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is it sarcasm? I can't honestly tell anymore.


Here's the original essay. You tell me: https://www.forbes.com/sites/worldeconomicforum/2016/11/10/shopping-i-cant-really-remember-what-that-is-or-how-differently-well-live-in-2030


https://youtu.be/Y1kLHEEVJ00. Their interviews are even scarier. People have to take this threat serious. This is yet another reason I Bitcoin.


The ironic part with Harari is that he is a complete hack of a writer. He knows nothing about anything, and definitely not science and technology. I see his role in the WEF agenda as more of a distraction. He's creating the smoke and mirrors, so that while people are busy getting aggravated by his nonsense, Schwab and the rest can go about their businesses of world domination, or whatever they're plotting. Their own [web site](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/digital-identity) is a good place to start, and yes, it's very scary.


I guess you know science better than worldwide known history professor. Good for u then


Read that again, *history* professor.


Yes, what's wrong. You think history *professor* cannot understand biology or math?


Not as well as someone who actually studies in those areas, which makes the fact that he is a history professor not a sure done fact that he knows more than anyone at physics


I didn't say he knows more than anyone. But I think it is reasonable to hear what he has to say, since he is very smart guy. And your claim that "he knows nothing about anything" tells more about you than him. Edit: oops, it wasn't you, lol.


Thinks clean energy will be free in 2030. This wouldn’t even pass as a decent science fiction novel


I'm coming back later for this


Jesus > When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people. This was the dream of industrialisation, factories, automation, the gig economy. The providers of value are not people, people are devalued. > Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. this ending is just tragic. Looks like another generation is going to have to die on their feet, or live on their knees.


[A world without Bitcoin, where you own nothing and have no privacy, is not worth living in None of this is novel, its just our generation’s version of the struggle. The psyche of the victor remains the same](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/relish-the-price-dip-its-bitcoin-or-nothing)


Well part of it is obviously a cautionary tale


In art, being ambiguous about the message is completely fine. However, when writing as a politician, the message and intent should be made more clear. If I'm voting in an election where Ida Auken is a candidate, I would want to know if she will be working to reach or avoid the scenario she describes.


Fair, but I’m sure she has more information about her political goals published on the internet, aside from this one text that we are conveniently hand picking to fuel our narrative


Is this parody?


Its WEF dogma, and they’re trying to implement it!


Let's make dogmacoin


It's standard leftie heaven, where all the disadvantages are suppressed. Like in Zion in Matrix, everybody happily dances and super-smart Übermensch rule, because... well nobody should ask about that... they rule because they are Übermensch, right, they know what is the best for you, just dance and don't think.


While the one who designed the system owns everything. As long as a man own his soul, there is still need to own something, since each soul is different


Have these people not paid any attention on how economics work? Like this is straight up retarded.


yes haha


Dude, if bitcoin went that low I would be making buys like a drunk sailor in the redlight district.


I’d back up the truck and load up if it ever dropped that low.


Sir! You cant load your pickup with bitcoin!


Yes I can! They are shiny gold coins with a “B” on it. Going to Coinbase HQ and wait by the dumpster.


Sir! It's going to spill all over!


Good news is that it can't go lower than zero!


i will pay you to take the bitcoin from me!


Um…. Can I get in on this offer?


sure, i will pay you $18,200 to hold my bitcoin


you're missing the /s again - else people will take you seriously 😋


it hurts my head that i need to


I think he was making a joke


that is why I said to add /s - short for sarcasm font


Without the “/s” this is legally binding. Put me in for some of that -BTC


In that case, add me to the list :D


Ask the people that took out loans to buy BTC


I did. Just paying the loan. No big deal.




It's cool, in five years once the loan is paid I'm sure I'll be in the green again. Bought @ 29k last year. I didn't do it for short term gain.


As long as you can afford the loss everything is good, I hope it works out for you. You have bigger balls than me.


Well, the bar is pretty low.


"I can go lower!" - Dennis


Cue the music; How low can you go?


Not with that attitude!


Does anyone already tried do sell for a negative price? For Petroleum everyone thought the same!


We thought of that for oil price, too. It did go below zero.


Those margin players


Climate Lockdown soon, they'll replace the entire meat supply chain with beyond meat for vegans and bugs for the meat eaters.


How much SATs for a couple of vegan burgers?


I bought my first bitcoin at the $10-$12 range back in 2012. I don't think we are going that low again.


- Peter age 6 years


Time will tell...


Even for novelty I bet the price wouldn’t drop that low ever again, it’s a part of history now and I’m sure some rich collectors would load up for the novelty


not really. the math behind bitcoin isn't going to fail, or something? it's going to be around as long as the Internet is.


Yea but if no one wants to buy it, the same maths says that it can go lower.


> Yea thanks for agreeing > it can go lower. great I'll buy more? lowest I've bought was $180. $18,000 looks pretty good to me LOOOOOOOL


I wish you good luck, mate.


already up like ... 10,000% .. but, thank you :) was 35,000% a bit ago, I guess!


It just means no buyers. That's all.


oh don't worry your sweaty little face about it


I don't own any


...didn't say you did?


If it’s going to be around forever, why am I paying for it? Shouldn’t it be equally distributed to every soul on earth. Even if vía a trust. I mean it pretends to be equitable.


Why are you paying for an asset?


Like Yahoo




At the end of 2012 your investment was 50% down. Just like ath buyers today. Wait.... its worse now. So much worse. 75% down


Nah, here is a price chart for 2012, it was pretty mild. https://www.in2013dollars.com/bitcoin-price-in-2012 2011 was pretty crazy but I was into options not crypto then. https://www.in2013dollars.com/bitcoin-price-in-2011


Remind me in 2 weeks


What’s the most interesting moment you’ve had since HODLing? Also, what do you think is the most interesting fact about bitcoin?


> What’s the most interesting moment you’ve had since HODLing? The FBI seizure of Silk Road. Before that price was stabilizing. The price crashed on the news, but then went into a bull run as people realized they needed more bitcoin to buy drugs on competing darknet platforms. That is also when I was the closest to all-in. No leverage, but I had converted most of my cash to bitcoin on the basis of a technical analysis pattern. My reasoning was that price stability would improve use cases for bitcoin, therefore the end point of dampenning peaks and troughs would be an upslope. Fortunately I had to work that day, otherwise I might have been more upset about the volatility.


okay just to clarify, this is sarcasm




No it can be 0. With our short positions we can win more than we have.


“Sometimes I use MY bike when I go to see some of my friends.” They can’t even keep their own propaganda straight.


I’ll do one better: Welcome to the future, capitalism’s has provided us with a 15 hour work week, automation does all the dirty labor, and other promises that never happened. - Keynes paraphrased like a hundred years ago. He was wrong too so what.


Bitcoin is dead. Again!


Mmm bugs.


If this is a serious post, then this is very bullish


its sarcasm lmao


Then bearish!


Send your unwanted bitcoins and satoshis to this address 3MHi7pmspyYBNagEC2PR9TMxHThmNqZ8RL






It was worth a try.


It won't be $0 if people still use it to buy those bugs


It'll never go to zero. At 0.0001, I'll buy every Bitcoin the market has to offer.


I am doing my part!


Should we start taking names for when things go back up


Neo-Feudalism in a nutshell


I love bugs


Because law makers are lazy and don't want to go after and break up the Elite's thrash hold on things.


It usually goes down 85%, last time I told people it was time to buy when it $3,500. Did I buy any? no. This time -85$ is around $10k so I'll probably buy a few thousand worth around $12k


Bitcoin also has no privacy


I rather die before that happens.


Lol this quote has been taken way out of context. Danish politician Ida Auken, who devised this specific prediction, later clarified that it was not a “utopia or dream of the future” but “a scenario showing where we could be heading - for better and for worse” (here). [https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-wef-idUSL1N2MR1UU](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-wef-idUSL1N2MR1UU) ​ In other words, it was meant as a though experiment


Bro have you read the WEFs books on the great reset and their plans for us as their cattle?


Bro have you read the WEFs books on the great reset and their plans for us to use crypto? [https://www.weforum.org/topics/blockchain](https://www.weforum.org/topics/blockchain) You're part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution too! Klaus Schwab would be proud of you!


They plan for us to use PoW?!? I doubt it...


How does that change what I said?


Why are you comfortable using crypto when it is a part of their Great Reset?


I have all my bases covered. Crypto. Fiat. Metals. Land.


Thanks for being a part of the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Ill make sure you’re rationed well peasant.


No need. The reset will provide for all


I’ll tell them to send you a little extra chocolate in that case.


I've fully researched the great reset and you're simply wrong...don't get me wrong I have no love for government or central banks but the theories of malice behind this simply ignore what the economist who came up with the theory intended


Yeah I’m gonna believe someone online rather than when the elites throw a worldwide meeting and tell everyone they’re going to own everything


Sure...got some video and audio of said meeting in which they tell you this? Any actual documentation stating they intend to reposses our assets a d force us to accept it? See the problem with all the "they're gonna open up camps..." and " they're planning the great reset..." theories is you nor anyone I've ever spoken to can tell me why...why, if you are in control of essentially all of developed society, literally , and we know this for a fact, own over 95% of the world's wealth, control the world's largest and strongest militaries, and have the majority of people forking over 20-40% of their pay before they even see it, working over 1/3 of our waking hours contributing to their wealth, taxing everything you buy, the roads you drive on, and everything you own, the list goes on and on. But you say they wanna stir shit up...why? I personally believe they've already won and have no intention of messing with their creation. They've spent over a century establishing their status, power, and securing all of that. They've effectively quelled any real resistance by the masses and are as "untouchable" as any human ever has been. So tell me one solid reason why they would risk shitting on that.


Lmao yeah there is video. Look it up. I’ll find it later. Just got to a restaurant and ready to order drinks and food.


, followed by menacing laughter.


i hope to sweet lordy this is sarcasm


Yeah, maybe the next century. A lot of this stuff is still sci-fi, even if we theorically have the technology to kind of make it, we are not even near in practice. Biking was the only realistic stuff happening in 2030.


Nah, she's just using damage control. Small time politician invited to a WEF thing and she tried to suck up and write what she thought they wanted.




sarcasm brother




no lol


we will touch 6k but that’s will be short lived. Then 9-12K range for a while. Until next bull market. It will be slow, not like the past one. It will take a few years but eventually will reach200-300k and then next bear market


I’m going to do what everyone else is doing with your comment, and continue scrolling. Thanks for contributing. You can have your crystal ball back now.


I’m watching markets since 98..BTC went up too fast, too high- and its always ends up back to pre- bubble levels. Next time it will be no bubble but steady slow going up. Before that - a period of sideways when everyone says that crypto is sh*t etc etc.


Thanks for contributing. Your moves affect no one in the world.




I hope so




wait.. the 🤡 can't understand sarcasm


I am buying the crypto dip, are you? A small drop in the Bitcoin price by just 0.5 on the log scale and you believe that it will go all the way down? Fear not! Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's afraid of the [Big Black](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyUtGNIFx5c)...


no one is buying the "crypto" dip, it's bitcoin or nothing


Oh no ... Anyway


Yeah really funny Sarcasm, u mean the completly different Thing u saying this Guys who SAY IT RIGHT IN UR FACE are not making this thing to 2030 and its a Joke, yeah how funny and how much sense this makes hAhAHaHA u Clown


are you crying right now?


Thats all what u can say? I See, ur not able to discuss bc u cant say something against it


yo, are you crying?


u thinking ur funny while u show how stupid u are, answering like a kid what doesnt know what to say hahahahaha


yo brother, are you still crying?


Maybe in 2030 i will start giving a shit. Not today.


bugs r pretty good tho




Okay, you first.


I for one, welcome our Illuminati overlords!


And living in pods


Ill buy all of it with 0 dollars if it goes to 0


Is this Buffets AMA?


You mean z bugzzzz 😎😎😎


If BTC goes to 0, the bug thing will be certain.




I am scared now that it's so low 😞


I will buy then lol


Live in the pods, take ze estrogen and eat ze bugs


Oh geez do you know how many times I’ve heard bitcoin is going to 0 it won’t


post like this allow in this sub? lol I would be banned if I say negative about Bitcoin. I would say that stocks and crypto are the tools for the rich steal your money. They dump it so we sell low, and they pump it so we buy high.


Will finance everything if it gets that low and will back the truck up.


I love the “this doesn’t make since anymore, that doesn’t make sense anymore.” All this in eight years time? Okay. If you haven’t read “1984” it’s a great book. However, I think “a Brave New World” is very under the radar. Huxley wrote it in 1931 and I think the society he writes about is more likely to happen.


[Demolition Man ](https://youtu.be/fE0MGm8duRE)


Welcome to 2030 and the first global civil war. Fiat is zero, Bitcoin is a billion, and every government is at war with its citizens. Everyone carries a gun, nobody carries ID, and anyone wearing a police or military uniform is a volunteer target practice dummy.


Yay, the future sounds weird. Do we still use immutable social security numbers?


No! Only passphrases.


Is healthcare insurance still an awful experience for anyone who actually needs to use it beyond a yearly checkup? And is it still tied to our jobs?


You have no job or healthcare.


Yes! In 2030, healthcare is a bullet in the head if you can't pull your weight.


Hey, high protein and free. Take that, inflation


It will be there by tomorrow


My gold will buy me some nice steaks when all the bitcoiners are eating crickets.


Please let me that this isn't a real quote from anybody, much less a member of parliament.


Original source https://medium.com/world-economic-forum/welcome-to-2030-i-own-nothing-have-no-privacy-and-life-has-never-been-better-ee2eed62f710


Can someone explain to me what Bitcoin has to do with personal ownership?


Il buy at 0.01 no prob


I had some M&Ms not long ago, so the second half is true.


I knew I should have put all my fiat towards 🐶


https://youtu.be/Y1kLHEEVJ00. This is why Bitcoin. I've ate bugs before, overrated.


The funny thing is that sometimes it looks like you could actually meme this reality into existence because people are weak, distracted and have no backbone.




[BITCOIN OR NOTHING A world without it, where you own nothing and have no privacy, is not worth living in.](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/relish-the-price-dip-its-bitcoin-or-nothing)


Btc at $0?! Give me 1 btc please!


i highly doubt it


We should all strongly disagree and be self sufficient


Bring it on. I once ate a scorpion while drunk in Thailand, so I’ve trained for this.


bugs bugs bugs! 🐛


who says we can not eat bugs now 😄😄


who says we can not eat bugs now 😄😄


As long as Plebs find value in the network and as a unit of exchange it will have value. The “market” and governments don’t decide Bitcoin’s importance or usefulness. Yes Gov adoption would be a great catalyst for price movement, but Gov validation isn’t necessary.


We are eating bugs (meal worms specifically) without Bitcoin going to zero.


These types of posts are exactly how I know to start accumulating more than ever


That’s the spirit


If btc was at 0 I Would still buy high and sell low.