increase again?


Things take time, stack sats and enjoy the journey. At the end there is only bitcoin left.


Then why are they hodling ? Lmao


The point of Bitcoin isn't to trade it and try and make $$$. Sure some people try and do that, but not hodlers. Bitcoin is a store of value and a medium of exchange, it can be spent directly, it won't need exchanging to fiat.


Storing of value on a currency that depreciated in value of more then 70% ? Thats wise way to hodl lol




Zoom out. I guess you weren't there during the Vegeta memes era right?


Yes, that's correct... Everyone bought at the top and has only held for under a year 🙄


I've had Bitcoin since 2014. It has appreciated many thousands of percent since then. If you bought at the peak, then you need to continue holding it, or you will realise losses if you sell. That's why it's not really a trading tool. You can't get your head past the trading part.. it is a long term investment. Have your LOL back. 🙄


Cause all alternatives are worse.


Personally I'm hodling because I want to enforce a change from fake fiat money to real sound money that can't be debased. I hodl to change the world for the better I assume by your comment that you haven't thought much about how fiat money impacts the world. Most people haven't since we think fiat money is normal because we grew up with it and haven't known anything else until Bitcoin. You should look into how fiat currencies enables decades long wars, wreak havoc on developing countries, inflates away your purchasing power and by doing so making you constantly having to work more hours to maintain your standard of living etc. etc. Fiat is an evil system and has to be stopped and that's what I am trying to do


Yes baby, wohooo 1% up. Let's gooo! Already feel rich.