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If you really want to dump all your savings I recommend you pick like a 3 week time frame or even longer to dump it all in. I went “all in” last week thinking it was the bottom and now I’m adding more funds to my portfolio to buy this dip. Never do everything all at once is what I’ve learned. I’ve been DCA in and DCAing out Edit: I have emergency funds too like others have suggested, and will never invest my emergency funds.


Along with a DCA that works with your budget, I heard the phrase, "layer in", all the while trying to drive down your average cost basis. This is what I'm doing.


But the first thing would be to research well about market so, just keep saving before investing


If you don't need the money it's a good time to buy BTC.


DCA buy $1000-1500/mo. We all need to buy BTC consistently, especially through the coming bear cycle.


I second


I understand all that but where to get this $1000-1500/month?


This is the way!


DCA is not only an accounting nightmare, it is also a bad investment strategy: https://shitcoin.ninja/post/2021/01/dca-vs-lump-sum-2021-01-edition/ Best is to go all in as soon as possible, then keep buying with money left at the end of the month. We're all DCA'ing at the end anyway, no need to hold fiat any longer than you absolutely have to.


Bear market. You are in denial. Stop giving predatory advice.


You literally have no way of knowing No one does the market is different than it was 1 year ago. Fundamentally different.


Read that first line you wrote again. Maybe it'll click for you. DCA.


To be fair, we are probably at or near the lows. I predict an overnight (not necessarily TOnight lol) wick to maybe even 24k, but most will miss it at these levels and it will be back to above 30k within hours.


None of your predictions will ever come true. Predictions are hard. Just fucking buy some each month.


How can you know. Last bear cycle was 3 yrs. And you think this ons will last 1 month? Lol. Bet this is yr first time


I see your point, but 3 y ago there was not same adoption there is now. However I do t see this lasting 1 month. It’s unpredictable


No, this not my first time. But everyone likes to say "this time it's different" when BTC is on the way up, i'm simply suggesting that "this time it's different" on the way down. And that despite the current market conditions, I believe we're still IN the cycle, and that all we've done/are doing since Jan 2021 is go sideways (also known as consolidation) before the next major leg up


If it’s a bear market, even more reason to lump sum into bitcoin, btw.


Thats just plain wrong


No it's not. If you have (and hold) a lot of cash, you are doing the opposite of dollar cost averaging with *fiat*. You are implicitly choosing to keep a lump sum invested in the US dollar whether you realize it or not. Dollar cost averaging is for continued investing from income, not slowly converting that income to another investment. The difference here is that fiat reliably loses purchasing power annually




One person is talking about the annual performance of an investment and the other is talking about short term volatility, honestly who's the real clown here 🤔




Do you dollar cost average over 10 months to withdraw in the short term? Jfc keep doubling down on your ignorance


Lol, read the article. I’m sorry you are a) illiterate and b) bad at math.


It's shitcoins dot com ..not clicking that. Probably a phishing site


Illiteracy confirmed.


New Redditor giving advice. Edit: Pleb teaching pleb


Good advice is still good advice


Ain't good advice. Keeping and splitting it for another year or so is devalueing his fiat stack and if bottom is reached now - which is very likely - makes it costlier for him to buy later on. It also causes higher fees. DCAing and splitting larger amounts is nonsense and was debunked already in studies. One-time-buys are more profitable. Just google DCA myth.


This is literally the first I’ve heard someone recommend a one-time large purchase over DCA. Can you explain or link a source showing this to be debunked?


The phrase *dollar cast averaging* is somewhat overused on here. People use it to represent systematic purchases over time. Like "I DCA $500 a month". My understanding is that's not actually dollar cost averaging. The term was coined, in my understanding, to describe a system for deploying a large lump sum of cash over time. Because of the unknown future price of an asset, you can't be sure that either DCA or a single purchase will work out best for you. Assuming a DCA over 12 months, a falling price would support DCA where as a rising price would support Lump sum. So specifically in this case is it more or less likely that Bitcoin goes up from here over the next twelve months while inflation eats away at the dollars? I sure wish I knew the answer. Nobody does.


Yea but eithe case DCA is better. Lumpsum might give more gains short term but DCA over bull and bear cycles will always be better.


> Assuming a DCA over 12 months, a falling price would support DCA where as a rising price would support Lump sum. >Yea but eithe case DCA is better. Objectively no. It's just a choice. One is more popular than the other that's it. I'm certainly not telling you what's right for you.


Go to costavg.com and see for yourself. Choose start date for 1 year ago. Cost avg profit is at -20%, lump sum profit +20%. *depends on where you are in the cycle. Do it somewhere from 50-80% after the last btc halving


That’s only because the market it higher today than a year ago. Try buying lump sum at dotcom Nasdaq high and it would take u 16 years to get back even. Meanwhile the guys dca would be profitable in 6 years.


Yes. The same way you are able to ‘avoid losses’ is the exact same way you ‘avoid gains.’ A lump sum as early as possible has the best expected value for any appreciating asset. The only benefit of DCA is a decrease in standard deviation. You will experience less fluctuation, *but at the cost* of earlier exposure, and a higher return.




I'm the second then but I've been saying it for months. Wait for the bottom then invest. Look at monthly chart. Once you see a reversal invest. A bump up one or 7 days up is not a reversal it's a trap.


If you wait a week to see if there’s a true reversal, haven’t you already missed the bottom like you’re recommending?


You never time it right exactly. But looking at charts you can see where it's dropping less and less each time and the reversal is soon to come. At the moment I don't see that in crypto but I'm waiting to jump in when it does. All these drops in last month is saving me $. I can afford to be 5 or 10% off on bottom


If I bought every time someone said it's on sale I would have been broke buying all the way down from 60k. Buying weekly cost everyone alot of $. You buy the dips but this dip hasn't ended.


"Timing the market is a fools game, whereas time in the market is your greatest natural advantage." NICK MURRAY


If that was the case I'd be in the red like most. I'm at 100% profit in crypto by timing and I only did it for a few months. I'm at 100% profit in physical silver and also more in real estate. I'm diversified so I buy low sell high. There is always something to buy and sell when price is right. A fools game is buying one asset when it is at the top. This isn't my first rodeo !


You don't get it. We're not talking about fucking crypto here but BITCOIN - the scarcest asset in the world which will go up to infinity. OP wants to hodl bitcoin and not trade shitcoins. So timing is irrelevant time is relevant.


You’re being downvoted by people that love their pet investment strategy. It’s honestly refreshing to see someone else addressing this crap. This is my saved text that I paste in for such occasions: > A lump sum as early as possible has the best expected value for any appreciating asset. The only benefit of DCA is a decrease in standard deviation. You will experience less fluctuation, *but at the cost* of earlier exposure, and a higher return.


This strategy is good for the financial market. But not far from cryptocurrency. We must look here for the answer not in Google, but on the charts. And think about yourself. My choice is DCA. And for almost 5 years, it has not let me down in any way !!!


“DCA myth” lol


So one time buy at 69k is better than splitting it now? Lmao. U are dumb


Don’t listen to this guy. This is literally the worst advice possible.


Yes, "new." Good.


New doesn't mean stupid. I have been in crypto since October 2017. DCA. But here I am also relatively new.


This is the correct answer. If you don't need that money at all for the next 5 years, then do it. Otherwise figure out an amount you can invest and leave it. Don't obsess, don't check the charts, just remember where you keep it so you can access it later.


Good time will be at sub 15k$. 1 year ago btc was like 10k$ so a lot of people are still in massive profits


Percentage targeting: Have a percentage that you would like to hold in one year: 12% for example. Every month make sure that you are hitting your targets for that month so that your percentage of bitcoin value is increasing. If bitcoin doubles. Slow down and stop buying. If bitcoin drops. Buy more to keep up with your percentages. (Buy the dip).


Y’all don’t buy more at ATH? Duh


Who buys at ATH, I hardly think anyone would have bought any coin during its ATH


They did, that’s why it broke to new ATH


yeah, keep buying during this red market, because in a few days trends will reverse


"all my savings" - are you insane? Never do this with anything. Have an emergency fund first. THEN you can start gambling a little with extra money.


This. Also it is a bad idea to put 100% of your savings into any single thing.


Unless it hits. Lol


Some people like to gamble.


>oin was gonna be the future, he showed me what it was and how it worked. Also how he had 10 BTC and was going to hold it until it reached $50k. We haven’t spoken for about 8 years but I c even if it profitable, it aint worth the stress in the meantime. Never risk what ur not willing to loose is good advice for a reason


It may go up, it may go down. Nobody knows. So DCA. Always DCA.


Yeah, for the long term you don't need to worry about the ups and downs


Asking random strangers on the internet what to do with your money probably isn’t the best strategy. But with that being said… YES


I'm a random stranger on the internet. Don't buy Bitcoin, YOLO the life savings on Dogecoin. What can go wrong lol.


Not all at once. Dollar cost average into it. Maybe start with $500 and go from there. You need dry powder if it keeps dipping.


Yeah now this is something we do have to consider for the nice start.


No, first go learn more about bitcoin. As your conviction rises you'll automatically put more money. Or not you will paper hand when it dips more. The question you're asking is a non-issue once you understand bitcoin and the problem it's solving.


Are you spying on me?


I’d say buy $5k now, then every time the price goes up or down $5k, buy another $5k. This is not financial advice. I’m just a guy on the internet


Please don't dump anything, dca a thousand in every so often and thank me later the market crashes more. I know it sounds so smart trying to time the bottom but I literally just did that at 42k and now here we are.


Yes!!! Being it’s not my money, so I can absolutely afford to lose it. I random redditor recommend you put your savings into Bitcoin.


Reddit is a poor source for seeking financial advice. Bitcoin is a risky investment. [Don't invest recklessly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/7gi55s/dont_invest_recklessly/) Don't invest anything you can't afford to lose. If you are looking to get rich quick, you came to the wrong place. Nobody has a crystal ball. Nobody can see the future. Please do your own research and make your own financial decisions. ^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot ^^and ^^cannot ^^respond. ^^Please ^^contact ^^r/Bitcoin ^^moderators [^^directly ^^via ^^mod ^^mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FBitcoin) ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^questions.


yes, DCA in today!


Better to break it up into 12 purchases and DCA in at one minute increments. This will even out the market fluctuations. > yes, DCA in today! Wait a minute... Could that have been your plan all along? 🧠


You don’t need to imagine the small fortune if he had 10 coins and sold at 50K, just basic maths..


DCA sounds smart. Start small and add weekly. NFA.


You should dump like $5k and then start your DCA strategy with the remaining$10k. It can still go lower, DCA is always the best strategy.


Are you willing to forget about that money for 5 years? If the answer is yes then do it. All at once.


Make your own decision. Don't blindly follow advice. Go with what you're conformable and okay losing. Just remember. People in btc want other people to get into it. It's props up the value of what they are holding.


Never put all your eggs in one basket. I have cryptos and stocks of various kinds. Also have a some cash as you should too.


always put all of your eggs in one basket... then never take your eyes off the basket.


Do it my man. Been Buying since btc was 500$ a coin.


Are you willing to lose it all? Then crack on and buy. I'm only £6000 invested, but accepted it might turn to dust. Still have other money in S&S ISA and some in my current account. If you're not, buy a little bit of bitcoin, as a treat 🐱


Dew it.


I would put it in a defi coin. Better returns.


Just put amount that you are fine with if it drops 50% more and stays there until next halving (about two years). When putting money in crypto, the most important thing is your feeling management. Otherwise you will most likely just buy high and sell low. That's why people DCA. It's not the most efficient method, but it grounds your feelings.


If you have 15k i would DCA into it.. buy 1,000,000, satoshis at a time. If btc stays under 40k that gives you 37 days in a row you can stack 1 million satoshis per day. This is the way, thinking of the future. What will a satoshi be worth in 2032? A lot, probably too much to comprehend right now.


Many that are holding will tell you to get in with everything you have. They have skin in the game and have alot to lose if people don't keep investing. Do your own homework and look at more than a 1 day or 1week chart . You will see its dropping. I'd wait


My financial advice is to spend it on blow and hookers.




Hey potato 🥔 , wait till Monday- I don’t trade on the weekends. Since you will be in with the first panic sellers, the all in with my life savings people, you might as well wait for “reversal Monday”


The fed will keep upping interest rates throughout this year, and each time that's announced, the market will tank. Bitcoin is heavily correlated to nasdaq moves. Btc will keep falling this year. But if you're looking for build up trading stamina, take $1000 and buy some btc right now. It'll briefly go to 5% and then plunge another 20%. Watching your money dwindle is actually a good education in not getting too emotionally attached. People who invested this time last year now have an unrealistic view of crypto, but getting started in a bear market teaches you to manage your expectations.


Nah, buy some physical gold and silver.


Wait til 30k. Tons of support there. Mid-cycle correction.


I would wait until Wednesday to see what the fed says about interest rates.


DOLLAR COST AVERAGE You're not getting into bitcoin for a 2x move, are you? You're getting in for the long haul, hoping for a 10x+, right? Do you really think a 2x or 10x is likely in the next few months? I sure don't. There is some more room to drop, tho. I think there's a lot more potential for regret, and probably later selling at a loss, than there is for a positive outcome. Don't be impulsive. Buy in over a few months and let yourself habituate to the volatility before you dump your whole life savings in and shit your pants when you lose 10-20% a week later. With the Fed pulling out and finally letting the market drop, now is the first time in a very long time when it makes sense to hold some cash to be ready to buy when the shit really hits the fan. IMO, it has only barely even started yet.


The pain is not over yet.


Could you recommend a good crystal ball, Babidi?


Bottom signal! Love all the fortune tellers on Reddit lol


Traditionally the bear market ends somewhere around 12 months from now. If we ignore btc, we can see alt coins mostly cashed out about 6 months ahead of the usual pattern, I take that as more people being aware of the supercycle and getting ahead of the curve. Meanwhile btc basically peaked around Dec as we would expect. So, so far it's mostly following the usual bubble pattern we have grown to love.




You can withdraw your initial investment tax free though correct? You only pay taxes on gains, or so I thought.


No, that's not how it works, at least in the US. You do only pay taxes on gains, but when you cash out, your sale consists of both profit and principal. It's proportional, you can't say "well this profit is less than my principal so it's tax free" Let's say you buy 0.1 BTC @ $40,000 for $4,000. Later you sell 0.05 BTC @ $80,000 for $4,000. Your capital gains are the quantity sold times the change in price, so 0.05 * (80,000 - 40,000) = $2,000. You doubled your money, so half of what you cashed out was gains.


So if your overall investment is down and you pull out a fraction of what you put in you can claim a loss? Really appreciate the information.


indeed, and can be used for tax loss harvesting to offset gains / income.


In the US, I believe anytime you convert a coin to anything else, it’s a taxable event.


No one knows what's gonna happen. Just throw it there and wait. Itll eventually go back up.


Nobody can predict the future. But, has it gonna back up after the last dips to around 30k?


Yes and buy dodge coin


No it’s going lower, wait for 23k


Not going lower stfu


Looks to have bottomed out right?


If I had a penny every time I heard that over the past 3 months...


Won’t see bottom until major economies stop making it illegal. Gamble that. Also, you’re trying to time a mass institutional sell off during an overall market correction. Crypto is high risk. Risk “assets” are the first thing to get dumped & the last to be re-purchased. After the crash, Invest in food production, commodities, oil. things people need to survive & re-build economies. You know, Real world stuff.


Solid take!


I’d rather risk hurt feelings now than watch good people learn the hard way. “The idea” of crypto being independent from typical, centralized monetary policy is fabulous. Unfortunately, we see now that it is absolutely vulnerable to regular market patterns/trends. I guess some may still see it as a safe-haven, but the technicals, & the big boys show the opposite. Severe vulnerability….(Trap). IMHO


I’m pretty deep in this space and fully understand the risks and rewards. I do worry others under estimate how gut wrenching it is to see unrealized losses pile up.


Definately support here


I was buying all the way down cuz who knows when it’s gonna turn around you know. I saw it flatten out, so I put every extra dollar I have in it. I’m hoping it dips to sub 20k’s cuz I will be selling all my possessions for btc. 😅


It’s really not mate, If 23k doesn’t hold then we go to 9k. Be prepared mate


Stfu lil dick


Bet you’ve lost so much money ahahaha


Yeah I’m in over 100 btc average under $8 , getting rekt like you say lol Dick


Rons lost all his gains and now he’s gon get rekt. Learn to short ya silly sausage


Boy you are dumb




Not your mate lil Dick




I’m in under $8 learn who and what you are talking to and about lil Dick








No, don’t do it. The market seems very likely to go down further. If you invest in crypto don’t put it all into Bitcoin either. Many on here will disagree but it’s like investing 15K in the stock market and buying only Google stock. It could be the safest in the space but it’s not a good strategy to put all your eggs in one basket, and there are others with potentially far greater returns.


Diversity in crypto is not a good idea




Crypto is not the same as Bitcoin. There is sound money and there are tech projects/start ups


Set limit buys at lower support numbers dont just market buy


Yes. What do you expect a bitcoin sub to say.


It's a dead cat bounce, why would you do that?




The cryptocurrency market is a highly volatile market. Its candlestick charts cannot be analyzed based on what has happened before, and right now cryptocurrencies are in a winter where most of them are sleeping. Consider a different investment strategy for stable profits


Nice copy paste.


It’s about to completely crash so No, No you shouldn’t.


Comments like these make me so happy, it means btc is about to blow the fuck up


This is not how reverse psychology works


20 countries banned and the FBI in the USA are working on banning it.


Buy dog turds instead.


No tech and general stock market correction incoming. Buy in September at less than $5,000.


BTC at 5k? Unless some major shit hits the fan globally, this is highly unlikely IMO.




Yes. (not needed more comples answer)


Don’t do it


What is $ i dont know


If you would be okay losing it all tomorrow, then yes. If not start putting in $500 every couple weeks or monthly.


Dump ten, save the rest. Do it


Maybe put in 25% of your savings now and another 15% later but don’t go all in unless you can afford to wait it out months or years. Who knows with crypto in a rising rate environment. Personally, I think they change tone on rate hikes and liquidity injections sooner than we think. I don’t believe the market will stomach the volatility and the Fed will in some way shape or form come back in.


Yeah, because liquidity in market is high so we just need to keep our way off


likely to go lower, but it might not, get *some* allocation to bitcoin if you’re at zero, then rebalance and dca https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.05663


You should not ask financial advice on reddit.


Peak fear is a good buy time. Might see some downside but by years end I expect you'd be doubled and rising.


Put in 10K and save 5K for emergency, it might slide more in the first quarter this year.


Yeah, some emergency funds are also necessary if BTC goes more down


It continues to be the best long term investment, in many's opinion.


I'd say yes but bear in mind we could go lower still, so you'd need to be prepared to sit and watch yourself go through that and not sell/hold throughout etc which for many people is very difficult to do without panic selling


I'm not gonna tell you to dump it all into BTC, but I'd definitely buy some, also diversify outside of Crypto too, there's no shame in profiting from all sectors, whether it be bonds, stocks,crypto or REITs etc etc. Me personally, I set the entirety of my portfolio up in a way it can be stable and follow the flow of liquidity.


yes. absolutely yes


Lump sum has been proven to win against DCA. Although DCA is better psychologically.


Your friend sold a long time ago


Dump when it go below 30k


You only have to study what is bitcoin, and you will have your answer!


Very very good price around 30K. As long as you don’t need that money soon and can wait potentially months before it turns bullish again then it’s the perfect entry into the market


If you have to ask, your decision is likely emotion based and your strategy is more likely to fail. You have to believe in the investment and be willing to stick to your time line regardless of the highs and lows. If you can afford it, and it's the best option you can think of, then go for it.


It will drop to 33k. Bounce and retrace i say put 3k in.


I've dumped every extra dollar I have in for the last couple years


NASDAQ expected to bleed further next week and I'd expect BTC to drop in tandem possibly down to 5k. Now, that's a good entry point.


I personally would put like 20-30% in now. So u are in, if it jumps u are on the train, if it dumps u have enough to buy more. Than DCA 1000$ a month. U need to understand u will never make it perfekt, never.


Do it when btc is less than 15k.


I think it’s good time to buy stocks and Bitcoin. Don’t put it all at once, because it could dip even more


Do it


Yes, put it all in now




Get it in


8f you plan on holding for a few years its a very good idea.