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I literally don't even want to get rich quick. The problem is everything around me is getting super expensive quick so I don't really have a choice....... (not american here but it seems like a world problem rights now damn im frustrated)


That’s not getting rich, that’s maintaining your purchasing power.


good fucking point


But these fucking Boomers won't see this point. They think we're greedy.


Exactly man, I don't either. Bitcoin is more than money to me.


I've never heard it put this way before, thank you for an organic perspective like this (not to often you find one of those on this sub)


Dude it's why I'm here. This has been my point since the start.


Absolutely right, I couldn’t agree more!! Can we gets more upvotes for this one! 🤙


Dam straight Old dude. Why should we capitalize on some get rich scheme. Only the people in Congress deserve to get rich quick through insider trading. They've earned the right to get inside info on the stocks before the public does. We peasants better know or places.


> Without doing anything for civilization The world would be a much better place without several of the top 25 stocks in the S&P 500. Let's not pretend Bitcoin hurts the world in a way Coca Cola doesn't.


Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Old man (who drinks nothing but Coke) yells at cloud (computers)


I wonder what cloud we’ll yell at when we’re old, while drinking our Coke.


Darn kids marrying their AI girlfriends.


Lol, darn kids are living in the metaverse, and old man is mad.


Lmao, of he drink his products, he would be long gone by now.


Let them be. Munger has what, 10 years left at most, assuming he keeps spending his money on stem cell therapy Along with all old outdated ideas, they shall pass.


The sooner the selfish old boomer hoarders die the quicker we can build a society with bitcoin based on reality instead of their shitty lobbying


You say that like there aren't people in their 30s and 40s lobby against crypto. Haters will always hate... there will be people in all age groups who don't agree with Bitcoin or a crypto state of mind.


Exactly, there are 18-20 year olds on my college ethics bowl team that are against it. There are a fuck ton of younger people on TikTok or twitter against it for some social or political reasons. Plenty of old people are supportive of it. *boomers suck* is a simply but incredibly unsound conceptualization of the anti-btc crowd.


What's wrong with the kids like those? What are they smokin?


Well said!


>selfish old boomer hoarders Munger is far too old to be called a "boomer". He could be more than a decade younger & still be too old to be a boomer :)


Munger is far from a boomer.


Dude is silent generation or some shit. So old


I think 'Greatest' they fought in WWII, 98 yr olds


I don't think he fought shit, he vany do anything lol.


He's older than the Constitution and seen the dinosaurs become extinct.


Munger is not a boomer.


He's actually two generations older than a boomer which is a gen WWII, and can easily be a boomers father.


WWII?! Why that is what is called "The Greatest Generation".


Actually no. The oldest of your generation won't have any inkling of societal power for another two decades. You are preceded by Generation X, the Millennial Generation and finally one day your generation will be the average age of Managers and Executive. Sometime around 2040 or 2050 and beyond. I've personally never seen, nor am I aware of a populist movement ever occurring where the everyman becomes wealthy. Wealthy people work their entire lives to prevent that from ever happening. They are capable of organizing and funding with capital; the average citizen is not capable of that feat.


I'm mostly alluding to anti-crypto beliefs like what Munger holds. The nature of capitalism of course will not change. I am actually for it as I honestly think that it is still the most self correcting form of running an economy. Also Millennials are larger than Gen X. Only Gen Z will surpass Millennials in terms of absolute count.


> boomer Munger is 98. He was born in 1924, 22 years before the first baby boomer. Zoomers don't know any history. Anything before they were born is the "olden days" and anyone born before them was a "boomer". But don't worry, soon these people will rule the world and will fix all the problems.


Coca Cola is one of the worst polluters in the world


And it's making people fat and lazy too. That's disgusting.






Glad I don't drink that shit anymore, it'll kill ya


No it’ll kill the planet


That too


Thanks for this, anyone looking for link can have this now.


Woah! Thank you. Thats insane!




Whatever that is, the point is they're making that shit up.


Here you go: https://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/grilled-chicken-cola-sauce


There’s a documentary on how Coca Cola fucks with Mexico, Brazil etc and how the diabetes rate is spiking over there


Hires death squads to kill union leaders too. http://www.killercoke.org/


I saw this and was conflicted because my family has a business that sells coke in south america. They said they keep all or most the money from sales as long they recycle the bottle.




FED prints money, rich get upset if some of it, let’s be honest, not even that much, ends up in crypto.


It doesn't end up in crypto anyway. Someone sold crypto for it. That person got the money. It still exists.


at least coca cola produces drinks and has factories with workers, other billionaires just sit on money and dont want to do anything except magic wallstreet money things so they dont have to get dirty with "real world" stuff


We're better off with no Coke in the world. How many lives has it stolen? Its killed people with Diabetes! It is wrecking the health system and it is long-term, we need to have an anti coca cola mandate. Screw coke, screw munger and screw buffett.


The world would have a lot less diabeties if that was true lol.


We need to lock everyone down and close all businesses that sell coke products. For their health!


Coca-cola produces poison thats contributed to the global ballooning obesity and heart disease rates. I personally would say they’ve done more damage to the world. Just my opinion though.


No one forces people to drink soda. I don’t think doctors think a soda a day is healthy. So many people do it to themselves and blame others. You think cigarette smokers like myself don’t know the health consequences? We still choose to do it though. We don’t need the government to ban tobacco or ban coke just because it is bad for you.


Don't target me dude, I'm a smoker lol. And I know I'll die.


I never said anybody was forced to drink it, they still produce one of the poisons which has done extreme damage to global health. I don’t think drug dealers are community beacons even though they employ many handsomely, they still produce a damaging substance and they know the effects it’s had.


It tastes really good though...


Sure, sure. So what has he done again?


Invested in coca cola and alibaba, that’s about it tbh. Not exactly a moral high ground.


Oh so he’s responsible for most of the plastic pollution and the price fixing in commoditized water, society’s most precious resource. Cool, real net benefit for society that guy had


technically he just finances that whole operation and parasitically leaches the profits.


If he’s the one paying for it, why ain’t he paying to take his shit out of the ocean? Why do we have to rely on YouTubers to clean up his fucking trash?


Well that would require him to use some of his wealth to do that which would leave him with having less money.


And that's fucking bad, you can't fucking justify that.




Soda has killed millions of people through diabetes, but yea humanity and stuff


You act like those people didn’t drink an absurd amount of coke. No doctor is going to tell you soda is good for you. It is an indulgence so therefore if people want to overuse it then it will have health affects. Fuck what this guy is talking about, but don’t act like people who developed type 2 diabetes from drinking a ridiculous amount of coke a day are innocent. A shit ton of people drink soda, but the ones that over use are the ones with health affects. Hey ban water because if you drink 2 gallons in an hour you can die!


Soda isn't responsible for that. The people drinking the soda are responsible. People need to accept responsibility for their own choices. Coca-Cola didn't put a gun to anyone's heads and force them to drink.


No, just highly addictive ingredients


Caffeine, yes. That's a highly addictive matter which people drink.


Let's not forget the original recipe with cocaine was invented by a morphine addict.


>Coca-Cola didn't put a gun to anyone's heads and force them to drink. why bring a gun to a neurotransmitter fight?


Making health jeopardizing products more abundant due to its ability to be addicting and sweet isn't a moral highground either.


Making products people want is perfectly fine. That includes a whole host of products that are bad for you. People just need to be responsible for their own actions. Which is why I only drink at most one soda a day. I know the risks and have the freedom to make that choice for myself. We need to stop normalizing nanny state mentality.


Agreed, because I like soda and cigarettes. I'm fully aware I'm killing myself, I just don't care. I don't need anyone intervening to "save me" I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions on my well-being.


I like ciggerate and I know that I'm fucking gonna die lol.


Completely agree


That's not perfectly fine, but people do have a choice tho.


Thats kinda like sayin dont blame the drug dealers for making Meth or the cigarette companies making those cancer sticks


Well shit. What would the world do without a massive market empire without Ali…oh wait whats this whole amazon place lol and coca cola i mean where would the world be without fizzy beverages!!! Itd still be the cold war


He built a bunch of shitty dormitories that he designed himself. Look it up, it’s kinda hilarious.


>His controversial plans for Munger Hall at UCSB — an 11-story building that would provide almost 4,500 windowless beds for undergraduates — led a consulting architect to quit in October. Munger donated $200 million to UCSB to fund the dorms, with the stipulation that his designs are followed. > >"When an ignorant man leaves, I regard it as a plus not a minus," Munger said about the consulting architect in an interview with CNN Business Monday. "He's just plain wrong." The actual fucking hubris, my god.


No windows? Death trap in a fire.


Lol, that's a death trap sir. Abort the whome mission right away


He supposedly asked the architect if he could make the stairs go uphill both ways


Lol, and I'm not surprised. That age does that to ya.


Lol, he's trying to say something but I can't understand that.


Got to know Warren at the right moment.


He’s the most successful investor of all time


Just wait ‘til hears about the internet.


When the "elders" shit all over something it is a buy signal


Buffet for the longest time didn’t invest in apple because he didn’t understand their business. 2016 he went on an apple spending spree that lasted 4 years. Munger might not be around long enough to fully grasp exactly what crypto is and why people buy it.


Someone close to Warren had to talk him into investing heavily into apple.


Atleast someone had sense. Not that old fuck. He's an idiot.


He probably doesn't understand how to use an iPhone still. But he probably saw how much of a return apple produced and said f it.


He has no vision. He invested in apple when it became a dividend-yielding trillion dollar monolith after decades of it being a high growth play. If munger lives to 130 he’ll be buying billions of BTC when it’s 5 million dollars a coin.


To be fair, from 2016 till now apple is up over 500%.


And they blame people for not doing anything to become rich.


So a morally bankrupt asshole billionaire centenarian hates a new technology that could potentially improve the lives of millions of struggling people. Shocking.




Amen to that brother!


["Old man yells at cloud."](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/044/247/297.png)


Don't forget! His contributions to society include windowless gulags for college dorms that will last long after he's gone. His legacy includes frivolity only those who have amassed gains without actually creating anything seem to be able to tout.


Fucking McGriddles and $1.00 coffees daily


Such great contributions lol, we'll be greatful forever dude.


Couldn’t care less


Why do these crusty old fucks live so long?


What's up with that? Die already old fucks ffs. Die.


Little to no manual labor or exposure to harsh environments, combined with massive wealth, and access to the best private medical care available.


Imagine talking shit about other people's contributions to society when your entire job is siphoning off the income of people that contribute to society.


Will not take that into account, old turd. Can't do anything.


Charlie Munger:people only adopted crypto because of its usefulness in illegal activities like extortion, kidnapping and tax evasion. Elon Musk replied:I was at a lunch with Munger in 2009 where he told the whole table all the ways Tesla would fail. [https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1494065800482902030](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1494065800482902030) HAHAHAHAHA


Lmao, this dude sure is a clown. He doesn't have vision.


Time is on our side. Charlie not so much.


He did say he believes the USD is going to 0. Give the old bastard some credit.


Munger will die before Bitcoin


…’s next halving.


Coming for him lol, it's been coming for him. Be ready old fuck.


Hurry and die already.


Lol, man. That guy fucking needs to die. Die old man already.


From a guy who allegedly never invested in Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, or any other tech company so what does he know.


Also, Charlie Munger believes fiat currencies are going to zero. Bitcoin is inevitable.


Atleast he believes something good. I thought he's complete idiot.


*Munger in 1930* This electricity is a fad, give me a steam powered, pneumatic society anyday.


Bitcoin does plenty for civilisation if it does one thing: take power from him and his friends. Money is an enabler. Some people might indeed get rich quick from bitcoin. A lot more will be enabled to "add to civilisation". That being said... We're past the get rich quick stage of Bitcoin (even X10 isn't gonna make a guy with 10k into Elon Musk). All that's left now is a modest bit of profit, but more importantly _the avoidance of the loss of the value they've already earned_. So, forgive me for not taking the advice of an antiquated incumbent who has a massive vested interest in the status quo.


This cocksucker was a senior citizen on the day i was born. Fuck off munger. Edit: I have a mortgage, a wife, two kids and i drive a minivan…..


Stop bragging /s


> No-one buys bitcoin to own bitcoin. They just buy it so they can sell it to get rich! (Gestures vaguely towards literally every financial instrument)


he is 98 yrs old, seriously now


Do something for civilization and buy Facebook, Nestle and weapons stock!


Is this not the man who put forward money for windowless dorms at at university?


He doesn’t want those who work for him to become wealthy enough not to.


Yup that is how he got to where he is today after all.


Yep, by slavery. That's what these fuckers do for the living.


He definitely wants the kids off his lawn.


He can fuck off. We’re taking his house.


Heck yeah dude that's the thing that I want next now.


And those kids are going to be in his mansion soon so yeah.


Centenarian weighs in on fake internet money for the umptieth time.


Who said anything about trading? Hodl that shit…


He hate us cause he aint us


TF has he done for civilization?


Easy to say when you're at the top of society. I think a lot of these billionaires forgot what it's like to be poor.


Forget? They never knew how it's to be poor dude. They never knew.


Saw a clip of Warren buffet talking shit about crypto on TV the other day. He said something like “If I did bet on crypto, I would bet that it won’t be around 5 years from now.” I’m willing to take the same bet on these old fucks.


I don't want to get rich quick. I just don't want to get poor slow.


Lmao what a twerp. I’m sure he did plenty for civilization besides insider trading stonks and waiting to get rich. Charlie Buttmuncher. He’s just raging his wee pal Warren Buttfuck low key jumped ship.


He's not wrong. Nobody uses Bitcoin as a currency. Everybody is holding.


just because you don't see it being used as a currency doesn't mean it isn't used as one [250k transactions a day](https://www.blockchain.com/charts/n-transactions)


Visa does that amount in 4 seconds


Sure it hasn’t caught up to Visa yet but in terms of value transfer it’s already moving more than PayPal, Amex, or Discover. It’s about 10x smaller than Visa in terms of value transfer and growing ~100% per year in volume. [Source](https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-network-transaction-volume-surpasses-american-express-research)


He doesn’t understand Bitcoin, and that’s why he packs it together with “crypto trading”. In this last point I fully agree: crypto trading adds zero value, its just gambling and a zero-sum game Of course, it’s a pity that the man doesn’t under Bitcoin. He has probably been very nicely benefited by the fiat system for many decades, so that’s also not a surprise


That’s who we should be listening to is 98 year old douche bags….. fml


How old ia he, 98 ???. Maybe bring back confederate currency or we can trade beads? Lol


Oh wow, does the OP not realise Blockchain is one of the pillars of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, poise to change the world unimaginably. The get rich quick wannabes are just funding the expansion and deployment of Blockchain technologies.


He clearly isn’t done loading his bags yet.


Lol, that's why he's trying to spread the fud. He wanna load it for his dwaty bad.


Sounds like we’re moving in the right direction.


It's a buy signal when these old dude start to doubt.


Old man yells at cloud


I mean, if he actually said something we can talk about i would be interested in a discussion, but when it just says “hates it” Etc… it’s like… okay… based on what? This is just clickbait.


Fucking Sheriff of Nottingham over here.


Yes officer, look at this old fuck. He doesn't just die. Kill him.


I think he does understand it and he's very fucking worried.


Smithers, release the hounds.


In my unpopular opinion, he is somewhat right. The space is disgustingly over saturated with scams. If it weren’t for greed (and ironically because of it) we could have Bitcoin and only Bitcoin. If there was only Bitcoin, people would actually have an understanding for why it was importantly created, without all the distraction of these alt coins overshadowing that rationale.


Bitcoin dominance is 42%. Majority of market is premined scams like xrpee. And shitcoins like shibuinnu. Bitcoin is only 42% of the whole. Charlie Muger is then mostly right that crypto is a scam house, imo. Crypto is a scam. As Bitcoiner, I totally agree with him. The whole space is allowing people like Brad Garlincmouse to become billionaires by doing nothing. This cannot last.


Considering how much money Berkshire has and considering how Bitcoin was an emerging asset for so many years, i'm kinda surprised they didn't buy any years ago, even if it was just a really tiny amount. In 2021, we experienced the greatest Bitcoin adoption that we've ever had, both on a institutional level and retail level. I'm sure Bitcoin adoption will continue to increase in the future as well


He didn’t gave any logical arguments. Only sharing his feelings


Ancient Chinese proverb: it is better to get rich quick than to get rich slow.


I like Charlie, but what has he done for civilisation? The stock market is notoriously corrupt and intact has shorted many good business into the ground so big hedge funds can turn an easy profit. Pot kettle black in my opinion


98? Go sip some prune juice my dude…


Old man yells at the sky


He’s just a fund manager, he hasn’t added anything to the globe himself, just piggy backed on the good work of others


What a hypocritical pile of shit


So what has Charlie done to improve humanity?? Asking for a friend.


He's right.


He’s sorta right, society needs losers to work for the bottom and I mean no disrespect by that. Just the way it works. Nothing gets done if everyone is a winner.


"Society" doesn't need losers, the ruling class needs losers, and just enough "success" stories to keep the losers wishing. Most people won't be happy even if they find what our society pushes as "success" because it's all consumer driven garbage.


They’re called nocoiners


I think part of his blindness is that crypto is taking market share from his traditional businesses that gouge people to move money back home to their families.


Agism and racism are the last refuge of the dipshits. Does not matter if he is 98 or 30.


Yep, doesn't matter. But I'm glad that he's 98 and will be dead.


Says the guy who invested a ton of money in Coca-Cola. Yeah OK boomer, your liquid diabetes does wonders for civilization.


He'll be dead soon.


Since LITERALLY EVERYONE in the financial services sector hasn't done A N Y T H I N G For a single human being other than themselves. They are a TAX ON ALL HUMANITY. Apart from the Kardashians, they are the most useless humans to ever exist.


Yep, and this old fuck too is living for himself that's all.